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@KevinvanderVelden No, objects added methods to data types
I have yet to see an implementation of object oriented programming build into lua
C now supports that but it didnt, structs could not have methods
Can you imagine Arthur coding Camelot in Lua? "And here we have the Round Chair."
@KevinvanderVelden still classes?
an example we were given about why we shouldn't use it was "what if you call .stop() for like a process but something gets changed and stuff and the dynamic is replaced with a pacemaker and you stop that?" and that's like the dumbest thing ever like what's a pacemaker doing in your daily project anyways and if you're working somewhere and it's their codebase then why is QA slacking this much and stuff
@James where's the language feature? I see a metatable, that's not classes
If you can give me a better description of what you are considering first class language feature of a class @KevinvanderVelden then I could give you a better answer
@cazc_941 I think you might like the new King Arthur movie if you haven't seen it already.
That's not object oriented programming, it can be used to build classes but it isn't a class
@Avery that might be the dumbest example I've ever heard
@KevinvanderVelden I do know C isn't object oriented
The real reason is that most of the time you don't need it so why not strongly type things
@TheMattbat999 you can build it in C, just like you can in Lua
@Yuuki I was gonna see that at the drive in and ended up not being able to go
It's directed by Guy Ritchie and I think you liked his Sherlock and The Man From U.N.C.L.E..
@Unionhawk ikr
I didnt see the man from uncle yet but I heard it was real good
@KevinvanderVelden Why?
Because the word isnt class? You are seriously just stuck on the syntax of the language?
@KevinvanderVelden didn't know
I honestly find Lua calling their objects Tables more useful than Python calling their dictionaries Classes.
python has weird naming stuff
@James no, a first-class implementaiton of object oriented programming needs to have things like inheritance
@Avery dynamic should be a last resort
Lua does not have that implemented into the language, you can implement it at runtime sure, but that does not make it a language feature (see C)
@James ofc
(heck, see assembly)
@KevinvanderVelden They have inheritance and it literally works just like it does in Python.
@Avery Why is the example always a pacemaker?
Seriously man.. the bare bone language? Phyton and Lua are 90% identical.
@James no, people have written libraries to support it, that is quite different from the language having it
Secondly, if someone is haphazardly swapping pacemakers into your code, I think dynamic typing is the least of your problems.
@KevinvanderVelden Yeahhh you are wrong.. I give up trying to convince you otherwise.
@James Is that like coding for photosynthetic bacteria?
@Yuuki because you can kill thousands of people singlehandedly with the code! what is qa! what is human testing! what is automated testing! what is code review!
@Yuuki No :)
They are both C environments wrapped in a dictionary style data structure for data object tracking. They both extend these interfaces to provide associated data and logic and allow for inheritance. Their syntax is different but they are like handing a coding spec to two different people and getting both results.
They both have basic level io capabilities and allow for easy extension of an underlying system (I would argue Lua is easier to do this but that may just because I've done that more often)
Lua is definitely easier to extend in C
Also, y u start arrays at 1? Y u no continue?
@KevinvanderVelden Refer to earlier python offering coroutines and NOT being multithreaded as why I think its not worth using :P
And yeah the whole 1 thing is easier for non-programmers to grasp
@fredley campaign complete, i have saved the galaxy and pilfered sweet sweet alien loot in the process
So its aimed at designers and such from game engines
Is lua multithreaded? Isn't the method for lua multithreading "Oh, just start another VM"
That's what I remember of it
Oh god pcall, I remember that hell
@KevinvanderVelden lua.org/pil/9.html
Lua has a form of coroutines but its the same as Pythons.. time sliced.
But yeah underneath if you want multiple threads you simply need multiple lua states
Lua is meant to be used from Both sides.. Python is not.. so i guess that is one difference :D
Then I misunderstood, I read that you were saying that lua is multithreaded
No, I was just saying that its not.. and it causes me grief in Python cause I cant fix it or get people to use it right
Which has lead to an ustable system which now Literally has to have a cron job to restart our nginx sysytem to clear up bad 'threads' in python when they dont even exist.
... Python is just a headache in a full production environment .. or so has been my experience the last 2 years.
