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On average how many times do you have to shout at the ceiling before the lights work?
@PrivatePansy on average, probably 1.2 times
living room takes more tries, I assume because more noise
The only use I have so far for any sort of smart thing is wanting to be able to yell for my song to change when iTunes plays one I don't like when I am doing dishes.
but also, google mini ignores my voice more than it ignores my wife's voice 🤔 even though when we first got it, it was the opposite
@Ash we use google mini like 90% just for music
it's great
doesn't integrate with iTunes though, because apple vs google
@Chippies That's really why I like my Home Hub
And I have a Mini on the way
google mini's can be bought for pretty cheap nowadays
And I kinda want a Max for the living room
All of my music is on my desktop computer, I use iTunes to sort it
@Chippies I got mine for $20
@SaintWacko I'd be fine with just a regular Home for the living room :P But the mini works
I wonder if there's another program I could use that the mini would talk to
@Ash All my music is in Google Play music, so the Google Home stuff is perfect
@Chippies To be fair, soon iTunes won't integrate with iTunes.
@SaintWacko Okay, this is where I get confused, and maybe y'all can help.
@SaintWacko we got ours before they started going on clearance or whatever. 80$ CAD for first one, then we got a bundle of 2 for 110$ and gave one for in-laws for christmas
I have a ipod mini that i use when I am out of my house, and I use itunes to play my music in my house .
I don't stream my music, it's all stuff I have the files for.
Would something like GPM allow me to idk import all that somehow? I don't want to pay for a streaming subscription.
Or am I just screwed because I am weirdly luddite a little about my music?
@Ash GPM allows you to upload your own music, yes
but I'd still have to use Apple whatever replaces itunes to put stuff on the iPod, correct?
without subscription though, playing specific songs is finnicky, because you can only play specific songs from your uploaded library
@Ash Idk much about apple stuff, but I believe so?
@Chippies For the minis? Dang
@Ash Yeah, that's how I started with GPM
@SaintWacko yeah, few months later everyone just started giving them away, lol
I might wait til WorldEngineer is here and get him to help me figure this out, because I am stupidly confused.
I subscribe now, though, and have zero regrets about it
we split costs on a family plan with in-laws, you also get no ads on youtube, so that's nice
@SaintWacko I am just trying to cut out as much extra subs as I can right now as when World gets here money will be tight til he gets a job
All I upload anymore is clips of LadyWacko and DameWacko singing
I remember reading a story about a DJ that did remixes of songs, and one day he got on iTunes, and iTunes replaced all his songs with the lower quality version they have in their library or something like that
(unless you pay 2$ less and get only the GPM)
@SaintWacko DameWacko?
@Chippies LadyWacko's tired of iTunes, so I've been trying to convince her to join me on a GPM family plan, but she prefers Spotify
@Moacir My other wife
@SaintWacko I am not sure if you are joking
@SaintWacko I've tried Spotify, but didn't like it. The fact that I could upload my own stuff to GPM is what got me into it
@Moacir Not really, no
@SaintWacko Huh
I also never subscribed to Spotify, so maybe it's not as bad with a subscription
I never knew someone who had more than one wife
(Or husband)
I'm gonna go clean the kitchen and listen to songs from Fraggle Rock
@Moacir I mean, obviously I'm only legally married to one of them, but they both have rings
@SaintWacko Oh, not judging or anything
@SaintWacko Oh, y'all made it official? Last I heard, it was in more of a "figuring stuff out" stage.
What matters is that you and everyone involved is ok with that
Damn it one box
I give up
@Wipqozn I know it is a thing, it is just not a thing I am used to see
@Yuuki Things got complicated for a while, and I'm still not sure it's entirely figured out, but it works out for the most part
Polyamory (from Greek πολύ poly, "many, several", and Latin amor, "love") is the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the consent of all partners involved. It has been described as "consensual, ethical, and responsible non-monogamy". People who identify as polyamorous believe in an open relationship with a conscious management of jealousy; they reject the view that sexual and relational exclusivity are necessary for deep, committed, long-term loving relationships.Polyamory has come to be an umbrella term for various forms of non-monogamous, multi-partner...
Don't need to copy links, SE has a one-box shortcut for Wikipedia.
also you want en.wikipedia, not en.m.wikipedia and not wikipedia
Although it is annoying if you use Wikiwand
Doesn't Wikiwand just scrape from Wikipedia?
I used to have a autohotkey script that would autoconvert any copied wikiand link to a wikipedia link, just for oneboxing
I think @GnomeSlice might still be using it
Does Wikiwand at least contribute some money to Wikipedia?
Q: How is the rating calculated in Wordfeud?

