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Should this really be a separate question:
Q: What are the hidden effects of the nephalem valor buff?

pinouchonThe buff is explained in this question: How does the Nephalem Valor buff work?. It is said that there are hidden effects, and I'd like to know those. From diablo.incgamers.com (Nephalem Valor > Magic Find... MF is Broken) I used 140MF without NV buff and went to kill Zoltan Kull and he drop ...

The page he linked to should explain the hidden effects as well.
@fredley what's so bad about it?
@ickleislands afternoon
@fbueckert I agree that the hidden effects should ideally be in the answer to the other question.
@fredley Yeah, I need to agree with @Oak. I don't see the problem with the question.
@Oak > Have you got any suggestions on how to survive?
-> Not constructive
"How do you survive as a nomad?" is the quesiton.
Just because she worded it poorly doesn't mean it's not constructive.
@Wipqozn Part of the problem is that that is no different from surviving normally, except you pack up your stuff instead of establishing a base
It's a bad question.
@fredley why? Someone wants to put a challenge to himself and asks for tips on how to do it. Is that close-worthy?
@Oak Fine, I think I can rewrite the q into something better.
@Oak TBH, I don't see the problem with the question. I think it can be a legit question with some rewording.
But then again, I'm in the "what can we do to make this question work" camp instead of the "close first, question later" camp.
@RESPAWN Closing's a temporary state, remember!
@FAE LOL. I know
@Oak yes, the "ask tips" bit makes it unanswerable
hence not a real question
what do you need help with?
@RESPAWN the point of closing is so that we can fix the answer, and therefore you should close first and then ask questions.
If you don't then you can have people posting answers to an invalid question, which is later turned into a valid one (thus forcing you to delete the other answers)
Q: What are the hidden effects of the nephalem valor buff?

pinouchonThe buff is explained in this question: How does the Nephalem Valor buff work?. It is said that there are hidden effects, and I'd like to know those. From diablo.incgamers.com (Nephalem Valor > Magic Find... MF is Broken) I used 140MF without NV buff and went to kill Zoltan Kull and he drop ...

Lazers should show us posts that have been edited after being closed.
@badp we have a lot of "ask tips" questions. Many I don't like, but if the question narrows the situation enough - e.g. by adding an unusual constraint - maybe they're okay.
Yeah, perhaps I didn't express myself well. I haven't yet had my morning caffeine. I just mean to say that I'd personally rather see the site populated with as many questions as possible, and I'd rather us try to fix a question than delete. (And I meant delete up there, not close. lol)
I am soooo not awake yet this morning
@RESPAWN Ooooh I see
I'm just going to be quiet while I try to wake up. :-P
@Sterno Seeing as how most questions get abandoned after being closed, I agree with this.
@Oak I've fixed it up, voted to reopen
@fbueckert If a question is edited the editor can just ping / post in chat. Plus it's bumped to the front page.
@Wipqozn Front page is a dangerous place to be at the moment. I might nuke it any second
@fredley Very true. We have Fredley the demolisher.
@Oak This is mostly why I VTC'd it. It felt too broad and prone to receive unfocused opinions.
@Wipqozn I love the smell of burninated tags in the morning
@Wipqozn A golden pork chop demolisher. I think we need to add a bulldozer scoop or something to the gravatar.
@fredley Goes great with a muffin.
@FAE I have a reasonable answer ready if it's reopened
hm, I should make a magic card for fredley when I get home...
@Wipqozn I don't have one yet!
Q: What difficulties might I encounter being a nomad?

JeffreyI want to try to be a nomad for as more days as I can, playing in hardcore mode. What difficulties will I encounter with this strategy, compared to a more traditional approach of establishing a base?

