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And then Dracula Dragon!
Holy shit the cannon ornament kit as a proposed league reward looks sick
This league is being left very vague other than that we will be unlocking pieces of content: skills, bosses, autocompleted quests
So no theorycrafting about like, which regions are good like last time
Or watching zeah locked ironman YouTube videos for leagues 1
@TrentHawkins ok, that sorta sounds similar to some of the Final Fantasy games though they were more about diving up the characters between the players. can't imagine Tales diving up more than 1 character per player
9 hours later…
Apparently you should play the Outer Wilds DLC from your existing save file. I'm not sure if I still have mine anywhere...
oh right that's out now
Is it?
I just got a backer email about it is all
oh it's not
I assumed it was from your message, whoops
Yeah, in 4 days
2 hours later…
oh yeah I still have my save... ish. nope.
I finished it so I doubt it
I'm assuming it's so you don't need to refind the ship logs that connect to the new content
1 hour later…
lmao there was another outage today
love 2 have remote work demolished by technical issues all week
just buy us good laptops as dev machines instead holy fuck
those guys have a built in ups
@Unionhawk That's not always an option. 1. good laptops aren't cheap; 2. Depending on the job, additional licenses for software needed for those machines may be prohibitively expensive; 3. Maintaining a remote fleet of laptops isn't easy; 4. Laptops can easily be stolen, along with every business secret on there.
Then they need to buy me a UPS
@Unionhawk Wait, outages at your home?
or call an electrician or duke energy immediately because we have had daily outages at the office causing our remote desktops to shut down
And like yeah great there's a generator but that doesn't help remote working developers on remote desktops
Besides we're a literal fortune 500 company who has lost hundreds of hours this week due to interruptions
reliability pays for itself in the long term
And apparently it only impacts 2/3 of the building, something about 1 of the towers getting power via a different cable or something like that
At least I travel mugged my coffee this morning in anticipation of a long day of meetings sponsored by this guy:
Laptops are good enough for the government, so they're good enough for you
I think even my desktop is encrypted for in case it gets stolen
@Unionhawk Right? I'm excited about this league
And not just because it'll be my first league and I want a bunch of the Trailblazer League stuff
Also, are you actively playing OSRS?
Yeah, been working on the ironman
I got Unionhawk (found not guilty of macroing major on appeal) and Comrade Uni
I just have my main, but I'm doing Bronzeman
the Unionhawk account on RS3 does have the least deserved runecrafting pet in history though
I got my first pet the other day!
since it was obtained via someone else running a runecrafting bot on my account
I was blackjacking bandits to get level 50 thieving for Desert Treasure and noticed someone had logged in under me
Someone who had the Rocky pet
Right-clicked to see who it was, and there was no one there!
I got my Phoenix randomly while cleaning out WT crates at the RFD chest and that's what I assumed happened too
I still need to get 53 thieving
Ha, I remember seeing that screenshot
I got myself all ready, started DT, and realized the quest requires a dozen magic logs :(
Yeah someone was there like "wait wtf"
Yeah that's, fun
I think I have like 100 from wt
So I either need to train up my hunting and catch Nature Implings or do a ton of WT
Have you done Legends yet?
ah rip
that's a very common ironman method
I had to do it for a clue scroll lol
Yeah, I saw a mention of getting magic logs from that, but I didn't realize that would be important
So I can't do DT, which means I can't finish Recipe for Disaster
I do also still need 70 cooking for rfd
So I'm stuck with Dragon Gloves for now
Yeah, I fished about a thousand Karambwan for 70 cooking
The worst part, right now, is trying to get better ranged gear
Still stuck with a maple shortbow
And I need to get 80 crafting so I can make a glory
I got my Fighter Torso last night, though!
Bone crossbow is honestly solid for a while
ammo is cheap too
Yeah, I should do the quest for that
Hard clues are a good source of magic bows too
Yeah, I have a magic longbow from that
I love clues so much lol
They drive everything I do
My ultimate goal is the Bloodhound pet
@Yuuki oh, nice.... a 3d game... with cute, dreamy and cartoonist environments, tons of different powerups....
And that will use more than one button on the gamepad
Thanks, Balanfailure, tell Naka you are not needed anymore....
i miss kirby 64 crystal shards though, with the combining abilities
This just popped back in my feed, and I can't ever not share this
5 hours later…
guess what game just got a surprise remake
@SaintWacko Also you only need 76 crafting to craft a Dragonstone Amulet
@Unionhawk Hm, I guess 65 wc is easier to get to lol
Just hit 60 wc!
I wanted yew logs for Shades of Mort'ton
For Splitbark Armour
If QPC is an eventual goal you need like 71 eventually anyway
Yeah just checked it's still 71 wc at the highest for grim tales
I mean, yeah, eventually I'll have everything up around there
Oof I forgot sote was 70 hunter
Do your birdhouse runs everyone lol
Lol yeah, I try to keep up with those
I just planted three Teak trees on Fossil Island, so in a few days I'll be spending more time there
Oh right I need to plant 3 mahogany trees
Get those moving for like 60k farming xp or whatever in a week
Just made 48 yew pyre logs
Hoping for enough fine cloth to make a set of splitbark armour...
Did they buff splitbark recently I forget
I don't think so, but they nerfed Xerician -.-
Usually though mage accuracy doesn't mean anything
Hm, I didn't think about that
Like the standard barrows gear is ibans or similar and melee armor
Maybe all this just to kill some greater demons is unnecessary lol
And as long as your attack doesn't go below -65 it's fine
Since 5/6 of the barrows brothers have 1 mage and high negative mage defense
So you're virtually guaranteed to hit as long as you're above the "you actually can't hit anything" number
I'm looking forward to getting back to Barrows
That was always fun
I'm close to barrows but there's no real point until 70 defence
And morytania hard diary realistically for the extra runes
I'm nearly to 70 attack, then I start working on getting defence from 62 to 70
Ooh, medium clue scroll from the Mort'ton chest
Reasonable gear tab for where I'm at though
I think I should unlock broader fletching and switch to msb and broad arrows maybe
I should also do crazy archaeologist for a rune crossbow but that's another issue
I have the gear for that at least but honestly cba at the moment
I'm also currently assuming void range is straight up better than green dhide in every scenario, especially without an imbued slayer helm, but I'd have to dps calc it
Would be nice to get some red dhide from Mr archaeologist though

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