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Just worked out for the first time in over a year... Wow I can't move my arms.
1 hour later…
@Fluttershy Oh no :( Your poor arms :P
@Ash 30 jumping jacks, 16 incline push-ups, 12 knee push-ups, 10 regular push-ups, 12 box push-ups, 10 wide arm push-ups, then 20 upright rows with a 40 lb bar, 10 military presses, and 20 bicep curls with same bar. :3
(I can't do military presses, or knee/regular pushups yet)
(Pushups are hard, I have tiny chicken arms and there's a lot of me to lift)
@Ash Push-ups are very hard. @_@
@Fluttershy I do inclines, but not very far and I can't do many yet. I am better with anything I can push or use my legs for.
@Fluttershy I used to be able to do a lot, but my wrists have destroyed themselves over the years apparently :/
I can plank for a full minute but the lifting is HARD
@Ash a full minute?! eeeeeeeeeeeeee that's hard
unless its the plank challenge or w/e from a few years back where you just lie on the ground
@GodEmperorDune A full minute.
When I hit that I just about died
I can also stand on one foot each side for a minute
@Ash tbh i think that is harder than the thing your spiders are spiderin on about :p
@GodEmperorDune you saaaaaay that but I dunno it only took a couple months of practising
@Ash but hopefully after the thing you won't feel ded
but after planks... RIP
the one minute plank used to be part of my warmup superset >.>
It was front plank, deadbugs, and birddogs
then whatever else we'd do
so you mean a thing you once thought impossible is now so easy that you do it multiple times per week and its no big deal?
well used to, anyway
@GodEmperorDune now i do harder things
like one leg bodyweight romanian deadlifts
(my current warmup superset is RDLs, hollow hold for as long as I can, and then farmer's carry of 50 lb in each hand)
(we are super working on balance)
farmer's carry 50 lbs in each hand
the farmer's carry is 100ft (50 ft there 50 ft back)
yeah i dunno if i could carry 50 lbs 50ft in both hands
so 5 RDLs per side, hollow hold as long as I can, then 50 lb each hand for 100 fit, repeat all of this three times, then go on with the workout
(which doesn't feel like a lot because i see other people doing more but I am bad at judging)
@Ash from me that sounds like a lot
(sorry I just really like talking about gym stuff)
Oh, @Fluttershy, whats the box pushup?
@GodEmperorDune I know I can carry 30 pounds in each hand, stupid cat litter |:
@GodEmperorDune to quote the one and only comment on the video: isn't this an incline push-up?
@TimStone such a crappy product
@Chippies idk, my bff jill?
Q: Can I play PUGB on Remix OS?

Faizan SaiyedIs there any special task needed to run PUBG on RemixOS Android 6.0? I've downloaded and installed PUBG on RemixOS but after Tencent logo, a just black screen is coming. I've also installed Google Play Games properly on RemixOS. Is something missing?

@TimStone hahahaha once I could lift the 50 lb box from the bottom of my granny cart and take it down the steps I was like LOOK GYM IS PAYING OFF
@GodEmperorDune yeah no I couldn't do that :P I am too much human
@Ash :D
ugh google drive i need you to sync like one small text file
why is this taking half an hour
oh duh, web UI
Ew that's a long time
That reminds me I need to restart my Wow download, it keeps dying overnight :p
@Ash yeah i think google drive and my new backup software are battling
i miss you crashplan, why'd you have to discontinue service for home users
carbonite's UI is shit
Email from Discord:
> Hey Memor-X,

By now, you've probably read dozens of emails exactly like this one, so we'll keep it brief like shorts. Or briefs :thinking:
yes i have, but you're the first to make that joke so points to you for trying to stand out
Q: I want to have extra button on my PS4

Hyobin Kimhey guys I am playing God of War now with Nacon Revolution Pro2 Controller even with the fact that the controller has 4 extra button I want to have one more extra button especially to use with my foot I am thinking about a peddle from Racing wheeling working on PS4 but I guess it is not wor...

