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You can't dress a mii?
Drat, my edit didn't go through, I was going to also add:
Otherwise you might just want to look for any other M-rated Wii game.
oh yeah, a Mii's only customisation is colour clothing-wise
@McKay I think a game-rec is so subjective that you could litterally put anything and it would be correct
liked Godfather? then you'll probably love PONG
it has moving particals
but yeah, don't suggest Phoenix Wright, that's just mean
interesting, getting an answer accepted also bypasses the rep cap
<3 that gaming is always near the top of chat.
we're one of the top chatrooms on mso
I disagree with the above opinions. [game-rec] is awesome. I mean, I'm not fond of "I liked X, what games are similar" questions. But I like questions like "I liked X because of the following 10 reasons: ... , are there similar games with these traits?".
It requires people who are experienced with many different games to answer, such as the common gaming.SE user,
the problem is that there are never 10
** - 34 minutes to id 138 on Linux SE
it is usually 3-5
And it nicely leverages the voting properties of the site.
and at least 2 of them are general enough to include any game
I got 109 on gaming after a day. Guess SE is more poular now
So I say: close the ones judged by the community to be too broad.
But don't close them all.
(just make them CW to prevent abuse)
right now they make up 7% of the site
And because they match CW more
but if you're a new user who plays video games but isn't an expert, where are you going to go?
flip side, if you are an expert and you see a bunch of recommendations are you going to stick around to answer a question on theorycrafting?
or are you going to find a site that caters to expert level questions?
I'm not saying you can't use the SE engine to do this (I think there are better engines, but its possible). I just believe that its really a different website
But a bunch of our users do enjoy recommending games a great deal. I know I do.
I'm not saying you shouldn't. Only that is really a different topic
Either we are about providing expert answers to gaming questions, or we are a site about recommendations
one excludes the possibility of the other
But I don't see why we need to make that distinction. This is a site about answering gaming-related questions.
Let me give you another example then
A recommendation is a gaming-related question.
I don't think a recommendation is a question, but let's ignore that for a second
I really don't see why recommendations exclude more specific questions
suppose you're a hard core theorycrafter on Elitistjerks. You know the exact formula for calculating the dps of a subtalty dagger rogue at level 80. Why would you come to our site?
@tzenes I think I agree.
There's a lot of programmers who are on both StackOverflow and the Game Dev SE
that wasn't a rhetorical question, I want you to answer
Because that question might get asked?
Why does anyone come to Stackoverflow? Because they used to get a lot of answers there. That expert user is not drawn to our site because that's the place to give answers about topic X, he's drawn because others are providing answers there about a variety of games, and even more general answers such as for game recommendations.
its asked on a million sites on the internet, why this one?
Because you want to show that you can answer that question? You are an elitistjerk after all.
Really, my first gazillion visits to SO were not to help, but to get help.
That's why you go to SO @Oak, that's not why John Skeet does it
Most people go to sites to get information, but don't participate.
If your life is wow, which if you're that expert on elitist jerks it is, you don't care about bubble bobble, or dwarf fortress, you care about WoW
But that's okay.
@McKay thats why I said expert, not most people
@tzenes John Skeet is in a minority. John Skeet is not the reason I came to SO.
So all you care about is WoW, and not just anything about WoW, specifically theory crafting
AH, that's true
everything you just said is true
I came because the wisdom of the crowd is worth a lot.
And it helped me in many topics
But John Skeet is the reason SO is so sucessful
I could easily manage without skeet.
well, not him in particular
but people like him
... I'm not sure... I got many answers from users who weren't even 10k users.
we like having our hard questions answered quickly and well
If you need to know if some arcane call in some obscure library is reentrant, you need the expert
you don't need the wisdom of the crowd
