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@Unionhawk I just started and I'm just sitting here thinking "Why?". There doesn't seem to be any need for it at all.
it's the japanese pop culture scene these days, everything has to be isekai for some reason
@Yuuki I decided to stop playing until tomorrow so I don't need to decide on my starter lol.
Leaning towards the Otter. I almost always go water. However, the owl is cute.
Although it's my understanding you can eventually catch them all anyways
@Wipqozn honestly, i check the evolutions for the starters
after getting burned by venusaur...
never again
Q: Hearthstone Hero Replacers

JontiaIs there a quick way to find all the cards that replace your hero and hero power, like Magister Dawngrasp in the crafting interface?

@Unionhawk shipped lets go
3 hours later…
Wordle 230 X/6

1 hour later…
@Wipqozn short explanation:
wait, found the source, it is faster to just link: twitter.com/asagikurosagi/status/1049236634145775616
@SaintWacko 😾
Even within the wordle list there are 4 anagrams for todays set of letters. good luck!
Wordle 230 3/6*

3 hours later…
Wordle 230 4/6

@Yuuki I normally do, but this time I felt like being surprised
@MattE.Эллен I lucked out on the last letter which eliminated... 1 of the possibilities.
@MattE.Эллен and.... I never heard that word before, while I knew at least 2 very common anagrams
It's not a word you hear very often, certainly. to do with clothing, IIRC
Q: Is it possible to find and eventually catch the starters?

Jeff MercadoI have had my starter Cyndaquil on my team my entire play through. Leveled him up all while handling research items along the way. However I got too eager to evolve my Cyndaquil and evolved him with a lot of missing items. I didn't realize at the time that research is on the exact pokemon only, s...

okay, i'm at this section with a dark cave and characters have these white pixels dancing around their outline like a badly cut-and-pasted png and this is really bothering me
Wordle 230 3/6

