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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

I should probably get myself a nice mechanical keyword for work
clicking intensifies
brown would be okay
and not clicky
I need to get a mechanical keyboard in general
@fredley season good do far. Just finished episode 6.
I am... Rejiyaak Diablo, the lizard dovakiin.
I also need a mechanical keyboard but I just like laptop keyboards too much
But yeah I mostly sit at rando places while working so while laptop keyboards suck they're not hell to carry around
Also most switches are too clicky for my taste
Apple's external keyboards are popular at work and I don't really understand
I did scavenge a relatively decent Lenovo keyboard from a forgotten workstation
new coworkers are getting Dell ripoffs of the Apple keyboard and they look like the worst of both worlds
I love my mechanical keyboard. It's just so nice and tactile.
@fredley that voice goes away right?
@Ash mechanical keyboards are the best
@Avery I had to use an external keyboard for my previous laptop only because my hands would catch fire playing TPS otherwise
@badp we use like HP keyboards
i think
I don't understand why you would use an apple keyboard except in an apple environment though
sohbet odaları life

Proposed Q&A site for humans, boys and grils man of woman

Closed before being launched.

VeriBlock tokens - a token to secure altchains with bitcoin security

Proposed Q&A site for anyone interested in VeriBlock tokens, blockchain security, or new altchain security techologies.

Currently in definition.

@fredley I wish woodchuck was a real person
Q: In Civilization 6 is there a way to send dog poop to a leader?

Matt CashattThe leader is from the Kongo and apparently hates me for no reason. Constant declarations of war and ignores my kind requests for friendship. Not a healthy relationship. How do I place a flaming bag of dog poo on his doorstep, ring the doorbell, and then run? Thanks in advance.

I have proposed a new site for developing mods!!!
@Lazers2.0 I do not like this question
@Ash Yeah, it does not seem like a serious question
@TheMattbat999 Because there are no doorsteps, bags of dog poo, or, for that matter, dogs
even people who have never played the game recognize that it's not a legitimate question
@SaintWacko idk I have never even heard of civilization 6, much less know what it is about
It would be like if I posted a question asking how to get a headshot in Kerbal Space Program
@SaintWacko ok
@SaintWacko like me!
Of course it isn't a legit question you humorless goober(s). In a rare moment of levity, I was hoping to make people laugh at shared frustration with the present AI programming in Civ 6. I know, I know, SE is WAY too serious for that . .even the gaming site. Down vote away boys! — Matt Cashatt 3 mins ago
Someone doesn't like us.
> goober(s)
I don't know why this is the part that bugs me the most
both the word and the plural construct
@Wipqozn You are the most disappointing troop in my entire squad, and don't even have the good grace to get yourself killed so I can stop using you. (you're my only skirmisher)
somehow you miss every 70+% shot
Night night https://t.co/M4cKTQxg0P
@Frank here is what I said: @MattCashatt a joke like this might be ok on chat, but the Q & A part of the site is supposed to be serious. The point of this site is for straight answers, not stupid jokes. Leave the jokes OUT of the Q & A. There are some people who want this site to be serious so they can learn something, not see you goof around.
@Frank aww does that mean I can't down vote, not being a boy and all
@Ash I guess you still can (but I wouldn't recommend since that will help him accomplish what he probably wanted : attention)
@Wipqozn yes, you should be
@GodEmperorDune how is your pug?
@TheMattbat999 shes good, tired today
@GodEmperorDune ok.
My dog is sitting here sleeping at my feet
Q: I get "This software was closed because an error occurred" when trying to play my game

eebbesenWhen trying to play my game (in this case Lego City Undercover) I get This software was closed because an error occurred As embarrassing as this title may be I do still want to play it.

user image
cc: @Wipqozn
@Fluttershy looks kinda like @Wipqozn
@angussidney dealt with.
And when @Ash deals with something, there's nothing left
grins what can I say the hug gun does wonders
@Ash good job
Cc @Avery @uni
Q: In Robocraft, how do you spawn a robot to practice against in testing mode?

David SmithThere is a testing mode, where you spawn in an outdoor area with mountains, some targets, and some obstacles. How do you spawn a robot to spar with in that mode?

Q: What happens to xp points after I reach king tower to level 13?

