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Hi Juan
hello hardcore game-chatters :P
Hi Macha
we're finally keeping the chat :D
did you see we are the most popular SE 2.0 site?
I love the fact that we are the most successful site in SE (not counting the tri-
never mind
only 18k views to reach SF
actually this is still the same chat as last time, so if it goes down, this all will be saved and restored (noticed it on the cooking channel)
well in the end gaming is the most fun @JuanManuel, but I'm amazed that Web Apps isn't getting more attention. It almost makes me think that if this is all it generates, it should have been part of Super User
How do you know what SF is getting?
were actually at 1% of SO :P
Oh, kk. @Arda We're still not there yet
First SF, then SU, and then SO!
at non-beta level I guess
"not counting the tri-", the trilogy is still ahead of us.
that's why I said "not counting the tri(logy)"
I can't wait for the holiday season @JuanManuel, so starcraft-2 get's replaced with another bunch of games
I thought that was a cutoff joke.
no, Juan said it already, so I stopped
Although we are way ahead in users-to-views.
I'm watching day[9]'s battle report's on starcraft-2
and trying to work
guess what wins my attention
Webapps had a burst of activity as everyone went "Let's try this SE thing". Then it went downhill.
What's good about this site is that it forces you to be up-to-date on games :)
(or bad)
well I truly think there's a place for web apps, I just don't have any questions at the moment
though I have the same with the other sites really, I'm only discussing on Meta making sure we don't get flooded with lists :P
@IvoFlipse "it should have been part of Super User" - I don't think the admins would mind too much if SU was broken up into several sites. Gadgets and Web Apps both take stuff that SU used to cover.
Windows seems to think the chat's message notifier is voip
where do you report such a bug oO
perhaps @Macha I never supported the website-policy, but if we have it, someone has to uphold it
MSO @ArdaXi, and/or chat feedback
can they even fix that?
What exactly do referrals do for area51 proposals?
well, it'll move on to the next phase
Whassup folks?
@ArdaXi REferrals as opposed to people just finding the site in the list.
don't think it makes a difference for the proposal itself
Wow. Star Trek noises. These isn't a geek site at all. xD
it'd be nice if it was customisable or something though
I agree with @ArdaXi, it's not really that important, in the end you need high rep users to support your idea
I prefer VOY to TOS
the sounds
btw: Hello @Drew
Hi @Iv
Hi @IvoFlipse. Is there a keyboard shortcut to use the suggested name?
besides, remember the discussion on how I was too young for stuff? VOY was the only one made after I was born
Some of the proposals are confusing. How did Ubuntu get more support than Linux?
try Tabbing @Drew
@IvoFlipse Aha. Thanks.
Is it bad that my first instinct was Ctrl-Space? I've been using NetBeans too long. xD
it is :P
PyGTK is infuriating... It's like writing C, in Python.
oh right, that reminds me; back to Learning Python: Powerful Object-Oriented Programming...
Closed my editor in frustration, decided to play Dwarf Fortress - realised answer...
Done. Now, back to dwarf fortress.
I wish I could play DF
Too hard?
Both too hard and too complex
It looks really fun but
It's for the older version, but apart from the military one, everything is up to date.
Plus: df.magmawiki.com - the wiki
I'm starting my second fortress now
A dwarf just claimed a clothier's shop. I needed that! :(
"Export of tables prohibited" - really now?
Good morning.
Kind of. Approaching afternoon here actually.
hehe well given how much work I've done today, it might as well still be morning
I keep trying to work, then the code throws the realisation of how much work it is in my face and I'm demotivated again :/
I keep trying to work, then I realize I can't think of anything to code.
BTW nobody responded to your comment on my question @Macha
Well, I have a project of aspx files using a proprietary MVC solution and localisation that has to be ported to proper ASP.NET MVC @Mana
@IvoFlipse +8/-0 seems like good consensus to me
so do I @ArdaXi, but I'm sure a lot of people didn't vote, while they actually should
@ArdaXi: I've never worked with ASP before, actually.