@fredley thanks :) edit > closure
Oh, GW2 beta starts tomorrow.
I feel diablo3's end game is simply... farming.
I still enjoy it, but it feels more like a job now. reminds me of WoW...
@Jin It's Diablo; did you expect anything else?
@Jin Tell me about it. I removed this morning.
My current challenge is to survive Act 2.
@fbueckert well.. I expected it to be loot based. But the stats roll is way too random..
I remember in D1/D2, all the nice gear you wore were the ones you found yourself..
@Jin And that's why you have the AH.
which made killing mobs more exciting
@fbueckert AH is kind of messed up now, prices are so inflated
@Jin And that's why Diablo 3 will not last nearly as long as Diablo 2 did unless Blizzard makes some serious changes to the loot system.
for example, I feel like gear wise, it's hard to progress. I can't and won't count on random drops for ugprades. and all the slots cost at least 4mil+ each to upgrade
@Jin It's probably only going to get worse; lots more gold will be entering the economy instead of leaving.
@Jin I love the design of our site and of course, the lazers, but your custom designs for our promotions are so awesome that sometimes I am a little sad when they go away.
@FAE awww thanks!
@Wipqozn I suspect D3 will be adding extra acts and raising the level cap in the future.
@Jin it is farming, which I also find a bit lame. Which is why you're better off starting a new character :) or playing with friends
The big issue is that they balanced loot around the auction house. Makes it not impossible but highly unlikely that you will ever gear yourself efficiently without using the AH.
@fbueckert That doesn't really solve the problem though. All that does it patch it.
@Oak or, start a HARDCORE character!
Diablo 2 managed to last for years without any additional acts added, and it was because of the loot system.
@Jin I was pretty excited about that idea first, especially in multiplayer - where saving another player actually means something
yes - even survived through severe duping and hacks
People are willing to farm for hours to get that one super rare awesome unique legendary. They won't be so willing to just farm for that slightly better blue weapon.
@Jin but the game is still occasionally laggy
like lastnight, I played for a few hours. by "play" I mean repeating the same azmo run every 40mins, hoping a decent rare would drop that I'd undercut someone on AH for some gold.. it got boring fast
@Jin and I'm going to seriously rage if I lose a HC char to a lag spike
@Oak have you seen live stream of lvl60 inferno HC players die? I feel so bad for them
@Jin That seems like a great opportunity for some schadenfreude
It's fairly obvious the entire loot system was designed around the RMAH.
@Jin nope, but it sounds potentially amusing :)
I already lost a HC char to a lag spike, it wasn't high level but it's enough to put me off playing HC until such a time that I get realistic latency
@FAE speaking of site design, I'm going to post something on Meta later today
@ickleislands word.
I think the cutest HC death was the baby aggro one
@Jin Oooooooh reeeeeeeeally?
1/2 a second of latency is just silly
@Jin link?
yeah, I've died more than once to a lag spike.
this is awesome: X-COM: Enemy Unknown's randomized mission name generator makes all missions sound like 80's heavy metal albums
> "I used to have 'purple' in there," Solomon said, "and it'd create these names, there was like: 'The Purple Stranger. Well that sounds like something from Urban Dictionary. So I thought, you know, I'm ... just gonna take out purple ..."
I wrote up a meta because it gave me an excuse to make a tag
> You might run into "Operation: Falling Fall," Solomon said, but if so, he'll live with it, because the two words produce some solid random codenames and, again that rokken 80s metal effect.
@Jin Ouch
@Jin LOL at that top-rated comment
> When your kid grows up let him/her know of your sacrifice
tortoise swoosh
@Wipqozn Why would you say it's designed around the RMAH?
