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I seriously need to remember to drain off the fat/oil after I brown ground meat for spaghetti.
Q: How to follow paths of rings?

user598527There are multiple areas in the game (stage 7 - "Arsenal Pyramid" pictured) which imply that the character is able to boost along ring paths: There must be an ability similar to modern Sonic's homing attack?

I'm debating whether to startup Warframe now, or try to do a bit more chores before.
@GodEmperorDune Very interesting but also :(
hmm I wonder how bad Max: Curse of the Brotherhood will last on battery. The demo is kinda fun
@SaintWacko yeah
Q: What is the name of the Technology that generates research from Surveys?

aslumIn Stellaris there is a technology that gives you a small research boost whenever you survey a system. I don't remember what the name is and I've searched through the wiki without luck. Can anyone tell me the name of it (and whether it's Physics/Society/Engineering)?

GRRR I just plugged in my USB-C charger, says cannot charge >:(
@Ryan George R.R... Rartin?
More fun threads and replies
these poor women
Ooh. Gorgon blueprint.
That any good at all?
@Frank it's good at scaring teammates
(because its the noise that the heavy gunner makes)
@GodEmperorDune Because it's the same thing the Heavy Gunners use, yeah.
as a gun it's pretty shitty, but if you want to grind mastery rank, that's what it's for
build terrible gun, use it until 30, sell it
I'm liking the Dread bow. It just fires slowly.
yeah some bridgers are bow fanatics, i dislike them
i mean its cool that it's silent but so slow
i can't aim that fast
i'd rather machinegun and hold the fire button down across a group
@GodEmperorDune That's what an automatic secondary is for.
@Frank fair point
both my primary and secondaries are full auto, lol
i just baked a lex prime, i'll see how it handles
@GodEmperorDune If it's anything like its non-Prime counterpart, high damage but slow rate of fire.
It took awhile to adjust.
You might want to look into slapping fire rate mods on it.
77% Fire Accuracy. Not bad for a parabolic weapon.
aaaaa i missed the excalibur pendragon helmet alert
fixes a bunch of underline wackiness in Ligaturized Cousine
@Yuuki so like the lato then?
@GodEmperorDune Slower than the Lato.
we shall see
@Yuuki if you're still using ligaturized cousine, I have a new build for you
@ToxicFrog Hmm... not at my work computer but I can keep a link open or something.
i'm angry and impressed at the same time
@Fluttershy nice
dad just said “it’s easy to deter the ladies from eating tide pods but it’s more difficult to deter...gents” while laughing through the entire joke
@TimStone hue
@TimStone No
The awesome tales of Arby’s continues!
I’m too tired tonight but maybe tomorrow I’ll tell yall the story of Dorothy, my coworker at KFC, and how she stopped a fake robbery with basically just her eyes. In the meantime, go buy A CONSPIRACY OF STARS.
this is the latest installment, go to the beginning of the thread for the original
also props to OP for keeping the original thread going
cc @ash and anyone who has worked fast food and/or retail
I like how the bow can just punch through an entire line of guys.
It's like Grineer shishkabob.
there is a mod that adds punch through to any rifle
there is another mod that adds punch through and multishot and i am trying to get that one
punch through is great, especially against the dudes with shields
@GodEmperorDune Metal Auger.
It's just crazy expensive. ><
@Frank that's the one
@Frank in terms of plat or mod points?
@GodEmperorDune Mod points.
it's beastly, that's why
use it on a weapon with matching polarity
When you use a Forma, can you choose what type of polarity it adds?
'cuz I'm thinking this bow is niiiiice.
you choose what polarity and where it goes
and then it resets it from 30 back to 0
Naramon polarity it is, then.
Q: Steam Workshop not showing up for Skyrim?

ylluminateI'm seeing a problem for Skyrim in Steam where the Workshop tab is not appearing in the Steam client. I can load up and subscribe to mods just fine within the web client, but these never appear in-game. What needs to be done to get the Workshop tab to appear for Skyrim?

