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@GnomeSlice Who is Kevin?
Also... It's a merchant guy. Big white beard and brown robes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Reply all, cc: corporate-all, no subject, body: "OK"
@Fluttershy The idiot who was wandering around when I started this world... you can talk to him for 'help'.
@fbueckert I found a legendary quiver playing with @spugsley
Just so you know
@OrigamiRobot ...
Fuck you, Kevin. You killed me, twice.
@GnomeSlice How did that even happen?
@Fluttershy He opened the goddamn door during the zombie invasion.
He led like four of them right to me the second time, opened the door I was hiding behind, then left.
@GnomeSlice That's why you block the door with a platform. <_<
@Fluttershy I DID.
People can open doors outwards.
On both sides?
Zombies can't.
Q: Age of Empires III won't join

SamI recently purchased a copy of Age of Empires 3 but I have been unable to get it to connect to my friends game via Tunngle or Hamachi. The strange thing is that I am able to see his game, but when I click join nothing happens. There are no errors or anything so I have nothing to go by. However, m...

Q: Deus ex 3 human revolution: foxiest of the turret's alarming!

kailow the krowfirst non pacifist stealth play trying for foxiest of the hounds! however im in side the legendar fema encampment and i made to that one room where there is like 5 guard rowed up infront of a turret, well I let zeke live so i know the password to spaxxor is neuralhub so i can set it to friendly ...

