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Q: Is it faster to run or dodge roll?

SoreanI'm having a tough time trying to determine which form of movement is faster in the game since I can't reliably hit the dodge-roll button exactly when it is off of cooldown. As you see in many speedruns, dodge-rolling is often quicker/better at covering distances. Is this also the case in Arceus?

8 hours later…
#Worldle #24 3/6
2 hours later…
@Lazers2.0 I need a stream for this users attempts to find a specific book ... in this specific game. Oh, how they will love that pokémon... that they have to find to complete the dex and get Arceus.
Wordle 240 4/6*


Well that's just mean
2 hours later…
I'm at guess 427 on semantle and I peaked at guess 87
unlike pocket change, it's not good to find chocolate in between sofa cushions
ok, guess 448 is in my top ten, but is unrelated to the other nine guesses. how
it both gives me hope and frustrates me
> I am so sorry that today's word is stupidly hard. Please try again tomorrow. I'm trying to remove cases like this from the secret word list so it doesn't happen again.
Wordle 240 X/6

my 3 last guesses were just random words to try to land some letters
when i got to my 6th i had letter 1 and 2 yellows
i just gave up
@MattE.Эллен aren't you happy that the database only contains common usage words and nothing only an anime fan would try?
> 20 Urusei Yatsura 16.18 (cold)
that is weird
(that was after oni scored 11)
but it's basis is news articles, so maybe I should start broadening my search
@MattE.Эллен That ... explains a lot.
They announced a remake just recently.
so you can see my frustration
I just gave up because I should be working
You've got two synonyms in that list
I have multiple synonyms in the list
depending on how you mean synonym
I mean two of the words in that list are synonyms to the secret word
oh! that's good to know
@Ronan I assume 448 and 469?
@Nzall Haha
@Ronan yeah. I should be working. I am a bit, but the sunk cost fallacy has hit me hard
I have no idea why they're so similar
Although I'm trying some actual synonyms and it's telling me I'm cold
Wordle 240 4/6