@Wipqozn I hope they expand the crafting system. It would be nice to either add a random affix to a rare, or improve existing stats.
Blizzard have confirmed in a post somewhere that the loot system is balanced around the auction house
@Sterno It seems to be designed around needing the AH, true, but I don't think the RMAH is required.
@ickleislands Yeah, but it's not like "X Y and Z are in the AH right now, so we won't drop those for a while!"
@ickleislands Funny, because Blizzard just denied that in reddit's AMA, and I've never seen that alleged post
I will see if I can find it for you, and Sterno yeah exactly, it's just that the overall quality of drops is marginally lower on average
Honestly, it was a smart move
Or I'd be all decked out and done with Inferno
@ickleislands My stash says otherwise. My AH completed tab is almost entirely full.
Diablo is all about grinding gear
I don't get why people want to remove the gear grinding portion of it
Your stash is lieing to you, your gear in your stash would be around 10% better without the AH in game
There is no other game
They said last night that they completely ignored the AH for loot balancing, since they did not have it as a resource during internal testing.
Anyway I'm still looking for the post, but here is a post stating the post on reddit is a lie: us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/5596256720?page=1
@Sterno I like grinding for gear, but not farming for it.
@Sterno Diablo wouldn't be Diablo if you couldn't hit the loot pinata over and over and over...
@Jin I'm not sure I understand the distinction
@Sterno in wow, there was raiding. there was a guarantee since bosses had fixed loot tables.
@Sterno Grind = guaranteed improvement. Farming = chance of improvement.
@Sterno in diablo it's 99.5% random
At least, that's the way I understand the difference.
@ickleislands Sorry, but I place absolutely no value on unsourced quotes on the Diablo forums. Those forums are terrible. Here's the reddit explanation though
You state the official Diablo forums are unreliable and then link reddit?
Not sure if serious
I don't think your gear being 10% better would fix Jin's complaint
The quote was from Bashiok
I still like Diablo3 a lot, don't get me wrong. I enjoy the fact there's no raiding, I can hop on 'n off any time I want. Overall I think it's really well done. But I'm just not getting the same enjoyment I did out of D2
@ickleislands Not sure if you're serious... You're claiming that a random person stating that the reddit quote I linked is a lie is valid, but that the quote he's citing isn't valid because it is on reddit? /head explodes
So we have Bashiok saying that loot is balanced with the auction house taken into consideration
and we have Jay Wilson saying the opposite
@Beofett that's not a random person
@ickleislands again, where?
I'm looking for the original quote
@Beofett that's a reddit AMA(ask me anything) by official Diablo game designers
If you stopped trying to argue with me I'd have found it already.
@ickleislands Why are you responding if you can't multitask?
And why are you in the bridge if you don't like arguing? :P
@Jin I guess I didn't play D2 enough at the end game. Did the bosses there have fixed loot tables?
hilarious, this window flashes on my screen when somebody says something
@Jin the one I linked is definitely not random. The person @ickleislands cited as evidence is some random person on the forums saying "the reddit quote is a lie!"
@fbueckert this
quick, everyone stop talking so she can look for the post! :)
@Beofett oh I misread. sorry.
Ironically Blizzard have deleted all of the posts off their forum regarding Bashiok stating the AH is used for balancing loot
@ickleislands my bad... fixed :)
and I'm not really trying to argue with you. Just responding to what you are saying
That's not irony.
@ickleislands Did you try here? They may have archived the older stuff
I believe this by Bashiok was the original post, but it has since been edited.
Q: Lazers should notify us of questions that have been edited after closure