@Fluttershy No... but then I couldn't use it. I shouldn't HAVE to block it on both sides...
@GnomeSlice Build a second floor with a table and a chair and two doors and he should move up there and leave you alone! =D
@Fluttershy He's staying in his box.
@Fluttershy Oh, is that what I'm supposed to do?
So... I HAVE to let him out to progress?
Maybe I can turn his box into a house.
@GnomeSlice Not really. But you do have to build more floors and stuff so the other NPCs can move in
What NPCs.
I don't want Kevin anywhere near me.
@Fluttershy It needs two doors?
@GnomeSlice The merchant, clothier, tinkerer, nurse, dryad, arms dealer.......
Also, I do not know.
He mentioned it at the beginning, but I completely forgot about it.
@Lazers Need spelling check plox
Can I kill Kevin?
@GnomeSlice You actually have to to enter hard mode.
@Fluttershy You can kill npcs in hard mode?
Why didn't I pick hard mode...
@GnomeSlice No no no.
Hard mode is a point in the game you reach. After arming yourself, getting loads of health, going to hell, and throwing a Guide Voodoo doll in the lava. It kills the guide and summons a boss. Killing the boss starts hard mode.
Also, that sounds... complicated.
@Fluttershy Door, chair, table, light source.
And walls.
Although I don't know if that means background blocks, or just sides.
@GnomeSlice Both.
@fbueckert see? It's not my fault after all! :p
@spugsley Yes. Yes, it is.
You should be inviting me, too, when you guys are running around!
@fbueckert but you're not on :(
@spugsley I'm usually doing other things, but I'm almost always monitoring chat, here.
Which you should know, because I helped you out with Belial, remember? :P
@fbueckert oh, okay :) I just don't usually like to bother people. We are about to start an Act 1 Warden/Butcher run if you'd like to join us :)
@spugsley >< Sorry, in the middle of blowing up spaceships. And then watching Warehouse 13. Tomorrow, though, works very well!
@fbueckert ohhh I love Warehouse 13 and I have a huggggge crush on Claudia XD
@spugsley Heh. If you guys are still at it in about an hour, I'll join then.
@fbueckert we might be, just message one of us :)
Hold me @spugsley!
@RavenDreamer oh my O-o
I just had a codegasm. It was delightful.
I've been throwing science at the wall all night. Something finally stuck.
@RavenDreamer gasp I'm a married woman....to someone who codes
Why doesn't the wiki tell me how to make a spear...
@spugsley Well, I'm not after Ian, so I think your Marriage is safe.
@RavenDreamer okay, sounds good enough to me :p
And by the looks of it, you've got @fbueckert waiting in the wings to boot.
@RavenDreamer yeah waiting :p
I think I need to find a nice programmer to date. Because I don't think anyone else could possible understand my desire to dance wildly about the room in victory.
Because I solve problems, yo!
With my miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind.
@spugsley Guild Wars 2? Heard of it?
Any interest in it?
@RavenDreamer absolutely interested.
@RavenDreamer I do. Also, I am trying to buy an Arduino. I just can't think of anything to do with it.
@OrigamiRobot Well, sure. But I think the odds of us ever living in the same house are minimal at best.
@spugsley Yay! That means I can play GW2 with you!
@RavenDreamer Well that puts a damper on my plans...
My couch is still open for you
@RavenDreamer yay!!!!
@RavenDreamer that's what she said O-o
@spugsley You're misreading "couch" as "crotch".
@RavenDreamer oh my mistake :p
And I'm now suffering from syntactic saturation for the word "couch".
couch, couch, couch.
It doesn't even look like a word anymore
@spugsley Have you preordered?
How did that job interview go?
@RavenDreamer Hey, hey... she's already said she's playing it with me.
Or has that not happened yet?
@Fluttershy There's plenty of @spugsley to go around!
@RavenDreamer I have not preordered. I totally need to :/
Also, I ended up not going to the interview. I got a little creeped out
@RavenDreamer No there's not. She is a tiny lady.
@OrigamiRobot I just tried to instantiate a new color like so: Color(o,o,o,o).
@Fluttershy Stop fighting or I'll play with myself!
Yes, those are O's.
@OrigamiRobot :( I'm not tiny!
@spugsley I wasn't fighting. I was just stating a fact. >_>
What creeped you out about the interview? :D
@RavenDreamer I was about to ask what language, but that wouldn't work in any language
@RavenDreamer well, I looked up the address they gave me on google maps, the street view, and it turns out it was just some house in a bad area....so I got really anxious and yeah
Couldn't figure out how to use the health items...
What was the job supposed to have been?
@Fluttershy you're right :) I can play with everyone
unless o was a variable i suppose...
@spugsley Oh my.
@RavenDreamer Tutoring high school students for the verbal SAT
@OrigamiRobot Yeah. Earlier I was trying to declare a point of (x, j). It was in an inner loop, and old habits die hard. :P
Well, time to go find something nicer ,hey?
@RavenDreamer I'm not hip to all your fancy programmer jargon.
My variables were x and y, loops are usually start with i.
Basically, I tried to put icecream in a toaster.
@RavenDreamer ALSO when is this zoo thing happening!??!
@spugsley I'm afraid I don't know that technique.
@RavenDreamer then you have a lot to learn wonk
@spugsley @Davemcllelland comes before you do, this time, I think.
@RavenDreamer I still don't follow...
@RavenDreamer nobody comes before me
@OrigamiRobot I used the wrong variables. This wasn't supposed to be that deep. -_-;;
@RavenDreamer I understand that. I just dont know what "declare a point" or "inner loop" mean
@spugsley I'm going to assume this was intentional.
@RavenDreamer me too. I will also assume that. I am so clever
@OrigamiRobot By "Declare a point" I meant, "initialize a vector 2". In retrospect, that may not have been obvious.
An inner loop, though...
  for(int x = 0; x < sizeVector.x; x++)
			for(int y = 0; y < sizeVector.y; y++)
				//code goes here
that didn't work.
@OrigamiRobot nested loop statements.
I know what nested means
.include "C:\Program Files (x86)\Atmel\AVR Tools\AvrAssembler2\Appnotes\tn44def.inc"

.device ATtiny44
.def temp =r16


ldi temp,0b1000000
out CLKPR,temp

ldi temp,0b1000011
out CLKPR,temp

ldi temp,0b00100011
out TCCR0A,temp

ldi temp,0b00001100
out TCCR0B,temp

ldi temp,0b11111000
out OCR0B,temp

ldi temp,0x80
out DDRA,temp

ldi temp,0
out PORTA,temp


ldi temp,0b00100011
out TCCR0A,temp
in temp,ACSR
sbrc temp,5
rjmp off

rjmp on


ldi temp,0b00000011
out TCCR0A,temp
Oh that looks like fun.
The point is, that's my latest code
I don't even remember what it does
Well, I remember in general what it does
@OrigamiRobot It folds the paper into a frog.
It was my first attempt at a microcontroller driven boost converter
Wow I think I see why it didn't work now...
hey @Fluttershy
@spugsley Yeah?
@Fluttershy if you wanna dance and have a little fun....
Whoa what the heck
Why does the Bridge have a different font o_O
@Fluttershy stick your legs out front, that's the way it's done....
@Fluttershy you turn around once a week and see your back!
@Fluttershy Then you go to the kitchen and you have a little snack!
@spugsley I can actually hear you singing this in my head. >_>
@RilgonArcsinh It's just you? All's the same on my end.
WTF is wrong with me, I did that way more complicated than I needed to...
@RavenDreamer Entirely probable. Oh well. XD
@RavenDreamer Apparently the best way to debug is to not look at the code for 2 years.
@Fluttershy is this good or bad? O-o
@spugsley I'm okay with it.
@OrigamiRobot I believe it
Yay, restarting Firefox fixed it