Downside of Dread: Bad for spectres.
@Frank @GodEmperorDune taught me how to cheese junction specters and I can't go back.
Yeaaaaah booooiiiii
Ooh. Kavat Incubator Upgrade segment.
@Yuuki I read that as "cheese-junction spectres" at first rather than "cheese junction-spectres" and was very confused and slightly hungry.
@Yuuki hm?
@Ash Use Frost (Prime) and snow globe the specter against the wall twice. Win prize.
I've never had an issue at a junction, really
Q: What’s the difference between Normal and Easy in Tiger! Tiger!

Steven VascellaroThe Tiger! Tiger! mini game in Tora’s house has two selectable difficulties: normal and easy. What’s the difference between normal and easy? Do you get better rewards on the higher difficulty?

I...think I just killed a Red Veil death squad.
ok I just found out that people weren't joking about the long upload gaps when they said rip filthy frank
although some confused people in the comments seem to have gone to the other extreme and think he's legitimately dead
which is kinda depressing tbh, I suspect joji has always preferred being known for his music and not the comedy videos
once the latter stops people literally think he's dead lol
Frig, I got some snow on the last of my weed so that's done I guess
probably the most first world thing I've ever heard
hope you're enjoying your ivory tower with gold-plated socialized medicine interior
@cazc_941 RIP mr lahey
Bought Axiom Verge. Already hooked but forced myself to stop cause I gotta sleep. Going to be a blast playing on the flight. Thanks all for the help and suggestions!
@cazc_941 and Owlboy does look good but it comes out Feb 13 on Switch
Yeah forgot that wasn't at the date yet
@quartata on the other hand, we have to wait like months to get any medical procedures done here
so do we, at least for anything complicated
@cazc_941 not any, but yeah I get the point you're making
and even the simple stuff they screw up
(Some stuff just can't wait in any case)
I'm still pretty happy with our system
Most people are I think
I can walk in and get brain surgery and walk out 5 days later and just get charged for 30 T3s I am taking home so that's pretty good imho :P
I recently needed to get a TB test and I not only discovered that they had the wrong name in their system for me for like a decade they also accidentally did an iron test instead and threw out the blood before I caught the mistake
like what on earth
i saw a big healthcare wtf on twitter today but it's maybe better left for this is fine
Fuck I'm gonna still manage to be single on Valentine's day AGAIN
@Ash walk-in brain surgery is definitely a plus here
@cazc_941 I sure think so, it's helped me ;)
@cazc_941 aren't there like singles party specifically on valentines day?
Don't know. Not really looking for anything new yet anyway though
Just chill and do your favourite shit andthen buy all the cheap candy after
@cazc_941 just think of all the money you save
@Ash yeah I guess...
Working Valentine's day in a bakery is awful, everyone wants to know what you're doing and then why you're single
Asking someone why they're single is a pure asshole move.
@cazc_941 wtf why would they ask that, people are so shitty
Well not exactly like that
But everyone is like ahh working tonight that must suck or whatever and when you say you're single they all try to give you advice on how to not be single
'just get out there you'll find someone!"
Thanks jackass
They're not being dicks on purpose but you hear that like three or four times in the night
@cazc_941 response: "i'm dating your mom"
@cazc_941 yeah, and then it just grates on you, because they don't mean to be awful but hearing it over and over and over and over just yeah not cool
Yeah it's like the guy who shops in my store who is seven foot four
You can't blame literally every person that sees him from asking him how tall he is, but he's really tired of hearing it
@cazc_941 yeah, exactly
It's like this:
Yeah every person individually is pretty harmless but it gets shitty for the receiver
Anyway whatever
Valentine's day is a shitty night to work
I'm probably gonna cry too
I also had to tell her the other night to not talk to me at all for a while cause she's being really shitty and crazy
Which hurt a lot
That sounds really hard :(
Sorry, no more personal problems
This is actually impressive
Q: Burial at sea - ending

Nikhil EshvarAt the end of the Burial at Sea DLC, we see that: Elizabeth dies protecting Sally and sets the events of 1st Bioshock So does that mean based on the ending of both the Burial at Sea DLCs... Are both Prime Comstock/Booker and Prime Elizabeth dead?

