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it says 'same rules as agar.io but fps style' but I'm just seeing an fps
ew unity (/s)
Can any of you figure out how to play Tethernum
... or Tethernum 2
Was looking for updates on Pioneers, looks like he's made a few more other things. Like this.
There's a how to play in the bottom right but I still can't figure it out
wait is today wednesday or tuesday
I'm super confused some of my wednesday calendar fits wednesday and some of it fits tuesday atm
@Ave Wednesday 11:24 AM for me in Australia, UTC+10.
@cazc_941 wow, what garbage that game is
I couldn't even turn more than 90 degrees because of the mouse centering
and at one point I couldn't look straight ahead, because my camera was pointing up and every time I pulled my mouse downwards, it would center back up
what a shit camera implementation, like holy crap
Yeah I saw on the front page on Reddit... Not sure why
I actually wonder if it would work better in fullscreen
Yeah I mean that didn't happen to me
nope, just as unplayable as in windowed
the problem is that the mouse cursor isn't locked to the center of the screen, it's just hidden and every time you move it out of the game window, it centers back to the center, but it also moves camera with it
I assume it somehow works fine for some people, which just makes it an even worse implementation due to not being consistent
I am home, all the non-clothes things are unpacked, I have a cup noodle and tea :D
(I came home with like three different types of tea)
Winterbash is over now
Congrats @Isuka for getting the most hats on Arqade
@Ash ooh, what types?
@TrentHawkins Constant Comment, which is a black tea with orange and spice (subtle but gooood), Tazo's Glazed Lemon Cake tea (which tastes like a liquid lemon cake), and Trader Joe's Red Refresh tea (blend of hibiscus, rosehips, lemongrass, peppermint, orange peel, lemon verbena, wild cherry bark)
@Ash Lemon Cake one sounds nice... I have a banana nut bread one - unfortunately while it SMELLS perfectly like banana bread, it doesn't taste very banana, just nut.
@TrentHawkins ah, this one tastes lemon cake like - it even tastes like a little sweet like the glaze
At the best steakhouse in town as part of a Christmas present ama
استک‌اورفلو به فارسی

Proposed Q&A site for پرسش و پاسخ برای برنامه‌نویسان متخصص و مشتاق

Closed before being launched.


Proposed Q&A site for people who have questions about Google products, such as Chromebooks, Chromecasts, Google Home and its variants, Google Chrome, Google Docs, Google Glass, Google Earth, Google Drive, Gmail, Google Play, Google Maps, Google Photos, YouTube, etc

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for collaborators and users of the open source trading bot zenbot.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for fishing Enthusiasts

Closed before being launched.

Q: Professor palin not unlocked?

Daryl GillIn the painful quest to palin, i just decided to take a 5k ly straight line trip. I have achieved the distance after 3 and a half hours travel time. Before i make the return trip, i would like to wait until Palin is unlocked. I can confirm i have met the criteria from Qwent, i can also say i ...

Q: Is my controller broken?

Rekojeht10Whenever I play first person shooters, I push the left stick up, and my gun shoots. Lt is to walk. But when I go to my controls, it is set to default, which is left stick to move, and Lt is shoot. Is it the game, or my controller?

Duuuude consider this drink:
Cognac, creme de cacao, heavy cream, nutmeg
Plus a bit of vanilla ice cream
Just put rum in a vanilla milkshake
Q: How can I retrieve a Pokémon from the Dream World after it has closed down?

JulesIn Pokémon Black 2, I sent a Pokémon to the Dream World back when it was still active. When I try to wake it up using Game Sync now, the game just tells me that the service has shut down. Is there any way to get it back? I would be surprised if the Pokémon's data is actually deleted from the gam...

Q: Rename [monkey-island] and related tags → [the-secret-of-monkey-island]

ThunderforgeWe have tags such as monkey-island that were made when we had a 25 character tag limit. Now that we have a 35 character tag limit, I propose that we expand these out monkey-island → the-secret-of-monkey-island (6 questions) monkey-island-se → the-secret-of-monkey-island-se (3 questions) monkey-...

1 hour later…
@Unionhawk sounds lovely
Q: What's the highest skill level one can increase up to before potentially wasting skill points?

NaeAssuming one has Comprehension perk and with regard to bobbleheads, what's the highest skill level one can have before start wasting skill points? As in let's say my char has 99 level repairing skill, then I find two books that increase the character's repairing skill by 1 point, 2 if s/he has c...