on a Discord Server someone was sharing this idea for Battle Royal but as a Fighter, quote an IRC Chat
> <Maddness> hmm, if we wanted to go even further with the Powerstone parallel, instead of just 1 giant bubble that periodically shrinks, you could have some number between 2 and 5 power objects that each create their own safety bubbles
<Maddness> and then a player need to collect it within some period of time, at which point the bubble centers on them. That'd probably encourage the game to be faster,
<Maddness> So you wouldnt get a bunch of hour long games, and also discourage hiding, since the person with the bubble on them could just run, leaving all thei othe rplayers outside thei
my initial thought turned to one huge WWE Matches where it's like 20 wrestlers in the ring. then this
> mechanics wise it might be a good idea for the carrier to be slowed down a touch, otherwise they can just run strait forever, depending on the landscape
that way if it does just turn into a glorified game of gang tag atleast the carrier has to be creative in trying to shake everyone off if their aim is to stall until the bubble shrinks enough
i just had this mental image of PUBG but a sweaty half naked wrestler being chased by a gang of other sweaty half naked wrestlers.
^ DLC Idea
2 hours later…
Q: Is there a NES emulator that has a grayscale video mode?

Stavros SkamagkisIs there a NES emulator for PC/Windows that has a video mode/effect that displays the games in grayscale instead of color? And if yes, which one?

2 hours later…
so apparently, Tweetdeck is borked right now and has a bunch of typeerrors and sorting errors
@Ash Went to MDWaP Live last night. It was fantastic.
Where is your god now?
Q: I can't play minecraft!

user211688When i click on the minecraft launcher it automatically goes to the minecraft updater. Then i wait, and it loads 2 or 3 times, then says "unable to update the Minecraft Native Launcher". Why is this? Is there a way to cancel the update so that i can just play? I have a MacBook Air 13-inch early 2...

@fredley holy crap, there's a lot of them
@Chippies This is a cursed site
Good Lord
@fredley I know, that one's my favorite :D
@Chippies Either that or the John Nipples one
there's a lot of good ones
I would like to have one of these
they're available in the shop, but not very cheap
@Chippies haha, if I were to buy shipping would be twice the cost of the item
@fredley it's not twice the cost, but it is more than the cost of the item for me
That really doesn't make sense. Surely it just fits in a standard envelope?
“How can we make our visitor passes look more secure?” “I know, let’s print a chip onto them!”
sending such items in a standard envelope is not the proper way, even though it can be done and most people do it. I guess they're just trying to be more reliable, but without the benefits of having bulk discounts
Q: My question was down-voted, then abruptly locked. Why was it down-voted? How long will it take to get unlocked? Why was it locked?

Super SA few days ago, I asked a question. This question asked for evidence to support a popular belief about the game "UNDERTALE", which didn't make much sense to me. This post seemed to cause sparks to fly. I think a few informal response posts were made, which were then quickly deleted. They claimed...

