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Yeah all I saw there was NGE
@McKay, have you played Dwarf Fortress? it's a Fun Game.
can any fellow DF players help me on this one?
A: Why are some questions tagged [fun]?

Arda XiIt's an in-joke. Anything negative that happens in Dwarf Fortress (like flooding your fort after cutting through the wrong stone or wounding a dwarf) is referred to as fun, as it is the most entertaining part of the game. Fun is actually a redirect to Losing on their wiki, and it does apply to D...

I've been in a lot of Forums and stuff where it's been discussed.
you're missing out.
I've actually been warned against it by someone whose taste is similar to mine.
what was the reason?
it's not a game of instant gratification
yeah, I'd probably give it a shot if I had more time.
at this point, based on what I've heard, I'd probably put beating a dozen or so games ahead of it.
I managed to have Fun within a couple hours the first time
ran out of booze
but the detail of the details are very detailed. Dwarfs have bones, which can break after they fall from a high place, and then another dwarf needs to bring the onconcious dwarf to bed, where he rests for several months, healing his broken bones and lung. during all this time, the other dwarfs will care for him (if they're not busy) and finally, he dies anyways because his wounds got infected. (happened to me)
I love the way it actually makes up mythology which hardly anyone ever reads, and they all have relationships
oh yeah, the detail is very very impressive
@alexanderpas did you have a hospital?
was the miner from the embark group :D
how did he fall so high?
channeling a project from the wrong side.
I flooded my fortress at the start
luckily it was in a mountain so at the same z-level as outside, so the water just went away
built my actual fortress slightly north and kept that area as my farm
afterwards i had a nice ceiling light in my future dining hall (intended), and a badly injured miner (unintended)
so from which side should he have built it?
he should've channeled that last tile from the outside, not on top of the structure that was going to fall down.
I finally learnt to put my still's brew drink task on repeat
Urist McBrewer Cancels Work: Hunting for Vermin.
how do you do english names again?
Edit raws?
I thought there was a setting
like there is for fortress names
(at least there's english names for them)
do you mean nicknames?
never mind, I'm probably thinking wrong
anyway, my Carpenter cancels Fill Pond: Need Empty Bucket right before he fulfils the order for a bucket I just set
Urist McCarpenter cancels Fill Pond: Need Empty Bucket - Urist McCarpenter just made a Bucket.
that's even better
@McKay Neon Gensis Evangelion
what kind of names are those
I still need to learn a lot of culture
just wait until you get to HFS (no link on purpose, spoilers)
I know, hidden fun stuff, right
captnduck mentions it in his first df2010 video
shows it too
@tzenes I guess I thought you were talking about something else
@alexanderpas I'm too lazy to dig that far down
well, you can always meet the old HFS on the way down.
Eerie glowing pit
but digging down is so much work, building all those staircases
don't get me wrong, I'd love some more Fun, but I'm too lazy
doing work for Fun seems vaguely ironic
there is always the option of:
what game is that based on anyway?
oh right
it's been a long time since I've read it
Books >> games < movie
are we talking about LotR or in general?
ah, okay
wouldn't know
haven't played any game and still have to watch it..
movie is good for first introduction, then you read the books, then you watch the extended edition of the movies, then you read the books again.
I skipped stage one, did stage two, guess I'll have to go to three
acceptable, stage one is skippable.
Oh great, Urist McArtist made a masterpiece out of my hospital table
well, I'll save that for when I need a masterpiece
argh, another
that can actually be nice, they get nice toughts from a good hospital table, to counter all the bad tought from getting damaged. ;)
fair enough
and she keeps doing it
:79962 having fun?
pff, why not auto-assign experts to their jobs
and when you have enough of it, you just open the floodgates!
right, I still need to build those :)
I now have the same dorf set as 4 nobles
well, keeps the requirements easy
works for a while... until he has too much to do.
uh oh, crushed McMason
better make a graveyard
anyways, what stupid dwarf trick shall i do today?
Rehabilitation Centre: build a Dutch prison
hey, I just killed my bad Mason
this game even has natural selection
hmm, if stonesense would be interactive this game would be a lot more marketable
@alexanderpas is metal usually just a lot lower?
yep, the deeper you go, the better stuff you get (and be sure to look for veins!)
and the only way to dig deeper is to make two staircases all the time, right?
how would you dig straight down, channeling?
that doesn't seem healthy
just designate that up/down stair, all below eachother.
ah, you can do them on top of each other
it's logical, but I never thought of it
why is my stairway a big X all of a sudden
Apparently this carl guy has it in for me
Up and down.
A: How to counter early marauders in PvT (Protoss versus Terran)?

