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in my poor excuse for an analogy, anything that isn't serious QA is a distraction
the distraction gets large enough and the people looking for serious QA go away
they find a place without distractions
sigh ok. I guess I'm pretty much done with the site then :(
I might suggest you just use it as a QA site
ironically, that is exactly what I do
There are other places I can ask my questions and most of my questions I can google anyways
Or I can just sit in IRC which will do most of what I want in any case
that's your decision
of course it's my decision
I meant its not terribly relevant to the conversation, and there is no real reason to tell me either.
That's the main hurdle I have with using it as a Q&A as well. I can google and find my answers quicker than someone can give an answer most of the time.
Then go elsewhere?
I find this site to be faster and more accurate
and what's more I can judge the quality of the information better
which I can't do on google
Actually, you can on google if you know where to look. I mean, I'll use this site if I ever have questions on DF, but apart from that I haven't gotten an answer from here that I couldn't have gotten in 10-15 minutes of googling at best. And my questions aren't exactly obscure or unpopular given that average +6 on them.
It sounds like you don't need QA at all, sounds like you just want Forums. So maybe you should go use forums, and stop trying to make QA into forums?
No. I want a moderated community where the knowledge is present easily that isn't prey to trolls because it is well moderated and has an active community of intelligent individuals. SE is the perfect platform for it, if people were willing to try it out, imho
It's very different to a forum
nothing you said is different than the forum. You can have well moderated forums, you can have ones with tons of information. There are even ones with intelligent individuals. Nothing about SE is necessary there. What SE does well is solve the needle in a haystack problem.
Actually you just gave me a great idea
I think I have discovered a way to kill game-rec perminately
I want a moderated community where the knowledge is present easily how is that not the needle in the haystack problem?
how is that not SE, for that matter?
I'm not saying its not SE, merely that it is very general
the needle hay stack problem isn't the result of moderation, that's requisite on any site with human beings
its not even making the knowledge present
its showing which knowledge is useful and which isn't
ok lets try this: community where the knowledge is present easily
though a karma system could do just as good
actually I think the thing it does best is discourage discussion
because if you need knowledge then discussion is just hay
no that's the moderators, not the engine. If you don't want to see discussion just add subjective to ignored tags.
a game-rec is subjective
but that wasn't my point
the SE engine makes it hard to have a conversation
threading is poor
you have character limits
answers are placed according to votes and no chronology
its difficulty to carry on a discussion
I don't want a bleeding conversation... I want answers to questions that don't have a single objective answer
you have comments, but they actually get locked from edits
I didn't say you did
I merely said that's what SE is good at getting rid of
That doesn't make a whit of difference to subjective questions though.
nope, not even the slightest
which is what I'm getting at. What SE is good at makes no difference to what you want, so why SE?
I will copy paste it again
I want a moderated community where the knowledge is present easily
feel free, I'll copy and paste my answer
the needle hay stack problem isn't the result of moderation, that's requisite on any site with human beings
its not even making the knowledge present
its showing which knowledge is useful and which isn't
yes, and you're ignoring the point again
moderated isn't the keyword
the key is where the knowledge is present easily
its not even making the knowledge present
its showing which knowledge is useful and which isn't
morning everyone
morning Ivo
I hope I don't have to read for 15 mins to catch up again?
that must mean its time for me to go to bed
maybe 10 minutes
sadly grace wasn't here
don't worry. Most of it was me being trolled and ignored.
well see you in 8 hours or so :P
Mechko is soar that the site is not what he wants it to be
and I dont' think he cares for me very much
but that's really neither here nor there
morning Ivo
I came up with an idea
and I think its a good one
its under the comments
I'll have a look then :)
> I have a different suggestion. What if game-rec's were allowed under the premise that they had to have a bounty of (say) 500 rep. It would prevent new users from asking game-recs. It would decrease the number of game rec's that could be asked. And the person asking would have to select one as the "best" answer. –
someone would have to 'pay' to ask/reopen one
I think it will kill game-rec
yeah I aint wasting 500 rep on 1 question :P
when you are forced to consider the value of that much rep. Certainly in time and effort, you won't carelessly ask for game recommendations
meh it would kill game recs, but it wouldn't solve the problem of someone boosting gaming out of the niche it's only half occupying
@Mechko like I said if its so easy, feel free. You can make a lot of money if you can
I'm a cs major, not a web developer
They don't have server programming in your degree?
I speak three varieties of lisp, haskell. c and java are only there to teach first years, and I work mainly in math and algorithms
Wordpress can get you anywhere @Mechko ;) :P
Wow, my degree came with a lot more
lol I use tumblr. much easier and it's free to host.
I've been at it for 2 years
I transfered from math and philosophy
but @mechko if I take an example of Gametrailers.com
they have lists too, but you know how much info you get from each 'answer' there
I like the GameFAQs ones better
they have a karma system
still worthless, but a step in the right direction
yeah, but to have a worthwhile gaming site that takes discussions on the side, you'd need a SE-like setup and minor vote capping
or a slightly different rewards system
you do realize that's what a karma system is right?
but our current system works for Q&A @Mechko, so if you need a different system to make lists work, than our system is just not suited
meh that can be accounted for by moderators who wait two days before closing/deleting a question
I was aiming more for the fact that if it's a list/poll people should only vote once, so the best floats to the top
the fact that after the first page, answers disappear into oblivion
Anyways. I gotta finish documenting this code. I have a trth sysadmin coming in tomorrow to post my code
I'm kinda stoked that something I wrote is going to be used on wall street, even if it's a very minor piece
the fact that when your answer on a list question is already given, even though it's crap, you will not get attribution for it unless you COMPLETELY change the post
well that is something to be proud off ;)
I think accepted answers float
I only get 3 grand, but I get to laugh at my friend when I tell her that I am slowly replacing her wall street jobs with little pieces of haskell
haha, well I dont know how long you had to work for it
ew Haskell, why can't you use a nice lisp language like Javascript
but making money while in school always seems like a good thing
A: Referring Subjective or Argumentative questions to a personal site?

