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:97179 No it isn't. SE was designed for 'Answer once, read many'.
the fact it's possible doesn't mean it shouldn't be avoided
Quite a controversial question
That sounds pretty S&A to me ...
fixed it :)
it isn't really, it might be listful, but it's definitely answerable
:97269 You took over the question :P
@CRoss do only goblins siege?
took over? I made a question out of it
:97286 Humans and elves also, but only if you sufficiently anger them.
Kobolds don't seige
they just annoy you to death
:97292 I know, I didn't mean it was bad :)
and actually I was pretty decent at making money
my worst scheme was buying up all the +healing food on raiding nights
and putting them back in at a very large premium
while fishing them myself
or even not putting them in the AH, but selling them in the Trade channel
made an Alt guild called Fish'R'Us
That's good business there
congratulations, you understand supply and demand
:97318 that's borderline evil
:97206 Joel stated that the system was designed to adapt to a better answer coming along.
and I would use my profit to start doing it on other scarce items :P
:97340 Of course, but it isn't meant for "answer many, read many"
Ivo! you were playing DrugWars in WoW ...
it might work for questions that are updated once or twice, but not with questions whose answers are valid for a couple of weeks tops
You think the top paid player changes every couple of weeks?
at a maximum?
:97352 I think the public information on that subject will, yes
Well, I think I disagree with you on that fact.
Sure, it could, but I don't think it would.
Ok, I'm back
:97359 Well... if Joel stated that, I can't imagine it meaning that a question would eventually (after maybe years, if you are so inclined) ending up with like 20 different/edited answers all referring to a different timeframe
welcome back @tzenes
@Arda in established sports like Baseball the top paid player changes every could years. Historically, in gaming, it changes once a decade.
/agree with tzenes
But I think in basketball, it's still Michael Jordan, even though he's retired (if you count sponsorships, which is where most of the big money comes from)
/nodinagreement tzenes
we need emoticons or what not here :P
/disagree ivo
do we really need a question for every single gaming term?
:97409 If people have questions about them
/agree @ArdaXi
I'd prefer to see only a couple, not a question for just one single term
/agree ArdaXi
what does 'foo bar' mean?
we used to agree by starring questions
that's not a gaming term
:97418 off-topic, also there's no space
it's just an example
:97420 /agree
gimme ze shinies!
by the way, I added an FAQ section to the DF tagwiki, anyone have any more ideas?
Maybe have a Favorite Asked Questions too? like those with awesome titles?
Or "Awesomely Asked Questions"?
yeah, I would add that
Honourable mentions
will do
nobody ever reads them anyway
until you start referring to them liberally
and if there's content, the UI will get fixed for it, I'm sure of it
good work @ArdaXi, and I read it when I copied and pasted it into the answer for "What is dwarf fortress?"
:97447 aren't a lot of those for DF I think
couldn't find one really, added anyway
There was one about being lonely? Like no one comes to visit?
I think nethack has the highest number of those kinds of questions.
Ah, you've got that one.
Maybe DF computer is honorable mention? Not an awesome title though. /me is a fan of meta computers.
:97507 Once someone makes a game run on itself, I'll be impressed :D
Man comes up with his best ideas in the shower. If only man had showered more, we’d have hover-boards and mind-controlled TV.
ok, that is awesome
thank @Oldspice I just took a shower, I'm awesome
know what question I keep having: should something be CW?
like this question:
Q: Monday Night Combat Blitz Strategy

TrickyM66I need some help beating Blitz mode on the Xbox 360 arcade game Monday Night Combat. Any tips would be much appreciated! Which turret is best to put out on the field? And where? What classes would be best to choose? What skills to upgrade? How many players is optimal? I know it gets tougher the...

