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@StrixVaria D3 is currently my braindead game.
(nsfw sound - "Pyro goes to werk")
I throw on something to listen to in the background, and then proceed to murder stuff en-masse.
@StrixVaria Our user above disagrees that his question above is too broad. I've attempted to explain why we closed it.
@fbueckert Go buy a Founder's Pack for MWO :P
@fbueckert If he cares that much he'll open a meta. If he doesn't, I'm not going to bother myself with it.
@James Tell you what: You go out and grab one of the Gust games, and I'll buy MWO. Deal?
I managed to think of another one :3
@spugsley spite downvotes
@fbueckert THis.
Q: Fastest way to get a focus target in arena

imaginativeI'm new to PvP and arenas in general in world of warcraft. I've been getting better, but I'm losing a lot of time in arenas switching targets to help CC a crowd. I know that some more proficient PvPers like to do something like set a focus target, and use a focus modifier macro to say 'Blind' an ...

Q: Should I ever not use a Crystal Heart?

C. RossIn Terraria I've gathered a few Crystal Hearts and haven't taken the time to use them. Is there ever a time I shouldn't use a Crystal Heart right away?

Q: Does this Covetous Shen quote have a deeper meaning?

spugsleyAfter you rescue Covetous Shen from the water way in Act 2, he's pretty chatty. He talks about the architecture at one point stating, "You could walk all the way around the world and never see its like." Immediately following, he says something very curious, "Except for this part. I've seen thi...

