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so basically Hardcore Diablo 3 is kinda like a roguelike
@badp Diablo is a roguelike, originally.
Each game has strayed further away, but that's the core.
Is interactable a word? I could swear it is, but the internet seems to disagree seeing as I can't find it in any dictionaries. Some games do use it though.
good morning, internet!
@IanPugsley It would be good if I were still playing D3. As it stands, it's mediocre.
@StrixVaria awww, is someone back at their job?
Yeah D:
D3's down for maintenance anyway isn't it?
@MrSmooth Oh that might explain why I got disconnected this morning.
They seriously need to do that in the middle of the night, not during morning pre-work hours.
Sucks coz I finally got the game, get to level 5 > maintenance.
@StrixVaria what's the difference?
@badp Most of the people (sorry Australia) who play in this server have the same off-hours time.
you're just probably on the wrong coast of the US :P
(everything pacific-coast-based blows when it comes to timezones)
In any case, I completely re-built my Witch Doctor (skill-wise) last night and was able to start soloing Act IV Hell, which was nice.
6 hours diff I can work around, 9? eh.
@badp It's still going to be down until 9 AM PST so it will still be down during pre-work hours there.
@skovacs1 9 AM is pre-work?!
@badp Fully agree. >_<
At least you guys have it pre work. For me in Aus, it starts at around 6pm, and goes until about 2am.
@skovacs1 besides "pre-work hours" is a lie, there's no such thing. There is only sleep, a sleepy painful wake up and a sleepy commute
@badp When do you start work?
That's prime playing time.
I start lessons at 0830~
@badp I am a morning person.
and I'd anticipate offices to start working at 9am precisely
There's painful sleep, then waking up and being wide awake immediately.
@badp I've found that 9 hours is just enough to time difference to be a pain for everything, especially trying to talk with friends if either one of you have work/school. :(
@badp Then even if you were in Pacific Time Zone, you still wouldn't be able to play before work.
@badp That depends on if/when you sleep.
even If I were to start work at 1200 I'd stay up til 0200/0300 and wake up as late as I can afford to anyway :P
@Lazers I can't believe that this got 4 answers before it was closed x_X
@badp Whereas I like to crash after I get in and then I'm fresh for everything to come. I get kind of drowsy towards the end of the work day, but which is more important, work or everything else?
@FAE There have been a lot of lemons getting a bunch of answers before close and the answers are not winners either.
@FAE I do agree that timezone differences are highly inconvenient.
@skovacs1 I hate it. So much. Words cannot express my hate.
But I'm also someone who's been in and out of several long distance relationships over the past 10 years and am still in 2 now, so that I admit that colors my dislike.
@FAE 2? Either way, I've never really had much in the way of personal relationships so I cannot claim to understand. My feelings on timezone differences begin and end with irksome and inconvenient.
@skovacs1 I am polyamorous, so I am involved in more than one committed relationship at once. I have like 4 SO's at the moment.
I'm uncertain if I ever posted this in here before, but it's awesome, so listen to it, now:
I imagine @Gnomeslice will enjoy it. Although it looks like I can't ping him right now. Damn. I blame society.
@FAE Like I said. Cannot claim to understand. Not going into details, but if it works for you, whatever.
@skovacs1 It does. :) All involved parties are aware of each other and consenting, otherwise that'd be cheating, which is not cool.
@FAE What about jealousy? It must happen from time to time, no?
@FAE It sounds like something out of various anime to me. Beyond my personal world experience really. But timezones suck - that I understand.
has earned my ire.
@Krazer Jealousy is something you deal with when it happens. Communicating your needs and wants within a relationship and addressing insecurities through that communication often means you can work through it. And some people just aren't wired to be jealous, but feel compersion instead. :)
@skovacs1 The wiki article has a lot of decent information should you feel inclined to pursue further knowledge and I am open about that aspect of my life should you feel curious. And yeah, they do, working around a 7 hour time difference when trying to spend time with your SO sucks.
@FAE I'm jealous at your lack of jealousy xD
@FAE Now I've learned the word "frubbly", which is an awesome-sounding word
@Krazer Hehe. Well, there's a very important difference between envy and jealousy. Envy is "You have this thing and I wish I had it too", which is a normal sentiment for people. Jealousy is "You have this thing and I don't want you to have it", which can be much more destructive than just envy.
@Sterno It is a fun word, indeed, and compersion is a lovely emotion, one of my favorites.
Jealousy is the feeling you get when you're at work and some other jerk is at home playing Diablo 3!
@FAE I now recognize that my jealousy is also probably part envy. ;p
@Sterno not when it's down for maintenance!
Q: Is there any way to make environmental objects more visible?

