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Happy Naw Ruz, Bridge! It's a brand new year, and even though it's off to a bit of a rough start...we're here, together, trying to make the world good. You're all awesome, and I am so glad for all of you!
Q: Which retro console is the best for Tekken, Virtua Fighter 2, KOF and MK1-3?

user3013494I'm a big fan of retro games. I want to owe this original fighting games instead of modern versions. Currently I'm choosing between Sega Genesis, Saturn, DreamCast and PS2 (primarily because of Shadow of Colossus). Which one is the best for my list of favorite games?

1 hour later…
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I'm trying to find online games I can play with people in my life that aren't into many video games (office peeps, board game people, etc).
So I started building a list.
Q: Launching to space in minecraft server crashes Galacticraft

GabeSo, my friend is running a group minecraft server hosted on his computer. Everything was going fine, until last night. I launched to space from my space station, and got this error message. Every attempt at rejoining ends the same way: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/684519853268533276/6...

Q: What game controllers are compatible with Amazon FireTV Stick and available in India?

DDCI am from India, I've tried searching the e-commerce websites but can't find a game controller for my FireTV Stick, can anyone suggest a product available online to buy in India?

If anyone has any more recommendations I'm all ears
2 hours later…
I've been looking at the name island screen for 20 minutes
Q: Grand theft auto v

Serial_Bowl24I try help they people some cant play from disabled very mad and i report get modder no anymore all people will trouble or get police report enter home all address why kick for people disabled no reason... I try help they people refuse enter game loading orange not work and loading white still w...

Q: Dota 2 workshop content keeps downloading in the background

abin shajiI checked online for solutions , I unsubscribed all the workshop items, I unchecked all the dlc on the list . The issue still persists . It keeps downloading 5-20 KB files in the background and it never stops. This causes lag spikes in game . Can somebody please help me with this?

1 hour later…
Q: My PSN avatar keeps changing to default one. How can I stop it?

arghtypeThis is a really weird issue, but my PSN avatar is changed to default one every week or two. I have no idea why. I only use my PSN account from PS4. It's very annoying to change it back to something all the time. I've searched online, but found only some "me too" threads (1, 2). How can I stop m...

1 hour later…
Q: What does this symbol mean in Fallout 4?

ZachTalonGamesYTI've come across this symbol a few times in Fallout 4. It's reminiscent of the shadow marks in Skyrim, so I assume there's an actual meaning behind the symbol, but I cant figure it out. Does anyone know what it means? Also, is there anything in the game that identifies and explains this and/or ot...

Q: Colored armors whit commands bedrock editon

benden kan-alPlease help me i cant color my armors whit commands İ am in ps4 (bedrock) editon help meh

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Q: Benchmarking doom eternal

lukegIs there any built-in benchmark in Doom Eternal? I'd like to play with video options to squeeze as much as possible out of my PC and I am looking for a consistent way to measure the performance effects. I didn't find any benchmarking option in menu, maybe something is accessible from the console?

Weird but fun. And free
I used to play this regularly
No idea how it's changed since then
This one's a bit more complicated but like the best online risk style game atwar-game.com
Played a ton of that but I suck at it
Also free
@RedRiderX Small World 2 on steam. Bit buggy but great online version of an awesome board game
Complicated rules but worth
@fredley Someone pointed out the level on context you'd need to understand these jokes
Like, understanding of the format, current events
@Ronan I think that's what made the previous one so good. Like it was just a totally empty strip. You had to recognise the format from just the layout, understand the meme, current events etc.
Mar 16 at 14:45, by fredley
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@Ronan Every joke requires some form of context. Like, for the joke "when is a door not a door? when it's ajar" requires to know what a door is, what a jar is and that a door can be ajar
Yeah, but I mean it's a joke that's only funny to people who are extremely online
Welcome to the Bridge I guess
@Ronan imagine if someone in 100 years found that image and had no idea about any of it
Animal crossing makes you 3arcg a trailer for itself lol
Oh nintendo
@GnomeSlice That one you at least get some clues from facial expressions
ah, finally a breakthrough: The library I'm trying to integrate used a newer version of a dependency that's part of our environment, so we'll have to wait until the environment has been updated before we can finish this integration
Q: Can you have 2 different islands on the same Switch?

Fredy31In AC: New Horizons, does it work like old animal crossings where there's only one town per system or, since there's the profiles option on the switch, its one town per profile? Asking because my SO will receive another switch by mail in a week, and she is starting on our old switch... but when ...