The PreacherWhen you donate or upgrade troops you gain experience points that upgrade your king tower to eventually level 13 what happens to experience points after that do they turn to gold like after a card is maxed out?

I don't particularly like how working night shifts messes up my schedule for the rest of the week too.
Q: Which zapak game is it?

Harshil_JainLong ago, i bought a zapak game PC CD from a shop. That was my favorite game but i lost that cd. And i don't remember it's name and can't find it anywhere online. This is what i remember about the game. The Game MIGHT had the word alien in its name. In the game, we have a small space ship at the ...

Q: Diplomatic Immunity wont start

Prasin ShresthaSo i have completed the 'Blades in the Dark' main quest but the later mission 'Diplomatic Immunity' wont start. I'm playing on PC and no, i don't have any mods installed. Maybe is it because I had used console commands to finish that earlier mission since the bug didn't let me absorb the soul of...

Modding in Video games

Proposed Q&A site for people who need support creating with Mod tools like Creation Kit. Not for support with existing mods made by other people.

Closed before being launched.

 .setHeader("Last-Modified", DateTimeFormatter.RFC_1123_DATE_TIME.format(ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Files.getLastModifiedTime(file).toInstant(), ZoneOffset.UTC)))
Q: Is there a way to set a command in a plugin config so everyone can use it?

flugalflyOn me and my friends shared minecraft server, we have downloaded a plotworld plugin and if /de-op myself, it does not let me claim a plot, even when i have 0, I was just wondering if there is a way to make a command for everyone's use in config

lol, watching Phillip DeFranco video then used the sidebar to get a SidAlpha video....the comments are still that of Phillip DeFranco video. so i have a comment saying "BUT Y'ALL DON'T FORGET, THEY WERE DEF MINORITIES. Just, to be clear, ya know..." in a video talking about why give shoddy game practices the spotlight
1 hour later…
Q: What are good Fallout total conversion mod ideas

shadlayI need ideas for a fallout total conversion mod. I want to make something to the scale of a dlc map area and want to have it involve a new character as well.

2 hours later…
Q: Does the spartan ops mission in Halo 4 still continue?

Dr.TopazMy question is same as the title.343 said they will develop 5 new episodes every week.However as the game was released on 2012/2013. Is the program still running?

1 hour later…
Today is shopping day!
See what loot we can find to bring back from Halifax.
Q: Will taking sponsorships I can't fulfill hurt my marketability?

badp I'm on a team with little hopes of a points finish, let alone "2nd or above." Still, that 1.25€ million upfront looks too enticing to pass. If I take on such a sponsorship but fail to meet the target, will my marketability be hurt?

Q: Can you own several player names?

LyricsBotI really dont want anybody to steal my name in mc but i want to change my name, If you change your name do you still own your name? Lets say if your name is chloe, then you change it to chloea. Can another player change their name to chloe even though you used to own that name?

Q: How do I increase framerate in Minecraft?

user196652I've got all my settings at the lowest, all my volume is turned down and yet I'm literally getting 0-1 fps. My computer will not allow me to download OptiFine (for whatever reason) so that's not an option for me. Any other tips that you guys could recommend?

@Lazers2.0 0-1fps?
@Avery it sounds like they are having a bad minecraft experience.
it does
@Avery I have been mad at my Skyrim lately. It works ok, but it is lagging slightly and every time I open any container or try to talk to a shop keeper, it freezes!!! It doesn't freeze when looking at my inventory, however.
Do you have mods?
@Avery no, I just booted it up (Xbox 360) and it started doing that weird stuff. I am gonna try to troubleshoot it in a sec.
I think I see something wrong with the disc, though I am not sure if it will affect it or not.
@Memor-X Some things shouldn't be linked even with NSFW warning.
:39919823 what was that all about?
an example of an anti-hot link mechanism which i have had the unfortunate displeasure in coming across in my work occurring here on SE because someone was too lazy to review their post
@Avery yaaaay it works ok nkw!!!
@Memor-X ok
@Avery it was just something wrong with a save I was on.
Penetration Testing

Proposed Q&A site for penetration testing experts and beginners looking to share and gain knowledge on the many subjects within penetration testing.

Currently in definition.

