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Q: What are the chances of breeding a type of dragon?

JamesI know there are base dragons, hybrid dragons and rare dragons (which are also generally a type of hybrid dragon). From what I have read rare dragons are supposed to be, well, more rare. How does this compare to other dragon breeds though? So far I have gotten one Flower, Two Tree and (I think) ...

Q: Why should I collect all the collectible trading cards?

johnjonAll around town I've been picking up little scraps of cardstock with a variety of pictures on them. These "trading cards" don't seem to have an obvious reason to exist. Here are just a few I've found: "Emily" "Willie" A "Shadow" and an "Armed Shadow" A "Turkey Sandwich" "Ushah" and "Ushah's Chi...

Q: How am I supposed to pass the time?

johnjonIn the game, there are number of events that only occur during specific time slots. For example, at one point there was a town meeting scheduled between 15:00 and 17:00. In this instance, when I was notified of this event, it was around 09:00. So I had some time to kill. To pass the time natural...

Q: How can I determine if a push has done *enough* damage?

ayckosterSay I go for a timing push and my opponent goes some fast expand build. Once I have enough units I push. Then there is a small battle, which usually does not end the game. During this time I expand myself. So at the end we both end up with 2 expansions and some units. But how can I determine i...

Dear journal. Today, chat died.
@Tristan I blame the hippies.
@Wipqozn That seems fair. Also.. Did anyone ever guess your name?
If I find out it was because of a person burning their effing bag of popcorn again
@Tristan @IanPugsley did.
via my steam profile
awww :)
(that would have been an awesome tag!)
@Wipqozn I was gonna say... It's not that hard to find. lol
@Tristan He wanted to do it without loolking at the chat history though.
Which would make it a little bit harder.
Can anyone guess my name?
@James The one time I did create a fireball with a bag of popcorn, I did not set off the fire alarm, in fact.
@RonanForman Nanor, duh.
@RonanForman Is it... Nanor131?
@RonanForman Chris?
@Wipqozn 0.0 How did you know?
@RonanForman I have cameras set up in your room.
@Wipqozn How does that tell you my name?
@RonanForman Well, wearing a shirt that says "Christopherology: The Study of Chris" is a pretty strong sign.
@RonanForman I watch them. Constantly. I was bound to figure out your name eventually.
@RonanForman It's all over your trapper-keepers
Grr. Won Disgaea 4 on eBay for $35. Which is way under what it usually sells for. Now the guy says its "out of stock"
@Wipqozn You never even guessed my name.
And even if you did, you wouldn't spell it correctly.
I guess I should have noticed the seller had a score of 0
@Sterno My word sir. That should always be the first thing you look for.
@OrigamiRobot I think he's watched our LP.
I hope he's watched our LP
@RonanForman he still didn't guess it, and my second statement stands.
@GraceNote Haha, Nice :)
@RonanForman Not yet, actually. Link?
oh wait
I'll just go to the channel
but first. i should study.
@Sterno That's like when I tried to buy a camera from a site that was advertising them cheap. They offered me a bunch of marked up accessories to go with it. When I finally finished turning down all of them, they told me that the camera was "out of stock".
Also, my universities internet likes being slooooooooooooow
@FAE I'm not very proud of my answer, but I answered your Realm of the Mad God guild question.
@Tristan I'm not proud of answering that terrible minecraft door question.
Also, I love the Silent Hill Shattered Memories soundtrack.
@OrigamiRobot Someone else used videos in their answer on that question.
@Tristan Yea, but there is no "largest"
fredley's answer deserves upvotes more than that video answer
@OrigamiRobot It's not the size that matters, it's what yo- oh, wait. We're talking about something else.
@Wipqozn I am a robot
@OrigamiRobot (yes, but a robot made of what !! I will figure this out!)
@James Cheese, probably. Ask @Wipqozn
@OrigamiRobot It's a secret.
@Wipqozn Come come, you can tell me.. Its not like this is a public forum, no one will know :)
Well, there you have it. I am made out of secrets.
(PS: I also have Candy :))
@James Nope, sorry.
@Wipqozn Well.. Candy said she doesnt like you anyways so :P
@James rimshot
@OrigamiRobot Thanks ;)
I'm about to overtake @AshleyNunn in the users tab! >.>
@RonanForman you round?
@James Then she has very poor taste.
@IanPugsley Nope, all blockey.
@RonanForman cool
so I got @spugsley playing Binding of Isaac and listening to her is hysterical
naturally, I actually convinced to her to do an LP
only to find out that Fraps won't record Binding of Isaac
@IanPugsley It won't?
@IanPugsley Camtaisa.
it's possible to record the whole desktop, but it lags BoI a bunch
@RonanForman cool, I'll check it out later
