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Just never get around to it.
hm, can't think of any sites right now @GnomeSlice. There was one we were talking about a couple weeks ago. @MarkTrapp might remember if you would like to read up on the policy / reasoning.
You had me excited that the tf2 economy might be more ridiculous than when I stopped playing.
@ThomasMcDonald I have bad rats.
what is it? you wanted a TF2 item? :P
I want a new pair of running shoes. TF2 might just be able to pay for them.
ugh, I wish I had more interest in idling for tf2 items.
I did it with that ilding program once upon a time, and then they busted me and I flipped them off
@agent86 It's largely pointless due to cap
@agent86 but it's so easy to idle
I've still got my earbuds, and a few vintage items
@ThomasMcDonald yeah, but I don't play, so I don't get items.
it's literally two clicks from the main menu
I don't play either.
join a team, pick a class you don't care about for stats
leave for the night
join spectator
wake up, kill yourself
boom, items
what am I likely to profit from this?
wait, hmm.
shift-tab - do you have 22 hours in the last two weeks? If yes, close TF2
@agent86 no.
if you wanted to make real money you'd have to get dirty with trading, I don't
well, very slightly.
You'd probably spend more on energy
I'm happy with one of each weapon, a few hats and some keys/refined and stuff
yeah, it's definitely not a money printing machine. Unless you're Valve
nevermind then
what's a key worth?
but you get hats
like $2 or so?
$1.35, apparently
@badp dude, I got mad hats
I have one for the first six classes
refined is like $.50
sooo, my earbuds are worth like $30?
@ThomasMcDonald if you want to get dirty with paypal. ugh
@agent86 Yeah.
I'd be happy if the warehouse worked is all
@badp I wouldn't call it 'getting dirty'
mkay. anno 2070 is $25 today, and I would gladly trade that for my earbuds, if anyone's interested...
Well you need a trusted third party and all that...
Not really.
@agent86 Which earbuds do you have?
Hmm so I reckon I have ~$80 worth.
@ThomasMcDonald trusting random strangers on the internet?
nah thank you
That's not going to buy any running shoes.
@badp random strangers with pages of rep thread, yes.
@badp random strangers? =[
@GnomeSlice "Level 60" for whatever that's worth.
The clear solution is to first have the third party send you some collateral. Of course, that would require another mediating party.
Alright, I don't want to make a big thing out of this, but for various reasons, I've decided to leave this site. I don't feel right to just leave without saying anything, so here I am. I've met some amazing people on here, and I regret having to do this, but I don't feel like I have another choice. If you really want to know my reasons, you can hit me up on Steam or wherever. Otherwise, goodbye. I'm sorry.
@agent86 I don't...? What? What are 'level 60 earbuds'?
@ArdaXi later, take it easy, and you're always welcome :)
Not that I'd probably take you up anyway, I'm incapable of wearing earbuds.
@GnomeSlice beats the heck out of me. you do know we're talking about TF2 decorative items, yeah?
@agent86 No, I thought you were talking about physical in-ear headphones.
Nevermind, then.
Q: Can I have my zombie dogs keep closer by?

AubergineAs a witch doctor, zombie dogs are without a doubt invaluable at the beginning of the game. The problem is that the zombie dogs lash out at anything they set their eyes on, often aggravating more monsters than I bargained for. Is there any way to have the zombie dogs stay closer to me, or perhap...

Q: sort characters by recent played [Diablo 3]

Remus RigoIs there any option to sort the characters on my account fom Diablo III like in Diablo II (most recend char played to be the first in list)

Q: Why did the merchant stop selling Spring Dye?

jwir3So, as per Where can I find specific dye colors? it seems that dye colors are somewhat random as to where you find them. In Act II, I was able to buy acquatic dye and spring dye from the merchant to the right of the entrance to the palace (the one with the pipe). I am creating a set of armor tha...

