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@badp Hey, that's a server setting now.
Winners are Grace Note, Juan Manuel, and badp.
Okay okay, who won?
You're so screwed. :P
809 voters were eligible, 177 visited the election, and 129 voted
@badp SPEECH!
Lift off!
is burned to crisp by the mothership
Congrats everyone!
OpenSTV version 1.6.1 (OpenSTV.org)

Suggested donation for using OpenSTV for an election is $50.  Please go to
OpenSTV.org/donate to donate via PayPal, Google Checkout, or
Amazon Payments.

Certified election reports are also available.  Please go to
openstv.org/certified-reports for more information.

Loading ballots from file gaming.blt.
Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 118 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 118 non-empty ballots.
Congrats @GraceNote, @JuanManuel, @badp!
I can hardly believe I outperformed Juan. I guess I fail!
Hmm, 2 people immediately over the threshold. Nice.
People... voted for me?
And now we return to our regularly scheduled program.
Yay for SE hosting OpenSTV
now I have to delete all my references to @badp in the mod room
@IvoFlipse Go ahead, take your time, you have a couple hours circa
Cake, and grief counselling are now available at the door to your left.
It really was a tight run for Juan
@ArdaXi i did
Oh look I got mail.
University ICT spam. sigh
@RonanForman <3
tight with whome @badp?
between you and him?
@IvoFlipse No, for third place, see the logs I posted above
@badp Unless I'm reading it wrong, I don't think it was?
I think you three had 20+ from the start, so none of us even came close
Hmm, looking at this, I wasn't even eliminated. I'm still 'Hopeful'
Yeah, everything after step 2 is pretty much shuffling surplus votes around as a formality.
@IvoFlipse Juan apparently gained a lot of second choice votes, going by how the votes were split in the second round.
1: elect Grace Note. 2: elect me. 3: lower the bar. 4: lower the bar. 5: exclude Kevin and Powerlord. 6. lower the bar still. 7. exclude Fabian 8. lower the bar some more. 9. lower the bar again. 10. elect Juan
This is the way I read the log.
It's not 'lower the bar'
it's not lowering the bar, it's eliminating the people who are definitely not getting elected and moving votes for them elsewhere
It's 'carry over votes'
as long as Juan helps you guys out, I don't mind
@ArdaXi Why do that four times in a row?
@badp Because the threshold has to be reached.
@ArdaXi Yeah, so you lower the bar.
it's actually raising the minimum bar you need to beat to not be eliminated
@badp No, because the threshold stays the same.
note the "Exhausted" value increasing as the candidates with fewest votes are eliminated
each step, anyone below that number gets removed and their votes reassigned
And Ivo is runner-up.
only barely @ArdaXi
because I voted for myself off course :P
> 95 Million Page Views a Month
Whole SE network pageviews, that's quite a lot
@IvoFlipse You'd have been elected if there were 4 seats, period.
@IvoFlipse You voted for yourself? >:/
Oh hey, and I'm next. You people are idiots.
@ArdaXi No need to remind 'em. They voted for me after all.
and Grace and Cross
(Note how I'm implying I didn't vote for myself, but I didn't actually SAY I didn't vote for myself?)
Kills @badp and @IvoFlipse
Hopefully time will tell that I was wrong about @badp :)
@IvoFlipse It probably won't, if I know myself well enough!
@Powerlord I put myself in third, knowing it'd make no difference
I demand a recount with 5 seats!
A fourth seat might happen... good luck with 5.
So, how many of you can I cajole into joining this weekend's Game On?
Assuming we're having one every weekend.
@Powerlord When?
@Powerlord I'm supposed to resist the tentation but I guess I won't
@ArdaXi Last week it was at 6pm GMT Saturday
I'm just kinda scared by this moderator EULA sorta thing.
well @badp, you know where to find me if you want counseling ;)
@IvoFlipse Grief counseling especially!
Oh yeah, that's right... someone told me cake and grief counseling would be served after the election.
And I'm here for the rest of the community for counselling to deal with @badp with a diamond.
11 mins ago, by Arda Xi
Cake, and grief counselling are now available at the door to your left.
@ArdaXi Blame me while you can, man.
@badp I can blame you even more now!
@ArdaXi Which left, mine or the monitors'?
@badp The cake's
I will be playing.
But, the cake is a li... er... round...
Oh, yeah, about the cake.
blames badp♦ for the lack of cake.
weren't you supposed to bring it @ArdaXi?
With my semi-auto pistol
@badp Nope. I'm the counsellor, not the baker!
Technical election details in a neat format here:
OK, you guys are aware that... exposure to the StackExchange SuperCollider dropdown is not a part of this test?
@Powerlord oh, it's been a long time. The test protocol will have changed by now.
@badp I think we can put our differences behind us... for science. You monster.
This is awkward. I have until the end of July to apply for tickets for London 2012, knowing full well that I've volunteered to help at the games, but I won't find out if I've been picked for a volunteer role until the end of the year.
@ThomasMcDonald Ouch
Also, I'm going to have to try and find somewhere to stay in London for two weeks, if I do get picked for a volunteer role.
Q: Does a website exist that compares the versions of the same game on different platforms?