@fbueckert bwahahahahaha
@Wipqozn being butthurt doesn't suit you
OMG SERIOUSLY? who downvoted this?
it's a good question!
@spugsley I don't see a down vote.
@fbueckert wow, I actually never considered that. You could make that the answer
it makes a lot of sense
and here I thought Blizzard was being clever. Silly me.
@spugsley ...That was a knee jerk answer.
@Wipqozn and you wonder why I think you're the worst.
@fbueckert I mean, it's quite possible. I was just hoping for more I guess :/
Blizzard and clever last met in 1998 :(
@spugsley Because I upvoted your question? My word, that's rather odd.
@Alok it's sad how true this is
seriously, my house smells motherfucking awesome right now
@spugsley Oh, hey. Does that mean you did get to buy a house, finally?
@fbueckert oh no. Still cramped in a one bedroom apartment :/ But we're talking with a realtor and we're about to go do a preapproval so yay :)
As for Shen, he's just random NPC who talks in riddles; so players have a white canvas to imagine him as being Malthus in disguise or other variations etc.
@spugsley You might find this interesting: tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/DiabloIII
@Alok Or he's just cracked. Could be he has a serious brain injury and we're not helping him by dragging him around the world.
@Alok oh my, this is quite interesting indeed
@spugsley That's good! It's such a feeling of accomplishment, owning your own home.
@fbueckert I'm so excited :p
@fbueckert Then an accidental heal mistargets him and he gets cured! (plot point to start D4?)
@Alok OH GOODNESS! And him and the Templar team up!
@Alok So we leave Diablo and company behind and start the quest to kill the 1001 Xainshi gods?
@spugsley never thought of that; both ex-mental cases? :)
...Actually, that would keep the expansions going for*ever*.
@fbueckert Not all of them; just the evil ones (who, conveniently for plot reasons, are overpowering the 'good guys')
Forget the five evils of hell over three games. With this, you have all the way up to at least 500 expansions.
@fbueckert That's a great deal; we should sell the idea to Metzen
@Alok Kotick would go, "No thanks, it sucks.", and the six months later, there it is.
Let's see - 4 major gods as end-bosses (Diablo must have 4 acts!) and say another 8 as mid-bosses
So, its not 500 expacs just 1001 / 12 (some of them might fit it a few more minibosses too)
@Alok We're still talking at least 75 or so.
That'll keep Blizzard in their money tower for at least my lifetime.
@fbueckert Sure, if you're an uppity peasant demanding royalty. Ask for name credits only, and they'll be happy to oblige
Maybe Metzen would love to get his paycheck and have some else as top billing for story >_>
Also, sidenote: When I tried to log in to bnet today after changing my password, I got a fun 403: Too many attempts error. Methinks the passwords stolen are being attempted.
nice, I haven't logged in yet - will see what items I have left tonight
@Alok I'm going to be waist deep in starship parts by that point.
You started Pegasus already?
@Alok As soon as I get home.
So if I disappear for a few days, that's where I am.
Hehe gl
@spugsley Heh. Someone actually DID downvote your question.
@fbueckert I saw :/ I thought it was a good question. I'm sad that the answer is a bit underwhelming. I was giving Blizzard too much credit
@fbueckert this sounds incredible scandalous to me
@spugsley Everyone wants a little blurb like that to be completely loaded and take on a whole new meaning.
@StrixVaria chill out.
you don't need to berate me with all caps like an immature brat
Whoa whoa whoa.
So I'm practicing matching sounds with a synth
I was going off the "StrixVaria thinks everything is stupid" meme.
I guess it's not a meme yet.
I still have work to do.
oh, lol, sorry then
Can anyone tell me how close this sounds to this?
cause I'm totally cool if you think my question is stupid. But don't be a dick about it :)
I was facetiously being a dick.
I don't actually think that.
@StrixVaria then I totally approve of this lol
@GnomeSlice They sound rather similar to me :)
I'm talking about the sounds, not the melody. But argh, that took me like an hour.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, like the individual notes have a similar sound
How am I supposed to do any music when it takes me like an hour to get one sound that I want.
@GnomeSlice Pretty close. The latter sounds more muffled compared to the former.
@MarkTrapp Yeah, I noticed that.
If you are trying to do an embedded youtube video on a comment do you just put the youtube link the comment or do you need to do anything else?
@GnomeSlice Or reverby. Whatever. It's got an added effect the former doesn't have
@Halfwarr On the main site? You can't do that. YouTube only embeds in answers and in chat, and in those cases, just make sure the YouTube URL appears on a line by itself
@MarkTrapp No, you're right, it's muffled.
@marktrapp I mean an answer, for an answer it would automatically embed it?
@Halfwarr Ah, yeah: as long as the URL is on its own line
If that doesn't work and you're using the shortened URL (e.g., "youtu.be"), try the full URL
@marktrapp yep that worked, I wasn't sure because the preview did not do that wanted to make sure
Ah yeah, it doesn't show up in preview
@MarkTrapp How does it compare now?
@gnomeslice it sounds very similar to me
@GnomeSlice Closer, the effect is more pronounced in the YouTube video
@GnomeSlice the youtube has a more tinny sounding feel
@MarkTrapp Yeah, I little bit, I guess. Blah, this took me so long, and that's all I have to show for it.
@Halfwarr Less bass?
I'm not basing it on the youtube video either (which won't load on my internet), I own the soundtrack.
Just turn the reverb up 16 milliwhetons
@MarkTrapp No more reverb, trust me.
@gnomeslice wonder if its just youtube's compression I am hearing the difference on
@Halfwarr Probably not, the youtube one is the original song, the dropbox one is my attempt to mimic the sound of the actual song.
With a wave generator, effects, and modulation.
@GnomeSlice does the youtube video sound like the soundtrack exactly that you have?
@Halfwarr I can't load the youtube video.
Try the youtube video in HD quality.
It'll sound a little different
Hmm, actually yeah, I think there also is a little more reverb in the actual song.
Bah, I give up, this isn't actually as close as I thought it was.
@gnomeslice sounds very similar to me
@GnomeSlice but yea its just slightly off to my ears of the orginal
@Halfwarr @MarkTrapp One more time, how does it compare now?
One Horrifying Account Of Working At Zynga http://tcrn.ch/PIcJhN by @joshconstine
@GnomeSlice Closer. I have no meaningful feedback on how you could improve it
That's okay, this is good practice.
@gnomeslicee yea same for me it sounds very very very close but I really do not know how else to describe it
A: How do the locking mechanics for monster's passive abilities work?

brianNot true, yellow locks can always be removed by infusing the same ability again (infusing HP +X% on top of a yellow locked HP +X% will remove the yellow lock). It is not logical, but that's how it works.