1 hour later…
@GodEmperorDune this is just an incline pushup. The box pushup my app was showing was different.
The Navy just sent me an invitation to a career talk, about opportunities for women service members
It's addressed to me personally
Someone made a bet to make the most disturbing campsite in AC:PC
@Jutschge I really hope Blizzard doesn't forget to fix Enhancement Ascendance
This looks super silly and cute cc @Ash. It's PWYW - garbagegal.itch.io/yard-tale
Oh this does look pretty cute, especially from the trailer. (the polywog colour was just charming). I will have to pick it up.
I've seen a gameplay video. The first thing the guy playing it did was to turn a bystander into a hamburger using magic
@Nzall huh what's broken?
@PrivatePansy why does that game even have an IV drip as a decoration?
@RedRiderX A N I M A L C R O S S I N G
@PrivatePansy Capitalism? That just reminds that I haven't played Recettear in a long time.
Years, probably.
@Jutschge So on live, Stormstrike has a 15 second base CD (so every 10 GCDs) and does physical damage. Ascendance turns that into wind damage which bypasses armor and reduces the CD by 80%, so you will use it every other GCD. On beta, Stormstrike has a 9 second CD and does nature damage, but Ascendance is unchanged, so it isn't nature damage anymore and has a wonky CD
I'm just so glad I can skip Outland.
I haven't played Northrend in forever and I'm so happy to be back.
@Yuuki The best way to level is through the earlier zones of both expansions, because they were designed to be leveled in without a flying mount (ESPECIALLY without a 280% mount), so having one speeds them both up considerabily
@Nzall I just can’t do Outland. It bothers me on a mental level and I’m not sure why.
Aaand we're in Dependency Hell again
Google pls
(yes, it's a real message from them)
We want to upgrade a couple of dependencies, namely Hibernate and Struts2. Both of which upgraded their Log4j version to Log4j 2. however, Log4j 2 has split their own dependency into Core and API, and other programs using Log4j should only depend on the API. Result: most of our logging broke
What it says on the tin
@Nzall I guess they'll change stuff like this. Class balancing always takes a while
@Jutschge I don't know if you can really rely on that. Legion Enhancement went live with a similarly broken Ascendance and it wasn't fixed until 7.2.5.
@fredley "low priority" "probably just phishing" "definitely don't read this"
Q: Why isn't Arqade as popular as StackOverflow?

JeannoIf you take a look at the popular tags of StackOverflow and Arqade, you will see that in SO there are much more questions asked than in Arqade. Consider the gaming community is much bigger than the programming community, why isn't Arqade as popular as StackOverflow? Is it a mismatch between Stac...

my life
F12, empty cache and hard reload
Q: Dualshock 4 suddenly stopped working

RitikPS4 Controller suddenly stop working/charging hello everyone, well heres the thing, i was using a Samsung charger to charge my two PS4 controllers, all was fine till a few days ago when one of them stop working, no lights no charging nothing, i tried to connect it directly to ps4 via usb cable an...

@Unionhawk reboot internet
I really just need to figure out how to tell chrome to NEVER CACHE LOCALHOST
though I suppose my issue wasn't caching
There's a setting to disable cache if you have the inspector open
so I have no idea how or why javascript/typescript decided that this.whatever() is not a function when it literally is
@Unionhawk That would be handy
it's right there
are you blind
It looks fine to me, it's within the same class
What is this? Might not be what you're expecting.
Did you forget the New keyword?
what nonsense is this
how is this.thing == undefined evaluating to false when the debugger thinks this.thing is indeed undefined
This is quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever seen
Something stupid is happening and I don't understand. Oh. Wait. number+=undefined is undefined isn't it
That's the stupid
So I guess visual studio thinks NaN and undefined are the same
Or something
I'm going to chime in now
If ctrl.ticket.status is undefined
Why does this return 'received'?!
                        status = switch ctrl.ticket.status
                            when 'Scheduled' then 'not_received'
                            when 'Invoiced' then 'invoiced'
                            else 'received'
Go home Microsoft, you're drunk
@SaintWacko that seems completely expected? It's not "Scheduled" or "Invoiced", so it falls through to the else clause
Q: How to manage plauges?

TechnoSamAbout every half hour or so, a plague sweeps through the village. It costs 5 medicine to stop, which is crazy expensive. I cannot figure out how to possibly produce enough medicine to keep up with the plagues. It almost doesn't matter because within two minutes of the plague passing, I'm almost ...