RJMP loop
So much easier
Hmm, legendary crossbow...
Too bad the previous code/circuit resulted in catastrophic failure...
Really? You guys are taking my statements entirely out of context. :P
It almost set @IanPugsley on fire.
Or stopped his heart. Either one.
Q: How to play Rocks n Diamonds in fullscreen in 12.04?

user80170I want to play Rocks n Diamonds in full screen with sound. Right now it only plays it in a small window and no sound. The SDL libraries are already installed. I tried the command below but get an error message. Here are the instructions from their website: To enjoy all features of the game on...

Q: Which level designer created the map Q2DM1 on Quake 2?

KirkJust curious to know which level designer created the map Q2DM1 on Quake 2.

Q: Hosting private Counter-Strike 1.6 games through Steam

soulstriderxMe and my friends are looking into playing Counter Strike 1.6. Last time we did it, it was on LAN around 6 years ago, so we are wondering how to play together online through Steam, before going and buying the actual game. Is it possible to host a private room that only your friends can access on...

Q: Faralda is not outside of the college in winterhold?

BrandonI am trying to join the college but faralda is not there, I have never talked to her, plus this was my first time at winterhold, someone please.help.

@LessPop_MoreFizz I demand that Pizza Rec be answered and put on our highest priority. Pizza is just too good to deny someone.
Q: Faralda is not outside of the college in winterhold?

BrandonI am trying to join the college but faralda is not there, I have never talked to her, plus this was my first time at winterhold, someone please.help.

This question is yet another duplicate, which the original doesn't quite answer its question.
Q: STALKER mod how to run without screen leaning

user658091I recently bought STALKER Call of Pripyat, but I can't play long enough before I get really dizzy when you run. Is there a mod or a fix where I can run without my screen leaning (or shaking left and right) as I get really dizzy. It's a good game (kind of like fallout 3) but this run thing is ma...

OK now I'm freaking pissed.
There has been a user, who for some time now has been dancing on the line of innapropriate on this website. Many of you know who I'm refferring to, the infamous BLOG guy.
So now, he writes a new mini blog, on ArQAde. This written article is short, obvious, has no information that cant be found at the blizzard website, and links to HIS blog (the one with all the freaking game guide ads) at the end.
its OBVIOUSLY nothing but another way to get his link to his blog into our community.
posting on the meta now---
@Ender I am in fact going to have pizza right this second good sir
@badp read this last msg from me
nm @ the meta article, Fbueckert beat me to it.
@badp I think Im gonna have a pizza now too lol
@Ender I've read it but lack a link
(to the post)
← lazy :P
the meta post or his blog?
err teh arquade blag
oh, you're talking about his blog post
wow. i'm so pissed I can no longer type properly.
I've kind of handled it
um. how?
If I'm allowed to ask?
I only ask because I see his arqade blog is still present, and the link within to his personal blog is still present, and thats the issue.
hot pizza hot pizza hot pizza hot pizza
@MarkTrapp Everyone loves pizza!
weird techo gel sex
all while people singing hot pizza hot pizza hot pizza hot pizza
yea I hear that! I'm all for it
@Ender badp might be referring to him nofollowing the link
I read that comment, but I'm not sure what that means.
adding rel="nofollow" to a link means Google does not count it for Google juice. So if he was anticipating using the Arqade blog for SEO, nofollow (sorta) defeats that
Ahhh. Why not just remove the link?
Or the blog. for that matter.
My names not Jill.
omg tisnf
I remember that commercial! God I laughed almost till I pissed myself.
I just put a pizza in my oven. All the while singing Hot Pizza!
@marktrapp i've now got the hot pizza song stuck in my head. THANKS ALOT! lol
Q: How can I get LoL Replay to work nicely with my Norton 360?

EnderNorton 360 thinks that some of the files required for my LoL Replay to work are viruses. THe LoL Replay says I should add the file path for the program into my antivirus to allow it as an exception. Norton 360 doesn't allow file path entries, it wants you to except specific files. However, whe...