Mr SmoothIs there any way to do something to the environmental objects that can be interacted with (dead bodies, stumps, barrels etc) that is similar to how loot works. Can I make the name (the same name that appears upon hover) be permanently next to the object as I can do so with loot? Or is there any...

Q: Does the Nephalim Valor buff affect the whole group (regardless of level)?

ChrisWhen playing Diablo III with a friend who's level 60 (I'm level 59), he would acquire the Nephalim Valor buff as we would farm mobs. However despite being present for the entire duration of every fight, there was no indicator on my screen that I had received the buff. Here's my two part question:...

@Krazer I'm pretty sure that's just the intense power of my jealousy and hatred radiating out strongly enough to take their servers down.
@Krazer Jealousy comes in many forms, but they all can be worked through if all parties are willing to communicate and take steps to deal with it. :) Feeling jealousy is in itself not wrong, we can't control our emotional reactions to stuff. But we can take steps to deal with our reactions and lessen their negative fallout.
Saying to someone, "You shouldn't feel jealous" is basically trying to tell them how to feel and isn't very constructive. But talking through and getting to the reasons of why they're feeling jealous, what is hurting them, and how you can lessen that hurt is important.
@FAE Listening to you talk about jealously makes me want to go out and hug ppl.
@Krazer This is a good thing! Yay for hugs! Consensual hugs, at least.
virtual huggles to all
it's bloody hot today.
not sure I like
@ThomasMcDonald It's not that hot.
Yes it is.
Although I don't need my jacket, so that's something.
@ThomasMcDonald It's warm here too. My desk faces Jochem's, so it's now becoming the season where he hates it when I game because my PC then blows all its hot air on his legs.
I knew someone would show up on that security post and start whiteknighting.
I think it's time to learn python again.
I took the day off to go through vectors and group theory again.
I think my goal today is to clean off my desk because it's starting to become... archaeological, in nature, trying to find something on it.
@RonanForman It's always time to learn Python.
Python = <3
@FAE That is the best kind of desk though.
@Wipqozn Doesn't python == <3?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Not when there's also dishes on it.
=> false
Once your piles of stuff start becoming architecture, where 'no, you can't move that book because it's holding up the right hand side of that pile of CD's'... it's a special kind of art. :P
@FAE Well, how dirty are we talking about, re: dishes?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Right now I have this tall tower of a .5l can of beer with a medium McDonald's milkshake cup balanced on it that I put the wrap container on top of to balance it for the fun of it.
I'm tempted to try to work the Pringles can in there somehow, but I don't think it would end well.
@FAE I have been known to use empty coffee cups as miniature garbage cans, and once I line up a half a dozen full ones to trash them all at once, personally.
Mostly though, it's the fact that my various Piles o'Stuff are starting to get high enough to block the bottom of my monitor, which then makes it so I can't see toolbars in fullscreen games sometimes. >_>
@FAE See, most of my piles o'stuff are on the floor -around- the desk, so I can still see what is going on.
@AshleyNunn I can't do that because my apartment is tiny and my desk is in the living room, so I'd end up blocking walking area.
Though I do appropriate the end of the couch too much for Jochem's liking because it's near my desk. XD
@FAE Oh, I am bad for that - we have 2 loveseats in the living room and my desk is behind one - the roommate usually gets frustrated because only one is actually free to sit on, because my stuff is occupying the second one.
@AshleyNunn Yeah, Jochem is way taller than I am so he needs more room on the couch if he wants to lay down on it and my stuff usually makes it so he uh, can't. It doesn't get in my way because I'm so much shorter, haha.
@FAE I have been known to creatively lounge over piles because I am tall and lazy XD
@RonanForman Clever girl.
@AshleyNunn Yeah the couch was extra bad a couple weeks ago, covering too much even for me, so I just sort of sprawled on stuff and Jochem said "WTF, it's like you're a cat!"
@FAE laughs yeah. I totally do that
Oh my. It would seem a user was recently removed.
I just lost 10 rep due to it.
Q: Are there items similiar to charms?

