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@tzenes I'm cheating at DF? what am I not doing right?
yesterday you said something to the effect I'm asking questions about how to cheat.
ok, yeah, I can see how that's considered cheating
do you have some definition of cheating I don't have?
breaking a rule
you're using a third party application to access a running task and see hidden variable and modify them
actually ignore that
what's wrong with my answer here by the way? all I did was stating facts
you're taking a game that is hard to be hard
A: How do we handle questions about archival and backups

Arda XiSee http://www.chillingeffects.org/anticircumvention/faq.cgi#QID91 and http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/openlaw/DVD/1201.html#a No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. Making copies of a Wii disc and making ...

and you're making it easier
it allows you to prioritize which is intentionally not in the game
@Arda I think McKay just disagrees
on meta downvoting usually means your disagree
perhaps. I don't think Tarn's goal is to make the interface cumbersome, its just not a priority
well yeah, but you can't really disagree with the law
which was my point
I don't agree with the law either
I think its his goal to make it so you can't specifically tell a dwarf what to do
you can set job preferences in the game client, which is all that DT lets you do(from my understanding)
He doesn't disagree with the law but rather your interpretation
it does more
Therapist is a fairly extensive hacking tool
I didn't know that
yes really
I'd like to know what I'm interpreting wrong though, that's what chat is useful for
@Arda I don't know you'd have to ask him
@Tzenes I agree, it is pretty hackish, but even I use it as read-only sometimes
@antonytrupe you're like a person who has been chopping down trees with a chain saw and only just realized its a leathal weapon
@CRoss I really think of that as a violation of the spirit of DF
the idea of "fun" in DF is that its hard
making it easier seems pointless
its like using a Car to win a Marathon
it defeats the purpose
Q: What does Dwarf Therapist let me do that I couldn't do in the game?

antony.trupeWhat does Dwarf Therapist let me do that I couldn't do in the game or manually in a spreadsheet and tediously in the native client?

the concept of cheating is a subjective one
yeah a little subjective
the title is subjective
is the question?
should I just repeat the question in the title?
@tzenes Have your read ToadyOne's opinions on the thing?
Abel Morelos
Dwarfs are subjective
@CRoss actually no
just the podcast he did
Q: What does Dwarf Therapist let me do that I couldn't do in the game?

antony.trupeWhat does Dwarf Therapist let me do that I couldn't do in the game or manually in a spreadsheet and tediously in the native client?

better, no change, worse?
good enough?
@tzenes IIRC He doesn't care about people "cheating", as long as they disclose that when posting accomplishments
@CRoss since there is no multiplayer I'm not surprised
Abel Morelos
looks better, but I don't have idea what are you talking about
Abel Morelos
D&D? WoW?
I fixed it for you abel
also, answered your question @antonytrupe
@Abel D&D what? is the roleplaying site up?
Abel Morelos
@CRoss oh, I was just guessing, I haven't played D&D since aeons ago
I still play weekly
are changes to questions/answers in your interesting tags automatically inserted into the chat feed?
edits and additions*
@antonytrupe, no
the chat feed is for new questions only
and it's the same for everybody (not based on favorite tags of a specific user)
got it, thanks
@tzenes is my comment wrong? I understand the "making it easier is not the point" argument, but I'm really turned off by hard interfaces(might not have kept playing if DT didn't exist); I realize it may be an unpopular personal preference.
It doesn't explicitly say this, but the way in which it puts the data into DF is not the same as when you change a preference
it pushes it into the task queue
the net result gives you a level of control you don't otherwise have
sometimes its not what it lets you do, but how that matters
do you know if it's possible to disable that?
I guess I don't see the different between WoW mods(to make the UI customizable/easier/etc) and DT
that's HOW it does it
not something it does
@antonytrupe did you ever use the WoW mod that allowed you to position your guys in raid?
or the one which made auto buy/sell from auctionhouse?
both were later banned
I didn't, no.
but I see your connection
@tzenes, you can edit your previous messages ;)
yeah, I realized
force of habit
Years and years of IRC is hard to unlearn
you just copy/pasted the feature list from the original post. now that's cheating.
I can't find Tarn's opinion on Dwarf Therapist
I'd like to read/hear it
I think coming to gaming.se without doing 5 seconds of google search is cheating too
sadly it isn't
I think thats how SO filters so many bad questions
they demand users spend those 5 seconds first
no, they don't
you only have to search SO, not google
if they're not valuable, delete them, imo.
people'll be upset, but so be it
@Arda go look at some of the questions, usually people talk about what they've tried and where they've searched
true, it's appreciated, but not needed
... does John's icon look blurred to anyone's else?
it flew in ok, and it looks ok if I click on it, but it's blurry on the side
Mr. Downvotes.
it's a 5x5px image
according to firebug, it is a 5x5 icon stretched to 32x32
??? nifty use of gravatar ???
the url has s=5
but s=32 for everyone else
what browser are you using?
well, firefox obviously
FF 3.6.8
since the blurriness at that time depends on your browser
explains why it looks fine here
it has ?s=32 for me
reloaded the page, now it's better
a bug/fluke in the transition code I assume
I see this has 2 votes to delete:
Q: What are some good coop games?

