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@fbueckert This does sum it up. I just sit there going...no. He...no. I don't..what.
If you guys want more train wreaks, look at meta.stackoverflow.com/questions specifically for questions with score less than -8
@AshleyNunn It's the disbelief principle. You see something happening, but your brain rejects the possibility of it happening. So you're stuck in a loop until your brain is able to parse the information.
@YiJiang Is there a way to search for questions by score?
Other than going to votes, and then going to the last page.
Only for stuff above a certain score, not below
Don't sort by votes - going down newest gives you fresh drama!
-8 is a good number because that's the threshold where stuff on Meta gets hidden from the homepage
So those are train wreaks so bad the system automatically hides them from you
First up:
Q: Jabba the Hutt did not pay his bounty until he received Han Solo, why do we?

ProfessionalAmateur Possible Duplicate: Why aren't bounties refunded if they are not awarded? Why do we lose the rep when placing a bounty on a question before we get any answers? Jabba didn't lose any money he put on Han Solo's head until he got his prize. Same with Vader when he was hunting down t...

Why was that closed as a duplicate of a closed question?
That seems to happen on MSO a lot
I've managed to dig through several layers of duplicate before. Haven't found a looped chain though - that would've be very interesting
I think we prohibit cross-closing but I don't think looping is forbidden
Heh, we almost managed to cross close once before a mod stepped in and killed one of the dupes
I have seen duplicate chains end in deleted questions though
A: Prevent circular close as exact duplicate loop

Marc GravellThis will be included in the next build. At the obvious level, you can't link two posts directly just to each-other. It does get a little bit more subtle/complex when the chain is non-trivial, and/or multiple posts have been suggested as duplicate targets. In that case, it is sufficient that at l...

Q: What should happen when the “parent” duplicated question is deleted?

Ian RingroseThis question has been closed as a duplicated question, but the “parent” questions that is linked to as the possible duplicate is not there anymore.

Slow day today, eh?
@YiJiang It's been a few slow days lately.
I really hate how you can't have two spoiler blocks in a row
Tried using <br> to separate them?
The Borderlands 2 questions are going to flood the site this time next week.
@YiJiang no joy
So soon?
Just how prevalent is "Gimmeh teh codez" on SO?
@fbueckert Does one really have so many questions about Borderlands 2?
Borderlands 1 wasn't the kind of game that ever makes you wonder, "well now what."
Oh look, Shatter is today's daily deal. Think I'm going to snag it.
@badp I expect new users to ask, "What's the best damage build for character X?"
@fbueckert Okay, that's like six questions.
I almost said the same thing, but apparently Borderlands has 103 questions.
@badp We've got 100 questions for BL; you don't think we'll get something similar (or more) for it's sequel?
Maybe the super duper luper foober uber final final hyper boss will get us another one...
@YiJiang I'd recommend Wizorb instead.
Ugh I don't know what to read first. D3 1.0.5 changes or X-COM hands-on preview stuff.
Oh the 1.0.5 stuff is like 3 paragraphs.
TWENTY-FOUR suggested edits, oh boy
@StrixVaria And they're making the game easier. Again.
do we even want a tag?
I'd prefer if they'd change damage mechanics so that crit chance and crit damage weren't so gorram overpowered.
"This game is self-published for now" tag?
@badp No, no, and no.
Because, seriously, even indie game developers can't agree on a common definition.
If we have , then I'm tagging every other game with
Q: No reputation loss for downvoting a question

Sadly NotIf I remember how SE works then downvoting costs you a small amount of reputation. I recently downvoted this question on arqade, but my reputation hasn't dropped. Is it because the question was closed? Is there another reason? I realize this is probably not a bug; rather, I don't understand how...

