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> Your organization's Internet use policy restricts access to this web page at this time.
@CRoss ...which is why I can't find the text directly myself. :P
well, I feel your pain
I do wonder if Valve will add an Engineer set with the next update, whenever that will be.
Knowing my luck, it'll be right after I craft away all my items for metal.
Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Team Fortress 2
- Increased the base damage for the Scout's Sun-on-a-Stick, and changed it to always mini-crit against burning targets if the attack is not already critical
- Fixed burning deaths to always use the death notice icon for the weapon that started the burn
- Updated the RIFT pre-order items to be not-tradable until the RIFT pre-order period is over
@badp Whoops, must be from last week's update then.
The above is today's. The previous is below.
- Added Rift promotional items
-- New items: Sun-On-A-Stick and Sharpened Volcano Fragment.
-- New achievement: Riftwalker
- Updated several more models with optimizations and new LODs.
- Fixed seeing a partial health bar in the upper left corner of the spectator menu.
- Fixed the control point progress bar not being aligned properly when using cl_hud_minmode 1.
- Fixed the The Essential Accessories hiding the Scout's hat/headphones.
- Updated sounds for the Brass Beast.
- Updated the Scottish Resistance stickybombs to always glow if they will be detonated by a right-click, including the st
@badp "Engineers who hit teammate's sentry guns with their wrench now get kill assists from that sentry. " <-- there it is.
Oh yeah, speaking of Riftwalker achievement, not only is it fairly easy to get, but friendly fire can be used to get this instantly. :P
We have a mod on my server that enables friendly fire and instant respawn during Waiting for Players, and killing someone right after spawning will get that one.
out of curiosity, @CRoss, @Powerlord, what if gaming.SE gets (correctly) filed by web filtering software under 'Gaming', blocking your access?
@badp er... what?
@badp sad day
@badp huh?
Oh, you mean like web filtering?
Gaming.SE is already filed under Gaming here.
Which is why I can't access it.
You have seen me whining about that, right?
then I will have to moderate solely from home. I can also undock and check at lunch and such
Maybe if you get elected you can be funded a mobile broadband plan from Jeff :P
I mean, the sole reason my availability is limited (and this is stated in my nomination) is that it's blocked where I work.
"My employer blocks access to Gaming, limiting how often I can check the site on weekdays. This means that, on weekdays, I only check Gaming once in the morning (EST) and several times in the evening (6pm-12m EST)."
@badp somewhat unlikely. buying myself a netbook is more likely.
@powerlord why don't you just remote into your home system? :]
@SpencerRuport I turn off my home system when I'm not there. To save electricity and stuff.
Except that one month last year I left it running TF2 for a solid month.
which I stopped as soon as Valve capped the item drop rate in TF2.
20 messages moved to Programmers
1 message moved to Programmers
2 messages moved to Chat feedback :-}
@badp You did that on purpose, didn't you? >:/
@Powerlord evil smirk smiley isn't clear enough? Maybe I wasn't clear enough! Off to English!
(nah, not really. I can't migrate audit messages. You're safe.)
Hey, can we vote for room moderators, too? :P
votes badp off the island
I'm but a poor owner.
@Powerlord tzenes and lesspop can remove my owner access at any time for any reason
...and I can remove their access so long as I have it.
Oh wait, if you're going to suspend me from chat, do it now... I'm leaving early to go work on a paper. Definitely not using that as an excuse to leave early because I don't feel like sorting through this event handler to find out why this one's not triggering other events properly.
@Powerlord I can't suspend
@Powerlord I think I'd do with a suspension, then I just get mad and start refreshing the suspension time left page.
@badp Mmm, I don't recall there being such a page.
@Powerlord It's your user profile.
@badp Oh.
If you're suspended there's a plain text line above your "user card"
I have a feeling I'm not going to finish this paper tonight... it's not anywhere near polished enough to turn in yet.
I see you're having problems with productivity. Off to OnStartups!
One thing I miss about not having close privileges is the ability to move a question to a different site... such as this one on Meta.SO to SU: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/78596/…
@Powerlord You wouldn't get to migrate that anyway
You need to have a diamond for that migration.
and the diamond decided to just close.
@badp That's the other thing, I can't see which migration options Meta.SO has.
Anyway, home. As soon as I figure out what I'm doing for dinner, or more specifically, if I have anything out or frozen foodstuffs.
@Powerlord oh you can.
flag → it doesn't belong here → off-topic
on MSO it won't open another menu. That's because metas don't have migration options available to users.
@badp That sucks... oh well.
Also, who starred the "War-themed Hat Simulator!" message? :D
@Powerlord Not enough people, that's who!
