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night badp
good night @badp
if you have gaming questions for chat, please ask them
night @badp
:123481 soetimes it can help, but in the cases where it can't it should not be used. on meta you can read back your posts more easily and explain in detail, chat is usually fire and forget (in 10 minutes.)
Meta won't help here seeing as it's going back and forth really quickly
that would simply translate to a flood of comments
or several answers, where each answer can be voted upon to reach consensus.
:123508 Sorry. Answer flood with a comment flood each.
honestly I think we were just having fun with arguing, I don't really seen the need to stop unless their is gaming content to discuss
if there is an answer flood, people are not reading and/or the answers are bad.
the best discussions are done written on a non-real time way.
if this would be a good topic for meta, it would be a question asked here with an answer, and no back-and-forth
I think you're both wrong
me too, but I thought we were just having fun
example: scientists vs. theists -- some theists can spew so many lies in two minutes, it takes the scientist 2 days to reply properly, with all references, which the theist will not read, but instead, the theist will come with completely unrelated points to make his point.
:123542 so we're theists
I think that's a little offensive to theists
why do you think certain theist like TV-debates?
certainly there are many people who believe in god who take time and consider position
as there are many people who do not believe in god who will come up with completely unrelated points
:123549 I think attention whores like TV-debates
:123547 note the certain theists and some theists.
sorry, where did you say certain theists?
:123550 there is a certain likelihood for specific people to be theists
" some theists can spew so many lies in two minutes"
now is game-rec dead?
some is different than certain
some implies its characteristic of the group, certain does not
no it doesn't
also, hehehe "snot"
well thats your opinion, and you're entitled to it
some people do this does not imply that 'people' do this
that's true
some just means a subset does it
but they do imply it is characteristic of the group
do I really have to quote a dictionary?
it is a characteristic of the subset of the group.
[suhm; unstressed suhm] Show IPA
being an undetermined or unspecified one: Some person may object.
(used with plural nouns) certain: Some days I stay home.
of a certain unspecified number, amount, degree, etc.: to some extent.
unspecified but considerable in number, amount, degree, etc.: We talked for some time. He was here some weeks.
feel free, since I'm discussing connotation its irrelevant
the connotation doesn't exist
some means certain
as I said, that's your opinion
connotation always is
technically certain means some, not the other way around
in this case, it only means what @alexanderpas made it to mean
in Gaming on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Aug 25 at 22:14, by alexanderpas
it is a characteristic of the subset of the group.
some [...] 2. (used with plural nouns) certain
some is a collective noun
the connotation is @alexanderpas's alone
that's not entirely true
connotations are shared across culture
theists is a plural noun.
so what I say means whatever you decide it means?
then arguing is definitely pointless
:123600 thats usually how interpretation works
do we need to go ask on english.stackexchange.com ?
unless the person in question explains himself
if I say "If I say some it means a subset" you can't say "you meant the entire group"
very well, @alexanderpas do you think quick responses are characteristic of theists in a way that is not characteristic of non-theists
quick responses are characteristic of some theists when they experience content that goes against their view of the world (note the some, and the area qualifier.)
that's not what I asked
I'd replace "theists" with "people" there :P
:123632 yes it is
I asked "do you think quick responses are characteristic of theists in a way that is not characteristic of non-theists "
Fallen's answer is "no," he believes this is not characteristic of either group more than the other
I was interested in alexander's answer
@alexanderpas ik zou echt niet weten wat je zou kunnen zeggen in het engels dat niet anders geinterpreteerd kan worden..
you could say: yes
but then you might say you interpret that as "yes, but I don't"
I'm not trying to argue the point, I'm trying to determine his opinion
yes, but according to you he cannot unambiguously express his opinion
as to my question, yes he can
a simple yes or no would suffice
in Gaming on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Aug 25 at 22:24, by Arda Xi
but then you might say you interpret that as "yes, but I don't"
Quick responses are characteristic of some theists, who, unlike atheists, have a non-standard world-view (i.e. 6000 year old earth), so, when presented with things that goes against this are quick to respond, where atheists, with a standard worldview, are unable to have a quick response.
see, that wasn't so hard
and, yes or no would be a quick response, and therefor, a logical fallacy
that's what he's been saying all along
or mean you're a theist
:123676 only if you completely disregard what he just said, as I predicted
NGYARGH! I'm here.
@arda that was a quick response
:123680 so?
Hey @alex
@GraceNote A sane person. Yay!
Are you a theist then?
Let me guess: badp is already gone and the discussion I was summoned for is over?
:123685 No, I am not.
:123686 Correct.
Hey, @Arda
I'm a Pastafarian.
hmmm, too bad, it sort of disprove his statement...
:123691 It wasn't a statement, it was an opinion.
So, do I still need to explain it all?