He's asking for a strategy, which I guess there isn't one answer to
but I don't see how CW makes this better
strategies will be offered, they'll be voted on, hopefully one will stand out above others
I actually think it shouldn't have been CW
there may be more strategies, but there probably won't be dozens
well, if this shouldn't be CW what should?
and he only has to accept the one that works
what's the cannonical example of a CW
originally CW was meant for questions where multiple users would work on the same answer(s)
because others contributed, it was deemed unfair to give rep to the OP
I guess in our case, if we're over 2k rep, we can do that anyway
can you give me a gaming.se question that SHOULD be CW? that isn't game-rec
because I think all game-rec should be deleted
Isn't that just a list?
shouldn't it just be closed?
actually, I take it back
Ivo's answer is perfect
well if I still played wow I would generate numbers for you
why would we want more answers?
but I can't and it will depend on the servers AH
why isn't just upvoting it and eventually selecting it correct?
why CW
I guess any time I see CW I either think: Not CW or Vote to Close
try that query
I see a lot of closed questions and questions that I voted to close
"Should be made cw. There are too many to count"
exactly, almost all are list of x
I was just thinking the same thing
The best question on this google query is the easy to level in wow question
and that's not CW
no the query just spots questions that should be converted :P
found one to close by it :P
I'm going to ask on meta
I've said this many times before, but I still don't see the point of CW, at all
here's all CW questions that aren't closed
CW is just an excuse: "I know I shouldn't ask this question, but I made it CW so it should be alright!"
hmmm no it doesn't work
@Ivo that didn't work
yeah I edited my link too
Q: Some examples of iPhone / iPod Touch multiplayer strategy game?

Kevin YI'm always looking for good multiplayer strategy games to buy for my iPod Touch. Anybody have a relatively unknown game that they find fun?

are you going to do that for every one in that query?
Q: Free console-like games for PC

Joe PhilllipsI like to kick back and spend some time playing games every once in a while. I have a console controller that I can hook up to my PC via USB so I have the ability to play games on my PC. I am just looking for a list of free console-like (controller compatible) games for the PC. I want to avoid ...

guess so
Q: LAN Party Games

The SasquatchI am having a LAN party with group of about 10 people. What are some good games to play that are available on the cheap, but still fun for multiplayer? The caveat here is that no everyone is on real modern hardware, so I am looking for ideas that don't include the newest games on the market. ...

and I actually disagree with Jeff here
Q: What are some multiplayer android games that are not *SLOW* turn based games ?

slimBy slow, I mean 1 day+ for other players to submit their move. I'm looking more for games that are real-time, i'm not sure if they would be networked by bluetooth or over a regular tcp/ip connection. Like a tennis or soccer game for example. They don't have to be sports. Even a turn based ga...

my concern with any list questions is the conflicting policies
man I find them all crap
we simply don't want these questions
We don't want general questions because they garner too many questions
We don't want specific questions because they're not relevant to a general audience
I meant to say answers there
:97712 agreed
yes, though you'd have to be VERY specific to be TOO specific
while you're too broad very quickly
starring that query @ArdaXi, so I can kill more later
:97728 most browsers have bookmarks ;-)
I think this question is a nice CW example @tzenes: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/2900/…
until I can search them better, I hate my bookmarks
:97726 depends, not a lot of people will have a LAN party of 10 people with old hardware
@Ivo really?
:97730 Might be, but it's still 100% tzenes so I don't see the point of making it CW really
and this one, although it was only maintained by one person: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/4016/…
but I have to massage my GF now, so bbl
@Ivo the problem with the pro/con question is I couldn't do sub headings
but even though its CW, NOONE HAS EDITED MY ANSWERS. Instead they post comments and I edit them
woah @tzenes you're insane.. that's a lot of answer
yeah, I really like starcraft
it used to all be 1 answer
but I broke i up
even as 1 answer, it'd be a lot of answer
Well I didn't want the question devolving into a list of X
so I tried to write a complete answer
because if it was just 20 people listing pros and cons, I'd have voted to close
a bit of an abuse of the SE system, but nice nonetheless
and people can vote on their favourite race :D
Well I think what the question is trying to ask is, how should I choose which race to play
and I think the break down I made helps answer that question
true, it does
anyone know how I can test the following?
A: Starcraft - Does the AI Cheat?