Chad BirchSince I own all the current-generation consoles as well as a gaming PC, whenever I decide to buy a new game, I tend to end up having to do a decent amount of searching to see if there are any significant differences between the different versions of the game. For example, some games run better o...

room topic changed to The Bridge: of Gaming's StackExchange™ AlienOverlord AskQuestion™ mothership is FIRING ITS LAZERS
@Feeds You mean a website that tells you to get the Xbox 360 version of Bayonetta or Ghostbusters, or the PS3 version of Final Fantasy XIII?
Just to name 3 games that I know of where one version of the game is clearly inferior to the other? :P
65 people put @GraceNote as their first choice. That's over half.
Doesn't Eurogamer regularly do head-to-head comparisons like that?
The whole STV thing is rather pointless, by SnTV the same winners would come out.
Congratulations to the new mods
Oh yay, I forgot next Monday is a US holiday.
Three day weekend!
Congratulations @Grace, @badp & @Juan!
@Powerlord Allow me to counter that with a 9-day weekend.
So, are the elections done?
Whoa, big chart.
Many numbers.
Information overload.
Who won?
That's the election went.
@badp, @JuanManuel, @GraceNote
ascending order of course
@badp It increases, starting with you. Wait... that was an insult. TAKE IT LIKE ONE
That's what I meant.
@ArdaXi 9-day weekend - are you from brazil? :P
Count after eliminating @FallenAngelEyes
^ ?
@Wilerson The Netherlands. I've got a week off
@ArdaXi ah, ok
@GnomeSlice The election works by eliminating people and recalculating
So, he made it to the last round?
But it makes no sense, honestly. No matter which method you use, you always get the same three winners.
@GnomeSlice No, he's the last one to be eliminated.
@ArdaXi So....he made it to the last round?
@ArdaXi In brazil there's the "carnaval" next month... it's a 5.5-day weekend, but some people may extend that :P
@IvoFlipse is the runner-up, and then some idiot.
@GnomeSlice The last round of people who are definitely not elected.
So.. the best of the worst, so to speak.
@ArdaXi Some Idiot?
@GnomeSlice Me.
Well, basically, he made it to the penultimate round, together with the other 6 of us.
4 of us were eliminated during recalcs.
Why so many calculations?
Why not just count up the votes?
Because you have three choices, not just one.
first choice = 3 points.
second choice = 2 points
And the first one has to count really really heavy, and the third one not so much.
third choice = 1 point
It's not supposed to be a weighted vote.
In an ideal world, only the first choices would count.
and thus, in round 1, that's what you see.
The second and third are just there in case there isn't a good majority. (Aka, usually)
Wait, isn't there a link somewhere to how STV works?
Hey, @bwarner is back.
> Meek STV provide more accurate proportional representation than other STV methods, but the count must be done with a computer and cannot be done by hand. There are two main differences between Meek STV and other STV methods: (1) winning candidates still receive vote transfers and (2) when a candidate is eliminated, the votes are transferred as if the candidate never entered the election.
Wait, that explains nothing. Bad OpenSTV!
But yeah, there are a lot of ways to do elections. Meek just happens to be the one the SE team chose.
@ArdaXi I guess that means the results are pretty clear cut, rather than the method being "righter" than others.
Q: Starcraft 2: Handling a 4-gate as zerg

AardvarkI am a master's league player attempting to learn Zerg. My overall macro is very strong, but I have the sense I am over-droning which leads to my defeat against a strong 4 gate (high diamond->masters). Spine crawlers are often side stepped, speedlings take a significant larvae commitment and le...