I... I have no idea what the fuck is a 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧
@badp Yeah I had to google it. It was the only thing I could think of and went ":is this actually a fucking word"
and it was
Bunch of uncultured fools in here.
@Nzall spoilers
@MBraedley I see
My started finally evolved to its last form and I'm very, very, very disappointed that it's a new design and different typing :(
Leaked photo of the new regional Lyuean Onix.
If it's a machine wouldn't it be a steelix?
@InvaderSkoodge would me trying to guess the starter be spoilers?
in any case, all of the starters have a different form for final evolution
some are a bit more... different than others
@Yuuki You can guess if you want. I don't think that would be spoilers.
@Yuuki I didn't realize this until I got to its final form.
i'm thinking rowlett
I think the scale of my disappointment was telling. I don't even know what new typing the other two get but at least it's not fighting. :|
yeah, rowlett's final evolution is a bit more different from the original than the others. oshawott/samurott is basically just a palette swap
while cyndaquil/typhlosion gets a different collar effect
samurott is water/dark, i believe, and i can confirm typhlosion becomes fire/ghost
I picked Rowlett specifically because I like ghost type.
So fuck me I guess :P
honestly, not a fan of the secondary typing triangle, it just reinforces the existing rock-paper-scissors relationship
i can't remember which gen it was, but i liked it when the primary typing went one way and the secondary typing went the other
huh, apparently it was none of the gens. i might be thinking of a fan project
Do you happen to know if they got rid of 4x weaknesses? The amount of times I haven't one-shot a graveler with a grass move or paras with a fire move is unbelievable.
I thought the gen with the fire/psychic fox had a reverse triangle.
@InvaderSkoodge nah, the grass starter becomes grass/fighting and grass is weak to fire and fighting is weak to psychic
Oh, oh well.
@InvaderSkoodge are you attacking the graveler with a physical grass move?
@Yuuki Nope, absorb.
hmm... absorb has pretty low base power though...
It could just be that the pokemon I was using had bad stats combined with a low power attack.
It was like 10 levels higher than the graveler though
With the number of system changes they made I wouldn't be surprised at a balance change like that, though.
bear in mind, arceus has bumped up the base HP of all pokemon
4x weakness is so crippling, doing something about it would be reasonable.
Yeah, I noticed that the HP was way higher, so I figured there's a possibility of other changes.
they also changed stealth rock, i noticed
it seems like it functions more like wrap or fire spin now
Yeah they changed a bunch of moves.
Pin missile works the same as new stealth rock.
Whether or not all of the changes in arceus are positive, I think the fact that they're willing to change things at all is amazing.
@InvaderSkoodge doing something about the general difficulty in the tradidional Mon series would be reasonable.
I never really thought about how big of a design restriction it had been for them to be locked into specific moves existing that were designed 20+ years ago.
they had "hard mode" once.
AFTER you finished the game unless you mixed data
yeah, stealth rock was introduced in gen iv, which was like 15 years ago, and it's warped the meta ever since
anything with 4x weakness to rock had a major disadvantage just because stealth rock existed
without a spinner, they'd be losing half their health just on switch-in
@SPArcheon What's going on right now is that the newest pokemon game finally fixes (at least some) issues that have plagued the series for a long time.
I'm going to enjoy this game for what it is now, and hope that future pokemon games continue this trend.
@InvaderSkoodge this is probably what they had in mind - spoiler if you don't want to see the other 2- link
Another nice thing is that you can fill your pokedex with 1 copy of the game and no interaction with other players.
@InvaderSkoodge I know that.
Jan 31 at 12:00, by SPArcheon
Weird. No mention of Arceus?
Got that one on launch exactly because it looked like something new.
What I meant is that at least the main series seems built to be like "game should be so easy a 5year old kid can complete it by overleveling / types alone"
and that kicks everyone else in the face.
@InvaderSkoodge i definitely like the introduction of the linking cord
granted, they basically pulled the link cable from mystery dungeon, but it's still nice
When I was a kid, Golem was one of my favorite Pokemon, but at some point I essentially just stopped caring at all about trade evolutions and discounted any line that used them.
Especially since Exp share now is working against you. See Sword and Shield where unless you switch a lot your starter will quickly become overlevelled
i also like separating EVs from fighting specific pokemon
I haven't really looked into the new EV system. I'm aware that you can level up stats intentionally with items, but is there any natural growth?
god, i hated farming gastly to grind special attack
@InvaderSkoodge actually, i can't confirm. i'm just making an assumption here
Just having a shortcut to grinding, even if grinding is still an option, is excellent.
it might be similar to let's go
where there isn't a total EV cap, you can just get max effort on all stats
according to a leaker, so take it with a grain of salt, there's no EVs or IVs in arceus
The IV are still "there" in a way, but both IV and EV are replaced by EL.
"IV" now just control the initial value of the EL
so... sorry to break your hopes but yep, different mons still have different starting stat.
But they can now all reach the same final values apparently.
as long as they keep that mechanic where you can increase IVs
having unchangeable IVs in a game without breeding mechanics...
the "iv" was never abble to be increased if I understand what you mean... IV controll the "base" stat, and EV are a bonus that you can put on top of the base. So, a pokemon with IV 1 in a stat is still weaker than an IV 31 if the same EV are applied.
now, you have only one value that can go up to 10 and it is raised by consuming specific items.
The only difference is that while the cap is still 10 different mons starts at different random values.
@InvaderSkoodge I mean, at least it's not a fire pokemon becoming fighting for once!
well, sun/moon had a mechanic where you could increase IVs. granted, since IVs are also used for things like calculating Hidden Power's type, you couldn't actually change the true IV. but for the purposes of stat calculations, you make it so that a particular pokemon had maxed out IVs
@InvaderSkoodge Trade only evolutions is such a terrible idea.
Like I get it, but it's just annoying in practice.
it's a lot less onerous these days with online trading
I think it would be much better if all trade evolutions at least had another way to evolve
back in the day when it was physical-only, trade evolutions were just the worst
especially when gold/silver introduced trade evolutions that also required specific held items
@Yuuki oh, you meant that. Yep, it was called Hyper Training. And used those cursed caps.
@Wipqozn that was the point of the evolution. Force you to play with some friend.
Basically - built in ads.
@SPArcheon Game exclusive pokemon already did that though
@Wipqozn true, but the evolution has the advantage that you already have the base form.
FOMO is stronger that way.
Not getting the other mons at all is different from having your Haunter stuck without a way to become Gengar
it is like those games that give you the lootbox but require you to buy the key...
> "well, I guess that since I already have the epic chest it is worth to buy the key just once, right?"
.... and so they got you to spend money.
Here is the same.
anyway, let's just appreciate how this one is the only decent one...
oh god why those shoes
@Yuuki because the thing comes without shoes and so every single screen on google uses the default horrible shoes.
switch to the sandals. Never look back.
Doesn't matter if you look like an idiot in a kimono in a field full of yokai wannabe. At least you aren't wearing the horrible other options.
Like Goku orange kimono.
first thing i tought with these shoes... if I ever wanna cosplay that basic suit, i'll just buy some chewbacca slippers off amazon
@Fredy31 First thing I tough when seeing Sword/Shield clothing/hair options is why they can't just add sets based on the old gym leaders.
Also since we are at it.
Who designed the photo studio?
Q: What do the two values in the FPS meter imply respectively?

hfanaticA question that has been bothering me for a long time - You can toggle on "show framerate" in the display settings in Java. 237/129 I believe 237 to be the current framerate of the game. But what does 129 mean?

@Wipqozn you will love what they did with the salmon...
i actually just evolved basculin since i'm going for a mono-ghost team
replaced my vaporeon
Wordle 230 4/6

Got it kinda easy that the yellow on try 3 was not one of the 2 from try 2
so i had all letters and the 2 firsts in the right place
5 hours later…

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