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tortoise swoosh to eat pizza
That is a very aggressive answer
@fbueckert i have informed our devs... we're arming teh lazers right now, pointing to his general direction
@Wipqozn it just came out this week. It is $11.29 (with Ontario tax, dunno what that works out for you) but it is SO fun.
@Jin ...Something tells me you're trolling me. :P
@fbueckert no. well, maybe not the lazer part. we don't have the technology, yet.
@Jin Wait, are we talking about the same job?
@fbueckert I have no idea.. I still don't know what this "job" is
@Jin And here I was, thinking we would get lazers
20 mins ago, by fbueckert
Convince SE to foot the bill for a giant meetup in Canada for Arqade users.
@fbueckert hmm you'll have to bug @lauren for that :)
@Jin I think we've been pinging her at random points about it. :P
Points Ashley's Lazers at Jin.
"She did it." <Presses the BUTTON>
@James Have you loaded up DragonVale today? >_>
@Ender >.> That's not nice
@AshleyNunn That's what mirrors are for.
Everyone knows that mirrors reflect Lazer's beam!
@fbueckert BUT I DON'T WANNA SHOOT ANYONE. I was raised Mennonite-ish! We are pacifists!
@AshleyNunn Then reflect it into the ground!
@Ender ish.
The ish is important.
We are...idk...progressive Mennonites, I suppose?
No offense intended, but why don't people just say I'm Christian?
@AshleyNunn For you. I'm stone-cold 100% Mennonite.
like this is silly
@fbueckert Ah. See I was raised in the church, but my family background isn't Mennonite.
im protestant i'm baptist, im' medthodist, i'm born again
@Ender shrugs it all means different stuff.
It's my favorite topic to not talk about on the Bridge again!
@ ashley no offense really, but i disagree
Shoots religious discussion with Lazers
@ashley I always felt you were either christian or catholic, and to heck with the subcatagories. But, whatever makes someone happy.
@Ender That's cool, I wasn't intending to start a religious convo....I tend to prefer to not, especially on teh internet in a Gaming room
Back to Legends of Pegasus!
@fbueckert See, this, this is okay shooting
@fbueckert I am playing Planet Crashers. It is FUN
wait wait wait
you wont shoot people
but you'll shoot religious ideals?
@Ender That's a better thing to shoot, actually. More progressive.
Oops I should shut up now.
@Ender I shoot discussions. In a not so subtle attempt to change the subject. :P
@StrixVaria gives Strix a cupcake as a distraction
@AshleyNunn I'm on a diet :(
i need ideas
hey, on the subject of cake
@Jin Lasers.
where did the meme "The cake is a lie" come from?
@StrixVaria I can make weight watchers approved cupcakes. That was a task and a half. but I can do diet cupcakes
hey, i should ask that
@Ender Portal.
@Ender Portal.
my wife 'n i are planning a trip. sometimes from now till next summer. we've been to most cities in NA that we wanted to.
Never got around to playing that
so instead of sight seeing a specific city, we'd love to hit up a convention. any suggestions?
geeky conventions that is
@Jin Around when?
@fbueckert basically, in the next 12 months
We have a sort of Comic-con type thing here in October.
I'm thinking about SDCC next year for now
@Jin that would be cool. On a smaller webcomic-y comic type deal, there is TCAF in Toronto
we're posting photos from our childhood in work chat today. so fun
^ me 4yrs old
Barring that, there's a small anime convention I help plan and organize. Usually around November some time.
I love how I keep having to make new tags for the things I play. :P
@Jin Some alternatives: Emerald City ComiCon in Seattle which should be in March... Or PAX Prime, which is also in Seattle in August of next year. =P
@Fluttershy I have always wanted to hit both of those.
@Fluttershy we do like Seattle, a lot.
@Jin I enjoyed my few years living close-ish.
I didn't like Portland as much... maybe I just went to the wrong part of the town. was only there for one day
Well, I'm out the door for home, all! Be back in a bit.
@AshleyNunn: What was the name of the game again?
@Wipqozn Planet Crashers
@Jin Does the weather honestly become a problem
I'm sitting on over 250 sunny days a year
@tiddy well, the 4 days I spent in Seattle were all sunny!
Can't lie, it's good for my moods
True facts: Portland has less rain than New York.
@MarkTrapp That doesn't surprise me. The state of New York is orders of magnitude larger than the city of Portland.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. I meant the city.
@Jin Do you remember what part?
@AshleyNunn You should add the wiki summaries too, though I guess its a good chance for me to check them and works towards that badge which tracks wiki edits
@Alok haha I keep forgetting those
@Jin How much do you like live music?
(this will dramatically affect my response).
Q: How do I know how close I am to levelling up?

