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Yup. I don't think he has a single post which hasn't been edited
But it's horror in the vein of a train wreck: "This is going to suck, but I can't stop watching"
@fbueckert Something about Skyrim and the Golden Claws.
Yeah, I found it. It's not that bad. Mr. "I got banned for not enough research RAGE" was worse, I think.
The suggested edit basically rewrote the entire answer
Dammit the Diablo shirts are going to have the new logo on them T_T
Curse you @Jin!
Oh? I thought it was too late to change them
Turned out the shirts aren't in production yet, the printshop is waiting on the sizes break down. So I went ahead sent them an updated design with the new site name! — Jin 2 days ago
@YiJiang I submit this as a counterpoint.
The shirt was the only thing I actually wanted and the only thing I won. :(
I basically tore out 90% of his answer.
Hey, you have 2k rep now, congratulations
@YiJiang Yep. Thanks!
Edit training wheels came off!
@fbueckert No, those come off when you can approve edits :P
...are Identify This Font questions really on-topic here? Why does this not have more close votes yet? O.o
Q: What is the font used in Heroes of Might and Magic 3?

Jane AdrienCould somebody let me know, what is this font?

I'm trying not to abuse the privilege by being nit-picky. I'll edit something to try to make it clearer, but if I'm unsure it's an improvement, I'll leave a comment for the user.
Anyway, Oak's edit the other day was pretty awesome
@OrigamiRobot He can, I think. He just can't see the tab with the active ones.
@OrigamiRobot Well snap! I'd do it if I was in @Mana's position.
He has to find it naturally.
Although I would get joy out of using it as proof of his corruption...
@fbueckert If I want to be nit-picky, I just wait until the post is bumped for another reason.
There, generic system font
@UQAllulloo My understanding is edit approval comes at 5K rep.
@GnomeSlice: The link is the same as the one you used before. Also, I can make it affect all the gaming sites. I'll do it when I get home.
@GnomeSlice If you want, I can send you the SVG for you to use as you please
Although you might need to remind me in case I forget.
@QAzer Thanks for the edit, by the way. My ability to parse machine translations is somewhat lacking.
@fbueckert That's just the queue. If you find a pending suggested edit on a question, you can still approve it earlier.
In any case. This error I'm coming across isn't going to fix itself!
puts on tortoise debugging glasses
Talk to you later ladies and gents
tortoise swoosh
@UQAllulloo Really? Finds a question with a pending edit
You'd be hard pressed to
@UQAllulloo Suggested edits is not in my list of items.
Though I did improve the font one
@fbueckert I know. I'm saying that there aren't any to test with though.
Which had a suggested edit on it
@YiJiang I don't think your improvement is enough to save it... Luckily, I answered it in Comment form!
Oh no, that question is hopelessly off topic
Asking people to identify Times New Roman? Seriously?
Q: Where does each item level and affix drop?

NattieI understand that item level determines where an item can drop (act/difficulty) and what affixes it can have, but I am having trouble finding information that clearly states the following: The earliest act/difficulty where you can find each item level, and The item levels for each range of each...

This seems a duplicate, but I'm not having luck finding it.
@YiJiang And now she's arguing that it isn't Times New Roman because of the "single quote".... Those are called apostrophes...
Actually, this seems appropriate:
Q: How does item level and rarity affect the possible attributes?

oscodeSomeone found this quiver with surprisingly high values, although I'm unable to find a level 30 rare quiver on d3db.com Given that the item's internal level (IIL) determines which affixes are possible, I'd like to know whether the IIL affects the minimum/maximum rolls for an attribute, a graph...

Opinions? Thoughts? Rotten tomatoes?
At that size it could almost be any serif font with similar x-height
Oh, and as a sidenote, shouldn't it be the arqade logo in the corner, not the heart?
When one-boxing questions or answers.
@fbueckert It is there.
@OrigamiRobot ...Buh? I must be having caching issues, then.
Oh, there we go. Refresh fixed it.
@fbueckert Oh, you don't have to tell me about caching issues.
@Everyone Does anyone still see me as Red GIR?
Hahaha, yes
@OrigamiRobot I see you as green.
Green GIR?!?!
@OrigamiRobot Are you not referring to your gravatar?
@fbueckert I am
Q: why did supertux become too slow?

creativeI have downloaded supertux 2 game; it was cool and normal -regarding to its speed-but now it becomes very slow.It needs about one minute and a half to enter the forest world.My last notable action was downloading updates,which was 270 Mib approximately, also I have downloaded some new software.I ...

