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@IanPugsley It's all tricks
@Tristan did you do 12x10-12 or did you actually have that memorized?
Also, 12s isn't even part of it.
@OrigamiRobot I feel so bad for you, you never got to learn your times tables
@IanPugsley I didn't learn long division until like 4 years after it was taught.
@IanPugsley The first one. <.< But I have 12x10 memorized!
@IanPugsley Why would you memorize past 9?
Also, I typed in Casper for one of those games, and it gave me credit for "The Invisible Man" ...
@StrixVaria This
@StrixVaria why would you memorize up to 9, or anything at all?
@IanPugsley If you wanna have this contest, I'm OK with that.
@IanPugsley Because if you memorize 0-9 and know how to add, you can multiply without a calculator. Memorizing the 12 times table doesn't add to that ability.
Hm. A maximized AP Nunu would do 4770 base damage with a fully charged ult.
@StrixVaria Actually there are people who claim it is easier to do math in base 12
@GraceNote And people play Nunu as a tank!? O.o
@StrixVaria there's logic in this in the age where people still need to do this sort of thing
@OrigamiRobot I think base 16 is the best
@OrigamiRobot We have a name for those people.
@OrigamiRobot Whenever I need to be able to multiply in base X, I'll memorize the times table up to X-1.
@Tristan Nunu has poor survivability without items.
In terms of a team fight, that is
@StrixVaria I was just saying.
Which is why all multiplication should be done in base 2.
@StrixVaria you've got your times tables for hex up to 15x15 memorized?
Because then there's no memorization necessary.
@IanPugsley I don't need to be able to multiply in hex. I don't do tip calculations in hex.
@StrixVaria Just lots of doing the same calculation over and over
a rickroll? seriously? what year is this?
@GraceNote Oh. That's understandable.
@StrixVaria if tip calculations are the only math you're doing, you don't need to memorize any times tables, just do (#/10)+((#/10)/2)
@IanPugsley Are you seriously still arguing about this?
@IanPugsley Depends on where you are.
@StrixVaria I caaaan't heeellpp iittt
What point are you trying to prove @IanPugsley
You just seem to be objecting to anything @OrigamiRobot or I say for no other reason than that you want to disagree with us.
@StrixVaria Don't worry. @IanPugsley argued with me that sharks were not fish for quite some time.
@OrigamiRobot you were taught long division poorly, I was taught about underwater sea species divisions poorly
@StrixVaria He is projecting my love of pointless arguments on you.
each school district has it's strengths
@StrixVaria I wasn't actually trying to convince you of anything
@IanPugsley No I wasn't taught poorly. I refused to learn. It's much dumber.
@Tristan The other point is that outside of the ult, which has absurd cooldown, his only other AP offense is his snowball, which while ~1400 every ~4 seconds smarts a lot, it's only single target. The 1500 heal you'd get with Consume wouldn't be enough to save you except in a 1v1 on your own turf.
Q: What is a good rune and Masteries Set to Maximize Malzahar as an AP Mid?

DarkAverilWhat Runes and Mysteries should I use to maximize my AP Mid capabilities as Malzahar?

Q: Why do players always use smite as the killing blow?

BubBidderskinsThis has been bugging me for a while. I've seen streams of high ELO junglers, and it seems like they always use smite as the killing blow on the jungle creeps. Why do they do that? I mean, damage is damage, and using it early could save you a few second on cooldown. Why don't they start fighting ...

Q: Is the smite mastery worth it?

IllpalazzoThe smite mastery is only 10gold per smite and after early game you are saving smite for big objectives so is it really worth it to use one point for what really amounts to one ward around the 8 min mark that you would not have been able to afford otherwise?

