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I have returned
god damnit, even when I'm not thinking about starcraft I'm thinking about starcraft
@welcome back
hey @Ivo, how was the night shift?
well had to take my GF to the hospital to get some teeth removed
other than that, very inproductive
though I finally reinstalled a feed notifier for all SE sites I like
and yet another shameless plug:
Q: Suggest "Questions you may have an answer to"

Daniel DaranasBased on user's previous answer history and, especially, reputation gains assotiated with each tag, provide an automatic selection of recently asked questions which "you may have an answer for". Of course the method would be heuristic, but it would help users to discover interesting questions. T...

let me take a look
ooo, I like
tags are good, but I think we could algorithmically improve on that
well I believe the tags are just too simplistic for recommendations, but you as an amazon/machine learning type of guy should know that
> Oh and I would love a Netflix-like challenge to come up with the best suggestions!
just added that :P
sorry I just drooled
funnily enough, this could actually be used to aggregate ads too
look at this: quora.com/about Its exactly what @Mechko wants SE to be
and possibly even be used for game-rec's :P
I think to have a good game-rec site, we need people to vote on games
The focus would have to be the game-graph, not the information-graph
in a sense you do, by voting on questions/answers with tags that relate to games
That's an evaluation of what's being said
for example, there could be a bad question about a good game
yeah but you don't look at things you don't care about
I think most of my downvotes are on answers to starcraft questions, but I still like starcraft
Funnily enough I wrote a Naive Bayes implementation in .NET a couple weeks ago, I could try throwing it at the SE API
the fact that you vote on those question/answers shows you have interest
more based on activity, than what it is you do
If I voted in a lot of WoW questions that would also be a red herring
I know a lot about WoW but I hate that game to death
well the API doesn't give you access to voting patterns @ArdaXi :(
oh, right
does it give you access to your personal voting pattern?
data dumps don't either do they?
@tzenes there's no way to prove you are you, so no
yeah, but you might like games related to wow, or from the same makers
uhhh OpenID @ArdaXi?
I actually dislike games like wow, however I do like games by Blizzard
but I would simply want the team to implement something like this
sadly WoW and Starcraft aren't tagged as Blizzard games
@IvoFlipse doesn't work with a 3rd party
the API would have to implement oAuth
no but if your app let's me log in and get a private stream from the API, your algorithm could use that info
but it's not possible
This gets back to the problem that the graph is information centric, not game centric
but again: SO should implement it and then come up with an API for it
well having oAuth in the api would be nice too
put that in meta.so
OpenID isn't meant to allow access to data, although Valve really misunderstood that
@tzenes wouldn't that fit better on SA?
you do it, I'm just babbling and have no idea about what I'm talking about
probably yeah @ArdaXi
maybe, I don't know how the structure works
OpenID is meant to act as an augment to the public key system
OpenID client-server goes: "this user claims to be that person, is that true"
oAuth client-server goes: "this user claims to have access to that data, give me it please"
instead of using my public key to verify my authenticity, I'm using a trusted partner
Instead of "here is how you'll know its me" its "Johnny knows me real well, you can trust Johny when he says its me"
but @tzenes just because you don't like wow, doesn't mean you dislike every element about the game
No, just the core elements
but then how would you know what the elements are? they aren't tagged
that's why a bayes classifier works well here, it auto-corrects for differences
again, information graph vs game graph
for example, one upvote for a wow question and a downvote for a wow question (well, more refined than that) cancel each other out
I didn't say it was easy :P
I downvote Stracraft more than anything else
and I love that game
it's pretty easy actually
no to me that just says you have an interest in wow, positive or negative
you have two piles, interesting and uninteresting
you add tags to one, you add tags to the other, in whatever way (downvotes, views, whatever)
interested doesn't mean good recommendation
I'm interested in MMOs
I never want to play one
then, the classifier decides whether a question goes into one pile or the other