I just fool around with scripts in python and hope I know enough to get a mark in the 90s in Comp Sci class :<
(@Mana ASP.NET isn't actually really related to the abomination ASP is)
ASP.NET is just C# (or another .NET language) applied to the web
Makes sense.
or, well, IronPython
iron meaning it runs on .net
Ah, so that's what IronPython is.
There's a lot of languages that can be parsed to CIL
Abel Morelos
what if I use <strong>markup</strong>
You would have to use Markdown
put ** before and after does the same
Abel Morelos
like **this**
Abel Morelos
** mark
Abel Morelos
* a *
you have to **surround** it
Abel Morelos
Abel Morelos
Hows everyone doing?
Abel Morelos
oh, I miss the GUI buttons used for formatting
Pretty well. Preparing to head out to a cottage for two and a half weeks.
Abel Morelos
really nice, I'm taking my paternity leave next week, first child
oh geez. I feel so young.
But yeah, congratulations.
Abel Morelos
gratz you made it to the next stage!
@IvoFlipse Why do you just pop in and out of here like a ghost?
goooooooood morning vietname!
Abel Morelos
@IvoFlipse thanks!
I don't, I've been online nearly the whole day @Chacha102
Abel Morelos
Abel Morelos
..jump jump jump..
Abel Morelos
@systempuntoout I had to use tab auto-completion, hello
just three words
"red dead redemption"
who ownz it, who is playing with it?
OMG, a WoW question!!
I have it but I haven't started playing
I think the answer is yes
Abel Morelos
@systempuntoout I have to pass time sucking games like RDR, they are great, but are risky for my life-work balance.
but I don't remember if th earmor types automatically upgrade at 40 or not
is it morning again @tzenes?
for some definitions of morning
oh dude, last night was intense
@Abel i see :)
well I just find it amusing how days can overlap
battlezone, bubblebobble, netstorm
it was like I was living in the 90s again
I'm here from the morning till night and see people leave and come back
with bad music on the background and watching Die Hard?
It gets kinda quiet in here in the evening my time
but yeah
now you know my habits Ivo...
Abel Morelos
for me, 90s is SNES and PS1 games =)
well not die hard
I'm hoping that more people means a more constant conversation
that's really 2000 @AbelMorelos
normally I would say: and drinking beer, but I didn't do that back then :P
Abel Morelos
@tzenes PS1 is from 95, isn't it?
you're euro, don't you guys start drinking at like 3
The brand is a series of video game consoles created and developed by Sony Computer Entertainment. Spanning the fifth, sixth, and seventh generations of video gaming, the brand was first introduced on December 3, in Japan. The brand consists of a total of three consoles, a media center, an online service, a line of controllers and a handheld as well as multiple magazines. The first console in the series, the PlayStation, was the first video game console to ship 100 million units after 9 years and 6 months of its initial launch. Sony's current console, PlayStation 3, has sold over 38.1...
I'm Dutch, we start with smoking weed
@Abel PS1..my goodnes..MGS on PS1!
ok that was just a stereotype, I actually never used it, but we get to drink at 16
you get to drive, so make your pick
I guess it was
I guess they both kill just about the same amount of people
@IvoFlipse I grew up in New York, noone drives
I also started drinking before 21, like every other america
you have saved a lot of brain cells..lucky you
brain what? I had so many blackouts before I was 18, I can't even remember how many
here in italy, we started to drink at 14 :P
Abel Morelos
In Mexico it is legal to start drinking @ 18
Abel Morelos
but we also start somehow earlier
I don't think anyone starts at the drinking age
that deserves a star, just to show how ridiculously hard it is to stay on-topic in chat rooms
Ah well. If we were just caught on gaming all the time, the chat wouldn't be as fun.
Abel Morelos
that deserves a beer
I actually think we have the best topic to talk about ALL the time
two beers..today is my birthday
I used to think of Meta as being afterhours, but I guess its chat that's really afterhours
if you would have to stay on topic with programming...
man that would feel like school or work
grats @systempuntoout
Yeah, you're right.