Q: Why can't I plant things?

NateI have an underground farm in a singleplayer world, and every time I try to plant carrots, potatoes, beets, etc. (except wheat) it just pops right out of the ground. I have the right lighting and amount of water. Any idea what's going on??

Q: Skyrim on the ps3 no mods

Kaleb berroaSo I recently did my started the dawngaurd dlc and I wanted to cure my seeks off werewolf (despite the Vampire Lord removing it) or didn't work so I stated the purify quest for vilkas and it told me my follower left me services I walked out Serena came out with vilkas and he walked back inside I ...

@TrentHawkins The Register's article is the source, and it goes a bit deeper theregister.co.uk/2018/01/02/intel_cpu_design_flaw
It also has some rather cute analogies for how CPUs work
depending on exactly how big the performance hits are (5-30%)... wonder if we'll be seeing any questions about games suddenly not working well.
@PrivatePansy yeah we were discussing this a bit in TIF
1 hour later…
hm, to update or not to update, then.
my perf isn't already too great, can't afford a potential hit of 30%
Don't think you'll have much of a choice, unless you feel like compiling your own kernel
I can stick to uh
and just wait to get hacked
welp. this'll take down a lot of stuff:
> Microsoft's Azure cloud – which runs a lot of Linux as well as Windows – will undergo maintenance and reboots on January 10, presumably to roll out the above fixes.
I might need to set up a backup system tonight that'll kick in while those are down.
weirdly, I read that and was like "oh this is already done probably"
(bc Ihad a notice on portal saying "we had to restart this VM")
> issuing a planned downtime notice for 10th of jan and then starting pre-emptive redeployment for today
people will be mad at me but meh
problem is, uptime is 18 days.
so the server obviously didn't go down, it was just random issues on microsoft's end
1 hour later…
Q: Meaning of triangle with eye in "Life Is Strange"

DanielI am just after first episode of Life is Strange. Few times I noticed a triangle with eye. For example: in school bathroom, on wall near school, in Chloe car and Chloe room. What this symbol means in this game and why is it in it?

Octavia's anthem is a pretty cool quest :o CC @WarframePeople
@Lazers2.0 it's illuminati
Q: Gran Turismo Sport Editions

user1165499I've ordered GT Sport "Day One Edition", however, right after that, I noticed, there are a few more editions of the game including "Digital Deluxe Edition". Each edition comes with "additional" cars. Does it mean those cars are simply "unlocked" or players who Deluxe edition will have more cars ...

@Lazers2.0 grabs a particular bat, puts on jim sterling voice TRIPLE A
@Ave aside from the bullshitery NISA pulled with The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel where stock levels determine tiered bonus stuff for the one product (ie. less stock = lower tier) JRPGs generally only have the one Limited Edition. if there is more then one they generally are the same but with more stuff in the more expensive ones. not the crap pulled by western AAA where different editions are different items
ie. Final Fantasy Type-0 Day One Edition had a Steel Case and Soundtrack, Deluxe Edition had the Steel Case and Soundtrack plus and Art Book and Manga. Agarest Generations of War 2 Day One had the artbook and soundtrack, Limited Edition had a small blow up doll of one of the Maidens of the Pillar, Felenne
@Ave I was thinking the same, even without even playing the game. Or knowing anything about it.
yeah it's sort of like an edgy reference to illuminati Ithink
I mean, I can't prove that, so I won't post that as an answer, but I REALLY don't think that it's something else.
@Memor-X This seems to be a response to digital sales; margins are dropping off of what little there is in physical sales, so in response, they're flooding the market with multiple versions.

Proposed Q&A site for anyone interested in Canada.

Currently in definition.

South Africa

Proposed Q&A site for south Africans, Anyone who is interested in the Culture / Landscape , Country

Currently in definition.

oh no
I made a huge mistake
@Wipqozn EO5?
screams in Sanskrit
CC @Arperum for screaming, one should always CC @Arperum when there's screaming
@Sterno decided to play mario and luigi instead. Wasn't feeling like something as involved as EO5.
joins in the screaming, but not in Sanskrit
@arp bharati cakāra āsti agni asva janu padānām
Google translates that as "Remove from india"
Bear in mind that this was yesterday not today.
Oh, it's Fahrenheit
Q: When will Brawhalla's 2nd PS4 Ranked Season end?