@GraceNote I see. I know I played Nunu as an AP once and enjoyed it, but I did die quite a bit.
@Tristan AP Offtank is a very common build for him.
Gives him to survivability to be a nuisance, and because the AP ratio on his snowball is pretty snazzy, still smarts to get hit.
whoa, there is a table flipping arcade game?
you win this round, Japan. like always
@agent86 For a sec, I thought you were using "flipping" as an expletive substitute and was desperately trying to parse your sentence correctly and failing.
@agent86 (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@FAE lol
@FAE what's your flipping problem with table flipping?
the love between a man and a table shall not be denied
@BenBrocka ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) cool it, bro
@agent86 I don't know if you're flipping tables correctly...
@agent86 A HEM:
Mar 17 at 2:25, by LessPop_MoreFizz
user image
@OrigamiRobot (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ノ( º _ ºノ) TAKE THAT
@LessPop_MoreFizz ohhh snip snap
@LessPop_MoreFizz psh, now mine needs more stars and the cycle will be complete.
@agent86 That is awesome
@BenBrocka correct response is: (╯°□°)╯︵ /(.□. \)
@agent86 those are kinda lame. :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz you just have to criticize everything I post today, don't you. WELL FINE I WAS GOING TO MAKE YOU A CAKE BUT YOU'D PROBABLY SAY IT WASN'T MOIST ENOUGH SO FORGET IT. GO FLIP YOURSELF!
@agent86 Well I starred that, so you're on your way back to contributing something useful!
@LessPop_MoreFizz woooooooo
I think this answer has my most youtube videos ever: gaming.stackexchange.com/a/59485/3015
Tomorrow needs to get here faster.
@OrigamiRobot I just copy and paste
@Tristan What's happening tomorrow?
I'm kinda bummed that all the work I put into that Boomerang Blade answer will never get the +15 rep for being accepted. I don't think that user is ever going to come back.
@AshleyNunn I'll get to find out if I won the video card. lol
@Tristan lol :)
@Tristan I feel you pain. Most of my LoL answers from this contest are just dust on the wind now. Maybe they will help some random googler at some point.
Anyway, I gotta get off here, but I'll be back later tonight. See you all later. =)
@Tristan First I wondered what % of the LoL people ever come back
A: How do I reverse the activation of Pistons with redstone automatically?

OrigamiRobotIf you watch at about 2:50, you can see most of the left half of the circuit. The part for the stairs looks like it isn't shown very well but that is less important timing wise. Watch carefully over and over and see if you can replicate it this way. It looks like the repeaters for the middle a...

Then, after reading their questions, I wonder how we can keep them from coming back
@OrigamiRobot Ouch... He even acknowledged your helpfulness. =\
@Tristan Yep
...how am I still #2 on the LoL tag for answers? I've only posted one answer since the promotion, and that was 8 minutes ago...
I blame new users not upvoting...
Wow... The interface on Dota 2 is horrible! Anyway, for reals this time... Later all! >.>
@GraceNote Most of the questions and answers have been crap. That's why.
@Wipqozn pretty much
Q: What do the wreath colors overlaying the chapters mean?

Leo5882723I have been looking at my completed chapters and I noticed that some wreaths are green, while others are gold. What does this mean?

Q: What do I need to do for a gold laurel wreath?

Joe WreschnigOn the chapter select screen the ones I've finished are marked with a laurel wreath. Some of them are gold; some of them are green. It doesn't seem to be based on score (or at least not consistent across levels) or intensity; I thought it might be based on dying vs. not dying but my wife says she...

@Wipqozn I had 11 answers. Just a couple good answers should've been able to topple that
@GraceNote You are underestimating what little amount of non-crap content has been generated by this contest.
Especially given the number of answers given in just the last 30 days among the people who are top in that period.
Q: Can multiple silo add bonus to same harvester?

BlemIf I have multiple silos next to one harvester do they then all add bonus to the harvester or is the bonus only applied once?

Q: If Tali dies in Mass Effect 3 romanced. Can you romance someone else in the game?

FishyBabySlapI romanced Tali and locked it in in ME3 but she dies on rannoch so can I romance someone else in the game?