Or camstudio, I forget which one is free.
@RonanForman do you have any problem with copious amounts of swearing on the youtube channel?
@RonanForman CamStudio is the free one.
@OrigamiRobot Not really, but if you can, it's funnier to bleep it,
@Tristan ah, woo
Apart from spugsley brand swearing which I hear is better.
@RonanForman You have not heard @spugsley swearing.
Her LP is what I'm asking for.
@OrigamiRobot Have you heard me on the Race for Wool LP? <_<
@FAE That's not actually on our channel.
@FAE I didn't watch those.
@RonanForman Ah, I thought they were
@RonanForman it's possible to mark it for a specific age group or something, isn't it?
@IanPugsley No, it's possible to restrict to a certain age group.
@RonanForman You kids and your underscores
@Tristan Hm, wondering what the guild hall upgrades are. I think that could probably be covered in this one rather than necessitating a separate question.
I wonder if _this* will work?
lol It did at first, but then changed its mind.
ye s , I noticed that the other day too.
This is just too awesome.
@FAE Edited in.
@Wipqozn I meant mixing the two
@IanPugsley I'll make you a warning screen.
@Tristan Thanks. :)
@James an experiment [tag:(] [tag:╯] [tag:°] [tag:□] [tag:)] [tag:︵] [tag:┻] [tag:━]
Not one of the characters is valid in a tag.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Figured it wouldnt be when I tried it, but still ya never know :)
@James Yea, I was curious if there as a particular glyph that was breaking it.
And if so, if it was an expendable one.
i.e., if □ was the problem, could've tried (╯°o°)╯︵┻━┻
Wow. Only nine people made it to Oryx. That castle run could've went better.
@RonanForman Wow...
@LessPop_MoreFizz I would upvote this :P
@OrigamiRobot Fail. l2
Sorry, I don't remember how to make it link to meta.
@OrigamiRobot meta-tag
@LessPop_MoreFizz Don't tell me! Now I can't use it as an excuse when I forget next time.
@RonanForman awesome
You cannot star your own Messages. EFF YOU CHAT I DO WHAT I WANT.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I try to star my own messages all the time.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's not even true, since you can pin your own messages (which auto-stars them)
I can star my own messages.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can clear stars on messages, so nyah
okay, so it's not legal to download DOTA 2 from someplace called brothersoft, neh?
I'm assuming that, given it's a valve game, you'd be able to download it from steam if they're making it freely available, and it's not freely available, therefore, no
@TimStone O, I know that full well. Hence 'I do what I want.'
Are we retagging all the questions with ?
looks like Oak took care of it, nevvvermind
@agent86 That'd be correct, fwiw.
@LessPop_MoreFizz it's worth $0.00
you may collect your check at the nearest internet payment terminal
@OrigamiRobot We shouldn't be.
@LessPop_MoreFizz @RareCandy is.
Have a mod ping him, and pull him in heer.
Find out why he's retagging them.
Even if he was supposed to, he shouldn't be doing them all at once.
@OrigamiRobot DOTA, at least as used in DOTA 2 specifically, is not an acronym anymore.
@rarecandy Please report to the bridge before further mass-retagging :)
@NobodySinceYouDidntSayThanks you're welcome :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, my bad. :P
@agent86 I love that guy. He's so cool.
@agent86 Thank you good sir.
@OrigamiRobot he's just so ungrateful
@Wipqozn ah, I'm just doin' muh job. No thanks needed.
My uni internet is terrible, so my messages take a long time to post (assuming they don't time out)
@Wipqozn this happens to me as well. Sometimes it tells me I'm not logged in.
@Wipqozn You might call it an uninternet, then.
@OrigamiRobot if it has the tag i expect it to be about the warcraft 3 map
Anyone ever play Deadly Premonition? I am intrigued by the real-time beard growing!
@Sterno Ask @Mana
@Mana ^
@GraceNote I know what I would like to call it, and it's a lot more unpleasent than that.
@OrigamiRobot think so, i did a roll back on one of the others where it wasn't, but left that one alone
but i could see some saying no
cu later people
@Sterno Amazing game
@Blem cul8lul
To confirm in your mind that this is an awesome game and that you should buy it, please listen to this song from the soundtrack
@Sterno Gears of War series had progressive beard growth throughout the games, but real time beard growth? I'm glad our rendering technology has reached this stage
and/or watch this cutscene
@Mana How much Adventure Time did you watch?
@OrigamiRobot First three episodes
@Mana I was pretty much already sold at "real time beard growth"
@Mana Last week, a friend of mine was telling me about a song I had to listen to. It ended up being this one. It actually took me an hour to remember you had given me the chiptune variant.
Q: my follower died and her dead body follows me instead

