I have two different digital downloads of the same game, 2000's Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers, and I managed to get both of them working but only one of them has music. However, the version that doesn't have music, but does have sound, functions better and I'm using that one. Is there any way to ge...
A game definitely being good used to be a reason to pre-order back when games had physical releases and the store running out of supply was an actual concern.
@Unionhawk It was an aside about something surprises coming and it flashed an image and I don't know what it was and he didn't explain anything about it
"Let's talk about Elite Squad so people don't forget we showed it"
That's just awesome. My office is literally right next to a trail which is used to be a rail system, but which has since been converted to a multi-use trail which goes around the entire province.
Today, two questions were asked:
What was the first console or handheld to have a user interface outside of games?
What is the origin of the standard color coding scheme for item rarity?
Very quickly, a discussion started in chat regarding the on-topicness of questions about historical trivia...
I'm making a Minecraft texture pack (Minebit), and I'm working on the creeper. But the only the head seems right, but everything else is weird. Here's creeper.png (you might have to zoom in):
Can anyone help, at least with the format of the creeper texture?
@Chippies If it doesn't remember the last thing you chose and it's not in reddit.com/prefs then it probably isn't configrable. You can bookmark reddit.com/new though
the only option in Prefs I have found is "Community content sort Choose how you would like content organized in communities you visit. This will not affect global feeds such as Home, or Popular."
I can't find anything for Home, which is kinda stupid
> *Hugs the cute deer lady* "Oh wow this game looks so happy and pleasant! I already feel attached to some of these charact..." Learn to say goodbye *Cancels preorder*
In one of my Terraria worlds I've created a Volcano farm that looks like this:
It is located at X 0 Y 862 (Underground) and I've crleared all the surroundings:
Please, nottice that I left a Stone platform for mobs to spawn in, I was expecting mobs spawning and moving towards the pla...
---- Minecraft Crash Report ----
// Uh... Did I do that?
Time: 6/10/19 5:41 PM
Description: Rendering screen
java.lang.NullPointerException: Rendering screen
at cpw.mods.fml.common.versioning.VersionRange.getLowerBoundString(VersionRange.java:573)
at cpw.mods.fml.client.GuiModsMissing.f...