Wayne Werner Possible Duplicate: What games offer a good co-op multiplayer experience? I haven't seen any great lists of coop games out there - they tend to be incomplete or weak, and I've seen a few that flat out lied. What coop games are you aware of? For easy searching (and to facilitate the cre...

please, don't delete duplicate questions
they serve the purpose of having different words for searching
I don't see why you should delete anything anyway
off topic questions are generally ok to delete
but I'd prefer not to delete duplicates for the search reason I was talking about
off topic questions are examples of off topic questions.
point duplicate to off topic, no off toopic discussion needed for duplicate.
@JuanManuel I didn't realize that, good to know
question though, can I vote to delete the original?
or should we leave those around as closed?
no... duplicate of non-existing question is just plain stupid.
The question it's a duplicate of is not deleted
BTW: being under NDA is no fun when you're on a site like this.
I had a question closed as a duplicate of a deleted question.
which one?
(although I remember why, and that was a special case)
one of the handful that were generic. there was more going on.
because Jeff deleted those questions
most of 'em
(Jeff deleted all those LOTR guides in the private beta)
those without answers
yeah... those questions... It brings me back to a time when gaming.se was still a walled garden, and only a couple of people on the world had access.
I'm glad we went through that then and not in public beta
ah nostalgia
good private beta is good!
why not call it alpha instead of private beta?
because an alpha is a different state in development
are we not in a different state of development in private beta then in public beta?
are we in a different state of development when the proposal out of beta?
no, same codebase, same phase
@JuanManuel I meant that if we deleted the original as a bad question, would it then make sense to delete the duplicate
and yes, when we're out of beta, we have our identity, so different phase.
yes, it would. But that one is not likely to get deleted...
the codebase isn't changing between beta and 'live', is it?
out of curiosity, why not?
to prevent it from being reasked?
at least the CSS files are...
@JuanManuel, I just answered that question again, then it's edited again to devalue my answer
that's a fine line.
not to mention, domain get's added etc...
first, because it's not yet 100% clear if they are allowed or not
right, but once that's decided
and secondly, because highly voted questions require more votes to be deleted
if it's decided they'll both get deleted
but if it's decided the other way around
the one closed as duplicate wouldn't have to be touched
that's fine then
moral of the story, downvote and closevote together, or just downvote if you're out of close votes.
just want to point people to this blog post that was mentioned in the moderator chat about having fun questions:
Posted by Jeff Atwood on January 4th, 2010

I noticed that the Stack Overflow question Strangest language feature has been closed and reopened several times now. The text of the question is brief:

What is in your opinion the most surprising, weird, strange or really “WTF” language feature you have encountered?

I agree this is not exactly an ideal question for Stack Overflow, per the FAQ:

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!  …

@alexanderpas But downvoting encourages sympathy upvotes, which gets people rep for unwanted questions..
Also, twitter is failing so badly it can't even display the fail whale atm.
Q: How to upvote responsibly

polygenelubricantsSometimes you just happen to read an answer in a topic in which you are not an expert in, and it sounds convincing enough, it shows careful effort and attention to details in the writing, and the author seems knowledgeable enough about the subject (see notes below), but this is simply not your ar...

Hmm, is that a failkitty?
and this answer is gold
A: How to upvote responsibly

JaydlesThe old ethics test works here: What would happen if everyone else behaved exactly like you? If the answer, as it is in this case, is that the system would break, or be adversely affected, then you picked the wrong action. Imagine there are two answers to a question: One is right, but poorly...

