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@agent86 Heheh
I'm seeing a number of claims that properly geared, zombie dogs are viable at least into Hell
my ZD-sac build was awesome up through Act 2 on NM
@Jin I always greatly underprice my items on the AH. All I want is more money than a merchant would give me. Anything extra is just gravy
WD is OP that's all. (^that's inferno mode)
@James so you're the reason my stuff don't sell..
@Jin All your monies are belong to me.
@Jin Korean speaking demons!
Well, I just started Hell difficulty, so we'll see how the next nine levels treat me.
Why do I got a down-vote in my question?
Q: How do I find items with the right level to salvage particular ingredients?

Michel AyresI'm trying to look for some gear to salvage into specific craft materials, so I need it to be from determinate difficulty (item level, I assume). How can I accomplish this? iLv is not requirement status (str, dex, int, etc). To be more specific, you can get one item from the level 29 from no...

@MichelAyres Probably from fcrick, is my guess.
I got a downvote around the same time he posted that comment.
@fbueckert =X
Rage down-vote is harsh >.< (i was missing 1 up-vote in that question to get into ACT III >.<)
@MichelAyres Meh. A spitevote doesn't concern me.
I've already upvoted it, so I'm afraid that's the best I can do.
You need only 125 rep to down-vote... so ...
awarded Critic

he first down-vote was 17h ago...
Q: How does gear stats from followers help me on diablo 3?

CylionHow does gear stats from followers help me on diablo 3? Do I get the bonus from the gear like stats and others?

@MichelAyres you're back to 1 needed
@MichelAyres Which roughly corresponds to when I got downvoted.
@Beofett <3 ty =D
@MichelAyres :)
@Beofett and you need 0 =D Gratz
@fbueckert this is the second thing I've seen recently about circumventing vote anonymity
@MichelAyres <3! Ty :)
@murgatroid99 Oh, I don't care I got downvoted. It happens. I've tried reasoning with the guy, and it doesn't work.
All I get is "You're WRONG".
@MichelAyres indeed... I wasn't going to ask, even though I was so close, but it is much appreciated! Also, congrats on getting the last vote you needed
everybody remember - vote the post, not the person, and don't sweat why other people vote. THAT IS ALL.
@fbueckert yeah, I just find it interesting that I keep seeing this
@agent86 I voted because they are really good answers
Q: Anonymity of downvotes has a loophole

Kirk WollI spent some time trying to help the OP on this question this morning. He evidently didn't like my answer, and gave me a downvote. How do I know? Well, when I deleted my answer, his rep immediately went back up by 1. Now, I don't much care about the particulars of this question/answer (or ...

@MichelAyres awesome! I don't care! You're someone else and you're voting! Your reasons matter not to me!
@agent86 Hence why I'm not spitevoting.
you could also say "I voted because the second hand of the clock was on 5" and I'd say "oh, that's not exactly how you should vote, but I can't do anything about it wheeeee"
@agent86 Pfft. Everyone knows you only vote when the hands on the clock overlap
@Beofett And then EVERYONE gets all the downvotes!
@fbueckert I mind in get down-vote. because i want to make it right, if I got down-votes is because my posts are bad and need improvement. so I want some explanation about it, so I can improve.
@MichelAyres One downvote doesn't concern me. Those are usually people who are downvoting answers that aren't theirs. Two or more, though, then I want to know what I can do to improve the answer.
@agent86 Can you explain why the use of "sweat" in your sentence?
@MichelAyres sweat in this context means "don't get upset about"
ie, "don't sweat downvotes" would mean "don't get upset about downvotes"
@MichelAyres "Sweat" is used as a verb in this case. "Don't sweat it" means don't worry about it. People sometimes sweat when they are worried about something.
in the way that sweating indicates exertion, ie, "don't work yourself into a sweat"
@agent86 i got this. but didn't understood why you use sweat like this. could you create another phrase with this sentence?
the most common saying is "don't sweat the small stuff"
@agent86 nvm @FAE <3 thanks
@MichelAyres No problem
@agent86 Thanks for the extra example =D
Protip: reasons behind your votes do matter. You cannot vote however you like. Abuse voting and we might have to suspend you. I'm not kidding.
@badp agreed, voting abuse is serious business and fall outside the scope of my previous examples.
What do you guys think of this:
@GnomeSlice If it's supposed to be "science", I'm not really parsing it that way from the symbol. It's not really a good "ci" substitute. :/
@FAE 'Syence'
@GnomeSlice That makes me want to punch kittens.
@FAE Ditto
Fine, forget it then.
I guess I'll come up with something else.
@fbueckert The SciFi channel's "rebranding" is awful
@FAE I was just about to say the same
@FAE Yes, it is.
If/when I release more music in the future, that's the name I was thinking of using, but if it's no good I'll... start again.
@GnomeSlice I think people might confuse your intentions with SciFi channel then, which probably isn't something you want
@FAE ...Why. It's not 'Syfy'...
@GnomeSlice They're currently the only place that "uses" the world "science" like that though
And that was generally not... well-received
Ergh... so you're telling me I just wasted my last two hours, lol.
What if I put a 'P' on it. 'Psyence'.
@GnomeSlice What's wrong with Gnomeslice?
@GnomeSlice Well, if you like it, there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just offering my opinion. :)
@RonanForman It's a little juvenile, don't you think?
I came up with this name when I was like... twelve.
@RonanForman ...Isn't it?
@GnomeSlice I like that a lot actually. I think more of the psychological/psychedelic usage then.
@GnomeSlice So...
Which can be appropriate for electronic music
Q: How can I resurrect a player who is dead behind a boss?