JamWinning a game increases your rating with a number, and losing decreases your rating with a number. I've gotten anything between 6-20 and possibly higher. This is independent from the game score, which is explained in the manual. How exactly is the rating calculated?

@Unionhawk I had one of those originally
Oh the m
That's dumb
I cannot wait for June to be over. May and June are the absolute busiest months when you have lots of kids. And then July arrives and my calendar goes from three things a night to nothing.
I wonder if it supports different languages at all actually
Probably not?
It does but not well, I suppose.
胚胎幹細胞(Embryonic stem cell,簡稱ESC)是一類具有多能性的幹細胞。在卵細胞受精後,受精卵經過桑葚胚階段,進入囊胚階段。囊胚中的細胞可以歸入兩個大類:滋養層(trophoblast,TE)和內細胞群(inner cell mass,ICM)。滋養層的細胞會分化爲胚胎外的組織(胎盤等),內細胞群的細胞則會分化成胚胎的其餘結構。分離內細胞群細胞並進行體外(in vitro)培養,即可取得胚胎幹細胞。胚胎幹細胞擁有分化爲三個胚層的細胞的潛能,或者說在一般情況下能分化形成除了胎盤之外的所有胚胎結構,此為胚胎幹細胞多能性的具體體現。 1981年,英國劍橋大學遺傳學部中,兩個分別由马丁·埃文斯(Martin Evans)以及马修·考夫曼(Matthew Kaufman)率領的研究團隊分別在體外建立了小鼠胚胎幹細胞系。而胚胎幹細胞這一術語則是由加州大學舊金山分校(UCSF)解剖學部的教授蓋爾·馬丁(Gail R. Martin)於當年12月的一篇論文中首次提出。1998年,威斯康星大學教授詹姆斯·汤姆森(James Thomson)等人成功建立了人胚胎幹細胞系。2007年,马丁·埃文斯與另外兩名科學家因「利用胚胎幹細胞引入特異性基因修飾的原理上的發現」而獲得當年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎。 胚胎幹細胞被認爲在再生醫學、組織工程、藥物實驗等領域擁有廣闊的應用前景,胚胎幹細胞對...
Correction, it doesn't support the main page very well.
@SaintWacko nah I reinstalled my PC a while back and lost it
Science is what we do to find out about the natural world. Natural sciences include physics, chemistry, biology, geology and astronomy. Science uses mathematics and logic, which are sometimes called "formal sciences". Natural science makes observations and experiments. Science produces accurate facts, scientific laws and theories. 'Science' also refers to the large amount of knowledge that has been found using this process.Research uses the scientific method. Scientific research uses hypotheses based on ideas or earlier knowledge, which can be categorized through different topics. Then thos...
I wonder how you link other languages using the shortcut.
You probably can't.
Probably not, idk how you would even do that
I assume it just takes wiki:$ and produces en.wikipedia.org/wiki/$
@SaintWacko I decided to search on bridge for DameWacko mentions and oh boy, it has been a ride huh?
I am happy that everything went well
I am totally like you I think, when trying to avoid "fight or flight" situations.
Man the Chernobyl series is great, really great and also awful
Awful in the sense that I literally had my hand clamped over my mouth the entire first episode
On the same line, Black Mirror first episode is the same thing
It was great to the point where me and my SO wouldn't stop watching, awful to the point we dont want to see what comes next
Thing about Chernobyl is it's pretty accurately dramatised history. People did those things and literally melted away in real life.
The melting parts were among the worst
Acute radiation exposure easily the worst way to die it turns out
@fredley To be fair, it is not a thing that can be tested
@Moacir Yeah, I stopped talking about her in here for a while after I unthinkingly mentioned the name I had been using for her and she found my messages in here. At that point we still hadn't completely told her how we really felt and so finding those made things awkward for a while
It's funny how coal power plants cause order of magnitude more deaths via cancer and lung disease, but because those victims die quietly in hospitals you don't get HBO docudrama about them
Dunno, I think I'd choose anything over that.
@SaintWacko OH! Thats why you mentioned about how the things said here are search-able and indexed
@PrivatePansy Yeah. 'only' 50 died directly. Another 9k deaths associated though.
@Moacir Ah, yep
I also never knew how close we got to wiping out all of Europe
This seems like an exceptionally good idea elon
That's awesome
I wonder if it works while under way with autopilot (which would most likely be extremely illegal)
I'm pretty sure I saw that the games only work while the car is parked
@Unionhawk Quite possibly the most elon idea yet from elon
given current litigation regarding sudden and unexpected acceleration of tesla vehicles resulting in serious bodily injury, I am skeptical of intentionally pressing the accelerate pedal while parked even
Q: Command Block Question 1.13.2