@Unionhawk it's probably too late for you but: AC island name generator
Also, I have oranges
@RedRiderX Third name I generated contained a intelligence slur...
@Unionhawk +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That's- fr+m/ a/polllo
but I was going to say I just named it after my favourite book series, BECAUSE I'M A NERD
@Nzall wow that's surprising most names seem like vague phonetic gibberish
@RedRiderX I got the name "Tardanas". Already reported it to him on his Twitter.
@Nzall I...what?
That's a stretch
Even googling I can't figure out where that slur is from
I guess it's a Spanish word, but I can't find anything about it being a slur
:53853530 That's....not how words work :/
sorry, should have said that differently. tard is often used as a shortening of retard
Yes I know
and most people would consider that word a slur for someone with low intelligence
Yes, I know
or at the very least an insult
oh wait, you mean "what island caused him to generate that name"?
No, I meant a word isn't a slur because it contains a substring which is a slur
@Wipqozn I didn't say that. I said I got a name that CONTAINED a slur
and he asked to report any names that might be offensive
Okay, I gotta get to work.
@Ronan @RedRiderX @Unionhawk We'll need to arrange a fruit exchange at some point. I got oranges.
@Wipqozn Actually I don't even have a switch yet someone just shared this link with me :(
I've been going back and forth on whether or not to buy a switch for a while now maybe this is the time to bite the bullet
@Nzall a lot of what makes a word hurtful is the context it's used in.
@RedRiderX honestly, I'm fairly sure that Nintendo would never allow anyone to name their island anything containing a slur, regardless of context
Tardiness is an extant word with its own meaning but I'm sure someone could wield it as a bludgeon.
like, I guarantee you that if you enter the name "tardanas" as your island name, Nintendo is going to say "nope"
Because there's no matchmaking and you can only visit friends they're going to allow basically anything
@Nzall That might be the case but that's a very weak kinda filter
It's prone to false positives of all kinds
@RedRiderX Wouldn't you agree that an name generator for a game that generates names that are not allowed to be used by that game misses the point? Like, sure, there are other words that contain that word without being a slur, but if you are generating input for a system, it's not a good idea to generate input that the system will reject
I just realised I'm going to lose my fade if I can't get get a haircut so I might have to buy a trimmer to do it myself
But my point is if this is only an island name that's really only used in that context there's a much higher bar to what reads as a slur
@Nzall if Nintendo filters the word than sure
But you're the one assuming that not me
That's probably a pain to check too. I heard that you can only have one Island per device?
@RedRiderX I would assume that Nintendo, one of the most family friendly names in gaming, is going to uphold that image, especially in this age of internet and streaming where it's impossible to predict who is going to see the name
TBH I don't really have a lot of experience with modern Nintendo games so I can't really say one way or the other on whether this field shown only to yourself and friends would be filtered.
Because otherwise you're gonna have some random streamer name their island after the N-word and Nintendo will get a lot of angry letters from parents whose children end up seeing that
That's the message it comes up with, so I suspect there isn't a filter and they're just asking you to be nice
@Ronan can you delete an island? Or is it permanently attached to your Switch?
I think you can delete it, but you can't have two or transfer them or anything
@Ronan do you already own it? Like, if you haven't started your island yet, could you try and create an island named Tardanas? If it works, you can always delete it
I've just named my island
I didn't want to accidentally pick that name
I'm sure the information will be on a wiki in a day or two
I'm going to ask a question about it. Maybe someone who hasn't started playing yet is willing to try it out.
I mean, you can, but other than idle curiosity I don't really see the point
@RedRiderX Yeah I used it
usgamer.net/articles/… claims you cannot enter anything containing profanity
Question created
Q: Does Animal Crossing: New Horizons have an offensive words filter for the island name?

NzallIn the Bridge chatroom, today we had a discussion on whether Animal Crossing: New Horizons would allow the name "Tardanas" (a name that was randomly generated by one of the online name generators) because the name contains an offensive word. Some of us think that the "no offensive words please" m...

Gross lol
I mean I use this browser but
@RedRiderX Neerrrddddd
@RedRiderX Doooo iiiitttt. Be cool like me and @Ronan! Also, @Unionhawk owns it too.
@Unionhawk What fruit do you have?
I've got oranges, ronan peaches, a buddy of mine has access to cherry....
Q: How is your score calculated in a climb?