You missed my point RE wisdom of the crowd
The crowd has no clue
I actually making a counter pointOak
I'm saying that this site is for expert answers
What I meant it, once you get a shit load of users interesting in gaming, one of them is bound to know the answer to your question. At least, that's how it worked for me in SO.
Nobody knows everything about everything, not even Skeet. But the crowd knows far more than any single person.
No, it wasn't the mass number of users that found your answer, it was the 1 or 2 guys who know everything about that library
those are the guys you want
and there aren't a tone of them
Yes, but those are just regular guys. Sometimes I was one of these guys
Even though I don't have high rep on SO, sometimes I was the expert
TZenes may know a lot about StarCraft, but he doesn't get the accepted answer on all of those questions. It's sometimes the really low point guys who get the answers.
I'm not sure expert vs wisdom of the crowds is the question
@McKay I'm actually not a good example
Maybe we're deviating a bit from the topic here, though. We both want to draw the experts, right? I'm just saying that almost everyone who play video games is ALREADY an expert
since I'm not that expert
... in something.
@Oak I'm not sure that's true
(me neither :) )
but I feel it is, I really do.
I was an expert in Death Knight theory crafting
I"m not anymore
I used to be "that guy." But I stopped caring so much about that
let's say I played a game X
And I was stuck on boss Y, and spent a great deal there
Maybe after fighting with him so long I can now be said to be an expert about boss Y in game X
That's something tiny and narrow,
I don't think that makes you an expert
But I could answer questions regarding that boss.
experience is not the qualification for expertise
I think it makes me an expert about boss Y in game X, and I think I'm a user that could be beneficial to the site. Potentially
maybe, unless your personal experience led you to the wrong conclusion
in gaming, other than actually having made the game, experience equals expertise
(let's assume I learned a great deal about Y and managed to beat him cleverly)
What if your experience against a boss in megaman was you could dash away and out run him
but if you actually look at the numbers its not really possible
you just happened to have enough of a headstart beause of some other part of your strategy
so the question comes: "Can you out race this boss using the dash"
and your answer is: of course
meanwhile, some guy somewhere has timed his speed
and that of the dash
and teh cooldown on the dash
and he has a formula that definitively says NO
but why would he come to this website? Its just a bunch of game recommendations
he's on the website where thats the level of expertise they care about
so, no, experience does not equal expertise
Some people treat gaming like a science
some people actually know what the theorhetical dps cap is on a frost death knight
and what weapons you have to equip to get it
that's a really tiny percentage though, compared to actual gamers
maybe for MMOs, but not for most other games
And when the questions comes across: do I get weapon x or weapon y, the KNOW the answer
there's much more games than experts
Corner cases. My point is that someone can be an expert about a very narrow subject, but if we get thousand of such users we suddenly get a place where you can get answers, quickly, about many games. I truly believe this is exactly what made SO so successful, and that's the kind of place I would like gaming.SE to become.
That's my point about the wisdom of the crowd. It's true that having a great Skeet-like expert which likes to study in-depth many games is great, but we don't NEED those Skeets to become a place where questions can be expertly answered.
and they're the guys we need
The crowd will come
but we can only use them on the games they have expertise in, so it's kinda a moot point
to get the crowd we need the Skeets
would you rather go to a site where you know people like Jon Skeet are, or a site that has 500 million users
but skeet can mostly only answer questions about C#, and SO is about coding in general
because there is a programming group on facebook.com
500 million users. No question about it. I don't need Skeet.
would you rather have a site where you can ask questions about 10 games or 10 million?
Then why didn't you ask your question on facebook?
Slang makes this discussion parse horribly in my head.
The 10 million will come when they know where the experts are
Why do you think ElitistJerks is so big?
the WoW forums are bigger