RachelLast night I was fighting Belial on Hell, and my friend died in the top-left corner of the platform behind him. Every time I tried to click his gravestone to res him, I would simply attack Belial instead (even though my cursor would change to the "res player" hand). I tried zooming in with Z as w...

Q: What are the properties of each stat point?

Emerica.I know in Diablo III you can no longer assign your attributes, and I know there are four attributes present in the game: Strength Vitality Dexterity Intelligence What are the stat bonuses from each point assigned to each attirbute? For example, I know strength adds to a Barbarians damage. I w...

My nik is my name backwards, don't talk to me about bad names,
@RonanForman ...lol
@RonanForman I will, because for a long time (and still sometimes now, if I can't change it), I used "thepugs"
This sort of goes with my current gravatar, too.
Move the beaker downwards.
@GnomeSlice Can you try it with the lowercase p?
@RonanForman downwards?
To where the y would be normally.
@RonanForman It is, already.
It doesn't really look like a 'Y', anyway
Lol, this was a dumb idea, I'm going to come up with something else, I guess.
@RonanForman 'GnomeSlice' doesn't really give me any ideas for a logo.
A slice of gnome?
@GnomeSlice Hrm. If the bottom leg of the P extended to the same length as the beaker, I think it'd feel a bit better.
You're trying to write psYence for some reason, it should be psyence.
@RonanForman Well, that's the shape of an Erlenmeyer flask.
@RonanForman That would be disgusting.
Have you tried it?
@RonanForman Moving the Y, or the 'slice of gnome'?
The y thing, I didn't check your pointer.
@GnomeSlice I'm kind of leaning towards Ronan's opinion on the Y being a bit big. Have you tried scaling it down to the same size as the rest of the letters to see how it looks?
@FAE Not yet. That would require more effort than the edits I've done for you guys so far. Give me a bit.
Also, I can do a thicker or thinner variation of the font.
I prefer the thicker one.
Actually, no, the original one.
Say, that looks pretty good. I should make the Y the same length as the 'p' as well.
I hate to say I told you so, wait a minute, I love saying that! I told you so!
...Eek... I hope there's a way to 'un-compound' a path.
@RonanForman I never said I thought it would be bad...
@GnomeSlice That's still the same as the last one, isn't it?
okay, wtf
@FAE The label 'lines' are thinner, which is why I was hoping there was a way to 'un-compound' the path. There was.
Apparently the D3 AH is broken again. All searches return 0 results. Yay
(come on steam, wake up)
@GnomeSlice Ah, I see. I do like that better. Can you lengthen the P again?
+3 close votes in this question would be great
The thick stroke was designed for the really large version of the flask, scaling it down didn't change the stroke directly.
@FAE ...Not easily. It's a typed font.
@GnomeSlice I think if the length of it is the same as the flask, it'll look quite nice
@FAE I disagree, actually, then it will be unbalanced in a very balanced way.
@GnomeSlice I feel like it should be either longer or a smidge shorter, I dunno.
P is the same length, changed the flask.
Also, un-rounded the edges, because I'm not sure which I like more.
I need to figure a way to make the rounded edges look less shit on the top part of the flask (bottom, on the screen)
@badp fish boots FTW
@badp There's a really nice necklace/amulet you can only get from fishing
Ergh, wtf, I just noticed the lines got thick again...
@GnomeSlice I think I like the thinner lines better on the flask, yeah
whew, 10/7/0 to go. I can taste the victory or in this case the raffle entry for victory
@FAE Fixed again, but that's not what that image was for.
Q: How often does a Gargantuan with the Bruiser rune stun?