@OrigamiRobot I see a green robot thing that I can't identify.
@OrigamiRobot it looks like a multimeter with legs
That's the one
@NiQAlasT BMO is everything
hey, everyone. can anyone answer a quick minecraft question?
@BradC Possibly
I have the XBox version, you are granted a free map at start. Does the PC version do the same? Or do you have to get resources to craft one?
@BradC You have to get resources.
@FAE It would appear you're no longer the only disembodied eye on the site.
You start with nothing
Man, I need more rep so I can cast close votes.
ah. Makes sense, then. So on PC, the center of the map is wherever you craft it
@BradC Yep
I think on XBox the center is at (0,0), but I can't verify because I can't F3 to show coordinates
(coordinates are coming in an update)
mark of the ninja. this is relevant to my interests.
One more map question: Is the X coordinate left/right? and Z is up/down (on the map)?
@agent86 That looks similar to Shoot Many Robots.
@agent86 This looks super fun.
@BradC I think so...
@Fluttershy Together, @BradC and I are an actual set of eyes
@FAE I think we'd be a pair of left eyes, though.
err, right eyes
@BradC Better than none?
@BradC Okay, I just checked. That is correct.
awesome, thanks @UQAllulloo. Needed that corfirmation
@badp I'm surprised you haven't edited my pinned message to say ArQAde instead of gaming SE
I was looking for a preview of Civ 5's new expansion. For some reason, I lost faith in this one prior to the end of the first sentence... leviathyn.com/blog/2012/05/27/…
> Civilization – one of the greatest real time strategy titles of all time – is set to expand once again with the launch next month of Gods and Kings.
You know what's a terrible combination?
Peaches and yogourt.
Civ isn't a real time strategy game.
That's about as bad as someone saying Halo is an RPG.
man, I love old simpsons.
Which, true story, someone actually did. We teased her mercilessly for that.
also known as good simpsons.
also known as not completely terrible simpsons.
also known as I hate you Seth MacFarlane.
@Wipqozn I didn't write it down, unfortnuately.
@GnomeSlice It's in the meta post you made.
Oh... right.
You kids.
I could tell you some stories.
Q: What is the font used in Heroes of Might and Magic 3?

Jane AdrienCould somebody let me know, what is this font?

Two more close votes! Gogogo!
@Fluttershy I should re-tag that
In anycase.
I'm going to depart.
tortoise swoosh
@Wipqozn I'm surprised you're not WipQAzn yet...
@Fluttershy hes Azn?
@James Possibly. Also... I hate you for getting Emerald dragons. =(
@Wipqozn I believe you mean tortoise swoosh
Q: Flickering side-bars on Meta

BenWith the recent changes here, I've noticed something strange on the meta site. Whenever I scroll, the side bars flicker. It's a little distracting, and I was curious if others were having this problem, or if anyone had even noticed it yet. This doesn't happen on the main site.

Q: Diablo 3 Elite Monster Damage as a function of base monster damage?

Lambda ComplexHas anyone done any analysis on the relationship between elite monster's and their base types? For instance, is the damage that an elite skeleton group some percentage higher than the damage of non-elite skeletons and is it consistent? Do these values differ between Elite, Champion, and Unique ...

@Fluttershy Hehe, Sooo do not go and look at my place cause I sooo did not get a pearl dragon last night
@James All of my hate...
@GnomeSlice use it as you please.
@Fluttershy Actually man, If you do go take a peek at my place my 5th island is there you will see a large cluster of dragon eggs.. Those are all the dragons Ive bred trying to get a Pearl.. The two a bit down from them are the new ones I am starting to breed for a second one
also this looks like assassin's creed meets GTA + some techno-thriller elements, so yeah. I'm sold:
@agent86 Ahh, Is this the first you've heard of watch dogs? It looks amazing, doesn't it.
@agent86 Only interested if you can unlock a power that lets you kill enemies by glaring sternly at them : )
@JamesCW lol. I have a patent on that :P
@agent86 I can see that being a short lawsuit
@Fluttershy I don't think it's times new roman.
@JamesCW yeah, I'd probably settle for a copy of the game, honestly :P
@agent86 Get some for all of your arQAde friends! Don't forget the little people, because that game looks gorgeous and also awesome.
@agent86 Hm what platform ??
@James I'd assume all like Assassin's Creed.
@JamesCW fiiine!
@James I think they were demoing this on PC, but had plans for xbox/ps3 as well
> "Well, the game is going to be coming out in more than one year for sure. We have an attitude where we're not shipping until it's done. As far as the platform goes, we're running on PC at the current E3. It's official for PS3 and 360. And since we don't have any ship dates, we're also hoping for any other platforms, multiple platforms, for the future."
@agent86 I would definitely have to get that on PC if available for the graphics
@GnomeSlice Nice
Guess Ill have to keep an eye out for that game a year from now
THeir tech looks pretty neat and the concept is pretty kewl
Sweet, Robot Punch Apparel got their website published.
> We're an Ottawa based sci-fi apparel company that wanted to see more original sci-fi artwork on some tees. As a new company, we work with specific sci-fi artists and promote their designs. We couple science fiction art with comfortable, durable clothing which our customers love to wear, show to friends and discuss.
Q: Why do some legendaries have stats beyond their definitions?