That sounds like user error
coder error
Coders are users of a programming language =p
(though yes, python multithreading is... icky at best)
But language allowed due to using words that mean Very different things in general programming than what it actually does
The logic is sound if the system was actually multi threaded.. but since its not its a fake pathway and has led to a setup that I am glad to have washed my hands on
And absolutely FEAR if I ever have to work with that developer again (though I told the CEO I simply would not nor would I let him on the team I am leading).
Huh, since when does python have await?
3.6 I think, or 3.5
I think that's within the last couple of minor versions
Oh, One thing I do like about Python that no other language has is how their With statement works
I honestly wish C#'s using() worked like that
3.5 does
@James not 100% sure I like the ability to swallow exceptions but cool otherwise
@KevinvanderVelden It allowed us to make sure locks in Redis are released even if someone writes code so awesome it throws exceptions
It kept the system from crashing or resources from being locked
As a system designer.. that is a Very useful thing :D
I mean, that's just regular with/using. I'm talking about the ability for code in the __exit__ to swallow an exception and keep it from bubbling up
@KevinvanderVelden an exception in C# does not go to the using() {} blocks 'exit'
with lockmgr.Lock(onwhatever): in python makes sure that an exception wont leave that behind like it would in other languages.
What python does in addition to that is allow __exit__ to decide "This exception that was thrown, I will now eat it so we can continue on"
@KevinvanderVelden The other difference is the Dispose() does not know of the exception.
I use exceptions as errors
@James I generally think that's a good thing
I use consuming them when they are expected (file not found, create a new one for example) in a good flow.
So that does not bother me in Python, it was something I found useful
(I had to write a large block of data caching code that would happen automatically with out other developers having to do anything)
@James is that a thing for the with object though?
(using a with statement wrapping around all execution paths was the solution and the receiving of exceptions allowed me to make sure the data cache was unmuxored if they wrote bad code)
Sooo yeah :) for me the with statement allowed me to slide all this into place and handle them not being perfect developers (and no one is..) all the time.
Yegh, sounds to me like a code smell doing it that way
@KevinvanderVelden Code Smell?
If the code gives an exception just fix it before throwing the exception
And my work completely hijacked the underneaths of Python to do what it does :D
Code smell, also known as bad smell, in computer programming code, refers to any symptom in the source code of a program that possibly indicates a deeper problem. According to Martin Fowler, "a code smell is a surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system". Another way to look at smells is with respect to principles and quality: "smells are certain structures in the code that indicate violation of fundamental design principles and negatively impact design quality". Code smells are usually not bugs—they are not technically incorrect and do not currently prevent the...
Oh very true
the problem needs to be fixed @KevinvanderVelden
But when your game is pulling in 1m USD a week any down time is bad.
Report the error, but dont take out server.
Dont corrupt the data for other users, keep the system in tact.
From a production stand point the code smells like pinesol ;)
Yeah but you don't need to do that in the thing responsible for acquiring a connection to a thing
Separation of concerns man =p
Or cat, I don't judge
@KevinvanderVelden pls don't smell Porkchat code
@GodEmperorDune Still haven't triggered starting it :(
@fredley I shall not, instead I shall go to bed!
@KevinvanderVelden My system was to replace a data loading system with a data caching system that would ensure data integrity for use through out the execution of single endpoint. This would basically 'leak' memory if the references were not cleared up due to exception errors. This just made sure the references were cleaned up regardless of how the call ended...
@fredley it smells like porkchop
Sorry if I mislead ya to thinking there is a connection negotiation in this :D
the data cache can be updated/invalidated from an outside source was the catch.
@James still shouldn't matter what the exception is =p
It doesnt
Then it's just regular with/using? I have no problem with that, that is absolutely fine and not a code smell
Any exception that is unhandled will not leak memory and then go on its merry way to our bug reporting system.
I am NOT stopping the Exception
I have a problem with the ability for __exit__ to throw away exceptions
This one path dies and throws the error to the logging system.. Yeah yeah
Sorry :D
Aww man I had a really good pun picture for @Yuuki but then I refreshed facebook and lost it :(
I am just glad I know an exception Happened so I can do the appropriate checks to maintain the data cache :D
Got my coding jam music going.... then all of a sudden a kazoo version of Spear of Justice (Fight with Undyne).
Fair warning, I may never recover from this blow, @Ash.
@Yuuki Oh nooooooo
@James so def __exit( self, exc ): if exc is not None: *do extra checks*?