BeofettThe level 56 Witch Doctor rune for Gargantuan called "Bruiser" has the following effect: Bruiser The Gargantuan gains the ability to periodically slam enemies, dealing 100% of your weapon damage as Physical and stunning them for 3 seconds. Is there any indication as to how often "periodic...

Q: Sharpshooter against Missile Dampening?

ChrisThis is a pretty specific question so I don't expect a large number of responses, but if someone out there has the time to confirm this it would be greatly appreciated. I was firing my Elemental Arrow (Nether Tentacle) at a champion with several attributes, one of which being missile dampening (...

Q: Tags Disappeared from Profile

BenI was a stackoverflow user, and found this wonderful gaming site as a result. On SO, my account was an OpenID through my gmail address. When I made an account here, I was dumb and forgot that and made a normal account through my alias email (which has an alias name), which I tend to use for gam...

Q: Are there any high reward dailies available besides Tol Barad

imaginativeAfter I've cleared Dragon Soul for the week and done all of my jewel crafting and Tol Barad dailies, I still have dailies for the day that are available but I can't seem to find any that are worthwhile. I get a lot of enjoyment out of running Tol Barad dailies and I'm building towards a mount and...

Q: What does it mean 'there is no cow level'?

fredleyIn a loading screen it said that there is no cow level. What is this referring to?

Q: Where is Cryder's Outpost

user26137So some of the posts here show Cryder's Outpost being in Act III in the Battlefield. I have run this like 40 times and it is the only dungeon I am missing from Act III. Can anyone verify this? Is it just one that does not spawn very often?

Q: How do I configure a follower for maximum damage output?

sjohnstonI've tried playing with all three followers, and even with pretty good equipment they only manage to achieve a small fraction of the DPS I can dish out. What is best follower configuration for maximum damage output? Specifically: Which follower? What skills? What equipment attributes? I'm al...

@FAE I made the flask the same length as the P
Fucking lazers.
@FAE eh. I still have to use any one fish
@Lazers Dupe, right?
@FAE I know you suggested making the 'P' lowercase, but I think this looks better like this, and solves the balance problem.
hmm, some kind of big indie sale on steam + civ 5 free weekend/75% off
@GnomeSlice Try an exclamation mark at the end
@GnomeSlice The upside-down flask isn't very scientific.
@CruelCow That would be too much like the meme.
You can't do any experiments like that.
@GnomeSlice I also think that with the "y" like that, the "P" does look better capitalized
@StrixVaria Let's see you design a thematic logo, lol.
@StrixVaria Yeah, I know. I'm probably going to try another version 'Psyentists' or something and use a test tube as the i.
@GnomeSlice With the smaller flask, I think the uppercase P looks decent
You could try replacing the c with a magnet, but I think that would bloat it too much
^ SCIENCE! meme ^
@CruelCow Neat idea, but I don't think that would really work.
Eh, not gonna work.
Hooray, finally got some D3 questions in
user image
@Krazer Well, shit.
Q: Is it possible to lure more undead under the chandelier in Tristram Cathedral?

fredleyI had fun squashing a few undead who were nomming on a corpse underneath a chandelier - which I dropped on their heads. I died soon after though, and playing through again, is it possible to lure more under there (there's a load hiding right behind it)? If so, how?

Q: What vendor can I use Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification

imaginativeI picked up some transmorg tier 10 pieces it looks like during a mount run in ICC. Vanquisher's Mark of Sanctification - http://www.wowhead.com/item=52025/vanquishers-mark-of-sanctification#contained-in-object. I can't seem to find the appropriate vendor to trade this into. Who has the pieces fo...