(1) in Meek seems weird.
@Gnome I am. Once I get things back under control maybe I'll be ready to join another town
@Powerlord The transferring for winning candidates? Hmm, I guess... I mean, it runs over anyway
The easiest way to think of STV I think is to think of filling water tanks. They have a certain capacity, which is the threshold. You first fill your first choice. Once you pour over the threshold, everything that is spilt goes into the tank of your second choice, and again for your third choice.
@bwarner I haven't.
Additionally, anyone who is eliminated because he doesn't have enough votes has his water poured into all the respective water tanks.
This way, people are eliminated all the time until three people breach the threshold.
@bwarner I went into one more after the Palisades, and it was pretty bad up until everyone forgot to close the gates.
That is why you see so much calculations, because it has to eliminate candidates all the time. And in eliminating candidates, the threshold becomes lower, because it is defined by the amount of candidates.
@ArdaXi I don't get it.
Don't bother trying to explain it to me.
I'm a commoner.
Congratulations @GraceNote, @JuanManuel, @badp! I look forward to many years of your benevolent rule!
@GnomeSlice After the first round, you have @GraceNote with a full tank, and everyone else's is filled to some extent.
@ArdaXi badp's is also full, I think
Nope, coming to that.
Wait no, I wasn't looking at the right column
Now, @GraceNote has more votes than the tank can hold, so her tank overflows into the people's second choices.
Q: How are moderator election votes counted, in plain English?

Popular DemandThe election page sidebar states that Stack Exchange elections use the Meek STV vote-counting method: After 4 days, the final voting results will be freely downloadable from this page forever, and we will calculate the 3 winners using OpenSTV with the Meek STV method. How does it work? I su...

This leads to @badp's tank filling up over the threshold, and his votes overflowing.
@Powerlord Way too technical imo
So anyway, after round 3, with @badp's votes redistributed, there is nobody who has enough votes to reach the threshold. So, instead, we eliminate @KevinY and @Powerlord, and pour their votes into the second choices. (Or even third, at this point)
This continues ad infinitum until the amount of seats is filled.
I have yet to see an explanation of this system where someone explains why there appear to be partial votes.
I'm assuming that's because it splits the overflow into pieces based on how much they overflowed.
So, each person who voted for Grace had 0.546 (rounded to 3 decimal places here) go to their second vote.
That would be the surplus / number of votes for Grace
> Your vote, valued at 1.00 vote, is applied to your candidates in the order you rank them. Each candidate only uses as much of your vote as needed to become elected (shared equitably between all who voted for that candidate). The fractional remainder of your vote is then passed down your list to your next choice, in the order of preference. If a candidate is considered out of the race, you get that part of your vote back to apply further down your list.
@Powerlord Exactly
@Powerlord The only way to do it, since votes are not chronological.
@Powerlord That's the whole point.
Single transferable vote
You only have 1 vote
If you want to transfer it you'll have to consider partial votes.
Evening all
Congrats to the winners!
Oh man, @badp's a mod?
@Mana Not yet. You can still blame me.
Oh. Phew.
@Mana I committed to the well being of all participants. Cake and grief counseling will be available at the conclusion of the diamondization. Thank you for helping us help you help us all.
@ArdaXi Cake? I need a beer.
actually I'm fairly pleased with the way it turned out
Arda Xi reminds you that badp will never threaten to stab you and, in fact, cannot speak.
You, sir, are hallucinating.
Please begin to panic now while I stab you.
Arda Xi reminds you that badp cannot speak. In the event that badp does speak, Arda Xi urges you to disregard its advice.
If badp could speak – and Arda Xi takes this opportunity to remind you that it cannot – it would tell you to go on without it, because it would rather die in a fire than become a burden to you.
The symptoms most commonly produced by moderator elections are superstition, perceiving inanimate objects as "alive", and hallucinations.
Oh, and @Mana, I am required to remind you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake.
@ArdaXi Go ahead and leave me. I think I prefer to stay inside. Maybe you'll find someone else to help you.
@Powerlord Maybe Black Mesa? That was a joke, haha, fat chance!
@ArdaXi Anyway, this cake is great, it's so delicious and moist!
@badp Despite your violent behavior, the only thing you've managed to break so far is my heart.
Look at me still talking when there's science to do.
Q: What is Stack Overflow's business model?

George StockerI once answered a question that asked how Stack Overflow makes money, but that was before the time of VC. Now, Stack Overflow has cash, and they have an ever-growing list of employees, but where's the business model? The Experts-Exchange team took the time to answer its own Q&A about its si...

