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@AshleyNunn DQH: Rocket Slime (DS) is another game you might be interested in you are basically a Slime and you go around looking for you friends, a fun and silly game... with tanks :P
@fbueckert I did a 3-man Butcher run with a monk and a DH last night. The monk had awesome DPS and did fine until we hit elite packs. Then he'd die in like 2 seconds unless he just ran away
@Krazer Oh, I looooove that game. I think I have beat it completely (all slimes) 3 times now...
@Sterno And therein lies the disconnect; he's been gearing for damage, not survivability.
I would give anything for the sequel (or the original) to be localized
@fbueckert Hehe, I've found those twice
I've found 7 plans total, but only 4 distinct plans
@Sterno Aww. And here I was hoping I might be able to give you something decent. :P
My blacksmith is nowhere near high enough level to even USE those plans.
Mine either, but my wife's is
Trusted Users: Plz to help me delete:
Q: weapons plus dmg

nessa Possible Duplicate: How does “elemental” damage on weapons work with elemental skills? In Diablo 3, how does +49-89 electrical fire damages helps? Is it only when using the same type of skill (i.e. fire states for fire skill)? What if for example a WD does not have an elec...

(I know we don't normally delete dupes, but this one is extra terrible)
I need 9.1k more rep
I need .9k more rep
@AshleyNunn you should give bit.trip saga for the DS a try (the Complete version for the DS has more stuff but this one is great for bit.trip-ing on the go), if you haven't. It's all 6 bit.trip games in one, remixed for the 3DS. Great for long trips and times you just don't want to go out. ;D
It is in fact a dupe, but it is slightly rescued. I'm not entirely sold on deletion yet, but I probably would drop in if there was a second vote.
@Sterno No, you need 10.9k more. You wont be able to cast delete votes on that yet. It needs to stew for a while for 10kers
@OrigamiRobot I'll be happy just to be able to see deleted posts.
This is incredibly sad. I'm watching an Italian dubbing of what must be Mythbusters
the show title has however been translated to 'You Didn't Know That!'
I wouldn't even think it'd be the same thing if the subtitle wasn't "Fact or fiction?"
and if it didn't just test the myth of truth of opening safes with sthetoscopes
Wow, it's been a long time since I last actually ran League of Legends.
followed by 'is a bike faster than the tube'
@badp what's its title in Italian?
@grace high time to get your first win of day bonus then!
@kappei "Non lo sapevi!"
@badp which channel is it on?
are you in Italy? raises eyebrow
Look at my profile :P
you need either dtv or sky
on mobile, can't
actually I need to sqve battery forthe gps navigator thing and the trip home so bbl
His profile says he's in Rome.
@badp I suppose that's technically an option
@badp That's not Mythbusters anyway
time to go for me too... bye
@GraceNote do you like 4x games, or am I thinking of someone else?
If you mean 4x in the sense of some abbreviation, I don't even know the expansion of that.
I'd wager I'm thinking of someone else, then.
4X games are a genre of strategy video game in which players control an empire and "explore, expand, exploit, and exterminate". The term was first coined by Alan Emrich in his September 1993 preview of Master of Orion for Computer Gaming World. Since then, others have adopted the term to describe games of similar scope and design. 4X games are noted for their deep, complex gameplay. Emphasis is placed upon economic and technological development, as well as a range of non-military routes to supremacy. Games can take a long time to complete since the amount of micromanagement needed to ...
Well that bug only took forever to track down.
Turns out it was something Django was doing. Go Django.
Solar Boy?
@RavenDreamer I'm a huge fan of 4X games.
I was playing the Endless Space Alpha last night. I eventually said, "oh, good lord, if I'm not careful, I'm going to spend all night playing this game".
looks at clock; it's 6:00 AM
Well, crap.
I had the intent of self answering this, but I think the rune is broken. Or at least it doesn't give the user any indication that it works.
@RavenDreamer The battles are so pretty, aren't they?
Indeed they are
@OrigamiRobot IIRC, the dodge it grants has different diminishing returns than other sources of dodge. You might simply have too much innate dodge.
Clearly, you should try doing it naked, instead.
@RavenDreamer Why is this rune anything special? The rune for Cyclone Strike has the exact same description
@OrigamiRobot Fists of Thunder grants dodge, too.
@RavenDreamer Lovely.
Where did you find this info on the differing diminishing returns?
(I was thinking of Fists of Thunder's dodge, which is explicitly mentioned)
@fbueckert I only specified that there was no icon to indicate why I couldn't just tell
@RavenDreamer That's weird. I do see increased dodge from FoT.
@OrigamiRobot Does Cyclone Strike show up as an icon?
@fbueckert Yup
So...Fists of Thunder doesn't have an icon, and neither does Blinding Speed. Cyclone Strike does. I wonder which method is correct.
@RavenDreamer I got naked and found the answer.
@OrigamiRobot STAR DENIED
And relatedly, what did you discover?
@Krazer I have that game. I quite like it as well. :D I find it incredibly hard (yay lack of fine motor control) but I do like it
> If your dodge is already high, you wont see any increase, but if you strip down to you skivvies, all will be revealed.
@RavenDreamer On hit.
Morning All
@GraceNote I went down to visit the Pugsleys + OrigamiRobot last weekend, and the car I went with had only a casette player. So I popped in the only cassette I had - my brother's Pokemon - 2 Be a Master - and now I have "Team Rocket's Rockin'" stuck in my head.
Q: Does a Sidearm hits count as an additional hit and trigger life on hit