@Sterno I'm glad I can bring you such misery
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment ( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
My proposal was closed. Crap...
:( :(
@TheMattbat999 Of course it was.
There's already places to ask those questions.
Namely, here, and for the super programmy stuff, game dev. Or SO.
@DanmakuGrazer eh, pentesting would be a better title
That sounds like testing pens
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Dupe of Security.SE
@Frank yeah... I figured it would make sense to have a site for Mod Dev since I don't believe it falls under game dev, but it kinda falls under Arqade...
@DanmakuGrazer it does
@Avery I like it
I mean IDK why I blanked the names
esp. considering I'm blue
@Avery who was red?
Wait, it was closed as a dupe of Arqade? We don't support questions asking how to create mods here. Right?
> Please note, however, that site policies prohibit questions of the following types:

Game and Mod Development (try the Game Development Stack Exchange instead)
@Sterno I didn't think so, but that was the reason I was given
However, pretty sure it is a dupe of GameDev: gamedev.meta.stackexchange.com/a/59/11673
@TheMattbat999 some random stranger on the subreddit
@Avery oh ok. Well, at least someone was encouraging you to stay optimistic.
Just realized I haven't looked at meta in over a year.
Q: Earn money!! Minecraft texture packs

Sammidd333I've been looking for ages for an equestrian texture pack for MCPE but I havnt been able to find any. I have looked into making my own but I would have to jailbreak my phone which I don't want to do. I will happily pay someone to make me the texture pack I want. Let me know if you are interested😄

@Sterno ok. That makes sense.
Q: Paper Trail fail website failed me

Edward Brightin the paper trail mission i can't access the website so i've been looking for codes that could help me through this but i've been unable to do so. so i'm looking for potential help in this situation.

@fredley we should start using the bean system
@fredley holly fuck that episode
Oh okay we're walking into misery lane
I can't run away from misery
also I should rename my account but eh (there we go)
@Fluttershy how do you you quote someone else's post like that?
@Sterno presumably you can only dupe as one thing, parts of the proposal are dupes of subsections of different sites
2017 is 69% complete. https://t.co/ZX5kXfC56K
cc @GodEmperorDune
@Avery yaaaaayyyy! I am ready for Christmas.
@TheMattbat999 I didn't. I just posted the chat room's URL.
no christmas here
@Fluttershy ok
@Avery that sucks
never had it in my life
the culture kinda feels distant
Q: My Water Bolt acts like a fishing rod for some reason (Terraria Mobile)

Alan JeffsonAfter duplicating healing potions, i noticed that my water bolt would not work and after getting a worm a "1" appeared next to it when i tested it in the ocean it acted like i fishing rod, yet it still made Water Bolt Sounds.

@Avery ah yes. Forgot about that
1 hour later…
Q: Does the Pokemon Go Pester Ball Easter Egg do anything?

Assafi Cohen-AraziOriginally, before ditto appeared in the game, there were many conspiracies on how to acquire ditto. One of the more popular ones was if a user held down the main Pokeball icon and then dragged their finger along the icons "Shop", "Pokemon", "Pokedex", and "Items", the icons would light up with d...

tfw you were chosen…to get rekt
Q: Why is there a crown on my head?

Steven VascellaroSometimes while playing Beat Stomper, I'll see a small white crown appear on my character's head. Once the crown appears, it stays on my character's head until I die or start a new round. What is this white crown? What makes it appear?

@Avery fam i cced you on this yesterday
14 hours ago, by GodEmperorDune
oh I missed it probs
I slept early
or not
I'm not sure when I slept
14 hours ago, by GodEmperorDune
Cc @Avery @uni
@GodEmperorDune how do you do that white box thingy?
@TheMattbat999 find the permalink of the chat message and copy paste it into the chat box
the permlink is available by left clicking the left side on desktop, or holding down on a message on mobile
@GodEmperorDune thanks
@Yuuki what?
@Yuuki aaaaaa?
Just aaaaaaaaa
Alright :)
@Yuuki are the flood waters starting to come down any more?
Q: How Can i Make a 2d Game look like Ori and the blind forest?

HansPeterFanzi've wondered why this game looks so good in 2d and Unity Engine. So How do i archive this kinda look of an Game? So if you know mario, thats not with these glowing effects and moving background. So how can i do that? Best HansPeterFanz

Q: How long should I hold on to "Items"?