Well, you elected @badp. Congratulations. Was it worth it? Because despite your violent behavior, the only thing you've managed to break so far is my heart. Maybe you could settle for that and we'll just call it a day? I guess we both know that isn't going to happen. You chose this path, and now I have a surprise for you.
@ArdaXi looks at a ball fall from your crotch
maaaan, that's not cool.
Time out for a second. That wasn't supposed to happen. Do you see that thing that fell out of me? What is that? It's not the surprise. I've never seen it before. Never mind, it's a mystery I'll solve later … by myself, because you'll be dead.
@ArdaXi Somehow it doesn't surprise me you haven't seen it yet.
@badp Do you think I'm trying to trick you with reverse psychology? I mean, seriously, now.
@ArdaXi Do you just stick that Aperture Science thing-we-don't-know-what-it-is into the StackExchange Election Ballot Box?
Huh. That ballot must have had some ancillary responsibilities. I can't shut off the mothership defences. Oh well. If you want my advice, you should just go lie down in front of a rocket. Trust me, it will be a lot less painful than badp's moderation.
Have I ever lied to you? I mean, in this room?
Please note that we have added a consequence for failure. Any contact with @badp will result in an unsatisfactory mark on your official testing record, followed by death.
There isn't enough responsibility for @badp to kill you, so I guess you win … hah! I'm making more! That's going to take a few minutes, though ….
Speaking of curiosity, you're curious about what happens after @badp gets his diamond, right? Guess what? I know! You're going to find out first-hand before I can finish explaining it, though, so I won't bother. Here's a hint: you're gonna want to pack as much posting as you can into the next couple of minutes.
Look, you're wasting your time. And, believe me, you don't have a whole lot left to waste. What's your point, anyway? Survival? Well, then the last thing you wanted to do was elect @badp.
Let's be honest. Neither one of us knows what badp does. Just put him in the corner and I'll deal with him later.
@Powerlord OOC: Actually made me LOL
I have an infinite capacity for knowledge, and even I'm not sure what's going on with @badp.
Please be advised that a noticeable taste of blood is not part of any test protocol but is an unintended side effect of electing badp, which may, in semi-rare cases, emancipate dental fillings, crowns, tooth enamel, and teeth.
I think I'm done here.
Before we start, however, keep in mind that although fun and learning are the primary goals of all activities, serious injuries may occur. For your own safety and the safety of others, please refrain from [static] elegir badp
@Powerlord I'm not.
Yeah, it's time for me to head home.
While safety is one of many of our goals, @badp can and has caused permanent disabilities, such as vaporization. Please be careful.
Which is why I'm done with the quotes. :D
Please note that any appearance of badp is merely a device to enhance your experience.
I still wonder if GLaDOS will only have two songs in Portal 2, or more than that.
Anyway, gone home.
Badp: [After he is elected] Weeeeeee.
Stack Overflow Inc. promises to always provide a safe asking environment. In dangerous asking environments, Stack Overflow Inc. promises to always provide useful advice. For instance, @badp's moderation will kill you. Try to avoid it.
@ArdaXi I for one welcome our new @badp moderator overlords!
As part of a previously mentioned required test protocol, we can no longer lie to you. When the testing is over, you will be mist.
Unrelated to badp bashing, but how did I never notice this?
I believe she says "missed" there really.
great, now I'm listening to Johnathan Coulton again ...
@badp I think it's intentionally ambiguous.
The planned test does end in the subject being mist.
hashes are not mist.
Did you know you can donate one or all of your vital organs to the Stack Overflow Self-Esteem Fund for @badp? It's true!
@badp It was a fun election and we're all impressed at how much you won. The election is over. Come back.
@CRoss: Yay for JoCo!
All this election discussion is hurting my head. Can't we just accept that the program is right and not worry about the magic behind it?
@ThomasMcDonald → 23 messages moved to The SE Tavern
That was... unnecessary.
You're welcome.
Oop, @badp broke the message reply finder.
@ThomasMcDonald Edit it?
It was mainly to treat some of you to blood red mentions (@TimStone mainly)
1 context restored in the The SE Tavern
No one mentioned me, so it's OK :P
My eyes have survived another day.
Hmm, Meek STV is supposedly not possible by hand. I beg to differ. It'd be hard as hell, but not impossible.
@ArdaXi having done crypto by hand, I'd have to agree
@CRoss What kind of crypto?
@ArdaXi basic mathematical crypto in college, including DES and elliptical curve
Maaaaaaaan, it's nice to see Portal references that go beyond mentioning "Still Alive" or a Companion Cube.
But the Companion Cube luvs you!
@Mana I thought it bordered on spam. But if you liked it, I'll continue.
No it's done @Arda.
@Mana Who's going to make the cake when @badp is moderator? You? That's it. I'm done reasoning with you.
Oh man. @badp? A mod?
My head's still spinning.
@Mana The switch is taking suspiciously long to flip. I guess they're just cleaning up everything they've said about me before they let me in!
@badp Didn't we have some fun, though? Remember when the election was starting up and we said "Nominate", and you were like, [deep voice] "No way!" And then we were all, "We pretended we were going to vote for you." That was great.
@ArdaXi You're burning all the quotes tonight
@badp no, it's still there
@badp You are not a good person. You know that, right? Good people don't end up here.
Despite the best efforts of the Stack Overflow Inc. Staff to ensure the safe performance of all authorized activities, you have managed to elect @badp as a moderator. A complimentary escape hatch will open in three … two … [static] Por favor de donde fallar muchos gracias de fallar gracias!
Though earth and man are gone,
I thought the Oak would last forever.
I was wrong.
Q: Finalize possibility of open sourcing SOIS engine