QwerkyI am enjoying the daily climbs in Slay The Spire and would like to get on the first page of the leaderboard. Some of the scoring is obvious (points per enemy, elite & boss), but other scores are less obvious. It seems there are hidden mini achievements in a run that grant points. Is there a list ...

Q: How can I get this balloon present?

UnionhawkSo I was minding my own business on the island and noticed this balloon floating by: I don't know where it came from, but that's really not the issue. What I want to know is how am I supposed to get a balloon present down to the ground? I tried swinging at it with my net, but that didn't work,...

@Lazers2.0 @Unionhawk I love questions where you pretend not to know what the answer is
No this one I genuinely have no idea lol
because I need another item that makes sense!
Oh it's a slingshot
I assumed you'd played previous games
I have never played an animal crossing game
except pocket camp I guess
Oh cool you can use left and right to switch held items
You can buy the recipe for a slingshot from Timmy btw
I almost sent a picture to my whole office with a sock in it. I've learned from my past mistakes though, and moved the sock out of the way first!
@Unionhawk Well that's surprising.
I don't think they'd care, not everyone is as weird as us
Never too late to start being one of the cool kids though
@Ronan Someone just shared a picture which contained a box off 22 year old unopened cereal
It was a collectors item
Okay, not everyone obsesses over every detail in pictures like us
I found an unopened bottle of coca cola at an antique store from like the 50s
Definitely has cocaine in it
@Wipqozn You did make me check and it looks like the Switch is out of stock on Amazon atm
Though they seem to think it'll be in stock soon.
@RedRiderX Lot's of folks probably buying them now due to being stuck inside
@Ronan Accurate
@Unionhawk oh gosh.
I played just for a little bit after midnight, and not going to lie I am VERY MUCH looking forward to playing after work.
It felt weirdly like coming home. It was cozy and safe.
@Wipqozn I've got apples!
@Ronan hey me and you have the same hair
@Ash It's my rl hair without the undercut
@Ronan I couldn't find one that looked like my hair so I went with the one that felt the most okay.
@Ash TIL you have a switch
Honey, we're friends on Switch and everything :P
I have had one for...quite a while XD
I just haven't played much since Link's Awakening really
I'm very observant of those around me
Oh yes you are hte most observant turtle
Hmm... should I upgrade my tent?
@Ronan No
I should take my lunch break soon, and play
hmm... can I get the vaulting pole or other river crossing things before placing the museum?
I kiiiind of wanted to put it on that little island lol
I feel like a chump
y'all so far ahead of me
@Unionhawk I assume so, also you can move stuff
And as we all now, AC is a race
@Ronan Oh the second part works
Upgrading the tent is like an hour of play
Hey I am gonna be waaaaay behind y'all, I only played long enough last night to get to the part where it uses the realtime clock
I imagine the museum is quite far away
You just need to bring Tom 5 different fish/bugs
Oh huh, well I guess don't do that until you have the pole
I just have Blathers' tent in my inventory it's fine
oh wait
that's just where he lives and also you have to place it to get the recipe
But again, since you can move all buildings it's fine
The plaza and airport are the only ones you can't move
But moving things costs bells I think
I assume everything costs bells
because that's how Nook rolls lol
I hope the autosave works properly and I don't need to remember to save and quit when I turn off the console
> person who created echo: robots have so much more potential than just weapons of destruction
> also person who created echo: lol imma make another murderbot
@RedRiderX Mine should be arriving tomorrow.
Oh wait, just got a text that it should be arriving today.
Mine is arriving by "end of day", which unfortunately means I actually have to do work today
Aww, boo for work lol
Q: Can two players with homes on the same island play at the same time without sharing a screen?

glibdudMy wife and I would like to share a home island, which is easy enough to do on a single Switch since all players on a console share the same island. What we'd really like to do is play at the same time though, each with our own screen (i.e. not the local multiplayer where everyone is tethered to ...

Q: Trying to play Counter Strike 1.6 with friends across the globe

Amir BaumI was wondering if there is any way I can play with my friends (they are in Argentina and I'm in Israel) Counter Strike 1.6 without crazy lag. We have been playing by making dedicated servers on each part of the world but those who are on the opposite country of the server has a huge lag. We all ...

Q: Why didn't the arcade machines keep on "scaling" as the years went by?

Dreddy BurtisGrowing up in the early to mid 1990s, visiting various arcades was truly fascinating. At home, the SNES already felt amazingly futuristic, and its games endlessly fascinated and impressed me. Yet, stepping into an arcade was like walking into a time machine ten years into the future. (From my per...