I said, interesting tags, which means interesting questions
so questions you're interested in answering
I vote on questions I'm not interested in answering
but now your just using one sample to try and haul down a whole theory :P
like every nethack question
perhaps WoW is the Napoleon Dynamite of gaming
No, I'm picking it apart piece by piece
@tzenes you're not listening to what I'm saying
I know enough about Machine Learning to know you're pulling the wrong data
I am Arda
you add tags to one, you add tags to the other, in whatever way (downvotes, views, whatever)
I've heard this argument before
I know you know way more than I do @tzenes, but wouldn't you agree it's more useful than not trying at all?
though at the time it was the Stock Market
it could be an extra link saying: "interested/not interested"
I have implemented a Bayes classifier for this thing before, it works
the best spam filters work on this principle
I think there is information we could pull to find interesting questions, but not to find game recommendatiosn
we're just parsing the wrong graph
what 'graph' are you talking about
SE is built on top of spanning the information-graph
by comparison Facebook is spanning the social-graph
to have a good recommendation engine we'd need to span the game-graph
again, I'm not quite sure what graph you mean
in which example?
ok, you got me @tzenes but I do think it could come up with nice suggestions
for questions, I agree
what kind of graph rather
but not for recommendations
what.. where did that come from
well, we simply can't because the interface doesn't contain this information for the games-rec then
that's what we've been talking about
obviously we're not suggesting games for someone to play with this system
unless you're looking to make extra money through amazon referrals or something
"funnily enough, this could actually be used to aggregate ads too
and possibly even be used for game-rec's"
that's what started this conversation
ah, I didn't see that
:78889 here
that wouldn't work quite as well
huh, it inserted a ping
if we want the system to work it has to be based on tags, not games
yes, I know
has done that for about 24h now
Thats what I've been saying
I'm glad we're all on the same page now
haha how amusing :P
I'm saying, if game-rec is high in the interesting pile a game-rec will sooner be interesting
yes, I know how a NBC works
but if mmo is higher on the noninteresting pile a game tagged [game-rec] [mmo] won't be suggested
then, as long as we have good metrics to set up the two piles I think this could work pretty well
if need be just set up a database somewhere, a greasemonkey script and a server-side implementation if the team won't do it
then it can be done without any API access except for pulling the tags
I actually wouldn't do noninteresting
I'd consider all votes as interest
you need non-interesting
hotness @tzenes
because of the way a NBC works
if someone is going around to every mmo question and downvoting, clearly they're interested in it
I know you need a non-interesting, I meant not that way
they'd wanted to see another mmo question to downvote ;)
or they're just patrolling every question, like I do
They clearly want to find these MMO questions so they can down vote them
that doesn't give us enough information
im gonna vote to delete every halo question I see :P
here is what I'd do
I'd say everything is a possible interest, and then I'd classify what is a known interest out of the possible interests
I've now set up two partitions, known and unknown
or just do everything score based, an upvote this many, a downvote this many, with a fav scoring much higher
you first need a way to get from unknown to known
I'd establish the graph of this pattern
and start making cuts
a graph cutting algorithm works nicely here
I can make cuts based on my known information into my unknown
similar to how a smart cropping algorithm works
of course that's on the image graph
but again, you'd first need some kind of algorithm to determine what kind of questions a user wants to see, as we've established up/downvotes don't mean much
not even the existence of them
I've voted on starcraft questions, but I wouldn't know anything about SC
Well writing answers indicates that you know something about the topic
so that's a strong indicator
stronger if they're upvoted or selected as the answer
you could further divide them later on into answerable and interesting questions @Arda, but you have to start somewhere
Asking questions indicates that the user has enough interest in the game they want to know more about it
true, but the average user doesn't have enough posts to do a good analysis with
so that's strong data there
we have weaker data in voting