@badp No, actually.
@Lazers This has to be one of the least understood SE changes ever.
(In that no one knows about it.)
There are no more questions tagged with
@badp Mostly from the same user, too.
@Sterno Danke
@fbueckert I have to say, making the game easier sounds bad said like that. Making you as a player less reliant on defensive skills sounds good, though.
I'll wait and see what they have in store in more detail before I judge.
Just a friendly PSA, there is a free 7 day WoW promotion right now for inactive accounts. us.battle.net/account/management/wow/…
@StrixVaria I sorta like the fact that they're trying to increase build viability by removing the need for so many defensive abilities.
Rather than, "Everybody's using build X! Nerf X!"
@Sterno So true, but my account is already activ
@Blem The only reason I can see for someone having an active account over the past 8 months is they got suckered into the one-year-for-d3 promotion
@RonanForman Woah! That's awesome!
@GnomeSlice Really? Thanks!
@RonanForman Did you use the exact image template I gave you?
The screen doesn't look vertically centered any more.
@GnomeSlice I gave you some more space in case you wanted to do some adjustments.
@RonanForman So what did you do, make the screen smaller, or make the image larger?
@GnomeSlice Image larger.
Hrm... this is tricky.
You see, the screen is already pretty small, it's a little hard to see the stuff on it
I'll figure something out. Thanks!
I can crop it back down for you.
@RonanForman I can do that if I need to, not to worry.
Give me a minute, I'll make the screen take up more of the image.
@RonanForman That'll give me two versions to work with then, cool.
@Resorath mine has only been active for 3-4 weeks
@Resorath Or because we liked WoW... :(
@RonanForman Did you do it in Photoshop?
@GnomeSlice Yeah.
@RonanForman Because if you did, you could just give me the .psd
Then I can make changes to it too.
Man, so many things to play, and so many things to code. What to do!?
@fbueckert KSP
I need to play that some more.
@GnomeSlice It'll be this link in about 50 seconds dl.dropbox.com/u/895336/Cabenet.psd
@GnomeSlice That's one of the things I want to code for. :P
I've been playing Dungeon Defenders
I've got a cool idea I want to work on.
@fbueckert You writing a mod?
Actually it's done uploading now.
@RonanForman Cabinet*
@RonanForman 50 seconds?
@GnomeSlice It said 50 seconds on the upload.
@RonanForman Is it done yet?
I don't want a partial file.
Man, Dungeon Defenders is awesome
It's a shame all of the DLC is so expensive.
I mean, I paid for the game...
Well, that's a lie, someone gave it to me.
But the point stands.
@GnomeSlice It's fun, but once you hit max level and finish the difficulties, there's not much replay value.
@fbueckert Oh, I beg to differ, I can see endless replay potential.
New Heroes, new strategies, etc.
Also, goofing off.
@GnomeSlice So did I. Then I hit max level. :P
The huntress/hunter really sucks.
I had a guy give me like 400,000 mana yesterday
@GnomeSlice Yeah, that's peanuts in the higher levels.
he had like 40 million, because he accidentally picked up and sold a modded weapon without realizing it was modded.
He'd only been playing for two days.
@GnomeSlice And that's why you don't play online.
@GnomeSlice If you wait until a sale, characters are only $1.
@fbueckert Nah, he was a cool guy. He was annoyed about it, for ruining his game experience.
@Ullallulloo Might do, for the remaining characters.
I bought the Summoner and the gender-swapped standards.
@GnomeSlice You could just buy a pet, and dump all your extra mana into it.
@fbueckert Yeah, or you can just drop the mana
@GnomeSlice That, too.
Mana tokens.
I used to dump all my extra mana for my roommate when he needed some.
@fbueckert He gave me a bird with a max level of 23 that had some really good stats for my female squire... but -9 to joust
I don't have joust yet... but -9 stinks.
It's so easy to get that it's almost meaningless.
@fbueckert What, the bird?
@GnomeSlice Mana
I'm not sure I want to waste 9 upgrades on fixing the joust modifier.
@fbueckert Upgrading things is so expensive...
Also, when I started, the pets in the store were like 20,000, now they're all over a million.
The best pets are rewards from the last level, on the hardest difficulty. Those pets cast buffs on your towers.
(wut gam r we tlkn abt?)
@Ullallulloo What am I looking at?!?!
Portal gun and TF2 characters as pets?
Also, I really like the Monk, but I don't really like his defenses so far.
@Koviko Yeah, I found those yesterday.
I broke a table or something in my tavern and they popped out.
@GnomeSlice I don't know what's going on, but it looks pretty.
@Koviko You should play DD!
Microtransactions are also a trap.
@GnomeSlice I just might.
@Koviko Play it, it's sort of like a Tower-Defense game where you run around on the ground and help out.
@Koviko We could totally play together.
@GnomeSlice Damnit, I thought it was an MMO.
I wish there was a way to try out the DLC heroes before you buy them.
I thought the Summoner was still able to attack.
@Koviko Well, it is online, and has a huge focus on teamwork.
But it's not an RPG MMO, no.
@RonanForman Did you get that second version of the image done?
@GnomeSlice Damnit. The graphics make it look like that one RPG that came out... Radiata something.
I loved that game.
@Koviko After playing it for a while, I was like 'Man, this would make a sweet MMO.
The gameplay is fantastic, for the most part.
@Ullallulloo What the oh my how the?"
The Summoner is a little... wonky.
@GnomeSlice Not yet, I just got back from tea.
@RonanForman By the way, do you ever say something is 'a load of rubbish'?
I love that.
@GnomeSlice What?
@RonanForman Tea = likely European.
@RonanForman I just like that phrase.
@GnomeSlice What else would I say?
Oh, yeah, sorry, guess I didn't connect those two thoughts in words.
Be back in a few, heading to class in ten mins.
@Koviko You should get it anyway.
@GnomeSlice I have to picky about what I pay for. Looks like I'm having a slow month of freelancing ahead of me.
@Koviko What sort of work do you do?
Lol, your bio is blank.
@GnomeSlice Web development.
@GnomeSlice Profiles are for people who understand who they are.
@GnomeSlice I can't fit it into the area you gave.
@Koviko True enough.
@RonanForman Fit what?
I might be able to make the screen a little smaller.
@GnomeSlice What I made.
Or I could have it slowly zoom in.
@RonanForman twss
@RonanForman What do you mean? Isn't your image the same aspect, just larger?
@Koviko tries really hard not to snort laugh her drink
@GnomeSlice Yeah, but it you can't see what it is.
@RonanForman I'm not sure I get what you mean, can you post an image of it?
@GnomeSlice Basically it doesn't look like an arcade machine, just a screen with a box around it.
Q: Can I make the Village bigger?