That's a usecase for the feature I hadn't considered, I dislike the feature less now
Clean up any references to the local cache and make sure the local cache is dereferenced
The being able to swallow it is still something I can't think of a non-ugly use for
Our data cache is like 120mb or so.. not bad on its own, 10 of em is a problem :D
C# has a global exception handler
All stuff can trickle up to there for general 'Something went bad let people know' handling
a with() statement around your main() call in python could do the same thing and just consume the exception and gracefully exit the app instead of appearing to crash.
Your 'global handler' would handle it
It's probably something the world has already all seen but it made me laugh, so
@James that's what try...except is for =p
Granted.. that is basically the only use I can think of for that :D
user image
using is a try finally, why is with being a try exit any different? :D
@Ash hue
@Ash .... Oi le /facepalm
simgretina made an OST for a cartoon that doesn't exist. I love it
@Yuuki I hope it was worth the wait
@James try finally is different from try except, finally is just this is done after the code block regardless of if an exception is thrown
@Ash And if they flew over a cow pasture, they'd be called cudgels.
Except is "Oh hey an exception happened, let us do something with the exception"
@Ash haha nice
@Yuuki aaaaaaaaaaugh yes you made it even more worse
@KevinvanderVelden isnt a finally with the exception just a combination of that?
python is a 'we have exited, was it cause of an exception?' sorta deal.
@James no, finally doesn't know if an exception happened and doesn't do anything with the exception. try, throw, finally wil still throw the exception outward. try, throw, except will not throw it outward
@Ash And if they flew over a locksmith's shop, they'd be pelvic floor exercises.
@Yuuki hahahahahahahahaha oh boy
@KevinvanderVelden try except finally just handles the exception in the block before the finally.. the exit lets you check for an exception and except {} it if you want or pass it on but still do your bit of the finally and then either be the authoritative .. HOW DID I END UP DEFENDING PYTHON
Go to sleep man :D I have to go to a sprint planning meeting, heh
You don't need __exit__ for that at all
what why does github universe cost 600$
@KevinvanderVelden I like languages that have different ways of doing things :)
I dislike reinventing the wheel in more opaque ways
@Avery Dunno.. I also wonder what could be their topics of conversation other than 'Can you PLEASE release your large binary file support to all of us NOW!!!!' :D
I dislike that __exit__ can do anything it want to the exception and you can't see it clearly
@KevinvanderVelden I dont disagree but the exit doesnt bother me any more than the rest of that language that i do not like to begin with :)
@Ash I'm trying to work in "mangle" somewhere but having much less success.
If they flew over a city, they'd be arrested for assault and battery?
@James "can you please stop wasting money, pay interns and stop being shitty about diversity when you're talking about how great you are at it"
@Avery Ive yet to see a company that you cant complain about.. I just use their service and as soon as we can get into the big data file support my life is easier
@KevinvanderVelden Cheers man.. Thanks for that using->Dispose point out
@James ofc, no one is perfect, but some are less perfect than others
Im rusty with my C# :D
hides her hundred something repos on github
@Avery When we stop burning crops while we have thousands of homeless just to keep the prices from deflating so we dont have more homeless Ill worry about a corporate structure of a privately owned company... are they still a privately owned company? :D
last 3 companies I have worked at use github
I have 10 private repos but dont use em really
Gave a few out to minecraft mod devs
fiddle with thigns form time to time.. but not time for hobby programming (yet)
I was made Tech Director a couple of months ago
Its AWESOME to be able to tell others how we are doing things :D
Its also nice to be able to build up a tech stack as I want.. that may lead to me easily making a hobby project a possibility :D
But now... 2 hours of wearing a headset for a sprint planing meeting :D
@Avery waaaaaat
Q: io.netty.channel.Abstractchannel$annottedsocketException: Permission denied: no further information MInecraft issue

user197507io.netty.channel.Abstractchannel$annottedsocketException: Permission denied: no further information is the message i get when i try logging in on my minecraft servers every single one

@Ash hue
@GodEmperorDune as of right now I have 108 repos though some are forks and some are private so eh
26 private repos
@Avery ... That is a lot...
Why so many?
By comparison, I have 0 repos on Github.
Well, I think I used to have access to one private one.
@James idk
I tend to release most projects I write
When I make releases I out then on gist because I don't want to give the impression that the thing is production quality or anything
They're 80/20 enough to match exactly my needs and no more
oh yes I use gist for terrible code too
Hmm... can you require (RequireJS) filepaths instead of module names?