@GnomeSlice @Wipqozn Are we talking about the "Is X available for modding?" question? I'm not sure I see the problem. The only policy I can think of that comes close is "Is there a mod to do X?" which is off-topic in favor of "How can I do X?" where an answer happens to be a mod
Q: Can I even out an entire ocean with world edit?

Jack DavisSo, in my minecraft ocean, I have a lot of uneven little raises and empty valleys due to poor use of world edit and lot's of water deletion. Is there a fairly easy way I could just even out the ocean? It's very ugly and I want it fixed. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

I forget how miserable it is to be a vanilla pyro
Arda left, hey?
@RavenDreamer yeah, so said his earlier message
Well, he's in the process of doing so
...I imagine
Q: How to station some of my hunters in a tower?

AnnaI've got a lot of dwarves hunting wildlife, and figured that I could use the marskdwarf training they're getting and station some of them in a lookout tower, in case of ambush. I tried to accomplish this by creating a squad consisting of all 9 hunters and setting their order to (through ms) to s...

Q: How to delay an input for a short while after it turns off?

Jake KingI want to make a redstone device that prevents an input from turning on, then off, then on again very rapidly. For example, if a player turns a lever on, it should update instantly. However, if they turn it off, then turn it on again, the machine should stay off for a few moments before it turns ...

Regarding this, I want to know where I can ask a question about how to locate a game that is similar to a different game. Why can't I ask that here, and where can I ask this question to find a quality answer?
@AdamMosheh I'd say right here in chat is the proper location. On the site proper we do not allow it, but in Chat, we are more than happy to make recommendations :)
@Ktash I am looking for RPG games for my android phone that are similar to Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior (aka Dragon Quest).
Holy crap on a stick this Zelda cosplay blows my mind:
@AdamMosheh Don't do much gaming on my phone personally, but someone else may have recommendations
@Ktash Can you tag anyone who might be able to answer my question?
@AdamMosheh Starred it so it'll appear on the list on the right. Not sure who is a phone gamer on here though...
@Ktash Thanks.
@AdamMosheh While I do have an Android phone, and do play a lot of games on it, I play mostly Angry Birds and stuff, so I am pretty useless as far as what you are looking for :(
I've heard of Symphony of Eternity don't I don't remember good or bad about it
@AshleyNunn Angry Birds is fun, but I am looking for something a bit more civilized.
@AdamMosheh Yeah, I get that. I usually save that for console/handheld (non-phone) - my phone is mostly for the "killing 5 min in a line" sort of play
@AdamMosheh Hey, I'd say flinging screaming birds at pigs is pretty civilized
@AdamMosheh From looking around, looks like Kemco games are your best bet for JRPG type games
@Ktash It seems to have gotten good reviews.
@Ktash Can you give me hyperlinks to the other Kemco games please?
@AdamMosheh are you looking for RPGs then solely?
@AshleyNunn Not necessarily. Also, Pokémon-style games. Like Pokémon or Dragon Warrior Monsters. In my gaming experience, these have been my favorites.
@AdamMosheh I am a big fan of anything Kairosoft if you like strategy management type stuff
@AshleyNunn Are those like Animal Crossing?
@AdamMosheh Looks like you could also try Zenonia
@AdamMosheh hm, not really - its like you have a school or a game dev company or a city and you have to manage all of the people/buildings, to reach specific goals/be the best - Game Dev Story, for example, is about managing a game development studio - hiring people, picking what to produce and stuff.
@Ktash I tried Zenonia once, but didn't like it. Can't remember why. Maybe the controls were hard to get used to.
Something more simple would be better. I have played Gurk I and II, and I enjoyed them both.
Is anything like FFTA available for 'droid?
Was a decision ever made as to when beta questions should be allowed?
@AdamMosheh Quick Google prompts Sepctral Souls
@Fluttershy Don't tag it with beta? ... maybe
@Ktash That is interesting.
@Ktash I just mean like... Should we allow questions for a game that is unreleased, but is currently in closed beta?
@Fluttershy I don't see a Meta question on it. Also, that is a fine line because of NDA stuff is usually involved with closed betas
Q: Does destroying everything give experience?

