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Doesn't seem bannable to me
Plus, I doubt Blizzard really is going to end up caring about someone gaining XP fast. That doesn't affect the AH negatively
@Sterno Yeah, but is this a question we can even answer?
@Lazers I swear this is a dupe but I cannot bloody well find the original
@FAE No. It's barely even a question. It's more like "check out this cool leveling trick"
@FAE I found the dupe, mainly because I answered it before :P
@agent86 Haha, yeah I see that now
this needs 2 more dupe votes still:
Q: Whats the shortcut in Diablo 3 to show item to a party without dropping it?

ermanI saw people show their items to party ingame on stream... I think it's really useful shortcut. Does anybody know?

Would me asking for the text from the various conversations from D3 be on topic? Seems acceptable to me, but wanted to clear it
@Sterno You'd be mistaken if WoW is any precedent.
On both counts.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I think they're going to be very, very careful about banning people for trivial matter, with the amount of people already up in arms about the game being online-only.
So what's the opinion on that powerleveling question then? Should we make them remove the method part and make them post it as an answer and change the question asking about how to powerlevel? I have very little sense of whether or not asking if Blizzard would ban something is really on-topic for us to answer, so I don't know if this is a VTC case or just downvote case.
Q: Is the Staff of Herding consumed when used or can you use it as many times as you like?

JosephCan you use the Staff of Herding to access the secret level ad infinitum? Or is it consumed upon use?

This is certainly a dupe
@FAE I asked a question about whether or not using a tweaked coalesced.bin would get people banned for ME3. In retrospect it was a terrible question. No one could really answer it.
The problem with questions like that is that the answer is either "Yes, they say so **right here**(link)", or "Maybe"
Yeah, pretty much :/
Lacking an official statement, all we have is people posting their "Well I did this and did/didn't get banned" answers
@FAE Yup. Immediately followed by comments of "That doesn't mean you won't be! Don't tell people it's okay!"
Though I don't know if that means it should be closed, or simply indicates a bad question
@fbueckert hmm, I can't find one that's exact, honestly
there's one for "can I go in more than once per difficulty"
Those are some fun drinks.
@agent86 Yeah, but they essentially mean the same thing; the answer should just be expanded to explain that the staff isn't consumed upon use.
ahahahaha this is the best thing ever
Standard Stack Exchange team member.
@FAE Black Widow sounds delicious.
oh, is Eurovision on? shame.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am terrified of the Hawkeye (but I love Strongbow)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I KNOW. I totally want one.
I love Kahlua though.
Oh, are we talking about the avengers again?
This requires listening to Bucks Fizz.
A: How do enemies scale with the player level?

EpicThe guy above me is wrong. I played fallout for very long maybe like 400 hours I don't know how long exactly, but there is no level scaling mobs don't level its just like an MMORPG there are strong mobs in this place and weak mobs in this place. Most mobs re-spawn after a long time. Like there ar...

@Sterno I'm kind of leaning towards a NARQ VTC on this powerleveling one.
Anyone know if this is correct or not?
@agent86 Haha, that inbox comment was a bit different than the one I see now
@Rapida what did it show in your inbox? the most recent comment I left for you didn't get an edit...
@agent86 @Rapida, I could've sworn I was just looking at that. I'll double check, but for now I&#... It made it look like you had self edited
This is a Discography of the United Kingdom entries into the Eurovision Song Contest, featuring the highest chart placing attained on the UK Singles chart. {| class="wikitable" !width="40"|Year !width="350"|Song title !Artist !UK Chart peak !Record label !from album |- |align="center"|1957 |align="center"| "All" |align="center"|Patricia Bredin |align="center"|NR 1 |align="center"| — |align="center"|— 2 |- |align="center"|1959 |align="center"| "Sing Little Birdie" |align="center"|Pearl Carr & Teddy Johnson |align="center"|12 |align="center"|Columbia |align="center"|— |- |align="center"|1960...
Made me chuckle, though I assumed you hadn't &*#&%%'ed
some absolute classics in there
@ThomasMcDonald Have you heard of 'Ben Moon'?
also I got the new Soundcloud earlier. I don't like it.
Check this kid out.
@ThomasMcDonald Yeah, I just got it today. It's... different. Everything is bigger.
I'm also not sure I like the 'reposting' thing...
It scrolls horribly
@ThomasMcDonald Slow? The old one was like that for me too.
'orchestral dubstep'; I've give it a go I guess
laggy if nothing else
But yeah, this scrolls worse. It's still in Beta though, so I'm hopeful.
@ThomasMcDonald Did you never find the old soundcloud slow?
No, not really.
hmm, can't listen to that. Too much wub.
@ThomasMcDonald It just won't play? I had that problem with - Oh.
Also, has anyone seen @GraceNote lately? I've got something she might enjoy.
@GnomeSlice She was online very recently, so she might be around.
Q: What should my life/damage be at the end of each difficulty?