@Wipqozn ...Uh?
How is that meaningful feedback for me?
@GnomeSlice It has nothing to do with the post I replied to. I'm just notifying Mark of an answer which was meant to be a reply pointing out a possible error in his answer.
@Wipqozn OK. They're wrong last I checked, but OK
The whole point of Yellow Locking is to prevent abilities from dropping off from the list. If they unlocked as you added more passives, it'd defeat the purpose
Well, it's a bit more complicated than that and Yellow locked abilities can fall off, but what he's saying would indeed defeat the purpose of yellow-locking
Oh I see what he's saying now. It's a pretty pedantic point depending on what you count as "replacing"
Can someone with an internet connection please look at this and tell me what type of game Brant and I are supposed to be playing?
@GnomeSlice Dark Disputed
@MarkTrapp Pedantic you say? Sounds like he'll fit right in!
Answers need a "This answer was written more than 3 months ago, and the answerer likely has moved onto other games, so there's no need to be upset if it's not 100% accurate: just suggest an edit" banner. That blinks and scrolls and stuff.
Have you guys ever heard of the Fake Girlfriend phone thing? I just found out that my coworker of the last couple of months is the guy who made it
@murgatroid99 No.
@Wipqozn now you have
@murgatroid99 What is it?
@Wipqozn a number that replies to your texts with texts one might expect from a girlfriend
@RonanForman I can revert it, but I'm sans computer at the moment (PSU blown, joy) and my laptop becomes a jet while running Minecraft.
@murgatroid99 That's really, really sad.
5 hours ago, by Wipqozn
I haven't seen ThomasMacdonald in chat in ages.
@Wipqozn You haven't spelt my name right either.
@Wipqozn apparently it is also really popular
@ThomasMcDonald I know. I was testing you.
Has anyone seen @Brant lately, anyway?
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, well, at least I don't run on batteries.
@Wipqozn Neither do I
Mar 5 at 16:43, by OrigamiRobot
@ArdaXi I am powered by spite. It is an unlimited fuel source.
Mar 5 at 16:48, by OrigamiRobot
@ArdaXi I am also a spite producing robot. I am a free energy device.
It amuses me that somebody saw fit to write a ~4000 word essay on the etiquette of using the tube.
> Always have your mobile phone set to discreet. If it is ringing, answer it as quickly as possible. Then when you converse over the phone, be as quiet as you can. Then, after the conversation, set your phone to discreet. There is no need for that mistake to happen again.
@ThomasMcDonald trololol
@ThomasMcDonald That article is terrifyingly anxiogenic
@GnomeSlice That's definitely a little scary.
@badp Correct. As it should be.
I mean, imagine someone actually standing on the left of an escalator. It doesn't bear thinking about.
Q: How can I stop my Sim from having to use the toilet?

RondoThis seems to take a lot of time in the game, is there any way around it (diapers, etc.)?

Q: Can I Quit a Quest?

theJollySinI'm on a PS3. I have a ton of the Unusual Gem items stuck in my inventory. It was a long evening, and I have lost the chance to go back to a save point before I picked up the No Stone Unturned quest. These stupid rocks are taking up 12 "pounds" in my inventory and I have no interest in completi...

@James How 'bout this?
user image
@RedRiderX I lol'd
that's great
Why does it have one of those stupid happy faces on it?
@RedRiderX I am just.....awed. I actually teared up
@RedRiderX Yes, perfect!
@GnomeSlice Sometimes known as the Derp face.
@GnomeSlice Because bitches love happy faces.
@GnomeSlice I can't find the context, but the joke was me riding the short bus.
@RedRiderX No, I don't think it is known as that.
In other words it's really offensive.
@GnomeSlice Y U HA'IN?
First result:
I thought it was the 'awesome face'. It's not really a derp face.
That said, it was actually awesome face
@GnomeSlice It can be both.
Whatever, either way, I've no idea why it's so popular.
My first result for "derp face":
@RedRiderX That's the face you make when you've said something clever, not when you've said something dumb.
@RESPAWN Is it megaman
But that's the irony of it.
@Koviko I was also influenced by this:
@GnomeSlice I'm not sure I understand the question. lol
@RedRiderX Misunderstood image is misunderstood.
First place I ever saw it was at Newgrounds and it was to clarify when you were making a joke.
As an alternative to :P
@Koviko Herp is a cousin of Derp.
@Koviko Yeah, that was my first impression too, but I'm not sure of a suitable replacement.
It is similar to the newer Bad Joke Eel
Also, my new wallpaper is better than your wallpaper
sarcasm removed
@RedRiderX Haha. I thought the same thing until I actually clicked it.
I hate you all.
You only have yourself to blame, @Wipqozn.
Hmm, I was so often interrupted from finishing that picture... now that I'm done I'm not sure what to do.
@RedRiderX I suppose that's true.
@RedRiderX You can do anything. You have the rest of your life ahead of you now.
Q: Beginners guide for "Payday: The Heist"

David StockingerI have taken a look at this question and most points asked there were covered. However, I could not find anything similar to a tutorial or beginners guide or such. I suppose "First World Bank" should be one, but I feel like I'm running around without any plan, trying to find that bank manager. Th...

