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Nooo ;_;
Q: Re-evaluating the text of our Game Identification close reason

RobotnikWe've been discussing the topic of Being Nice in comments on Game Identification questions, and it kinda struck me as a bit odd. Not the part about comments being snarky/rude (and that's definitely something to keep in mind!), but that we needed to leave clarifying comments to explain downvotes &...

Ooh, new Secret World Chronicles in August!
@badp you got a loss even though you won?
@GnomeSlice Yeah, I thought so too
@Sterno Man, it's HARD though
I just got to the second area, and regularly get fucked up by any given enemy I find
2nd area was rough
To be fair I'm only on like the 4th
(with DLC)
Also apparently I have DLC yeah
There's like a spacesuit guy that I farmed in area 1 for some cool gear although I don't really think it's much better than anything I have or had
The first boss took a bit until I got a much stronger weapon
If anyone's interested, there's an idle game I've been playing for...several months now. It's called Idle Campions; uses D&D characters (with official licensing!) with a large amount of staying power.
@Frank :| it's just a CotLI reskin (same devs)
@ASCII-only Same devs, sure. I haven't played CotLI, so I don't know anything of theirs beyond Idle Champions.
@Frank it's basically exactly the same AFAICT (except one has D&D theme)
From a quick perusal of it, yeah, it looks similar.
I had fun with Idle Champions for a bit and then remembered I hate idle games
@Sterno And yet, you keep trying them.
They're always fun for the first few hours until you hit the hardcore grind
I liked how you position people for buffs though
That's why it's an idle game, though; it sort of plays itself.
I've been playing NGU for over a month now and it's one of the best idle games I've played
Some characters just seemed like complete trash though that you should never really choose
@Sterno It's super gear dependent. And with event characters, it gives you many more options, as they switch with the defaults.
@Chippies Yes, I'm really liking NGU, especially with how often it's updated.
@Ullallulloo yeah, the regular updates that are actually good updates is a huge pro for the game
well, not "regular", but often
If there's a non Kongregate link, I'd probably try it again.
But I reeeeeeeeally don't like Kongregate.
in the settings there are resolution options, but when you click on them, it says you can't change resolution on kongregate, which sort of implies that there is a non-kongregate option as well, but I can't find it and I don't think it exists
Anyone up for a few games of Overwatch
@Sterno @StrixVaria @Yuuki
I'm taking a break from OW
I've started it up again recently
no worries
I'd kind of become a tank main and playing a tank does not feel good in that game right now
Yeah I always end up as a tank now
I mostly just play Orisa
@GnomeSlice Be right there.
> Indoctrinate the new SW Developer
Thank you, PM (I think that was you). That made me laugh
@MBraedley assuming control!
Today was a 1 step forward, 2 steps back day, and is also approaching a 12 hour day, so I think I need all the levity (and alcohol) I can get.
Also, need to remember to set my phone to airplane mode to preserve battery life tomorrow.
@MBraedley i have to do that on a daily basis
#Rumourfile confirmed: a fox made its way onto the 57 tram at the West Maribyrnong terminus last Friday. It jumped off when the driver got on, didn't have a myki apparently http://bit.ly/2jFGPfm
Q: My minecraft crashes when I have more than 3 mods

PiKkLEfAceEverytime I try putting more than 3 mods for my minecraft it just crashes. (also it doesn't give me a crash report) I'm not completely sure what is happening so can somebody please help me

dam those craft foxes
Biggest question I have now is, how many hours do I put on my timesheet for today?
@MBraedley 8
atleast that what i would do unless it was pre-arranged i was working overtime
my overtime goes into a flex bank
oh hey, Valve has a link to a page detailing Australian Consumer Rights
> On 24 March 2016, the Federal Court of Australia found that Valve Corporation had engaged in misleading conduct contrary to the Australian Consumer Law in representing to Australian consumers via the Steam Subscriber Agreement and Steam Refund Policy that consumers had no entitlement to a refund in any circumstances and that Valve had excluded, restricted or modified statutory guarantees of acceptable quality. A link to the Federal Court judgment appears here:

i wonder what prompted them to add it on the store page though
2 hours later…
Q: How to make a character in Rimworld with specific stats?