Robert CartainoNo, adding links to your site like that would be considered spam. The question is still open and seeking answers (well, now it's inconveniently closed but that is beside my point). You are directing people away from the site to answer elsewhere, splitting the discussion. That is completely contr...

oi Robert wasn't to happy about your suggestion
heh. Grad school is gonna give me 30k a year
ooo, Robert came down hard
I guess community relations is kinda his job
and when you're in PR...
I'd say it would be ok if you started a OSQA site, but like he said: you're drawing away users, which 'we' won't like
I don't think he'll like anythign which draws users
on the other hand, I'm drawing away the users who want something else.
but that doesn't mean anyone can stop you, they could only prevent you from advertising the site actively
I think he's looking at his bottom line and its page hits
perhaps they want both @Mechko and then they have to visit yet another site
I think if you built a really good Recommendation site, we could make an argument for linking it
because then we could say it fills this other need really well
but right now its just a blag
it's a dead blag which isn't going to be written to until finals week next sem
yesterday's xkcd was awesome
@FallenAngelEyes edit that post. You have a spurious "yesterday's" in there
its ok I linked it for you
perhaps we need a 4th place @tzenes, a phpbb forum, a place where subjective questions die
no no no, we need a 5th place
where we share photos of us from bars
and write on eachother's profiles
wow you wanna go to a bar with me? :P
oh baby
when are you hitting the west coast?
27 sept-21 oct
Oh I might be around then
let me know when it gets closer
will do :)
where should I place my amazon orders ;) :P
alright, bed time or I won't be able to make the webservers... serve things
good luck and good night
but @mechko if game-rec is what you're after, why not propose one on area51?
but if you think the site is starting to suck, then you probably don't like starcraft or have any questions about games you currently play (if any)
I have questions about DF :-p but none about starcraft
and does it work for your DF questions?
unfortunately DF is the only thing it DOES work for
I have questions about MW2 which aren't answered, and in general, I have questions pertaining to types of games
hmmm well that's important feedback
And more than half my questions are +5, they're all answered, etc. But I want to be able to ask about WHY X is implemented as such. I want to be able to use the site to LEARN stuff like I do with SO
I want to be able to ask a question that basically says 'teach me somehting new'
then you should ask those on Game Dev
a gamer is unlikely to know a truthful/correct answer
oh I'm not talking about code implementation
I'm more thinking about game mechanics.
I also think that questions that are asking about maps on a certain game, ways to extend the game etc are important
but they are also getting closed
is that site only about coding? I'd say it would allow discussion on mechanics as well
not sure. I haven't spent time there, but I suspect that gamers will know just as much about it as game-devs
I think game-rec based on a game and game-rec based on attributes are two different beasts too
game-rec based on attributes is beneficial, game-rec based on game is harmful because of the potential of duplicates
I find myself closing more than half the questions that trickle in while I'm online
well I stand by the point we simply don't need them and shouldn't be trying to do everything
I think we should be trying to do a little more and we DO need game-recs if we want a permanent community.
Id say: hold out for the holiday season and see if things improve
we can always change direction
otherwise we have 90% of our users at less than 300 rep from one or two questions and only 10% that can answer the real questions
and how many page views?
like 5000 ish
from people who don't have an account but nonetheless get a great answer
I'm thinking about the potential of the site. I think in the SE framework as a piece of SE it's not going to reach it's potential
whereas in a Gaming framework USING the SE as a component, it could rival just about any game site out there.
if you were to, for example, add a slashdot-esque segment to the site that would work too
There's a preying mantis on my desk
ok it's 6pm
gotta finish this page and go home
btw, I think someone rep-botted me today
127 rep from random questions in a space of 10 minutes
I hope not for you
because you'll have them removed
goof luck on your work anyway!
quiet morning is quiet
yup and I need to drive to the hospital
so ill leave it a bit quiet
Eep, hope all is well
2 hours later…
afternoon all
okay.. so.. my dwarves are out of booze, the water is frozen and I have no barrels or wood or metal
am I doomed?
you are
they're all slowly dying
oh great, now they're killing each other
what do you know, losing is fun
Ah, finally finished reading backlog
haha, @tzenes creates quite some reading material
Also spirits got a little high
reclaimed my fortress, the dorf corpses are everywhere
I wonder who moderates chat
Though it was okay at the end
the MSO mods and everyone who's a mod on another site
well he was a bit harsh and to the person, but still we don't need these questions and we shouldn't want them either
Which questions?
[game-rec] ones?
all those open ended questions
I was thinking about adding a meta question which attempts to finalize the subject once and for all, then change the motd to link to it, so we'd get a lot of users' attention
motd being the "got a question about the site itself? meta.gaming is the place to talk about things like what questions are appropriate, what tags we should use, etc." message
Cause none of the ~10 meta questions on that topic so far seem to get a consensus
well mine didn't get any real arguments against it
funny enough
people only oppose it on chat
but feel free to start another discussion, as long as we can end it
Are you talking about this?
Q: Voting on the future of list of X questions