PhilippAs the title questions, do sidearm hits trigger life on hit and is there a diminishing return?

Q: What is the chance a dodge will trigger Backlash?

OrigamiRobotWhen using the Backlash rune for Mantra of Evasion, what does "a chance" mean? Successfully dodging an attack has a chance to create a burst of flame dealing X% weapon damage as Fire to all nearby enemies.

Q: Killing 'Fallen Lunatics' as a melee class

PsyFallen Lunatics always seem to slay me when they explode. So is there any safe way to kill the as a melee class?

Q: Does Blinding Speed trigger on use or on hit?

OrigamiRobotThe Blinding Speed rune for Dashing Strike adds the ability: Receive a 20% increased chance to Dodge for 3 seconds. However, there is no status above my skill bar to show that this bonus is active. When exactly am I getting this bonus? Do I need to hit an enemy with the skill or simply us...

@RavenDreamer Interesting. I didn't think Life On Hit scaled down with difficulty
@Sterno I don't think it does.
@Sterno It doesn't. The list on bad tooltips... has a bad tooltip.
@Sterno Neither do I.
It also doesn't list the proper effect of Rubys in weapons
@RonanForman That a new video or the same one as before?
Multiple instances of the Area of Effect damage pools created by the Desecrator, Plagued, and Molten modifiers can occupy the same location, causing a location to deal dramatically more damage while appearing identical to other locations.
@James Episode 2
Don't I know it!
If that's truly a "bug" and not just the way it's supposed to work, Act 2 Inferno is going to get way, way easier for me if they patch it
@Sterno Considering the wizard's Blizzard spell explicitly states that it does not stack with itself.. I do not think it a bug :)
It'd be awesome if Blizzard could put out molten areas
Those stacking damage areas are the single biggest thing tripping me up in Act 2 Inferno
True Barbarians don't kite!
@Sterno true barbarians get wipped off the face of the planet after failing to protect the world stone
@Lazers I just want to say, finding an enemy far enough away to know whether it triggers on use or on hit while the details page was open was really hard.
Now if someone would be so kind as to upvote one of my eight 4-score posts, I'll be in Act III.
Is a mod a around?
pokes @RavenDreamer
Q: How to breed a Copper dragon?

Kris HuchingsonHow do you breed a Copper Dragon on DragonVale? I have spent almost 250 gems trying the Lightning/Metal combo but all I get is Magnetic dragons. If anyone has any other successful combos please let me know.