@Thomas I think it's been like that for a while, it's no big deal anyway.
When I'm bored sometimes I browse reddit.com/domain/stackexchange.com
It's interesting to see which questions reddit takes a liking to
@pixel heya
how is the bridge tonight?
Hello Bridge.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Heya :)
@pixel tired and carefully avoiding packing for camping as long as humanly possible
I keep double checking it's Friday... being asleep all day properly confuses me
@ThomasMcDonald I only now realized I finally have saved up enough metal to possibly get myself a Bill's.
This calls for celebrating!
@RedRiderX Beautiful :)
@James Thank you.
@RedRiderX We can now have a tortoise derp
@James So is this a chat meme now?
@RedRiderX I think @Wipqozn is a chat meme and anything around him..
@James True.
@James In otherwords I'm awesome.
@James Should we start listing @Wipqozn's sub-memes now?
@Lazers What's with the beginner's general questions we've been getting lately?
@RedRiderX I am not sure any of us has that kind of time :D
@fbueckert Assuming that's your close vote...
Q: Why do we allow questions asking for guides?

WipqoznThere's question type which has bugged me for a while: "Can someone provide me with a Guide for game X"? They seem to clearly fall under "Shopping Advice and Recommendation", and should therefore be closed as off-topic. However, we've never closed them and have several of them on the site. Some o...

@James Very true.
We only questions which are just people asking for a link.
I don't understand why.
but whatever.
@Wipqozn It's not guides themselves I'm worried about.
It's the "I don't know what I'm doing and I want you to teach me" questions. They're very broad.
Q: How do you breed a "Seasonal" Dragon

EBongoI see from the marketplace that you can now breed a new dragon called a "Seasonal" dragon, which also seems to have a unique habitat. What breeding combination is best to get this dragon? What is the breeding time? Also, is this dragon "limited"?

@Wipqozn Seriously, Where can I find overall information on XYZ == Shopping Advice?
4 hours, 2.7k views
@fbueckert Which he wants us to solve by providing him with a link. The community thinks that's okay.
@YiJiang Welcome to questions
As a sidenote, that's not my close vote.
ChatRoulette + guy in bikinis/dresses singing Call Me Maybe.
@Koviko Not Safe For Life.
@Wipqozn I see super-viral in it's future.
I wonder my max GW2 download rate with wifi vs. my new cable modem
@RavenDreamer Are you planning to play in the stress test?
Depends on how fast I download the updates since the last one!
1.2 megs a sec, 10k files to go
which, due to ANet nomenclature, tells us absolutely nothing about how long that might take
Doesn't look like it's going to be too long, @Wipqozn. Why do ya ask?
@RavenDreamer I was just curious.
I played sPVP during yesterdays stress test. It was a lot of fun. I only played PvE in the previous events.
During yesterdays stress test I was at work!
@RavenDreamer That must have been stressful hahahahaah
Not really. I didn't have my PC set up.
I'm currently rocking the floor of my Apartment
Ikea desk won't be here until next week! :(
That sucks :/
Oh, wow. Done already
To the GW2!
That reminds me, I think I should buy a new desk. Or saw off part of the legs on my current one.
Wow. These optimizations really work.
No more gpu whine on character creation / menus
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was fantastic.
@FAE Did you read pages 2-5? They're awesome as well, but you need to mess w/ google cache to get to them
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yep!
I'm sad there were only 5 pages
@YiJiang pretty sure that only works w/ google dns/opendns, no?
Q: What's an effective endgame Blade/* DPS build?

LessPop_MoreFizzSo, I find myself in the situation of having a far better Blade than any other weapon available to me. (A QL10.1 purp would tend to be.) Fortunately, thanks to doing my vertical progression using the Slayer deck, and tanking 5 man dungeons for quite a while now, I've purchased every single abilit...

Hmm, no. I'm not on Google DNS, at least not that I'm aware of
That's a search query, by the way
Not a URL
.oO( zzz )
@LessPop_MoreFizz > I have several cards that ask about penises growing to reach seven inches. It was almost always guys that were asking too. I’m not sure what that means, but I’m sure it means something.
@Lazers , @LessPop_MoreFizz Trivial nitpick: complement not compliment ಠ_ಠ
@Alok Not trivial at all. Soulja Alok, tellem.
@Koviko I have no idea what the 2nd sentence means :/
I'm more upset at LP making the mistake instead of random user; I expect tons of typos & bad grammar from the average post :D
@Alok Typos are expected. That's why the edit button exists.
I submit everything with typos.
Heh I've had to cancel well-written answers before because someone else posted a quick reply that addressed the question :p. I should do quick posts with an edit follow-up more often perhaps!
@Alok Every time I'm typing a long answer, I keep thinking "Just submit it now and finish it later, before it's too late!"

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