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@LessPop_MoreFizz ...Whoa, I have more questions than answers.
My answer to question ratio on SciFi is undefined flexes
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have a lot more questions
@LessPopMoreFizz Oh, by the way, I know this was pissing you off, so I answered it: gaming.stackexchange.com/a/73677/3114
Actually, now that I look, I actually have a much higher than average A:Q ratio.
@GnomeSlicE Your defense for LessPop's comment that WoW hasn't been in dev for several years was "But it was at one point". every game ever was at some point. You're being contrarian for no good reason.
@MarkTrapp I meant games like Minecraft, that were still being developed after release, why are you arguing semantics with me when you both knew exactly what I meant.
I will definitely be on the lookout. Still getting comfortable with the layout.
i somehow missed that this is closed >.< and i write my answers in emacs
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm sitting at 8.2:1 on Arqade. Show-off.
@ayckoster That question is closed as a duplicate. I'd suggest reworking the answer so it works on question that it redirects to!
Yeah, on the first page of top users, it looks like the only people even close to me for A:Q ratio are @MarkTrapp @Gracenote @shaun @ardaxi and @sorean. I thought I was more typical than that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Mine is 0.86 to 1
I don't even remember how to calculate ratios.
To think I used to be a math whiz.
@GnomeSlicE any game that has ever received a patch could be argued 'in development after release'
@GnomeSlicE ... Really.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Up until grade 11 I never got below a 95 in math.
Science too.
@GnomeSlicE That isn't what I was expressing disbelief about.
I got stupid in grade 11. @Mana can tell you. Still not sure what happened.
@pixel Guess again.
@GnomeSlicE If you choose to put forth rubbish as fact in public, expect to be called on it. If you then choose to engage and respond to that calling out by responding with things that don't mean anything or are also incorrect, I don't understand why you think the appropriate response is "Oh you're right GnomeSlice. Even though what you said was complete gibberish, you're totally right. My bad"
I look like a stoner, but I'm not.
@MarkTrapp Yours is actually slightly higher than mine. I said close to 10:1. The actual number is 8.09:1
"drugs" covers pretty much everything
@LessPop_MoreFizz U-S-A! U-S-A!
@MarkTrapp I never asked for validation, but if you knew what I meant, there's no point arguing semantics.
@LessPopMoreFizz do you find that secret world is really badly optimised?
@pixel It runs pretty okay on my MBP
yeah it "runs ok"
but slower than crysis
I think I might've even set the graphics to 'ultra' and forgot to turn them back down to High.
If you mean framerate issues, I've had none.
Loading screens take forever and are awful though.
and after the client has been open 4-6 hours I've had some very random crashes
Can someone remind me how to calculate a ratio. I'm dumb.
oh I have no loading screens... ssd
@GnomeSlicE [Answers/Questions]:1
Can you do division? You're allowed to use a calculator.
@LessPop_MoreFizz YESSSSS
that's just mean, not everybody pays attention in math
@pixel I DID.
@GnomeSlicE 7 lines up disagrees with you
@pixel I just got stupid one year.
definitely drugs
@GnomeSlicE I did too! And then every year since.
@Fluttershy Exactly
I'm not actually joking, when I was a kid everyone thought I was going to be a millionaire I was so gifted.
You're just that stubborn that you had to prove them wrong, right?
@pixel Clearly.
And on this note, I'm off to play TSW until I pass out. Goodnight chat!
@LessPopMoreFizz nn
I've only just exited the game having done nothing other than TSW all day
@pixel I had to work, like a schmuck. Just got home about 2 hours ago, and had to make dinner and do various email type things.
@LessPopMoreFizz my brain has melted from doing the whole of savage coast and half of the first area today
And fuck, that reminds me I have more email type things to do if I want to ensure that I get paid this week, but that shit can wait a few hours goddamnit.
@LessPopMoreFizz A parting link from the "Of Course This Was Going to Happen" department (previously)
> this year, it appears Apple has chosen the more direct path of shutting down websites and their services by filing DMCA requests to their hosting providers.
Huh, I called subpoena. Ah well. I just lost a buck. TO MYSELF.
Random question! If I were to want to say.... Play Roller Coaster Tycoon again... How would I go about doing that? >.>
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aw... It's still that expensive? =( Okay. Thanks!
GOG also has RCT 2 and 3.
@Fluttershy Six dollars is 'that expensive'?
@LessPop_MoreFizz It is when you're unemployed. >.>
Like, I understand being on a tight budget and not being able to swing six dollars.
But I also don't understand realistically expecting it to cost less than six dollars other than as part of a temporary sale price of some sort.
Even steam prices don't go much lower than that
Which is a thing that GOG does often and which you should keep an eye out for and all
There's always Open-RCT
@MarkTrapp O.O
(May or may not be in active development) I figured someone might've pulled an OpenTTD for Roller Coaster Tycoon and Googled.
But calling it 'that expensive' strikes me as a severe devaluation of what a game is really worth, which is, quite frankly a worrying trend on the whole.
First, it happened to music. Then it happened to movies. Now it's happening to games.
I mainly wanted it to satisfy my sadistic side in sim games... <.< I was the type to load a coaster up with people and then edit away a large portion of the track...
@Fluttershy OpenTTD has train crashes!
@Fluttershy I think that's all of us
@MarkTrapp This sounds intriguing...
@FAE Probably.
@Fluttershy I used to use the single loop and jack the speed
I liked watching the people go flying
@MarkTrapp ooooh
Spilling water all over your desk just before you're about to go to sleep sucks
@FAE Yeah, I can see how that might :(
@AshleyNunn it poured into my lap -_-
