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Wordle 242 5/6

Is there a place where I can ask recommendations for a sim-racing wheel? I don't care if it's not SE. Alternatively, I have 2 candidates for my wheel. Would asking for comparison (which I already kind of have, and have the research effort to demonstrate) from its users be appropriate for this SE?
@Skye-AT asking for a comparison between two products does come pretty close to shopping advice. Asking for the pros and cons of a given feature (e.g. why should I choose a direct drive racing wheel instead of a belt drive?) are better.
@MBraedley Well, I guess my wording was bad. I was thinking of asking for that kind of question between two of them, since I've confused becuase they look (almost) same with just slight difference, such as FFB, pedals, etc...
@Skye-AT yeah that stuff is tricky for SE... maybe you could try this subreddit: reddit.com/r/simracing ?
@Wipqozn Thank you! I'll take a look.
3 hours later…
@Wipqozn Damnit, I saw that in the star list and forgot what it was
3 hours later…
@MBraedley yes. I (usually) hit somewhere in the mid to low hundreds and circle around it until I make it over that wall, then it's a grind up to around 970, then I'll likely find it within the next twenty guesses
not today though
I solved Semantle #19 in 18 guesses. semantle.novalis.org
pure chance, but I'll take it
970/1000 after 51 guesses
I solved Semantle #19 in 34 guesses. semantle.novalis.org
Only 3 other words in the top 1000
It's weird to have a day where I'm not typing random words into a box, poring over multiple thesauruses
I solved Semantle #19 in 119 guesses. semantle.novalis.org
I was going into a much more entrepreneurship direction than the word actually was
see, my not top 1000 guess seems more closely related, but I guess they're different parts of speech, so that's why the similarity is so low spoiler image
@MattE.Эллен someone's hungry
starting with "he" is... interesting
oh, yeah, I've been seeing which of "he" and "she" is more closely related, for fun
I see, you're treating it as a game of animal vegetable mineral or whatever it's called
today's isn't that different, but surgeon was a lot closer to he, and monthly a lot closer to she
I mean literally those are your guesses #3 #4 and #5
@badp yes, that's how I start :D
also, lol, money → monthly
once burned twice smart? :p
I guess the prvious words because I already know what's related to them to some degree
like bouys in the ocean
3 hours later…
Wordle 243 4/6

@SaintWacko Excellent
Today wordle wanted to give it to me one letter at a time Wordle 243 6/6

Also SLAVE is not a word it seems
hit the SLAVE thing too
NYT removed some words when they took over
Guess slave could have been perceived as offensive ? Weird
But yeah i thanked my lucky stars yesterday that I did a bunch of renovations on my house last year
the word was CAULK
Oh no, I got hit with the stats clear
@TimmyJim dordle lets you use those words as guesses without them ever being the correct answer
I assume the list of all possible final answers is the same as the list of allowed words
Same as their other games like spelling bee
OG wordle also had two different word lists, allowed and eligible
Honestly it's probably the same list as spelling bee, just select word from spellingBeeAllowedWords where length = 5
@badp Got the same letters by trying SALVE instead
@MBraedley Oh no :(
Wordle 243 6/6*

1 hour later…
Wordle 243 5/6

I guess I just gave up on getting my win streak back
Also, that's a mean word. There's 7 words in the Scrabble dictionary that differ by just the 4th letter.
Wordle 243 5/6

God fucking damn I need to vent
my boss stuck in his head that we should hit 90+ on pagespeed
which is basically impossible
Especially if your site has custom fonts, a google analytics and other little fun things
Reminds me of the W3C validation thing 10 years ago. Want anything fun? INVALID
@Fredy31 We did it at my work, but it was a 3 month project.
And as part of that we also killed ads
Yeah. Its about the same here. Did a webpage with only a times new roman saying hello and the GTM. Scored 92. Sometimes 96. Sometimes 63
Its the thing that pisses me off on Pagespeed. Its not constant
but god when he got an idea in his head, my boss is a fucking brick wall
just says 'i know you can do it'
bitch you gave me a rubic cube with 18 different colors on it, its not solvable
and then you will ream me that i'm busting the times allowed
I'm in the process for another job, and really hes not giving me much in the column of 'I should stay'
2 hours later…

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