NickLarsenWhen I got to the end of act 3 in nightmare, I had ~7500 life and ~1100 damage. At this point I started dying constantly, I mean like every yellow or blue monster pull meant at least 5 consecutive deaths. I was wearing the best gear I had found, so I decided to check the auction house for the f...

Q: What did he just say?

RapidaI've beaten Diablo 3 a few times now, but I admit during the play through I'm prone to loot fever. Usually, this results in me skipping through the lore from the various NPCs in search of my next phat loot. Is there a compiled version of the various dialogues available on the web?

Q: Is the Staff of Herding consumed when used or can you use it as many times as you like?

JosephCan you use the Staff of Herding to access the secret level ad infinitum? Or is it consumed upon use?

Q: Do I get less experience if a high-level friend accompanies me?

WikwocketMy friend and I both have Diablo 3, but he has more play time, and so has a much higher level. Sometimes he comes back and does the same quests I'm still on, but when he does it feels like I am getting less experience. Is this all in my head, or do I get less XP if higher-level players are in my ...

Pretty sure that Account Security post might be the most down voted contribution I've made.
@GnomeSlice I really like this guy's stuff
@ThomasMcDonald What about Kill Paris
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...three downvotes? Wow, quit whining.
@GnomeSlice 7.
When I finish listening to Bublé.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, the answer. Well, it's -6.
What question are you guys talking about
Q: I'm hearing rumors of Battle.net accounts being hijacked and stolen in Diablo 3. How can I protect myself?

LessPop_MoreFizzThere have been a fairly large number of fairly reliable reports that some clever and disreputable jerks have figured out how to hijack a Diablo III session, steal your Battle.net account, take all of your cool items, all of your WoW gold, and do all manner of other nefarious things - and worse ...

the one that's pinned. >:
@ThomasMcDonald Yeah, the pinned one goes to the question, not the answer.
The question is -3, the answer is -6.
Cleverly pinned so @LessPopMoreFizz gets all the exps. It's all a conspiracy, I say.
I've had more than those combined on a single post on more than one occasion.
Oh gotcha, didn't realize that had downvotes
@GnomeSlice Well yes, but you also actively troll the site with terrible questions. It's hardly a fair comparison. :P
Seems like Q + A spite is in full force
@LessPop_MoreFizz =[
No I don't...
@Rapida huh, must've HTML encoded the apostrophe funny.
Yeah, the trim with ellipsis function gets applied after the encoding, resulting in fail.
Is the data dump on Amazon yet? :(
@TimStone and you haven't hacked the SE codebase to fix this bug? slacker.
@ThomasMcDonald Hmm, good question...I don't think so.
Sigh, my bank was purchased by another bank so now I have to go through and change all my automatic payment information, argh.
It's basically 8 months since a data dump was released.
@ThomasMcDonald while you're here wanted to personally let you know I enjoy your ruby contributions
@agent86 I did shake my fist angrily. I was going to do that, but then I started playing Diablo III.
@tiddy yay :D
I got a really nice email about it the other day as well. I must reply to that sometime.
Currently it's your bootstrap sass gem
probably doesn't surprise you
@ThomasMcDonald It's probably slow because they're now running two different sites or something. You can still use the old one on some pages.
@GnomeSlice No, I mean, Soundcloud itself is not particularly slow. The UI is slow when scrolling.
I agree with @Rachel in this one. gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/68905/…
@Rapida, answer updated. They're in there, they're just hiding :(
Ah cool
hey quick question
When making links to Wikipedia, is it better to say " on Wikipedia" or something else like "Wikipedia page"?
for wiki tags
@tiddy but yeah, not had much time the past month or so to be a good project maintainer, hence late 2.0.3 etc
Oh wait, the Dec 2011 dump got updated with the missing sites. I never noticed that.
I wonder if they have the encoding bug though.
@TimStone Do you know what the issue was with the tag encoding on the old dumps? Wondering if I can run a find/replace on it to fix.
@MichelAyres You agree that it's not reasonable to expect a question asking what all the differences between difficulties are to include information about what all the differences between difficulties are with respect to resistances?
@GnomeSlice That Kill Paris is rate good.
Uuuuugghhhhh 23 more answers to reach Hel.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Or questions! :P
@ThomasMcDonald Unfortunately not.
Anyway, I shall go reimmerse myself in the joys of group theory.
@IanPugsley I really don't see that question as a duplicated. Sorry if I'm wrong.
@MichelAyres No need to be sorry. We all have different opinions. I agree with @IanPugsley on this one though.
@Sterno As do I
I still don't know what to do about this question:
Q: Diablo 3 - Power Leveling Bannable?