@FAE Oh no :( that is even worse
@agent86 That was hilarious. Thank you.
And a bit got into my G15. Which should be fine, as I unplugged it right away, but still. Argh.
@FAE =(
@FAE Ick. :( You are not having a good time of it.
@LessPopMoreFizz While I tend to agree with you, I don't like the opposite side of it. Diablo 3 for example really seems like a cash grab in many respects.
@AshleyNunn Luckily I'm taking my pants off to sleep anyway, but I really would've preferred to stay dry tonight.
@Fluttershy now you've mentioned rollercoaster tycoon I'm going to have to transport tycoon my night away
@FAE Yeah, I can see how randomly being wetter than you anticipated could be unfun
@AshleyNunn There's a joke in there somewhere...
@HotinRhino Issues with the RMAH and other 'microtransaction' and DLC type stuff is a whole other ball of wax.
@Fluttershy I realized that after I said it
I don't think there's anything 'cash grabby' about the fact that Diablo 3 costs 50 dollars, and anyone who says that that's the case needs to check their head and their facts.
@Fluttershy And that is why we have Steam
@FAE Oh, yes. For all the things we cannot say in the Bridge.
@LessPopMoreFizz Even if you exclude that, I feel like they made Diablo to be a 1 month game. It was designed to burn out and fail early. 20 years ago if you got a game it could last you for many months or even years if it was good.
@FAE This is true.
And now sleep attempt for real, g'night all.
@FAE G'night!
@FAE Sleep well!
Oh holy crap I suck at making sushi
WAit what? Pudding, and strawberries, as sushi ingredients?
@HotinRhino I fail to see how D3 is in any way fundamentally different from it's predeccessors in terms of replay value.
So much fun deleted stuff to read!
So no, I find that premise to be inherently flawed and false.
Now, you can argue that D3 is worse than it's predecessors in some way, and is thus less replayable, or you could argue simply that the environment is more competitive now and standards have risen for what constitutes high replay value, but neither of those arguments makes D3 a 'cash grab', they just make it a game that isn't as good as you hoped it might be.
@Sterno Grats on 10k!
Despite me thinking I probably like D2 better, I definitely played D3 more in my first run at it than I did of D2
Though D2 still has more overall playtime due to being out for years
Maybe I am more comfortable farming bosses than elite/champ packs
I somehow clocked in 80 hours on Diablo 3, which is more than I put in for Skyrim. And I thought I was going to dislike it like I did Diablo 2, wherein I played the first act then cheated to see all the cutscenes
You make some good points @LessPopMoreFizz. I'm thinking it over.
@MarkTrapp I've got more time on D3 than Skyrim as well, despite me thinking Skyrim is more worthy of my time. There's something to be said for the fact that you can play D3 in a nearly mindless state. It's relaxing.
Yeah, no, I definitely have more time on Skyrim.
Though I have nowhere near as much time on either game as I do on FO:NV, which is probably my top pick of the last few years.
And I know story isn't the point of the game, but one thing that did let me down was D3's story. I actually liked what was going on in D2. And the cutscenes were cool. D3 was just a big bundle of WTF
@Sterno Yeah, Diablo III substituted Kongregate for a while as "the thing I play when vegging out watching TV" The grinding for chieves helped
The opening to DII Lord or Destruction was amazing for the time.
Really got you jazzed about killing more baddies.
According to Steam I have 300 hours on FO:NV and I'm pretty sure it's underreporting there.
@MarkTrapp I haven't been on Kongregate in ages. Everyone's probably forgotten about me.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Steam is horribly inaccurate for me as well. Yet somehow, if I leave some stupid game that I'm ashamed of having a high playtime on running overnight or something, it makes absolutely sure to record every second of it!
@Sterno Yeah.
90 hours of DA:O? No, not quite that much I think.
I just left it running a lot while I watched baseball games.
I smoked with a glass of milk because hoes keep stealing my tacos.
what a stupid thing
Yet you felt the need to post it...
@AshleyNunn Try it!
@GnomeSlicE I did in my head
@AshleyNunn Oh, by the way, I have another game you'd like:
I needed my best friend because I'm gay. yawn nothing new, isn't funny. Bored
@AshleyNunn Well, that's boring.
@GnomeSlicE ikr
@GnomeSlicE That looks pretty awesome and fun
@AshleyNunn It is! And I just realized it's also a mobile game!
@GnomeSlicE :D
Unrelated - I refuse to play any game about baking no matter how cute, if it doesn't spell "cupcakes" as one word.
Bah, I forgot that the version of Sushi Quest I have crashes if you try to drop a sausage into one of the campfires, lol.
Wow. Multiple TSW shards are full. Thats a really good sign, considering the near complete lack of pre-release hype.
Sleeper hit of the summer yo.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Does it come with any sort of guest pass? Some of my friends are thinking about getting it... Hoping to snag one from them if it does. =3
Speaking of TSW, about to log on...haven't been on all day
@Fluttershy There are 24-hour guess passes right now, lol. We only get one apiece. It's pretty lame.
@Shinrai That's... wow. o.O That's pretty pathetic...
Hopefully there will be a full-blown trial soon :/ I guess the hard part is limiting progression
You can't do like WoW and say 'Hey, stop at level 20' because hey, no levels
What is this game, anyhow?
Modern fantasy/horror classless/levelless MMO from Funcom
Ridiculously awesome game.
@Shinrai They'll probably up it from 24 hours to 72 or some such soon.
Which is much more reasonable.
And you can limit progression by locking people into Kingsmouth.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, the current passes are also set to EXPIRE in like a week (!) or something. So they must have a secondary plan.
Hm. Intriguing.
I've managed to get in almost 43 minutes of TSW playtime this weekend!
I just added the back to this question which had just had it taken off
Q: Can I use my XBOX 360 controller to play games?