CursedI'm trying to find the easiest way to make a "point system" for my parkour course. Now what I am wanting is if you decide to go read the tutorial I built the pressure plate you step on to go to the tutorial gives you a score of one on a dummy scoreboard we can call it tutorial. Now once they cont...

oh that's right todd is on stage because also fallout shelter is coming to tesla because, sure why not it'll probably run skyrim too if you want idk
I'm really bad at Cadence of Hyrule
wait, is cadence not a roguelike
> As I start exploring the world of Hyrule (playing as Link, though Zelda is also an option), I quickly stumble upon a few classic staples: a small blue shield, a sword and, a few screens later, a hookshot. This gear, usually hidden underground in mini-dungeons, sticks with me, even after death, making subsequent playthroughs much easier. Heart containers carry over, too, letting me explore deeper into the world without the insta-deaths that make the first few hours of NecroDancer so punishing.
> Hyrule remains as well, at least in story mode. I uncover more of the map as I explore, moving screen-by-screen in the same manner as the classic Zelda games. NecroDancer was fully randomized after every death, but here I can to return to areas I’ve already visited, besting enemies that were previously too strong. I feel like I’m getting stronger and more capable as I play, just like I would in a traditional Zelda game.
Ooh neat
It's just finished downloading
Even the title screen music is good
@Wipqozn This might make me like it better than Necrodancer
If I buy this it's @Sterno and @Unionhawk's fault
Oh neat, you don't need to move in time when there are no enemies around, that speeds things up
Zelda sound effects 😍
Damn it @Ronan
Fine , FINE
The big question is - do you challenge Ganon to a dance battle at the end?
Oh I hope so :P
Q: What model of internal Hard Drive comes with the Xbox One?

LemonWhat type, make and model of internal Hard Drive comes by default with the Xbox One/One S/One X?

Q: Which Attack (Flurry, Power Attack, Critical Strike) produces the most Damage in KotOR2?

palswimLike Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KotOR), Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords provides three separate Feat progressions for Melee Attacks: Flurry, Power Attack, and Critical Strike, each with three ranks, Basic, Improved, and Master. The descriptions of each version's Maste...

2 hours later…
Q: Are the new gang hideouts added in "The Liars and Cheats" DLC multiplayer-only?

user598527The Liars and Cheats DLC (Rockstar page) adds seven gang hideouts to the game. When visiting Crooked Toes — an area with a distinct rock formation — both at night and during daytime there was no activity in the region. Do the hideouts only appear in the online multiplayer? I have the Game of the...

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