LatencyThe correct strat would be to do a quick transition to Void Rays, Colossus or Immortals, were Marauders are a pain in the early game before you get zealot charge and are better against all of the gateway units. They are however weak against immortals and cant attack voidrays. You just have to wa...

that used to be displayed as an actual staircase
look at the comments
> = down, < is up, X is up/down
I'm using a tileset
which is what confuses me
your tileset shouldn't replace X, as that's the same X used for words
my staircases alternate between ahb.me/fpH ahb.me/fpI and ahb.me/fpJ
oh right, up/down on the same level
argh, now my miner refuses to mine the area
he has no job at all
:80309 competitive downvoting? you didn't even answer that one
did you check for bad thoughts?
@ardaxi Yeah, he's a bit crazy.
he does other jobs fine
:80391 that's what I said. What's even more I think I know the question he's refering to and I didn't down vote int hat question either
just not on that level
I think he's refering to this question: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/4798/…
refuses to be done by anyone
:80409 is there nothing else left to mine?
the stairs only go to below.
there are downward stairs on the level above though
and I did give the order to make upward stairs
you need up stairs too
yeah, it doesn't work like that
they want to get out too.
you need to be able to get down to that level to make upstairs
I know, that's why I said, I did give the order
so I have a catch-22?
they'll trap themselves but they can't go down to a level that doesn't have upstairs
yeah, just dig around it and build new stairs
you can fill in spaces with walls later
learning moment: just simply use those up/down stairs always, they're future proof.
but, on the z-level above it I have up/down stairs
doesn't matter
you can't go down to a level that doesn't have upstairs
down stairs = hole in floor
up stairs are the stairs part
so how do I fix it
build up/down next to it. (make a detour)
on the z-level above it?
the bottom line is, if you're digging, always build up/down
can't on both
I can only make a downward staircase on the one above it
which fixed the problem
right, if you have already cleared stone you have to Construct the stairs
discovered a cavern
well ladies, see you tomorrow!
I really need a new dedicated hard drive for my steam games... something like 1TB or something...
not a good idea
Most 1TB+ drives are really slow, makes loading takes ages
then again, I'm too lazy to do it properly so I just put all my games on my 1.5 TB drive
I know... it's just that I have too much games...
get the 1 TB drive, but don't put all your games on it
BTW: I just broke the €2K limit steamcalculator.com/id/alexanderpas/eu
I'm at 63 euros!
I thought 800 was a lot
I just upped around €0.3K for only €70 thanks to the Quakecon Pack
struck adamantine
praise the miners
1,287.40€ is more like what i actually spent... that is an average of 8.36€ per game.
I want a tool that calculates my accounts rate
click the link, and enter your account.
basically calculate the average of every game's effective cph
CPH lol also nice to see... might be intresting :D
my MW2 cph is €0,60 for example
you spend less/month but more/game
anyway, I found adamantine but I can't access it because of a tiny problem
there's a giant sea of magma around it
I suppose I can try
as long as you don't remove a border and remember your fluid dynamics classes.
you mean fluid dynamics? :P
well, I figured, as long as I keep rock between me and the fluid I should be fine
probaly yeah.
otherwise, it's getting fun
Open Space means the magma is just on another level, right?
open space means magma 1 z-level below, just like water.
only magma is more deadly.
what if it says
Open Space
Magma 7/7
according to stonesense: ahb.me/fq1
blue stuff I want, obviously
side view
don't go channeling on area's bordering magma.
so the adamantine is on the same level as the magma?
as far as i can see from the image, yes.
well, I'm just hoping there's more adjacent to it
and there's only one way to find out
like a thick vein actually going trough the magma layers
I meant XY adjacent
but, yeah, they are Z adjacent
I know, we need to look XY to find a place where we can go Z
I'm working on that :)
just getting pissed at warm stone
I'm guessing this entire Z-level is filled with magma
First it is damp stone they're complaining about, now it is warm stone... are those dorfs never happy?
full Z level with magma? HFS?
I think they're happiest with no stone :)
which is, incidentally, what I'm working on
but that gives a problem with the elves... as they don't want you to use the wood.
although that's a bit cold for beds and the like
it makes great chains.
argh, I can't mine through semi-molten rock
yep, figured that out
it's kinda blocking me though
as intended.
the only location on this z-level not having magma above it has magma on it
but semi-molten rock on the z-level below it has no magma above it, only dorf
dorf going to channel down?
staircase actually
channel, now there's an idea
no point, but it's an idea
well.. I'm at a loss here, how do I get to the precious adamantine?
question for the site?
there's an idea
@tzenes I'm interested in your thoughts on my most recent answer:
Hmm, how come that didn't inline it?
Who is this emmett and why is he a mod?
one of Jeff's employees I believe
oh, SEO
Yeah, that's what I was wondering.
his userid is a giveaway (not to mention the accounts tab on his profile)
Q: How do I dig below the magma seas?