MCAydenBirdI would like to get my glory in Brawlhalla for Season Two, but it must wait. I've used other websites (one said December 2017, the other said 3-4 month, whitch I belive). I wasn't in Season One, so I couldn't find out when IT ended. Plus, Brawlhalla doesn't tell me how long is left, so I couldn't...

@KevinvanderVelden That platforming was grueling, but it was a neat quest.
The third phase was me just going "Okay, can we stop with the knocking me off platforms bit? Thank you." every 10 seconds
"I finished it! Why is it not doing anything?" one red mark on other side of ring
@fredley That's really neat.
I know!
Q: Is there a way to make the initial block smaller when building a ship?

BadSnowflakeWhen you start a new ship via your drone in Avorion, the initial block is quite big. I'd like to build with smaller blocks. Is there any way to make the initial block smaller?

Q: How to get video playback in Birth of the Federation under recent Windows version?

k0pernikusI managed to install "Star Trek: Birth of Federation" (BotF) on Window7x64 on the default path C:\botf. I can start the game with compatible mode set to "Windows XP SP3". Unfortunately, the intro video and galactic power intro video aren't rendered properly within the game. How can I get BotF ...

glares at fissures GIVE ME WHAT I WANT >:(
@Arperum Environment maybe?
I glared in a good way!
I found the different file. It is some setting in the web.config. Which is a weird place to go look for this problem.
Q: How do you unlock Hue and Saturation on Benq RL2455HM Gaming Monitor?

KravenOMEGASo i have my benq rl2455hm hooked up via HDMI to my PS4 and on every source,the Hue and Saturation Settings are grayed out. Is there any way to make these settings accessible?

Q: Is there a way to reset specific worlds on ark xbox one?

ACarrBoardBox549I am currently playing ark survival evolved on the Xbox one. I am on the island map. I want to be able to go into ragnarok or the center map and just mess around with commands and fly mode and stuff, then when I beat the island I can come to ragnarok or the center and reset all the stuff I did us...

Maybe if you're writing a python app =p
Nope. C#
Then it's the first place to look, unless it's .netcore
@fredley Also I finally started watching Bojack again, finished up some of the other stuff I was doing. I have 1 episode left in season 2. Man that episode where he goes to New Mexico :|
@StrixVaria "BOJACK NO" intensifies
@KevinvanderVelden Once I figure out the offending thing I'll probably scream some more in here.
Also that line to Owl lady. "You didn't know me. You fell in love with me. Now you know me." :|
@Lazers2.0 I think this is more a question for some hardware SE type thing.
@GodEmperorDune So I heard this month's IotM is pretty good.
I think that test went sorta okayish
This test is going to take 138 minutes...
At least it did last time
Oh wait
Are you talking about a test in class?
@StrixVaria Yeah. S2 is where it really starts to shine/get really dark
@Arperum I don't think a gaming monitor is actually gaming specific. Its just a label.
@SaintWacko yes my Sanskrit test 😛
@Hoi Lol my first thought was a software test
Nope I am Hoi the linguistics girlfriend with no knowledge of computers/programming/games whatsoever. I am only here to hoi @arp hoihoihoi
@Lazers2.0 The tag wiki suggested edits are copied from what appears to be the Steam game page.
Let the record show that the NieR: Automata soundtrack is fantastic.
Q: How is multiplayer in Civilization V possible?

Tyler DurdenI have only played Civ V single player, but I see that there is a multi-player option for those who use the online Steam version. How can this work? When I play it takes many hours and I save the game and play over the course of several days. How is it possible to have a multiplayer game with st...

