I am have been playing splinter cell double agent. I got past the escaping prison mission and saved jamie. I am got to the next mission and saved it. When i went back on i had to do the prison thing allover again. Does anyone know why this is happening. I have checked the save profiles but they d...
Corrupt vessels are much easier to kill before they become tormented thrall, they don't move, they don't attack and they have less health. The thralls are harder to kill because they move, hit and have more health.
But, do the thrall compensate for it by giving more experience and loot?
There is also a policy about rolling back posts after the OP has rolled back edits. The general rule is to downvote (if you must) and move on; a "Thanks" isn't hurting anyone. Source: I said this once and Jeff agreed (before Meta.SO existed). — mmyers5 mins ago
They keep removing the game's name from the title which is absolutely essential for the question to make any sense.
I'm looking for an "old school" adventure game from my childhood and I just cannot remind what was name of that :). The only thing i remember is that, further in storyline, protagonist was traveling into mountains and you needed a ham to go there and cloak. That is really old game, something arou...
@tiddy Why is crying yourself to sleep a requirement? So long as she's holding down a job, paying bills, and living on her own, that should meet most of the responsibility requirements.
@ayckoster they're both usable, but a socketed crossbow with a green gem will probably yield higher DPS in conjunction with Archery and Sharpshooter than a bow with a socket
@ayckoster and what I said would mean that if you had a bow with a socket and 950 dps, that with the archery and sharpshooter passives you would get more dps out of the crossbow
I just came across an item called the "Bullseye", which uses the Accessory slot on a character. The description of the item is "There's no good reason for any person to EVER equip this."
Indeed, it does not seem to affect my stats in any way. Does it have any hidden effect, such as making the ch...
As part of the Great Arqade Clean-up can we get jungle merged into league-of-legends please? All questions against jungle now only relate to league-of-legends at this time.
If during the process of burning these tags you notice that most of them are all attached to questions about one game (i...
@agent86 @LessPopMoreFizz @bwarner @MrNovember you get your headset yet? Trying to figure out how to return it; don't have an order number. The Amazon CSR I talked with was useless and Lauren just said "all the headsets were ordered ahead of time and shipped from our office, so there is no order number". Did one of you get a box with the order number in it?
Check out my crochety old man "Get off mah lawn!" meta post.
You show me something good a 1 rep user posted, I'll up vote it. I haven't found a 1 rep answer in a long time that was good, but I'm fairly sure I up voted a few 1 rep questions in the past couple of days
@agent86 you ask Lauren at all? I'm baffled by her "there's no order number" as they obviously bought them in the first place; and AFAIK you can return individual items from an order.
@NiQAlasT naah, I figured they ordered them long before the contest even started, and I don't much like to publicly look a gift horse in the mouth (although I'm doing it now, sigh)
@fbueckert My biggest complaint is that they love to leave their toys in my yard. Balls, bicycles, scooters... you name it and I've found it in my yard
My yard doesn't look great, but i don't need them trashing it up!
@ayckoster gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/70529/… Have a look at the incgamers chart if that's what you want. Also, when you said 'affixes' I thought you meant elite affixes at first (we do have a comprehensive list for that one)
@NiQAlasT Well I did put one of those big wheel things on top of my trash can one time after i found it sitting behind my car. I think they got the point.
Prior to the 1.0.3 patch, defeating an Act boss pretty much guaranteed at least 1 and usually 2 rare items to drop. After the patch with the same build as prior to the patch I am now finding that they do not drop rare items at all. Is this a bug in the reworking of the drops or intentional to try...
wondering if is going to go into WalkTheEarth mode
Regardless of where it'll go next season, it was a fairly good conclusion
@skovacs1 My only two complains are that there wasn't enough killing (it seems like blood benders would hardly be averse to it), and it's not realistic in that the people seem to have zero tolerance for leaders' hypocrisy. The murder-suicide was a nice touch though :P
@NiQAlasT Absence of killing fits context (targeting younger audience) so the little death there was is more surprising. Reactions were less plausible, but the reasons made sense. For a bender to rid the world of all other bending, fashioning himself as a god of sorts is hardly acceptable and to have it proven built on a lie only begs the question of what else was being lied about - trust was lost. The unrealistic part of the reaction is that the people were so quick to jump ship.
@skovacs1 Yeah, first bit was tongue-in-cheek :P Presumably the people knew he was a bender of some sort anyways in the first place and I'd think there would be some sort of "ends justify the means" mentality
@ayckoster Maybe an anti-avatar? Perhaps Asami turns evil (you know they hinted at it)? If it goes into relationships and all that à la teen angsty smallville or whatever hip super-power drama you want to draw a correlation to, I think it will suffer for it. Like I said, I don't know what they'll do next. It seems they didn't leave themselves much rope.
Yeah, but I give the writers more credit than to assume they'll just make the next arc about enemy X who has more power than the main character who just defeated enemy Y....
I'm playing on elvishly easy with permadeath. At least since the 3th or 4th floor, almost every time I encounter an enemy I get debuffed with the Shroud of Darkness.
I'm at level 7 now and the situation hasn't changed.
It is really unpleasant, since the effects stack and most of the time I can't...
Ugh, not to stereotype, but Indians (at least two I've contacted in the past 2 weeks for wholly unrelated things) seem really bad about fully answering emails a la:
@MarkTrapp here's a 1-rep user (for now) with a seemingly decent 1st post. I know nothing about the game though.
The AI seem to be very fond of paying me 15 - 25 gold to establish an embassy in my capital very early in the game. I'm quite fond of free money, so I've generally taken the deal, but is that actually the right decision? What advantages / disadvantages does an embassy offer to me when playing a...
@ickleislands That's one thing I don't like about the ME wiki. We look to it as a source, yet we usually have better information, except when we have no information. What's even worse is that the actual Infiltrator page doesn't have any info on the bonuses.
@agent86 don't know what they really needed off the shipping label; I gave them the entire thing and they told me that Abby sent it; then had to ask again for the actual number
it's what I was saying earlier about creating a duplicate ME3 post specifically about the extended cut dlc with a correctly worded title to funnel searches relating to it here
however by using a browser I never use on a PC that is never used to browse the internet while not logged into google accounts brings me the same set of results for the queries I was using
yeah, just did a search myself and didn't see it. Maybe it's only for a subset of topics and/or they changed the functionality since the last time I used it
I am getting location aware results for another search, which leads me to believe they revamped the personalized results, as I should see the option for global results on such a search
I'm coming to this discussion late, but I say thanks whenever I want to and I have the right to do so, given by the constitution of my country. And since Stack Gaming is located in the USA, my freedom of speech is also protected by the constitution of your country. is pretty hilarious