Why is this still open?
@OrigamiRobot You're welcome.
@fbueckert not anymore.
@OrigamiRobot Haha, Good luck I have been stuck at 79% of Act II forever
@Krazer Yay!
Also, would some 10kers like to take a look at this and see if I missed anything? Guidelines wise, not list of tags wise.
@OrigamiRobot hugs
@Wipqozn That hug was not for you
@OrigamiRobot Too bad
My hug got stolen! Is sad
WEll, if a mod appears, could you re-tag this with please? I'll undelete the question once I get home, and a few 10kers / mod have taken a look at it, and made any modifications to the guidelines that are required.
Q: Will I be able to wear 8 rings as an octopode after dragon form and necromutation?

PubbyWhat happens to octopodes when then transmutate? Will their rings meld into their body? The wiki article on dragon form says this: All equipment except for rings and amulets meld into your body So does that mean I will be able to keep my 8 rings on? What about necromutation?

Anyone ever play the original Elite?
@Wipqozn Although I applause the initiative, are we truly confident there is enough community support for this? There were some answers/comments on my meta-post which weren't enthusiastic about it
@fbueckert I've played ArcElite.
@Krazer I don't think I've heard of that one.
@fbueckert it's a conversion of the original game, added a much of gameplay and graphical enhancments
@Krazer Hmm. I may have to check that out.
@fbueckert i remember playing it on an old Acorn computer in the mid-90s
Or, I should start playing the X series again.
@fbueckert X3 had the best AI/economy imo
@Krazer I recall playing the original to the point that I was building factories left and right. That took forever.
It is quite fun, though.
Isn't there an expansion or something else coming out soon?
@fbueckert I dunno but I'd like to see a X3 port for the 3DS
can anyone recommend a good PC mouse?
@fbueckert supposedly X Rebirth is coming this year.
I am getting sick of my Logitech's double clicking
@James depends on what you need
and price range
Replacement for that
so a good general gaming mouse?
@Krazer Good mouse in general, I tend to like binding a few more buttons on my mouse than is likely healthy is all :)
Oh, Wireless preferred :)
That does look like a pretty nice mouse though... smaller than most mice gets my attention pretty quickly as I have smaller hands than most people it seems :)
have you tried the performance mouse mx by logitech?
@James yes
@Krazer Yup, They are what I used before I got the G700 one :)
I think at the time I bought the G700 cause it was like $10 cheaper than a replacement MX, hehe
Looks like a smaller version of the MX?
you said you have smaller hands than most :p
@Krazer I do, hehe, On the one I have right now my fingers rest behind the mouse wheel on it
the base of my hand rests on the desk, not the mouse :)
@Krazer Haha, My mouse from 2008.. the other MX is 2010..
Thank you Amazon for remembering when I have bought anything from you, LOL
Its literally the pricing that keeps me from buying it
@James The G9 is pretty cheap now. Doesn't have a ton of buttons, though.
@Krazer Cause I -love- that mouse.. But for that price when they were originally like $70ish.. I could buy 3-4 other mice.. or more :)
@James Did you really go down to 1 health then back up to 9 or is it an error in the spreadsheet?
@RonanForman Really did
@RonanForman Jealous!? :D
I can't decide whether it's worth making these screens.
@James I only ever found 6 gold.
I lost a lot of my life finding the gold I did.. ended up breaking even.. Makes me wonder if its worth hunting for it.
@Krazer I have almost this, just without the thumb scroll. Fantastic mouse.
Ok, now you guys have lost me. That game is this?
@fbueckert Minecraft.
@James Ah, this!
@RonanForman And that would be why I got lost. I don't play Minecraft.
Not standard minecraft either.
@fbueckert And we let you in here??? :D
@James The beauty of games is that there are all sorts. Including the mindless timesink of Minecraft. :P
@RonanForman On the subject of minecraft, this guy is a genius: youtube.com/watch?v=UYB7ZLMIOLM&feature=g-u-u
@fbueckert Haha, Play an ultra hardcore match with us some time, I guarantee you its not a mindless timesink :D
@James For my sandboxing, I play KSP
The potential for disaster outweighs success by a LARGE margin.
@fredley hehe, neat piston placement
And yet, it's very amusing.
@James His other stuff is very good too
@James So should I bother with animations or just do plain images?
@RonanForman I leave that up to you man.. Honestly they scare the crap out of me every time they happen but I still think they are neat :)
@James I'll just do images then, maybe come up with something simpler/more subtle next time.
A: What stats/and item modifiers should I be focused on for a Monk on Inferno?