SternoHere's the typical lifespan for a bad question: A User posts the question. People either see it on the front page, say "Ooh, new question!" and read it, or else they see it pop up on Lazers and read it. They discover it has some problems, and vote to close it. Often they post in chat asking for...

Q: Stealing minerals with single scout worker

Nick122What is the point to lots of the higher league players taking their scouting worker and mining from the enemy field? Is this just for BM? What is the purpose of this?

blue post from Bashiok good enough? :p
I remember reading the post on the official forums about the balancing for AH, and I certainly believe the legendary/set drop rate is pretty good evidence for that.
Not the original post mind
just more backtracking
I've found 4 legendaries and 1 set item. They've all been crap.
Fact of the matter is
I haven't found a single legendary yet
You have bashiok stating item drop rates were influenced by the AH
@Sterno I found 2. Of the same exact monk legendary :(
and then Jay Wilson saying that an item being on the AH doesn't mean it won't drop in game
2 chars to Hell Act I/II
which is basically not answering the question
something Blizzard are exceptionally good at doing
(Avoiding the question that is)
I think its a stretch to take "we took into account that gear might be more accessible to some people due to the AH (and trading within the group)" and saying "
Blizzard have confirmed in a post somewhere that the loot system is balanced around the auction house"
Bashiok: So, in fact, the AH has to be a factor in how we drop items. On one hand you have a huge benefit because you can buy and sell items very easily, as opposed to having to post up WTS threads in the old USEast trading forums, but on the other end it does impact the item pool economy with the inherent ease at which you can trade items.
And by "stretch" I mean "complete hyperbole"
If you say "we took into account"
You just basically said "we balanced it around"
you can't take it into account and then ignore it
otherwise you wouldn't have taken it into account in the first place
I don't even understand what you guys are arguing about
"balanced it around" implies "this was the central focus of our decision making process"
Not in any universe I've ever lived in
Balanced it around means there was a list of contributing factors they wanted to affect loot and the AH was one of them
It's kind of the definition of the word "around"
It's not much of a balancing act if there is only one contributing factor
votes to close this argument in chat because it's centered around "why did they design it this way" :P
Why did they add an auction house to a diablo game -.-
Reduced it's shelf life by literally half
@ickleislands But doubles their profit, they need to make money.
yes and no
they only make "more" money if people use the RMAH
Run with friends; they might get loot that's useful for you, and vice versa. Share it around!
@ickleislands partly because D2 saw such a huge uncontrolled, unmonitored (and unsafe) economy of gold buying and trading (in other words, because clearly a LOT of players want it)
Sure, run with friends, we'll apply a 10% damage bonus that makes no sense at all to all of your enemies
@ickleislands Which is getting patched out.
per person*
It shouldn't have been present in the first place
but yes I'm completely up to date with all of the patch notes and developer blogs
Huh, a deal for Diablo 3 already: reddit.com/r/GameDeals/comments/upici/…
What is it's launch price?
not surprised
based on where you got it from
US dollars I presume? 60 pounds would be rather excessive
@YiJiang yes, 60 USD
A rough conversion puts that at, what? $40?
I got mine for free because I am a no-lifer who plays WoW
@ickleislands It probably seemed completely balanced in those betas that went all the way up to Skeleton King!
The deal, I mean
played*, I don't anymore
the deal says 19.99
@Sterno lol
@ickleislands I thought you only got it for free if you maintained your sub?
Playing != Paying
@FAE 1 year prepaid subscription, I thought
@ickleislands Pounds.
@ickleislands Ah, I see
Even if I declared D3 to be Teh Suck and stopped playing it right now, I still got 100+ hours out of the game. I can't complain. Well, I can complain, and will. But I probably shouldn't. :)
Wolfram|Alpha says it's a discount of 48%
yeah I already have 200+ hours in Diablo 3
I have 3 more classes to get to 60
and 35% more achievements to complete