@Wipqozn You picked the wrong word there.
I think people have been too busy trying to do clean-up than up vote things anyways.
@GraceNote ?
I've been busy /ignoring them entirely!
@Wipqozn I'm not underestimating if I'm surprised by how small the numbers are.
@Wipqozn triple sorta-negative
Ah, well. Dang. Too late to fix now. My failure will be known to the world forever.
Feb 1 at 22:16, by Grace Note
damn it, now you forced me to watch this:
I still prefer this one
@Wipqozn and you were doing so well
@BenBrocka this is 10 minutes long and could probably be more like 10 seconds long.
I shouldn't say that though, or someone's going to link that 10 hour what is love video. again.
That one?
@GraceNote yeeep.
@BenBrocka (╯°□°)╯ ︵ ɐʞɔoɹq uəq
@OrigamiRobot (╯°□°)╯ ︵ ʇoqoɹıɯɐɓıɹo
@agent86 you're right, we DO need a LOL SAKUYA 10 HOURS video
Rawr!! and now.. Back to tacos :)
It's a shame that xMqHJrdXj0s is not quite as easy to remember as MsDugITBANI
@GraceNote WHys that?
(╯°□°)╯ ︵ ɥʇɐɹosəɹ
@James ?
@Resorath Just a little flipping, nothing to worry about :)
I'm not a table @james
@Resorath How do we know unless we try to flip you though?
@James Fair enough. Other options include setting up a formal dinner on top of.
@James The lack of real vowels, plus the actual consonant combinations don't lean as easily to meshing together in as few syllables as needed.
I really wish Lauren would get back to me on my comment for meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/4305/… Its making me nervous
The longest one is Jrd, really.
@GraceNote Well, its clear that one isnt as easy to remember.. I was wondering why it was a shame?
@James Because if it's easy to remember, I don't need to bookmark or keep the URL in a random notepad file
Like, MsDugITBANI, I can just type out instantly.
Ah, Youtube video id or some such?
MsDugITBANI is the 10 hours of "What Is Love?" video from up there. The... other... one... is the "epic villain laugh" video that Wipqozn tosses in here every now and then.
now I have that song stuck in my head. damn you 10 hour youtube video
@agent86 Welcome to Gnome's hell.
@agent86 Better than Yellow Submarine
Q: Can not see the 3rd ending in ME3?

MahdiI did increased my EMC by Coalesced.bin editor and now it is about 11500 (reduce it to half cause my readiness is 50 percent, don't have time to play multiplayer) and I'm also capable to convince illusive man to commit suicide, but nothing changed. I can not see the other ending, I have only 2 ch...

Q: Most efficient way to play Nasus?

RiceWhen I play Nasus (Solo top of course) there's always disputes on what I should be doing. I run Teleport + Flash to ensue map control and for an escape. However I have 2 questions, How do you correctly lane with Nasus? (Pushing, Freezing, Last hitting with Q, Using Q for harass?) and also, how...

Q: Does triggering a biotic explosion on a Warp remove the Expose effect?

BrysonicThe Expose upgrade for Warp has this effect: Increase weapon damage taken by a target by 15%. Increase power damage taken by a target by 15% for 10 seconds. We know from this question that once a biotic explosion occurs after being set up by a Warp, it cannot be detonated again until a ne...

Q: Did the mothership lazers zap the favourite and ignored tags?

StephenMy display isn't showing the box for ignored/favourite tags. Did I goober it? Did the mothership laZer it? Did we accidentally give it away to one of the ME3 prize winners?

yallow everyone
I set up an internal SE-like Q&A site at my company, using OSQA. It makes me really appreciate SE's feature set
Also, I'm having trouble getting anyone in the company except for my project team to buy in to the concept
Is your company tech savvy and young?
Most are younger than me
<- ~34
And yeah, we're a software development company that's all about "lean" and "agile" and other buzzwords
@Sterno lol
@Sterno I hate buzz words
Im not sure if the concept would work in many places
@tiddy Even if you just used SE as a dumping Wiki for HOWTOs it has some of the nicest layout/navigation to achieve easy transference of information.
It's working pretty nice on my team. I mean, StackOverflow makes a lot more sense for general coding questions, but when we've got questions about things that either we can't share with the outside world, or could share but no one would be able to help, it's nice.
(I really resisted using the word Tidiest :))
How do you pronounce tidd
@Sterno out of curiosity, what business sector and state?
Previously we'd tried using a wiki to capture some information, but that just gets ugly. Plus, with a Q&A, you're asking and answering real questions people have. With a wiki, you're just shotgunning a page with random knowledge and hoping something useful sticks
You're not using voting though correct?
@IanPugsley Software development, Indiana. Called Software Engineering Professionals. Imaginative name!
@tiddy The system is there, but it is much less important. And the minimum rep needed for most useful activities is 50 or less
But the better answers have bubbled to the top, which is nice
On the rare cases there is more than 1
So this is strictly for internal programming questions?
@Sterno nobody ever praised software devs for their naming skills :P
@tiddy It's primarily for that, but not only. I don't see any reason we couldn't handle common HR-type questions through there. Like "How do I set up my 401k?" But right now, since it's just my project team (all developers), it's all coding/architecture/policy type questions
On-topic is basically "Q&A that pertains to anything at our company"
And your company doesn't have this information readily available?
@LessPopMoreFizz by the way, thanks a ton for linking Enon in chat in the naming discussion the other day - they're great
@James lies, you don't vote much
Blah I'll stop. Ill be interested to know if it takes off in a private setting
Depends. If you're talking about the 401k imaginary example that was never actually asked, there's the general employee handbook type thing. But I could see more specific how-tos being useful. To date, it's all been about internal project code/architecture type stuff on my team though
Which is it's primary purpose, in my mind. Asking questions about code that we can't ask on SO
@Blem Maybe that picture isnt a bad thing then :D
@James Don't flip me bro!
@OrigamiRobot Oh OH, Sorry @OrigamiRobot ノ( º _ ºノ)
Just, when I see red, I get into a flippies mood.
@James you do downvote more than me
@Blem There have been some really crappy questions lately :)
true, I think most of my down votes are from the resent LoL questions
this really deserves it's own meta thread:
A: Do esoteric rules hurt the site?