because it's dedicated to one game
but where would you go to get a serious answer?
I'm comparing two things that are dedicated to one game
I know
I'm comparing EJ to our site still
More users on the WoW forums, but go try to find out the top dps of a frost dk there
I think we can be bigger than EJ
not in that way
I think we can be EJ for lots of games
if you only want the experts
we can only be EJ for a limited amount of games
We want experts, we will get normal people
I don't think that's true
of course we want experts, but we won't get enough
Why can we only be EJ for a limited amount of games?
which is why I'd prefer a lot of normal people to a lot of experts
We want as many as we can get
because people at EJ are all focused on one game
@tzenes it's easy, all you need is one user aware of the EJ website to frequent the WoW forums, and he can point the one asking a question to the right place to look. Remember, the SE platform is not intended for discussion or research, only for final answers.
the normal people will follow the experts
the experts only knows the facts about their game
normal people know facts about lots of games
@Arda you assume experts aren't also normal people
as an example, every expert adds 10 points to one game, while a normal person can add 1 point to 10 games
@Oak we can become a link factor if you'd prefer, then. But then why here? why not google? They have a ranking algorithm too (not exposed, but there is one)
yes, I do, someone who spends their time making spreadsheets at what the DPS is for a certain mob won't spend a lot of time on other games
I think you have the ratio wrong @Arda
it was an example
I did
I think there are things normal people will never be able to answer
@tzenes Google can't answer many things...
I don't know what we're arguing about anyway, we can't really decide our audience
Neither specific questions not game recommendations
But we can decide on the people we want to attract
not really
you mean we can't decide on our desires?
:70946 Explain?
yeah, you're going to have to be clearer there
normal people will come here anyway
unless you want to put a big banner on the homepage saying: "EXPERTS ONLY"
Probably more if they know the experts are here
that's just a critical mass problem
actually I think the banner would get more people too
Because everyone will come professing to be experts.
An air of exclusion makes people want it more
so you're saying we just need higher standards
or come to read, even if they don't post
I don't really see how we can accomplish it though
how do you make the experts come here
have questions they want to answer
besides, we are all experts on some things, some not as much as others
as Joel puts it regarding so:
I think that experts are attracted to expert questions
have other experts like you three
"And it is true that we are all, as developers, hopelessly incompetent. The goal of a site like Stack Overflow is to somehow share the correct knowledge wherever it may be as it is scattered throughout the universe, and to cause that to be voted up and to be spread amongst us. There's this big universe of dumb programmers, and I'm one of them, and we all have a little bit of knowledge."
and give them praise/rep for their participation
we need more expert level questions and not game-rec where any one with an opinion puts one in
"We all have these little tiny pieces of information and if we can just contribute a little bit, that information gets amplified, and maybe a thousand other dumb developers will benefit from my one little piece of good information."
true, we need less game rec questions
@ArdaXi on a high level I think that's true, but its getting to that point that's the issue
but we've said that since the private beta
well I think as long as there are still game-rec questions there will always be more
nobody has ever been able to come up with a plan to get rid of game-rec
if we had 2 or 3, I wouldn't say this is an issue
Blacklist :)
but we have 7%
its the 4th most popular tag
without discouraging people en-masse
I think its simple. We say this site does not exist for game recommendations, it exists for serious question and answer
we leave 1 or 2 questions (maybe the procedural one)
and axe the rest
and once in a blue moon, we let another one in, if its really interesting enough
:71023 I second
or, if that's not a solid enough rule, if a game-rec does not gain more than 25 upvotes in the first week, it gets deleted
but either way, we need to clean house
we need firm, fool-proof rules
speaking of that ...
Q: Other versions of minesweeper?

