I always seem to have trouble ganking with shyvana when i do ranked games, because they either just run away or flash etc. But when i see others play shyvana they can gank very effectively and i do not understand how they are completing this task.
We all love to gain experience rep here on Arqade, but wouldn't it be great if that translated into a leveling system? Don't you just want to see your experience bar build up as you answer more questions and gain more super powers privileges?
Well wait no more! Through this special online only o...
We all love to gain experience rep here on Arqade, but wouldn't it be great if that translated into a leveling system? Don't you just want to see your experience bar build up as you answer more questions and gain more super powers privileges?
Well wait no more! Through this special online only o...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aye. I also noticed the "I couldn't do shit!" that you removed. This is why I think the LoL community is crap... And why I only play against bots. =D
@Fluttershy Good to hear. Chrome won't be able to update automatically because it won't let me do a cross site AJAX request, but everything else should work
Yorick's Ghosts keep harassing me and I cannot even farm under the turret! When he gets his Tear of the Goddess, he's unstoppable because he can turret dive with his ultimate whenever he wants, and I can't do a thing.
I tried asking for a jungler gank, but Yorick is tough and he can always escap...
also this is disorienting. Every time I ping you your stream makes the ping noise a few seconds later, so I check this chat to find nothing.
@GnomeSlicE it stopped just now, but in general, your stream will be behind your reality
@LessPop_MoreFizz Along the lines of "my parents account got disabled and their help stuff to get it back is borked, as in the pages don't load and the scripts don't run"
I have fairly decent gear - 700 resist all, over 7k armor, 35 ish dodge, 19 block with the max shield (someting lie 3000-4000 block can't remember). 21k dps, 29 hp, 700LOH, 30% crit chance and 150 crit dam. All unbuffed.
Just wondering whether any of the monks who are almost finished - can you ...
When i play an adc in ranked, one with a gap closer ( Graves, Corki, Ez, Vayne) I like to choose ghost for the extra chasing power. I dont see the advantage that flash gives, besides the positioning, that makes it a more viable pick than ghost.
If I have an ammy that gives +100 life on hit, and I dual wield, whenever I hit with either weapon I gain 100 hp? What if both of my weapons also have +100 life on hit? Would I be gaining 300 hp on each it, or 200 hp?
Also, from my understanding, certain skills 'scale' or 'multiply' the amount o...
There are heartless that are essentially big fat spheres with arms and legs and a teeny head.
I find these guys hard to kill, because I am a button masher and I just sorta hack at their bellies with my keyblade.
Is there a faster way to kill these guys? Or do they just die slow?
i dont really know what to look after when i lane against an Ahri making the game harder to win. can i get some tips and tricks to win ? i find morde and ryze good against her.
Morde: because he can outsustain her dmg in a 1v1 fight and if she doesnt ignite him he can heal alot of her dmg too
Earlier this week I went to a Sushi place in Annapolis, MD.
They had this seared Kobe Beef sushi with avacado and a soy ginger paste it was AMAZING!
The beef had a smokey flavor and the paste added a little bit of spice that was nicely balanced with the avacado's creamy texture.
They also served...
I think they thought I was actually talking about sushi.....
So, I've asked about Tacos. I know they are a flavorful and beneficial out of combat snack. I still don't know what happens to people who eat 7500 of them, but it's a start.
And then I see this:
It's Taco's younger brother! Nacho!
Acquired by disassembling a Taco, I need to know: Are Nachos...
Earlier this week I went to a Sushi place in Annapolis, MD.
They had this seared Kobe Beef sushi with avacado and a soy ginger paste it was AMAZING!
The beef had a smokey flavor and the paste added a little bit of spice that was nicely balanced with the avacado's creamy texture.
They also served...
The temptation to comment with "cool story bro" is nearly overwhelming.
@pixel Hmm. So, I'm still not sure what I want to do when I finish my deck. I can go into Chaos and become more tanky, or go into blood for insane deeps apparently.
Who owns each province of Tamriel ?
Yes, Skyrim belong to the Nords, Hammerfell belong to the Redguard, Black Marsh to Argonians and all of that. But It's not really this way that it works, since Nords, for example, needed to declare war in their own land to seek what they desire.
Which provinc...
So, I usually don't play AP mid but a few times ive been forced into playing AP. I have a lot of trouble with AP champions with high burst. I know you can stack health but early game I find it is very difficult.
ex: Level 6 LB 1.5k burst
Level 6 Veigar stun gate + spell combo
Should I stac...
Endless Space has a roshambo combat system with beam, kinetic, and missile weapons and their corresponding defenses. What is the idea ratio of these defenses based on the typical AI opponents? I seem to see a great many beam weapons employed by the midgame with kinetics early on but rarely missil...
José Vítor Jardim Vieira (born 11 February 1982 in Funchal, Madeira), aka Zé Vítor, is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a right midfielder.
Football career
Zé Vítor started playing professionally with C.S. Marítimo in his hometown, but never appeared officially for the first team, also being loaned to a third division side, in the Madeira region. He was definitely released in 2003, signing with another neighbouring club, A.D. Machico, in the fourth level.
In the 2006 summer, Vítor joined C.D. Nacional - still in Madeira - making his top flight debut on 27 August, coming from the benc...
Proposed Q&A site for discussing subjects of Parapsychology such as Telepathy, Precognition, Clairvoyance, Psychokinesis, Near-death experiences, Reincarnation, Apparitional experiences, Hypnotism, etc.
Proposed Q&A site for conspiracy theory enthusiasts. Ask and answer questions relating to all matters outside the realm of fringe science without any risk of getting cut by Occams Razor. Alternative (i.e. mainstream) answers are also welcome.
@Fluttershy i own it on everything except Steam. Been waiting for it to get released for PS3 but they seem to be intent on releasing it for everything except PS3 (seriously, a Chrome port? A CHROME PORT?!)
I'm new to Ahri, and I have been doing pretty well(Haven't lost a game with her yet), and I would really like to main Ahri, what are the biggest tips you would give to a new Ahri player?
i am maining midlane and i got some trouble with Orianna, i have played quite alot of different champions vs her but i found out that.
Karthus: Karthus is quite good against orianna if you dodge her poke and just farm from range with q, but well yes, hes always a safe pick
Different AD Mages: I ...