Q: As a wizard, what's worth picking up?

fredleyPlaying as a wizard, do I have any business picking up weapons? What about other drops?

Q: How do I get the Walkies achievement?

Ben BrockaJetpack joyride has a new Achievement based on Flash. How can I get Walkies? The description says: Take Flash on a 10KM Walk Does this mean I have to travel 10KM in a single run with Flash?

@GnomeSlice What did you intend to do with that? I was (unfashionably) late to the party D:
@Krazer Not sure yet, was considering using as an 'artist' name if/when I ever release any more music.
@GnomeSlice is there a motif or archetype you are going for?
@GnomeSlice for the bottom one, wouldn't it be better ot have a shorter test tube and 2 or 3 bubbles coming out to it, to signify the tittle?
@Krazer It's not done yet, I'm just focusing on the text right now.
@GnomeSlice Psyentist has a nice ring to it
Q: In Glu Game's "Lil' Kingdom", does the bonus reward from Princess depend on when you click?

DVKIn Glu Game's "Lil' Kingdom" (For Android), does the bonus reward from Princess depend on when you click? More specifically, when the Jester goes down to correct floor and brings back whatever the princess asks, she gives N amount of coins, and then there's this "random-looking" spinner of possi...

Q: Picking up duplicates of 'unique' legendary items

AlokI see that many legendaries have 'unique on equip'. I understand this means I can't use 2 of them at the same time, but what happens if I have one already (say in stash) and find another one of the same item, can I pick it up?

Q: When is the Auction House most and least active/busy?

SeanI'd like to post my items during the days of the week and times that the store is least active (which I feel nets a better profit). I've tried to take international activity into account, but I'm not able to read these tea leaves. When is the store most and least active (day and times)?

Q: Is there a reason why weapons are so cheap on the auction house?

heisheAs this is usually exactly the opposite in other games, this is confusing me somewhat, especially since the essential mechanics are still the same. The weapon slot is still the slot which has the potential to increase your DPS the most, yet really, really good equipment on the auction house seem...

@MarkTrapp Somebody's a bit snarky.
this might be a dumb question but can I start a bounty on someone else's question? I've never done a bounty before O-o
@spugsley yes, you can
@spugsley Yes, there's even a badge for doing that.
@spugsley only if it is a question I answered and you plan on giving it to me. otherwise it is totally impossible
@Fabian yay! I feel like this question got overlooked: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/66425/…
and I fucking want to know about allllllllllll the chests
and the current answer on there is AWFUL
Hmm, I wonder if you can award them to yourself...
@CruelCow nope, can't award yourself a bounty, sadly.
@agent86 if you could you could have so much cheating
@spugsley Bountied
answer a question, then add a bounty to get upvotes for a week, and then give yourself back the reputation
@murgatroid99 Can you award bounties to yourself?
@fredley :)
@fredley no, that's what you could do if you could award them to yourself
already people have pointed out that if you post a good answer and then put a bounty on the question, you can end up with more rep than you started with from the upvotes the bounty brings in. It would make that worse if you could also get all of the bounty rep back at the end
@Krazer That is awesome.
@Wipqozn unlike you
@spugsley Ouch. Well, despite your harsh words, I still think you're awesome.
@Wipqozn :p
I dare say. I should play some Mario Tennis Open!
@Wipqozn been saving that one for you
@Krazer <3
@agent86 link upskirt
that's some sick dps
@Jin that's a sick amount of gold he has
@Jin holy balls O-o
> This build is just meant for lulz and for bosses with no adds hehe.
seriously, can we all make fart noises in unison at this guy? gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/66425/…
With 129k DPS couldn't you face melt the adds in short order anyway?
@MarkTrapp exactly. it really doesn't matter if your hp is 10k higher... better off killing stuff fast
@spugsley Fine, I will give up one of my precious reps for a downvote. You owe me a reps
@Resorath thank you. Downvotes are the SE fart noise equivalent
@badp Neither do I.
@badp hi I'm twelve years old and what is this
Aw already fixed
@Wipqozn I have no idea what you're talking about
@MarkTrapp I've already made that 13-yo-ban rebuttal in your general direction haven't I
Had me manically searching my Torchlight answers to see what I got wrong before the down votes rolled in
@Jin this guy's headphones and rocking in his chair is driving me crazy
@agent86 i know...
but the vid has great info
I'm guessing those glasses he's wearing are GUNNAR (tm) Brand Gaming Optiks
@agent86 And his voice that goes in and out with his rocking. and itS NOT JUST MELee that hAS THIS Problem..
@Resorath hahaha
Q: How is environmental damage calculated?