EchoSo my loves to play minesweeper and I know I have seen other versions of minesweeper that have more to it or use shapes other than just squares. But I can't seem to find them. Does anyone know where I can find them? I would prefer it to be free, but it doesn't have to be. Games that run on windo...

laws if you will
top 10 tag is unacceptable.
I wish Cross, but I used all mine today
so that there can be no discussion of whether a question is to be allowed or not
there will always be discussion
Well, less discussion
clear cut rules will cut down on it.
I'd perfer the rule that says: none. But I will compromise to the rule that says 25 upvotes in 5 days
or 7, as weekends are slow
I don't think that'll work, it's not what the vote system is for
people can game the system to keep their question in
I know its not the design, but I need some way of saying, this game-rec just isn't interesting enough
the rules have to be based on the question, not the way it's received
I think any system can be gamed, which is why I want: NO
If it gets 5 delete votes doesn't that say it's not interesting enough?
Let's say your set of rules makes the question more specific
why don't we just say no game-rec
well now you've increased the number of questions
all we need is a set of rules that make a question game-rec
I've been saying no game-rec for a long time
I want deleting game-rec to be the norm
and keepign it to be the exception
we can't just bulk-delete 100 questions though..
well, we can
Half of them are closed
I'd delete those, so game-rec seems less the norm
58 aren't closed
ok, delete the 41 that are
Meeting with the boss man
got to run
we'll need a mod in here first anyway
:71097 good luck :)
Well Oak strongly disagrees and Grace and Juan want to compromise more
and thanks
we'll have to have a discussion with at least one of them in here I guess
ping @JuanManuel
boss is running late
Maybe start a meta question: Make game-rec less the norm
suggestion deleting the closed ones?
looking for more suggestions?
I still think we need clear-cut rules
just say: if a question has all of these characteristics, we don't want it
but yeah, they need to be much less prevalent if anything, not just closed but deleted too
the whole problem is that they reached critical mass
I don't know where he is
We are supposed to meet at 2
its 2:10 now
So, are we basically going to try to limit the number of game-recs?
I'd prefer if that number was < 3, but I'll take what I can get
here is the issue with making rules based on the question. As long as the question remains a list style question, either the rules make things more specific, in which case we end up with more game-rec questions, or the rules make things less specific in which case we end up with a more general question which really helps noone and is little more than a ranking of video games
I don't think I get you
Why would prohibiting certain questions according to a list of characteristics make us end up with more game-rec?
well let's say your criteria is: there has to be only 1 other game which fits the description
which is about as specific as humanly possible
I guess no games would be more specific, but let's ignore that for the moment
so essentially your criteria allows for 1 game-rec per game
let's go the other direction
let's say there should be many games or the criteria is bad
well now you're promoting less helpful questions, as you run into the problem of too many games
So you want a medium level of specificity
any questions waiting on more close votes?
Rules tend toward polarizing specificity
thus are less desirable
is there a way to search for questions with atleast 3 close votes?
I don't think so.
Just closed / open.
What exactly can you do with "moderation tools"?
:71180 See statistics mostly
like the questions with most close votes :)
Q: Other versions of minesweeper?