Arda XiI dug right to the magma seas in Dwarf Fortress, but now I'm stuck. Below the layer I'm on now is only semi molten rock which I can't dig through. I know that there are adamantine veins but I can't access them because I'm surrounded by magma or semi molten rock on this level. Is there any way I ...

:80913 So they make them mod everywhere but the "big three"
:80915 I know I've seen the answer to that somewhere ...
Both David and Emmett are veterans of Stack Exchange 1.0.
New Hires in New York on the SO blog
@ArdaXi The answer to your question is massively spoiler and involves clowns
excuse me?
clown is slang for a certain spoilered creature
and the other
our beloved david.
:80902 You have to have it on its own line
also, I think his answer is better because of his discussion of queuing commands, which if you care about minerals is key.
@tzenes I mention queuing in option 2
oh, sorry I still had the original version on my screen not your edits
@McKay, still, quality answer.
I think the only key thing to answer is question is the queuing. Out side of that its largely a theoretical discussion.
I'm stuck here waiting for my miners to finish their simultaneous break
@Arda you have to dump water
water will make obsidian
and by dump water I don't mean buckets
on the rock?
on the magma
throwing water on the molten rock will cool it.
well, I found the adamantine vein, I can dig down through it
that works too
basically to make a canal through magma you need a magma safe material
and if you can't find adamantine your only option is to turn the magma into obsidian and use that
I only wanted to reach the adamantine actually
I didn't expect there to be more of it on top
so, another noob question, how do I use magma in magma smelters and the like?
you build the structure on top
yes, but most of my stuff is on z-level 160, and the magma is at 110
do I have to build the workshop at 111?
You may want to find a nearby volcano?
Where magma is closer to the surface?
don't think there's any nearby
so I can only build them on 111 then?
I don't know.
I haven't played DF, remember? I only know what I've heard people say.
@alexanderpas @tzenes any idea?
you're thinking upside down
ok, so if magma is -10, you need to build on -9
on top
:81028 I was told it would increase flow of blood to my brain
oh, I get you now
I was going by the number in the bottom of my client
The magma is on -36, there is no way to get it nearer to -2 somehow?
Evening all
well, I don't seem to happen to have an anvil so I might have to wait
how the.. one of my dorfs just turned into.. a stray cat
so much games, so little time, at least we still got Gaming Stack Exchange
I'm off for some sleep, see you all later.
weltrusten, alex
@ArdaXi I've come to the conclusion that I don't need to reinstall DF, I can just live vicariously through your pain :D
did not know that could occur in nethack
Can we allow that? O_o
I don't know
if somebody gets offended they can flag it...
Q: Adult-themed gaming

JeffreyAre questions related to this field allowable? I've posted a related question at http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/2975/is-there-a-place-where-i-can-purchase-adult-themed-games-for-pc.