Man.. Gotta love it when bugs get logged that are only reproducible in PRODUCTION.
Other than I guess club penguin banned% TAS
@Unionhawk Does this use a lot of wrong warping or does it just glitch through walls to get to loading zones on the other side of doors or is it like even crazier than those?
@fredley surely more like @Arp's sock
Some of both I believe
I kind of want to watch it, especially since it's commentated.
There are a lot of doors in that game.
The Gohma boss fight requires you go through a door to get to it.
As does the Water Temple one I think. I can't even fathom how that run works.
Oh hey, my warframe settings were only at medium. The game now looks a lot better
First door skip is 15:00, clipping through door of time
Am I a sock?
Socks all the way down?
@fredley Wait, so @Arp is dating himself?
@fredley :avethinking:
I'm confused.
@Hoi everyone on bridge is an ash sock except you
also good morning
@Ave and that's just because the nanites haven't caught up yet
Well, at least some things are predictable...I thought I got through yesterday with a minimum of tears but right on schedule I have the "back to normal life and don't know when I will see him again" sadness
This is the worst worst worst part of LDR/marriage
Sorry. I feel bad for complaining :/ I do appreciate the hugs though
Can anybody figure out how to play this
@Yuuki I haven’t played with it much but it looks like it generates powerful items that disappear at rollover
Open source, 1998: RTFM Open source, 2018: You will be very, very lucky if there is a manual, and luckier still if the manual describes anything remotely resembling the program
@Ash yeah it’s the worst :(
@GodEmperorDune To be honest, I'm not a fan of this recent trend towards "make things that disappear at rollover".
I'm sure the pantogram is great, but having to spend resources every day to make some pants is annoying.
I guess it allows them to play more with the power budget since almost every old IotM equipment like the Pantsgiving were kinda OP.
Although I need to remember to equip my Juju Mask.
@Yuuki yeah same
I like fire and forget iotms
Use the iotm to grind out some sweet loot, then have it sitting in closet or wherever for when I need equipment with those stats
I think genie bottle is my recent favorite
@GodEmperorDune My favourite are those libraries whose documentation consists mainly of the maintainer telling you how great and amazing the library is
@PrivatePansy yeeeeeep
@GodEmperorDune I keep forgetting to churn out pocket wishes.
Which means I lose like 150k in potential meat a day.
My favourite recent example is the Redux middleware documentation page. 3/4 of it consists of negative examples of how every other possible solution sucks. redux.js.org/docs/advanced/Middleware.html
> BotW players: "I hope the DLC gives us enough orbs to get max stamina and max health."
> Nintendo: "How about we do that except instead of max health, you get max health - 1?"
cc @Unionhawk
@Yuuki I can send you my mafia script for it if you want
I’m using those wishes for fighting monsters for factoids but my daily script puts the remainder into pocket wishes if I forget
void convertWishes() {
	int wishesLeft = 3 - get_property("_genieWishesUsed").to_int();
	if (wishesLeft <= 0 || $item[genie bottle].item_amount() == 0) {
		print("No wishes available.", "red");
	for i from 1 to wishesLeft {
you'll also need to have github.com/Ezandora/Genie installed
oh and import at the top of the mafia file
import <genie.ash>
I should just add it to a breakfast script.
And if I want to use a wish, I can just use a pocket wish.
@Yuuki breakfast script?
@Ash kolmafia is a helper program for kingdom of loathing
@Ash It's one of the default scripts that KoLMafia comes with. It takes care of a lot of housekeeping and the daily free stuff (like clan amenities).
you can use to automate away repetitive tasks or just play kol normally though it so that it can keep track of how much meat and items you made today, and provide hints on what various choices do or what monsters are weak to, etc
i use the automation heavily
I thought open source software manuals was "Read the in-line comments of the code."
@Maximillian nah its "read the uncommented code that only a genius like OP would understand"
Manual: "Get a CS degree, read the code"
Next years manual: "If you can't read it, just find some smart friend who did codecademy."
PSA: If you're having programming troubles this week after coming back from vacation, check if maybe there's an issue with hard-coded dates.
(i.e. hey, it's a new year maybe someone wrote something that's hinging on it being 2017)
I'm not exactly having issues with dates but I moved my bot to a new server yesterday and setting up locale and all that is a fun way to start a day (as in, the day after school I guess).
@Yuuki wat
@Yuuki oh neat
@Yuuki Amazing it got that reference but nothing about horses
(I assume the tie-in is this group)
.ninja is a domain?
Q: Can I new-game-plus Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel with a different character?

bitmaskOnce completed the game, you are offered to re-play it in new-game-plus mode, that is, keeping your stuff, level and perks. The increased challenge of having tougher enemies around makes it a new experience. However, I'd like to try a different character (e.g. Fragtrap instead of Athena). Is the...

Q: What to do if I find an answer, but I don't have permission to post from the author?

Steven VascellaroLast month I asked a question about the luck-based Mario Party 2 minigame "Day at the Races". I wanted to know if each of the 4 selectable racers had an equal chance of winning. A few days after posting my question, I came across a Pastebin post from 2015 which documented the odds for Day at the...