Creative MagicI want to make a scenario, where two friends crash-landed on a frozen tundra planet. These two friends have specific skills, injuries and start with a very high and positive relationship. Through the scenario editor I can choose starting items, research items etc, I can even choose the planet I ...

Q: Pokémon Green Version

Manhattan89Ok so I recently got the Pokémon Green version (English translated) and was wondering if there’s any way possible to debugging it or making a brand new version of my own English translated (not bugged)? due to certain glitches that it came with. For instance the “end” selection for when making/re...

Q: How to change the language of Steam games?

ConspiriaSome of the Steam games in my region have single language support only, next to them it is written: Notice: Purchases made in this region will only receive the Russian language. mostly games from Ubisoft have that restrictions. how can I change the language of the game for example to Eng...

@Memor-X they were legally required to do so as part of the order
@Arperum nice, you're gonna need to build a second wall at some point to be safe-ish from biters
Stephen Colbert spoonerizing Unpaid Parking Tickets is my highlight of the day so far
Especially considering it's in a bit about China, so he said Unparked Paiking Tickets
Q: CS GO skins not working

Usal AhmadMy CS-GO skins are not working in offline or in online multiplayer mode. I've seen this question, but it talks only about online multiplayer mode and my skins are neither loading in offline nor in online. Any ideas?

@KevinvanderVelden I first need to finish the first one
Also s/biters/spitters
@KevinvanderVelden rampant also adds all sorts of other biter/spitters
Amazing, and really sad
WoW tokens are relatively new IIRC. I wonder what effect it had on gold miners
@Memor-X Just so we're clear: This doesn't mean that Valve needs to reduce the strictness of their refund policy in Australia, right? Australians have the same 2h/14d restrictions as the rest of the world, right?
Nope, australians have a better policy in accordance with australian law
@KevinvanderVelden Really?
Of course, user agreements can't trump the law
@Arperum Just belt a ring of bullets around your perimeter
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, I know that, but I was under the impression that australian digital goods laws were similar to those of the UK or Belgium
Yes but they haven't been sued over here yet
@KevinvanderVelden Didn't Germany sue them a couple years back?
@PrivatePansy There are a lot less of them. They still exist but it's not as profitable anymore. Most people buy directly from Blizzard instead of some shady website (and that's great).
Before WoW tokens everyone and their grandma was buying gold from miners.
@Jutschge Also, the value of gold has sharply decreased in recent years because of the token
Because the Token puts an upper limit to how much people are willing to pay
Yup. I kinda like it. You can pay your subscription with gold now and you can buy gold from an official source. It's win-win
Like, the token value have increased tenfold compared to when they were released, at least in the EU
Also since gold doesn't really do that much in WoW it's not really p2w
Also, the value of the token is increasing far faster than the asking price for boosts etc
@Jutschge What do people buy it for then?
@PrivatePansy You can buy mounts and consumables with it. I mean yeah it does take some grinding time away but the endgame is still about skill.
The way tokens work is that they're mostly sold by people with disposable income and not as much time to play and bought by those in poorer countries where a 15 EUR sub is a lot
In PvP consumables are disabled anyways. Gold really doesn't help there. And for Raids/Dungeons you might need consumables or enchants for your gear but if you're actively participating in high-end content it's sponsored by the guild
Also you generate a ton of passive income through gold missions. And you can do those on your phone.
Basically anything that gives you a big advantage is either super cheap in terms of gold (like you get 10x that amount while leveling to max) or only available through playing.
Actually, I'm mistaken in that comparative value of tokens and boosts. Prices have comparatively stayed roughly the same
@Nzall Are you talking about leveling boosts or Dungeon boosting?
boost prices have been increased tenfold too, so the point that you need 13M (when gold cap is 10M) for a full boost in mythic + mount
Because Dungeon/Raidboosting really depends on the server you're on
Pretty much every article on eu.battle.net states prices around 13M
We're currently boosting people for 10m on our server (with mount)
The boss alone is 3mil afaik
But we're somewhat expensive with boosting mythic+ 200k for a +15. (Super quick way to make money though lol)
Our raid boosting income goes into financing the next addon while the m+ boosting is personal income
Yeah, and if you convert that to EUR through the token, that's roughly 600 EUR
even the boss alone is 200 EUR
Huh, wow
thing is, that's still cheaper than what you get on gold selling sites
an 11/11 boost with mount according to the site I consulted is 900 EUR
which is crazy if you think about it
@Nzall I mean taking down argus as 19 is somewhat hard tbh. It took us about 4 months to get to this point.
@Jutschge That's true
and even that boost I just checked asks you to do at least somewhat decent DPS
especially if doing selfplay
And also if you're selling the mount it means someone in your main raiding team has to pass for it. (unless you're among the top guilds worldwide)
and you need at least 930
Wtf. We actually tried a boost lately with our "Guild mascot" (He's not really a great player but a super fun guy) and we just told him to die at the start of the fight
I mean it was definitely harder than usual but doable.
@fredley Still working on trying to produce them fast enough to complete the wall and turret circle, once that's done I'll redo the production chain.
Boosting guilds should be able to handle a boss as 19... Other things sound like a scam to me.
Q: Hitman 2016 storyline