Ivo FlipseAs of now we have several questions discussing what to do with list of X and games-rec questions: Here's a summary of all that has been said before (and was upvoted): Should we allow poll questions - Result: no, we shouldn't Best/favourite/subjective list type questions - Result: no potential ...

Well to be honest I didn't quite understand the point of that question.
It seems to just be a bunch of links to other discussions
with the saying that whatever is not acceptable according to these discussions should be closed
but many of those discussions have not reached a conclusion
... or did I miss out on your meaning completely?
well either you could add an answer, suggesting how to change it (or just change it since it's CW) or you start a new question where you question whether this is the way to do it ;)
I just didn't understand the point of your question
Maybe you could clarify?
I want list questions to die, to disappear and stay away
so I went through all previous discussions on the same topic which didn't lead to a conclusion and drew my conclusion: they should disappear
and as @Macha comments: So, how many votes are enough? Should we have yes/no answers, and take the majority there?
so yes, it's probably not optimal nor very clear, so any suggestions are off course welcome
So your point is that all of these questions should disappear?
Because you wrote "My conclusion: all list questions should be closed unless they pass these strict guidelines."
bit extreme
But what guidelines did you mean?
list questions can actually be useful, all we need is them not to be too vague
they shouldn't be subjective, argumentative or require extended discussion, because there are no measurable rules for answering or voting
it should generally cover:
game strategies and hints
software tools commonly used by gamers
matters that are unique to gamers
any kind of problem that makes you stop playing
it shouldn't be indiscriminate, so there should be a limited amount of possible answers. In short, the fewer answers possible, the better.
it should ask for a solution
we can't eliminate them all (as commented by Gnoupi), look at Super User or Stack Overflow for reference
I tried to separate those, but then I had to rewrite everything (which is what you're asking now :P)
you put too many links anyway in your post :]
well @Gnoupi I know that there are useful ones, but until they are made useful and raise the quality bar for new ones, I think we shouldn't allow more
what makes you think the current ones are better than new ones?
seriously, remember SU at the beginning, after a while you reach anyway a point where people will just stop putting such vague questions.
it's an annoying matter only for regulars, at the beginning
but in the end, the specific questions are useful to the author, and possibly someone with the same need. And vague ones are reaching anyway a "too many answers", allowing mods to lock them when poked
I havent seen a "must have" on the SU front page for 3 months
no I even think some of the most popular ones are the worst
here's an example from gadgets that I think is really poor:
the only "problem", is that the more vague they are, the more popular they get, and they dominate the "sort by votes" views on questions
like the "hidden features" on SO
yes, it's a typical must have, this gadget one
or this one:
Q: What is your most-used web application?

nevsterWhat is your most-used web application? Fairly straightforward question. It shouldn't be too hard to guess what will come out on top, but I'm interested to see what else gets high votes. ONE entry per post and NO duplicates. The following applications have already been listed. Gmail Google Rea...