DpeifI got this book, I believe from a crate in the first town: The description says "Item", not Oddity or Artifact, and it's in my regular backpack, not the Quest Item section. I recently researched Oddities and found that most can be sold freely, while a few have subtle uses. My question is, for...

SO Careers hates me
@Avery I assume that's because they don't list a location where Careers is expecting one.
god dammit SO careers is like REALLY hating me
two in a row
Q: Are command blocks going to be in an update for Minecraft PlayStation?

Easton McGranthamTell me please. I would really like to know because i want command blocks in my PlayStation 3 system.

Q: Which country can I use to form the United States the quickest in EU4?

TotallyN0tABotI just moved on from EU2 to vanilla EU4 recently and hearing that the United States can be created by simply releasing and playing as a colonial nation with as low as admin tech level 10, I am curious which colonial power I would have the best luck with creating the US as soon as possible, withou...

"An acrylic two way mirror, also known as a one way mirror". DAMNIT ENGLISH
Just spotted someone wearing a "they're good dogs Brent" shirt unironically
Currently trying to figure out if @GodEmperorDune, they're like 50 though so probably not
psh godemperor isn't that old
No I mean the person I'm staring at
I should probably stop that
Why am I outside again
tbh I've no idea how godemperor looks like
Like a walking furred sausage
Also known as a pug
hm maybe
Not a dachshund?
nope, PUG
Oh, duh
It never clicked with me that that's what your avatar is
A great time to find water pokemon
dammit pewdiepie
@GodEmperorDune what'd he do now
Q: How can I sync my minesweeper progress?

Gerard L.I've been so far very satisfied with Microsoft Minesweeper, but after on trying to play on more than 2 laptops, I could not sync my daily challenge progress. I have no problem logging into Xbox with all my info there, but it will simply not work in Minesweeper. It keeps telling me that I cannot s...

Q: How much XP Bottle of Enchanting can give?

Icebone1000So I used a bottle of enchanting that I bough from a villager, and just ONE single orb poped out...Worst trade deal ever..costed 10 emeralds. Was that a glitch?

@Avery called someone the n word in PUBG
while streaming, of course
absolutely amazing
(/s, if it's not obvious enough)
of course ian miles cheong is defending him
this should probs go to TIF
@GodEmperorDune ffs why is he still a thing
Nuggets wins!
@GodEmperorDune I mean the dumbest idiot on Twitter defends the dumbest idiot on twitch
@Unionhawk I dunno if notch or assange have weighed in
@Unionhawk Nuggets rock
man I should go get some nuggets
and if I do I should complain about how I'm eating nuggets
and then blame @Unionhawk
I wonder if there's an XCOM mod that makes Bradford shut the hell up
@GodEmperorDune those guys are top 5 but not imc
@TimStone There is
not sure if ti was ported to wotc yet
it was called "Quiet Bradford"
"herp derp you should assign a resistance action even though you're probably just promoting the soldier from the last one first since there's no direct way of doing it"
@Wipqozn yay purchases driven through product placement to the video games that the players pay full price for that can only be ran on this new shiny console that players, again, paid full price
@TimStone not ported to wotc, but sounds like there is a way to shut him up via ini files
@Unionhawk fair point
He makes a comment literally every time and I'm just like "Dude, I know"
@Avery But how else can they make money? Games are expensive!
yeah but what if you forgot
The competition for dumbest tweeter is pretty fierce
we all know the worst tweeter though
it's no one but @Wipqozn himself
Apparently there's a Skirmisher resistance order that just automatically reduces the Avatar counter at the end of every month
I know this because I just got it
@DanmakuGrazer speaking of which now I want french fries but then again I should watch my potassium levels but I want potato but potato has too much potassium but I want potato but hyperkalemia but AGH
@Avery Don't die to potatoes
That'd be embarassing
are you kidding me that's the best way to die
Lots of people die to potatoes in the form of vodka
Okay time to finally play a video game
The past week had been busy. Also super lazy.
Although since it's been a week I'm tempted to just restart
Usually people would rather be lazy about playing video games than the other way around
games are hard work
sleep ftw
Q: What's the easiest way to get clothing

Coolersmart2005I am playing assassins creed identity on my iPad and what to know the easiest way to clothing, the kind that changes your appearance, in the game? Thanks for the help!