Muhammad SaribI just bought the new 2016 Hitman for PC and I played a few mission. I couldn't understand from where Agent 47 came from. When he tells Diana that "They called me 47", I was confused who called him 47 and why? Am I missing something here? Should I play other Hitman games like Absolution to unde...

@Jutschge So honest question: you just tell the boosted character to just die asap on all bosses? or just those where they can wipe you if they're not playing correctly?
@Nzall Only on the ones where they can be dangerous. (Imonar, Varimathras, Aggramar, Argus, Coven)
But they are no healing priority. We usually mark them so our healers know that they don't have to go out of their way if they fuck up on another boss.
Before we started doing that I was often messing up my ramps as disc priest because I though "holy Crap I gotta save this guy". And then I realized it was the guy we're boosting.
Question: would they cause issues if they released during Argus and started collecting orbs alongside the designated guy?
Not even talking about entering the tree and rezzing, just collecting orbs away from the other guy so they don't accidentally knock them back
Argus is somewhat tricky. We Tell them to go in last at the start of the phase(only after everyone else rezzed because of the explosions) and then they usually insta-die because they don't know how to dodge the mechanic.
And we just tell them to soak orbs. And our designated soaker does the same.
Argus is just a fight where one person can fuck up waay too much.
1 hour later…
@fredley what's this
I mean, it looks cool
Just a neat thing
@fredley Balls
Also: my stats reset to stupid low every room, to then go up while fighting constantly.
I don't know what caused that.
Oh wow, Chinese NBA internet nicknames are amazing
> Steph Curry - 库昊 "fucks the sky"

This is an extremely elaborate pun. One of Curry's phonetic names is 库里 (ku li) and the second character is a combination of the characters 日 ("sun") and 土 ("ground"). But 日 is also slang for "fuck." Given Curry's penchant for launching shots into the sky, Chinese netizens apparently felt it would be more apropos to name him "fucks the sky" instead of "fucks the ground," so they replaced "earth" (土) with "sky" (天) in the second character.
A thread of Chinese internet nicknames for NBA players. China is crazy for the NBA, but official sources use boring phonetic transcriptions, failing to take advantage of Chinese characters having both sound and meaning. Chinese netizens have "improved" on these official names.
for the source
@Nzall Uh... I'm not at all up to date with Chinese slang, but I would take this with a punch of salt
@PrivatePansy Nick Kapur is a historian specializing in Japan and East-Asia
里 simply means inside. I've never heard anyone decompose it into 日 and 土 before (but I wouldn't discount it either). Never heard of 日 meaning "fuck". It may be a slang usage, but the word itself really does just mean the sun, and also gets used where you might use "day" in English
So it's not really a swear word. But again, Chinese Internet culture is weird, and I'm totally out of touch.
So maybe I guess?
@PrivatePansy well, this is the internet we're talking about
god turkish slang is so weird
@Ave what kind of language is god turkish
@PrivatePansy Chinese
Speaking of which, I learnt the other day that ecchi comes from H (as in the letter, pronounced eh-chi), which comes from hentai, but now ecchi means something different from hentai
words like almond and ball and motor and nutella and some other words etc have REALLY unexpected meanings, and that's just a tiny part of the slang that I remember.
@Ave ok well tbh this isn't that different from English
oh no am I taking a dive into weird english slang now
please don't, I don't want to even know
@Ave well really even normal English slang
> ~long~
I regret that being told about any of those turkish stuff
@PrivatePansy Purely out of curiosity, what's the difference between ecchi and hentai? Assuming you're comfortable explaining it in here. I'd rather not google the difference at work
@Nzall one is suggestive/lewd anime/manga, one is anime/manga content that contains actual pornographic content.
@Ave So essentially softcore versus hardcore?
Q: Connected my ps4 controller to a ps3 now can't connect it back