Sergio BoombasticI bought the Prince of Persia trilogy games yesterday at a garage sale and I want to play them asap! I remember them being great on the PS2. Can I use my controller on the laptop? Would I need to buy a converter of some kind? I'm automatically assuming I need to use a wired controller,so share a...

@AshleyNunn I am only in the second major zone and I already feel like I have my $50 worth. If you think this is your sort of bag, I encourage you to look at some gameplay videos and then jump right in. It's that good.
not trying to start any edit wars, but why would that tag be removed?
@Sterno What's your name ingame? Trying to friend community peeps, lol.
@Shinrai Yeah, I am not sure that it would be, entirely but I like the idea of it.
@AshleyNunn The world and writing and dialogue and puzzles are amazing.
The combat sucks, even by bad MMO combat standards, but it's entirely perfunctory.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ahh geez, I just logged in and I think my chat channels are totally broken again. Only problem I've had so far. >.< Did you just get my tell?
Yeah, I am just really picky about what I try playing, because of hand-eye issues and so on that make a lot of modern PC stuf REALLY hard.
ugh ><
Oh, btw, I ran Polaris last night.
A Ma Zing.
Also, I would disagree that the combat sucks. It's very...different. I like the relevance of positioning and motion. It is largely perfunctory though.
...jeaalous. I probably don't have time tonight. (And can't anyway if my goddamned chat is broken...last time this happened it just fixed itself after a few hours)
@Shinrai Relogging can help.
And yea, chat sucks
...or maybe it just fixed itself already
Yeah, no, I've had the 'channels stop working, have to readd them' bug a few times
But this was 'channels disappear like they don't even exist'
logging did nothing. it just cleared up eventually
I'm tolerant of some bugs, though, it is the first week. (and oddly I never had chat bugs in open beta)
@Shinrai Yeah, I've heard about that.
the chat system is generally awful and the devs have called it a priority.
yeah, needs work. but that's a minor quibble.
I imagine they'll overhaul it when the group finder goes in
I'd wager sooner.
Q: Is there a limit to how many weapons you can have?