@ToxicFrog Oh, shit, that wasn't an up to date version
                        status = switch ctrl.ticket.status
                            when 'Scheduled' or null then 'not_received'
                            when 'Invoiced' then 'invoiced'
                            else 'received'
That's what it actually was
#MachineLearning #AI #Job #JobInterview #ML
@Unionhawk Haha
@SaintWacko null and undefined are not the same thing, at least in JS!
@ToxicFrog Really? the console says otherwise
(Also I've tested it with null and it still falls through)
@SaintWacko they're equivalent under ==. They are not equal under ===
@ToxicFrog Right
And that did cross my mind, but switch apparently uses ==
How are switch clauses evaluated? In particular, I'm wondering if when 'Scheduled' or null then 'not_received' is eqv to: when ctrl.ticket.status == ('Scheduled' or null) ...
@ToxicFrog I also tried moving the null check to its own case
hits the specs
Wait, what language is this?
I can paste in the compiled javascript if you want
status = (function() {
                switch (ctrl.ticket.status) {
                  case 'Scheduled' || null:
                    return 'not_received';
                  case 'Invoiced':
                    return 'invoiced';
                    return 'received';
Yeah that doesn't do what you want
@Try when 'Scheduled', null then ...
What that does is evaluate 'Scheduled' || null to 'Scheduled' and then matches against that.
Hm, the comma thing doesn't seem to work either. It does compile to something that makes more sense, though
@fredley hue
Ahhh, but now it's because null !== undefined!
@Unionhawk hue
There we go!
Thank you @ToxicFrog
I did not realize that was how it would interpret that
I was not certain it would until I tested it, but that's how most languages handle such constructs
I've gotten so used to Python I forgot how switch cases work
Add that to JS's perpetual confusion about the equivalencies between null and undef, and the ==/=== distinction, and, well
Q: Switch statement multiple cases in JavaScript

Afshin MehrabaniI need multiple cases in switch statement in JavaScript, Something like: switch (varName) { case "afshin", "saeed", "larry": alert('Hey'); break; default: alert('Default case'); break; } How can I do that? If there's no way to do something like that in Java...

JavaScript, but I think switch works similarly in other languages.
@Yuuki coffeescript compiles to javascript, but (as discussed above) has different syntax for that (and slightly different semantics in that it's an expr rather than stmt): when x, y, z then foo compiles to case x: case y: case z: foo
Q: Why isn't my F3 key working in Minecraft?

S. MorganI use WorldEdit a lot on Minecraft, so I have advanced item tooltips (AIT) on (which shows the IDs of all blocks). To enable this, I press F3 and H, but on my new computer, I can't enable AIT, nor can I use any of the other F3 shortcuts. I've tried just pressing F3 and H, and I've tried Fn + F3 +...

@ToxicFrog Is this the same issue?
return this.status && this.status !== EquipmentTicket.SCHEDULED;
Is this saying only return (this.status !== EquipmentTicket.SCHEDULED) if this.status resolves to true?
I think that's right
grumble grumble grumble
Why can't it use proper boolean logic?
Though not just if it's true, rather if it's any truthy value
@murgatroid99 Yeah, that's what I meant by resolves to true
What I want it to do is only return true if this.status exists and this.status !== EquipmentTicket.SCHEDULED;
@SaintWacko what's improper about it?
@SaintWacko If you specifically want a boolean, I would suggest return !!this.status && (this.status !== EquipmentTicket.SCHEDULED)
@SaintWacko that expression should do exactly what you describe -- if this.status is false-eqv (including null or undef), it'll return that; otherwise it'll return (this.status !== EquipmentTicket.SCHEDULED)
Which sounds like what you want?
@murgatroid99 Yeah, that did the trick... I guess I just have to get used to the fact that in JS boolean stuff doesn't automatically cast to boolean when you use boolean operators
@ToxicFrog No, that was what I was pretty sure it was doing, but it wasn't what I wanted
I wanted it just to return true or false
So doing @murgatroid99's boolean casting did what I wanted
all this convo reminds me is that I really need to go back to learning vala
So also thank you @murgatroid99 :D
Aah. I misparsed what you meant by "only return true"
And yeah, in JS/coffeescript (and lua, python, most lisps, and things inspired by them) boolean operators return the value that evaluation stopped at, not the true/false equivalency of that value; nil and false is nil, x or default_value is x iff x is true-eqv and default_value otherwise.
Q: Pre-downloading on Xbox One