:123691 And that wasn't his opinion either
He still said some
true, it was an opinion, but that doesn't mean its not a statement
which means, not all
he said some for theists, not for atheists
:123697 it's still not what he said
if you say some for thing one and not for thing two what is the logical implication?
A includes B, does not mean B includes A
why did you put me in a position where I'm defending someone else's opinion?
:123702 that some was implied?
I'm not saying his opinion is wrong
@Arda You tend to end up defending the oddest of things, I've noticed
:123706 yes you are
I believe the convention is the opposite, but I'd have to double check
:123707 I guess I'm just way too confrontational :(
@Arda You once defended my viewpoint from me.
:123706 you are unable to say someones opinion is wrong, you could say you disagree however.
Some dogs go to the movies, while cats do not?
:123714 But you're sane!
I said it disproves the statement, not that your opinion is wrong
That I am.
The statement was the opinion
"Some dogs go to the movies, while cats do not?" Does this imply some cats or all cats?
:123719 Saying it disproves the opinion is saying the opinion is wrong
:123729 Depends on how you interpret it, as I've learnt today
And curses! This means I no longer have a reason to link that image or explain an example of a specific question that I abandoned asking!
no, it disproves the statement does not imply the opinion is wrong
:123734 So disproving something isn't saying it's wrong?
@Grace would a question which helps only one person be inappropriate?
What part of disproving am I not understanding here
:123740 opinions can't be wrong
Well, it depends, @tzenes
:123744 Then how can you disprove them
that you, that is sufficient
You can't have a wrong opinion, you can merely have an opinion, that is not true.
Let's take two examples.
Alexander understands it Arda
I don't see how wrong and untrue are not the same thing
"How do I get up there?" is a question with limited audience, possibly only one.
is that MMT?
No, this is Bunny Must Die
:123751 Wrong actually has 'not true' as its definition.
I was going to say it looked different
wrong = not right, not true = false.
:123768 Wrong = Not correct or true
This question will probably get 0 votes, but it stands as a simple enough question that not only can be answered, but fits on the site.
the association is different.
Compare a question I considered asking, about Final Fantasy XII
"What the heck is Yuna wearing in FFX-2?"
"Don't these girls get cold?"
right and wrong are moral judgments, true and false are objective facts
Good question, for the lolz
I'm having difficulties defeating the Behemoth King, not limited to the fact that I: probably am underleveled (despite defeating the Hell Wyrm), refuse to use Quickenings, am running an impromptu class challenge, and use Active Time Battle.
Besides the extremely limited audience to both questions, the other aspect both share is the fact that neither can really be retooled to a more general question without completely failing to address the author's need
(I should be playing worms BTW)
The former because there's nothing more general possible, the latter because it would dilute the applicability of all answers to what I really need.
I think badp would be satisfied with that answer
:123784 Wait, wasn't @badp arguing against me?
no, he was arguing that a question that helped one person should be allowed
and I agreed with him
and it seems to me @GraceNote does too
now I don't think that's the only criteria
Neither is a "good" question, but I would still ask the first one. The latter one just isn't worth anyone's time to work on, while the former is an idle curiosity more than a personal issue
only that the number of people helped by the question is not the determining factor
so then I'm the only one dissatisfied? good.
yes, I wouldn't say having one person find the answer useful is not an ideal quality
@tzenes On a tangent, how did you defeat the first boss of MMT?
Are you kidding? I got half way through the first level before I ran out of lives
also there was a part where I came to a cliff I couldn't cross
I'll put up a question about it later when I get home
Make sure to include a screenshot!
I have a screenshot and everythign
haha, yes
Mukashi Mukashi Arutokoro ni Totetsumonaku Naka no Warui Twintail no Shimai Himesama ga Irasshaimashitatosa
of course. who doesn't know that game
the only place I can find that mentions that is the Gaming site
is this game free or something?
I was being ironic ;-)
I know
No, it's not free
its shareware I think
I'd love to tell my friends: "Hey, you should really play Mukashi Mukashi Arutokoro ni Totetsumonaku Naka no Warui Twintail no Shimai Himesama ga Irasshaimashitatosa"
Oh, huh, never noticed the download section before
They didn't have that before
thats where I got it from
Ah well, I'm still going to buy Lethal Crisis. It will be worth every penny
I wonder...
This says "trial"
So I double wonder, with a strong inkling that I'm not going to get what I need.
its shareware
you have to purchase for full game
I always figured that being able to download a trial was a simple courtesy, not a category of ware.
shareware was a business model popular in the 90s where they gave you the game, but most of it was locked and you could purchase a key to unlock it
piracy largely destroyed that model
:123889 Now they call those demos.
a demo usually isn't the full game with functionality locked out
you were allowed to share the shareware, so everyone who got it, could buy a key.
:123893 shareware usually isn't either
the key part of shareware was that you actually had the full game
Doom only had the first level

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