Emerica.In Diablo 2 (I believe they came in LoD) there were Charms. Items that gave you buffs by just having them in your inventory. Is there anything even close to this system in Diablo 3, or is it only your gear and passives that give you stats.

The Last of Us sounds good
@Sterno Yeah, I'm definitely interested in checking this out.
Ello, folks.
@RavenDreamer good afternoon!
@RavenDreamer It occurs to me I could troll you by up voting a bunch of peoples post so they all reach Act 4, thereby reducing your chance of winning the monitor. Assuming of course it's not done on a "first come first serve" basis.
I wouldn't do that mind you, since it would be unethical!
Just a thought.
But if you do that, you might bankrupt stackexcahnge, and that means no more contests ever again!
@RavenDreamer It would be worth it.
Also, you've won enough prizes mister big screen TV.
All thinks considered, I'd be very surprised if no one else made it to Act IV.
Save some prizes for the rest of us! :(
@RavenDreamer Wasn't that called ME3 Missions? :P
@FAE Yes.
@Wipqozn And Mr. Vita, and Mr. PS3, and Mr. Authentic Darth Vader Mask Guy
And Mr. Skyward Sword, I suppose.
Also: Fun Fact -- meeting Jin IRL nets you free stuff too!
@RavenDreamer Oak and Heishe are very close. They just need a few of their questions up voted a bit more.
@RavenDreamer This sounds like a euphemistic pornstar name.
New Notifications Inbox is pretty sweet.
2 mins ago, by Raven Dreamer
All thinks considered, I'd be very surprised if no one else made it to Act IV.
@RavenDreamer You're pretty sweet! BURN! hahahahahaha
@FAE laughs Oh man I am never going to look at that game the same way ever again. Thanks for that XD
@RavenDreamer I misread "I'd" as "I'm".
I'm be surprised?
We all make mistakes, okay! Just...just...LEAVE ME ALONE YOU BULLY! cries in corneR
@Wipqozn Error 37: Corner servers are not available, please try again later.
@TylerShads Zeus damn it.
I blame society.
@AshleyNunn It never occurred to me until now, when I saw the "Mr."
@Wipqozn Error 33: Zeus not found, if you have come across this message in error, please contact Blizzard support.
@TylerShads Well, dang.
@Wipqozn Your account time has expired, please add more time
Good morning, all
Also, my friends and I were joking about how we should sell our gold on the real money auction house, thinking you could only items, only to find out you could actually sell gold. It was pretty lulzy.
Oh Blizzard, you crazy rascals.
@fbueckert Good Morning fine sir (or madame).
@fbueckert Morning!
Alright, time to be responsible and head to class. :D
This made me giggle
@AshleyNunn Silly ashley. It's summer.
Has anyone played the Torchlight 2 beta?
@Sterno Yes.
@Wipqozn Technically, it's not summer for another month.
@fbueckert You kids and your crazy seasons.
@Sterno @FAE has, I believe.
@Wipqozn What do you think? I got an invite but haven't dl'd it yet since I'm busy with Diablo
@Sterno Yes.
@Sterno Oh, you meant did I play! I thought you just meant has anyone played, to which the answer is yes. Silly Sterno.
@Sterno It ends today, so use it if you've got it and want to play.
Hah. My dupe question has earned me a notable question badge.
@Wipqozn I hate you so much.
@fbueckert And that's why we keep them around. :)
@Mana Thank you! :)
@FAE So I can get digital goods that have absolutely no meaning? :P
@fbueckert You're helping the site! :D
whew, man, it's a slog from hell to inferno. 70 posts? omgwtfbbq