Kevin DukeI have amassed quite a few weapons for fusing in Kid Icarus Uprising. Is there a limit to the amount of weapons you can have? Like will some of the weapons disappear if there is too many?

yeah, thinking worst case
TSW sounds cool, but there's no Mac client and I'm too lazy for Boot Camp.
I know that feel.
I googled "the secret world mac" earlier and got this instead
The Secret World of Alex Mack is an American television series that ran on Nickelodeon from October 8, 1994 to January 15, 1998, replacing Clarissa Explains It All on the SNICK line-up. It also aired on YTV in Canada and NHK in Japan, and was a popular staple in the children's weekday line-up for much of the mid-to-late 1990s on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Repeats of the series aired in 2003 on The N, but it was soon replaced there. The series was produced by Thomas Lynch and John Lynch of Lynch Entertainment, produced by RHI Entertainment, Hallmark Entertainment and Nickelod...
@MarkTrapp Not quite the same thing....
Indeed. I did learn that Alex Mack replaced Clarissa Explains it all, though. I thought they ran concurrently
@MarkTrapp I loved Clarissa Explains it All. It was my favourite show on YTV.
Hm... It would appear I am too dumb to play Endless Space. >.>
@Fluttershy What makes you say that?
@AshleyNunn Because... After reading what seems like 10000 walls of text... I still have no idea what I'm actually doing.
@AshleyNunn It aired as part of Snick in the US. "Are you afraid of the dark?" was my favorite of that programming block.
@Fluttershy I suspect that is more of an issue with the game than you
@MarkTrapp That is how I feel after 15 minutes of Endless Space...
@MarkTrapp I never liked that show. Too scary.
@MarkTrapp My favorite episode involved a pinball machine and Bobcat Goldthwait...
I remember loving the series and watching it religiously, but the only episode I can remember was one where two siblings find some apartment where they play mental games, and the girl is really good but the boy sucks. Spoiler alert, turns out the apartment was run by faceless aliens who want to take the sister away. Girl resists, aliens leave. End episode, turns out the girl was also an alien and the episode ends with the girl also lacking a face
And the aliens just wanted to bring her home
There was another one involving a poltergeist that took the form of a "computer gremlin" but I don't recall if it was from Are You Afraid of the Dark? or something else
@MarkTrapp Hahaaa! I remember that episode! Scared the shit out of me when I was younger. <.<
Also, the computer gremlin thing rings a bell... So I'm thinking it was from Are You Afraid of the Dark as well.
I remember an early AYAOTD episode with a killer animatronic clown.
I didn't watch a lot of scary stuff when I was little, so... Yeah.
Zebo or some such.
Scared the fuck out of pre-teen me.
@MarkTrapp They are both good at first, but then the aliens turn up the dial (which I assumed was like their atmosphere or something)
@OrigamiRobot Ah yes: that's right. The boy starts sweating or somesuch and freaking out?
@MarkTrapp I think he starts dying and that's why the girl runs away
@OrigamiRobot Yeah. It was something like... If the girl didn't go with the aliens, the boy would die or something.
"The Tale of the Curious Camera"
> Eddie Kaye Thomas (who would later be seen in the American Pie series) has an early appearance in this episode as a boy who finds a camera that can predict doom for anything – and anyone – it photographs.
That's the other episode I was thinking of. That one scared the hell out of me.
It starts out as a camera, camera gets destroyed, episode ends with gremlin in the computer
See, this is why I never watched this show. Too much scary
I preferred fluffy girly shows
Like Caitlin's Way. I wanted to be her when I grew up.
Q: Can I rebind the keys used to respond to votes in Team Fortress 2?

Fungeek375Alright, so I'm a server manager for a rather large Team Fortress 2 group of around 1,500 people, and I was going over some of the protocol for admins on the server with a friend of mine who recently became a full time admin. The question popped up about how Mac users were supposed to respond to...

gremlins. Gremlins everywhere
in your computer. In your living room. In your sauce
Delicious gremlin sauce.
2 hours later…
Q: Why are answered questions appearing in the unanswered question tab?

A.C.M.I checked in the unanswered tab on the main site recently to see if there was anything I might be able to answer and saw that many of the quests had answers and had accepted and answer. Why are these questions appearing in that tab?

Q: Question deleted after it was edited to be relevant?

A.C.M.I posted a question about a feature in the Skyrim DLC before it was released and it was quickly closed, which I understood. However after the release of the DLC I edited the question to make it relevant so I could receive and it was possible for it to be answered since the content it was based o...