@badp I just found it strange that someone would star that one. Well, strangely funny at least.
Now, tonight I need to bug Melissa into logging on, since I said I'd give her a few TF2 items.
We need a TF2 room so I'm not continuously reminded of the game I can no longer play.
But first, home.
@ArdaXi Why can't you play it? o_O
@Powerlord He refuses to.
I want to get back into Battlefield 2
@badp Oh, in other words he sucks at it? ;)
My respect for Arda grows O:
@Powerlord Because Steam updates override older ones, TF2.5 is now where TF2 should be.
I miss pwning nubs in the Apache </3
Oh. I thought it was out of some sort of self-restraint.
@ArdaXi Aw, you don't like the changes? I personally like that the game keeps evolving. Other than that, I'm pretty sure you can disable all new weapons... you could, in fact, firewall a server so it can't talk to Steam.
@Powerlord You can't disable all the new weapons without server modifications, where no player would play. I like games that evolve. I don't like games that change beyond recognition.
Yeah I'm with @Arda on that
If you put September 2007's TF2 next to today's, it's a completely different game.
@ArdaXi I wouldn't exactly call it beyond recognition. If anything, it's stolen a lot of its changes from its own earlier versions, as well as from Fortress Forever.
I miss the original TF2
It was easy
In fact, the newer Spy knife is a blatant rip off of Fortress Forever's knife.
What good is a hat simulator without hats?
@Powerlord Not at all. Fortress Forever stays true to the actual original.
And the Dead Ringer is a ripoff of the TFC feign death ability... to an extent that is.
I liked how TF2 was different from TFC, but I don't like not having everything available to me.
I mean, sure, if you buy an MMO or something, it's a given that you're to unlock new stuff
The problem is, I did not buy a -censored- MMO, I bought a simple, class-based first person shooter.
That does bug me a bit, particularly since only 3 items per class are unlocked from achievements.
Can't you buy unlocks though?
My problem is really that the game I used to love was taken away from me.
Especially since it's not always the useful ones. I'm looking at you, Blutsauger.
@SpencerRuport Yes, but do you really want to spend money on that?
@SpencerRuport Exactly. That's the other really bad part, which made me lose respect for Valve completely.
The 8 item sets cost $60, and there are other weapons on top of that.
No, I really don't like the movement towards micro transactions a lot of games are taking lately.
Seriously. I used to think Valve was the most awesome video game company around. Now they're on par with EA or something.
eh, they did make portal
Give them some credit.
True. That's why they are somewhere at EA level.
@ArdaXi You can choose not to buy them. The only items in the game that aren't craftable are certain hats.
and cosmetic items.
You grossly overestimate EA.
hides his NFS gaming past
If not for Portal, they'd be at Evony level.
Oh right, and keys also can't be crafted, although you can trade for them.
And, I have a feeling if someone made some noises that they'd like to see TF2-Classic separated from TF2.5 they would probably do it.
What are the keys for?
@SpencerRuport Opening the random drop crates.
That's the real kicker.
@Powerlord ...
I have no idea what drop crates are.
You receive stuff, that is, TF2's alternative to paying... then you get to pay to unlock it.
Man I haven't played in a while.
Having said that, it's not uncommon to trade crates for weapons you need rather than opening them.
You know what game I thought was pretty cool? Beyond Good And Evil.
@Mana I hear the HD version of that is coming out soon.
That game rocked --WHAT
If I ever get TF2 classic back, then Valve will regain my respect. Until then, I need to find a new favourite game company.
and that BG&E2 is still in the works.
@ArdaXi You may want to look into how the item_whitelist file works... it might only work in tournament mode, but it's a file the game server can use to enable only specific weapons.
@Powerlord Not. The. Same. Thing.
8 mins ago, by Arda Xi
@Powerlord You can't disable all the new weapons without server modifications, where no player would play. I like games that evolve. I don't like games that change beyond recognition.
@ArdaXi It's not technically a server mod, as it's built in to the server itself. But yeah, majority of players won't play it.
@Powerlord Honestly, at that point, the game might've as well gone freemium
How much is it to buy now?
@Powerlord Exactly.
@badp If you don't catch it during a sale, $14.99, or $29.99 for Orange Box.
@badp That is the point. I paid for a game I no longer have.
so you need to pay $15 to pay for the right to really play a game?
And yes, I do miss it. I used to love TF2.
Ooh, I can't wait until these guys go live, it looks awesome
It could be the next StackExchange.
@badp That's the thing... you don't have to pay for anything in game. You get between 6-8 random drops per week, double that if you didn't play the previous week. Those can be kept, traded with other players, or turned into metal which can be used to make new items.