tzenesSo, I've already expressed that I think we have a problem; but do we really? Maybe it's my training as a developer, but I've tried to live by a rule: if you can't measure it, it didn't happen. So let's see about measuring this. For my metric I chose: Percentage of Closed questions asked by u...

An actual problem/discussion doesn't deserve to be hidden away inside another users mindless rant.
@Wipqozn I want to tell @tzenes that his claims make sense and is the only one who has said anything other than "Your rules are bad."
But I don't want to contribute to that thread any more
@agent86 I agree, I just don't like things being stacked against me behind my back and so I was very straightforward about my actions.
@Decency no one is engaging in this type of activity against you, as far as my tools show. I know it's hard when actual stuff is on the line, but do whatever you can to vote based on the content of people's posts, and not the person or a to influence the results of a contest - that's not good behavior.
and this applies to everyone, it's not a policy I'm making up for you
nobody should be going around and biasing the voting system so that your friends win prizes and/or other people don't. We had to remove several people during the ME3 promo for this kind of behavior.
@Wipqozn which, the matter of expressing rules to new users?
giving out prizes based on voting sucks, but it's sadly the only system we have for this kind of thing.
Q: Does Udyr fit better in jungle or top lane?

KirkalirkIve seen pretty beastly udyr junglers as well as really good top lane udyrs. Is he more useful in the jungle or up top? Any ideas on builds/runes/masteries for whichever as well? i just bought him and i want to try him out when i get home from school :) thanks so much guys.

Q: Is it possible to 'Stack' Multiplayer war assets?

Samuel StandrinWhen you reach level 20 and promote your class in multiplayer you get 75 war assets in singleplayer. If I get to level 20 again (whether its with the same class or a different one) can I promote again to get an additional 75 points? If so what is the limit to the amount of times I can promote e...

