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@badp I don't think it's an intended release, tbh... the best I could find was some unnamed valve source saying it was. I've also never known any company that actually took that sort of thing seriously (even if it was legit)
I've got to imagine they've got "crunch time" just like any other game company
Oh, they probably do
Yeah maybe
But you're also talking about the company that doesn't exactly commit to a project unless it's go time
After all, at some point you have to set deadlines
I've just got no fantasies that there's some dream place to work that's all smiles and rainbows forever and ever, and certainly not in the game industry
they don't pay people to come to a job where everything's awesome. You get paid because you'd rather be doing something else (typically)
not to take the opposite stance and say all work sucks - I've liked several of my jobs thus far, and would probably do some of these things for free if asked nicely
That's a good point. But it seems that projects just get started by people interested in something, and then other people join up if they want to help
and it's done when it's done
well without inside sources this is all speculation
Also, does your boss fly you, your coworkers, and your families on a all expense paid trip to Hawaii every year?
I know I'm not enough of a doer to even dream working for that company anyway
@badp The leak was actually engineered by Valve to manipulate their public appearance! Conspiracy~!
@tiddy hah, I'd probably prefer the cash instead. I've gotten some decent bonuses. I wouldn't want to spend my vacation hanging out in the same place as the people I work with.
besides, maintaining NDAs must be so stressful.
No. NDAs are no big deal.
@badp I've had some... hard core NDAs to deal with before. Documents that had my name printed all over them, just in case they got leaked, and etc
@skovacs1 even when you're working on Half Life 2 Episode 2 Plus 1? :P
They're actually kind of fun - trying to figure out ways to say things without saying anything.
had to have a special lock and key just to keep those things. heavy duty encryption on the drive, in case the laptop got stolen
it's not as bad as it seems, feels a little 'james bond'-ish
@badp I thought it was Ricochet 2? :P
The hardest part of NDAs is when you'll never be able to disclose because the project was canned.
It's especially hard to put that kind of stuff on a resume.
@skovacs1 I beta tested an MMO where that happened.
@agent86 I can just imagine that
@badp yep, there's my career, ruined.
I quit that job and then like... 4 months later they went bankrupt. good times.
@agent86 Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get another job over at GameFAQs.
@badp :(
@agent86 I've never had ones that bad. I'm sure at least one company I worked for would've tried it if they could've gotten away with it.
Upper management was so paranoid, I got the hammer of god for showing a couple friends the server room.
@fbueckert yeah, this was mostly NDA's our company signed with a third party, for technology that they were very... protective of.
sometimes they'd refuse to send us anything electronically, we had to have bound documents shipped from overseas
Wow. That's crazy protective. The sad part is, the technology probably wasn't that proprietary.
I hope they were the ones paying for it.
Actually I'm surprised you're at liberty of discussing their NDA
Typically the NDA NDAs itself.
@badp Recursive NDAs! It gets so bad, the NDA creates a black hole and sucks itself into it. Thereby invalidating all parts of the NDA. :P
@fbueckert well... let's say I'd say they were somewhat justified, but talking about it more would, y'know... yeah.
@agent86 Fair enough. Change of subject time!
It's too late, the hit squad has already been dispatched. :(
So how about those princesses and ponies?
Really? Yesterday there's Adventure Time princesses this and Princess Princess that and now nothing?
The more I read about D3, the more on the fence I am...I like how it plays...but I abhor the always on part. It's much more friendly than D2, but I have to have an active connection. How do I choose!?
@fbueckert Do you have a broadband Internet connection?
@StrixVaria Yes. The chances of me losing my internet are crazy slim. I'm just saying... :P
@fbueckert Then don't worry about it!
Do they have mechanisms in place for smooth transitions or rejoins in the event of a brief disconnect?
@tiddy You can click "Resume Game" when you log back in.
I think that brings you to the last checkpoint you reached.
So it can be mid-quest.
You playing through by yourself?
@StrixVaria Still pretty jarring, though.
Yeah but playing online in D2 was a worse experience than that.
@tiddy Are you asking about the future?
I don't know whether I plan to play through alone or with a friend the first time.