Fredy31Do wrecking everything in the enemy base give any amount of exp. aside the bonus you get when you smash more than 6 items in a short time? Or did I just destroyed every barrel in every dungeon... for NOTHING? ...Well at least I must be the king of barrel destroyers. You never know when the barr...

I just need another 70k, and then I can visit Whimsyshire, the Land Where Dreams Come True!
@MarkTrapp No. We're talking about answers which are just duplicates of other answers.
6 hours ago, by FAE
I still really don't understand our policy on beta questions.
See convo with @Raven from there
@OrigamiRobot HI @ORIGAMI
@FAE Well... I suppose it's allowed then. I just don't agree with it if it is a closed beta.
Double pinged by @FAE? I feel so special.
@OrigamiRobot Needed capslock
@FAE I'm playing hard to get. I don't just give my caps to every eyeball I meet.
@Fluttershy Hit him until he stops hitting you.
@OrigamiRobot There is apparently an entire question dedicated to defeating Belial as a monk...
@Fluttershy Yep.
I had to completely change my skills.
Q: How does "saving" work in WoW raids

imaginativeI'm a bit confused with how saving to an instance works in WoW. For instance, say on Tuesday I clear 5 out of 8 bosses in Dragon Soul. The next day, my group isn't around and I'd like to finish the last 3 with another group. The other group hasn't cleaned any of the content up for the week. Will ...

Q: A good site for Diablo 3 and Wizard + Monk questions

user1325632Was wondering if anybody had a good guide site for D3, something similar to what WoWhead does for WoW. I am playing a Monk and a Wizard right now and was wondering what the best equipment/builds would be for endgame hell/inferno and perhaps even for PvP. I also want to ask if you guys think Re...

Q: How to heal workers?

ZonkoWorkers are usually captured rather than damaged, but I was recently playing with a friend, and he was bombing my workers from the see. I was then looking for the "fortify until healed" option, but couldn't find it. Can workers heal themselves ?

@OrigamiRobot What did you use?
Because 100 fist thingamajig seems to take too long for me to attack and run away from exploding green stuff.
@Fluttershy Sweeping Wind and lots of healing skills
@OrigamiRobot what is sweeping wind...?
@Fluttershy The one that stacks on crits.
@OrigamiRobot I don't have that... I don't think?
@Fluttershy Same category as dashing strike
@OrigamiRobot I have Sweeping Wind, Serenity, Breath of Heaven... Guess I'll give it another go.
@Fluttershy and stay out of the green stuff
Oh, good lord. Do people not realize when you flag a mod's comments as Rude/Offensive, the mod sees that you flagged it?
@RavenDreamer That's why I just tell you to your face (via your monitor)
It just took me 15 seconds to kill the very first zombie on Inferno.
@StrixVaria Yay!
Someone convince me that having a drink would be a very bad idea right now
If you have a drink, you would get blurred vision, and then could not continue talking to us.
(Lower the font size on your monitor to help!)
@OrigamiRobot No, I mean "I'm angry at a moderator, so I'll start flagging his things" flags.
@RavenDreamer I stand by what I said, jerkface.
+1 for sticking to your principles.
@RavenDreamer Now I see why mods avoid closing things.
@FAE Why would we lie to you?
@FAE It is not my place to tell you this. I am a lowly robot.
@OrigamiRobot Usually we don't immediately get accused of censoring people.
@RavenDreamer If you want to reopen it, I'm sure it will get closed on it's own.
@OrigamiRobot That would be pointless. I already offered to reopen it if he edited his language.
@RavenDreamer I know. I'm just saying.
Eh. Can't let the 1% of crazy internet people get you down.
Gotta find the 1% of crazy-like-a-fox internet people to perk you up.
Q: Are there any benefits to blowing everything up?

FoxtrotI'm noticing that the environment is heavily destructible. Is there any benefit for me to blowing everything up? (beside looting gold)

^ Duplicate

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