@Powerlord That's exactly how freemium works, you know.
Oh, and you get one crate a week (or so), too.
"You don't have to pay, but if you want the really really cool stuff..."
@badp No, freemium usually gives you some advantage to paying.
@Powerlord like opening those crates?
The only items in the game you can't get are the ones that have a 1% or less drop rate from opening crates, and the keys used to open said crates. Everything else has a chance of dropping.
And the 1% or less ones are just hats with particle effects attached to them.
The same hats you can already get as random drops... but with confetti or fire or flies or... etc... attached.
@Powerlord It's a hat simulator. Hats are the whole point!
Anyway weren't you supposed to be on your way home now?
@badp Yes, so stop distracting me! :P
@CRoss: But yeah... last thing, you can always head to Valve's trading forum to see if people will trade crates for something you want.
yaaaay hats!
hmmm... for a hat
@CRoss you abandoned me in the programming chat :(
So I need to keep playing, beg others for stuff, or work out complicated formulas to get even with other players in a game I paid full price for?
sorry, got distracted by work :-)
@Arda Clearly some people find that fun.
Yes, but I don't, and I'm not given any choice.
Right, and I agree with you they should consider splitting the game into two different pieces
And call one TF2Classic
@CRoss what do you do for work?
what I said earlier. I'm a programmer analyst for a Fortune 500 company
Ah cool I didn't see when you said that.
What technologies do you use primarily?
@SpencerRuport Valve likes milking people for their money so much, make people pay for TF2.5
@ArdaXi Of course, they're in the business to make money. But, if that were the only revenue stream they understood we'd see that formula applied to all their games which it isn't.
@SpencerRuport Yes, but the "Mann-conomy" thing was horrible.
I'd be very surprised if there were a large group of people clamoring for the game to be split into two and they didn't do it.
I don't care how much mediocre strips you put out to justify it in a "backstory" (seriously? A backstory to TF2?), it's greedy.
@SpencerRuport TF2 is really the multiplayer game of Valve's.
What do you propose? Freemium single player games?
@badp No it isn't. CS:S is. Yes! Molest CS:S. I won't care.
"The device has been modified. You can now shoot orange portals, but the relevant trigger is stuck. Maybe you need to unlock it somehow!"
@badp Oh... God... I think I need to lie down.
@ArdaXi What? You paid for blue portals only.
I'm sure you can make do.
wakes up from nightmare
Do people still play CS:S?
Definitely. I think it's still one of the most popular FPSs.
I mean, CS used to be far and away the #1 most-played fps online several years back, in terms of player count. What are the numbers like now?
57k for CS:S versus 15k for TF2.
@ArdaXi I don't see CS:S at the top of those charts
Counter-Strike, yeah, but that's not getting any updates beyond in-game advertising for the Orange Box.
Wow, CS is still ahead of CS:S?
Wow, Farming Simulator 2011 is in the top 100.
@ArdaXi I think I heard about that game really... not sure it had that name though.
Need Steam Store one-boxing.
@ArdaXi Not without some kind of API from Steam.
Whoo Bridge is back
@Brant CS:S is awesome
But yeah, I'm really surprised by CS 1.6's popularity.
In being Steam's #1 game.
@ArdaXi Extremely popular FPSes are that way
People complain about things not changing at all for years
but when you try and bring variety and evolution all you get is whining
like, take TF2.
(bah, you were supposed to say at least 'heh' so I wouldn't have to continue)
Wow, you guys are still talking about that?
@badp People complained about the changes between CS 1.6 and CS:S, which is part of the reason people still play CS 1.6.
@Powerlord Doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
I guess tourneys always use the same maps that were used when the game was released?
and you should have seen the whining that happened when CS:S was moved to the Orange Box engine so that Valve didn't have to maintain two versions of the source engine for its multiplayer games.
@badp How many maps was that for CS:S? For TF2, that was... six.
@Powerlord No idea, what I do know is how things rolled in Quake 3 and Quake Live.
I then found things were pretty similar in pretty much all other FPS communities
TF2's added maps that some people like (pl_goldrush/pl_badwater) and some people hated (cp_junction_final, pl_hoodoo_final)
oh hi!
How much difference is there between CS 1.6 and CS:S anyway?
@ArdaXi Dunno, I've never played CS 1.6... and haven't played a lot of CS:S.
I've heard that certain game mechanics were removed, but I have no idea which ones.
I've played both, didn't see that much of a difference.