Jamie SchembriHere's an example. First, take a look at the official DB entry for Andariel's Visage. Note that only one random magic property should appear on the item, in addition to one of strength, dexterity and intelligence between 112 and 129. Well I just found an Andariel's Visage which has 171 strength...

Q: Big Trouble in a Talking Barrel?

KirkalirkSo i've been sitting here for like 10 minutes watching this old codger dance around in a barrel waiting to unlock this achievement because I am an achievement junkie. Does anyone have this achievement know how many different sayings i have to go through? Or if it unlocks automatically or do i h...

This question needs protection.
Woot Woot
FTL is going into beta shortly! :D
@James Cool, this looks similar to Space Station 13 to me.
@Fluttershy Laziness.
Besides, I'm too cool to be a follower. I was changing my name for fun when changing my name for fun wasn't in style.
@Wipqozn I don't think you changed the colour of the links.
@GnomeSlice Some of them should be changed at least.
No, they look the same.
@James Want.
I used that colour code.
@Wipqozn! my old nemesis. we meet again.
I'll double check when I get home.
I may have made a typo.
I think the ones under the description MIGHT be changed, but the rest aren't.
@fbueckert I am eager to get the beta going :D
Also, cool you put the scan lines in.
@agent86 so it would seem.
@Wipqozn so it has come to this.
@agent86 So it has.
To the death, then?
@Wipqozn that's the only way I know how...
@agent86 Quick question: if a question needs protection, should I be flagging it for such?
@James I didn't join the Kickstarter, so I'll have to wait until it's released. ><
@Wipqozn I... actually don't know what happens now. usually something awesome and choreographed. Can we assume that happened, and then we fought to an epic draw?
@agent86 Sounds good to me.
@Wipqozn That was an awesome fight, you guys! I thought for sure one of you lost an eye in there somewhere!
@fbueckert I think a question will auto-protect itself after so many answer deletions, but I'm not sure.
@fbueckert yeah, that's fine. it also auto-protects if we delete a bunch of answers, so if there are non-answers, flag them and that might just be enough
@agent86 The problem with that question is that they are answers. Just really bad answers.
@fbueckert What question?
12 mins ago, by fbueckert
Q: Big Trouble in a Talking Barrel?

KirkalirkSo i've been sitting here for like 10 minutes watching this old codger dance around in a barrel waiting to unlock this achievement because I am an achievement junkie. Does anyone have this achievement know how many different sayings i have to go through? Or if it unlocks automatically or do i h...

@fbueckert yeah, in this case flagging is probably fine. it's not something that really shows up high on our radar in this case.
@agent86 Ok. Good to know.
posting in here's another alternative, since mods aren't the only ones who can protect.
Until I get enough rep to cast votes, I rely on all of you to act as my proxies. :P
that just requires 15k, and there tend to be one or two 15k'ers around on a regular basis.
In anycase, I must return to work.
@fbueckert awww, I need people to play it with!
tortoise swoosh
@James Isn't it single player?
@James I think I'm a cheapskate backer, and only get the final version. could be wrong though :P
@agent86 $25+ get beta according to the update
yeah, I'm a $10 backer, sorry :P
The one game I backed didn't hit their funding goal. ><
Oh my, I backed at the level that gets you two beta keys :D
On the plus side, they're still releasing it, and I got into the beta anyways!
@James Hmm...
What would it take for the second beta key to make it my way? :P
@James once again, you have too much money :P
you need to have a kid so you can be poor and have no time like I am!
@agent86 Nice grammar.
@agent86 Nah kids are too expensive :D
And I am trying to rebuild the economy one purchase at a time :P
@James no argument here.
wow my brain is brokensauce
@agent86 Kids tend to do that.
@agent86 I'm on Day 1 at home with the kid. My brain is melting
@Sterno oh ho, yeah. you're in for it :)
my favorite baby-calming tool is an exercise ball you can sit on. if you sit on it and bounce a little bit, calms them down like nobodys business, and it doesn't tire you out.
also, get as much sleep as you possibly can.
other than that, don't run out of diapers, and good luck :D
@agent86 Your sleep schedule is basically whenever the baby's sleeping.
Q: How does item xp work?