@agent86 I salute you, sir! salute
11 hours ago, by FAE
G4TV reviews the Steelseries Diablo 3 mouse/headset if anyone's interested, considering they're part of the prize pool.
@FAE yeah, I read this. they seem like pretty quality gear. (thanks for the link, btw)
What did you think of the Torchlight 2 beta @FAE? I meant to ask you last night but you were too busy criticizing me about buying Diablo 3 :P
@agent86 No prob. :) Little disappointing that the headset's sound quality isn't superawesome, but that's apparently the only downside.
I'm surprised no one pinned that the first time it was posted.
@FAE I feel like those reviews were really light on information
maybe the video had more, I didn't get to watch it
@agent86 You gonna settle for the headset or are you attempting to slog to Act IV?
@FAE I second @Wipqozn's question
I suggest slogging.
@FAE y'know, I'm not gunning for it, but I think I'm going to end up there anyhow.
Everyone should slog.
next week is mandatory vacation at work, so I'm likely to be playing and around the site pretty frequently
@RavenDreamer doesn't that reduce your chances of winning?
@agent86 Is mandatory vacation slang for I was given a 1-week suspension for hitting on the secretary?
...so? I'd rather be the beloved moderator who didn't win a prize than the utter douchebag who bullied people into not trying to win contests.
@RavenDreamer Really? That's odd. I'd much rather be the utter douchebag.
I think LPMF, Oak, and heishe have act 4 in the bag, tbh
we're only like... a week in, and I think all of them are on the home stretch
@agent86 Oak and Heishe will hit it for sure, and I think pop probably will as well. He still has to post ~30 more questions though.
@IanPugsley Video has a little bit more I think, I didn't watch through the whole thing because I'm not in the running, just watched the first couple minutes. The review is like 6.5 minutesish.
@agent86 LPMF needs the volume for the 70 posts, though. The other two already have that.
@RavenDreamer Yeah, exactly. That's why I'm a little uncertain about pop. I think he will manage to hit it, but it'll probably be a close call.
@RavenDreamer yeah, but he's got time on his side. 2 weeks give or take left in the contest and he's more than halfway there.
making posts that get at least +1 is pretty trivial
I didn't even try for this contest. 80 +1 posts just seems like a lot of noise
@Sterno yeah, I think we're in vote overload. I've got several I think deserve more than they got, but eh, that's life on SE
@agent86 Yeah, you really need the rep too :P
@Wipqozn I do! I'm never going to catch raven at this rate :P
@agent86 True.
Which reminds me, @RavenDreamer, hurry up and hit 100k already.
Call me crazy, but shouldn't we be rewarding the 10+ answers to promote good posts rather than just posts in general?
I mean anyone can post questions, that doesn't mean they should be given a t-shirt.
@Wipqozn I've already broken the rep cap every day for the past week.
Cut me some slack.
@RonanForman Yeah, but T-Shirts are really cheap when you order in bulk.
@RavenDreamer Then get more accepted answers, jeez.
(individually, mind)
also earn more bounties.
@RavenDreamer That's not the point.
I liked the ME3 contest structure better
@RonanForman There's kind of a balance - on the one hand you want to reward good contributions, and at the same time, you want to give everyone an incentive
Q: Where can I find Squirt's Necklace?