if you look at our current sorting options, it's not just one sorting order
I imagine there is some spline matching we could do on the edges of our graph
@tzenes you have about 70 posts, I'm not sure if that's enough data to go on
and most people will have less
oh its definately enough data
out of the interesting questions, you could show him which he upvoted the most, has the most accepted answers
you'd figure out almost immediately
but my data isn't really good data
as I clearly really like starcraft
and there's enough data from the highly active users, if your stats correlate with them, you're likely to feel the same
well, I wouldn't get into SVD just yet
we also have comments
I comment more often than I ask or answer
alright, I think I'm going to return to this conversation when I've finished high school mathematics.
its ok, mathematics is actually a poor way to learn math
which is a strange thing to say
but consider this: I can construct a wavelet transform as just a high/low band filter
I'm doing the most advanced course available in my country at my age, it should get me started
which is a much easier way to learn wavelets
:79133 I'm just gonna believe you can
rather than starting from mother/father functions and learning that
well it's more that just learning theory is a bad way of being able to use math in practice
programming is the best way to learn math in my opinion
of course it is, but you need to start with theory before you can put it in practice
at least it's very visual @tzenes
and high school is a better way than wikipedia, I noticed that when I got into sine/cosine etc
which I can never remember the english word for
I've found just the opposite, its easier for me to start with the practice and learn the theory
:79144 trig
its short for trigonometry
right, trigonometry
the calculus of triangles
and it also turns out circles
we call it goniometry, from the greek word for angle
that could get confused with geometry
they should give kids Labview in middle/high school
then again, a lot of trig is geometry
ooo, I found the paper I wanted:
he establishes his graph cutting algorithm by trilabling his image graph
@IvoFlipse will probably understand me when I say that at least B and D should give me a proper starting ground to start practicing from
but he can also do it by bilabling
simply having some as not and some as unkown
D? is that a Math direction?
yeah, there's A through D
ah it used to be just A or B, perhaps it's B I and II
I forgot they added C and D in 2007
Het schoolvak wiskunde werd en wordt in Nederland onder verschillende vormen, dus volgens een verschillend leerplan aangeboden: Oude Tweede Fase Vóór 2007 werd wiskunde in de tweede fase onderverdeeld in Wiskunde A1, Wiskunde A1,2, Wiskunde B1 en Wiskunde B1,2. De verschillende soorten wiskunde hoorden bij de vier verschillende profielen in de Tweede Fase, al was het ook soms mogelijk om een hogere graad van wiskunde te krijgen door deze in het vrije deel te kiezen. Wiskunde A1 Dit was een vorm van wiskunde gedoceerd in de Tweede Fase van het voortgezet onderwijs in Nederland. Het eindcijf...
I like that article @tzenes, I need to program something in Python that recognizes dog paws, when they walk over a pressure plate/matrix
this seems useful
Honestly @IvoFlipse You can probably just get away with blob extraction at that point
Grabcuts is as high level as it gets
I'm out of votes for the next 7 hours
What's the vote cap? 20?
sure, but recognizing the paws is the first step, then I need to find parts within the paw
segmentation algorithms
fuck I've been rep capped every day this week
why do people keep upvoting me? what is wrong with them?
life's a bitch
any good suggestions for segmentation algorithms? they should relate to anatomical regions though
@Juan will be proud of how off-topic I am :P
In computer vision, segmentation refers to the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments (sets of pixels, also known as superpixels). The goal of segmentation is to simplify and/or change the representation of an image into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze. Image segmentation is typically used to locate objects and boundaries (lines, curves, etc.) in images. More precisely, image segmentation is the process of assigning a label to every pixel in an image such that pixels with the same label share certain visual characteristics. The result of i...
I've always been a fan of edge detection given how easy it is to implement, but that's just lazyness
I need to go to work, but when I get back I have an great idea
Video Game Blog to promote the site
well we need a blog anyway
anyone need some closevotes?
let's see what we can find
Q: What are some good roguelikes for practice?