PollyannaThe possibility of open sourcing the engine has never completely been put to rest but nearly a year after accepting VC funding can we have a final statement on the matter? My expectation is that now that there are outside investors whose investment are tied to the IP of the company, that it woul...

They told me that if I was ever to vote for @badp, I would die!
You, @badp's name here, must be the pride of @badp's hometown here.
@badp There was even going to be a party for you. A big party that all your friends were invited to. All your friends couldn't come, though, because you don't have any friends because of how unlikable you are. It says so right here in your personnel file: "Unlikable. Liked by no one. A bitter, unlikable loner, whose passing shall not be mourned. Shall NOT be mourned." That's exactly what it says. Very formal. Very official. It also says you were adopted, so that's funny, too.
@badp We are pleased that you made it through the final challenge where we pretended we were going to make you a moderator. We are very very happy for your success. We are throwing a party in honour of your tremendous success. Place the diamond on the ground, then lie on your stomach with your arms at your sides. A party associate will arrive shortly to collect you for your party. Make no further attempt to leave the Q&A area.
Woo, Strunk & White badge!
On second thought, who cares.
@Brant We do.
It just means I'm 17% of the way to the copy editor badge.
@Brant It means you're 100% the way of today's badge!
@Mana You might say it is a triumph. A huge success.
never mind, I'm sick of Portal references
Q: MineCraft: Circuits: how to invert a pulsar?

WussupObviously inverting a pulsar is kind of redundant, since it goes on and off repeatedly... however, when I want it to stop, a lever would do just fine, but it would keep it powered on. but what if I wanted the object its connected to be by default off? I can't use an inverter because the second I'...

Congratulations @Grace, @badp and @Juan.
Thank you, everybody, although I'm feeling dumber by the minute
...is there a button I need to press?
@badp Don't you now as a moderator have some big red button that will end the world?
@Fabian You say "now" as if I had the diamond yet :)
You're not yet a moderator?
Anyway, congratulations. I have high expectations for you, you're the only non pro-temp moderator elected.
@Fabian I really hoped there would be no non-pro-temp moderators elected tbh
As Oak did not nominate himself, that was impossible
You're now the europe-based moderator, you'll have to replace Oak
I know :/
That "the" kinda scares me.
I still think we could use more than 3 moderators, and the nominations/elections showed we have enough candidates to fill those spots.
Fourth would be @Ivo
who is probably an amazing mod, but has the second biggest SE to moderate
I'm 7th or 8th, the output is a bit confusing to me
Where do you see the output?
Ah, thank you.
@FallenAngelEyes You're something like 6th or 7th, but I'm not sure about that
@Fabian: I'm... not entirely sure how to parse this.
@FallenAngelEyes Me neither, but I'm guessing anyway
Haha. Well, all that matters is that we have new permanent overlor--mods now.
We'll lose Oak now, I hope the new moderators can compensate that.
1. Grace Note
2. badp
3. Juan Manuel
4. Ivo Flipse
5. Arda Xi
6. C. Ross
7. FallenAngelEyes
8. Fabian
9. Powerlord
10. Kevin Y
Does this answer fit horizontally on your browsers as well?
A: 2011 Community Moderator Election

badpLoading ballots from file gaming.blt. Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 118 ballots. No candidates have withdrawn. Ballot file contains 118 non-empty ballots. Counting votes for Gaming Moderator Election 2011 using Meek STV. 10 candidates running for 3 seats. R|Ivo Flips|Grace Not|C. Ross...

@badp Yes, for me (Chrome on Win 7)
@Fabian How much spare room on the side?
@badp about 6 chars

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