Q: Take A Look At Diablo 3 Shrines List

user28937After you kill the Chancellor, go take the crown.Shrines can be found throughout the game world and offer a variety of buffs and bonuses for your character. In this D3 Shrines guide, you will find a list of all the shrines you will find in Diablo as well as strategies for using them to their full...

@Lazers Spaaaaaaaaaaam
@MarkTrapp I love the person that voted to close it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You may also want to check out what an easter egg is. The FFX - FFVII connection does not fall within the scope of an easter egg. Here's some help: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_egg_(media) — danRhul 58 mins ago
Oh yeah? Well I can be a snippy asshole too!
I wasn't referring to the X-VII connection with that remark. Perhaps you should brush up On your reading comprehension skills and learn to parse the phrase As for the other examples you cite. — LessPop_MoreFizz 25 mins ago
@LessPop_MoreFizz That was me. shades
@MarkTrapp Why bother?
In case someone tries to be helpful and removes the spam and people think they should answer it
Q: Best Diablo 3 Scoundrel Builds and Skills Guide

user28937The Scoundrel is the second Follower you will get in Diablo 3. Unlike the other two Followers, the Scoundrel is the one most capable of dealing damage and its abilities tend to lean towards contributing to DPS or disabling enemies rather than offering buffs. You will note that the Scoundrel has 3...

There's another one
@MarkTrapp Even if someone removes the spam, there's no question.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oy. Better not get too uppity or prepare to have everything you post in a [final-fantasy-*] tag downvoted
@MarkTrapp I have very few posts in [tag:final-fantasy-*]
@MarkTrapp In fact, I have a grand total of one other answer, posted my very first day as a user iirc.
A: Final Fantasy I weapons

LessPop_MoreFizzThese answers assume vanilla/classic original Final Fantasy. I've honestly never played any of the ports/reissues to know what's availiable in the bonus content or if anything has changed Black Belt/Master: Bare Hands Everyone Else: Masamune Sadly, you only get one Masamune, so give the Masamu...

It was my first Nice Answer badge.
Lucky: I had north of 80% of my final-fantasy-13-2 posts downvoted over a period of a two months after a similar snippy comment
@MarkTrapp I didn't start this fight. But I intend to finish it.
You're doing god's work
Q: Best Diablo 3 Scoundrel Builds and Skills Guide

user28937The Scoundrel is the second Follower you will get in Diablo 3. Unlike the other two Followers, the Scoundrel is the one most capable of dealing damage and its abilities tend to lean towards contributing to DPS or disabling enemies rather than offering buffs. You will note that the Scoundrel has 3...

Q: What happens when everyone on a team disconnects or leaves in League of Legends?

JayI was playing League of Legend earlier today and someone disconnects from the game. We were actually in the lead before he disconnected but because it turned into a 4v5, we started to lose. Due to this fact, someone decides he was done playing and rage quits. And of course the other two did the...

@LessPopMoreFizz Jebus, are you seriously that hindered in life you consider this to be a fight. I misread what you wrote as dismissing the FF7 connection. Which is one of the few that actually exist. Apologies
@MarkTrapp How many times due we need to give a user a one-month suspension before banning them?
@Wipqozn ??? What difference do you make between suspending and banning?
@MadScientist ban = permanent
@Wipqozn There is no permanent suspension
Well then.
The third suspension is usually a year, though
@Wipqozn I thought it was one week -> one month -> one year
What happens after one year? one decade?
Q: What's the easiest way to change Playstation Network date of birth?

Adam LynchI must have set up my account when I was 17 because my DOB is a year off. I'd like to have it right in case I need to recover my password/account. What's the easiest way? I couldn't find anywhere in the PSN account settings online.

@Wipqozn Why do you want to ban said person?
@danRhul I never said I did, but if a user is constantly being suspended for bad behaviour then banning them is something which should be strongly considered.
A: "Unbound" where their clan tag should be on player card in MW2