EnderVillages. Can someone legitimatly expand a village by building more houses for villagers (Testificates) to breed and fill? Would these houses have any conditions to be met beyond a roof and a door?

@RonanForman Can I see it?
@RonanForman Hmm, yeah.
Maybe I'll start with it like your first image and then zoom it in
I'll fiddle with it when I get home.
Ugh, I still have to do the title and the music too.
@Blem We should play Dungeon Defenders some time.
sure, i havent played in a while
@Blem Not right now.
i am in the midle of a lfr, didnt think you wanted to do it now
@Blem I'm not familiar with that term.
it is a wow thing
Looking For Raid
25 random people rading
@Blem Does that work?
Everything I know about raiding is from Leeroy Jenkins.
but they have turned down the difficulty compared to normal rading
My fiancee (!) wants to play Assassin's Creed. I know nothing of the series, but I own an Xbox 360. Where should I start?
@StrixVaria Buy the game?
@JasonBerkan More asking which game to buy :P
@StrixVaria The first?
Should I just start at the beginning or are the later games way more enjoyable?
@StrixVaria The second one is much better from a gameplay perspective, but you'll miss out on some of the story if you skip the first one
@StrixVaria Recall that if the later games are more enjoyable, playing them first makes the earlier ones that much less enjoyable by going backwards
I'm kind of trying to slice out the unenjoyable aspects if possible.
I should check out how cheap I can find the first one.
@StrixVaria Soul Calibur V
@GnomeSlice I already have that.
@StrixVaria You're all set.
@StrixVaria KSP, then. :P It makes for much hilarity.
@fbueckert ?
@fbueckert KSP doesn't have anything to do with Assassin's Creed.
@GnomeSlice And Soul Calibur does?
@StrixVaria Kerbal Space Program
@fbueckert The guy from AC is usable in SCV.
I downvoted an answer today... Now I regret it. =( I miss that 1 rep...
@fbueckert Yep.
You can play as Ezio in SCV
@Fluttershy :( :( :(
Q: No reputation loss for downvoting a question

Sadly NotIf I remember how SE works then downvoting costs you a small amount of reputation. I recently downvoted this question on arqade, but my reputation hasn't dropped. Is it because the question was closed? Is there another reason? I realize this is probably not a bug; rather, I don't understand how...

