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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

I just want to go home and play Warframe
You got the Warframe bug too?
Started it up again last night
I had forgotten how much fun it is
Combat and movement are so fluid
Last night playing WArframe I was doing horribly at everything and I was so frustrated :(
@Ash :(
I'm kinda overlevelled for the content I've been doing, which makes things a lot easier
I am good at hitting stuff but bad at...a lot of other things
Is warframe rank your level?
especially stuff that requires twitchy movement, like the spy mission vaults and such
@SaintWacko IIRC, no.
The mission levels are completely pointless.
Outside of telling you whether one mission is harder than another.
There's mastery level which is determined by how many things you've leveled
And what @yuuki said, except that it is useful ;p
There's no number you have that you can use to compare to the mission level and go "okay, I should be able to do this".
And because of that, the mission level number is pointless.
I hate this shrine
It's a combination of enemy and mission type anyway, certain frames/builds are good at certain enemies or missions
Well, fuck. I've lost internet at home, which probably means I've lost power, so it's going to be a chilly night.
@Yuuki not exactly
i know with my regular gear i can take on around a level 20 mission
but like an infested defense i can probably do higher than that and an interception i'm gonna fail to solo it no matter what level it is
part of it is understanding the damage types and having weapons set up to do extra damage to the enemies you'll face
@GodEmperorDune Interception is the ones where you have to capture 4 points and hold them, yes?
I hate those. I assume you need more than two people, because me and @WorldEngineer always fail em
with 2 or more people they are magnitudes easier
So we tend to avoid them :P
i ran some with @KevinvanderVelden and we passed one, failed one, and had another few way too close for comfort
I suspect my lack of shooting ability doesn't help me and @WorldEngineer
even though he was way overlevelled
Because between my lack of fine motor and my sticky controller sticks its hard as balls to aim
At some point I'd love to get other people to help us but I nkow we play at stupid hours because of my work
i think they way they are supposed to be played is that you have 3 people, camp 2 of them and have the third person ninja others
i've also heard that on some maps you can position yourself just so and you can snipe the control panels across the map
and theoritically solo it
because humans just have to get close, the enemies need to use one of 2 consoles at each station
Q: How do I upgrade my west of loathing stats

craftycrafter64how do you up your stats in west of loathing? As in what button do I use for it if tried the arrows and stuff but I cant find it out

Q: To get to a location first, is it better to leave early or wait to be over it?

Fredy31In PUBG, if the plane is going over a location you want to land at, is it better to leave early and glide your way there or wait to be over the location and go straight down?

Q: What is this yellow pillar of light from the sky?

PhilippDuring a battle for a minor base, this yellow pillar of light appeared in the base. What exactly does it mean? Some additional information: As far as I could tell, the pillar went all the way up to the skybox It stayed there for a quite long time. Not sure for how long, but certainly several...

also i have tried a sniper rifle and i dunno how @worldengineer is so good at it
like the damage is nice but aiming/reloading when there are a bunch of dudes interrupting you is a nightmare
much rather stick to rifles and two handed melee
@GodEmperorDune The thing is, level is supposed to be an abstraction so you don't need to understand damage types and specific weapon loadouts to figure out whether you can do a mission.
> If you work as a technology person in a company, your cloud VMs will have already rebooted by now. That was your cloud provider fixing the cloud hypervisors, but you should still patch the OS on your cloud VMs too.
@Yuuki sure, but i'm speaking as someone with a "blow everything up" playstyle. If you're in a stealthy warframe, you can tackle many missions at way higher levels because combat is less relevant
sure microsoft online.net etc started and AFAIK gcp and aws is slowly rolling it out too but it's not like, completely rolled out
@GodEmperorDune He is just really good at shooters
that's bad advice
@MBraedley you have at&t?
(He's played them for years, and he's just...really good at it. I dunno how.)
@GodEmperorDune I really want a sniper rifle. I think I'm going to build a Latron first
@SaintWacko No (Canada), but I have a VPN and an cloud attached IoT device that I can't connect to.
I also want a bow
@MBraedley ah. Our internet at work (at&t) is down
@SaintWacko i went with a vectis
@GodEmperorDune my goal is to go with a stealthy build
workshop beta has only been out for a few months and already hat in time has been ruined by dabbing mods
@GodEmperorDune ooh, want
@GodEmperorDune That just proves my point.
I just need to fix my controller, I think that would help. Or get a new one.
(The thumbsticks are sticky and I don't know how to fix that :/)
@Yuuki mission level is an abstraction of how difficult the enemies are to kill
it is literally the range of enemy levels you will see
How do I know how well I'll do against those enemy levels though? The enemy level is useless unless you have a level of your own to compare it to.
And given what we've discussed, there is no such thing on the player side of things.
@Yuuki experimentation?
@SaintWacko Which kinda defeats the point of the number existing, does it not?
@SaintWacko pretty much this
Q: Help me understand Friends on Nintendo Switch