KiwiWhat is more important is that they get more minerals. The data from what I just searched for: 5 > 7 minerals a trip 4 > 6 gas per trip If you ever play with an AI ally, you'll find that it's absolutely impossible to replicate their opening builds.

@Cross there is no guaranteed test in SC1
Ah, I should say in unmodified SC1
you could hack the mpq to spit out the value of all player's minerals to DirectX
You could count the number of trips and do the math (with a lot of pausing), but that doesn't guarantee they're bringing more, only that the AI is getting more.
that would be the point, if they're getting more than I can
You could count the minerals they harvest, add them up and subtract what they build
but as long as they don't spend more than they would have, there is no proof
its possible they only exhibit such behavior at points in the game where it is intractable
You could watch how much the mineral patches are decreasing by?
A negative test wouldn't prove they don't get extra minerals, but a positive test would essentially prove they do get extra minerals.
well, they could be removing the same amount but getting more.
Yes, that's precisely what I mean about the negative test.
right, I was agreeing
:97830 The other, much harder way is what you mention here.
Other than that, I can't think of anything else (without hacking)
@tzenes regarding you meta question
people who comment instead of edit are either 1) lazy or 2) too low rep to edit it
on CW? doesn't everyone have edit?
or 3) unaware of the possibility to do so
well, I thought there still was a limit
I have no clue
100 Edit community wiki posts
and that's with our lowered standards for rep
is non-CW
so people can't go editing, unless they have the mod rights/rep to do so
clearly, but its a case where people are writing better answers
so should it have become CW?
yes, that it is
So then what is the purpose of CW?
to enable users to edit or take credit for that answer
if the answer is already good, than it's not needed
:97918 ???
As I understand it, the purpose is collaboration
but in both the cases I found were people were collaborating, noone was leveraging the CW
well the collaboration here is very small
hang on I'll look up a nice SO example
(if I can)
I just want a good Canonical Example
I think that'd be "canonical," otherwise you're wanting something about cannons...
thanks, though that would be interesting too
Q: Language Books/Tutorials for popular languages

Craig HIt wasn't that long ago that I was a beginning coder, trying to find good books/tutorials on languages I wanted to learn. Even still, there are times I need to pick up a language relatively quickly for a new project I am working on. The point of this post is to document some of the best tutoria...

Haha, it would indeed
here people added and added and added (or edited if you will)
the only thing I can think of CW would be useful for is if the answerer would for some reason not deserve the rep
makes people less likely to answer really
anyway, upvoted on the CW question cuz I have no freakin clue either when CW should be used
:97946 that's more of an article than a question
does that make it bad @ArdaXi?
:97965 not necessarily
So basically, any otherwise borderline question
in a world with harsher moderation there would be no need for CW
I don't think a question that should be considered for closing should be handled any differently as CW
:97980 we're already kinda harsh
Necessarily so, we have a larger userbase with a lower average expertise
well we all know we use CW to at least prevent users from gaining rep on borderline questions
From what I have observed use wise is that CW is (intended) more for collaboration without emphasis on a best answer
I think, at least
Questions on any SE site should always have a best answer
then I'm completely lost on the point of CW
I guess I'm just disapointed
I guess the use case is to allow answering open ended questions
I had hoped that CW existed for some good reason, but really its just a way to protect subjective answers
but I'm not sure if we should want those
anyway I'm off for tonight
see you in 9 hours
when I get back with more Python questions
Well for stuff like strategy questions, couldn't those be candidates for CW?
That's what I'd assumed we'd use it for, but doesn't seem to be much in use that way so far
@FallenAngelEyes look at the examples that have been set for strategy questions
The truth is any bad question can be turned into a good one by a very good answer
but if such a good answer doesn't come along apparently we make it CW
its like admitting our system is flawed...
I don't have the brainpower to examine this any further at the moment. I do agree that the guidelines for CW use are fuzzy/nonexistent. I'll be interested to see the responses tomorrow.
For now, need to pass out, have a good night everyone!
good night
yeah, I'm gonna go comatose for a few hours too, good night
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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