JakeState Of Decay 2 releases in under a week now, and I was hoping to pre order the game digitally. If I do pre order through my Xbox One, digitally, will I have access to download the game prior to its release, so I can head straight into it instead of a large download. Is it possible?

it generally doesn't matter so much if you're using the result of that expression in a conditional, because the conditional is only checking truthiness anyway
@Sterno I think the only thing I don't really like about The Surge are the boss fights to be honest
Level design is excellent, random combat is super intense
I feel badass now that I've figured out some tricks and got some implants that fit my playstyle
if you're looking for the funniest pierogi video, it's this one. in my opinion. https://t.co/1E23Z2KOid
I can fight those three legged dog things pretty effectively now even if it takes a few minutes
@Unionhawk twitter is blocked here :(
quora is amazing
listen, if you know assembly you can just build your own language
it takes a lot more than that to build your own language
I have a server in MIT so I'm an expert in everything, so go and learn netfuck, it's the future.
@Ave i thought Chicken was the future
@Dragonrage Nope. Nothing beats Piet
Okay, let's see if Blake & Partners now finally heed my unsubscribe request. I've also asked them to remove all my personal data in accordance with the Right to be Forgotten and the GDPR, so hopefully that makes it clear to them that I'm no longer messing around. I've clicked their unsubscribe link 5 times by now (even though the 4 later times said I already was unsubscribed) and sent multiple unsubscribe subject replies, so if they still keep sending me mails, I'm going to escalate.
@Arperum there should be a chicken piet hybrid where all valid programs are pictures of chickens
@Dragonrage That would be acceptable.
@Dragonrage I half-expected a SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE hidden somewhere in there.
@Yuuki a snake is not a chicken though
@Yuuki That's only in the Badger language
time for my 'expert' run of Second Son, god help me.
oh my god
Shamelessly stolen from here, I wouldn't mind playing Let's Eat Kevin (vanderVelden).
cc @KevinvanderVelden
no vore.
It's only vore if it's sexual
what's vore?
How about we don't.
Sorry, Should I not have asked :/
javascript pls
love that setInterval(this.update, 1) is different from setInterval(()=>this.update(), 1)
(something about different scope of this for some reason, in an unexpected way in the first)
@djsmiley2k vore is essentially sexualized cannibalism, and let's leave it at that
oh errr yeah no.
@Nzall ok thanks. That's the kind of thing I don't want to accidently google.
I think that it's slightly more complicated and significantly less violent, but we were asked to stop so I not give any more details.
well I'mma go away again because now i made everyone feel bad.
Yeah consider this a cease and desist from a room owner speaking in an official capacity
Yeah, and I doubt that the SE network is going to permit a dedicated room to discuss stuff like that
if @djsmiley2k wants to know more, he can add me on steam (steamcommunity.com/id/nzall) and we'll discuss it in a private chat
@Unionhawk we already had one of those from a mod and they outrank you =p
Oh also I learned the dutch version of they saturday (well, at least one one person prefers)
(why did I type today, dammit brain)
also, I noticed it's quite difficult to see what what my avatar is supposed to be when it's that small
Pale blue dot?
@KevinvanderVelden I'm helping!
@Unionhawk this.update is just a reference to a function. But if you define the arrow function, it closes over this so that when you invoke this.update() it's invoking it using the right this object
Hey, I just thought it seemed like a fun and silly game. Not my fault you guys had to go make it weird.
@djsmiley2k Oh, you don't have to leave its okay
@Yuuki it's @Ave's fault!
In my opinion, one of the biggest mistakes in the design of JavaScript was using the word "this" to refer to "the bound scope object" or whatever you would call it. It encourages incorrect assumptions based on the use of the word "this" in other object oriented languages
@KevinvanderVelden hey I apologized
I was joking
It's @KevinvanderVelden's fault
@murgatroid99 keeping this working must be a lot of fun while refactoring code
It's clearly all @Wipqozn's fault
@badp It's really not too bad once you're aware of what it really means and stop thinking of it as the way it's used in Java or C++
I am glad that it was in fact a difference in scope and not some weird Angular problem