VictorI am the parent of a child with a Nintendo Switch. I would like someone to help me understand more about the Friends system on the Switch. When you are friends with someone what does that mean you can do? Does it just mean that you can see if they are on-line and invite them to play or is there m...

@Yuuki no, because you experiment to find out that "i can kill level X enemies easily enough to survive" then apply that to other missions of similar levels
If I'm in Xenoblade 2 and I see a level 90 monster, I have some pretty quick shorthand for "hmm, maybe this guy's too tough". I don't have to throw myself at the T-Rex, get stomped, and then realize "yeah, this guy's srsbsns".
I'm tempted to just go home and play
for example, extermination missions are on the easier side IMO because there isn't a set pace at which you need to kill enemies
It's hard to work without internet
but in mobile defense/defense you have to be quick or you will get overwhelemed and die
sabotage and capture you can proceed at your own pace up to a point, but eventually the alarm will go off and you can't stop it so you need to be able to survive fighting more simultaneous enemies
I also know roughly when I am able to beat the T-Rex, I don't have to throw myself at him every 10 levels or so to see how well I can do.
Capture can be annoying if the target runs behind big mobs.
@fredley good news, I'm caught up with as much Bowjack as there is on Italian Netflix
there was less depression than advertised
@Maximillian i hate corpus captures where i keep getting stuck and have to shoot cameras to proceed
and those stupid bird robots tossing me all over
not to mention the bursas
You need knockdown resist!
Atlas is immune to knockdown when he's on the ground.
I hate teh cameras because apparently they have a blue beam that I can't see
They have a little scan arc, yeah. Shooting them should disable their blocker-beams.
The moving scan beam ones are on spy missions.
Q: How do you Thwart Malekith as Skaven?

Tim BI'm playing Warhammer 2 on Very Hard as Skaven (Clan Mors). Obviously I can't contest the dark elves so they've done their 5 rituals, however I have a level 40 Queek Headtaker and a full stack so I assumed I'd be able to win the Vortex Battle and stop Malaketh that way. Well boy was I wrong. M...

Q: Transfer digital game from one account to another?

CatherineI hope someone can help me... I literally just created an account to ask this because I'm just too desesperate. So here is the thing: I have a ps4 with two accounts, account 1 and account 2. account 1 had a ps+ subscription of which games were downloaded for free and from both accounts be able ...