Ashley NunnThere are a few things I have to wait to be a certain level to do (the biggest one being level 5 to leave Lushie Greenie), and I have no idea when I will hit those levels. I am currently level 4, so I know I will hit it eventually, but I would like to have some idea of how much longer it is going...

Q: Is it possible to win as the early game underdog?

theoriseSo I am playing as the Byzantine's and I have a 214 player score. I am next to Russia who are on 439 points. They declared war on me early game and I fended off their attack, but the score gap is just increasing. Is it possible to come back from being at such a disadvantage? If so what tactics c...

Q: How to breed Olympus dragons on dragonvale

NatI just got on dragonvale today and there were three new rare dragons, bronze Olympus, silver Olympus, and gold Olympus. They look strange but they are rather new so I just wanted to know if anybody was able to breed them.

@MarkTrapp key difference between NYC rain and Pacific Northwest rain: Pacific northwest it rarely rains hard but it rains very very often. NYC rain comes much less often, but it is generally in the form of serious downpours.
(This is at least true of Seattle rain vs. NYC rain. I have no firsthand experience of Portland).
A large contributor to the less rain is the two months of virtually no rain in the summer, whereas it precipitates year round in the northeast
@MarkTrapp downtown area, near that big bookstore.
@LessPop_MoreFizz depends on how drunk i am. i normally don't like live music, just because they're so loud
unless, it's electronic music :)
@Jin Ah, yeah. Gotta hit up the east side of the river. Alberta/Hawthorne/etc.
@MarkTrapp there were homeless people everywhere.. or hipsters.. or both. i couldn't tell
Probably both. All the hipsters who came here in 2002-2007 to make pottery or hemp furniture or whatever didn't expect a recession
@Jin well, for electronic music there's Miami during WMC, but WMC's vibe is decidedly not what I'd reccomend if you aren't a serious aficionado or a serious partier.
So, festival based reccomendations are out then..
@LessPop_MoreFizz probably not. I suggested Mardi Gras, but my wife shot it down
@Jin If you're going to do the comiccon thing, than San Diego and NYC are really the two best choices. Video game, do Pax Prime or Pax East. If you want to do it old school, you could go to Gencon, but iirc that's in the middle of nowhere.
@Jin okay then. No SXSW arts, no CMJ.
@Lazers wow, that's the fastest I've seen a dragonvale question get spammed with non-answers
I've always been super super fond of the Smithsonian Folklife Festival which happens every summer and takes over the National Mall.
If an answer is completely wrong, do we just downvote? Or should it be flagged?
maybe a ren faire..
It's just this massive themed crafts festival/museum exhibit/performance event.
but i'd feel sooo out of place..
The best one was 2002, when they turned the Mall into a trip across the Silk Road from Italy to China with exhibitors from every country and city along the road.
@LessPop_MoreFizz interesting.. then i may have the perfect outfit for it..
^ that is me
@Fluttershy Just downvoted
@Fluttershy Not An Answer flags are for posts which don't attempt to answer the question, not for wrong or poorly written answers.
You should down vote + leave a comment explaining the answer is wrong.
Best suggested edit ever on one of my questions:
@Wipqozn What about answers that are ages after another answer, and just regurgitate the same info? It adds to clutter and contributes zero value, what actions can we take?
@LessPop_MoreFizz That sounds like ridiculous fun
@AshleyNunn Can't argue with that...
@RedRiderX As long as it isn't saying I am one.
If I still played WoW, I'd totally go to Blizzcon
my friends who went last year had a great time
@Alok I'd just leave them alone tbh.
Q: Dealing with duplicate answers