OnTeYI need help. Since one of my favorite games was BO2 on ps4 I wanted to play them again, so I unpackaged my ps4 and connected it to my ps4 controller. But when I was done and wanted to connect it back the ps4 controller wouldn't sync to the ps4, I've tried so many different solutions for about 4 d...

@Nzall not exactly
or pinup art versus porn?
yeah that's a lot closer
depending on how you define softcore and hardcore, it can be, yeah.
Okay, I think I get the idea
I mean, it's sort of like the difference between rating:q and rating:e on most boorus
@Ave The Chinese slang for masturbation is "beating airplane". No, I don't know why either
"pulling 31" is the turkish slang for it
I have no idea what the number represents
It could be a homophone
it's not
I found an attempt to try to understand why it means that from 1999, but it's in turkish
(tl;dr: according to "arabic ebced" e is 1, l is 30, and el means hand)
to be fair çekmek can have multiple meanings, "fotograf çekmek" means "[to] take a photograph" for example, and "masayı çekmek" means "to pull desk".
turkish is a weird language
English is clearly the weirdest language
as someone who's fluent in both, yes, english is very fucking weird
I wonder which language I should learn first, esparanto or dutch... or maybe I should continue portuguese.
@Ave Klingon Quenya Sindarin Poison Monkey language Lojban
hm, will consider.
ok apparently wikipedia lists "Furbish" (Furby language) as a language?
@Ave I've heard that Dutch is difficult for non-dutch speaking people.
Then again, there are a couple people in here who could help by giving you (contradicting) advice.
@ASCII-only when I first read "furbish" I assumed it was a furry language
@Ave :| ok
@Ave I personally think Dutch might be somewhat more useful than Esperanto. There are roughly 15X as many people who speak Dutch compared to Esperanto
Speaking Esperanto is more of a novelty, like Klingon or Sindarin
@Nzall that doesn't mean they'd be common wherever anyone is
@ASCII-only True, the popularity of Dutch is mainly confined to specific regions in Europe and former Dutch colonies
@Nzall yeah. so really there shouldn't be that much difference imo
@Ave learn dutch! \o/
@KevinvanderVelden really? i thought that was the refund system. like i know Valve got into trouble about not disclosing stuff but that was in Norway, unless the page i linked to chnages depending on where you are
@ASCII-only Quick question: does anyone in this chatroom actually currently speak any Esperanto at all, or know someone who does?
They had the refund system before the final verdict came in I think
Because even if you learn Esperanto, it's like 1 or 2 million people globally
so like 1 in every couple thousand people
@Nzall in person? no. online? a couple of people over at Puzzling.SE
@Ave cat, there's a book on it in The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
@KevinvanderVelden I know a very little bit of dutch and I might work on learning more
@Ave there;s a bit more too it, like
in Maid Café (メイド喫茶), Jun 9 '17 at 12:17, by Memor-X
Mya~uun = You are welcome, squishy pink thing
oh my god
my messages around that
@Ave I mean, you're not the only person to watch hentai, by far
I don't, though
and Maid Cafe probably is a chatroom where you can expect somewhat more gawdy talk
@Ave so that was just a somewhat dumb joke to fit in?
You're not the only person to do that either
making dumb jokes to fit in is pretty much the main saving grace of the Internet
I generally don't enjoy watching sanything, outside very specific types of youtube stuff
That and the feline footage
so ynab does weird things if you have a positive transaction on a credit card that isn't a payment
I think it's figured out
Q: Delaying field research quests

dlyIt it wise or even possible to not turn in completed field research quests in order to turn them in on another day? For example I'm in a highly active area on a Saturday and usually busy during the week. I would then complete one quest on Saturday and keep three quests completed without turning t...