@cazc_941 okay, that is pretty neat
ok si I just found out hiveswap finally got realized
I'm scared the reason I didn't hear about it was because it sucked, crossing fingers
@Ash In my experience it's more 'why is that person so touchy' as opposed to 'why is [group of people]' but maybe others' experiences are different
@GodEmperorDune Thanks for helping me do some credit farming.
1.5 million credits in just over an hour. I'll take that
@John Ooo, I guess that's higher level farming?
is that the sortie thing that opened up for me?
I also came out with a few built detonite injectors and some arcanes to sell
No raids are later
I ran low on credits queuing up a bunch of blueprints today.
Needed to run a few so I could make parts for Rhino.
Since I'm having trouble soloing quests with Mesa.
She's too fragile :(
I have not known credit need in quite a while. Raids are really good for that
You know what I like to do with mesa? Have a limbo when possible
She is very squishy but also one of the best sustained-damage frames for stuff like sorties
When Limbo banishes her, peacemaker still works on unrifted enemies
you're immortal and still killing everything
did that in today's sortie, actually
i picked up all the faction quests now
also how useful is kuva?
i see it places now
super useful for riven rolling
that's about it
it's used in like, nidus and 2 weapons
but mostly just for rolling rivens
rivens are the challenge mode things to unlock and then they work on a random weapon with random stat?
and apparently my soma is too cool so it gets shitty rivens
and weapons no one cares about get great rivens
that is a mechanic yes
the point of rivens was supposed to be making bad weapons comparable to good ones
without pushing good ones too far into insanity
how successful was it?
of course, since the possibility still exists, people pay through the nose for lucky rivens
I would say not super successful
but rivens did give the game a way to transfer huge amounts of wealth between players
which it didn't have before
and unopened rivens are more valuable than opened ones?
because lootbox gambling?
unopened rivens could be worth something, but opened rivens are very often trash
imma sell mine then, i don't feel like dealing with challenge modes
also it's far easier to find a buyer if you're selling them veiled rather than after it's tied to 1 specific weapon that nobody uses
yeah it just says rifle right now
added bonus being you don't have to deal with stuff like "synthesize a target using no traps or abilities without being detected with a hobbled key equipped"
I had one that asked for five headshot kills during a single aimglide
took me literal months, and then was for a sentinel rifle
Why do gara parts have a 7% drop rate for bounties?
why not?
Seems rather low
you have to consider that after you get it once it's a literally useless reward
and bounties are designed to be played a lot
I guess.
@John Just need someone to supply energy?
It would still be nicer than getting 1500 credits
@Yuuki you can toggle off peacemaker and get the energy that being in the rift provides
or between rifts you can pick up all the energy orbs you haven't been able to pick up while rifted
Is fishing useful?
fishing is considered the easiest/fastest way to farm ostron rep
also fish parts are needed for a lot of things
like archwing launchers, and leveling with the Ostrons
@John how do i fish? i threw the spear in teh water and got nothing
Any reason not to turn them into fish parts if you are maxed on rep for the day
@GodEmperorDune Did you...hit a fish?
@GodEmperorDune you have to find a fish
@Dragonrage saving them for future rep is about it
oh how do the fish look?
like fish
You just have to wait a little
And be next to either a pond or river
I find jumping on a rock in the middle of a pond is easiest way
nope, did not see those weirdo fish
you have to stand there for a minute aiming your spear to get them to spawn
and its almost night so not gonna try now
it takes patience, like actual fishing
Some fish only spawn at night
not for me then lol
I took like 10 minutes and found like 40+ fish
yeah it's not bad once it gets going
but the start is slow
You can also get bait later which makes it faster
You just have to gut some fish for components
Also what do I do with intact sentient core @John
@Dragonrage You take them to the quills
look around Cetus for them
@John Wiki(a) images tend to not onebox from the link.
You'll have to upload them.
drifting contact get!
Never mind, it's because it doesn't end in a filename (.jpg, .png, etc.).
lesion just got a little bit more awesome
What's a quill?
Also I managed to pick up another lens for a different focus
@Dragonrage you'll find out more about them in some quests
@Dragonrage grats
The Quills are special Ostrons who do the bidding of the Unum
the game explains it
Guess I need to do war within or something
yes you do
you can't access the quills until then
I assumed you had done TWW
> Michael Bay producing 'Duke Nukem' movie, John Cena in negotiations to star
I haven't gotten through it yet. Haven't had much time to play the last few days
Q: Is there any benefit to having more farmland?

