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@Vikas what? yeah, but what does that have to do with gpu?
5 hours later…
@Elise Uhm I think nothing. We can use both amd or nvidia gpu.
@ Nzall Hi. If there are 2 ram slots in a motherboard, ad we put only 1 8gb ram, would it be called dual channel or single channel?
@Vikas this would be single channel, since only one RAM module would be used. Dual channel requires at least two modules of the same size.
@dly okay. but like Nzall said earlier, dual channels are better, so using just 1 ram stick of 8 gb is bad choice as compared to using 2 4gb sticks and making it dual channel?
it's a bit strange, because many laptops and desktops have only 8gb ram and they are still good
@Vikas yes, dual channel is faster than single. 2 4GB modules outweigh a single 8Gb module of the same specs. But you won't feel the difference, unless you have games or programs excessively using your RAM. And when the rest of the hardware bottlenecks the performance you won't feel anything at all and one 8GB module is perfectly fine.
makes sense
so theoretically you should use dual channels i think
If you can you should, yes.
but using 4gb + 4gb would be waste of money i think, in case i want to upgrade it later to 16gb
4+4+4+4 = 16 too :P
with 8gb single stick, i can make it dual channel later with additional 8gb
@dly oh yes, for that i'll need 4 slots.
8gb is fine for now
oh, you have only two?
ok, then just go with one 8GB module. Wasting money on 2x 4 isn't worth it, if you want to upgrade later.
@dly I have nothing. I'm just gathering info and trying hard to fit stuff in my budget and then I'll proceed to buy :P
i've almost finalized everything
i want to make it a bit future proof, so using 5600G instead of 3400G and using a slightly better motherboard.
@dly yeah
i read some reviews which said 8gb ram should be fine unless you play latest heavy games with max settings, which i'm not gonna do anyway
oh, then my 32GB are a bit overkill :D
@dly yeah i think 32 gb is unnecessary in most cases of gaming. i just saw a video on youtube
GPU matters the most
32GB can be good maybe for VFX video editing
@dly but i've also had some expert reviews which say more ram is never harmful.
it's just that more ram you use, more the system and apps tend to use it
Yup, I primarily have it for other things, like rendering or compiling stuff. And while I wait I can still play games without running out of memory. Games alone rarely need that much.
@dly yes that's benefit that you can run other apps in background
3 hours later…
@fredley England always has some weird town names. Probably comes from because well, i guess town names were not always a thing and it was just referred commonly as 'the butts' until at some point they needed some official name, and they took what people commonly referred the place as
Like, at some point, last names became a thing and you put whatever you were known for as your last name, like Smith
@dly @Vikas I'm not sure if it's a good idea to have only 8 GB of RAM, especially if you're going to use an APU, which means the CPU and iGPU are going to share that memory
Like, if you're going with an AMD APU, I wouldn't go below 16 GB of RAM
Updating to the Win11 Beta. We will see how that goes
@Fredy31 I'm holding off on installing Windows 11. My computer doesn't meet the SecureBoot requirements right now and has a 6th gen Intel CPU (min for Windows 11 is 8th gen), and because I'm using certain legacy computer stuff like MBT that's not that easy to change, I'm going to hold off and wait for the first Windows 11 feature update in 2022, then buy a new PC
@Nzall yeah that stuff is pretty weird. My 4 year old computer has it, the computer I bought for my SO last year doesnt
@Nzall Well yes, upgrade is always an option. I'll see how 8gb performs for my needs :D
I'm trying to go lowest configuration but with flexible options to upgrade later
@Nzall my laptop updated it automatically. I vaguely remember i disabled insider program but maybe by mistake turned it on. Now I've beta update
@Vikas it might still be better to go with a matched set 2x4 RAM than with a single 8 GB stick, even if you're going to upgrade later. If you start with 1 stick and want to add a second one later, you need to make sure that the new stick you buy in a couple years is the exact same type of stick as the one you started with, because if not, at best you're leaving performance on the table and at worst your computer isn't going to boot
If you go with matched set and then later upgrade them both to a different matched set, you'll be guaranteed to have sticks that work together
@Nzall i think rams don't change much in 2-3 years
@Vikas you might think that, but just like other components, RAM also gets regular updates, and especially if you're going for an older or more budget oriented single stick today, you might struggle to find a compatible stick in 2-3 years
maybe in 2-3 years I'll have more money 🤣 i could afford new 2x8 gb
journalists should really be aware of auto-truncating algorithms when they're writing headlines
That meta post about migrating to discord when about as I expected
I think the main takeaway for me has been that SE holds themselves to a very high standard of professionalism. A chatroom within the site can be managed anyway they want, and made to stay 'on brand'.
@Yuuki lolololol
also rip ori lol
there's a shot
To be honest I'm not sure why you guys all went through the effort to make the discord seem as unofficially official as you did
I wouldn't have even told SE about its existence probably, they can't stop regular users from making a discord community
Mods being in leadership roles in both spots makes it a little more concerning to them I'm sure. My opinion.
@Unionhawk F
@GnomeSlice I honestly don't remember the details, but I think we asked thme a question, and then they noticed the Discord and went "uhhhh, that's a problem"
all of which happened behind the scenes in secret chats which may or may not exist.
I bet there are small communities of people from lots of SE sites. Give it a new name, switch up the hierarchy and what could they say or do?
@GnomeSlice I mean there's nothing they can do. They just don't want us promoting it on Stack Exchange much.
Alright yeah that's fair. I understand not wanting it advertised over the ecosystem chat
Which, if we want to use the voice channels for events and such is a problem
I don't even think we should have the arqade name on it, personally
@GnomeSlice Also, their main concern was that there issues could happen in the Discord, and which users could try to escalate to Stack Exchange, but they couldn't properly deal with it.
Yeah I figured that was one of them
Like I said I don't think the name should be attached at all