@Ender Try superuser.com? A mod can migrate it for you
@yiJiang Thanks
Q: How can I get LoL Replay to work nicely with my Norton 360?

EnderNorton 360 thinks that some of the files required for my LoL Replay to work are viruses. THe LoL Replay says I should add the file path for the program into my antivirus to allow it as an exception. Norton 360 doesn't allow file path entries, it wants you to except specific files. However, whe...

possible migration please?
@badp ^
Q: How do I make the guards in Markarth stop being hostile?

homeyhomehomeI killed some Imperial Soldiers in the Reach far away from the city, then ported back to Markarth via fast travel. I have no bounty in the Reach, I checked, but all the guards and NPCs in the city either run or attack me on sight. Nobody ever confronted me about having a bounty even when I sheath...

Q: Diablo 3 - Wizard level 56 Build

StellaWhat would be the recommended build/skills for a Level 56 Wizard? Finding difficulty in Act 1 Hell mode when facing elites

@Ender I'm still waiting for a SU mod to green-light the migration, sorry
@Lazers needs one more vtc
@Blem I've flagged it, for all the good that can do.
whoa, whoa
Q: How do I make the guards in Markarth stop being hostile?

homeyhomehomeI killed some Imperial Soldiers in the Reach far away from the city, then ported back to Markarth via fast travel. I have no bounty in the Reach, I checked, but all the guards and NPCs in the city either run or attack me on sight. Nobody ever confronted me about having a bounty even when I sheath...

Another how do I get rid of bounty question!?!?!
I'm shocked!
I have no idea what that means or what the question is about.
So I will make snark about Skyrim instead.
@badp no problem, thanks for the help :D
Actually, doesn't look like that's a dup. Seems like he doesn't have a bounty.
@Wipqozn For shame. :P
"can't install ruby gem in Windows" - as someone with a Carbuncle avatar, I find this offensive and hateful
maaan, I hate not being able to edit posts on non-se sites
Name of reddit thread: A Question About Guilds
question: is it really time consuming or hard to be the leader of a guild?
I just want to edit the title to not be terrible
Well, reddit threads aren't designed to be permanent and useful for future readers
Damn you Stack Exchange, giving me higher standards!
@Wipqozn "What are good reasons to not be a guild leader?" would be my idea.
They just have to grab your eyeballs and invite you to read them right now when they're still on the front page
Q: 3D Vision doesn't work with dead island

Richart BremerI have a 3D Vision problem with Dead Island. See this video, at first 3d vision is deactivated, then activated via hotkey then deactivated again. ...

Q: the application was unable to start correctly 0xc00007b - Batman Arkham City

SmithI have been encountering the above error when i try to launch Batman AC. It would be helpfull if anyone could help me in resolving this Error. I have tried reinstalling the Game. Installed xlive.dll files Not sure which dll file is System Config, OS : windows 7 64 bit GPU: Nvidia 285 GTX

Q: Do ash piles/ghostly remains/etc still remain indefinitely?

kotekzotMany mods exist to fix the permanent ash piles, ghostly remains and other such objects bloating up saves. Are they still necessary, or have they been patched to expire after cell reset like other loose objects?

@MarkTrapp in reference to the often duped question you put a substantial bounty on, wouldn't it make sense to convert the answer to a community wiki, so we can reguarly update the answer as new angles of the question present themselves?
Q: If I buy a PS3 game second hand, will I still get all the content?

PureferretA friend of mine is considering Assassins Creed: Revelations, collectors edition and they arew worried that as it's pre-owned that they won't be able to access all the content, both stuff in the box such as the multiplayer character that might have to be activated, and downloadable content, that ...

Q: Is it possible to get a completion flag for the tutorial "The Basics?"

SternoI'm playing Desktop Dungeons (paid, though for all I know this applies to the free version as well) and discovered the Explorer's Guild. From there, I can do the Tutorial and the Starter Pack. I've done all of those missions, and after completing each, they get marked with a flag as complete exce...

Q: Are copies of Shadowrun permanently tied to a single Windows Live ID?

Earl SvenAnyone know if copies of Shadowrun are permanently tied to a single Windows Live ID? Just found a copy in my drawer and wondering if it's worth taking to the local games exchange store or if I should just toss it.

Q: What are the most played fast-paced FPS games today?

simendsjoI played a lot of QW and Q3 back in the days. I tried Warsow recently, but it doesn't seem to have any players. What fast-paced shooters are people playing these days? QuakeLive? Quake4? Some other game I haven't heard about?