No, the alarm ones have a blue thing too, do they not?
(I am just going on what @WorldEngineer has said because liek I said, they're that blue I can't really see - blues are a hard colour for me to identify for some shades, and they also slide and move and shift so they're hard to...idk, keep still)
now to set up everything and move everything
I've never been sure if they actually set off the master alarm or not....
Actually, they just turn on turrets and barriers when triggered.
So it's the panicked troops that throw the alarm.
ah, well, at either way, I can't see them and it sucks
all of a sudden it's just RED LINES and PANIC
(In general, I wish games relied less on mainly blue palettes)
@Maximillian those ones have yellow beams iirc
Grineer are mostly brown palettes.
or maybe that's just the greneer variant
I need to play with my settings to see if I can make stuff a little clearer, sometimes it gets so dark :/
(While I enjoy having people that will game with me, playing more of this stuff has made me realize how much my vision affects my ability. :/ Like I figured fine motor would make things tricky but I also apparently have vision stuff that sucks too. I need me some cybernetic eyes.)
(but not like in Repo the Genetic Opera where they could take them back)
there's this 600lb man streaming IRL on Twitch with nothing on but some loose sitting shorts
you can disable adaptive lightness I think
@Nzall If you don't like it don't watch it?
oh that reminds me, if anyone fights crewmen, they should drop pigments that can be turned in at the tenno lab in the dojo so that we can paint it pretty colors
@Nzall is it anything4views?
Like, I don't mind it, but I thought naked upper bodies were banned from Twitch?
(aka if this is going to turn into some sort of fat shaming or otherwise, think very hard before continuing)
for both men and women
@Nzall please don't bodyshame
@GodEmperorDune I have several now, we just need to figure out a colour scheme
@KevinvanderVelden i vote rainbow
I don't think we can have that many colours sadly
It's not the weight I'm concerned with, but the fact that he's lying there half naked with no shirt on while Twitch rules AFAIK say you need to have one on
regardless of gender or body type
@KevinvanderVelden :/
@Nzall then idk report it or whatever, I dont know why you're bringing it up here and why mentioning his weight and such was important to your point
Oh, there's primary, secondary, tint color 3, tint color 4 and lights
i picked the crewman one to research next because crewmen are very plentiful at the lower levels
Getting Dojo colors is HARD.
The things you have to grind for some of the pigments is just plain bonkers.
@Ash Because his weight is literally the focal point of his stream, it's in the title and everything
@Maximillian yeah eff those "run bosses 50 times" ones
That just sounds like a challenge
i think the hardest would be to get the stalker pigments
because not only do you have to kill bosses, but then you have to run missions until one randomly shows up and then kill it
@Nzall which is all well and good but if your only issue is with the shirtlessness being against the rules, report it or whatever. I still don't get why you brought it up in here specifically the way you did
and i actually killed one but then failed the mission and lost the lewts
To start a discussion?
Can't we just go over to Sherwin Williams and pick out some paint? I get space ninja and all, but the blood of my enemies that occurs in very small amounts is nuts.
once we pick a palette are we stuck with it or can we change it later?
anyway, as you recommended I reported it
@GodEmperorDune you can change them afterwards
@Ash The main reason I brought it up was because we usually tend to have frank discussions when something vaguely controversial appears in the gaming world
@Nzall i mean if the twitch rules are "wear a shirt" then you should wear a shirt when streaming yourself on twitch
Oooh that's annoying, you have to select a color and then you can farm the color
@KevinvanderVelden yeah
goes to kill 2000 crewman
@KevinvanderVelden i think its a guaranteed drop
crap really?
But it is 10 drops per... drop so 200
@GodEmperorDune Part of the reason is also that this guy wasn't just some 2-3 view streamer. He had over 600 viewers who were just seeing him lying there on his back while he was hammering on a laptop
@Nzall is this supposed to be like a performance art response thing against the so-called "boob streamers"?
@GodEmperorDune Could b e
Q: Haver there been any recent graphics related updates?

ZaibisI haven't played for like a month. My computer isn't the best and probably my graphics card is a bit below the minimum recomendations. So I have no reason to complain but still would like to solve the problem. Back then I was able to play the game on like ~70 FPS and rarely to never was influence...

Q: What is DBNO in PUBG?

Fredy31Theres a stat that I don't get. It's called DBNO and right now, I have 0. What is DBNO? It is also shown on OP.GG's pages https://pubg.op.gg/user/Fredy31?server=na

My sister just asked me if the name Kimberly was popularized by “Kimberly Clark, the woman who makes the tampons”
not sure how prevalent kimberly clark is internationally, but in the US they make bathroom dispensers for all things
More free endo available in the clan thing btw
@GodEmperorDune you see them a bunch here
off to bed for me
1 more day of travel, then 2 days at home and then work again...
Oh did the clan rank again? Neat.
Building this clan and research actually exhausted my years stockpile of ferrite and oxium.
Thankfully there's the occasional alert for 300 oxium so that's not a huge issue.
Vauban and Rhino Prime finished building yesterday. Mag Prime is in the cooker this week.
350 out of 200 glacial blue pigment
I really need to decide what frame I want to try next
Research started
@Ash maybe rhino?
He's nice and slow and smashy
@KevinvanderVelden That's what @WorldEngineer mentioned too :) So if multiple people recommend it, it might not be a bad idea :P
I vote next up is farming zanuka hunter for anti-violet
(whereby next up is defined as after 36 hours when the current research is done)
@KevinvanderVelden rhino is great and easy to play
I think I'm currently building one
I'm off to bed chat o/
@badp How much BoJack is that?
> Estimated Time of Restoration: Friday, Jan 5, 11:30 PM
Q: Help on undertale genocide run

user203054So I started the genocide after looking up how to do it, and I tried killing the estimated amount in the ruins I’m supposed to, and they’re not popping up anymore. No battle sequence starts or anything, it just doesn’t show. I’m confused and I need to kill more monsters or else I won’t be able to...

