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@Yuuki On the minecraft server, how did you get your harvester to stop and empty itself each revolution?
My son's trying to figure it out
1 hour later…
nice little roguelike
it's a bit too grindy but otherwise really enjoying it, on for a couple bucks
3 hours later…
Finally finished Rhythm of War today
2 hours later…
@Nzall Thoughts?
ACtually I think @InvaderSkoodge is still working his way through it, and I see him hovering, SO:

 Fantasy Stories (Spoilers)

Discussion about fantasy books including spoilers (Sanderson, ...
I actually unfroze the room
Frozen for over 600 days
Completed Tales of Vesperia last night. not sure if some of the lore elements that were mentioned like the Black Hope Massacre and Aifread's involvement with The Great War and the Union are mentioned in the anime (more so given who Aifread ended up being) but aside from a very weak moment leading up to the climax of act 2 story was still good
combat is clunky so best for people to play this before Tales of Graces and Xillia given the original was released on 360 and it's more akin to Symphonia's system
am curious about the worlds in Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Destiny as it appears in some form or another Spirits, particularly the Great Spirits, are an inedible progression towards given there's been 2 worlds which evolved to have them and all the rest excluding Abyss and Destiny have them. wouldn't be surprised if the Swordians and the Sephiroth Trees are proto Spirits that will evolve into proper Spirits
Played Graces with Frank a bunch long ago (I like that multiplayer combat aspect). I couldn't /quite/ get into the next one Frank played. It was very similar but I couldn't quite get into the partner combo system. Also it lacked Pascal.

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