agent86While experimenting at the Auction House, I noticed that there were several copies of a particular Legendary necklace, called "Squirt's Necklace," for sale for crazy prices. I know that Squirt is a merchant in the Bazaar during Act 2, but I didn't see her selling this item, and she heavily impli...

Q: Is it possible dual wielding the same weapon?

czchlongCan monks (or any class that can equip two weapons) dual wield two fist weapons that has the same name?

Q: What is all of the Diablo Literature relating to the Lore?

Emerica.I have been playing through Diablo 3 and I have noticed I often feel as though I am lost, forgetting character names and who did what. I find myself on the Wiki a lot filling in plot holes. (Usually in my brain not in the writing) What are the names of all of the books/resources I can read to bet...

Q: Does Hardcore Mode increase drop and pet quality?

jody_bulldozerI know that Hardcore Mode increases the XP gain, but does it increase the quality of items and pets gained during the match?

Q: How does the increase magic drop works in multiplayer

EricIs it shared among players or every player has its own increased magic find? Also does the increased magic find allows to find better items or merely the chance of finding magical items?

Q: Do merchants ever sell legendary items?

dpatcheryI've seen mostly Magic (blue) quality items on merchants. Occasionally, I see a Rare (yellow) item. The rare items tend to appear about as often as they drop out in the world, at least from my experience. That's got me wondering: Is it possible for a merchant to have a legendary item in his sho...

Q: Most effective xp farming? [Spoilers for new players]

ChrisI've completed Hell but am currently level 59 and farming xp as fast as I can to start Inferno. Because I'm a relatively squishy class (Demon Hunter) I can't quickly or easily run higher levels solo. I'm sure this is not the case or barbarians or monks, however. Currently my xp-farming plan goes ...

Q: Does magic find affect what a merchant has to offer?

dpatcheryI sometimes see Rare (yellow) items on Merchants, and sometimes normal (white) items without any stats. This leads me to believe that there is some sort of RNG for merchants for not only the stats on the items, but the quality of the items. Does Magic Find affect the quality of what a merchant h...

@RonanForman The problem is that if you make the threshold too high people are less likely to try. By having a lower threshold for the first act you'll get a lot of users posting questions/answer in higher volumes than they normally would have, thus drawing in more new users to the site.
If SE just wanted to seem like a cool company that gave out t-shirts they'd just give everyone a t-shirt
The whole idea of these promotions is to increase our userbase/views/TEH MONEYZ.
@Wipqozn @agent86 'spose.
a low bar (like the first act) gives incentives to new people to participate (hey, I can post a few things and maybe get a shirt!) while the high bar gives incentives for others to produce as much quality content as possible
honestly, even if there wasn't a contest, I'd be doing pretty much the same thing. one of my answers I am keeping up to date and adding new info to, even though it's way past the contest score threshold
if I wanted to maximize my contest output per unit time invested, I'd ignore everything above +8
@agent86 Hiring a few helper gnomes would also be useful.
I don't really find the contest to be that much of an incentive, given the low odds of winning compared to the effort invested, but I certainly think it's better than nothing at all.
@agent86 yeah, a few people have expressed the same thing.
@Wipqozn I'm certain we're still finding the correct "contest balance" and that this is unlikely to be the last iteration of the formula.
I haven't actually opened my TV yet.
It's not just a matter of hitting the thresholds, but also if you still get lucky in a drawing.
@agent86 yeah, I agree.
@Sterno Whaaaaat
I think we can all agree the ME3 promotion thresholds were way too easy to hit.
I will also point out, to anyone who doesn't already know this, that while you don't have a choice of prize, SE tends to order from amazon, and it's fairly easy/cheap to return stuff to amazon for store credit.
16 mins ago, by Wipqozn
What did you think of the Torchlight 2 beta @FAE? I meant to ask you last night but you were too busy criticizing me about buying Diablo 3 :P
@agent86 True.
My plan is to win the graphics card, return it for a monitor, and then I'll have three monitors!
@Wipqozn good luck!
Although if I actually did win the graphics card I'd actually keep it if it was an upgrade to my current one. Which it probably would be.
My graphics card is ~year old now and what not. Or is it 2 years?
Why does print not work?
@RonanForman Are you using Python 2 or 3?
@Wipqozn 3.
@Sterno @Wipqozn I've enjoyed it so far, but I'm only level 15-16 I think? Definite improvements over what they offered in the base game, like potions stack to more than 20, you can rebind keys from within the game without having to use something like Torchleech/Hotspot, lots of QoL stuff like that. When you send your pet to the store, they can buy potions for you, which is neat.
@RonanForman print is a function in 3
@murgatroid99 So....
@RonanForman print(s) instead of print s
@RonanForman I think you'll need to call it as print(string)
kk. thanks.
@FAE Excellent.
Also, swoosh
@murgatroid99 Still doesn't work.
@FAE And isn't there a chocobo like pet?
@RavenDreamer I don't know what you wanna call that thing.
Main annoyance so far is you've gotta get port forwarding set up properly for MP at the moment, which is kind of a pain.
But hey, at least you can LAN!
@RonanForman That's not the problem, then, because I just ran print("hello") in a python 3 terminal and it worked
As far as gameplay though, I really loved playing my Beserker. Boss fights are more interesting in general in comparison to the first game because there are more attacks the bosses do and more visual/animation cues for them, so you can dodge stuff and whatnot.
@murgatroid99 Odd, that worked.
Okay, now it works again.
@FAE How's the loot? One problem I had with Torchlight was that itemization felt wonky
Okay, it only seems to break while in a while loop.
@Sterno Well you can't break stuff by endlessly enchanting it anymore, as far as I saw. You have the chance to create sockets instead.
@RonanForman what is the code that is breaking?
while b < 10:
b = b + 1
@RonanForman Did you indent it?
Python requires indentation for blocking.
@StrixVaria Not in the console.
You have to indent it. Whitespace matters in Python.
@StrixVaria Indent how?
@RonanForman tab?
Any particular reason why it's indented?
@RonanForman indentation is how code blocks are delimited in python
@RonanForman personally I prefer 2 space indents. Also, don't mix tabs and spaces for indentation or you could throw a TabError
@RonanForman Use whatever you like. If you want 4 spaces, use 4 spaces. If you like tabs, use tabs. Whatever you do, do it consistently.
Aha! I've found a tutorial for 3, that should help.
Q: Is my Spirit (or any other ability resource) rounded up/down?