> An ok game, a above average shooter, but since they removed all of the things like being able to shoot through walls, made every gun accurate and basically made it even more simple than it was, it lost "counter-strike" somewhere and became "CT vs T shooter".
> The extra physics are pointless (like the barrels that you "bounce" off) should be removed as they are pointless and just slow things down. ALso, the maps made of "glass" were in CS1.6 so you don't nede source to play them!. Still gets points for being a ok generic shooter
Remember: if your game/map is popular enough, it doesn't have bugs, just features.
Using "hidden features" is fair game. Lurk more!
@badp I laughed when I read "removed... being able to shoot through walls"
(I know it sounds weird from a person who likes TASes)
My first thought was "wait, so aimbots got nerfed?"
@Powerlord unacceptable!
Now the newbs will no longer cry when they're shot through walls.
BY BEING ACTUALLY GOOD?!?!!!?!?!?????????????
Q: Does completing a location kill resource generation?

JustJeffThe other day in JC2, I found a military base that keeps spawning fighter jets. Or at least, it was doing so initially when I discovered the base. Dozens of jets must have taken off while I softened the place up, tethered bad guys to the jets, tethered jets to the runway, etc. In due course I cle...

Q: How do I repair a scratched game disc?

splattered bitsI have kids, which means I have scratched game discs that my systems can't read. Several months ago, I watched a video demonstrating how to repair scratched game discs using car polish. I tried that, and it didn't work. After a little more research, I found and purchased this plastic polishi...

I got a cr48 today
:( I want one. Damned localisation.
I relate to both sentiments. Grats @Mechko
It also comes with free 3G (100mb a month) for two years
which is awesome
Stop making me jealous. :(
100 mb isn't that much tbh
for a web-only device
still nice "welcome kit" :)
yeah but on the other hand it's there if my life needs saving
and the price tag is nice.
plus I have good wifi all around campus.
10 bucks for unlimited 3g for 24 hours, too, which is good for travelling
Cam.. what?
I'm a student
Wow, there's a guy who did a whole series of videos on what's different between the two Counter-Strike games
though the bad thing is the multi touch itmouse pad is sh
as you can tell by my spliced "shit"
100MB a month? That's nothing.
Even if you only consider actual web surfing and ignore any and all streaming video.
Oh, but it's free I guess, that's okay.
@Mechko Yeah, I got that, but what's that to do with, er, pus cameras?
Wait you mean you don't commute to university?
I HATE YOU (← in jest)
A campus is traditionally the land on which a college or university and related institutional buildings are situated. Usually a campus includes libraries, lecture halls, residence halls and park-like settings. The definition currently describes a collection of buildings that belong to a given institution, either academic or non-academic. The word first was adopted to describe a particular urban space at the College of New Jersey (now Princeton University) during the early decades of the eighteenth century. Some other American colleges later adopted the word to describe individual field...
I live on campus. I pay an extra 200 a month for the luxury of not having to commute
eh, I pay €100/mo ca. to commute.
but US universities are otherwise quite expensive
(well, the €2k/y ca. I pay isn't "cheap" either)
I get paid and full scholarship
for the past 4.5 years :)
I guess that means you're awesome enough to get that.
well I was lucky
undergrad institution had a policy of full financial aid for everyone
(I hope @ArdaXi is taking notes)
that is if you couldn't pay, they'd find a rich alumni to pay for you
@badp Hey!
why? you going to college soon @ArdaXi?
@ArdaXi What? He's doing a better job of alienating people than you've ever done! (← still in jest ;))
A little over 2 years from now.
I mean, you have that awesome internet link and you barely mention it
you totally aren't trying enough @ArdaXi
I'm disappointed.
@badp What link?
so one year to start apps, about 6 months before you need to start studying for sat
@Mechko SA-what?
Standard Aptitude Test
@Mechko He doesn't live in the US
@Mechko Some US-specific thingamajig I suppose?
15 mins ago, by Arda Xi
:( I want one. Damned localisation.
I know.
Hahahahaha, SATs
@badp Again, what link?
But if he comes here he gets more money than the standard local student in scholarships AND he doesn't have to pay the money back in loans
@ArdaXi upload/download capacity
come study in America. it's fun.
@badp Oh, I was thinking hyperlink.
@Mechko You mean he should subject hisself to the awful process of becoming a US citizen?
@Mechko Why, seriously, why would I want that?
@badp It was less painful for me since my dad was born there. Whee~
Oh wait, US citizenship
not passport
@ArdaXi Because you get to meet peops like... LessPop!
yeah that sounds like it would be a mess.
@GraceNote We have @IvoFlipse, @FallenAngelEyes, et al.