@Unionhawk I think that zeldathon mission is over
and now I need to post this:
There, set my t-rex memo holder and my super cute Liz Climo cartoon calendar up. I feel better about life.
(Seriously if you don't know of her cartoons you should because they are super cute)
Wow. I fought Duke Fishron, and he completely rekt me in like 3 seconds. Almost literally.
@ArielDumas PROOF #zeldaistheboy #caseclosed
@Ave lies
@TheMattbat999 how dare you call hideo kojima, founder of nintendo a liar
My cousin’s grandma Grand Maggie recently told my aunt “I think there’s an opossum in our owl house” and Aunt Molly said “what makes you think that?” and Grand Maggie sent her this picture
cc @ash
Did you know that Nintendo was actually founded in the late 19th century?
@murgatroid99 i did
@GodEmperorDune Yep, I definitely think they may have a possum
I did too
> By 1963, the company had tried several small niche businesses, such as cab services and love hotels.
@murgatroid99 Yep, and they originally did card game stuff (hanafuda, etc)
but only because i read that factbook about nintendo a while back
@StrixVaria Every time I hear that I mentally picture Mario themed love hotels even though I know Mario wasn't a thing yet and that makes me laugh every time
@Ave cause Link is the male hero.
> KUL - Kingdom of Loathing
cc @GodEmperorDune @Ash
@TheMattbat999 no, zelda is the hero
@Yuuki damn by the internet rules i have to fly there now
@Yuuki Usually it's funny or interesting because of its accuracy instead of just being nonsense.
This is possibly the worst XKCD I can remember.
this feels dumb
the hillary one was, eh
STL = Silent Hill. Accurate.
i mean when you've made 2000 webcomics, some of them are going to fall flat
@GodEmperorDune True.
@Yuuki I find it weird that they just used the legit answer for YYZ
(But not YYY)
@Ash The closest airport to me is EWR which is nonsense in this chart. It's Newark Liberty International Airport in reality.
This feels like kinda a lazy comic
(STL is Saint Louis. East Saint Louis may as well be Silent Hill.)
@Ave no Zelda is the princess you gotta save in just about all of the games. I never even played it and I know a little bit about it. And I know they refer to the princess as Zelda and the hero as Link
@TheMattbat999 no, zelda is the hero
I thought zelda was the potato
link is link
No that's @Uni
@Ave no Zelda is the princess. I know cause I seen someone play it and the game called the princess Zelda.
I thought zelda was the cat, and link was the thing that turns object files into executables
No that's a linker
now I wonder
@TheMattbat999 Are you implying that princesses can't be heroes?
That's sexist.
so a linker is a thing that makes links
> package not found: zelda
aur disappoints me today
runs ld, gets a pile of sword-wielding guys in green
(I feel like this could dissolve into a tumblr style "no, that's x, Y is <different thing that sounds similar when spoken>")
@Yuuki no, but in that specific game, the Hero is a male named Link (or @Uni)
@TheMattbat999 hero is zelda though, the link proves that
The hero is that guy who just walks into your house and smashes up all the pottery.
@TheMattbat999 (the context missing here is that there is a meme of people who haven't played the zelda series calling the male hero "zelda")
@Ave no, the Hero is the short guy who looks kinda like @Unionhawk.
Are we really just going to rehash that stupid argument from that AV Club article?
it's an older joke that somehow became a new meme
in Discussion between Camilo Vasquez and user66297, 14 mins ago, by Camilo Vasquez
@JoséOrdoñez hola ejjejee
@GodEmperorDune one day people will know Link is the hero, unlike how some people will never learn that Skyrim is not a video game series.
the nicest message ID to date
@Ave so nice
that's nice overload
Q: Gta 5 online not working

ShaunI've just gone to play gta online but my character is not loading and saying error but it will let me make a new character

I just noticed that there's a tag for , which released in 2013
I'm just imagining the tagging confusion 7 years from now
@StevenVascellaro If we are still here then, we'll figure it out ;)
Bingo! #kpti #intelbug
Q: What Is The Highest Possible Score In Your School?