I know it's not an adult-themed game, but...
yeah, borderline IMO
The content policy and all
I don't want to overreact and super delete it
but if it has enough flags I can do it...
I think it needs deleted
Q: Adult-themed gaming

JeffreyAre questions related to this field allowable? I've posted a related question at http://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/2975/is-there-a-place-where-i-can-purchase-adult-themed-games-for-pc.

yeah, what you said Fallen
I suppose if the answer itself wasn't sexually explicitly detailed, we maybe could let it fly, but I think "self-fellatio" itself is likely considered by most to be "sexually explicit"
ok, I deleted it
just in case
Should we make a note/discussion in meta?
As you wish
the OP will likely do it when he notices it was deleted...
I mean, I have no idea if we should
let's leave it like this, sometimes it's better to silently deal with stuff than to make a huge deal out of it
Well we can point him to the Adult-themed gaming question then. I think it's likely better to err on the side of caution when it comes to the Content Policy rather than pushing its boundaries.
hmm, why don't my dwarves haul a rotten rat body to my refuse pile?
why'd you let it rot?
because I expected my dwarves to haul it to my refuse pile
control your dwarves
you gotta whip'em into shape
oh well, they hauled it anyway
I was just a bit distressed by the miasma buildup
I guess most of my dorfs were busy hauling adamantine
how the.. miasma is building up outside?!
well, better start building a prison
oh wait, I can't, I need to trade first
I'm on the verge of Fun I guess
then again
I have enough adamantine to buy the entire caravan
that explains the problem
my military was busy
Wow, if you ignore SCII and DF tags, not a lot of stuff on the frontpage, haha
why would you ignore DF tags?!
uh oh, fire man
I haven't played the game in over 3 years, so I can't help with answering any questions
stupid dorfs, if you would've hurried up the construction of that forge that magma dude hadn't come out
well, that's it, Fun :)
tantrum spiral plus fire man plus dead military
I think DF is the most fun I've ever had with cascading failure
I think DF is the only game where death isn't even inevitable, it's strived for
haha indeed
great, my sheriff is throwing a tantrum
nothing I can do anymore, just watch ASCII letters kill each other
I have a bunch of trolls too
I think I'm gonna play that game...
just what I needed
more games...
but one dorf is really stubborn
@JuanManuel but this one is free, at least
and it comes with the learning curve of a complicated mmo and then some
I have two dorfs left, somehow
one's behind a locked door
I can fix that
well.. I could if I had any dorfs left that did what I told them to
(never mind, he just died from thirst)
That only leaves Urist McStubborn here
he's outside my fortress
oh, he's lost the ability to stand..
That's too localized I believe
same, and S&A since we don't know anything, definitely not more than a GameStop clerk
well, that's Fortress 2 I've killed in this region
@JuanManuel This story is a great way to get acquainted with DF a bit before trying it: Boatmurdered
and I suggest you get a graphics set, unless you really like ASCII games like Nethack
this has everything you should need: Lazy Newb Pack
Yo, i was wondering when it comes to game release what is the first source that comes to your mind ? one that you can see releases from close beta to open beta or fully released ...
:81398 The manufacturer?
:81435 then i would need to know each game manufacturer to hunt it ... i meant a global website that usually tracks down a set of game of different categories and have it listed by those categories where users can see for example "oh what was released in 2010 or is yet to come out or is in beta stage"
:81439 how so, if you still have to set the name of what you are looking for ?
so you want something to not only give you the info you're looking for, but also which info you're looking for?
like i said above i am looking for a WEBSITE that keep tracks of games and manufacturers that are yet to deploy a game or have one released or in beta... where you could possible browse the information by game types or release dates or something close to this ...
If you're interested in MMO's at all, MMORPG does that for the games listed on its site
it tells whether games are released, in development or in beta
First result for 'release date' on Google
:81445 thanks, that helps but i am looking for more then MMORPG aswell... but that helps too
:81446 will check that one thanks
@FallenAngelEyes mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm seems like a nice list for mmorpgs once again thanks.
@ArdaXi vgreleases.com looks nice thanks :) looks like it has a nice list of pc games in general

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