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Hurray, I have finally managed to get the 20 rep on meta.stackoverflow required to get in here.
3 hours later…
just wanted to make sure you guys saw the Starcraft II house ads on stackoverflow.com
Those are actually pretty neat. Who designed them?
Jin's been having fun?
Oh man, that's awesome.
2 hours later…
Hey, I made this work
Did you do the logout thing?
that fixed it
Thank you
fixed what?
My rep wasn't carrying over from meta
Marc helped me out
I agree with random (Eight days of blabla)
and more or less with Grace
well if I've learned anything its that Grace is always right
I don't like these rec questions
I think they encourage low quality in the questions being asked
well like random said: we shouldn't be allowing them too much during beta
I think the major difference between this and a question on SO like "What's a Javascript option that is similar to Tomcat?" is that game recommendations are something everyone has an opinion on, where this sample question is something only someone who knows a lot about javascript and servers is likely to answer.
true, but thanks to the voting only some people's suggestions should get high votes
@IvoFlipse: I think it would be interesting to see what would happen to the voting if they made the default sort order on Area51 "random".
Maybe, but that's not guaranteed to be true. I could easily see a question a long the lines of "What's a good First Person Shooter for the 360 that is similar to Modern Warfare 2?" having a dozen different highly ranked answers
sort order of the proposals @Dexter
well then quite a lot of people think they are good alternatives :P
No of the on-topic / off-topic questions.
how's that? why would they have to be randomly ordered
at the same time that might disperse votes too evenly
but your right @tzenes
I don't want too much of those questions either
Because newer questions tend to have less votes even though they may be just as good.
and we don't need them as #starcraft2 is showing
ah then you should sort by newest ;)
Starcraft 2 will die down
or Sort by Lowest vote
Its just the biggest game launching around the same time we are
I know it will
but it's ok to have loads of questions around the release
that's how it should go
and then the next wave comes
and we all ride that one
Kinect and Move are going to bring loads of content
so I'm very optimistic about the future of gaming
I can see tons of questiosn about those
but the best thing is that these often really are questions
their use seems ill defined
not lists of X and blabla
and things which will attract the right kind of people
people who know alot about games
that have that specialized "tribal" knowlege
I still think WoW should be part of our site
just the whole epic advice
They have a really good site in Epic Advice
2k question or so they have is nothing in the end
yeah, but how do you convince those 2k users to get up and come over here
inevitably they will resist change
great question
I don't know
same thing happened with the jquery community
they just didn't want to change
so never merged into SO fully
well all I know is that such a site as elitistjerks.com, the wow theorycrafters
are the kind of people we want on our site
because they know stuff and know how to write it down properly
since I am one of those people
if those kind of people go to epicadvice
they don't come here :P
they won't
not in a million years
look at the questions being asked
well our format probably doesn't lend itself for that
they're the "game-rec" questions of wow
the "n00b" questions
but which is why we need their level of answers, if only on a couple of topics
well be back later anyway
Well consider a quick cross section of EpicAdvice questions: "What do I do with leftover materials?" "Can a mage conjour a mount?" "what are good wow sites" If you are a guy who spends hours using spreadsheets to accurately calculate death knight dps numbers (like I used to) there is no reason you'd want to go there.
talk to you later
2 hours later…
your absolutely right @tzenes
which is some users should use their own material (with attribution) to make nice answers
so they see their content is useful to answer loads of questions
and we should have some questions thye do feel like answering
though at the moment the community doesn't like class based questions (though I think that's just because they lack their level of content)