RachelI am looking at the Monk's The Guardian's Path passive ability, which generates 25% more spirit when using a 2H weapon. My default attacks give me 6 spirit per attack, so how much spirit does this passive give me? 7.5 spirit per attack (there's a hidden decimal point) 7 spirit per attack (roun...

Q: Monk stats for inferno trip

André CytrynHi I am trying different item build to see which one fits better on inferno dificulty. I am no asking about skill build, but stats! I have seen that the monk of Method guild have more than 53k, so I guess he is focusing on vit. And if he uses the passive "One with everything", it makes me thin...

Q: Finding Good BF3 Servers

dr01Can you give tips/guidelines/advice on how to find good games in BF3? Before DICE allowed anyone and everyone to rent servers (Consoles), you could easily find a decent game by choosing Quick Match. The few DICE servers ensured decent size teams. Now I mostly get dropped into 500 ticket servers...

Q: +% dmg on weapons

GuesswhoJust a quick question, on some weapons it would say for example 500dps and for stats it would say +20%dmg +120 vit etc. Is that +20% damage incorporated with the 500dps shown or is it 500dps + an additional 20% damage? I assume it is incorporated otherwise it would make those weapons a bit too o...

Good morning all
@Sorean Good afternoon!
Broke the 10k mark this weekend /happy dance :)
@Sorean Congratulations!
le dupe:
Q: Reset followers skills

ArremerCan I somehow reset skills of my follower(Templar/enchanter/scoundrel)? I already distributed the given points but would like to change them now.

@Sorean oh man, grats
Took a while I'd say when I only play certain games :P
How's everyone's clicking fingers?
Hello Nick T!
Diablo 3 players, is this a dupe of this?
@Sorean congrats, you addict :)
I just like the site :)
@FAE Tough call because he's asking about a particular range, 59-60.
@FAE in title only, I think. One is faster leveling, the other is farming for the final few, demanding, levels. Both will have radically different answers.
@Oak Should the title of the first perhaps be adjusted to reflect that for search purposes then?
Wow, I didn't realize I get to see deleted answers as a mod.
Kinda neat.
@FAE editing it right now
@FAE done, thanks :)
@Ian I went through and watched the entire review, they didn't say anything that much more substantial than the text did. I wish they would've gone into a bit more detail about the sound quality aspect, like which range of sound (low/mid/high tones) the headphones aren't so great it, but unfortunately they didn't.
But it's also just, y'know, G4, so my expectations weren't super high either.
@FAE those reviews basically just consisted of "Here are a couple specs that you could find online. These are pretty cool!"
Hey @fredley do you want to do some recording tonight?
@agent86 Gaaaah! Did you see! They brought back Mutons and Sectoids and not the skinny MIB style aliens that are in the FPS!
@RonanForman Yeh, I'm up for that. Helluva day, I'll be free later in the evening
@IanPugsley Yeah, pretty much.
@Sterno They've extended the Torchlight II beta period to Thursday, if you get time.
@FAE still only for those who preordered, yea?
@RavenDreamer Nope. I preordered and didn't get in. If you register for a Runic account on their website, you have a chance to get in.
I didn't do it until Saturday night and still got in for this session even though it started on Friday.
@fredley DMA says he'll be free after 7.
@RonanForman Ok, probably a bit later for me, doubt I'll be leaving work before then at this rate
@fredley Oh right, helluva day.
@RonanForman :D
I love my demon hunter, that is all.
@Jin We love you, @Jin
Q: Should we start putting Diablo 3 lore questions into a tag?