Memor-XWhen you build farms like a Hemp Farm you need to build farmland around it with different arms needing a different number of farmlands to reach 100% productivity ie. Hemp = 4 Goat Milk = 3 Dates = 5 But if i had the space to build more that what was required, do i get any bonus for it? when i...

Q: What do you do if there are !NO! pokestops in your state

SunsetIvyI am able to get pokemon but i dont see any pokestops or anything, no gyms,pokestops, people nothing. Im in the united states near california (not in), there is nothing online helping me, and i dont want to download any apps or do any human verification app playing thing. What do i do?!?! (Userna...

Q: Do the Steam versions of the LucasArts Adventure Games work with ScummVM?

ThunderforgeThere are several LucasArts adventure games that are available for sale on Steam. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Loom The Dig Do any of these versions work with ScummVM?

Q: Generating caps with Trading Post

Ben OngI have always tend to build useful posts such as Weapons for ammo, Clinics and healing/stimpaks etc. But I wonder how efficient can they be if used to generate caps. So I am asking for three things: Are there any more factors affecting the amount of caps generated except for the tier of the Tr...

I was actually helping my friend grind for ember parts yesterday
I was playing as rhino and I took literally zero damage from the boss
Which is why I love rhino
@Dragonrage rhino is pretty great for that.
I want to sleep but every time I start to drift off there is insane loud thunder because you know, normal Canadian January thunderstorm. No global warming here.
@Ash Yeah, I’m in the process of building Rhino because Mesa is too squishy-squishy to solo quest stuff.
Unless it’s Exterminate missions.
Because she kills super fast.
I'm currently building Valkyr, and once I got the credits, I'm starting Oberon. I've started all parts, but still need to buy the blueprint and build it, so I need like 50k extra credits.
i started doing the glast gambit and lost 120k credits
i think i'll hold off on that one for a while
Four legs good, two legs better
I don't get istanbul residents
So, istnabul subway 101: on escalators, you stay at right, you walk up at left.
This isn't even an unwritten rule, it's a written one
Yet some people insist on staying on left
@Ave a lot of people are incredibly ignorant of the rules
Well, then they're going to get people to verbally attack them, because nearly everyone lives by that
@Ave well, that's their problem then, not really yours
I'm fairly sure that if Erdogan continues on long enough, the traitor purge will eventually start to get those left-stayers as well
Heya is anyone here experienced with OBS / Twitch? Especially regarding sound issues.

Proposed Q&A site for people interested in comics, web-comics, comic books, graphic novels, and works based on them

Currently in definition.

@Ave some people just want to watch the world burn; this behavior also appears while driving - people who ostensibly passed a test to obtain their license don't seem to understand the "Slower traffic keep right" signs posted every 5 minutes.
@TrentHawkins The sooner we can just ditch human drivers and make self-driving cars the norm, the better
@Nzall well I do have to rush sometimes and I go from left like a reasonable person
@Nzall I have serious doubts about self-driving cars and Canadian winters. Granted, I also have serious doubts about some of my fellow drivers during Canadian winters, so I guess it's a wash.
@TrentHawkins Even if self-driving cars aren't adjusted to snowy conditions right away, the intent is that they learn from each other and can adjust a lot faster because they communicate with each other
I mean, Tesla already pretty much does that, through gathering driving telemetry from their vehicles and incorporating that into their next software update
Q: What conditions must exist to have the disassemble habitat war demand to be available?

EllesedilSo, I tried a little experiment to fix a small problem I inadvertently created which boiled down to declaring war on faction that I established which owned only a single system that I gifted to them. In that system are 6 colonized worlds and 5 colonized habitats around those worlds (plus 2 other ...