I hate the fact that even if I'm playing by myself, I must still have an active internet connection.
I was just saying that Diablo 2-3 seems to be pretty MP focused
I get why Bliz does it like that, but I don't agree with it.
They specifically said that all of D3 is solo-able.
Which D2 was not.
@fbueckert It's due to the online market, with real money, so they don't want you spawning items to sell.
@StrixVaria Hmm, what in D2 wasn't solo-able?
@TimStone The higher difficulties.
It was but it was really, really grindy.
I didn't have a problem
The immunities in the higher difficulties of D2 were artificial difficulty.
It was more frustrating than it was a fun problem to solve.
@RonanForman That's another decision I don't agree with.
I have no problem at all with the RMAH.
Oh, I don't remember having any particular issue...but I haven't played for many years, and I know they did change some things after I stopped.
@fbueckert Why? You can earn money
From playing!
That's how God of War worked
Just changed your damage and their damage
Boom, harder
Hmm, that reminds me that I still haven't beaten God of War III |:
Which actually was incredibly difficult
@RonanForman That's the concept. I sincerely doubt it's going to be that easy.
The way I see it is: People are going to spend real money on items whether it's built into the game or not. If it's built into the game, that does 2 things. 1) It makes these transactions legitimate and lowers risk for players. 2) It gives Blizzard income so they can dedicate more resources to continually supporting the game and providing more post-release content.
GoW 2 Titan mode remains to this day my greatest gaming achievement
Guaranteed, Chinese gold farmers will be devaluing any time investment you make.
I didn't want to lower my difficulty, but I remember getting pissed off at the final boss battle and took a break....forgot to come back, heh.
Yes, it's Blizzard making money.
But that's what companies do.
...I thought Blizzard made games and collected money :P
@skovacs1 Please don't make stupid semantic arguments.
@skovacs1 I've seen the Princess, Princess anime! </belated>
@TimStone Me neither. I'm like 3/4 through, then gaming ADD hit again.
@tiddy I congratulate you, sir or madam. I never bothered going through the Titan modes, though I do own all the GoW games that have been released thus far.
The only possible thing I'd have changed is to have the option for offline only so even if you hack you can't sell it. But then that would make people do that anyway, so they'd lose out on money for no reason.
@FAE and while I watch more anime than I have time for, I have yet to see that one.
I'm tempted to give it another go, but that would mean turning on the PS3, which I haven't done for...many months.
And if you can hack for items in a offline account, why pay for them online?
@skovacs1 It's cute, I liked it a lot. :) Might not be to everyone's tastes, but I enjoyed it.
@FAE GoW2 Titan is just....something else
By and large you need to be perfect
@RonanForman This is how D2 worked. Your offline characters couldn't be used in the legit battle.net servers.
People still paid money for items.
@FAE Yeah. From what I can see, it is. I'll push it onto the queue. Right now I'm really into Zombie stuff like Sanka Rea and Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?! and the like.
@tiddy Yeah, that would be why I never did it. I'd probably have an anxiety attack or something.
@skovacs1 I don't watch nearly as much anime anymore nowadays. :(
@FAE I try to limit it to stuff that's airing in Japan right now, but that hasn't really worked out too well. Plus games, work and sleep and there's not really time left.
@skovacs1 Haha yeah, most of my free time is spent gaming, and watching subbed anime (I prefer subs over dubs) at the same time isn't that easy. I'm always afraid I'll miss something. :/
@FAE exactly on all points. Subs are all I watch. Given how RPGs have almost all become ARPGs, there's a lot more attention needed.
that was weird, chat was refusing to scroll down to the end
@skovacs1 Yep, so it's either miss this convo or miss avoiding that attack that's going to kill you. :(
Is there any specific search term I can use to see messages sent to me over the last 24hrs?
@FAE Pretty much. :( Need more monitors and more of me.
@James context?
@skovacs1 That's easy. One costs money, the other costs time. Lots and LOTS of time. And somebody else.
@agent86 Looking for the thing balpha wanted me to check on when I got into work today :) Though I will say chat appears to be working nicely so I am not sure it matters, but still, due diligence.
Thats the one. Thanks! :)
Now I just need chat to mess up so I can test it out
...as everyone stops talking, thereby making it seem as if chat has messed up. :P
Q: Why should I keep one of every item?