@Yuuki I think if you require('./module')
And require('./modules/specific.js') should point the modules folder at the same level as the js file?
Oh well, that's why it didn't work.
I was using obfuscated js files.
And we use a slightly different filename schema for those.
Whoops. A little too into my music. Apparently I've been toetapping to the beat quite audibly.
Okay, I know what they're going for but local career college posted an ad for their info night and it features the following sentence: "You could develop games for some of the hottest companies or develop games that get downloaded from the Google and iTunes app stores!"
I like that it is one or the other
@Yuuki At one point I had access to something on Github but I don't know if I still do (it was being used as a recipe collection)
Github accounts don't expire, AFAIK
Ah, then perhaps it's still there :)
@ToxicFrog was there much swimming today?
There was!
It was fun
And damp
I'd be worried if it was dry :P
@Ash Perhaps they meant OR, as in, instead of XOR
@fredley Knowing who made the ad, I doubt that...
Let's go, Samson! https://t.co/nAXEEo2Inz
cc @Fluttershy you showed interest to the last one I tihnk
was it you
@Avery Skullgirls! :D
And yes.
I don't see why
Q: I need a script i can run in notepad that will make me run /. every 20 minutes in minecraft

FangLeoneSo i play on a server that doesn't allow afk pools but the mods are OK if you use notepad scripts (they don't want u to ruin keyboards with rocks)can someone help me?

Stardew Valley Switch Update, we've been approved. Working on finalising a release date with all parties involved. Will continue to inform!
1 message moved from This Is Fine
PSA https://t.co/VVPiSn0OAf
I'm scared to refresh my home computer
Will Porkchat go away?
It did not
@Yuuki Does that mean they'l be adding touch support to the pc game?
That would be amazing
I want to play it on my Surface
They finally announced a release date for golf story too. Comes out in 2 days.
There's been barely any information on the game, and they waited really long to announce their "summer 2017" release date, so hoping it's good.
@TheMattbat999 The air prevents the chips from getting crushed during transport.
If that weren't a concern they'd just use smaller bags that more accurately fit the weight of chips they want to sell per package.
You're buying by weight, not volume.
Yeah, if you just took the air out you'd have smushed chip bits
@StrixVaria I just thought it was funny
It's a bad use of that meme
because it's not logical
@Ash nothing about the internet is logical, when you think about it
@StrixVaria it's also not air, but some gas to keep the chips from going stale
So basically, the bag is a very necessary pillow!
@Ash right
long suffering sigh
@Ash continues to enjoy MASH and ice cream
@TheMattbat999 Making unfounded and disruptive claims, then sitting back to enjoy yourself while others are upset because of those claims, is 100% classic troll behavior and is ban-worthy.
I recommend losing that smug attitude.
@StrixVaria ok
The demonic Breath Of The Wild mod community needs to be stopped https://t.co/RJwrQVezz9
@badp I need one of those
Blergh, that image hurts my brain
@badp is that a... spongebob shield?
@badp cool. Is it Link holding it?
the sbahj filter protects you from the harshness of the true reality
@badp could you show it without the filter. As @Ash said, that is beginning to hurt my eyes
it's on the tweet
@TheMattbat999 no, I said it hurt my brain. Different problem
why do you think I posted the tweet
@Ash oh....
My problem is more "this is a thing that exists" and less "my eyes hurt"
I've seen far worse mods
I mean it's no obligatory dragon is now thomas the tank engine mod
Although I am impressed that they're bothering to figure out how to mod BOTW for something so useless
@quartata yes. I seen a mod that allowed you to be a My Little Pony character with a lightsaber
On Skyrim
@badp that mod is pretty good tho
@TheMattbat999 MLP mods are more or less universal
@badp seen that too. I seen one where the drago ns were Mach Men
@quartata it's canon on tf2 too
TAKE THAT @Unionhawk
All this time I thought I got a new card and number
@Wipqozn ?
@Wipqozn no
but it was some special "we love you please get a second card" promo
which I was too late to do (And wouldn't have done anyways)
so I didn't really need to do anything with my old card yet
@Avery that's a unicorn though
@quartata it has mlp voicelines
@Avery oh right I forgot
The record is being purged!
@MBraedley you camping out tonight for the ikea opening?!?!?!
I don't see you around, but you must be coming

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