yeah. it's so frustraing. you can input guesses with numbers, like 7th, and that's a drastically different value to seventh
rather unexpectedly my #2 and #3 guesses have somewhat changed
@SPArcheon You don't like the game, we get it. You don't need to keep complaining
1 hour later…
guess #651 992/1000
@MattE.Эллен At this point you're just doing it out of spite, right?
there are few things more frustrating in pokemon than catching a shiny male combee
Despite some texture looking simply "not the same", this is a great reminder of why I often fell quite stupid playing the original cart on an unmodded console.
trying to get some ground coverage for my ghost team is proving to be... annoying
@SPArcheon I thought the modded one was vanilla until I found the subheading so this isn't even an improvement.
@Yuuki I have one of those!
@Yuuki Froslass?
@InvaderSkoodge more like a ground user for my ghost team
i was thinking dusknoir
@InvaderSkoodge just a random one I found. Other are betters but hidden in "10 best mods" videos.
but not sure if he learns earthquake
LOD drawing increase seems decent...
I finished the story the other day, working on getting all pokemon to research level 10 and getting a living dex now.
and now that i'm looking at the learnset on bulbapedia (which likely doesn't cover arceus), dusknoir might not learn any ground moves
Arceus definitely mixed up some learnsets.
bulldoze is only 60 base power too...
My Rhyperior is like level 65 and still doesn't know EQ.
Not sure if I have to tutor it.
@InvaderSkoodge i'm debating whether i want to push for another rank or just continue with the story
I don't know what's going on where you are, but I got to a point where I couldn't evolve a pokemon I wanted to evolve for story reasons so I finished the story just so I could evolve it.
in any case, i remember someone wondering how people dropped satchels so often given that it's fairly easy to dodge roll pokemon attacks and hide
I still have quite a lot of pokemon research to do.
i also wondered that
and then i got access to one of the last noble pokemon
I think not all of them are from other players.
i have "died" from falling waaaaay more times than i care to admit
so yeah, there's a couple satchels out there because i wanted to reach the ground faster and didn't time the flute properly
ugh, only gets bulldoze
@Yuuki Just checked.... Guess what move isn't included in the about 180 moves currently available in Legend Arceus....
catching swimming pokemon is a frustration too since you have little (read: no) cover on the water
@SPArcheon i could've sworn i saw a wild pokemon use earthquake
@Yuuki Earth... Power, maybe?
oh well, earthquake always was way too good of a move
100bp with perfect accuracy is a bit dumb, it's much stronger than other moves on its tier
little bit salty that garchomp is in arceus but flygon isn't
poor flygon always gets overshadowed by that dumb land shark
@Yuuki Let me find that again...
i don't get it
Hikari couldn't help but think something blue was missing from the recent game
but piplup is in arceus?
just not as one of the starter choices
@Yuuki Yes, but you have to wait till zone three. And if you don't know you spend that time fearing it isn't included :P
@Ronan yeah I agree. We get it, you hate it. Please just shrug to yourself and go "I don't get it" instead of harping on it please, @SPArcheon. Thanks.
has anyone used the cake items yet?
do they just behave like oran berries or do they actually cause pokemon to spawn?
Daily Dordle #0021 6&3/7
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if it's the former, i don't see the point, given that oran and razz berries basically attract all pokemon already
I've never thrown anything but Oran berries
I mean except for pokeballs
i've thrown razz berries at alphas
or pokemon i actually want
I find ultra and leaden balls are enough to just catch anything but alphas without a fight
meaning just sneak up on them
yeah, but it's not like i need to go out of my way to farm razz berries
plus it lets me save on oran berries for potions
@Wipqozn I was going to reply... then didn't want to pick a fight. Considering that now this comes from a mod, I think this is time to delete the account for this site. So long.
@SPArcheon um, okay. Sure.
That's really not necessary, but uh...so long and thanks for all the fish?
@Yuuki I have sooo many oran berries
I mean really I don't throw berries often
Also I forgot oran were used for potions
I find I don't need to craft very oftren
I should probbaly start using razz berries more often though, because yeah why not.
@Wipqozn I can never seem to figure the angle of the leaden ball, and it just ends up bonking in 5cm in front of the pokemon lol
putting me in loads of trouble
@Fredy31 I just get right on their ass practically
Just my 'im close enough' sense is garbo
Yeah, don't throw the ball, just smack them with it
well, that was annoying
basically touch the ball with them lol
threw a berry to distract an alpha so i could sneak up on it
and then a random small pokemon booked it from two screens away and beat the alpha to the berry
and as soon as they start munching, the alpha immediately turns around and spots me
@Lazers2.0 Do they teach you that dashing is a thing, and I just forgot? Because I didn't realize you could dash.
guess 897 999/1000
What's your closest words?
it's not incidental
I know the word, it's completely unrelated
cries into thesaurus
yeah, i'm thinking semantle's no good
If you give me your 10 closest or something I'll tell you which ones are actually related
lesser, firstly, rather, consequently, second
Not super related, but I at least see the association
OK, thanks 😭
I'm not sure that actually helps though
I've been playing with lesser for a while
the fact the second is higher than first, but firstly is higher than secondly is making it so confusing!
Second is definitely higher than first
oddly, for a while I was convinced "th" was somehow important, because it featured in most of my best guesses. total conincidence
on the other hand, "ly" seems important
It's not
@Yuuki I, on the other hand, am very much enjoying this
atleast I got a feature working in my code, so the day's not totally wasted :D
ok. I have to take a break so I can make dinner. curse this game!
i love that whenever i catch a pokemon in combat, they always manage to break free enough times where they can faint one of my pokemon and they get caught on the immediate next turn
so that one pokemon doesn't get any experience from the capture
i have no idea why i thought dusknoir was a ghost/rock type
also, it's weird that there's no ghost/rock type
How is Spiritomb not rock type?
Misread that as spirit bomb and really wondered what DBZ had to do with this conversation for a sec
@Ronan because it's ghost/dark and, before the arrival of fairy-types, was not super-effectively damaged by anything
that was basically its gimmick
sableye is another dark/ghost, but sableye's defensive stats aren't that great (not counting the mega evo)
the closest I got without peeking at the solution is "only"
which is kind of misleading
Ronan is basically feeding you the answer
I won Squardle with 4 guesses to spare!
Board after 3 guesses:
Play this Squardle board here:
New Wordle-like game to waste your time
I don't like the way the color coding works there
hi Cat of doom2, what happened to Cat of doom
i replaced them
years ago
you thought we'd never notice
i'm waiting til version 3 is ready
then i can finally rest
@badp i heard that they'll have a built-in stealth mode
@badp maybe even built in blades
The Hydro-Québec (national electricity company of Quebec) social media managers are just relentless
Q: Yuumi’s you and me untargetable questions

Pink_killer2I am playing Yuumi in League of Legends and I have some questions about her ability, You and Me . Here is a description of the ability You and Me: Passive: While Attached, Yuumi and her ally share 12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20 (+12 / 14 / 16 / 18 / 20%) adaptive force, granting each other bonus attack ...