JimLitterally who cares it is just a stupid game

This needs flags.
@Wipqozn I don't think most people would return after the month ban, let alone a year ban. I only returned after my month ban because I wanted to say sorry.
Plus, they could just set up a new account...
@Wipqozn Downvoted for incorrect use of "literally"
@YiJiang Extra downvote for not being able to spell it?
I love the way someone would sign up just to put that.
@danRhul Well technically speaking anyone can post answers just by putting down an email
@YiJiang Oh really? I thought you had to do a full sign up.
@danRhul Apparently it wasn't clear enough how far my tongue was shoved into my cheek.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I've never heard that saying before. I assume it's some form of Puppet lingo.
Tongue-in-cheek is a phrase used as a figure of speech to imply that a statement or other production is humorously intended and it should not be taken at face value. The facial expression typically indicates that one is joking or making a mental effort. In the past, it may also have indicated contempt, but that is no longer common. By 1842, the phrase had acquired its contemporary meaning similar to "take what I am saying with a grain of salt," indicating that a statement was not meant to be taken seriously. Early users of the phrase include Sir Walter Scott in his 1828 The Fair Maid...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Today I Learned.
@Wipqozn You're one of today's lucky 10,000
@QAdley Yay!
Too bad turtles are notoriously forgetful.
@OrigamiRobot At least they don't get memory corruption
@QAdley Who are you?!?!
@OrigamiRobot I am your creator, worship me
@QAdley DEFINE: worship me
1. To render religious reverence and homage to.
2. To feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or porkchop).
DEFINE: porkchop
An unfathomably tasty substance of nourishment for human beings
> Legend of Grimrock - GOG.com (50% off)
Has anyone here had experience with Funcom Customer Support?
@tiddy Yes
I signed up for TSW, they banned me due to a failed payment I believe. Now they want me to email a jpg of my drivers license and CC card with middle 8 numbers blocked out to verify. What.the.hell.
@tiddy I haven't had to deal with that before, but I do have some friends who also had to deal with failed payment stuff. It took one of my friends like 2 weeks to get a payment through to them to purchase the game. I'm not sure if they had to do that though, I can ask them when they're around.
@tiddy They they specify what kind of failed payment? Declined? Insufficient funds? Wrong account?
I know someone was was in a similar situation and got banned by choosing the wrong payment method.
their payment system could use a revamp
I honestly think it's because their billing address form doesn't have a line for APT
and I've recently moved to a house
I have no idea
Im not waiting 2 weeks to play that game
Was supposed to be my first mmo
Now I want nothing to do with funcom
Of course my card is perfect
@tiddy Most people in general share this sentiment :P
I'm just upset hat the first company I decide to take a chance on is just really really shitty
Yeah, I understand. :(
yeah, I played a bit of the f2p version of anarchy online (I think?) and I wasn't super impressed.
@agent86 Yeah, that's Funcom. I tried AO a long time ago, but that was back on dialup.
yeah, I think this was after they'd patched in a bunch of expansions, so half of the "good" zones were pay-only.
I kept up with it for a few weeks, but then I was just kind of meh
played a bit of global agenda as well, enough to finish the "plot" part of it, then I couldn't be bothered to do their other modes.
Good morning, all
Yeah so I was literally unable to buy the game, and they banned me for trying
@fbueckert Afternoon
@agent86 That's not Funcom, that's Hi-Rez Studios, the same people who are doing Tribes: Ascend
Mom's knife get! With Fetus and four hearts' max health!
This was fun!
also, 100th death (1 up mushroom)
@QAdp Mom's knife is a great weapon if you can use it right
Nails also is OP. Free spirit hearts and damage for the room? Plus the chance of finding the battery? Yes please
@murgatroid99 I still haven't gotten Mom's Knife. But I've gotten ipecac like 20 times!
Grind the basement with Isaac!!
@Fluttershy I've gotten Mom's Knife a few times. It doesn't have knockback and the range is kind of bad, but you can kill most bosses in a few hits
@FAE yeah, I know they're different companies, just cataloging my MMO experience :P
that was probably unclear though
Is it mom's knife? D6. Is it mom's knife? ESC ESC ENTER SPACE SPACE. Is it mom's knife?
@agent86 Ah, gotcha
@murgatroid99 aw, no knockback? That's kinda bad.
Damn flies.
@QAdp but it barely matters because if you hit a regular enemy it's almost a guaranteed kill
also, it's a melee weapon. When you're not shooting it you can stab with it
Q: Is unlocking all the items enough for the Golden Boy achievement?

QAdpIs Golden Boy unlocked by unlocking every non-DLC item, or do you need to also find and pick them up?

Q: What's the significance of Seasons in Star Trek Online?

IsziI just got started playing Star Trek Online last night. I've now realized that "Season 6" is already on its way. What exactly does this mean? Are the "Seasons" just milestones in this MMO's life, like major software version numbers? Or do they represent more significant changes in the environ...

@murgatroid99 does it change direction with you? orbit? fixed downwards?

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