John SmithWhen I try to sell something the game warns me "Sell Last Item" "Are you sure you want to sell your last Titanium Horn?" Y/N Is there a game mechanic I'm missing and the game is trying to alert me of it?

answering a question
@fbueckert haha, No popups to make me think its not working, and I can see people in other channels chattering away :)
@skovacs1 No. I just have more of an army than I can afford, and am struggling to make money.
Catching up on my comics today sucked
@James Today's nerf now wasn't too bad.

You can start using Google Drive for your account: [email protected]
yeeeeeeeeey I'm only in the 20% least cool percentile
@badp Huh?
wait a second, that is what your name stands for!? :)
Once upon a time, maybe.
@badp Haha, not one I normally read but that was pretty good :)
wait, I meant "badpazzword" :P
@badp My brain has always put an 'a' between the d and p.. now its going to be all messed up!
Bad-dap? I used to do that to.
I provide no assistance as to how to pronounce my nick :P
@RonanForman Ba-dap actually, but about the same :)
Kind of a cross between badass and adept :)
@RonanForman I always pronounced the "bad" and "p" parts separate
@FAE that's what I have in my mind.
@FAE yeah that is what my mind is going to swap to now ... arg
It has one more syllable, its going to slow my brain down! :(
@James "bad-ap" vs "bad-p"?
ba-dap vs bad-p
@James they're still both two syllables
What about bad-puh
You can also use 'bp'
@James I still don't see anything with 3 syllables
@badp Makes me think your a bee with crossed legs
Unless ya slur the d in the middle yer jaw has to drop again to pronounce it properly
bees don't pee
(right? right? right?)
@badp Where do you think honey comes from? :)
@James I thought that was more like vomit from a second stomach
sweet, sweet vomit :P
@murgatroid99 A bee's equal :) To which I have grown allergic to :(
Google Drive helps me realize my Google Docs stuff was completely a mess. A mess I now have to sort out. Sigh.
I miss honey in my earl gray
Haha, thats funny actually
Google must be sick of organizing peoples crap so they now force them to do it :)
@fbueckert The thing I don't understand about this is would people have really given up ever being able to play with someone else or use the auction house in order to play offline? Even if you say its only for times when you have no internet, would you be willing to "start over" with a character that you only play during those times?
I had offline characters in D2, and I rarely played with other people, but the auction house is way too much of a draw for me to want to play D3 offline.
Playing the auction house was one of my favorite pasttimes when I played WoW.
Q: Features from GH4-WOR missing in GH5

ZeRemzI've been playing Guitar Hero 4 Warriors of Rock on XBox 360 for a bit of time now, and have recently upgraded to Guitar Hero 5. Although I am kinda happy with the game overall, there are a couple of handy features from GH4 that appear to be missing, or maybe I just haven't found how to activate...

Shog9 on April 25, 2012

In the lifecycle of a Stack Exchange site, we’ve long held the philosophy that “it takes as long as it takes” to build a sustainable community:

The simple answer is, it takes as long as it takes. We’ll wait. If a site needs more activity, go out and evangelize it. As long as your site shows steady progress and continues to make the Internet a better place to get expert answers to your questions, it will march on.

But when a site struggles to maintain any semblance of steady progress — when it’s struggling to garner an audience, a healthy core of experts, and a steady stre …

Next week, we’re shutting down six sites that fall into this category:

Healthcare IT
Theoretical Physics
(sorry @Thomas)
How long does it take for a new badge you've earned to pop?
@Fluttershy Depends on the badge. Some are instant, some are calculated at regular intervals.
@bwarner Ah, okay. I should have the electorate badge whenever that regular interval hits then.
@Fluttershy Congrats, I still haven't gotten that, although judging by my user page I'm only 11 questions away.
I'm just hoping I didn't get my percentages wrong... <.< Cuz I'm kinda math-dumb.
Anyone seen @Grace recently?
@Fluttershy Indeed you should
@TimStone Thanks for checking. =P
Aye. :P
Starbarians is finally here... now if I could just get it to load...
@GnomeSlice That's been on his youtube for a while.
@RonanForman I don't subscribe to his youtube. But it has been on newgrounds for a week or two already as well.
...Aaand I don't get any video, just audio.
@GnomeSlice That's the best part!
Oh man, that was hilarious.
@bwarner she was recently out of town, at a stack exchange summit with some other SE folks. I haven't seen her in the past couple of days, though.
I think I'll watch it again, in fact.
Annnnd there's the badge.
@bwarner Honestly, I REALLY like the bnet integration that Bliz has added. What I DON'T like is not having the choice. Want to play? Must be online. Full stop. I understand WHY, I just don't agree with it. Less choice = bad.
@GnomeSlice I like it.
That said, if we have a grant for D3, you bet I'm in. I'll happily play the game if someone gets it for me.
Heh. Cost of compromising morals: $60.
@fbueckert ya know it didnt bug me with SC2 cause I had no intention of playing it more than once, but it does kind of bug with D3 that there is no offline mode
@James I recall playing D2 so much, just over LAN. It's what made it such a hit for me. Removing this choice leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I do not mind if I am playing a multiplayer game if its lan or not
I have no clue what I was thinking 742 days ago
but I made that
its the when I am playing a game on my own and I still have to be online that bugs
Today, more than two years later, I am simply baffled.
@fbueckert You're not the only one. I'm not purchasing it because of this, nor am I participating in the grant.
What if I am on an airplane and dont want to pay $4000 for internet access an hour :)
I can not be the only person who games on a laptop when traveling
@James I have D2 on my laptop for this reason
@James I suspect Torchlight 2 may fill this gap.
D2 is an awesome testament to video games.. never in the bargain bin, still $20 :)
Q: Does Origin track game play time?