@Nzall wdym
@Ave Cat videos and the ... other ... kind of videos
seeing the acronym they use, FFVIIR, makes me think of Megadimension VIIR which was the original VII (Victory 2) improved and with VR
cc @TimStone always helpful
Well, Pillars of Eternity 2 is out. Time to go play Pillars of Eternity 1
@Nzall I'm not a big fan of the whole "animals being adorable" thing, sadly
that Data clip matched the reaction perfectly
but also a take away from that is what the lawyer said about privacy
@Ave ^ that change you mind?
killing the robot gondoliers counts towards the potg system
@Memor-X May be? I thought this was already confirmed?
@Yuuki confirmed != no problems. remember that Final Fantasy Type-0 and Final Fantasy XV were originally Agito Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII and according to the video XV was very inefficient in the development
@Memor-X I meant that I thought it was already confirmed that the FFVII remake is going through development hell.
@Yuuki oh. could have been. last i heard was that they were going to try and pull the Episodic shit on us which is only going to work if it's just 1 Episode per PS1 disk but i find it doubtful they'll do that. didn't know CC2 was working on it at first
Q: Do i need the Complete Edition of Horizon Zero Dawn to get all the items?

Memor-XI have the original Horizon Zero Dawn which my mum picked up a garbage sale. While looking at the Complete Edition of Horizon Zero Dawn to see what DLC it included to determine if it would be cheaper to rebuy it or just download the DLC for the original it lists Horizon Zero Dawn. The Fr...

Q: Is there a way to save invite codes in Stardew Valley Multiplayer?

RapitorI purchased and play Stardew Valley through GoG, but my friend has it through steam. In order for us to play together, one of use has to provide an Invite code to the server every time we wish to enter the game. Is there a way to save the server/invite code so we don't have to go through this ha...

Q: Super fast pickaxe with no drops

TQ1000I was wondering if it's possible to make a pickaxe that either breaks stuff really fast or that clears like a 3x3 area at a time without dropping any items? I'm trying to make this in 1.13.

@fredley @KevinvanderVelden I got a bullet belt going now, which is very much needed.
Got spitters yet or still only biters?
spitters and the bigger biters.
I'm still very much in a serious arms race.
The repairing the wall all the time is annoying though.
So I might have to add a bunch more turrets.
(Whenever I play it, I do stream it too, but I'm taking a break now.
Next up is fixing/setting up a new sciencepack creation part.
because currently it has all it's iron stolen by bulletcreation.
I'm at work anyway
I also need to automate the copperstuff, and the feeding of my furnaces.
because I am currently still dragging coke to the furnaces myself.

Proposed Q&A site for sleight of hand enthusiasts and magicians that want their questions answered. (And who want to answer questions)

Currently in definition.

Q: how do you make your own bed wars on xbox? i can never join bed wars on the severs


Q: How best to preserve a rare old game disc while continuing to use the software, and does anyone know the value on this disc?

CDoveMy son and I have a game that is slightly older than he is, which is in a limited-edition set. The set is Jet Set Radio Future with Sega GT 2002 (full, playable games) that came with the original X-Box back in the day. The volume label when placed in the disc tray is "X-Box Demos". By sheer l...