@Sterno I have that in my monk alone. Works itself out to ~.70 an hour.
I wish I had that much time to put into it. I'm guessing I'm around 80 hours in
facepalm don't buy "cheap" games from russia people! good lord!
Just killed the Butcher on Inferno last night
@agent86 The comments on reddit suggest that the deal is good
Did you find him difficult?
@agent86 but it was on reddit! It must be safe, right?
@Beofett Congrats! Here's the Act 2 steam roller!
@ickleislands My first attempt I had him down to literally a sliver of heatlh. Second attempt, he had maybe a quarter inch on his health bar. 30 minutes later, my NV stack faded, and I swapped out Hex for Haunt and got him 2 attempts later ><
half way through act 3 on inferno, butcher dies in about 14 seconds now
the scaling is so silly
@YiJiang see, if I wanted to run a successful scam, I'd buy a dozen copies of D3, and give them randomly to people, while "declining" most of the credit card numbers. (and secretly stashing them somewhere)
when they nerf act 2-4 I will be able to faceroll it all in my current gear
@Beofett You're on my friends list, right? We can do some runs.
@fbueckert Heh I planned on running some SK -> Butcher runs before seriously trying Act II. For giggles I tried Act II for 10 minutes this morning. Died to literally every other pack of mobs just entering the canyon :P
so you get this "HEY IT WORKED FOR ME!!!" type of comment on deal websites, and people rushing to give their numbers out.
@Beofett ye, the mobs in act 2 are properly over the top in comparison to act 1
Can stand in melee range on a wizard in act 1
@fbueckert I believe so, and sounds like a plan :) I'll be on tonight around 7pm EST (this is my "game night")
@Beofett I'll be home at ~9:30 CDT. I think that's 8:30 your time.
If I don't already have you on my friends list, my tag is Marruk#1608
@agent86 Hmmm, well assuming this isn't the case, they're probably not abiding by Blizzard's rules regarding region locking and pricing
Have you guys been in quality well/development hell/whimsyshire yet?
@fbueckert I'm generally on until 10pm
@ickleislands Only Whimsyshire.
@fbueckert it's the only one worth going in, in fairness, although you do get a feat of strength from development hell
@ickleislands did whimsyshire once on Normal. Just finished my staff last night, and just need to pick up the NM plan and enough gold to make the Hell version
I'm letting the RNG take it's time for the hidden dungeons; no need to grind out cheevos.
I spent an hour lastnight recreating games for development hell
mind numbing
and I found the quality well while gold farming act 1
@YiJiang yeah, there's about a half a billion ways this goes wrong. chances of getting scammed to either the tune of your payment, or worse, having your credit card stolen are extraordinarily high. buying "too good to be true" priced software from retailers who you don't know is, in general, a terrible idea
If it's too good to be true, it probably isn't true
hmm, virgin mobile is going to start offering iphone 4s, for $30/mo, unlimited text/data, 300 mins of talk time. you'll probably have to pay more for the phone though (maybe retail price?)
still, it's $1000 less over a 2 year contract with at&t or verizon
I hate the use of the word "unlimited" when ISPs talk about data
World's most blatant lie
yeah, their idea of "unlimited" is "throttle past 2.5gb/mo"
which is pretty competitive, but kind of blargh anyhow.
Like my "unlimited" internet connection which is truly unlimited! Except I can't download between 4pm and 9pm, or 10am and 1pm
There needs to be a mobile provider that actually provides unlimited data.
@agent86 It's probably not "too good to be true", assuming Blizzard practices price discrimination. That would mean, like I said, that they're breaking the region lock scheme though
@fbueckert 3 does in the UK
Unlimited data has been tried by many
the problem is with the few people who actually use unlimited data
@ickleislands It's not possible anymore, it used to be.
@YiJiang yeah, my intention there was to say "too good to be true in your region" or somesuch.
@fredley No throttling? No shaping, no nothing?
@fbueckert I believe not.
@agent86 you can throttle your wireless provider for throttling you, in most US states at least :P
I think they have a clause for excessively high use though
anybody trying to do truly unlimited data would have to
@fbueckert goo.gl/s7Zgz
Q: Why can I not pour water from a bucket?