So, for example, @Unionhawk went craaaazy and started harassing users in the Discord. Should that warrant punishment for him on the main site? If so, how can SE even verifiy that if @Unionhawk deletes all evidence? et cetear
(to be fair yes but "guy who signed the moderator agreement" is a bad example)
Having all the mods in place with diamonds and all, with very official looking SE code of conduct stuff on the discord really makes it seem like a place you could escalate things to SE from
just saying
It's not SE and should never have been made to imitate it. imo.
But I mean they seem fine with the way things are I guess so
@Wipqozn i suppose that makes sense. we have problems with SE chat and they can barely deal with those properly, let alone some third-party/off-site stuff
That's kinda the thing, it's in a weird spot I think but it's also in an ok spot for now
I still think it would be smart to remove every link/reference to arqade
It's okay for us to have our own space for voice comms and some other chat.
Perhaps yeah
It would make it a lot more clear that it's unofficial and not related to SE in any way
(which it doesn't need to be)
SE will never officially move their chat to discord, I don't see it happening. They've invested a lot in the tools they have to moderate their own ecosystem, and they are able to hold themselves to a high standard of professionalism here.
I think we're more uniquely situated than any other site in that a discord server a minecraft server and other off-site stuff makes sense
Yeah I absolutely agree
@GnomeSlice have they invested a lot into the chat tools though?
I don't think it needs to be official or even look like it is though
@Yuuki I mean they have a flagging system, archives, backlog sorting by hour/day, search function, reputation and user profiles
Yeah I'd say so
SE chat is very unique among chat services in my experience.
They've done a really great job making a space for their users that shares the company values
@Yuuki Not like, lately, but overall yeah
It's been a little static but also still fine
Wow, imagine if Fredley became a mod
Also, why am I still a mod? I haven't logged into this website in years.
Diamonds are forever
@GnomeSlice the flagging system has had multiple complaints without much feedback for quite awhile now, reputation isn't a chat-specific thing nor are user profiles. the other stuff is nice though
@GnomeSlice Discord users will never know the joys of randomly starred messages
Oh yeah, I'm a mod on coffee, I forgot
@Yuuki I mean these things are tied to the rest of your SE presence, but yes
Mod queue is empty so I must be doing a great job
yeah we're good too
somebody flag something so I can decline it and up my handled flag count thanks (do not actually do this)
Few, the moment the discord discussion ends up on the bridge, I eat a 30 min ban from the This is Fine chatroom
Simple: avoid TIF
@Batophobia discord has pins which basically do the same thing
Yea, but random users typically can't pin messages
and in those cases, they react with Stars
Here, anyone can pin Lazer's post for totally legitimate reasons
or now reply with :star:
@Fredy31 oh, a criminal record. Bye election :P
@dly lol
@dly I'm not sure chat bans count for the election
@dly nooooooo
@Nzall Too late, already changed my vote
I would guess any ban in the middle of an election would not count. Logically it would make it easy for a rogue mod to rig it
like just throw a ban on all candidates except the one they want in
especially for a minor ban like a chat timeout
Chat bans also don't really count yeah
most of us have taken 30 minutes in the box once or twice
or, 24 times, in some cases, perhaps
If you include the room being put on timeout then all of us have
I need a sockpuppet to be able to see the timeout timer again
Unless of course a meta or so room gets timed out I guess
@Unionhawk Hi. Can you please unfreeze this room: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/124354/memes
It's freezing in there!
@Unionhawk If we are gonna say 'in the box' we need this guy to announce the bans
@Vikas If you have memes I would not mind them being here in the bridge
splitting off into too much rooms can just make that not a room seems active
@Fredy31 well my memes might not be relevant to culture of all members of this room :) I have a different culture
This room is very active and has a lot of members possibly from different cultures
I had this experience in past that I posted a few memes or funny things that were removed because others found them bad
So I'm more careful.
Yeah, i can see that. Some people on the 2nd meme would be like OKAY THATS ENOUGH. Good to check before starting to throw memes around
for me it would be more of an 'well if the only thing you post is that, and you post 5 per day in the middle of conversations that do not apply, then ok you are going too far'
but I'm not a mod.
If you're looking for unmoderated chats, you won't find them
Maybe in a few hours, but not right now
Yeah that is a part of what @Vikas said that was weird... from different cultures. I would say that if your meme might be offensive to a culture in particular, well they will not fly here
@Wrigglenite no. that room has only 2 active members
@Fredy31 not offensive, it's just that they can't relate it so it might look offensive even when it's not
Also, if I post a meme maybe many people won't even get it 🤣
Yeah, if you have a meme that you think would be offensive if people don't "get it" I'd recommend not posting it
yes, please somebody unfreeze it chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/124354/memes
can't room owners unfreeze a room? only mods?
@Vikas I'm gonna guess yes, only mods.
Oh okay.
@Vikas i think he means "don't post it period" not "post it in another room"
@Yuuki why? memes not allowed?
> if you have a meme that you think would be offensive if people don't "get it" I'd recommend not posting it
@murgatroid99 yeah i make sure that, but you know that's why I mentioned culture thing. Sometimes, on rare occasions, I don't even realize that it can beome offensive because others won't get it. It looks obviously funny but later we found out that it was funny to me only. And totally opposite to what I was expecting. So it's about this special case.
It doesn't mean it happens all the time. It has happened only once or twice in my 4 years of stack exchange history.
and it wasn't even offensive. It was just deleted because it was a bit inappropriate for all members and off topic.
I hope you understand my concern.
Is there a reason to not unlock the room? Regardless of a specific user's postings, it seems like a good enough reason to have a separate room. I mean, TIF was spun off to get certain things out of main chat, and I imagine memes could be the same.
Q: Room frozen: what is the procedure to unfreeze it again