@Lazers2.0 people should just flag nuke this instead of vtc
@Arperum And everyone knows this runs the risk of you getting addicting to your own supply.
@Sterno did you have crash problems with The Surge
I got up to play some at like 2 AM cause I couldn't sleep and it crashed three more times on me
Like every ten mins
Video error
AMD somethingorother
1 hour later…
There's an anime this season featuring horse racing except the horses are now high school girls
I mean, I really shouldn't be surprised... but I'm surprised
> In a world very much like our own, great race horses of the past have a chance to be reborn as "horse girls"—girls with the ears and tails of horses as well as their speed and endurance. The best of these horse girls go to train at Tokyo's Tracen Academy, hopefully moving on to fame and fortune as both racers and idols.
That's....certainly something
It's also a mobile game tie-in
So that explains it... I think? It's Kancolle but with horses
Meh. These aren't dev conferences anymore
clearly you do not develop emojis
@badp what were they thinking with a half-empty beer and grey foam ;-)
high contrast :P
@badp They fixed the cheese :D
Yes Google, the only thing I was missing from Gmail is to be able to autocomplete Taco Tuesday
And now it's perfect
oh shit it's the photos segment of io
oh man that document scan is... I wonder how well that actually works because holy shit
what sorcery
@Unionhawk Eh... that's not terribly interesting
Colorize is... more interesting
I mean more their demo of a weird angle
in particular
The document scanning one is classification + computer vision, both of which have pretty standard solutions
"Yay! Our chips generate more waste heat than before!"
I love that since this is their platform they are actually doing live captions
It's delayed by about 5 seconds where I am
Which is just long enough to be annoying
captions? I mean yeah that's fairly standard TV caption timing
I'm watching it muted so
Ah, okay
finally you can use your mobile if you look like this
It doesn't fix the delay even if you're not watching live
is an interesting change and I wonder how it'll actually work
@Unionhawk More importantly, how can we hack it to fill the house with knee deep popcorn
lmao actually that last one sounds cool but lmao
(new I guess option? for google assistant to respond positively to kids being polite to google home)
Is JJ Abrams directing this thing?
Google is introducing... digital photo frames
I think technically they're more going for like, the alexa with a display type deal
Ah, no, it has a touch screen. So... a thicker, uglier and tethered tablet
digital photo frames that also do other things
and connect to the internet
a stationary tablet
Honestly digital photo frame that connects to google photos is decent on its own lol
It's an Android tablet, except worse
ah yes, youtube tv, for those who are EXTREMELY geographically privileged
I guess not needing a battery would make it way cheaper
I would expect the touchscreen to be the most expensive part
Oh neat, they're... just bringing Now Launcher features back
I don't think slapping a battery to that thing would be hugely expensive
My $30 alarm clock has that (optional batteries)
Yeah but they're not as powerful and flat
@Unionhawk sigh
yes, please help me connect me with my hairdresser
I need it
@badp Honestly, the pixel launcher is pretty good though
@badp You can get your food delivered while getting your hair dressed on your way home and listening to hiphop. Hands free.
This is the future!
I am disappointed that I haven't seen departure times in the where they hid now launcher's feed (in pixel launcher) though lately
excellent, just place calls for me
twitter must be blowing up right now
"Hey Google, can you book a Turing test at 4pm tomorrow for me? kthx"
I 1000% do not believe this interaction aside from this test probably executes exactly like this
oh my god
mass google assistant phone calls asking for holiday hours
@Ash noooo, it's better on the bottom cause otherwise condiments slide off
Oh man, google assistant telling me to log off is actually 100% what I need
@Unionhawk "I'm sorry Dave..."
finally, youtube comes with a built-in earthbound dad
now I just need him to wire me money instantly
Any IO talk for the next segment will be automatically redirected because it's about Google News sorry I don't make the rules
(this is not a thing that I will be doing actually)
See, I don't understand this. It doesn't seem like they understand what the problem is.
They've made the recommendation algorithm tuned to push fresh and interesting content to users so they're addicted to YouTube
Then when people do get addicted they add a "Go the fuck to sleep" reminder to YouTube
Instead of, you know, looking at the recommendation algorithm
I mean, surface level, but like, deeper level the recommendation algorighm causes some more interesting issues too
which is for actually and for reals within the realm of room 64176
@badp I agree with cheese above the patty, but that bottom bun better have mayo or something.
Or the bun better be toasted.
Or it'll be soggy from meat juice.
ok but actually, rolling subscriptions into a google signin is cool and good
@Yuuki You don't like the meat juice?
@badp is this going to be your response to everything now
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