@IvoFlipse It would devolve into long discussions about how Java is the worst language ever invented
Meh. Gaming seems like you have to always be getting the newest games
@tzenes cheers
@Chacha102 I spent all night playing retro games
Abel Morelos
it's nice to see that other developers and programmers over the world are also normal people =)
you don't @Chacha102
you only have to if you want to
just watch gametrailers.com a lot
I just play my Blood Elf and I'm happy
after the review, you feel like you've played it yourself and go to the next movie
I actually skipped the latest MGS and watched someone play through on Youtube
it was like a 13 hour movie
great movie though
I wouldn't go as far as calling programmers normal, just because they play games (that aint normal either in some parts of the world)
Maybe I'll take my Amiga with me to the cottage for some retro gaming.
now you're talking
Abel Morelos
@tzenes I couldn't do that, I love too much MGS to skip the game
watch the Half Life speedrun, that was fun
30 mins for an epic adventure
@AbelMorelos did you play the recent one?
Abel Morelos
@tzenes MGS4, yes
there are so many cut scenes I can't see how what I did was different
Abel Morelos
if you mean the one for PSP, not
I wouldn't mind watching a God of War movie either, it's not like it's fun dying so often because of a crappy camera+controls
You should check out Darksiders
its like God of War only better
in every possible way
@systempuntoout: That speedrun never gets old for me.
I tried the demo, but guessed I already wasted enough of my money on the darn games
fair enough
@Mana definitely
its the problem with games @tzenes, I also like music, movies and books, but I only have one budget
Abel Morelos
@IvoFlipse don't forget about limited time
Abel Morelos
I have such a backlog of pending games...
yeah time is way more of a limiting factor for me
Abel Morelos
and I still keep buying more ¬_¬
Abel Morelos
time is also a resource
Abel Morelos
depends of your perspective
I have that with my books, because I buy them, but never take the time to read them
well Darksiders is worth the 6 housr you'll put into it
one of the best games on the 360
I can finish a game in 10 hours, but try reading a thick fantasy book in that time
I read very quickly
and a shameless self-promotional spam message:
Q: Voting on the future of list of X questions

Ivo FlipseAs of now we have several questions discussing what to do with list of X and games-rec questions: Here's a summary of all that has been said before (and was upvoted): Should we allow poll questions - Result: no, we shouldn't Best/favourite/subjective list type questions - Result: no potential ...

go vote here, if you want list questions to die and rot in the virtual hell
hehe, but some books simply are too thick @tzenes
worst time consuming game of my life..PES6 on XBOX live..totally addicted. My wife threatened me with "i'm going to call a shrink"
so how's the ex-wife?
@Ivo :D:D
Abel Morelos
@systempuntoout I haven't been in such situation, but my wife is currently looking "suspicious" after all the time spent so far in Dragon Quest IX
ah, star as great message was rename as star as interesting
I seriously considered buying my girlfriend wow, so we could spend time together
@AbelMorelos: Just show her the slime monsters and everything will be okay.
Abel Morelos
@Mana more or less works, but I think I can't really justify all the grinding I'm doing
@AbelMorelos: Make up a story about how the game runs in real time and the slime monsters slowly go extinct if you don't train
what's actually the next big game launch that's impending
Metroid: Other M?
ok, just so you know: I don't own ANY Nintendo or HALO products and don't really plan to either
Abel Morelos
Halo Reach
fixed :P
halo is understandable, but nintendo? gah
Abel Morelos
I'm curious to see what questions Kinect will generate
again @Pat: I can only play so many games and afford so many consoles
Abel Morelos
Modern Warefare: Black Ops
plus Xbox and PS offer more games I like
"Can I interact with Kinect using ANY body part?"
and I DO care about them pixels
not if you're a woman @Mana
Abel Morelos
@Mana that could open a new market for not usual gamers
gives a new dimension to playing solo vs co-op @AbelMorelos
oh god
this is terrible, what have I done
Abel Morelos
Imagine a Modern Warfare where instead of the control you use your... hand?