@badp why would the concept of citizenship even come up?? @ArdaXi because of all the places (read 6 continents, 8 countries, 14 cities) in the past 22 years, NY is definitely the best.
Hey, @Fallen belongs with us, you know it!
@Mechko Closed as subjective
@Mechko I don't think you can just travel to US and start signing up
@FallenAngelEyes The US and the Netherlands are fighting over ownership of you.
@Mechko New York City?!
I know that at least in Canada one of my friends had to stay back in high school for a year because she wasn't considered a Canadian citizen yet.
Ze proberen me over te halen om in de Verenigde Staten te gaan studeren >.<
(Note: That should have been in the Pace Picante sauce voice)
@badp you don't travel there first... you sign up first and see if anyone will take you
@Powerlord close enough to
Geen goed idee, volgens mij.
Dacht ik ook al
stupid no-language look :B
Awesome. I have someone pitched Arda's voice as being 40 years older than he is
erp. 1% battery
time to charge my CR48.
Arda provided a voice sample?
@GraceNote So... typing Dutch makes me seem older? I wonder if that works for speaking it too.
I remember what the CR48 is now.
@FallenAngelEyes No. But I don't even know how you pronounce half of what he said, so I figured an elder European voice would fit.
@Mana It's an isotope of Chromium.
@Arda well-played.
or said
@Mana: I was reading it as a leetspeak way for @Mechko to say he had crabs
Also, thanks again, @Mana, for the youtuberepeat trick
Probably inaccurate, but!
I now have your theme song on endless repeat.
@Grace Now you know what I'm whistling every time I type whistles
oh man, it's been a while since I checked OCRemix
So... I doubt I'll ever set foot on American soil, to be honest.
@ArdaXi So no Brasil?
@badp Nope.
Hmm, haven't checked elections in a while, am I out of the game yet?
Not even remotely
Woah. Woah.
What happened?!
It's top 10, not top 10 non-negative
@GraceNote I know, so non-negative = top 10.
So unless you plan to earn over a dozen downvotes in the next day or two, you don't stand a chance of getting knocked out
@GraceNote I'm still unsure of whether to be happy or disappointed.
But...what then??
Well, at that point, we each get to vote for the actual election
Oh man. I wonder if Arda could put "Gaming.SE Mod Candidate" on his resume.
@ArdaXi You really should be happy, I say.
Pffffft, who would vote for Grace Note anyways
@Mana Seriously guys. Stop worrying about my future.
@badp I'm actually expecting a humorous twist in which everyone, assuming everyone else will vote as first place, will put me as a second vote. Thus eliminating me immediately.
@GraceNote Stupid democracy
I'm expecting the kind of twist where people will vote for me, assuming nobody else will.
@Grace Wait, is that really how that phase works?
You see that green bar next to that ridiculous 6-letter name? That's supposed to be red.
@Mana It might be more complicated, but it is entirely possible for someone who gets 100% of the second level votes to not get elected.
Basically, "Everyone liked that candidate. Just not enough."
@GraceNote I figured it'd just be a weighted vote.
@Mana Yes, the algorithm first only looks at first choices.
@ArdaXi Fabian would be upset hearing you call his name ridiculous. :D
@badp Source?
Only when a first choice is elected or eliminated does your second choice kick in
@Powerlord I expected that.
@ArdaXi Were you expecting C.Ross, though?
@GraceNote A dot is not a letter.
A: How are moderator election votes counted, in plain English?

yhw42Meek's method of STV is an iterative process that approaches the will of the people asymptotically. TL;DR Your vote, valued at 1.00 vote, is applied to your candidates in the order you rank them. Each candidate only uses as much of your vote as needed to become elected (shared equitably betwe...

@ArdaXi In enough languages it is. By virtue of being not. So it is.
Ah, I have some stuff to handle. Later all~
See? She has stuff to do. Horrible mod. shakes head
@Mana She probably was warned that a StarCraft2 question will be asked in 5 minutes.
Regurgitation of yhw42's post: your 2nd choice only counts after your 1st choice is eliminated (then it becomes de-facto your 1st choice) or elected (then, the tougher of a call, the less the 2nd choice counts).
You really have to be the community's favorite to get elected.
omg yes new album in the mail brb
There are multiple steps. At every step you see if there's a candidate with enough votes. If there isn't, the one with the lowest votes is eliminated (which cause the 2nd choices to kick in). If there is, he's chosen (which causes the 2nd choices to kick in.)
Thus the first step looks at 1st choices and 1st choices only.
@Mana Nah, if the community is pretty unanimous on a first choice then the second choices will get a lot of weight
Oh okay.

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