@Lazers2.0 I'm tempted to try to reply to this, but it's mostly just a rant
@Lazers2.0 This question really needs to be scaled down a bit. I think it's got potential to be interesting but right now it just reads like a rant.
I posted an answer
For the WoW players: Blizzard has given everyone on retail a 100% bonus EXP buff for the next month as a COVID-19 measure
Q: How can I use a 3.5mm Headphone jack as mic only and have a usb headset as output only

CodeWrittenSo I have a USB headset but the mic on it is broken so I have a mic that I'm trying to use over 3.5mm headphone jack but connecting that to the controller takes over output and input and trying to tell PS4 that the headset on controller is only input and not both, it symmetrically tries to put 1 ...

Q: What specific criteria are required to create a house for a villager in Minecraft?

OrtundThe wiki isn't very clear on what constitutes a house. Simply, it says that a villager would consider a bed a house. Does this mean that as long as there's an unobstructed bed, it won't matter what the building looks like?

Q: How to activate different mods in different areas in minecraft?

James GesselI am creating a minecraft server, specifically based around the pixelmon mod. I am running Minecraft 1.12.2 Java edition, Pixelmon Reforged 1.7.2, with a few mods such as world edit, effortless building, biomes o plenty, etc. I am trying to figure out if there is a way to have different mod con...

@MageXy And it's off-topic
@Wrigglenite Is it? You could certainly make an argument that it's opinion based, but I feel like it could be a Good Subjective question.
It's not on the on-topic list, but it's not really on the off-topic list either...
No, it's developer intent
There's nothing subjective about it, really
It's not developer intent as I understand it
The reason we make "developer intent" off topic is that questions like "why did this one developer do this thing" can only really be answered by that one developer.
This question is more about general market and technology trends
It's still guessing, so
It requires analysis and synthesis of information
I don't have to guess what any particular developer is/was thinking to say "the kind of thing you're suggesting would be generally unprofitable in today's market"
Definitely my most impressive city so far
@murgatroid99 Because we know the answer
But that's still off-topic
I don't see it fitting into any off-topic reason
Q: Smeargle's possibility as far as Sketch

user245787Its pretty dang simple. Can Smeargle sketch moves but pass them to Pokemon that cant learn them legally via Egg? Thats what I needed.

Q: How can I get a shovel?

AshI would really like to bury these peaches my mom sent so I can grow more peaches, but I don't have a shovel! I figure it's a DIY recipe, but do I have to do something specific to unlock it?

Yeah, lots of people think developer intent should be off-topic only when the answer isn't known
That's not what I'm saying
I'm saying that it's not a question that can only be answered by understanding or guessing at the intentions of specific developers
...which is saying that we know the answer, so it's fine
Please stop putting words into my mouth
It's not a question about the intentions of individual developers, so it doesn't fit our "developer intent" close reason
What is a question about the intentions of individual developers?
If not one asking why they did something
The way I read it, it's not asking "why did this developer do this?" but rather "why has there been this general trend in game development?"
The difference being...?
is actually reading the thing closely god this is such a phenomenally bad question on topic or no
Yeah, "Why do they not make games like they used to" is not exactly stellar
@Wrigglenite I don't understand why you can't see the difference
Q: I changed my xbox gamertag but it didnt go to my Minecraft PE

CambreeI am on my ipad and I made an account for Minecraft PE, but I still have the original xbox username instead of the new one I just made.

Q: What exactly does the selling point "10 times higher geometic detail" of Id Tech 7 mean?

MarcusId Tech 7's main selling point has been that it has "10 times the geometric detail" of the predecessor. Does this actually mean something, or is it marketing garbage? I don't know about 3d engines, but arbitrarily increasing the number of poligons is something any engine can do; if they refer t...

like what are you talking about literally the whole reason is people don't go to arcades because they have home consoles
@murgatroid99 Well, I'm sorry
Game history is a bit of a squishy area, I can kind of see game dev, but it's not a perfect fit I think
@Unionhawk I think their sticking point, which I addressed in my answer, is that arcade games used to be able to do things home consoles simply couldn't do, and they seem to think that that is still the case.
Right yeah
I guess you could cram in like 4 RTX cards and get ray tracing in 4K, but you'd still have to develop a whole game that is worth going to an arcade to play in 4K with ray tracing, and you'd still be better off just releasing it on PC with really nice looking max graphics settings
Yeah, not like there are arcades looking to buy a new cabinet that isn't essentially just a PC with joysticks (which is what I assume Killer Queen stations are)
(yeah looks like it)
@Unionhawk most arcades currently pretty much are consumer-grade hardware with some custom controllers
AFAIK at least
Doesn't make sense to use custom processing units for something where consumer grade hardware suffices
New ones, anyway, off the top of my head most of the stuff at local barcade is pretty old except Killer Queen and like, the regular consoles
and probably a bunch of the pinball machines
yeah, but even then, I think a lot of the machines in newer arcades are essentially just emulators
I think I read that somewhere
Q: im trying to run a minecraft modded server and i can't