EchoSo my loves to play minesweeper and I know I have seen other versions of minesweeper that have more to it or use shapes other than just squares. But I can't seem to find them. Does anyone know where I can find them? I would prefer it to be free, but it doesn't have to be. Games that run on windo...

has 4
Q: Games for someone who loved Godfather: Blackhand Edition

HeatherMy husband is not a huge gamer, but he loved Godfather: Blackhand Edition for the Wii. He's deleted his save game, started over, and beat the game at least four times since we've bought it and he's finally gotten bored with it. I can't think of another game of mine he's played more - I did try ...

:71180 you can see it with mod tools
2k rep! celebrates
heh, you'll get bored with it once you cross 2k1 rep :)
So what was this whole discussion about experts?
We want more experts on the site?
we want to attract experts by cutting down on gamerec, basically
I see.
@tzenes @Arda I saw you were looking for any mod earlier... but remember we don't make decisions, the community does.
There have been many questions on meta regarding [game-rec] and similar question
Sadly, we have no consensus.
While I also want to cut down on game-rec, I don't think experts would be discouraged from our site by them.
well, the way our site looks right now game-rec makes up a big part of the questions
Though in my opinion, lack of consensus means that a close/delete rampage is not warranted...
which does discourage experts
Maybe we need a meta question like: "do [game-rec] discourage you personally?"
They definitely do not discourage me, though I might be in the minority
We should also try to actually get the word out about our site.
Didn't we attempt to notify big review sites when we came out of private beta?
It can give us a feeling about it, because @Arda I do not believe it discourages experts
And 7% is a significant percentage but it's still a pretty small minority.
It's just a noisy minority :)
true, but game-rec keeps popping up every day
Actually I think their percentage in the site is definitely going down
Used to be the 2nd most popular tag, if I recall correctly
And I recall it being more than 7%, which it is now
... might be wrong, though.
@Oak I think Starcraft2 had a lot to do with that
but if you look at the 3 more popular tags, two of them are generic: PC and 360
So the only topic that's actually more popular than game-rec is starcraft, a highly anticipated release which just came out. By comparison there is no reason recommendations are experiencing a burst
Actually now that I think it through, maybe deleting these questions is sending the wrong message. Perhaps seeing so many recommendations closed discourages them. Its hard to say without concrete evidence.
Good evening all
Q: Is the acid revolver the best gun in Borderlands?

Alexander MorlandI seem to always end up with an acid revolver in the end. Who needs snipers when anything gets a sniper scope. In my opinion, non-snipers shouldn't get as good a scope as sniper rifles. It kinda ruins the point of them when they don't do more damage and don't have best scope either.

Voted to close as per the comment I left on the question, thoughts?
That's what I thought, it's another 'best X' question
It's not even specific enough to be that helpful to someone who plays the game. A corrosive revolver on Brick, for example, would probably be pretty "meh."
I think he's trying to justify an argument of imbalance
could be
But this still isn't really the place for it. The only real responses we can give are "Well, it depends."
lotsa discussion about experts in backscroll
this is the first question I've seen so far for which it's actually "impossible to objectively answer this question; questions of this type are too open ended and usually lead to confrontation and argument."
out of the dozens of questions that were closed for SnA
haha yeah
hmm, DF is a great game, but when going from ASCII to a graphical tileset, I finally understand what the icons mean
Anyway, my .02, I was under the impression, from a discussion in meta, that our intention with the site wasn't to become elitist to a point of exclusion.
Hehe, I used that as well when I played, just don't tell the hardcore Nethackers :P
How do I link to a certain answer or comment thread in a question?
I dunno, there is something hardcore about ascii, but there is also something to understanding the screen and readable text
comment I don't know
ah, here, link
A: Re-evaluating our site - what is the scope of an "acceptable" list, if it exists?

EricSchaeferDisclaimer: I am the author of one of the listed examples, but I am not here to talk about my question. It is fine with me if it is closed if the community decides so. In this answer I only present my general opinion about acceptable questions at gaming. A site like this can only be successful i...

but every question has- right
Comment exchange there
Mine are near the bottom
well, yeah, but we still want experts, you can't have experts in poll questions
game-rec are basically poll questions
(as Grace put it in that very thread)
Yes, I realize that, but excluding that entirely, I still thought that part of the point of the site was not to be elitist jerks (not the site in particular, but that kind of community)
Like I said, whether we intend it or not, a community is going to form and already has. We're not going to have a lot of direct control over what type of people are going to join.
We can try, sure, but shoehorning too hard can definitely have the opposite effect of what you're intending.
I think part of what we're deciding here with the [game-rec] discussion, whether intentional or not, is the level of exclusion we're looking at for the site. And with that, we have to think about what a healthy level of exclusion would be in the beta stage, considering the site's fate is still up in the air.
((is it wrong to ask a perfectly valid question, just to promote a game))
Q: How can I tell if a corpse is safe to eat?

Kaestur HakarlI am playing a human wizard, and I just killed a monster, leaving a corpse on the ground. How do I tell whether it is safe to eat this corpse? I leave the monster unspecified because I am interested in "how can I figure out whether this is edible," rather than whether any particular monster is e...

On a random note, that made me lol
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