Tater596With Diablo 3 firing on all cylinders, players are progressing at vastly different rates. There are starting to be more and more questions about the lore from people who have finished the game. The problem is, a lot of these questions could be considered spoilers for those who have not finished. ...

Q: Why does sorting by DPS in the Auction House not always correctly sort?

StephenI was browsing the auction house for a new 1 handed crossbow and decided to sort by DPS, clicking on the DPS and getting the arrow pointed in the right direction. To my surprise I noticed several of the entries were out of order. Page 2 had weapons with more DPS than page 1. After the first co...

Q: Where can I find Rakanishu's blade, and where can I find Bashiok?

heisheThere's an achievement which has you slay a popular public spokesperson of Blizzard: Where can I find Rakanishu's Blade, and where can I find Bashiok?

@fredley awwww
anyone in Inferno?
I've been reading a lot of Barbarian QQs in inferno
Has it really been three weeks since I last drew something? Wow.
@RonanForman I deleted Draw Something..
@Jin O_O
@RonanForman it just got boring, repetitive words...
I actually meant drew something full stop, not drew something on draw something.
@RonanForman oh. well n/m then!
@Jin not on Inferno yet, too much RL getting in the way.
@RonanForman You and @Fluttershy are the only ones still playing in my game. :(
Joel Spolsky on May 21, 2012

Remember this old picture?

What’s that “Blog” circle supposed to be about, you ask? WHERE’S THE BLOGGING?

Since Stack Overflow launched, we’ve been trying to explain that it’s not just a Q&A platform: it’s also a place where you can publish things that you’ve learned: recipes, FAQs, HOWTOs, walkthroughs, and even bits of product documentation, as long you format it as a question and answer.

As Jeff wrote:

if you have a question that you already know the answer to …

got my lvl55 demon hunter to 22k dps! (with Sharpshooter passive)
@Jin I think the fact that I draw in an iPod game more than in real life if worse.
How do people even end up doing this?
Q: Webservices Suport for Windows 8 Metro apps

Sravya NallamadiI am working windows 8 metro app development. I should consume webservices for that application. Can anybody suggest me the procedure for How to consume webservices in metro apps. Thanks in advance

God that made my head hurt.
@murgatroid99 clearly the answer is jQuery
But judging by his name, and this is presumptuous, English isn't his first language.
Posting in meta for real questions?
@Sorean It's on meta.SO and has all wrong tags and it's a bad question
I'd probably help if I understood what he was saying.
I want to sign up for the battle.net SMS thingy, but it says my phone is prepaid and therefore ineligible
@agent86 whaaaaaat
@FAE I'm using virgin mobile, so it's month-to-month, and I guess there's some chance I'm in the mafia and using prepaid phones to hide my trail or something?
@agent86 I don't understand the purpose of them limiting that to plan-only phones
anyhow, if you're playing the diablos, don't have an iDevice/android phone, and don't want to shell out for the authenticator, links to all the security stuff is in :
A: I'm hearing rumors of Battle.net accounts being hijacked and stolen in Diablo 3. How can I protect myself?

agent86Blizzard released an official statement about the current situation. Their official statement denies that there are any current exploits, or that Authenticator-locked accounts have been compromised. (We can always trust what a company says about their own security, right?) However, it also men...

@FAE I watched law and order once, and people were using prepaid phones for crime - law and order knows best.
so I must be a drug dealer.

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