SeanIs it a flat number in a given difficulty and zone, or does it scale with player level and damage (DPS)?

Q: Where is the easiest place to farm falling chandelier kills for "Light Entertainment"?

SeanI need 666 falling chandelier kills. I imagine normal will be the best place to farm this, but what zone has the most successive falling chandeliers (and is easiest to restart, for the "farming" part)? What items, buffs, or skills will help with racking environmental kills? Also, how is environme...

Q: How does armor stack with physical resistance?

NevirSay I have 40% damage reduction from armor, and 25% from physical resistance. How is my overall damage reduction calculated? (for physical sources)

Q: Best equipment on lvl 60 all uniques?

MeliniAre uniques the best equipment in the lategame or will sets and random equip exceed the top unique equipment?

watching that vid reminds me of my college econ class..
Does anyone else hate Deckard Cain's voice actor?
@RavenDreamer YOU!
also, yes
It's been the same guy throughout all the games, hasn't it?
I have a very important question
@RavenDreamer not as much as I hate Garrison Keillor's voice actor.
@RavenDreamer do you have a glorious beard like that of a Nordic God?
@spugsley ...in my dreams?
@RavenDreamer do you look like this?
Have I really never complained to you that I can't grow facial hair to save my life?
seriously, do you look like this?
@Jin but that's a real person
@spugsley I don't have the wolves. They cost extra.
@RavenDreamer As someone who can grow facial hair, let me tell you it's just a huge pain in the ass.
@RavenDreamer well, I had a dream and you looked just like this. Minus the wolves.
Your beard was everywhere
I think I just killed my back.
it was...magical
@RonanForman What did you do?
@spugsley ahahahahaha
@Wipqozn Papercraft.
I'm... flattered? I guess?
@Wipqozn but we're talking about face here.
@RavenDreamer well, were this reversed, I'd probably be creeped out but...you're welcome?
@spugsley Such are the travails of our double-standarded society. Alas.
@RavenDreamer lol
@spugsley Don't worry, I'm always creeped out by you.
@RonanForman as you have every right to be
@Jin Is that @MarkTrapp's long lost brother?
@spugsley I need to get directions from you, I think.
@RavenDreamer har har. I have a blog post for this: rallythehorde.com/2011/05/day-12-of-epic-media-worsts.html
@RavenDreamer it shall be done!
@Wipqozn that could be @MarkTrapp's himself.
I think you guys just don't understand @spugsley.
@GnomeSlice do you? O-o
@spugsley Oh, probably not.
Just saying.
@Jin At first I thought it was him.
Upon closer inspection I think it's just his long lost brother.
I'm going to stop papercrfting before I do irreverable damage.
@RonanForman Coward.
@Wipqozn Leaning over has done my back in. I'm getting too old for this.
@spugsley, when diablo is down, consider breaking out the NES;
user image
Who is Dolan anyway?
@RonanForman He's... Dolan.
@RonanForman he's a knockoff of donald duck, who typically is violent and/or offensive in nature.
@RonanForman It started as an unbelievably shitty finnish cartoon ripping off Donald Duck and the other Disney characters.
@agent86 Why?
@RonanForman he hangs out with/abuses "gooby" (goofy) and a few other silly caricatures of cartoon characters
@RonanForman it's the internet?
@GnomeSlice and all of them make about this much sense
like, 80% of the (non-porn) internet is now meme images and cat videos.
@murgatroid99 That's the original guy's cartoons, but yeah, Dolan's make about that much sense.
I found a way to keep loot titles up FOREVER! WHOOOOO
@GnomeSlice see, even this one doesn't make sense and it's in proper english
@spugsley so have some dolan
@badp ask @agent86 why you don't want to go down this road with me
@badp something something fears something bucket something 20 years.
@spugsley I have a whole ocean and possibly the whole width of the US to protect me!
@badp ha. Funny.
@badp if there's one thing the US has, it's width.
@RavenDreamer hop on Steam later and I can give you directions
@spugsley I'm already there.

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