eidylonI don't seem to see this in the interface but am wondering if maybe behind the scenes the data is available somewhere, or in some hidden corner of the UI. I was curious how much time I've spent in the Mass Effect universe. So I fired up Steam and checked the hours played in 1 and 2. Then I jump...

Take that 2 week shelf life an average game gets!
If the Torchlight 2 people are saavy, they'll market their game with LAN play. Look! You can play our game and you don't need to be online!
Wasnt TL1 single player only?
Yeah, TL1 was single player.
@James yeah, it was a big complaint
TL was pretty buggy, in some ways.
Yeah I remember wanting to play it with people and nope, not an option.
Is anyone familiar with the Down's Syndrome girl meme?
I broke one of the NPC characters in the main town so that I can't interact with him any more, or get quests from him.
@Fluttershy ...wat
@GnomeSlice Gar?
They're adding LAN and online play for TL2. This is a good thing.
@FAE Is the he guy that gave you the portals to 'special rooms'?
@GnomeSlice Ah, I know who you mean. That guy only gives you 8 missions in a single playthrough, so you might have just gotten to the end.
I only did like two of them.
Oh. :( I dunno then.
He still has the '!' icon over his head, but he's now frozen in his animation (doesn't move at all) and I can just walk through him.
I can't remember if you need to be a certain level for more quests or not.
No, he's definitely broken.
I can't interact with him at all, it's like he's not even there.
He doesn't move either any more. His 'neutral' animation doesn't even play any more.
He's like an intangible wax dummy.
Is anyone else interested in Star Command?
Weird, that sucks.
@fbueckert I wasn't before...
Strikes me as similar to Space Station 13.
@GnomeSlice I heard about that one. Didn't interest me that much, due to non-persistence. Neat idea, though.
@fbueckert Non-persistence? I dunno, the original game had multiplayer servers so...?
@fbueckert Nah, I passed on it while it was still in kick starter :)
@James As did I. Doesn't mean I'm not interested in getting it once it's been released, though.
@DerpyHooves Had I known that question about Draw Something coin distribution would get you a gold badge, I would've asked it after all. =P
@fbueckert Does for me :)
Q: Features from GH4-WOR missing in GH5

ZeRemzI've been playing Guitar Hero 4 Warriors of Rock on XBox 360 for a bit of time now, and have recently upgraded to Guitar Hero 5. Although I am kinda happy with the game overall, there are a couple of handy features from GH4 that appear to be missing, or maybe I just haven't found how to activate...

Q: would like some moderator to

raticulinI had been searching for an old arcade game I used to play for years (the only one I played a lot, I was not a player). I thought gaming.stackexchange could help me, redacted a very detailed question (Help identifying a late 80s arcade shooter game?) and thanks to a number of people that helped I...