The idea is that human drivers pretty much have to learn on their own and can't really transfer experience with each other, while self-driving cars would be able to crowdsource that experience among themselves and still make it work.
So early on, all self-driving cars crash on icy roads, and then they learn hoxw to handle that nonsense.
@Arperum There would obviously be a very careful baseline configured for SDCs by the car manufacturer, something that makes it so they're relatively safe on icy roads even without the extra tutoring
but yeah, that's the idea
and eventually, the entire car park will rapidly build experience far faster than any human driver would
because if you drive an hour, you get an hour of driving experience. But if 1000 SDCs drive for an hour, they all get 1000 hours of experience
d20 acquired
And now I'll go to european side with ferry bc why not
oh fuck, any of you on the US West coast?
150am | A #TSUNAMI WATCH is in effect for the coast of Washington and Oregon. First waves may arrive around 510am, per the Tsunami Warning Center. Further details/updates can be found at http://tsunami.gov or via NOAA weather radio... #orwx #wawx
Oh shit
I've got a friend in WA
right yes hello from europe
@fredley most complaints about dynamicland apply to this too
While I can see the potential educattional use for it, I consider it to be a waste of electricity, time, money and resources (such as paper) on any sort of professional or hobbyist uses.
@Ave waves from the other side of europe
@Arperum jokes on you, I'm on a ferry back to asia.
With dynamicland, there's this thing about encouraging face to face communications rather than over internet, which is extremely wasteful.
Besides, not everyone will be able to go to this one place in oakland.
insert long rant about US centrism
@fredley That's such a massive waste of paper...
right yes hello from asia
I'm from west coast but not Washington or Oregon
So there's this scam by 2 rather nice looking guys, they stay on kadikoy and stop random people and ask "do you like animals? It's perfectly okay to have your opinion, doesn't make you a bad person" etc and everyone says yes obviously and they talk a bit and ask for "donations"
They stopped me back in december and they stopped me today
So y'know regular dtuff he's trying to make me trust him and all that
The moment he says "animals" I recognize him and go "oh wait I remember you, you asked me to donate and I just walked away mid sentence, and it's what I'm going to do now" and I did that and that was fun.
(It's a known scam)
@Arperum You're a waste of paper
@Ave what happens if you say no? because it sounds odd scam donations from someone who doesn't like animals
@Memor-X no clue
@fredley In a case of TMI, yes, yes I am right now.
@Memor-X I'm not convinced the leaked documents are real. I've seen the pictures. Except if some proof came up for them being authentic.
Holy crap... Method wipe count for WoW bosses We're already at 81 wipes for Aggramar and we've only gotten him down to 20%. I guess Argus will need 400+ :(
@Jutschge Most of their wipes were just banging their heads against the enrage wall and figuring out the right tactic to use. like, 3 tanking it, absurdly many immunities,... By the end of Week 1, they had the mechanics down and were wiping because they were JUST short on DPS and were just trying to brute-force RNG in hopes of everyone getting insane DPS
After they had an extra reset's worth of gear, they killed it. Since you should already know the tactics and probably will have less issues with DPS, you will probably not have that many more wipes than Method
@Nzall They are also method (they play insanely well). We went in on aggramar with a guide and the "correct" setup from the beginning but we already have more wipes then they had.
We still don't get to P3 consistently. And that's basically where the hard part of the fight starts. Also from what I've heard (or seen in numbers) Argus is 10 times worse than Aggramar
@Jutschge I mean, you got like 9 months to kill them, so there's not really a rush
Yeah but I have a military deployment for 3 weeks in March... I highly doubt I'll be able to progress-raid in that time. Also we want to go for world 500ish so we don't really have 9 months to kill him...
Q: Attack of the B Team wont lunch

Khalif MekkiOkay so I am using the tekkit launcher to run AotBT, the version of Java I am running is, 64 bit, so that I can allocate more memory to my game. my computer is a windows 8 4 GB 64 Bit operating system. The issues with the game seems to be something people have experienced before but i am still n...

@Lazers2.0 Maybe try breakfast first?
Tfw you're in the train, in a 'silence' car, and a dude just stares at your study material. You feel his stare, look up, have eye contact and he then weirdly laughs at you and winks....
What in the name of all Hittite gods
@Lazers2.0 Is it possible to invite someone to a chatroom?
I mean, not this room
but his problem seems to be a forbidden character in a config file
@Nzall Only if they're already in a chat room.
anyway, it's not really worth my time trying to fix it
Otherwise, it requires a mod ping. And they can't talk anyways, since they don't have 20 rep.
Problem is that I don't really know of a decent way to troubleshoot this with him. I think I might be able to, but not sure

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