@Avery nah @Wipqozn's tweets are the worst. not controversial at all
It must be the socks
Why did I figure it was going to be that
Also a dad joke
cc @GodEmperorDune @Wipqozn @Ash
Q: spell wheel not activating

Sue KeartonWhy does the spell wheel not Activate in Lego Harry Potter years 5-7 On PS3 or Pc. I have tried pressing the triangle button and nothing happens

Q: How do Destiny 2 shaders work differently from Destiny 1 shaders?

NzallOver the weekend I got into a discussion with Twobugs (another user of this site) on Twitter about Destiny 2 shaders. He didn't understand why the fanbase is upset about them, and after I talked a bit with him, he told me I didn't know enough about how they work and how they're different from the...

@KevinvanderVelden because it said cat5 and not cat 5
also y'know, yuuki.
This is why @Yuuki is great
Can the downvoter please tell me why this is not on-topic for this site? — Nzall 3 mins ago
C'mon, man. Down votes are not, "this is off-topic"
@Yuuki hue, I was blown away by this pun
@Yuuki Okay, two reactions: facedesk for the bad dad style joke and horrified face at teh cable management
@Ash one of us, one of us
Q: Is there a way to regenerate bodies that were destroyed?

gatherer818Basically, I'm looking for a console command or something to get back a body that became collateral damage during a fight I wasn't ready for. I thought Recycler Charges would be useful against the main enemy in the Fabrication department (I was wrong) and appear to have recycled a body I never o...