David BFrom the "Accelerate" patch notes: The system for upgrading weapons has been modified. Players will now automatically receive weapon upgrades as they play a particular weapon, without having to spend XP on the upgrade (allowing you to save your XP for other items). A progress bar on the...

@fbueckert ha ha, that's funny. babies don't sleep.
@agent86 They do in fits and spurts.
they occasionally nap, usually only if you're holding them just right
fits and spurts is what got me into this mess.
(ba-dum - tish)
Oh, you're defining sleeping and napping as two different states.
@agent86 ...lol
@agent86 I am NOT starring that. Someone else can.
@fbueckert nah, it's more like "sleep when they sleep" implies it's long enough that you can also fall asleep, or that there's nothing else you need to do when they're sleeping.
my kids have always fed two hours apart, and then wanted to eat for an hour or so each time
Hm... I don't see Ronan anywhere
@agent86 chicago ftw
if you're lucky, they give you 45 mins between snack attacks
Rich, childless men need to stick together
@tiddy d'aww, I was only joking :P
Besides, the 125hours and counting Skyrim journey James threw in my lap is my freaking mistress
The lady can never know of it
@tiddy So...basically you're defending your free stuff vendor? :P
@fbueckert Ha. I did a deal with the devil.
@tiddy I'm still waiting to see what @James is cooking up. He's got an extra beta key for FTL, and me wants.
At least, I hope it's an extra beta key.
Just be careful. James gives away games, but watches gleefully as they suck your lifeforce dry
@tiddy I do the same. "Hey, here's a cool game! Try it out!" Watches as you disappear from the world
@ickleislands I can't tell if he's happy or sad. :P
overly ecstatic i think
Q: Transforming into a werewolf

Amy GorhamI've been through the transformation into a werewolf with the companions but know do i just equip the power or do i have to press a key because i've equiped the power and i'm not turning into one.

@fbueckert @tiddy my friend did that to me, ended up giving me a copy of WoW and wiping out half of my teenage years
i will never get those back, it keeps me up at night
@ickleislands I made a spreadsheet to calculate profitability for gems on the D3 AH. I enjoy the metagame in it.
Just make a webapp and SHARE the AWESOMESAUSAGEMEAT
Too bad I don't have enough cash to properly take advantage of anything above Radiant Stars...
I enjoy playing snake on youtube
@tiddy And let everyone else undercut me? Phooey!
Hey, we're listed as "arqade.com" on Mario Marathon now.
@Lazers Dupe
Q: Some Arqade subdomains do not work

ahsteeleI would expect the various Stack Exchange subdomains to work with the new arqade.com domain. Is there a reason we are not forwarding blog.arqade.com and chat.arqade.com, but are forwarding meta.arqade.com?

A: I've lost my portal home. How can I leave the nether without suiciding?

Chrisby me happened this too, and im in survival mode. to come there in survivel mode: mine obsidian with a diamond pickaxe and make the portal! :D simply