TerryEMy follower from the companions unfortunately died while on a quest. For some reason whenever I walk through a door or fast travel her dead body follows me. I can't search her body to get my dragonplate armour set back and my new housecarl (or anyone else) won't follow me because I apparently alr...

Skyrim sounds like such an interesting game
@Mana Three or technically six?
@OrigamiRobot Technically six
The game is like the sandwich. It looks terrible, but it's actually really good and everyone should try it.
@Mana Was Tree Trunks your favorite character?
> Deadly Premonition is an open-world survival horror cult video game
that sounds pretty neat actually
aw, only single player
@OrigamiRobot mm, no. Lumpy Princess was.
I thought Arkham Asylum had progressive facial hair growth over the course of the game
@Mana Oh my glob! It's Lumpy Space Princess! What the lump!
Fun Fact: She is voiced by the creator.
@tiddy But can you shave in Arkham Asylum to offset the real time beard growth?
Only in my dreams
@OrigamiRobot This explains a lot
@RonanForman Hey, in Minecraft, what exactly is branch mining? Since it's a no-go for Ultra-hardcore?
@Tristan The most efficient way to mine.
@Tristan Digging wholly for the purpose of getting ores.
Digging down to get a cave is fine.
@RonanForman So you can basically only dig straight down to a cave? Can you not clear out a room to live in?
@Tristan Yes, that's fine.
A: What's the most efficient Minecraft mining strategy?

StrixVariaMining Branch mining is the most efficient. Someone did a mathematical analysis on it in the official forums (now mirrored on the VoxelWiki). Here's a brief description of branch mining: You dig down to the bedrock, because that's where you're going to find the most different kinds of stuff. ...

If the only reason is to get ores then you can't.
(unless you are looking right next to other of that ore)
Please tell me that I am not the only one that noticed this
@OrigamiRobot Oooh, okay.
@LessPop_MoreFizz oh christ
@LessPop_MoreFizz 0.0
oh man :44 seconds in, yoshi mode
with all the LoL stuff going on, we've got a lot of "low quality" flags flying around. Now's a good time for a low quality flag usage refresher
@Resorath okay, good, I'm not the only one that hears it.
@agent86 look at agent, hes an all grown up moderator now.
@LessPop_MoreFizz hears what?
@murgatroid99 Listen to manas first link, of the song from deadly premonition
then listen to the mario theme again.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I heard it, too, back when I heard the chiptune version
@GraceNote Just so long as I'm not crazy
@Resorath I haven't had an accident in my undies in weeks!
@LessPop_MoreFizz yeah, it seems pretty obvious to me
Q: How to Get or find Set item (gold) in kingdom of amalur?

Sheep Hunteri don't know how to find a gold item .All my item have only green and blue please help...!!!!!! :'(

@murgatroid99 What am I missing?
@Tristan The song @Mana linked to sounds a lot like the Mario World song
@murgatroid99 Ooh. I missed Mana's post.
3 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@murgatroid99 Listen to manas first link, of the song from deadly premonition
@agent86: in case you are unaware, low quality flags are automatically generetade by the system. A lot of the flags I've been seeing are autos.
I never realized it was called "Athletic level", more specifically, I didn't realize there was a correlation between the "gameplay style" of the level and the music they chose (different music vvv)
@Wipqozn I can see the difference between the "community" flags and user flags.
@murgatroid99 I missed that too.
I'd fix the typo, but the laf istoo great.
@agent86 Just making sure.
we're getting a decent number of flags on things that are answers, but just aren't very good ones.
@agent86 Yeah, I've noticed the same. But a lot of them were also auto ones.
@RonanForman /thumbsup thats fantastic
oh my god spoons
how many more instruments can he possibly bring in?
@agent86 it is partially entirely incorrect I can't decide if that's an error, or some clever wordplay, which, if I follow, will make my brain explode
@Sterno Latter, mostly
Should old, bad, closed, non-dupe questions be deleted?
i.e. If I find one, should I bring it up?
Oh I just remembered, we need a treasurer.
@OrigamiRobot you're welcome to cast a delete vote :) also keep in mind some old questions are automatically deleted, if they have no answers
@RonanForman I call dibs on the treasure.
@OrigamiRobot you're also welcome to bring it up on chat, of course, I'll take a look
@Oak I can't cast delete votes. Thanks for reminding me!
Q: Why do people play the same maps over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, and then some?