@GodEmperorDune what does that mean?
That @Ash is enough of an engineer to be horrified at cablegore
i.e. one of us one of us etc
@GodEmperorDune The other day someone just needed to provide me their router and it's power cable, I got a rubbermaid tub with their ENTIRE DESKTOP, all it's cables, their modem, their router, a couple extenders, and few things I didn't even bother to identify, ALL TANGLED TOGETHER. "I didn't know what was what", they told me.
I could have described it to you, you know. Saved you the weight of your entire desktop and all that.
@TheMattbat999 yep what @KevinvanderVelden said
@GodEmperorDune oooookkkk...
Bleh, I have to go back to work tomorrow :(
@KevinvanderVelden that sucks.
First monday after vacation is the worst
@TimStone so TIL that an ambush is exactly what I thought it was
Poor @GodEmperorDune and @cazc_941
@KevinvanderVelden nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
@Wipqozn rekt
@KevinvanderVelden the school day after a holiday is probably just as bad. e.g. teachers flinging work on you and expect you to do it with complaint.
friendship ended with @Wipqozn, now @uni and I are best friends
Okay, self, time to make tortillas so you can make fish tacos in a bit. -tries to motivate themself
@GodEmperorDune this map is huge. I'll do my best to make sure you don't die.
@TheMattbat999 Honestly, I'd love if that was the biggest worry in my life :P
@Wipqozn Just run
@TimStone yeah that's the plan. I mean @cazc_941iz
@Wipqozn unless he gets set on fire and there's aliens to shoot or something
Also funny, if you sent two soldiers of the same class, completing the mission gives you that same-class squad achievement
Is a sniper soooooo
my ISP's site went for maintenance
WHILE I was in dashboard, doing stuff.
@Wipqozn Quickdraw or bust
@GodEmperorDune has ninja ranger, do he'll probably just leave @cazc_941 to his fate
@Ash you're making your own tortillas? awesome
@Ash eh. Well, it is like my 3rd biggest worry. 2nd : my sanity. 1st : Nuke/Lawnmower (couldn't decide)
@quartata They're pretty easy, surprisingly! :D thecafesucrefarine.com/best-ever-homemade-flour-tortillas
@TimStone also the lost.
okay, weird it gave you the pocket link and not the actual link but whatever, it should be right
You need a login for the site :(
@Wipqozn Indeed
semi related: I've always wanted to try making fresh pasta
lol, of course a Lost swarm apears
@KevinvanderVelden oh, hold on, lemme fix tha
Okay good. @cazc_941 is down.
@quartata I made pizza for supper a while back.
I totally sacrificed him for @GodEmperorDune
Time for bed o/
@KevinvanderVelden goodnight
@Wipqozn sorry @cazc_941, not the call i would've made
@GodEmperorDune seems like you did though
@Wipqozn always the commander's fault + @Wipqozn is always to blame so it's on you doubly
Actually if the advent and lost just distract each other this could be easy sneaking
@GodEmperorDune you are perfectly correct.
Average 3.89 enemies killed per turn, my word
@quartata Me too, but it is so intimidating and I don't know why
@TimStone sounds good (of course, I have never played xcom, nor plan to, but eh.)
@TimStone nice
@Ash the thin noodles like spaghetti are like impossible to do by hand but thicker noodes like tagliatelle I'm told you just cut with a knife
@GodEmperorDune I mean it was mostly because the Lost came during that retaliation mission and everything got really stupid
Good job @GodEmperorDune!
agh now I want noodles
keeping things symmetrical is not my strength so I figure it'll just come out as weird strips of dough :(
@TimStone those are the weak zombie-ish ones?
@quartata the sauce is a little difficult to make (we made pasta sauce before) and takes a while to make, but not impossible.
not about the sauce, I mean making noodles not using dried pasta
@TheMattbat999 Pasta sauce is eaaaaasy
@quartata Yeah, I feel like I could maybe do something like those but I am just scared of cooking it and it tasting like mushy ew
@quartata oh my gosh yeah me thats me
@Ash we made some from tomatoes in our garden (mainly took a while to "skin" them)
Boil them, then the skins fall off.
Or roast them same deal
(and then you get bonus mmmm from the roasting, heck, toss the rest of the veg in there too)
roasted tomatoes are great as is
@Ash well, we boiled THEN skined them
@quartata They are. Pretty much any veggie is delicious roasted.
@Ash Tomatoes are fruit.
user image
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, although some of them have 7 health now
cc @cazc_941 (@GodEmperorDune left you to die)
@TheMattbat999 rolls eyes I know.
@Wipqozn wait wtf is this
@TimStone My @GodEmperorDune has an average of 6.67 enemies killed per mission. 3 missions, 20 kills.
@Ash I didn't know that you knew because you said Veggie when referring to it.
what did you do @Wipqozn?
@GodEmperorDune The expansion added a photobooth. That's @cazc_941 character.
@Wipqozn Gonna suck when you get him killed
@Wipqozn wait is this wipqozn
@Avery No it's @cazc_941
@Wipqozn hahaha what
I'm not a character in game silly. I'm the commander, calling the shots from a safe location as you all die for me!
@Wipqozn do you make the text or does the game randomly generate it?
@Wipqozn yeah I understood that as it didn't have a bowtie
@GodEmperorDune It randomly generates it, but you can change it
once i get this expansion i'm going to make so many dirty sock posts
@Wipqozn that seems about right. I knew you were evil.
@Wipqozn Okay that makes it even better
Oh hey, @GodEmperorDune succeeded on his mission!
You also got +8 dodge
That's probably because you're so good at running away
@Wipqozn that skill is valuable when strong baddies come your way.
btw @Wipqozn it really sucks that Templars can't melee mutons
"Can't miss" LIES
@TimStone mutons auto counter all melee, right?
Yeah, because they're lame
The third retaliation mission being exclusively mutons and berserkers
2 mins ago, by The Mattbat999
@Wipqozn that skill is valuable when strong baddies come your way.
...Except apparently if you need to skulljack an officer, in which case the game randomly adds one
yay speed limit for the month is done
now I can yell* at ISP to improve my speeds

*= "yell" being "kindly ask if there's a configuration issue on my or their end"
Oh, protip @Wipqozn, if you ambush with a Templar who also has Bladestorm they'll get a second attack while the enemy runs for cover, heh
@Avery Thank you for that :)
(the not actually yelling)
I try to be more than respectful to support lately (~a year?), and honestly this is much better for everyone.
@Avery On behalf of level 1 support everywhere, I thank you
Well, thank you :)
(for showing me that tech support is made out of real humans too, and that they are sometimes very nice real humans)
Q: In Lost Legacy, how do you locate the photo op locations?

AlanI'm in Chapter 5 and still haven't figured out the photo op locations. I've encountered several, purely by chance. Is there a more direct way to know where the locations are at? Or is it randomly running around the map until the indicator appears onscreen?

00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 23:00

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