authenticgeekSome people are just innately helpful, I suppose. When they arrive at a q&a site they must immediately post their answer to a question, regardless of its answered status. I've been noticing it consistently, but I'm not sure how to deal with it. Most recent example is this where the answer is...

Q: How do we handle duplicate answers?

fbueckertPreface: I have read the original question, and the followup. However, there doesn't seem to be any consensus on what should be done with them. Introduction As Arqade grows, we are attracting lots of new users. Many of these users will attempt to contribute to the site by providing an answer t...

We've had two metas on the topic, each with opposing views.
@Wipqozn I already do that; but there is no recourse to help cleanup the question thread? I see more new users posting like that in past few days :/
I agree with bwarners post:
A: Dealing with duplicate answers

bwarnerI've had the same thoughts. Part of me thought that we should purge them with fire. But then I started thinking about what things must look like from the perspective of these new users. They find a new gaming site. It looks like it might be kind of cool. So they start searching for their f...

It can be a good way for users to post their first question and get engaged in the site. so long as they don't just copy-paste another users answer, or just state "yeah, answer X is right", I just leave them alone.
@Wipqozn So, leave a comment explaining that dups don't add value; delete after 48 hrs. Disagree with bwarner in that case, though I do agree new users should get some hand holding to help
@Alok I think you're looking at the wrong post.
I agree with @fbueckert in the other question you posted.
What can I say; I'm just that awesome.
What the crap, @Jin? Hit the wrong button or something?
Q: Dell Laptop, Any game: FPS starts out good but drops to terrible over time

Jorn van de BeekI'm playing on a Dell Studio 1558 core i5 M520 @ 2.4 GHz ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5470 4 GB of RAM Windows 7 For some games sooner than others, but for most games I play (Arma 2, Tribes Ascend, Battlefield BC2) FPS starts out playable at 20-30 but then starts dropping over time to an unplayable...

Q: Why do people change my answers to these questions?

UnknowNEvery time I answer people change it. It's like you cannot control your answers!

@AshleyNunn Just so you know, you're a poo
@Wipqozn Yeah, I am aware of my poo-status. :P
@Wipqozn hey, I rejected that edit. don't you go calling people a poo based on rejected edits. poo.
@Wipqozn ....this is the cutest thing ever
it is totally my desktop background now :P
@AshleyNunn ever?
@OrigamiRobot Possibly....
Maybe not ever, but cutest thing in a while that I can make a desktop background out of
@Lazers And everyone says I'm against new users. :P
@AshleyNunn My current desktop background is something I frankensteined out of pictures I found online.
@fbueckert Nice. I don't have those sorts of skills
@AshleyNunn It's called copying and pasting. :P
crashes through success
@Fluttershy Why do you ask?
@fbueckert Haha fair enough
Found a nice planet background, and I found Samus's spaceship from Prime 3 on a white background. Dump ship onto background, and success!
The opening ceremony didn't suck, so there's a surprise.
@RonanForman Olympics?
@fbueckert Nice. :)
Yup, 'limpics.
@RonanForman Well that's good.
@RonanForman Stupid things.. The tube that goes to them is also one that goes to one of our clients
They are taking a month or so off since they can not get to work
Right i nthe middle of an upgrade!
Oh yeah @RonanForman has olympics all over him right now.
They've known for 7 years, the could have planned better.
Holy crap, who's hammering the front page of crap before I can get to it? Stupid mods, I need my flags!
@fbueckert This. I hate it when I go to flag/comment on something and a mod beats me to it... I need to whore my helpful flag count!
@Wipqozn Somebody's really on top of it today.
Even a minute old answer is gone before I can look at it.
@agent86 I blame you! Quit being so damn efficient!
WOAH. whats up with this guy? gaming.stackexchange.com/users/30068/unknown
ive never seen a new user who looked more like nothing but a troll EVER. and I play MobA games, so that says something.
@Ender He's probably 13 and going, "Hey, this looks like a cool place!"
@fbueckert :(
check out his meta question. its a riot. meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/5178/…
@fbueckert what?
@Jin That meta post.
Rollback, lock, unlock.
Looks like you hit the wrong button or something
@James New dragons. Also, an update made mine completely unplayable for some reason.
@fbueckert which one?
@agent86 Ah, but is it at least as funny?
Q: Why do people change my answers to these questions?