fcrickYou should have the highest dps weapon you can afford. I find the game is much more fun with higher attack speed, so consider attack speed rings/amulets to make it a speed you like. The dps number on your weapon is extremely important to all damage calculations, and it's worth it to get a weapo...

Does this addition confuse anyone else?
@RonanForman I think a timer will help insanely so its not a huge surprise you are at the end of the episode :)
Okay, filter done for real now, it can make art on the floor and doesn't break when the box is exactly square.
Just saw that pretty neat.
@Krazer since this is my work computer I may try out a logitech touch pad.. would use an apple but I work on PCs not Macs
@RonanForman Etho is a mad man :)
@James Yup.
@RonanForman I need to catch up on my Table Top and Mindcrack UHC videos
I was SOooooo Disappointed with that 12man match for kurt I stopped watching :D
@RonanForman Board Game series by Will Wheaton
@James Ouch
@fbueckert It's clearly ripped from somewhere and that he acknowledges that but refuses to provide attribution makes it delete-worthy for plagiarism
@MarkTrapp I've run into this guy before. I was giving him the benefit of a doubt, but it doesn't look like it's paying off.
@Oak All of which have negative scores. Based on the meta the overwhelming majority supports this. We don't need to wait for the entire community to agree, just the majority, or in this case the vast majority. Besides, all the negative points were to your sixth category, not your other ones.
Building is fun, I like building
Ehhhhh. So sad. D3 Europe servers still down.
@Eugene Really? Maintenance still ongoing from yesterday?
Q: Is there a website or app that keeps track of game updates/news based on your selection?

faBI wish I could follow news and updates about upcoming games, or games already released, without setting up Google alerts or following lots of individual RSS feeds. Do you know any good websites or apps that solves this?

website rec?
Defender's Quest was a fun tower defense/RPG hybrid game and is $2.99 until June 1st.
Q: Are questions asking for non-game recommendations off topic?

StrixVariaThe specific question that brings up this issue is asking for a recommendation for a game-based website. From the answers it's gotten so far, it seems to have all the same issues as game recommendation questions, yet no one is voting to close it but me. Do we not extend our recommendation rulin...

tl;dr: The question is about an actual problem, so it's fine, although it would probably be best to re-word it.
The problem being "I need to keep track of my game updates"
I'd say the news things should be removed though.
Q: What is Error 37?

RobotsushiI keep seeing people talking about this error. There are even some memes already talking about "Error 37" What is it and where does it come from ?

Do they really think, that after such long delay the throttle will be less?
@Wipqozn you're probably right. How do you think it should be tagged?
@murgatroid99 I have no idea.
Odd. I bought diablo 3. On battle.net it says Region: Global. When I switch to Region America I still get to play only on started edition.
@murgatroid99 Maybe news? I don't like news much, but better than the other two.
This is a tricky one.
@Wipqozn I was joking about . I just can't think of a good tag for that question. It definitely shouldn't be
Maybe we should close it until we edit it to be on topic
also, I have a feeling that even if we edit it to solving a problem as you said, it will still end up with a lot of app/website rec answers (or no answers if no such thing exists).
Q: Is there a website or app that keeps track of game updates/news based on your selection?

faBI wish I could follow news and updates about my own list of upcoming games, or games already released, without setting up Google alerts or following lots of individual RSS feeds. Do you know any good websites or apps that solves this?

Q: Boss and drops/drop rate

dennisWhy does the drop rate drop after the first time you defeat a act boss such as diablo. and is there a way to increase the amount of drops gained?