Doesn't cost any rep any more.
I thought it used to cost 2 rep?
@GnomeSlice Eh. Playing a character from a different game tells you nothing about that character.
@fbueckert I was being facetious....
@GnomeSlice The key word in that questions is question.
@GnomeSlice That's for downvoting a question. Downvoting an answer (even bad ones) is still penalized.
Answers still cost 1 rep.
@Fluttershy Oh, neat.
The amount of replayability in KSP is crazy huge. And it'll get even bigger in .17.
Me: it's still like $20
Me: the first one
Her: oh
Me: not that that's bad, actually
Her: thats not the game i was thinking of
Her: i want AC3
Me: assassin's creed 3?
Her: yeah
Me: why that one specifically?
Her: because you get to be a hunter
Me: like
Me: hunt deer?
Her: and fox and rabbits and moose
Me: then why don't we get a hunting game?
Her: well
Her: to be honest...thats what i thought the game was about
@fbueckert When's that coming out?
Guhhh I want to keep playing KSP but any gaming chance I get is Dungeon Defenders now...
@StrixVaria ...Deer Hunter 3 it is!
@StrixVaria LOL
I still need to get round to buying KSP, but FTL is coming out tomorrow.
@StrixVaria Also, tell your fiance to capitalize her 'I's.
And I can only play 1 space game at a time. Doctor's orders.
@GnomeSlice No ETA as of yet; if I had to guess, I'd say it's at least a month away.
@GnomeSlice I don't capitalize or punctuate anything in chats except here.
And neither does anyone else I know.
@RonanForman This looks similar to spacestation13.com
@RonanForman They're both fun.
@StrixVaria ...Why.
@fbueckert But I can't get both!
But only one involves screaming pilots during a routine launch.
I don't think I'm capable of typing a sentence without proper capitalization.
Or the possibility of your spaceship blowing up on the launch pad because you missed a strut somewhere.
@fbueckert Did you see the reddit thread I posted yesterday?
@GnomeSlice The KSP subreddit? I don't go to reddit at all.
@fbueckert There was a really funny pair of comments.
Check that image and the image below it, lol.
> No shit, the original is an insult to the fearless space pioneer that is Jebediah Kerman.
@fbueckert Neither do I, actually.
Speaking of Jeb, I figured out why the guy never freaked out.
@fbueckert Why's that?
@fbueckert Also, that's the point of the joke.
The guy 'fixed' the image, by making Jebediah's image smiling instead of screaming.
Sep 7 at 3:09, by fbueckert
Well, that explains a few things.
Presumably, Jeb's isBadass flag was set to 'on'.
@fbueckert ...Is that a thing?
@GnomeSlice I shit you not.
@fbueckert Oh, just read the context.
That's... amazing.
There's even methods available to create the pre-generated Kerbals from before name randomization was added.
So, if you do it right, you should be able to re-create Jeb as he was.
Lol, this is awesome.
> I was very careful about safety
> You're playing the game wrong.
@GnomeSlice Kerbals aren't meant to survive.
Did you see the screenshot of my attempt to rescue my Kerbals stranded on Mun?
@fbueckert Was it the one of the back end of a rocket sticking out of the surface of the Mun?
@GnomeSlice That was attempt #1, yes.
@fbueckert I've only tried to get into mun orbit once, and I can't figure it out.
Sep 5 at 21:12, by GnomeSlice
user image
My orbit got turned almost 90 degrees.
And I've no idea how.
When I started that spin, I was along the elliptical.
@GnomeSlice Mun's gravity does that.
The trick is to not allow yourself to leave Mun's gravitational pull.
@fbueckert Why? If it's along the elliptical, it should stay that way.
@GnomeSlice The moon is not exactly along the elliptical.
Since I'm also approaching Mun along the elliptical.
@fbueckert Oh.
Well, either way, I didn't even come close to getting into a full orbit.
I've no idea how to do that.
I thought I did.
Usually, once you enter Mun's gravity well, you want to retroburn to drop your velocity.
Because almost guaranteed, even your piddly ~500 m/s at apoapsis is enough to punt you into a crazy wild heading.
@fbueckert I did that.
Well, tried, anyway. It wasn't nearly enough.
I guess I needed a stronger rocket for my retro burn.
@GnomeSlice Indeed
But I can't build rockets that can get into space with enough big engines left for that.
@GnomeSlice That's part of the learning process.
@fbueckert I don't learn things. Ever.
Theoretically, if you do it right, you can use Mun to slingshot yourself right to Minmus. That would take some tricky calculations, though.
@fbueckert pffff
Am I supposed to be doing calculations to orbit Mun?
@GnomeSlice Nope. Just throw your orbit out there, and let Mun catch you.
Once it does, retroburn so you don't escape.
And try not to land at 200+ m/s.
@fbueckert I guess I don't have a rocket that can do it yet.
@fbueckert Land? I just want to get into ORBIT, first.
@GnomeSlice My last stage rocket has five engines, but usually I don't even need the smaller ones around it.
Heck, my roommate built a freaking plane who's wings flap. They're not supposed to do that!
@fbueckert ...He built an ornithopter? ...How?
@fbueckert The last stage of your rocket has five engines? Hm...
The one I built to get to Mun is the best rocket I've built so far, easily.
@GnomeSlice Nope. The wings flap due to the amount of stress placed on them.
They're just shy of the shear forces that would tear them right off.
@fbueckert Oh, lol. Can he get it into orbit?
@GnomeSlice He says he has.
@fbueckert Told you.
The thing crashes 95% of the time, though.
@fbueckert No pain, no gain.
I'm running out of clever names for my rockets that have to do with fire, or destruction.
Like 'Blazing Glory'.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, it's possible. I was more interested in getting to Mun than getting a glorified plane somewhere it wasn't supposed to go.
@Fbueckert Have you watched Kurt's series on KSP?
@fbueckert ...Have you never heard of Rocket Planes?
They're designed to go into orbit.
@RonanForman Can't say that I have.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I've heard of them. It still takes longer to get them into orbit.
Q: How to counter Raider as Technician

WandangI am new to Tribes:Ascend and i kinda like it. My favourite class is Technician. What bothers me is the fact that most generators are indoors (afaik) and Raider destroy them pretty easily (its their job after all). How am i as a Technician supposed to win vs him indoors? and even if i win 1v1 t...

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