chunkI have no mods and I can only pour water in certain places at certain times, and other times it does not work. Any ideas what's going on?

Q: Possible map hack in SC2?

IMBWatch the mini-map as the group of Roaches suddenly turns left on the 19 second mark even though the player has no vision of the area. ...

Q: What to look for in a gaming mouse?

AgosI'm considering the purchase of my first gaming mouse and I think that with some pointers (pun intended) I could make better decision. Looking at the available offering it seems that there are a lot of available features, an impressive display of metrics (number of buttons, DPI, weight, etc.) co...

@Krazer I'm not sure that works in the VM case, since they're up front about the fact that they're throttling (unlike some, who just pretend they don't)
@fbueckert Here's a better link: three.co.uk/Privacy_Cookies/…
> Does all you can eat data come with any limits? The limit is how much your device can consume – if you were to actively use data or the Internet on your phone every second, of every day, in every month (and we would be worried if you were !!!!) you would, subject to the current traffic management requirements (which vary from time to time), use up to 1000GB per month.
1TB/mo for £3 - not bad
You know, I with this discussion I suddenly have this vision of smugglers carrying thousands of Steam code over country borders taking advantage of price differential in different regions and weak region locking schemes
I shall be switching to 3 upon current contract expiry. They have good coverage here
@YiJiang this is actually something that manufacturers are terribly afraid of!
I remember many discussions about region locking at a previous job
we were seriously afraid of price wars, and trying to localize them to minimize their impact
@fredley They specifically disallow tethering though. I wonder why; it's not like you can use more bandwidth when you're tethered.
@fbueckert With a smartphone alone you won't get anywherere near 1TB of data. With a computer though, you probably could? Depends on what sort of data network they have
@fbueckert Their broadband is more expensive?
3G can go theoretically up to 7.2 mbps, right?
@YiJiang You're still limited by the maximum bandwidth; tethering doesn't change that at all.
Hometime \o/
@RonanForman It's probably this.
@fbueckert Unlikely any use of smartphone would consume that much information. With a computer you probably can use a lot more
wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1TB+%2F+7.2mbps - 1TB takes 12 days and 20h of non-stop downloading at the theoretical maximum speed
The "limit" is just a joke, of course, but I wonder if anybody has actually tried it
To SE's search engine, "map hack" != "maphack" != "maphacks"
@YiJiang se's search has long been overdue for an overhaul. I think they were hiring for that job recently.
blog.stackoverflow.com/?s=search So far they've managed to make it 81% less crappy
@YiJiang apparently that last 19% is where "plurals" are :P
the search feels more like a simple full-text db search (because that's kind of what it is) rather than some sort of natural language/adaptable parser. you can always use google and limit the domain to g.se, but that's kinda bleh
@agent86 Oh god, pluralization bugs! Run!
Hm, I just figured out that I can successfully type with my hands on two different keyboards at the same time
I don't think this is a very useful skill, but hey, whatevs
A: Where do the enemies for the unique enemy achievements spawn?

insertrandomnamehereI found The Crusher in Act III in the Keep Depths. Pretty sure it was on level 2