Q: Can I break the fall of an Enderman with water

Saif BechanI am planning on building an XP farm and I am wondering which route to choose. I have the basic setup figured out, I am going to use gravity as main transportation. There will be a tunnel from where I am standing 30 blocks up. Above that the main spawning cubes will be. To make this as simple ...

so does literally every other industrialized country
@LessPop_MoreFizz O.O Well, good to know my crazy canadian numbers are all inflated...
How this info is correct? us.battle.net/d3/en/status
How could it be at least for Europe if I try to access and server are down (busy)?
@Eugene I think you're saying "How correct is this info?"
Or am I parsing that wrong?
How could this be correct?
Don't parse, just read. :)
There might be a delay between page updates.
Numbers in other parts of the world are BIGGER then they are in America. This is because they use the METRIC SYSTEM of numbers.

1 in America = 2.2 in Metric.
On the plus side, I actually know which unit is being converted, but oi this made me facepalm
@GraceNote Yeah, that's pounds and kilos
@Eugene Could it be that the servers are up, just overwhelmed by log in attempts? In other words, people are in the game and playing, but new people are not being allowed in b/c of how busy the servers are?
but holy crap I facepalmed regardless
@GraceNote this makes my heart hurt
@JamesCW Might be.
Does anyone know anything about D3 API?
Any news about release?
@Eugene don't think it is out yet
:( Feels like they launched game and went into bear sleep.
It's almost like the company is made up of people or something
@GraceNote Wait, they're not making this up?
Hang on, I'll go make my own numbering system that maps to the metric system 1:pi
@Eugene I wasn't under the impression that one was even planned/announced.
@LessPop_MoreFizz are you talking about api?
@Wipqozn DLC is not a meta tag.
Not innately, anyway.
@RavenDreamer True, I should technically move that into the fix these sections.
It's just that is all anyone ever uses it for anyways.
new policy seems to actually be "use the name of the DLC"
@Wipqozn that is amazingly stupid
@RavenDreamer that seems best for searching and in the cases where one game has more than one DLC (which happens pretty often)
@Wipqozn Actually, you would have 22.
It's only a meta tag if folks use it as a meta tag.
If there's a question about "which weapons are DLC", then, yeah, I'd say DLC is a fine tag. But if it's a question like, "Which units were added in Heart of the Swarm", use Heart-of-the-Swarm
Q: Skyrim - ways to improve performance on pc?

bharalUnsure if this is quite the best place to ask - let me know! What are the best mods/ways of improving skyrim's performance on a pc? Specifically, I recently used the sharpshooter mod which slowed things down waaaaaaaay too much. Is there some way or mod to improve the pc's performance, given tha...

Q: How to login automatically to Diablo 3?

DrakeIs it possible let the client remember the password in some way? I am getting crazy inserting it again and again and again after the infamous error 37. If it does not exist a way using a client setting and you know an external program that could help me achieve the auto-login, it would be good ...

Q: How do you use "Marked For Death"? What's the best way?

B MichaelI'm a level 60 demon hunter who's just reached Inferno. I usually use Elemental Arrow w/ Nether Tentacles or Impale w/Chemical Burn as my main damage dealer and Hungering Arrow w/whatever rune to build hatred. I use a mix of Smoke Screen/Caltrops/Vault/Evasive Fire plus increased movement speed g...

@RavenDreamer That looks like a good policy to me
Where can this policy be viewed
There's a new place in Vancouver called EXP Bar + Restaurant offering a 'social dining experience' for gamers...
Apparently you can 'level up' by visiting towards getting free stuff.
@GnomeSlice I don't know why, but I lol'd really hard at "I own the building"
@Wipqozn ?
@GnomeSlice The video. The giy owns the building. I laughed when he said he owned the building.
@Wipqozn Can't stream it.
@Wipqozn Yeah, that made me laugh too for some reason - it just seemed like a random statement to make
@GnomeSlice If it works, that would be pretty awesome. I am hesitant to be like OMG YAY though.
Too bad Vancouver is bloody far away...
@RavenDreamer Well, I've moved it to the "Fix section", although I still think it's a terrible tag which shouldn't exist. After I post the question I'll create an answer suggesting we burn it too.
@GnomeSlice Yeah, there is that as well. I keep hoping someone will do something awesome like that in Toronto.
That I would be all over.
> Send your friends* a Morse coded Web Telegram
> *using this service to troll your friends is encouraged
@GnomeSlice how else would you use something like that?
@murgatroid99 ...To send an actual message?
@GnomeSlice but you could just send a message in plain text
@murgatroid99 You could troll your friends in plain text... it's not designed to be practical.
@GnomeSlice that's my point. The only use of a web telegram is trolling.
@murgatroid99 Or to send a message.
@GnomeSlice anyway, yes, it is amusing
Q: Items that grant a percent based damage increase