Brisbe42I like roguelikes, certainly, but I'm still a newb at them, and Nethack and Rogue routinely kill me quickly enough that I don't seem to learn much from them. What are some good games to ease myself into roguelikes?

Q: Are there any PC games like Jedi Power Battles?

The SasquatchThere was a game I used to play on the DreamCast called something like Jedi Power Battles. Is there a version of that I could play on the PC not using an emulator? If not are there any other PC games that are like it? (Two player co-op with leveling characters.)

Q: Are there any PC games like Jedi Power Battles?

The SasquatchThere was a game I used to play on the DreamCast called something like Jedi Power Battles. Is there a version of that I could play on the PC not using an emulator? If not are there any other PC games that are like it? (Two player co-op with leveling characters.)

Voted, closed and added the dreaded tag; already voted.
oh this one
Q: PSN games like Geometry Wars

KipI'm looking for some games available on PSN that are like Geometry Wars. What are my options?

@IvoFlipse, @tzenes can you help?
@CRoss closed
thanks Arda
I already had @CRoss
oh well
QuakeCon Sale on Steam!
What's on sale?
@tzenes remember to ping that day[9] guy, see if he likes SE too
I tried, I'm not sure if he got it
Also, voted
we need some sort of poster that's like: Vote to Close... Its your Duty!
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition ( Deluxe or Standard ) or all current Bethesda Softworks & id Software Games ( QuakeCon 2010 Pack )
Call of Duty: Vote to Close!
that's would be a cool banner :P
btw his latest daily is interesting @tzenes, it's two n00bs playing, which should be interesting, because they can make it very hard on each other
I'll have to check it out
@alexanderpas QuakeCon Pack
Quakecon Pack is like €300 in savings for only €70
I can't get to that link from here, what's in the quakecon pack?
- Quake III Arena
- Wolfenstein 3D
- The Ultimate Doom
- Final DOOM
- QUAKE II Mission Pack: The Reckoning
- QUAKE II Mission Pack: Ground Zero
- QUAKE III: Team Arena
- HeXen: Beyond Heretic
- HeXen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
- Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders
- Spear of Destiny
- Return to Castle Wolfenstein
- QUAKE Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity
- QUAKE Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon
- DOOM 3
- HeXen II
- DOOM 3 Resurrection of Evil
- Master Levels for Doom II
:79439 Thanks. Wow, that's quite a bit
Individual price: 303,24€ - Package price: 69,99€ - You save: 233,25€
what's the svn command to ignore changes to a certain file?
.svnignore file AFAIK (or don't you mean that)
svn propset svn:ignore -F
too localized question coming in with the question feed
ready for it.
Hmm, too localized? Because it's down to a particular replay?
well he should edit it, such that it's no longer too localized
I think I disagree.
I would also find it useful to find replays
I don't think that it's too localized for the worldwide audience of the internet. Other people might want to find that particular replay.
Sure, it might be a decent question to ask about how to find replays, but, then it becomes a list question, because some are on youtube, some on sc2replays.net ...
too localized as it only looks for 1 replay
I'm with Ivo.
I'm with McKay
no, no, what is the best way to find replays? the best one, finds the most replays
what is the harm of leaving that question open?
what is the benefit of closing it?
youtube might work, if google's seach finds them for you
the harm is that this question can be asked for every replay
"can you find this replay for me... I know i've seen it somewhere"
the latter would teach people how to find the next replay they want to watch
meh, ok
This was a replay mentioned in a popular "podcast", others might also want to find the same replay?
all I'll say is that we are too trigger happy with close votes for my taste
I make individual assesment.
So, Ivo, what's the answer to "How do I find replays I'm looking for?"?
I think we are forgetting that this site is to help people get answers
I have no idea @McKay, I don't look for specific ones, I just watch day[9]
and I think this person has a reasonable request
I voted AND left a comment how I think he can change his scope
not all questions have to be general
if he does so, people can forget about my vote
how about this question: "Where to find the replays of this world tournament"
it's already localized to starcraft 2 replays
so it's not 'general'
:79574 I think that's a good question.
(was just an example, as not specific for a single replay, yet not a list question)
I'm with @Juan as long as there aren't 8 million of these its ok
just like I wouldn't mind game-rec if there was 1 or 2
ah well, that's why we need 5 close votes.
I'm willing to let the occational one go if it means someone gets helped. But once its a trend, its too much
I mean, he has a question for which he wants an answer... we can't pretend everybody to think of a general case for their problems before we allow them to ask a question
we are here to help
the only acceptable answer @JuanManuel is the one that answers his version of the question
I didn't say we shouldn't answer that portion of it
just that he should change his question, so that next time he'll be able to find it himself
His problem was mostly with spelling, he even thought that was the case, but he wasn't sure. I think it's hard to write a generic question for that.
not giving a man a fish, but learning the man to fish.
He now knows how to spell those two players' names?
well said @alexanderpas
Don't get me wrong, I think @alexanderpas is right, more generic questions are better, but I'm having a hard time thinking of how to make this question more generic for his case.
:79612 now star it ;)
Well a perfect answer would contain a link to a replay source (or maybe a youtube channel) with a bunch of replays on it.
:79619 first edit it and replace learning with teaching :)
No I like it as learning
oh yeah, those stars are located over there....
its funnier
Losing == Fun
anyway, for one question I have no problem with this borderline question. If it starts to become a trend then I think we should nip it
Still in the top 10..
Wow, I had a little deja'vu just now. I got to the same Wikipedia article looking up two different things that came up here.
QuakeCon pack 2010 contains a game called Spear of Destiny
the SC2 replay just mentioned was on a map called Longinus.
The Spear of Destiny was the weapon that Longinus used.
The Holy Lance is also known as the Spear of Destiny, or the Lance of Longinus

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