@fredley season 4
Italian. Ho-orseman.
@badp confirmed unfeeling robot
cc: @Wipqozn, @StrixVaria
At least they're saying I'll have power before the weekend, which is better than some other people.
@fredley turns out binging to suppress the world around me does not lead to emotional attachment
the last scene did get a tear out!
@Ash Rhino is so simple to play. His second power is a second layer of hit points with 250% armor. You can shrug off large parts of levels.
His passive power isn't anything cool, just does a radial stomp when he falls from heights.
He's got a charge that bodyslams through things for high damage, his bolt-on-armor, a party damage buff, and the last power stomps the ground, kicking up all nearby enemies into the air in slow-motion, keeping them suspended and defenseless for several seconds.
If you can get a mod or two to help his energy management, he's usually what I recommend for soloing game content.
Neat :) I will have to check out what I need to get the bits to make that happen maybe :)
His parts drop from the boss on Venus.
Hmm... I think I'm going to try to make curry-flavored shengjianbao.
Add some garam masala to the dough mixture.
My roommate is off at the Markiplier live show tonight so I'm gonna go pickup hot wings.
The what the what now
@Maximillian I understand all these words!
@Yuuki ooooh let me know how that turns out
@Maximillian Yeah, when I mentioned it to World he said we could farm it if I wanted :)
So I might do that, gives me something other than Excalibur to play (as I didn't super love Frost)
Markiplier is derpy fun for us. I didn't go cause my anxiety tolerances can't do close-packed crowds.
@Maximillian I know those feels
Time to acquire hot wings
@Ash The thing I'm concerned about is whether the garam masala will mix well with the dough.
Or whether you get bits of curry flavor here and there.
I don't know why this amuses me so much
@Yuuki It should.
Oh no I am one book behind schedule on my Goodreads goal :/
@Yuuki Okay, this got me to actually LOL in realspace
Day three of Oregonians pumping their own gas.
@GodEmperorDune This is both hilarious and sad.
@Fluttershy i mean considering that none of these cars have oregon license plates
@GodEmperorDune I feel like this is not actually legit
@Ash nope, most likely a google search for "carring wrong"
Like I feel like maybe all these things happened but not all in Oregon on the same day
it can't be legit, who can be that dump
@Ash the one of the two guys has european plates
@GodEmperorDune Oh, no, I'm sure they aren't. But I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if any/all of those happened.
@Memor-X oh, I believe each individual picture was captured in the wild
but I don't believe in Oregon and all in the same day
(if nothing else the people in short sleeves are very suspect)
I mean I do believe some of the people posting being like HOW DO WE EVEN DO THE THING AAAA but even then I assume a bunch of that is also carefully crafted hyperbole because internets
(Although I really don't get all the pushback, it's not that difficult I don't think...I used to always pump my own because full serve feels weird and I didn't like havign to talk to anyone, I liked self serve because I could just use my card at the pump and not interact with another human)
@Ash yassss, i never got this aspect of it either
and like they wouldn't top it off for you
Full serve was just like major anxiety land for me
There's no full service gas anywhere I've been
I get why it's useful for old people and disabled people but man, I don't like it
@Unionhawk You see it less and less here.
i could see canada doing it to be nice
There used to be more full serve places when I was younger, my mom didn't learn to pump her own gas for eons but then they all started shifting to self-serve so she learned
And like I know some disabled people who drive who really appreciate full serve, there's definitely a market for it, but I don't quite get the whole OMG SKY IS FALLING but then again, I guess it's all what you're used to
GUYS GUYS GUYS! I'm not on a plane, but I do have power!
@warframe Did you guys all start with the Excalibur frame?
Someone at work today was saying that when you do the tutorial now, you get to keep whatever frame and weapons you chose in it
I just had to pump gas and I would have paid someone 5$ to do it for me
@SaintWacko WorldEngineer started with Volt, I beleive
it's -6C and the wind was blowing the whole time I was pumping and it felt like I was in a frozen wind tunnel
@Ash Gah
Back when I did it Excalibur was the only one available
@Chippies I was going to say, I don't envy anyone pumping their own here today when it feels like -25 or whatever
And there weren't weapon choices
@SaintWacko I started with that stealth guy
So I just have the assault rifle instead of the bow
@SaintWacko the starting weapons are quite junk anyway
@SaintWacko I don't recall there being weapon choices per se, just each frame has weapons they start with
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