kobaltzThis question is probably a bit more controversial since some may consider it cheating while others may take advantage of it. However, after leveling my 2nd toon, I got pretty sick of having to go through the same normal, nightmare, hell stuff and wanted to get into inferno on my new characters. ...

@FAE For starters, I'll fix the title...
@FAE I think I'm with you, it doesn't seem in-scope
How are we supposed to answer it? We're not Blizzard.
@GnomeSlice That's one of my issues, yes.
@FAE It doesnt seem like it belongs -we cant answer if they will ban or not, and it kinda feels like it is more intended to show off the power leveling plan rather than actually ask anything.
@IanPugsley Please don't create discussion on the comments. We have chat for this matters.
@MichelAyres It's not an unreasonably lengthy discussion.
@FAE I've downvoted it, left a comment, and absolved myself of responsibility of having to think about it any further! :)
Leaving comments to explain close reasoning is acceptable as long as it does not get out of hand.
@FAE he just post almost the same that he already did!
@MichelAyres I hardly think leaving a total of two comments is a lengthy discussion...
@MichelAyres And not all users are aware of chat or can even use chat, so having a transparent record of the reasoning can be handy on questions if there's conflict. As long as it doesn't become unwieldy, it's okay.
this comment "One would hope that all of the differences between difficulties would be listed in the answers - if not, it's a bad answer. Either way, this is asking whether or not one specific difference exists, which means this is a subset of the linked question. – Ian Pugsley"
and this comment "Whether or not context exists from Diablo II doesn't really make a difference here - everything this question asks (and more) is already asked in the previously mentioned question. – Ian Pugsley"
I must resist the temptation to have a long discussion in those comments about what qualifies as a long discussion.
He already pointed his opinion. He's just making a affirmation. This in my POV is a discussion...
@MichelAyres In the second comment, he was pointing out that the Diablo 2 is not relevant to the rest of the question, which makes it so that the core of the question is covered within the scope of the duplicate.
@FAE I understand that. just don't think that is not relevant, and the rest of his comment just copy+paste he previous comment.

*I think that this is relevant, because it's a mechanic of the previous game. Is the same if I ask "Where is the shortcut to change gear in D3" and someone answers me "there is none, they remove this feature in D3 because this and this"*

So pointing this, I think that **is** relevant the context that existed in D2
Damn. How can I bold and italic stuff in chat? o.O
@MichelAyres Line breaks kill off markdown
@GnomeSlice Oh, this is pretty nice.
Re: Ben Moon New Beginning
Don't know why I put on music if I'm about to start vacuuming, though, ahah.
@MichelAyres But the point here is that he was pointing out the irrelevancy in order to enforce his existing opinion. He needed to repeat himself there, in that case, because he was using additional information to support his current viewpoint.
Why do online banks always ask for easily, publicly documented information for security questions?! ARGH.
@LessPopMoreFizz T_T
maaaan, I hate the auction house right now :/
@Wipqozn ?? why?
It's a double edged sword that you can get nice items so cheap right now.
@MichelAyres Because it removes some of the fun of the game.
but at the same time it's hard to resist it :/
I saw yesterday the PERFECT hand-xbow. 611 att-dmg but 4m is harsh >.<
I could buy a flawless square topaz, 4500 gold. +34 int.
but I'm only levle 15 :/
So it would be like "pfft, gems? I don't care about that, I can buy them on the auction house for basically free!"
Wouldn't even be -as- bad if you didn't get so much gold.
@Wipqozn would you pick up 2000 gold?
@IanPugsley Of course.
I'm level 50some, and I still run back for 10 gold sometimes
pick up your gems, dummy
What I mean to say is it removes some of the thrill of finding nice items..
because they are essentially free on the auction house
@Wipqozn money gets tight pretty quickly
@LessPopMoreFizz why 2 up-votes ahead of me >.< just because you're pretty ? =P
We can make our own 'instantrimshot' type things now.
@LessPopMoreFizz how can I improve my answers? I saw this a lot. a small post with short answer get over votes. What am I doing wrong? just unlucky ?
@MichelAyres TImestamp.
@LessPopMoreFizz I posted at same time as you did (I only saw your answer after I refresh the page).
Q: Fastest Gun in the West Problem