VikasThis room is frozen because we didn't post anything in it for a long time. I want to make it active again. So what's the procedure to unfreeze it? https://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/124354/memes

So that's a thing
"This is Fine"
It's a separate room that got started for politics and news
I tested this in sandbox
When did "This if Fine" posts auto-update to an image?
@Batophobia i think since many years
i like it, we can use it sometiems
there are many other chat features
in case you're not aware of
but they work in different kind of rooms
good night
If I remember right, the "This is Fine" room was named that way because of that chat feature that produces that image
@murgatroid99 Sort of. In our SUPER SECRET MOD CHAT the name "This is fine" was originally suggested as a joke, due to the meme, but then we all thought it was funny and actually a good name so we just went with it.
I don't know if we were even aware of that chat feature at the time.
So long as "Friday" posts don't get a similar feature...
@Batophobia Unfortunately Friday is a meme mostly limited to The Bridge, as far as Stack Exchange Chat goes.
We barely Friday anymore though. RIP Memes.
Psychonauts 2 comes out in a week
Anyone that hasn't played the first one, it's $1 on Steam for the next week
one hell of a deal for a game that is considered a classic
it didn't really grab me, but it is considered a classic for a reason
ooo, Pokemon Unite apparently has a system to automatically accept idling reports if someone is in spawn too long
I just reported someone and got a pop-up like "Report successful, this player loses 10 fair play points, accounts below 80 lose the right to play ranked matches, accounts below 60 lose the right to play standard random matches"
Voting has closed and we await the pressing of the "count all votes" button
If I had OpenSTV I could run it but I don't
Yeah I'm also too lazy to download it
Someone won though!
I could get openstv but that'd require me to turn on my computer
I think we always used to make @badp do it
I should get openstv
in my official capacity as an elections nerd
I am surprised you don't have it
I'm running on my work computer at the moment so I'd need to swap my mouse etc over and by the time I do that it'll already be done
I think I did it
but in case I fucked it up I'm not going to say
I refuse to steal @Catija's thunder personally though I am confident in my result
We did indeed elect two moderators
okay great we didn't fuck it up
@Wipqozn wooo! Where are the confetti cannons?
Q: 2021 Community Moderator Election Results

CatijaModerator election #7 on Arqade has come to a close, the votes have been tallied, and the new moderators are: They will be joining the existing crew shortly — please thank them for volunteering and share your assistance and advice with them as they learn the ropes! For details on how the voting...

Both banned from chat and elected mod on the same day, congrats @Fredy31
@fredley so what do I still need to do to get the Gordie Howe Hat Trick of Arqade?
Wait, who does @fre ping in here?
I did get pigned
Guess if we try it pings the other one
I got pinged
partial pings ping everyone it matches
@uni pls
Except for yourself because you cannot ping yourself
@fre accept the mod agreement
@fredley I didn't even notice. That's amazing. Well done.
@fredley where is it supposed to pop up? seeing the diamond on SE but not of an agreement?
Hang on I'll force-refresh your chat account
F5 for diamond
Is it the blood oath thing we talked this morning? I can sign a piece of paper with blood and fax it to arqade
I just went on 'Arqade' for the first time in years. A lot has changed!
@fredley Blame caching actually lol
@fredley No you've changed
@Batophobia ew a non-mod
We're a dying breed
I'm refreshing your profile just in case @fredley bans you
@Batophobia Just run on some unimportant site like @fredley did to have a chat diamond
Everyone in the Bridge becomes a mod eventually
@Wipqozn I didn't even run I was appointed
And somehow I've never been disappointed
@fredley Poor Coffee.SE
@Wipqozn ikr
Congrats to the new mods
Congrats @Fredy31 and @TimmyJim
Oh well, no beer for you and I can keep it all for myself now :P congrats guys :)
Thanks guy :)

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