Abel Morelos
not sure how that would work
Different hand gestures would perform different actions
I might point out you already use your hand
Thumbs up would fire, thumbs down would crouch, middle finger would use a grenade launcher
Abel Morelos
since it has voice recognition, you could make noises with your mouth to simulate that the gun is firing.
I'm sure it doesn't have the resolution for finger gestures
imagine how childish you look when your 40 and sit behind the computer saying: rat-tat-tat-tat
Abel Morelos
@IvoFlipse kaboom!
well, the same can be said for almost any communication you make when you're in online games
well 90% on Vent during raids are not about WoW, so I disagree :P
@IvoFlipse What server are you on?
I quit and plan never to start again, but used to be on Eonar-EU
Completely unrelated, but the only problem with this chat currently is that you have to get 20 rep on meta-stackoverflow to use it
Not really a problem
how's that a problem?
but a very nice filter
You can easily get 100 rep from associating accounts
Thats how I plan on being able to enter any SE chat room
I don't plan to be in every room out there @Chacha102
Just associate my account with my SO Account (15k) or my Meta Account (10k)
@IvoFlipse I just want the interesting ones
Well, yeah, it makes sense when it's 20 rep in the SE site the chat's for.
This is the Meta chat
It is like the SE site chat
except for meta
Okay, fair enough.
it isn't some global chat
The only problem with all these chats is fragmentation
We all need a common place to talk
not jumping from a bunch of difference chats
What I forsee is some people will hang out in Meta So
some will hang out on Gaming
some WebApps, etc
And if there aren't enough people in each chat, it is going to get very lonely
Hmm, yeah. There should be a general SE site chat somewhere.
well the general rooms chat.gaming.se.com will always be there
Maybe there is, I haven't been looking into other rooms
the separate rooms, now those might get really fragmented
@IvoFlipse But that is for Gaming
we need easy room transferring/joining with /join ....
We need some place where we can all meet. From any SO place
like a General Stack Exchange chat
I keep getting rooms and chats confused
that will be general chat on MSO
until SE1.0 will be killed
I imagine it will
we just need to make sure people know that
well some will have their full year (which is quite far off)
I can assure you that Stack Exchange is undergoing a lot of changes, so they'll find a solution
plus if we get an API, someone can make a tool to find rooms
we need social features, because I like you guys soo much ;-)
Chat is the social part of SO
They finally gave in and gave us a social part
those weak-minded FOOLS!!!!
hehe, it kind of reminds me of Lycos chat :P
if would be useful to spot people you like and join their rooms
you can ignore the social part, but people will use other tools to solve their problems, so why make it hard for them?
They are thinking about a friends feature
For just the chats, or for the sites, as well?
chats right now
(not that there's really much reason to have friends on a Q&A site)
I don't like having friends
it feels too cultish
to quote Gollum: you don't have any friends
None of us have any friends.
auch, reality's a bitch
(on SE)
You all are depressing me
but @Chacha102 I see it more as a way to find @tzenes for instance and show him the new starcraft question I need his opinion about
and it's helping us mods communicate (previously we just had email and mod flags)
and us to communicate with you
It's nice having mods communicate. It makes the mods feel more human to us peons.
Random will never become really human :P
I don't have the false hope that my judgement is infallible, so it's good to receive feedback if people disagree
I like being able to just talk with other people
talking in comments is so annoying
That's true.
I have no hope about my judgement at all, seeing as how every opinion I've said in meta has been outed as very flawed :P
...which is only like two opinions since everything I find to say in meta has already been said <.<;;
if you ever need backing on idea, ask me
I know a lot of history about Meta
and what people have said about different topics
sorry did someone want me for something?
I came back and I saw I had been ping'd
yup I'm guilty
curse you Ivo
I said I wanted to be able to ping you if there was a question I thought you would find interesting AKA a friend function
well consider me ping'd

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