badpMy experience with many successful FPS communities shows an interesting fact. A very small selection maps has some kind of "blessed" status with the players, who will play it over and over again and never tire of it. For some iconic examples: Counter Strike: de_dust2 Quake 3/Live: Campgrounds ...

@OrigamiRobot well you can cast "awesome" votes instead
Oh wait, forgot
You can't cast them either :)
@OrigamiRobot any non-dup closed question should eventualy deleted.
5 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
user image
Unless you decide to keep it around for historical purposes.
@OrigamiRobot I was not expecting that. That was awesome
@GraceNote I can't tell if you're opposing the part about deleting them or about keeping them around
@Oak My goal is to have nested quotes for all my emotions.
@GraceNote trololololol
@GraceNote RAFARGLE is a good band name.
I was wondering if you were paynig attention. When you didn't link your question, I thought you were sleeping.
@murgatroid99 The part I directly replied to
@GraceNote OK that's what I thought, but I wanted to be sure. Why don't we delete them, then?
@RonanForman See, you could have a nested quote for that.
@murgatroid99 We do delete closed stuff
A: Why is this closed question not being deleted?

Grace NoteI don't know enough about security to know exactly how that question fits or does not fit. What people tells me implies it doesn't, but I'll give advice on the general topic of closed questions getting deleted. This will hopefully make the specific case here be crystal clear. With the exceptio...

Also, @GraceNote why do we have the historical reason thing-a-ma-bob?
@Wipqozn Because stupid.
I never understood it's purpose.
It's for those who fell into the pitfalls of having grandfathered material
@GraceNote ah okay.
@GraceNote My question then is: why don't we delete all of the old closed stuff?
As a site, Gaming has always avoided this pitfall, partly because I and others have always strongly made sure of this.
@murgatroid99 That's answered in the Security Meta answer I just linked.
But in summary - excluding dupes, something not being deleted usually means that it's either something which is seeking reopening salvation, or something that just hasn't gotten the delete votes on it.
@Wipqozn Because Stackoverflow.
And Because whiners.
@GraceNote OK. This makes me wish I had delete votes to help get rid of the old closed questions
@Wipqozn some things we do because we've always done them, and people hate change. the word is "tradition" and any time anyone ever brings it up I want to punch them.
I don't get why this question is -3, is it really too simple of a question (I haven't played the game)
Q: How to get or find set (gold) items?

Sheep HunterI don't know how to find a gold item. All my item are only green and blue. How can I get / where can I find these items?

there was a time in my life I watched a dozen people die because of that stupid, silly, foolish word, and I've never understood it since.
Oh boy, look what I started today! :/
@Resorath I assume it's because the original was quite poorly written
oh disregard, I looked at it pre-edit
@Resorath It was really poor when it was posted, it's been edited since. also, this is like asking "where do I get epic loot?" in any dungeon crawl game
I wonder who trains people to use "please help...!!!!!! :'("
@agent86 It sounds like there is an interesting and traumatic story behind this
@Resorath Forums. Yahoo Answers.
@OrigamiRobot Poor yahoo answers. so much hate at SE!
@murgatroid99 yeah.
@Resorath They don't deserve my cold robot love.
@Resorath That's because it's full of idiots and trolls
@murgatroid99 Hee~
Gr. This subtank is irritating.
@GraceNote you misspelled "hargbargl" here
@RavenDreamer Which one is it, so that I may laugh at your misfortunate incompetence?
The one on Storm Eagle's stage.
...isn't that one the one that's just in the one tower?
Q: Playing Old LAN games over internet

Rick_2047There are many old games which had solid LAN gaming systems (like Red Alert 2) and were fun to play with friends. But now that we have internet would it be possible to setup any kind of virtual LAN to play those games online with friends?

Q: Can I drop a bird-man to its death?

echobackMy embark has a number of peregrine falcon men (and women) wandering about, which has resulted in them being captured by my foodfriend gathering cages. They have been hauled off to a stockpile near a pit, into which the militia can be dispatched. I'm concerned that bird-men may retain the abilit...