How should we handle answers like this?
They should be edited into the Community Wiki, no?
@FAE this sounds complex and difficult
@fbueckert If it's wrong downvote, if it doesn't answer the question flag it as such, else leave it.
I'm pretty sure my brain would fry if I tried it
@RonanForman That's the thing. I don't know if it's wrong, and it is an answer.
@agent86 Not really. I have a G15 on the top of my desk and another on my keyboard tray. I have my left hand on the one underneath and the right hand on the G15.
@fbueckert I'd be tempted to convert it to a comment on the more complete answer, personally.
Though I'm a pretty decent touch typist, so I guess that helps
@FAE but are you typing different things on both keyboards? to type I have to coordinate my hands, and trying to do so on different keyboards seems like an exercise in confusion/frustration
@agent86 I agree with that
I'd probably type half of every word on each keyboard and end up with a jumbled mass of weird nonsense
@agent86 They both go to the same PC
So the input is essentially the same, I'm just splitting it across two different peripherals
I'll hold left shift down on the bottom keyboard to capitalize a letter I'm typing with my right, for instance
that was typing "let's see how well I do typing with just my left hand"
Mostly, I think this is just a sign that I spend way too much time on the internet
@FAE Why are two keyboards necessary in this setup?
@FAE ah, that seems less confusing.
@fbueckert for the win, clearly.
@agent86 Sounds complicated for the sake of "Look what I can do, ma!".
@FAE No offense. :P
@fbueckert I vastly prefer to do regular typing on notebook style keys. I prefer the low travel time and quieter sound. I use a Logitech UltraX for my regular input stuff. I recently purchased (as in earlier this year) a G15 to give it a shot for gaming and see if I liked it.
I use the G15 for gaming and the other one for regular input now. Whether or not I type on the G15 depends on the length of the message I'm going to be writing.
@FAE I have a G15, myself. Love it.
If it's just a short message, like for chat, I'll use the G15.
If it's a longer thing, like writing an email to someone, then I'll tend to use the Ultrax.
@fbueckert this is the hallmark of true geekdom - doing things because you can, dammit!
@fbueckert I never owned one before this year. I'm pondering getting a Razer Naga now as well. My problem with using gaming peripherals is that I'm always a little afraid that I'll become so dependent on them that I'll feel completely nerfed if I'm ever not at my own rig.
@agent86 Once, as a proof of concept, yes. This is how the mind works. Continuing to do it if it complicates things needlessly is not.
@FAE I mainly use the extra buttons on the G15 just for Winamp.
I macro'ed a couple things for Magicka, but that's as far as it went.
@fbueckert lol
@FAE Adding in extra macros to give me an edge in multiplayer games seems like cheating.
Although...I wonder if there are some D3 macros I could use...
@fbueckert Yeah, I don't do stuff like that either
So a typing test shows that I can type just about the same WPM across two keyboards as I do across one
Fun fact: if you didn't add in delays between button pushes for Magicka, the macros would literally press it faster than it could register.
Resulting in entirely unintended spells being cast.
Which is sort of the point of Magicka. Hilarity ensues!
@FAE I don't really do gaming outside my own equipment, so I'm not sure how that would work.
@fbueckert I don't do it that much either, but I tend to overanalyze and worry about things too far ahead that I don't need to worry about :P
@FAE I do this, too. Then I get annoyed with myself for overthinking it.
@fbueckert Yyyyyyeah...
And then I yell at myself for overthinking it, and go do it.
@fbueckert the problem is pretty much everyone who can does
I wouldn't mind for example binding "switch to melee, attack then switch back to the previous gun" as a mouse4 button action in TF2
but I don't have mouse4
oh well
@badp Winning is fun, but is not the be-all end-all for me. If someone wants to win that badly, they need to rearrange their priorities better.
@fbueckert meh, it's not like it's something I couldn't do if I just wanted to develop muscle memory for it
besides, I typically would rather play games for the objectives rather than just running in circles
@badp I think I had that at one point.
@RonanForman didn't work out too well?
I can't remember.
@badp Throwing a skill rotation onto a repeating macro for something like WoW would be amusing. And probably why they added movement to fighting bosses.
mister rogers gets a trippy remix:
(officially sanctioned by PBS, so this is SFW)
@FAE The fact that there are actual procedures to follow in the event of a zombie apocalypse amuses me.
@fbueckert Well, this is after the apocalypse, so!
@FAE I'm at work, so I'm basing my comment off of your description.
I'm probably missing something.
@fbueckert It takes place in LA, post-apoc, so there's systems and procedures in place to prevent outbreaks from recurring. This follows a coroner on an outbreak scare to see what happens and what his role is in this. It's quite well done.
I'll have to take a look when I get home, then.
...NBA Baller Beats. It's... it's a Kinect music-rhythm game where you have to dribble a basketball in time to music... I... what.
@FAE That sounds like one of the worst game ideas I've ever heard of.
And I'm old, so I've heard and played my share of stinkers. :-P
@RESPAWN I never thought they'd come up with a music game I wouldn't be interested in...
@FAE LOL. Fair enough.
@RESPAWN And we have more shovelware to take "advantage" of movement-based controls.
@fbueckert Indeed. Just what every real gamer wants.
@RESPAWN What I would really want would be to meet the developers.
Because I would punch them in the face for trying to design something so stupid.
Q: Skyrim: conjuration with illusion buffs possible?

TreeTreeI wanted to go for a destruction/conjuration/illusion build where I would summon something then buff it with courage then shoot fire from my hands. When I used courage on my flame atronach it said it resisted it so this is a real bummer for me. So before I move any further I wish to know if all ...

@fbueckert I think a facepunch would be too gentle.
@RESPAWN The devs probably didn't come up with the design. So they get a punch for even trying. The designers, though. Those guys get the worst punishment of all.
They have to play, and complete, their own game.
Howdy all! :)
@Eugene Evening!
Guys any of you wanna run NM last Q multiple times for exp and any of you who are from Europe region?
For you. Still morning for me.
@Eugene If I had time, I'd happily help you murder stuff in Hell. Unfortunately, work tends to frown on me being that obviously non-productive.

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