Swagdude999Please Answer In 30 Digits Like 123456789012345678901234567890

@Ave this is proof of concept for the intel hardware bug?
lights the world on fire
@GodEmperorDune rekt
it's due to that one speculative thing
(who thought that that was a good idea anyways)
and the speculative lookups are related to branch prediction?
worst problem is...
@Ave consumers buy based on speed, not security
but the security has a huge risk of blowing up later and tanking sales, like this scenario
I literally bought an intel i5 two weeks ago
Should I be returning it?
perf hit will happen no matter which cpu you're using so
@GodEmperorDune well, it seems like all major cloud providers fucked up
because they do really need security
otherwise the price isn't justified
@StevenVascellaro unless you are switching all your stuff to AMD or in a position to wait for the hardware fix (months at least)
Can someone ELI5 the intel thing for me?
I just removed the "Intel inside" sticker from my laptop. Security by obscurity FTW.
@Ash Uuh, intel did something wrong causing an issue in the processor itself. Exploits can do some assembler magic causing them to be able to do things software says they shouldn't
And because it's a processor/hardware issue there's no real fix, only work arounds
@Ash so in order for computers to do anything useful, they need part of the computer (the kernel) to have godlike powers
@Ash From what I understand, there is a critical CPU bug in virtual memory. It can allow programs to access private restricted parts of memory
the rest of the computer can't have those godlike powers, so they ask nicely and a specific thing will be done by the godlike entity on their behalf
The bug itself hasn't been disclosed yet, but it's already been patched for Linux. A Windows patch has either been released, or is releasing soon
to keep everything safe, the godlike entity is supposed to check that a thing is allowed before doing it
Fixing the bug essentially requires cutting performance of CPUs in half
in this case, a regular entity can access some of the secret godlike knowledge when its not supposed to
@GodEmperorDune oooooh that is ungood
because the godlike entity does the thing without checking it is ok first
@StevenVascellaro not really.
estimates are 5-30%
@Ave Ah, ok
That's much more reasonable
Worstcase 30%
@GodEmperorDune so now regular things can do that and I can see how that will be a badness thing
And also that's only on things that require kernel level access (i.e. syscalls)
it looks like it affects mostly stuff that does certain kinds of IO, e.g. databases. So probably no change for desktop users, but quite a headache for servers
does anyone know if it's patched on linux?
From what I read, AMD chips aren't affected
@Ave Yes.
My understanding is that it affects any jump to the kernel, including context switches
@Ash the fix for this is that instead of having regular entities talk to the godlike thing on the other side of the room, they have to leave a written note, leave the room, then the godlike entity comes into the room, reads the note, does the thing, leaves, then the regular entity comes back into the room
@Ave In on of the older stable releases, and on the current release candidate for the newest Kernel. But not in any distribution, I think
so it's slower
I (accidentally) updated to 4.14.10 but didn't restart yet
@GodEmperorDune that would take more time! Okay this is helping
@MadScientist it's probably on arch, really
(thank you for actually using 5 year old language, @GodEmperorDune because that helped a lot)
Yeah, his explanation was a lot better than mine
(Probably because I don't fully understand it myself yet)
and du and stuff like that will be much slower, as it's almost entirely syscalls
@Ash Hopefully I'll actually be on Warframe tonight. LadyWacko had to work and couldn't get into the office last night, so I couldn't really play anything out there
I can't see any patches on torvalds/linux
@SaintWacko make sure to stop by the dojo and click the celebration thing in the great hall for free endo
@GodEmperorDune it's not even "the godlike entity does the thing" -- the CPU does it, then realizes after the fact it wasn't meant to and (imperfectly) discards the results. In this analogy, the mortal can infer this about the mind of god by precisely listening to how their prayer echoes off the walls even if it isn't answered.
@ToxicFrog for ELI5 it's close enough
@GodEmperorDune yeah, it did what I needed in terms of it making sense
@GodEmperorDune yes, this was awesome :)
@SaintWacko Cool beans! @WorldEngineer and I are just kinda getting me caught up on things because I couldn't play all week. I mean I still don't get (and don't care) a lot of the finer points of the builds and mods and whatever but I am having fun with the running around hitting stuff.
I've never really been one to get into all the crunchy bits of a thing anyhow
Early to mid game, you just pick what looks cool and go shoot/stab stuff.
Once you start doing quests with a marker of level 30-40, you have to start paying some attention to your build. 50+ You most definitely have to understand how mod builds work.
@Maximillian Or you have to have people in your life who will help you (because trust me, I know myself - if I try to figure out the details I will get stressed and upset and quit)
@GodEmperorDune I know what all of those words mean...
Except "endo"
@Ash That's the part I'm looking forward to
@SaintWacko endo is the juice for improving your mods
I think step 1 is finding the mod called 'Serration' for your shooty rifles.
Mmm, mod juice
@Ash well the big axe makes everything crunchy as it smashes through them
@Maximillian pressure point for melee too
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