AlokI recently found the Legendary wand Starfire, which has one of its fixed attributes always roll as 10-15% more damage. Does this apply to overall damage from all sources (ring, amulet etc.) or only from the wand itself, and which other items in Diablo 3 have similar %age based boost?

Q: Can I unlock samson by ignoring two treasure rooms on the same floor?

AubergineUnlocking the new Samson character requires one to "pass on 2 treasure rooms". I've recently started the game only to encounter an extra large version of the basement (the level I was on said "Basement XL"), in which there are two treasure rooms. Would ignoring both these rooms and moving on to t...

Q: Invite people not on friends or recent list (without adding them)

AlokIs there any way to invite specific people to your game if they are not listed on the social tab (Friend/Recent lists)?

@GnomeSlice not sure what that is for. You linked to a website that converts text to Morse code and then sends it to all of your friends, and I am appropriately amused by this concept
@murgatroid99 Me neither.
@LessPopMoreFizz Holy Crap you weren't kidding. With bat companion you can just spam frost arrow like nobodies business.
@Kappei Yeah, a new programme started when you tuned in
Q: How do the hauling changes and minecarts change the elements of fortress design?

C. RossDwarf Fortress recently made several changes to hauling (moving resources around your fortress), in particular the addition of wheelbarrows and minecarts. I've already noticed that my fortress seems to do move much slower, particularly around moving stone. How do these changes impact how I de...

Q: Difference between the achievements 'Radiance' and 'Perfect As Tears'

AlokRelated: What is the difference between the Crafting achievements 'Like Stars In the Sky' and 'Perfect As Tears'? As per Fredy's answer in my earlier question, 'Perfect As Tears' actually just requires you to craft any gem to maximum level. If this is the case, then how is it dif...

Q: JQK as CBR playing cards, which country?

Mark RWhich country do playing cards originate from that have CBR as the JQK? I'm trying to figure out why they were once played with at a table of 'my friends'? Thanks

@StrixVaria They lowered the level you need to be to participate in the Tribunal to 20. I've looked at 2 cases now. I... I don't know if I want to play this game anymore, good lord.
@Sterno So, I bought this... how do I actually get it?
@FAE Dare I ask for examples?
@fbueckert None of this language is Bridge-safe. >_>
@FAE So it's infantile and immature?
@fbueckert It's just awful. Just plain, immature, trollface, raging awful.
@FAE Don't hold back, tell us how you really feel! :P
@fbueckert If it were mumble, I would!
@FAE I almost want to get to level 20 JUST to see how moronic people can be.
Then again, I tend to enjoy my brain cells immensely. Having to use brain bleach afterwards may not be so fun.
@fbueckert You... you don't. Strix warned me not to do it, haha. It's just uuuuuuugh.
@FAE Happily, I no longer have to stick my hand in the fire to learn it's hot.
I'm going to continue to stay WELL away from LoL altogether.
As a sidenote, I have actually stuck my hand in a fire. Note: it hurts. A LOT.
@fbueckert This is why I only play with friends. And mostly against bots. :P
@FAE There's so much rage in that game. The community is not at all welcome to new people.
@fbueckert Seems to be common in MOBA communities, unfortunately. I have a lot of fun playing with friends though. And I'm one of those stupid people who actually likes the lore.

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