I mean people? explain why the hell you think it's useful, what the hell is it? why should I even bother clicking the link?
when my brother got an iPhone i showed him the "must have iphone apps" question, on SU at this moment
it showed him some he didnt know
i know, there are better places for that, and voting system is bad for these questions
but the point is, they can be useful, not in ranking the most used
but in discovering some you might not know
well those questions would be more useful if there was a certain level of quality in the answers
the "must have windows programs" on SU sure contains the obvious firefox, chrome, vlc, etc, but you find also things which are not so obvious
then when you see such question, dont jump to close it, jump to edit it
force the 1 proposition per answer
the write a short description, maybe add a screenshot
I tried doing it with my tower defense question and best pc games
and complain in comments to people who don't respect that
the tower defense one looked nice
if you can't prevent the "must have", at least make it look good
the pc one got shot down before answers could be written :P
and if there are already answers, don't hesitate to go the extra mile and improve them
well @Gnoupi give me a question you think is worth saving and I'll try to invest some time in it
though I'm not sure I have editing powers (anymore)
so that next additions can be on the same model
yet another reason I want to be mod everywhere :P
so how is working at home going?
holy crap @TomWij is busy on Super User (check the activity)
very poorly, my GF had to get some teeth pulled, so needed to drive her to the hospital
only read like 5 pages today
you might want to close the chat and get to work, too :p
too? :P you mean, please let me be and let me get back to work
anyway, that's what I'm going to do, myself. laters
Damnit I can't decide on an SVN provider
svn? version management?
Off-topic here though, just venting.
Kiln :P that's what Joel will tell you
and actually for what you get with it, it's quite a nice package
Yea well, I'm not going to ditch subversion mid-project
haha, if you can't do that, isn't there something wrong with your version management? :P
When there are 2 users of which only 1 actually commits code
Then most advantages fly out the window
And I won't waste time on changing from a perfectly-fine solution to another
just a side-note: I know nothing about programming other than some hacking in Matlab and now learning Python, so don't trust me
though that's not entirely true, I did bother reading things like Pragmatic Programmer and some UI things, but regarding SVN, you shouldn't trust me
though if you need someone to test your final product ;-)
what's the project?
I've been using my university to host the SVN repo so far, but they don't do a particularly good job
And my thesis is very programming-oriented so I'll spare you the details :)
what makes you think I wouldn't be interested :P and you should be able to explain it in lay man's terms anyway else you're going to have a hard time on your thesis (I know this from painful experiences)
Well, no reason really.
It's basically about harvesting code samples from online repositories in order to programmatically learn how to use sequence-based APIs
And then presenting the results of that learning to a programmer, to help him write code using that API.
argh, what hope have you to use a library if its samples won't work... gaming is so much easier
Well said. I think I'm going to go home and play something :)
later guys
later :)
interesting, I can now browse my registry like a file system
1 hour later…
Should I edit that question to say "How should I feed a cat?"? the "in stendhal" is superfluous because of the tags :D
Definitely, we need a lot of those questions, they do well on stackexchange.com
just like how to know if a corpse is safe to eat and how to pray to god
yeah, that's what I was thinking.
But I've taken some flack for editing
in the recent past.
from me as well if I recall correctly
it seemed like it was from everyone, but I didn't recall who specifiically.
too many of these catchy titles can start to become misleading too though
why? that's what tags are for :)
all the title needs to do really is make people click it, and attempt not to put them off by a great difference between the title and the question
don't you personally hate links that draw you in and then turn out to be 'empty'
as I said, there shouldn't be a big difference between title and question
true, you win ;)
hmm, according to the roguelike article on wikipedia, an FPS could be a roguelike
as long as it's an RPGFPS
@IvoFlipse You just wanted to know how to kill the president, didn't you?
well I don't have a grudge against Obama
You were wondering how prayer works?
@IvoFlipse was complaining about questions being empty. So I first supposed that maybe he wanted to kill the president, then that he wanted to learn how to pray.
Q: How to pray safely (to god)?

espaisCan somebody please give me a good overview of the prayer system in Nethack? From what I understand, pray once and your god is more than happy to help you out, but if you pray again you get punished pretty severely for being so needy. Basically, how does Nethack prayer work?

I can't find the president question anymore.
either that roguelike question was asked before or I just had a 2-step deja vu
I don't think we've had that question before?
odd.. I just felt like I had a deja-vu about it before :S

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