In any scope, this is just "the object that this function was bound to". Arrow functions are special because they close over this (or, equivalently, automatically bind to the this in the scope in which they are defined)
so uh when I say foo.bar() then, inside function bar, this points to foo?
@KevinvanderVelden sorry, so many people were obviously disturbed by the conversation over something I meant as a joke, so I am taking every response seriously and expressing my regret so that the conversation can simply go on before I leave a negative impression on people.
@badp yes
@badp Not necessarily!
@KevinvanderVelden this is my least favorite kind of programming answer
You can explicitly bind a function to an object, then it doesn't matter how you call it
@Unionhawk I'm glad I could give it
ah okay
I don't know what's crazier: the fact that GTA V is STILL in the top sellers list on Steam or the fact that FC5 is outselling it
Or does that list include MCTs?
@Nzall why is it crazy that FC5 is outselling GTA V?
FC5 is quite a new release, GTA V is ancient, by gaming standards
GTA V still being in the top sellers list is probably the crazier fact.
@Chippies because AFAIK FC5 wasn't really all that well received by the press and public, especially the ending
it's a new game
@Nzall really? I haven't heard much bad about FC5, everyone seems to say that it improved on a lot of things from previous games and the game is generally better
plus the story is controversial, so people want to play it
@Chippies no it isn't lol
ah, okay, weird, that's not really how I understood it at the time
it's just bad from what I understand
it looked like it was going to go places
but then it didn't
@Unionhawk well, you get to shoot americans, which is a thing™
From what I've heard it's better in every way then the previous versions but it's still another generic, dime a dozen ubisoft game
@Unionhawk to know that, without spoiling the game for yourself, you need to buy the game though
It's a good generic ubisoft game but it's a generic ubisoft game. So if you're into that have fun
sales figures don't show how many people thought the game was great
ubisoft games are good, every once in a while
ubisoft games are good, every once in a while
good thing for Ubisoft because sales figures is the only real number that matters
if you play every ubisoft game they release though, they are too generic though
I enjoyed Far Cry 5.
Enough to 100% it.
Dumped something like 60 hours into it.
I've heard it's good if you ignore literally all of the story
some nonsense is happening
but it is a far cry game
Good luck ignoring the story, you get kidnapped every so often throughout the random nonsense sections
Story was interesting enough to keep me playing.
@Unionhawk or you can just not take it super seriously and enjoy it for what it is
if you're expecting a bestseller worthy story from a Far Cry game, you're going in with the wrong expectations
See, but that's the thing is they went hard on this being a thing that would actually tell a meaningful story
@Chippies You may in fact be going in with Great Expectations.
And everyone collectively forgot that no that's never going to be what actually happens
@Unionhawk I didn't follow their marketing, but it feels like to me that people just made that assumption and hyped the game, because oh em gee, the game is in 'murica, it's personal now
it's easier to accept some crazy villains in middle of nowhere places as plausible, than it is when it's in a country that you may have actually been in
so really, the expectations for the story are higher because it takes place in the US
So Steam just told me that Okami HD is on sale, but... it isn't?
It's not even that there was just some level of expectation that the game was going to like
say anything at all
@Nzall that happens sometimes. How did it tell you that?
email? steam news thing on launch?
@Chippies "the following items on your wishlist are on sale" email
@Nzall check how long ago you received that email
20 minutes ago
actually, isthereanydeal.com history for Okami HD shows no sales on steam
the sale may not be on yet
I have had that happen where steam notifies me of a sale that's not active yet
check in an hour or so, might be on sale then
or it could be a mistake
Q: Villager farm getting clogged

Denislav KaragiozovI have my villager farm that works almost perfectly. Two main issues are Villagers drowning on the water elevator Villagers not walking over the trapdoors Here are screenshots of the way this works. The idea is very simple, the little villagers can walk on the open trapdoors and fall do...

1 hour later…
looks at latest questionable content TAI'S FACE IS THE BEST FACE EVER
00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

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