@Lazers I really wish people would stop asking bad question.
Any Tf2 guys here ?
@HackToHell Several.
Including me, although it's been a month or so since I've played.
What do guys think of Mvm ?
Oh, did Valve finally announce it...?
Oh no, this is just a summart of all the clues.
@HackToHell WEll snap.
Aug 14 is gonna be an awesome day ;)
Q: Do I have to pay for uPlay?

PureferretI found this guide whilst researching my other question. As well as this other question about What is Uplay? Can I play Ubisoft games without it? I'm a bit confused. Do I have to pay for it/the passport if a game has it?

Q: Why do I have to buy the same items twice?

FluttershyI've noticed that sometimes when I play Awesomenauts, I'll teleport back to the shop to buy items, and everything I've purchased up to that point has to be purchased again. I'm assuming this is a bug, but I'm really hoping it's intended behavior. As in, I bought Damage +2, played a bit, teleport...

@Wipqozn Is it bad that this makes me laugh?
@HackToHell I am disappointed that it appears August 14th will not be HL3.
@StrixVaria Sure it will.
(In 2074)
@RilgonArcsinh ಥ_ಥ
@StrixVaria Could be Hl3 tf2 merger ...
A: How do you breed a "Seasonal" Dragon

JenaiaMacenstein.com is very reliable in dragon combos, and it says fog and flower. Ive gotten nearly all the dragons because of the combinations listed there.

@fbueckert Them kids and their mac blogs.
@Wipqozn Indeed
A: How to get to save games for continued play in Bejeweled 3?

OWNethis does seem to be a glitch in your product, as mine always saves my game automatically and asks when I return if I want to play the same game or a new one. You should contact the manufacturer - is it EA? you can google around and find them. Good luck!!!

Is this actually an answer?
It's... hard to tell...
@HackToHell it did? There's no trace there
Originally I shrugged that off but... eh... I mean...
It's certainly at least a citation
Oh, are the Olympics done already?
No they're not.
@GnomeSlice Today is the last day but there are still a few events going.
1.2 KB/s
Can't even load the Google homepage...
@Wipqozn That Spanish answer makes no sense when you put it through Google translate, into English.
> truth does not understand them or anything you or the program of the puzzle I just keep trying nomas
Q: What do the red and blue tiles on the map mean?

MerigrimIn the Fortress mode, I have noticed that there are red and blue tiles present on the overview map. Moreover, the red tiles have a tendency to move around. However, when I zoom in on their location, I am unable to find anything special. I have searched and I have not been able to find any informa...

Goddamn people on the steam forum thread about limiting Steam's bandwidth usage...
> I have Comcast and download games from steam at around 2.1MB/s, while still being able to browse the internet and play other games just fine, so I don't believe it can be blamed on Comcast.
Well, no shit, 2.1 MB/s is amazing.
I get 2.1 KB/s, much of the time...
@Wipqozn Oooh, Beyond Good and Evil.
marks as 'watch later'
@GnomeSlice A game I need to play through. I started playing it, but never got very far.
@Wipqozn Blargh, play it.
I really think the site search feature should automatically search tags FIRST.
I can't figure out how to search for a particular game...
@Wipqozn that Spanish 'answer' doesn't make any sense.
At least, according to Google.
> truth does not understand them or anything you or the program of the puzzle I just keep trying nomas
@GnomeSlice I'm well aware. My point was that my comment made perfect sense to leave.
Since, when leaving it, I had no idea what he said.
@Wipqozn Yeah, I was mostly just messing with you.
@GnomeSlice ah, well, good job.
Also I think it was meant as an answer to the question.
I give up, how the hell do you search for a particular game on the site.
Remember that most translation programs are terrible.
@GnomeSlice On...? OC ReMix?
@Wipqozn Arqade...
How do I search for questions about a particular game.
I can't fucking figure out how to do it.
5 mins ago, by GnomeSlice
I really think the site search feature should automatically search tags FIRST.
just put that into the search bar.
our search feature doesn't search tags
our search is actually really terrible
@Wipqozn That's the stupidest thing I've ever seen.
How are new users supposed to know to do that?
@GnomeSlice They won't.
Then it's a shitty system.
@GnomeSlice if you get no results it's in the suggestions
@murgatroid99 There're almost always results, it looks at any of the words you enter in the search bar.
@murgatroid99 That reminds me. You really should get around to reading the FAQ @GnomeSlice.

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