@badp you say that but I still have no idea
I feel like I'm circling the answer, but I could be circling the drain
@MattE.Эллен you could be doing the first, or the second, true
I've tried cardinal and ordinal
i'm not getting these hints :D
but have you tried third
139 third 27.77
what about first and second?
third is worse than second
second is better than third and first
you know more than that
I've tried thirdly and firstly
firstly is better than second
no, if you look at the scores for "first", "second" and "third" you can make an additional conclusion
I've tried all the ordinals
well, I can't do two part ordinals, like twenty first
Have you tried Zeroth?
you don't need to look at more ordinals than "first", "second" and "third" really
yeah, not recognised
Note: I haven't done that puzzle yet
(I'm really giving some heavy hints here)
I guess I'm not a power lifter, because I can't pick them up XD
@badp Is the solution something where we'll eventually go "how the fuck didn't I think of that"?
I've tried rank, position,
you're going down the wrong path
this encodes nearly everything you need to know
I'm afraid I'm not seeing it
"jung vf n jnl bs fnlvat 'frpbaq' jura gurer vfa'g n guveq guvat?" (rot13)
secondbest is not it
I dn't think the (small) whisky I had helped
@MattE.Эллен well, there are two possibilities really, in one case it did, in the other case it didn't. there's no third possibility, so you should just examine the two scenarios further
in this scenario the following picture will reinforce the point I'm trying to make, but in that scenario...
I've tried this, that, these, those, last, ultimate, penultimate, loser
@MattE.Эллен so in which scenario are you then?
@badp the one where I haven't got it
@badp hey, psssst
and which one of the two is it?
@Catofdoom2 shhhh I'm doing a thing
@badp i wanna tell you somthing
that scenario?
which one is "that"?
the one less travelled?
no, which one of the two is the scenario you are in?
the one it didn't help
the failed one?
...was it the ______ or the ________?
maybe I should ask a single word request
for the zero italians in the audience, I feel like Bonolis
(the number of underscores there didn't mean anything)
isn't not best or worst or unhelpful
you're either overthinking or underthinking this, I can't tell
I don't know. I have so many "close" guesses and none of them are getting me there
897 incidentally 47.26 999/1000
651 merely 40.96 992/1000
943 thus 40.81 991/1000
820 lesser 40.71 989/1000
none of those are helpful
I've shown you the useful guesses
yeah. thanks for trying to help :D my mind is stuck in a rut
but that's neither here or there
831 humbled 0.06
ok. five more minutes then I have to give up
there are two universes, in the one you get it, in the other you don't
which one would you rather live in?
or more accurately
which one will you be in if you don't get a sudden epiphany?
not this universe, but that universe, not the first universe, but the second universe, not the here universe, but the there universe, not the one universe, but the other universe, not the ______ universe, but the ______ universe
no value judgement
you can only use those two words because there's no third option
the construction would break down otherwise
though some people might say "the ______, the ______ and the ______ still" I suppose
the word is going to be surprisingly simple
good, bad, ugly.
lawful, neutral, chaotic
you wouldn't say "the good, the bad, the ugly still"
you wouldn't say "the lawful, the neutral, the chaotic still"
vodka, gin and whisky
I can't be more clear than "not this universe, but that universe, not the first universe, but the second universe, not the here universe, but the there universe, not the one universe, but the other universe, not the ______ universe, but the ______ universe"
I know, but I still can't get it
hand more than foot
prnoun more than verb
imagine how shocked the former Matt will feel once future Matt gets it
I dn't know why I didn't think of that
you just needed 11 bits
thank for the clues
training on news papers has messed up the vectors, I swear
I'm kinda shocked the word doesn't show up under the Google list of synonyms for second
and how the fuck is "incidentally" the closest word???
not in thesaurus.com, lexico or the free dictionary
I can see "lesser" and maybe "merely" (but in that order, not the game's order), but not "thus" or "therefore". "the" is at 939
anyway, I need to go to bed. Thanks again!

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