@Lazers I vote for closing @QAdp's two separate questions as a dupe of that :P
@tiddy I claim no responsibility :D
And I think I already have a use for the second key for FTL guys, Sorry!! :( @agent86 @fbueckert
@James Fair enough.
@UQAllulloo link? I never could find that page
Wonder if I could poke the developers to maybe do a deal with ArQAde for some beta keys
@UQAllulloo oh wow
@James dude. you didn't give me something you had no obligation to give me and I didn't even ask for? OMG we are no longer BFFs. Also, no christmas card. So THERE, you MONSTER!
oh snap. No Christmas card?
@agent86 Sleep deprivation has broken agent's brain. Mod abuse incoming!
@fbueckert You can delay it, you can't avoid it...
@QAdp Delay what? The mod abuse, or breaking your brain?
Seeing as how I like my brain in functioning order, I guess I'll have to avoid becoming a mod, then! :P
@fbueckert bannnnnnnnnned
Jun 6 at 12:25, by agent86
enjoy your ban, banny mcbannerson of the bantown bannersons
@agent86 I don't even get a unique ban message? Boo.
@fbueckert you can ban some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't ban all of the people all of the time. NO WAIT I CAN, so DEAL WITH IT.
hrm, that remark merely expresses limitations of fbueckert's brain only. I don't see it as pertaining to mods.
@James A key for what?
I'm currently playing The Binding of Isaac and I found a way to get as many Heart Containers as I want... At what amount should I stop?
@Kappei Why would you stop?
Q: I can't perform a Projectile execution

Ryan SloanMy skyrim is up dated 2.5 (ps3) how comes I can't perform projectile executions my archery is 100, I am level 78 and I still cannot manage to execute anyone with my badassery Bow'skills... :( help?

@Kappei enough to comfortably win the level, I suppose? and what's this exploit?
@Kappei how did you do that?
@fbueckert because it's boring as hell... Battery+prayer card+dr. fetus to break the doors, I can get half a heart container every minute and half
@agent86 no exploit, creative use of game mechanics
@Kappei bleh, fine.
enter a room full of enemies with 3 charges on my prayer card, get to 6 charges, get the eternal heart, build 3 other charges, bomb the door with at least an enemy still alive, get out
rinse and repeat
@Kappei That sounds like an exploit. >.>
@Fluttershy why? I'm not doing anything that the game normally doesn't allow me to
@Kappei You're exploiting the mechanics of an item for your benefit. >.>
"A game mechanics exploit is not a bug—it is working as designed, but at the same time is not working as intended."
had a good round as soldier
good soldier rounds are rare soldier rounds
I think it can "sound like an exploit" yet not be an exploit
@QAdp TF or Tribes Ascend?
I had a good soldier round in Tribes Ascend this morning. High speed flag grab and used the tactical strike to remove my closest chaser.
I can't grok speed in Tribes
it's simple. Jetpack is not a speed source - it only prevents speed loss
you gain speed by falling and convert that vertical speed to horizontal speed by skiing downhill
skiing uphill would turn horizontal speed into potential energy, but... as long as you jetpack instead you conserve all the energy
Q: Leaving DotA 2 games early - Bad etiquette?

RuirizeJust of late, I have taken to suggesting to my teammates that we leave a clearly lost game so that we can get into another and start enjoying it; I am constantly told that you just don't do that in DotA. I consider a game "lost" once the enemy team gets to the point that they are able to consiste...

Something seems wrong about thatl.
I've not been around long enough to know exactly what to flag it as though >.>
subjective answer only. no objective answer to be had
Q: How do I start the Euro 2012 add-on to FIFA 12 on the PS3?

Fredrik MöllerstrandI bought the Euro 2012 downloadable add-on for FIFA 12 on the Playstation 3 the other day and it played well. The purchase was made in-game. The problem is that when I now start FIFA 12 and select Euro 2012 from the in-game menu the trial starts. How do I play the full game?

Q: Leaving DotA 2 games early - Bad etiquette?

RuirizeJust of late, I have taken to suggesting to my teammates that we leave a clearly lost game so that we can get into another and start enjoying it; I am constantly told that you just don't do that in DotA. I consider a game "lost" once the enemy team gets to the point that they are able to consiste...

"I really would like to know what the general public opinion is " this is poll phrasing, which intended to start a discussion
That is what I was thinking, but I've just not been lurking long enough to be 100% sure about what is flagable. Didn't want to come off as an idiot/jerk lol
it's ok to make mistakes.
that's why it takes many votes to get stuff done
the system is intended to be robust against malicious use, which is a higher standard than accidential but good intentioned misuse.
Turns out you can't get more than 12 heart containers
@Kappei really? Can you tell what does happen when you fill up the thirteenth white heart?
@murgatroid99 it just fills one of the heart containers you already have, if you happen to have some empty
@Kappei how do you know you didn't get another one?
@murgatroid99 I got to 15 heart containers(or so I thought) then got into an arcade and immediately hit the blood donation machine, it took half of my visible containers
@Kappei that would do it. I'm surprised it works like that
It surely makes the battery+prayer card combination less powerful
@Kappei 12 heart containers is still usually good enough to beat anything

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