Omer van KloetenI feel like there's a problem with Stack Overflow, as the number of people prowling it increases. Each question's answers are sorted by descending score and then descending time of posting. This means that if a person sits down and answers a question in a long, thorough way, going through every ...

@MichelAyres His answer is 6 minutes older
@LessPop_MoreFizz On the other hand, you are quite dashing.
@RavenDreamer lies.
Damn I wish my packages would get here already. I could use the mouse I ordered.
@FAE by refresh I mean: (while creating an answer pop-up the answers) I finish mine and did a edit on it.

But even so. we were 0-0 when i left =P
I have my mouse sitting on a table, not doing anything, and I'm watching idly as it slowly dances across my screen, despite the fact that it's not moving.
put X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H* in a file and save it
fun times by all
@FAE not complaining about the up-votes. but just wondering how can I improve. @agent86 link is a good one (still reading)
@RavenDreamer Maybe your mouse is being carried across the table, very slowly, by a horde of tiny insects.
That is a horrifying thought.
Because today the mouse, tomorrow night, my bed (with me still in it!)
kicks Steam
@Fae Oh. I had a question to ask you... But now I forget.
@RavenDreamer ping me if you remember
I'm sure I will, for other reasons, if not this one.
Q: Can I use a game controller to play diablo 3?

C-dizzleIt seems there are A LOT of questions for Diablo 3 already, I searched and searched but did not see this question asked. Can I use a game controller with Diablo 3? Since there are not that many keys that are actually used, can you map a controller to play? Or would this require some type of mod?

Q: Can you cash out a battle.net balance?

Morgan O'NealThe video just posted from Blizzard CS says your can't (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkHx7XqzRYE) but the Diablo III FAQ says you can (http://us.battle.net/support/en/article/diablo-iii-auction-house-functionality#q12)

@agent86 thanks a lot for the link =) btw I loved "Fastest Gun in the West Problem" title =D

"There is no prize limit for Act 1 – everybody who completes Act 1 will receive a t-shirt"
It's a pretty bitchin' T-Shirt, too. Thanks @Jin!
@RavenDreamer you crush my happiness ...
...wait, why? :(
@RavenDreamer ops... I misunderstood the "bitchin" term.
Yes. Positive "Bitchin'"
Basically, "really cool" :)
I'd not quote Urban Dictionary in here. It's not exactly PG-13
:4691549 the "n" word on the last line is generally considered off-limits in english.
@RavenDreamer only source I have to understand slang =X
@MichelAyres Understood, but see @agent86 above.
@MichelAyres read it - fine, paste it in here? strong possibility of getting flagged :)
Just lookin' out for ya. :)
Note to self: Do not keep the mouse next to the computer after disconnecting it, or you will be very confused.
@agent86 SORRY!!!!!!!! i didn't saw the N word there, just quoted for the first item. the second I just put to better knowledge (didn't read)
Wth why there is such an expression in the explanation of the word o.O. so many ways to create a different phrase! Thanks @RavenDreamer and @agent86 for pointed it for me.
The English Language is loose. She's into some pretty strange stuff.
@MichelAyres hey, you should be glad :P if any of the native speakers in here had used that word the suspension would have probably been instantaneous
@agent86 o.o" but that would meant to be used... I know that this is one of the few words that is forbidden from US tv
Let's change the subject =)
Gratz on the first one to arrive at ACT IV @RavenDreamer =D
voted for you (and for @LessPopMoreFizz)
hi peoples :)
@spugsley o/
@spugsley hola
Hello, Miss @spugsley.
Fun fact about Diablo-3

Inferno = Hell in Portuguese (and I believe in Spanish) =P
So they changed Hell into Torment and Inferno in Hell (translate torment and hell to get the result)
Heishe's probably going to hit Act IV either today or tomorrow
I bet.
@RavenDreamer He just need 1 up-vote in one 4 votes question/answer
3, by my count.
But, yes.
I up-voted 2
just didn't loaded
I basically can't use it from where I live any more, with this connection. Can't load a single page.
Q: Why does Imperius hate the Nephalem?