UnknowNEvery time I answer people change it. It's like you cannot control your answers!

@fbueckert possibly!
@fbueckert ok what does that have to do with me? :) i saw your ping
@fbueckert are you perhaps confusing Jin and Juan?
25 mins ago, by fbueckert
What the crap, @Jin? Hit the wrong button or something?
Oh, derp.
JQAn = Juan
@agent86 Names similiar! I mix it up!
Jin doesn't have moderator powerz on arqade
@Fluttershy o.O
Or I'm just pinging you for shits and giggles. Either or.
@Fluttershy You are not racing your dragons!?
@fbueckert thou shall not abuse the bat signal!
@Jin You're not a bat. You're stripes!
@RonanForman The Holodeck froze over again...
It takes a tru geek to read this chatroom and not be repelled the sheer randomness ensued.
@Ender Just roll with it. Can't understand everything.
If everyone else is playing in the ballpit, shrug and jump in.
@fbueckert Well it doesn't help when people say things that are purposefully confusing.
Like this:
@RedRiderX Context is important! Missing something from what I said?
@RedRiderX flags as spam
@RedRiderX Now I am hungry
@fbueckert admits and deletes
@RedRiderX Note that I wouldn't actually flag you for something in chat, unless I found it really offensive; confirming chat flags gives an automatic time out.
Time out!?
Do i have to wear a dunce hat? :(
which, might i add, look suspiciously like a KKK hat?
not cool.
@fbueckert Even a single flag? or it is multiples like with close votes etc.
@Alok It's 5 or 6, I think.
Huh. You can get the Yearling badge more than once.
Or one from a mod from any site
That makes more sense, ty
Q: Catalog Heaven glitch?

UnknowNIn Catalog Heaven, when you get a Gravo gun and shoot it, you get a dropped gear. If you then pick it up, you die. Does anyone know why this happens?

Q: Is it possible to achieve the No Mercy heist without triggering the alarm while playing solo with IA?

AntoI can't find a way to crowd control the civilians during the first part of the level when I play with the IA. They don't provide any help to take down the video cameras and don't spread and prevent hostages from pushing alarm buttons, they don't answer the phone... Also I think there's someth...