I actually think they lack the specificity. The original "class" questions were just: "How do I level a Priest?" This is akin to asking "How do I program in C?" Its a bad question. On the other hand if they had asked, "What is the formula for spirit based mana regen in WotLK?" it probably would have received a much more positive response.
Though the most interesting question would be: "For a Holy Priest which is better Glowing Twilight Scale or Sliver of Pure Ice?"
yeah though we would have to ask that question every single patch
when new items are released
and it might depend on the three different class trees
and 8 different races
well 10 to be
Its a kin to asking "Would a plinq ray tracer in C# operating on a static scene be better or worse than an asyncronous building block F# library?"
It actually doesn't very based on race
and only 2 different spec's
shadow wouldn't care about a healing trinket
hehe, you got me there ;)
but the point here is that is the kind of question that brings the proverbial "boys to the yard"
but the problem is that some 'newbies' don't understand those differences or that the answer does apply to them
while I would simply close their question because it's a a dupe
a noob doesn't need to know the difference
we're not trying to attract noobs
it's too bad that at the moment I don't really have time to play loads of games myself, so I don't have anything to add at the moment
we need the people who know their shit
The noobs will get the most benefit when they are googling something
at some point they need to know which trinket is better for a holy priest
I'd used to have the warlock elitist jerks thread as my start page :P
they type that in
and they get the answer
I just mean that they are the people asking dumb questions (so we weren't addressing the same thing)
well its complicated but I think setting a strong policy of knocking down list based questions is a good place to start
Just like a site for film buffs wouldn't want a question like "What is a movie similar to die hard?"
hehe nope
they'd rather discuss the roll of the story teller in Terintino's Reservoir dogs
though I'd love to watch one
A movie similar to die hard?
heej when it's late at night and I want to sit behind the computer and have the TV on
then my focus is on chatting, not on the movie :P
That reminds me I should probably get lseep
*sleep even
I should get to work
@Jin: awesome ads!
4 hours later…
... ok so that's a subjective question about a game that doesn't even have a demo out
please tell me that's subjective enough to get closed
@C.Ross Needs one more vote.
ok, good
Closed that Civ V question.
iPhone off topic I think?
ack, I answered that iPhone app question without even thinking. It's really not on-topic.
you can delete your answer :-P
But that's kind of worthless, I mean, the guy came here for an answer so he might as well get one
do we want to encourage him though?
eh, just don't upvote it
always the best way to discourage
true, true
that and a close: it sucks when you put time into asking a question and it gets closed
that one was pretty flipping short
Yeah, well, yeah.
Yeah, I don't think it's good etiquette to vote to close and answer...
"I mean, the guy came here for an answer so he might as well get one" <-- will we answer "how is babby formed?"?
nope, it's vote to close and do nothing
Fair enough.
refer him to a site he might get the answer (if it's another SE site for instance)
Sorry about that, I'll be more wary in the future.
no problem at all
hehe, if nobody teaches you the preferred etiquette, than how should you learn it?
gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/4418/… - read comment thread. *sigh*
community building ain't easy
My rep is now catching up my MSO rep. I bet when I'm on 1900, they'll change the mod tools to 10k though.
I'm expecting that too ...
I don't think they'll change it until/if we come out of beta
which is what, 60 more days at least?
at least
"The site's progress will be evaluated in 63 days."
Well, he made it community wiki. I guess it's fine?
Good afternoon!
Yo. How's it going?
Good, trying to get a handle on chat here. The integration is pretty nice.
Yeah, it's great. Also, I think that question above should be closed; waaaaay too broad/subjective
There's no qualifiers for any specific game characteristics or anything. It can just become one big honking list.
What about this one though?
ah, there we go.
Q: Hilarious bugs messing up game logic