@BenBrocka Yes.
well, post it :P
the "closed" thing is particularly intimidating and I've noticed several sites discussing that issue lately
I made my comment hoping tzene's would.
If he doesn't I plan to though.
@BenBrocka Yeah, that's my main concern.
@Wipqozn If you want something done right...
@BenBrocka Like I said, I will. But since tzenes is the one who put in all that work, I'm going to wait a few days to see if he'll follow my suggestion and make one.
IF he doesn't, I'll just go ahead and do it.
@Wipqozn @tzenes has some interesting data in there, but as my comments I just added to his Answer suggest, I think we should get a bit more information before we start drawing conclusions over how we are seeing the activity go over the past few months.
@James I don't think anyone could disagree that our new user experience could use some work.
@Wipqozn for one thing I think the Closed message needs to link to a description of WTF closed means...
@OrigamiRobot I do not think so either, but before we worry too much Id like to know how many of them came to a site for information or a free TV
@James I think that is irrelevant
@OrigamiRobot If you came for information you will return for information. If you came for a TV, well the TV is gone why would you come back?
@James the whole point of the contests is to draw users in
come for the TV, stay for the info
@IanPugsley Exactly.
@BenBrocka really? it's in the faq... which is linked in every closed message
We don't hold them to give people free stuff.
@IanPugsley And that is exactly what I would like shown is the cause
@James It doesn't matter why they came here. If we can improve the experience, it can only help.
@Wipqozn WHo won all the stuff from ME3 promotion?
New users or old users?
Whether the contests are actually doing anything positive is a completely different discussion.
@James That doesn't matter. The idea is to draw users in with the stuff. We don't care who gets it.
I think there should be some sort of "Best New user" prize.
@JuanManuel I'm not sure how helpful most people view a "see the FAQ" link though
@Wipqozn But ignoring the impact the contests have had on the site over the last 2ish months would be irresponsible in then using that exact data to draw conclusions
@BenBrocka well, we can't copy and paste it on every close annotation...
if they care, they'll click
@IanPugsley a big part is also to create good content for future users
@OrigamiRobot Goes to the user who asks the -3 question instead of the hundred that asked -5 questions.
@StrixVaria LOL Thats funny cause its probably true :D
@James So what would a slanted view lead to? More work on improving new user experience? How is that bad?
I have a canned set of comments for every FAQ-listed close reason, and I post them liberally when I close questions.
@OrigamiRobot We have a top new users section or something like that. Said users are sent an e-mail and all that jazz. I know this because I was a top new user when I first joined. shades
people do not read before they post. period, end of story, never going to happen, ever.
@OrigamiRobot I just want to know what the retention rate is between people who had their question closed as a Dupe vs closed as Off Topic
even if we said "at the bottom of this FAQ is a quick quiz that will earn you $5" they would still fail it.
@James I never said we ignore them.
@BenBrocka oh yeah, for sure
My recent posts on meta about how I don't know how to read meta to actually understand what the rules/policies are kind of relates to Ren's and Tzenes's posts too
so are new users likely to get their first questions closed? very much so, and it will continue to happen regardless of how well we document the close reasons
@James I don't think the ME3 contest had much of a bad effect. There seemed to be some attempts at vote fraud but I think we got some very good content and views out of it
Can we get link in the FAQ that point to the relevant policy decisions?
@OrigamiRobot the X is off topic things?
@OrigamiRobot so that they can not read more things?
Yeah, the no more ITG rule should probably be a link
@BenBrocka Again just my point, when the new user count is 1-4% if 15 accounts were closed as puppet accounts, then the numbers we are looking at could be very far off
@agent86 At least we could try. What do we gain from not doing it?
@agent86 it would help those that do read it to not consider the "arbitrary rules"
We may be interpreting a 'Oh god were losing them' when its just a 'That jackass made 10 accounts'
@James ah, true.
There may actually be minimal to no change to true new users.
@James I wasn't really thinking about "losing any users"
@James Irrelevant. Even if we were losing zero users, improving the new user experience is only a good thing.
I don't know about linking to the meta discussion about no more ITG - people just argue that they never got a say, or we decided too quickly, or that the margin of majority isnt big enough. >.<
The Game Comparison questions are a good example of problem areas
There's no official policy on it. Nothing in the FAQ
@OrigamiRobot Definitely a good thing.
There's a meta post which used to say one thing and kind of came around to another
@James So I want us to overreact.
Depending on who happens to look at it, it's either a great question, or off-topic and closed
@OrigamiRobot I also have to say I do like the policy of 'Who cares why we are here, lets just fix it' :)
@OrigamiRobot I close soooo many questions in a week that are obvious violations of the FAQ guidelines. Adding more guidelines won't reduce the close rate, I can guarantee you.
Is a good answer to a bad question a good answer... Hmmm
@agent86 I'm not saying add more guidelines. I'm saying make it easier to find the reasons behind existing ones.
(Ignore that, my mind wandered)
I'm sure the most important thing in influencing the new users is the content of the front page, it's almost certainly the only thing, if any, most new users read