MarioThe server can't run with the mods and when I do run it, it says its a vanilla server and we cant place or get any of the modded items. here are some screenshots can someone help me

well then again even some of the "pretty old" ones are probably early 2000s
yeah. Also, if arcade machines use consumer hardware, that means less scrupulous developers and publishers can literally take their arcade game, do a texture swap, and rerelease it on PC and consoles
and they don't need to worry about portability because the hardware is the same
Q: How do you cross rivers in AC: New Horizons?

WriggleniteHaving just started a new game, some areas of my island are inaccessible, blocked by rivers I cannot cross. I assume eventually I will be able to construct bridges, but can I use anything else before then? What are all the ways I can use to get on the other side of rivers, and are any of them pe...

wew animal crossing get
until March 24
this one is also free on Steam
Shit, I haven't done my timesheet for this week. I'll do it tomorrow.
It's not like my work laptop is going anywhere.
@Batophobia those are the same links
Q: Have kids with another player (MCA)

LugzeI'm playing minecraft comes alive with my boyfriend and we're already married(with /mca proposal) but, how can we have kids?

Q: How do I get game non chat audio to come through my headset?

RobbieI’ve had my headset for almost a year now and I’ve never had any problems with it, but recently I noticed the only audio that comes through my headset it chat audio. I can’t hear game audio or and audio on the Xbox menu. When I looked up what the issue could be everyone said game audio automatic...

It looks like I have cherries.
I will have peaches as soon as I can make a shovel and plant the ones my mom sent me and wait for them to grow
i love the little shuffle you do when you place the tent
Q: How can I speed up time?

WolfIs there any way to expedite tomorrow or advance when the town is depleted? If I change the time in system settings, will that mess up my town?

Q: How to check if everyone else dies in a Minigame and make them the winner. Minecraft

Solninja AI am making a minigame for my server and I need to find out when the other players die so I can declare the winner I have had a look at people making plugins on Fiverr but they are way too expensive for my needs. If any of you have a plugin in mind or a command that I can put into a command block...

Q: How to get others customization elements?

damadamI battled some players that have many cool clothes, and also some others features to customize their character. I would like to be able to buy these clothes too (with Pokedollars), but I don't find a way to be able to see them in shop. I try by downloading updates and Wildlands newsletter, but no...

Q: why is my minecraft server crashing?

Shnobel1234---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- WARNING: coremods are present: Backpacked (backpacked-1.4.2-1.12.2.jar) BlurPlugin (Blur-1.0.4-14.jar) CTMCorePlugin (CTM-MC1.12.2- EnderCorePlugin (EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.74-core.jar) MicdoodlePlugin (MicdoodleCore-1.12.2- In...

Doom: Eternal feels much more like classic doom than doom2016
It feels like an arena shooter. The moment to moment gameplay is the prize above all else
There's no real attempt at a story like there was in 2016, far less dialogue, more encounters upon encounters
It feels good
It's interesting how differently designed the game feels while the combat feels almost the same
I am very tempted to time travel to get Blathers so I can give him my fish and stuff
@Ash I've just made a pile near his tent
Because you can put stuff outside now
I really wish the museum was open day 1
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I've heard that. I'm looking forward to playing it within the next hour
I gave in and time travelled >. >
Hello there
Yeah I am a terrible person I know
Now you've disrupted all your villager's sleep schedules
Who needs sleep I mean really
Q: Is there a minecraft mod that makes a house bigger on the inside

Axes AxesI want to make a minecraft house bigger on the inside And is there a video tutorial for the mod

Q: Need help force starting a quest

Astro2xlI want to start the “blood on the ice” quest for the house, but I missed the first chance to find the guard in the graveyard. Can anyone help me? I have tried everything I know of but I have not been able to “resetinterior” because I cannot find windhelms cell ID or summon the guard that gives th...

No one needs sleep

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