eL13Just to start with an example: Back in 1990 I played Bundesliga Manager Professional (Soccer Manager). You have to set 11 of your player to the "In team"-state before each match. If you put a player on the transfer market he won't be shown on the team-screen but he will keep his "In team"-state...

That's... not a real question...
Again, just asking for a list, imo, which again has the potential to become just a large list of "games with funny bugs" or something? I don't really see the potential for usefulness there...
I agree.
a little bit of that kind of thing is ok ... makes a site "homey"
"It's difficult to tell what is being asked here"
Q: What is the single most influential book every programmer should read?

NotMyselfIf you could go back in time and tell yourself to read a specific book at the beginning of your career as a developer, which book would it be? I expect this list to be varied and to cover a wide range of things. For me, the book would be Code Complete. After reading that book, I was able to get ...

I'd agree
but I wouldn't want to super vote
but yes, it's difficult to tell what's being asked (I already voted to close)
Doesn't that question only really exist because it was grandfathered in
If something like that was to be asked on SO now, regardless of the homey feeling it would be closed
yes, besides, we already have a lot of those kind of questions
I agree with Noctrine ... are we cutting off that "phase" of site development already?
Kinda of want to make a feature request that makes the "How to ask a question" page come up the first time you click ask a question
no more "fun" questions?
Hm. I'm kind of stuck as to what to say.
I would save fun questions till after the reeval
And even then, let few and far between through.
It's very important to shape the site into what we want it to be
There's s so many list questions already though, some toeing the line of usefulness already.
that's what will be evaluated at the end of the beta
and if the site is filled with "fun" questions, I doubt it would be deemed a useful site
Most likely.
I see your point
"Fun" questions are often just discussions that could be potentially found on any forum or message board. We want to differentiate ourselves from that.
If I remember correctly, Jeff already expressed his skepticism with how this site would work.
yes, he certainly did
it's up to us to prove him wrong :)
And we do have official positions on fun questions, to many and we risk becoming an all out discussion board
Even if we do attract new users with these "fun" questions to give answers, they'll be the types who will want to ask more "fun" questions more than likely.
views count though
That's true.
I'd prefer quality
For what shall it profit a man...
I prefer quality as well, people who will ask quality questions will more than likely continue to return and ask quality questions.
if we have 3000 users that all they ask is "what was the first game you played?" I wouldn't want to visit that site
Yeah. I think Jeff's main concern might be that the site will get way out of hand with subjective questions.
(FYI: I'm playing devils advocate, I'm probably the most close happy person here)
Devil's Advocate is an important position
So we should focus less on worrying about views, since it seems we already have a pretty regular group of people who visit the site, and more on making sure the questions are as objective as possible.
Yeah, there are like 4k views a day apparently.
yes, more than any other Beta site
we are one of the most visited sites
that's good
Gadgets may be in trouble: gadgets.stackexchange.com - look how inactive it is.
yup, I noticed
but there wasn't any publicity yet
Do we really want to make another mass move against game-rec
that's coming though
This is my stance regarding game-rec:
A: [game-recommendations] and single, correct answers

OakAfter some thought and discussion with other users on chat, my opinion is that in general, these sort of questions should be allowed, as long as They are not too broad They are marked as community wiki. Not too broad - because just a list of all RTSs doesn't add anything. Many other sites cat...

It would be nice if certain tags could make you read a FAQ before they are used.
So if a person put in game-rec it would make them read the requirements
I think there is already a feature-request on meta
meta-overflow or gaming?
Sitting in this room all day is going to be bad for getting homework done >_>
It's bad for getting coding done too :(
It isn't exactly productive thats for sure
Though I haven't had much to contribute to the gaming site lately anyway because I'm not playing SC II.
I hid SC2
And the rest of the X-craft series, so the site looks slooow to me
the site is making me want to buy it really badly ...
yeah, this site forces you to always play the current popular game
Now when minecraft questions start pouring in, assuming I get time to play it, I'll be all over those.
Alien Swarm had a lot of questions when it was released
we should get endorsed by Blizzard and Valve ASAP!
Is that possible?
oh, I bet the tag ads on Gaming will sell well
Jeff doesn't want to allow sponsorship for 6+ months
I said it as a joke, but it's an idea...
I see...hm.
I sent an email making a case for how it could help sites achieve critical mass
Stackoverflow exploded mainly due to it's association with Jeff & Joel
I think we'd need a lot more mods then.
The thing that really attached me to it was the android & woot endorsements
I already sent a private email to Robert with an idea to convince Jeff to implement this
Q: Can Steam be added as an OpenID provider?

Joe LudwigObviously anyone can just put http://steamcommunity.com/openid into the generic OpenID field, but a nice button would be good to make it easier for PC gamers to sign in. Nice buttons are available here: http://steamcommunity.com/dev (Just so no one thinks I'm trying to be sneaky, I should mentio...

More higher repped users would be better
and then get Joe to blog about it somewhere
Steam's OpenID implementation is broken isn't it?
I could successfully login to gaming
I haven't tried with my Steam account yet.
It was, but I think they fixed it.
Juan, is your avatar a unicorn with a heart behind it?
thats coral
here's a bigger picture
Everyone's identicon is cooler than mine.
"Your horse isn't gay. It's merely standing near a rainbow."
it is from an April Fools Joke where all the avatars were turned into Unicorn-atars
@FallenAngelEyes It's from unicornify.
Bigger picture
Oh, that one didn't prettify? booo
/me sets it as wallpaper
aww no /me support, boo
@Noctrine I think only a few sites prettify (SE sites, SO/SF/SU, Wiki, Amazon)
Ah, okay. I'm not a SO user, I first signed up to these sites to support the Gaming proposal.
Thought images did in general

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