Q: Rome Total War ceasefire?

Nam Gi VUWhat is a ceasefire? What happen if I break it? Sometimes the Gaul comes and asks for a ceasefire and I have nothing to do with it. What benefic I would get from a ceasefire and what they would get? Please explain for me.

Right to the point today. eh @GraceNote?
@GraceNote Not in Vile Mode.
Then it's behind a long string of boxes you need to get the ride armor over to
Which is tedious, because that's on the other side of the up-and-down flamethrower turret platforms
Psh. Sounds easy enough
Oh, and Vile's ride armor constantly loses energy, so you have to do it in 30 seconds.
Which really means it's random, depending on the up/down state of the platforms.
Can't you time the entry into the ride armor based on the platforms?
this is interesting
GAME looks like it's set to be taken over by an RBS consortium.
@GraceNote They're offscreen, so you get inconsistent behavior
RBS is (partially) state owned.
Sounds like you should be able to mechanise their movements, then, with proper timing and screen scrolling.
That really was an odd reaction, no one wanted to have money.
I mean, I've gotten it since starting this conversation.
It just took 2 or 3 tries.
@RonanForman What?
22 mins ago, by Ronan Forman
Oh I just remembered, we need a treasurer.
For the YouTube thing?
...I shouldn't call you weaksauce for finding it irritating (actually or just in statement) after only 2-3 tries. That would be mean.
@RonanForman What did we decide to do with it?
@OrigamiRobot With what?
@RonanForman The money
Put it in a box, and look at it occasionally.
I don't know. I think you'll find a way to let me know some other way.
@RonanForman People need to know what they are being responsible for if they're going to volunteer to be responsible.
@RonanForman Should probably just come up with a way to funnel it directly to Childs Play or some such.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That could work, but then we get no money.
@LessPop_MoreFizz They'd rather Child's Play be the cause.
@RonanForman We could use it to buy server space so we don't have to keep bothering Marco and for events outside Game On!
I don't know, maybe we set up a paypal account to put it into.
@OrigamiRobot or just give some to Marco
@IanPugsley I was thinking to become less reliant on Marco, but this is also an idea.
Wait, what about money and whatwhat? O.o
I think the paypal thing is a good idea, I'd do it myself, but I'm not 18. :(
@RavenDreamer Oh. I thought they were trying to figure out to do with ill gotten youtube adsense gains or something.
@RonanForman the only issue is that if it is an individual's paypal and it (by some miracle) ends up being any non-insignificant amount of money, there could be tax issues involved
@IanPugsley That's a point.
@IanPugsley What exactly is earning money?
@LessPop_MoreFizz lol - ill-gotten? :P
@IanPugsley filthy lucre
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was about to make a case for an insignificant amount of money never really being ill-gotten because of its insignificance
until I realized how incredibly dumb that is
given that the significance of the amount is entirely subjective
"It's not really embezzling, it was only $1000!"
@IanPugsley Yeah, that's more like bezzling
@RavenDreamer I lol'd, and am now hoping there's a reference to "embiggen" hidden in this statement's origin
@IanPugsley embaldment.
Q: How common is it to have no lignite or bituminous coal in Dwarf Fortress?

MarkI've started several fortresses now, and I've never encountered any lignite or bituminous coal. I've even prospected a couple maps (with DFHack) to see if it was merely out of reach, but unless prospect doesn't show these minerals, there has never been any in my maps. Is this common, or am I doi...

We have come to the conclusion @RavenDreamer should be given all teh moneys
@RonanForman he would recommend that :P
@IanPugsley Not him, the main reason is he's a mod, so the community trusts him.
@RonanForman lol, I don't think anyone would challenge it :)
Really math.se? That's what you flag?
I didn't even have time to check it.
This was my fear. Now we have a question with a not so correct accepted answer.
Q: What's the largest size of "door" I can open with a single switch?

RachelI'm fairly new to using redstone, and I'm wondering what's the largest size of "door" that can be opened with a single switch? I have a huge arena, and I'd ideally like to be able to hit one switch and open a large door to release the monsters. When I say "door", it doesn't necessarily need to b...

Q: An easier way to clear chapters at level 9.0 intensity in Kid icarus: Uprising?

Leo5882723I have been playing the chapters for the past few days, and I only have a handful of chapters completed on the hardest difficulty, 9.0. I was wondering if anyone had any tips, strategies, weapon or power preferences that can help me clear thewse chapters easier.

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