A different way of attacking this problem is to make sure we don't close questions from new users that are valid. In problem areas like game comparisons, all a newbie might seeing is a war on whether or not the question should even be open. That's a problem we can solve by addressing our veteran users rather than the newbies
Which is why editing questions to not suck is great, especially the titles. Deleting totally off topic stuff keeps it off the main page as well
@BenBrocka I actually hate the front page. It is my hope that new users find the Questions tab and never ever go back to the front page again :)
(I only ever get there myself by accident, hehe)
@OrigamiRobot you want the FAQ to link to the meta discussion for ITG? What good does that do?
@James Eh, our good content is more often on the front page than the new questions page IMO. Anything with lots of answers or anything that's been improved/added to is on there
Indeed, viewing the guts won't change the fact that it is law.....l
@agent86 Why not? What do we lose? Nothing.
@OrigamiRobot I can see people just using it as argument-fodder
@BenBrocka I do not come to the site because I am looking for a random question that might apply to me.. I generally did a google search and it lead me to a specific question and answer.
Adding the link doesn't seem like a problem to me, it doesn't increase the amount of text in the FAQ
@BenBrocka I wonder how many new connections to the site really are even too the main page
@James they come from google, but the main page is one of the standard destinations for non-bounced users
@AshleyNunn Bring it on. We all like to argue. Just read the chat transcript. :P
@OrigamiRobot We do not
@OrigamiRobot meta's an ever-shifting landscape of discussion and arguing. I don't particularly think that a good first time experience is "your question is closed, now wade through 6 pages of us fighting about why we should close all questions like this"
This isn't an argument!
@OrigamiRobot Lies you red robot you! :D
@Sterno yes it is!
@James No it isn't!
@Sterno I will cut you
@OrigamiRobot Personally, I don't want to have arguements with every new user over every decision we made. That is a waste of everyone's time.
@Sterno Haha, Monty Python is awesome :D
@agent86 Yeah, I think linking to the meta discussions is bad idea. but I do think we should try to make our FAQ more approachable to new users.
@Sterno T'is!
Sorry, time's up.
@Wipqozn the FAQ's fine, imho. there are 6 bullets, and each of them is clearly scoped
@Sterno that was never 5 minutes.
@Wipqozn Noob Question: Can we edit our own FAQ? I think we were just leaving the 'WE closed ITG cause' in the tag description, but that information should be in the FAQ
@Wipqozn shorter is more approachable. IT's clear as it is. Where's the improvement that the body copy needs?
@agent86 I don't see the disadvantage in giving new users the means to educate themselves.
Here is an odd question though.. Can the policies in the FAQ be revoted on?
Mods can edit the first section of the FAQ only
@Wipqozn I think the problem is that nobody read the damn FAQ, especially not new users
We voted to close ITG, is it possible a year from now we vote to open them up again?
I think there is a problem of having a lot of subjective policies buried in meta. I don't think there's a good solution to that, however.
the "what can I ask here" bit until the "what can I not ask"
@Fabian It's a big FAQ
plus the balance on meta shifts so easily, there's no telling what the generally accepted policy is on some of these subjects.
@James it is possible, sure - it would have to be re-brought up and voted on again
@Sterno the important bit is the top part which defines our site scope
like earlier, we asked "is it ok to curse in an answer?" and the resulting discussion was "some people say yes, and some say no"
it's doubtful, but there's nothing preventing someone from fighting for it
Here is another question: Can we alter the layout of SE's ask a question page?
Or the search results that show up?
@James you'd have to make suggestions on Meta
As a new user, I know I was all up in that FAQ within minutes
Cause we tell people not to put the game's name in the title and instead put it into the tag
But I also know I only get good results on existing questions when I -do- put the game in the title
Tags dont seem to count.
I think not having the games title in the question is counter-productive
(had that happen with DragonVale and Triple Town yesterday actually :))
@James the results ignore tags
Which is total crap
@tiddy I was too, but we're the exception rather than th erule.
People find this place from googling questions
this is just what happens when you build a system based on total and utter democracy around every decision. chaos, glorious chaos :)
@tiddy seeing as how you're in the top 3% this month and have a gravatar and are in chat, you are not the average new user :P
The more I think about it, the more I realize I'm wrong. The only users that will bother to read the FAQ are very likely to turn out to be good users anyways.
@tiddy Tags are there for SEO
I just lurked for a while before posting anything, I don't know if I ever made a point on reading the FAQ beyond random links.
@BenBrocka Thought so. I had the game name in the title (working on posting a strategy question for Triple Town) and I had 4 relevant questions show up.. I then removed it from the title and they ALL went away even though the question was tagged with the tgame.
@tiddy It's especially problematic if the game in question only gets tagged once, and 6 months later the tag is removed. Now you've got a question with no game name
I read everything I could, but I do that for every site I join
IF you search Kill a baby in Mass effect 3 you should find the question Can I kill babies? That's tagged mass effect 3
@James On google? Or internally?
It looks like the questions appear by site title and hopefully the tags are visible at the end
@AshleyNunn Internally
@AshleyNunn he means the dupe suggestions
Depending on question title length that seems to be hit or miss
which are really really bad on Gaming

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