Fredy31I'm wondering why Imperius really hates the Nephalem in the Act 4 of Diablo 3... He even goes up to wanting to kill you right before the final boss. I don't see why. I come to save the whole of creation, him along with it, and ending a war that has started at the beginning of times... That would...

Q: When are levels generated?

SeanAre levels generated at the game's start or on demand as the room is entered? Once a room is generated, will it or its contents (features/drops/enemies) ever reset or change if I wait in another area for long enough?

Q: How do I cancel a bid on an auction?

SoreanThis morning I encounted a rare occurance with the Diablo 3 auction house. I had a bid on an item where I was winning with a few hours left to go. During the course of my game playing I found an item that was better than what I was wearing AND better than the item that I had a bid on. I went t...

@RavenDreamer updated
@RavenDreamer You are a beast good sir.
@RavenDreamer just awesome
Q: What chests count for "Chestmaster 2000"?

SeanI opened a regular chest (called "Chest") and my "Chestmaster 2000" score did not increase. Does it only count "Resplendent Chests" or what?

Q: MOD 11 Gun doesn't show up

b3 KWHI have various guns for recon. When I go to my soldier it shows up. When I go use recon most of the time it doesn't show up to be able to use along with the other guns. Anyone help? Greatly Appreciated.

Q: How do I increase my chances of finding the Liquid Rainbow, Gibbering Gemstone, and other Staff of Herding reagent drops?

SeanThe Staff of Herding's specific reagents are rare drops, specifically Act 2's Liquid Rainbow and Act 3's Gibbering Gemstone. My friends and I have already spent hours farming these to no avail. Is there anything I can do to influence these drops? Perhaps Magic Find or changing the difficulty? Is ...

Q: How do you Travel to Serendipity in FFXIII-2?

LifferI have beaten the main storyline, and am looking to complete all the paradox endings, but in order to do so I need to activate my paradox scope at Serendipity. But can't seem to figure out how to get there, no obvious choices for it in the Historia Crux, any help is appreciated. thanks =)

Uplay? This is a console.
@OrigamiRobot SOLD
@Ullallulloo there's uplay on consoles
Q: Do in game traps scale to difficulty?

DeeyenThe traps that are set up in the game, such as log traps and for the achievement "Light Entertainment" where you have to kill 666 enemies with the chandeliers. Do they Scale due to difficulty? Can they one shot an enemy?

@agent86 So I noticed.
@agent86 CHACHING
A: How do I find items with the right level to salvage particular ingredients?

fbueckertAs per my answer on a different question. I am surmising that the materials provided are based off of the item's required level. Hypothesis Salvage materials are based off of required level, as detailed on the item itself. Testing Methodology Gather items at the high and low end level rang...

Added Science!
Q: Where can I find vampires in Skyrim?

andyI want to become a vampire so I can suck people's blood. What locations have vampires?

Q: How do I filter Wizard Sources in the Auction House by additional damage?

Ian PugsleySo I'm trying to buy a Source item for my Wizard to get some higher damage. Sources typically come with additional damage and some number of other mods. However, I don't see any way to search, sort, or filter those items by additional damage. The same applies to Witch Doctor Mojos. Is there any ...

Q: how do I get texture packs for the MacBook Pro?

user25868i just downloaded DokuCraft and is now in my downloads, i want to know how to now apply the texture pack to MineCraft, can someone help

Dang ran out of delete votes
FYI: you apparently get 16. Always thought it was 5
@MarkTrapp I wish I could help more
I'm using all I can!
A: What does right clicking with the sword equipped do?

jhimeyIt is to hide behind something because your scared shitless

^--- That needs delete votes. It's technically an answer, but it's a really crappy answer that's completely useless.
@MarkTrapp Lol, this is great.
@MarkTrapp I feel bad that your answer regarding Serendipity will probably never be accepted....
Q: How does experience work in groups of heroes with different levels?

Nick TWhile "XP is simply shared", when in a group with characters that are of wildly different levels (say 5 and 10), sometimes it seems like the high level character is quite effective in suppressing experience gains from the lowbie. In another first-hand experience last night, two fresh level 1 cha...

This question is highly voted and I think the leading answer is not correct. What do others think?

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