Oh, the whale is back
I'll have to check when it's working again, but I believe the kitty is part of the normal background
Ok, it's not there normally
trying to tweet with my phone... tweet failed.
I surrender... twitter, you win.
I hate typing in my HTC hero anyway
the virtual keyboard is too slow
I've got a physical keyboard on my rooted milestone.
Anyway, I'm going for now.
bye @Macha
have a nice day or sleep @Macha ;)
that'd be sleep IIRC
hmm, I knew I wasn't the only one with a Hero
then again, it's a lot more bearable with the ime mod
well I also don't like it that half my screen is occupied when typing and I can't type bilingual on my new keyboard
I depend on tactile feedback, I can't type on touchscreen, or game on a touchpad, i need buttons! (touchpad mouse movement is acceptable.)
what provider you using with hero?
I'm interested in the Droid 2, but I fear that HTC will come with new models that totally own it shortly after the release
a Dutch one @Pat
@IvoFlipse I use triple-comma to change the language, since I have to switch between Dutch and English all the time
hi @Troggy look how well I stay on topic ;-)
out of interest, which?
@Ivo Ben?
does that still exist?
I think @Ivo is in every room.
T-Mobile, then suck but the rest surely aint better, living in Groesbeek is just a pain
I'm a ghost in the machine @Troggy
T-Mobile has the worst coverage of them all though
I got a quick question to the hardware junkies out there.
Not so worried about coverage, but anything with data plans to be semi usable are just highway robbery cost wise
I'm with Hi, they suck too because their Endless plan (Hi Eindeloos Online) has a limit of 200MB a month at which point they drop you below 3G speeds
yup, but the price of the others is much higher, not worth it really, but living near the border is painful :(
Vodafone has the best value for money in my experience, especially coverage-wise
shoot it @Troggy
truly unlimited, no FUP, for 10 Euro/Month....
ati 5850 vs 5870. Is it worth the $100 premium? I am considering setting up CF with 5850. Maybe a single 5870. Thoughts?
@alexanderpas exactly
even vodafone has FUP.
I have used it for tethering, must've pushed multiple gigabytes through it a day
if it's an FUP it's a very generous one
I might look into transferring then, though I will probably have to start my own business (ZZP!) so I could switch my private one to Vodafone and stick with T-Mobile for the business part
@Troggy If you're robbing the bank the extra 100 bucks wont be necessary, but if you can part with it, itll garner you some extra fps. for me it would depend on how cheap im being
anyway, I'm off to bed, so you guys be nice ;-)
bye Ivo
and kills some more bad questions for me
oh right, I was contacted once
in a lifetime of a contract of 2 years
I kept abusing the service, they never said anything
Yah, I am one of those love to turn everything up to the max, but within financial reason. I keep reading how the 5850 is one of the best $$$/performance ratios. CF'n a couple of them would seem to be a sweet spot. Problem is there are $260 to nearly $400 versions of the 5850. The other concern I have, is which brand of card is going to easiest to find in the coming months if I want to setup CF later?
"Bij Vodafone Zorgeloos Internet Blox Totaal is VoIP toegestaan." that makes no sense
@Troggy I've dropped lots of $ on a vid card just to have it out done few weeks/months later, I've come to the conclusion that saving a lil dough here for the second ultra premium card is a good decision
@Arda most expensive package obvious ;)
No, I mean, I've used Skype over the cheap one
they can't block voip
"Over het algemeen geldt dat u niet mag bellen over uw mobiele internetverbinding (VoIP) en/of een laptop gebruiken in plaats van uw mobiel." I've done both without sanctions on Vodafone, but Hi complains immediately.
yeah... one is stricter than the other...
LOL @question.
yeah lol
Hence I'm going back to Vodafone the minute I can
also the 3x speed increase
@Pat Yah the single vs CF descision also has an effect on my i7/1366 socket x58 vs i5/i7/1156 p55 platform choice.
anyway, enough dutch for today, I'm gonna go
good night
@Troggy if you're planning on keeping this system with little to no upgrades throw out the cash now but it will only last maybe 4 years max before games start slowing it down. I dont think I will do a uber build anymore, but just update components as necessary.
@Pat That has been my debate. I plan on doing a lot of virtualization (actual work) as well as gaming, so I was going to go with the 1366 platform for the triple channel mem and hyperthreading. I don't mind spending a decent chunk, I just don't need that extra 5% top end performance at a $1500 extra premium. choices .... choices.
I don't do uber builds anymore, I usually build for half the lifespan of an uberbuild for a third of the money.
virtualisation is mostly CPU + RAM, not GPU
small question, can i embed a youtube movie in an answer?
@alexanderpas Yep, and thats why I am considering the 1366 platform for that. These $1000 processors and $800 video cards are kind of rediculous if you ask me though.
@Troggy you could probably upgrade a few months from now with the higher end build if necessary for less than 1500 if it turns out the lower end system doesnt perform well enough
@Pat than can be said every single time... computer parts don't get cheaper, they just get better.
Was there a release date mentioned for ATI 6k series or is that just people talking up rumors?
@Pat, I had to downvote you here...
A: How do I do a Barrel Roll?

PatIf I recall correctly, double tap the R or Z keys on top of the controller. Its when your craft spins left or right. Great for avoiding incoming enemy's or projectiles.

Hey is ivo here?
he's off to bed
you can check in the right hand list
I can't get my registry to delete this key
@tzenes I believe @Ivo went to sleep.
1 hour later…
why do I always need to answer comprehensive:
A: How does the old version of Trackmania differ from TrackMania Nations Forever?

alexanderpasTrackmania has a pretty unusual release/upgrade path, where three games have become 1 game with a demo. It all started with Trackmania Then came the second game Trackmania Sunrise which ran on an improved engine Trackmania Sunrise got an free upgrade to Trackmania Sunrise eXtreme Then Trackmani...

/quit off to bed.
I have that problem too. Its not enough for me to just say: "if you're playing Zerg you should probably go 14 pool maybe 16 hatch." I have to discuss all the alternatives and their strengths and weaknesses.

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