@Ender Good, I'm not the only one who thought so
@Lazers This was all OVER the place before I fixed it.
@Mbraedley about the chat transcript or the dunce hat?
@Ender The user.
The dunce known as UnknowN
The arrow points to the post being replied to if you click it.
o. yea that guy is a troll. nothing but. i say boot him but i'm no mod and probably its better that way. however my standing remains stable. Nuke Him.
I didnt see the arrow, now I do.
I was going to say something earlier, but my stomach decided otherwise
I use a labtop more often than not and with the angle of the screen sometimes I miss lightly colored objectes
@Ender I'm usually all for killing new users that don't follow the rules, but I think this guy was just enthusiastic.
it had made it off the screen, sorry about that
@Fbuecket again, this is why its probably good that I'm not a mod. lol
Now, if we get some more spam from him, give him a timeout. But it's rare to actually get a new user that doesn't just go, "What? My answer was deleted? Screw this!"
@fbueckert If @AshleyNunn gets a new identity as Pooo, we know who enabled it ಠ_ಠ
@Alok Don't give her ideas! She'd probably change her username to Pooh!
That can only be allowed if she agrees honey > bacon
Pooh is awesome. in every way. Period. Ashley has my support.
Wow, the Olympics opening ceremony parade is incredibly boring
@Alok What about honey coated bacon
@MBraedley It kind of always is.
@MBraedley The opening ceremonies should be a death match between all the competing teams. Edge of your seat excitement!
Also, shortest olympics ever.
@ashleyNunn honety coated bacon is like diamond coated gold. really?
@Ender Really. Honey bacon would be awesome
You guys are awesome.
@Ender Now I want honey bacon.
@AshleyNunn dont blame this on me. you guys brought it up.
@AshleyNunn Me too. @Ender is a jerk.
@Ender Too Late :D
wtf?!? lol
@Ender I did nothing :P
@MBraedley Like NASCAR, you watch it for the crashes. The crashes in this case being the talking heads committing potential international incidents by mischaracterizing whatever country happens to be walking by
I got into a major fight with my wife like an hour and a half ago, and I'm honestly thanking you all for cheering me up with this nonensense involving honey coated bacon
friggin ridiculous. ima go makup with the missus. ya'll have a goodnight
@MarkTrapp That already happened with the North Korean flag mix-up
"Kazakhstan: that's the country that attacked us on 9/11, isn't it Bob?" "You're right, Greta."
@MBraedley Haha, I saw that.
@MarkTrapp I just spent a year in afghanistan, and ... uh... NO!.
@AshleyNunn Mmmm that is ... interesting ... maybe you can get a pass then, but you still need to prefer honey over bacon
@Ender Tell that to Greta!
I just had lunch, stuffed - and now I'm thinking of food again >_>
@James I am racing them. Yes.
@Alok If you just ate and the thought of food doesn't make you at least slightly ill, you didn't eat enough.
@Fluttershy My biggest score so far has been 36,000,000 XP :D
@James 2250 food. <_<
@Fluttershy The food rewards seem lacking to me :/
@James Yeah....
@fbueckert Oh it does; and I'm slightly upset because I want to have only nice thoughts about honey + bacon
@Alok So re-read the conversation in a couple of hours. :)
@fbueckert Oh I will just remember honey bacon when I'm actually hungry (and get hungrier), no need to even re-read ;)
@fbueckert I was tempted to edit the question.
@Koviko I did. :P
@fbueckert Haha oh my God! He reverted the typos back to the original!
@Koviko And that got prompty reverted. :P
@fbueckert That's beautiful.
@Koviko He was probably already editing something before @fbueckert got the edit through.
@RonanForman That's my guess; and then he mashed a button.
@RonanForman Likely. Otherwise, he purposely deleted what @fbueckert wrote and pasted what he had originally.
Mashed a button?
Which is an odd response.
@RonanForman Notice the edit history? Post locked, then unlocked, all within the space of a minute.
I don't know what question you're talking about.
Q: Why do people change my answers to these questions?

UnknowNEvery time I answer people change it. It's like you cannot control your answers!

Oh, it actually was a straight roll back, maybe he got over protective.
Q: How much RP can I get at no cost

AlokAt level 3, new summoners get a 400 RP bonus. Are there other ways to earn RP using such bonuses or promotions like the Tristana and Alistar free promos?

Q: How can I properly aim frontal cone attacks?

KovikoFrontal AoE attacks (generally known as "cone" to ranged and "cleave" to melee) such as Cone of Cold and Dragon's Breath are extremely useful in PvP... When they don't miss. However, when they do miss, not only have I wasted a GCD, but I have also opened myself up to attack since I have to be in ...

Holy crap, if Bastion is as good as the game's music at the opening screen....

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