Would it be acceptable to make ambiguous references to other video-game characters,movies, etc - in a game?
@Lazers :(
@CodeAssasssin You mean, from a legal prespective?
@JohnoBoy Yup
@CodeAssasssin I think it's covered under "fair use". As long as you don't infringe on a copyright it's legal
@JohnoBoy Okay, thanks :)
@CodeAssasssin Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer and I don't have any legal education. So if you end up in jail don't blame me :)
@JohnoBoy Lol Your coming with me
xD Anyway, I've got to go. bye
I need more isometric-ish games to play.
Anyone remember Fragile Allegiance?
@fbueckert What platform?
Preferably PC. I'll take anything that's not iOS or 360, though.
@Fluttershy Sorry :(
@DerpyHooves S'okay.
@badp Oh Tiger Electronics, I miss you
@fbueckert IF you have a DS, there a few nice games
(@FAE it's actually from a thread on SA, apparently)
@JohnoBoy I do, indeed.
They also did Diablo 3.
@badp Oh l... you just did, thanks.
I remember Lunar Knights fondly, it came out a while ago, though
@FAE Thank Ottermotive_Insanity.
@JohnoBoy Lunar Knights was great.
@fbueckert I never finished it though, reached a part which was way too hard for me
They're getting cleverererer.
Link in profile links to the same place. Going with spam
Q: What are the monster titles, and the abilities they give, that can be found on rare monsters in Diablo 3?

BeofettDuring the open beta, I came across groups of Nightmarish and Teleporting monsters, plus possibly a few more. Is the complete list of these possible titles known, along with what special abilities monsters with this title will have?

@Lazers I don't really like this question. 1) We don't know the answer until the full game is out. 2) There are 50+ of these (supposedly) in the full game. That's kind of a big list.
@NickT A giant picture of processed meat product is not something that should be enshrined for eternity for all 10k users to see any time they go to that question ಠ_ಠ
I'm getting queasy just looking at the revisions
@MarkTrapp I don't mind laughing sometimes when I peruse the site.
@StrixVaria I don't mind either: I do want to keep my lunch down when I peruse the site, however.
@MarkTrapp hater
It looks like sliced brains
…. me being an expert on sliced brains to be able to see them on sight
You must be one of those people who does ask what goes into the sausage.
@MarkTrapp You a pathologist/radiologist?
@JohnoBoy Ah Lunar Knights. Boktai 4. I really liked the UV sensor mechanics in Boktai 1+2
The top slice doesn't even maintain the shape: it's like cat puke someone took a cookie cutter to, but the cookie cutter wasn't sharp enough
And the bottom slice is half-eaten. hurl
@skovacs1 Did you know it supported the UV sensor as well if a Boktai 1/2 cartridge was inserted into the DS's GBA slot?
@fbueckert I understand that point of view, but honestly, its more important to me that Battle.Net is secure than being able to play offline with a separate character in the rare case that I don't have internet access. Offline play was the source of a lot of duping issues in D2. So I think they had to make a choice, and I think they made the right one.
@NickT No, I'm just being facetious after realizing how silly it sounds to say it looks like sliced brains so matter-of-factly
@JohnoBoy Oh. Cool. I have those.
This is awesome
@JohnoBoy No US multiplayer? Go Canada!
@JohnoBoy Is Nathan Drake intended to be the ancestor of Sir Francis Drake?
@skovacs1 What's the leftmost flag?
@MarkTrapp [Spoiler]In the first game he claims to be an ancestor, in the third game it's implied he's a "self-proclaimed" ancestor...[/Spolier]
@JohnoBoy Liberia. They must really love their Uncharted
@MarkTrapp hm... are you running Windows 8 right now by any chance?
@badp No sir
I only know about IE10 for Win8 that autoreplaces ... with …
so there must be something else, fine
@badp oh, i thought it was SE doing that
OS X 10.7 and 10.8 both have autocorrect as well
Which is what I'm on
Yep, just checked: it's OS X doing it
I'll note that for the next time somebody complains about autocorrect in Word
@MarkTrapp I think it's a mistake, Liberia only has a population of 3mil according to WikiPedia. I doubt two thirds of the country play Uncharted
It's probably supposed to be the US flag
@JohnoBoy lol, nice
@JohnoBoy It's intended to be a simplified version of the US, but whoever made that infographic doesn't know their vexillology
@MarkTrapp I doubt he knows what vexillology is :)
That's Liberia
so let's get this stupid boss fight going
Also looks like Chile or a false color Togo (same number of bars and stars)
Odd that the American flag is the only one simplified in that manner
@MarkTrapp yeah, maybe invert the hues but keep the luminosites the same
Even put the Spanish coat of arms on their flag
Q: What is the book mentioning torches and lockpicking?

RenanThe following answer and question references a book claiming that the heat of a torch somehow helps lockpicking: How do I succeed at lockpicking? Does equipping a torch actually make picking a lock easier? Although it's been proven a false rumor nobody ever mentioned the name of the book or i...

@bwarner We'll have to agree to disagree on that, then. :)

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