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Broken on meta
@Sterno oh meta never had lazers. i may do something different for Meta Mothership... cuz it's from a different parallel universe..
@Jin Have the ground troops shoot at the mothership instead. REVERSED LAZERS
Then if you hover on the button too long the mothership explodes and you never get to ask meta questions again!
Q: What are some tips and tricks for Temple Run?

IIISkyBlueIIIThe name says it all, what are some tips and tricks I can use to increase my score in Temple Run?

Q: What impacts stocking times?

Emerica.You can upgrade your shops to Level 2, Level 3, ...ect. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but upgrading the shop adds quanitity to your restocking, meaning you get more stock for every restock. However, does upgrading the shop also lower the amount of time it takes to stock an item? Or does every shop...

@BenBrocka great idea!
@Lazers There is a good question in there...I think.
Auch, 1 out 6 LoL questions is closed gaming.stackexchange.com/…
@Jin Meta needs Nukes!
Nukes to counter the Lazers!
@BenBrocka Yeah - I threw a fire and a plant dragon in there. Will see what happens :)
@AshleyNunn the wiki has a ton of articles on breeding: dragonvale.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Breeding
@Jin On chrome, when you mouse over initially, the animation doesn't always start fresh. Sometimes it starts in the middle. Lazers appear out of nowhere instead of being fired as normal.
Generally all you need to know is look at the store and decide which dragon you want; breed the two elements you see there (for a flower dragon it's Fire and Plant), breed those two dragons to yield the dragon you see
there's some special cases though, for instance Plant dragons can't breed directly with Cold dragons
@BenBrocka Poison, though, is Plant and Fire.....how do I ensure I get Flower, and not Poison?
Alo, limited time dragons? :(
@BenBrocka Damn you, this game sounds really fun.
I think used to play little webgames like this...
@AshleyNunn yeah, if you want a Clover dragon you might want to start trying now. I only got one after....at least a dozen tries :/
@BenBrocka Which two do I need to breed for that?
@IvoFlipse Yeah, we were talking about this the other day. I'm not at all impressed by the quality of questions produced by this contest :/
@AshleyNunn The Wiki says you should follow the order of elements the dragon shows in the shop; if the dragon shows Plant then Fire, breed a higher level Plant dragon than Fire dragon and/or put the Plant dragon on the RIGHT of the breeding menu...though in my experience it's fairly random
@AshleyNunn plant and Moss seems to work. Plant and earth might work...honestly I'm not sure there's a difference for this dragon
@Wipqozn Is anyone?
@BenBrocka Hm. Don't have Moss - Will start with Plant and Earth and go from there.
@FAE it is very fun :P I wish it had an android version so I could check up on it on my phone too
@BenBrocka I do not own any iThings so I cannot play it. :( If it's ever released for Android, ping me! :D
Sounds like they plan to bring their games over to Android, but they're bringing their stupid dumb crappy games first before dragonvale :/ pocketgamer.co.uk/r/Android/Backflip+Studios+news/…
@BenBrocka Hahahaha oh man, I seriously tried that game, played it for a bit, and hten was like self what have you done? throwing a virtual paper thing IS NOT FUN. Go read a book.
And there's like eleven thousand of those games for iOS and android
@AshleyNunn Wat. Paper Toss is awesome.
Certainly better than setting up your own trash can and some fans to throw a real-life paper thing around. :P
Also, no cats to get in the way.
I think Dragonvale might be their first port though, because of in app purchases it's one of the top grossing games on the iOS app store
@AnnaLear That's just Insanity mode for real life!
@StrixVaria weird.. i can't repro
@AnnaLear I'd rather breed dragons or create an awesome street fair. :)
@Jin all of the lasers did that to me. Latest Beta chrome here
@Jin @BenBrocka and someone else (I think @murgatroid99) were able to repro.
@AshleyNunn Awesome street dragon fair
@BenBrocka That would be the best crossover game. :)
@Jin I can.
@Jin It's easiest to see if you mouse on and off of the link area repeatedly
Grrr jetpack joyride update why you no out yet
@BenBrocka Jetpack Joyride update?
@Wipqozn I wasn't overwhelmed either, but 1/6 feels rather high to me
@badp They've added a new app for the Android Bundle. Well, two games actually, though one seem to be the sequel to the other
Q: Where are all the Zodiac Weapons located?

WipqoznZodiac Weapons are required to unlock a variety of things in the game. Due to this I want to make sure I find them all. Which levels contain Zodiac Weapons, and where in each level are they located?

@BenBrocka That looks like awesome
@BenBrocka still can't repro. although i noticed a few css weirdness in the latest chrome beta
(p.s. we don't support beta browsers)
@Jin I'm not on any special chrome channel; I just use the standard one.
@Jin I'm able to repro in Chrome dev, but it's certainly a Chrome issue, so meh shrugs
@AshleyNunn Never, ever step back and ask what you're doing ingame and how it would analogize to IRL. Otherwise you end up asking yourself, "Dear god, why did I just spend 3 hours digging in virtual stone with a fake pickaxe to find pretend diamonds?"
@Jin try flicking your mouse over it repeatedly
Epic Mickey 2 on 3DS looks like it would be really, really, fun. Not that I need any more games to look forward to....
@Wipqozn What's the scope on your question?
@FAE Fair enough. :D
I saw a bug report that indicated that it might actually be a regression, but my brain isn't working enough at the moment to have decided if it was a similar enough scenario.
@YiJiang They're actually the same game, one's just censored with different graphics.
@FAE I'd rather not think of the horrible things I'm doing to virtual dragons :P
@AshleyNunn You end up forgetting the fact that you had fun while doing it!
@FAE Pardon?
Your child is WRONG! I shall sell away your offspring.
@BenBrocka that's like.. molesting the mothership, against the intergalactic law!
@Ullallulloo Oh, huh, interesting
@FAE Hey now, it's cool. I'm a panda running around a picturesque area, kicking ass. That'd be pretty sweet iRL too.
@Jin There's probably terribly inappropriate jokes to be made from this...but.
@AnnaLear You're either playing the WoW Beta, or KungFu Panda. XD
@BenBrocka Wow. If I think about it that way, I feel like a terrible person!
@AshleyNunn WoW beta, but it's not that much different...
@AshleyNunn it's okay, the dragons don't seem to mind
Can anyone fix up the formatting on this...?
A: Is there a positive relationship between staff damage and distance from your target?

WipqoznI've done some experimenting, and it turns out that it varied based on the staff type. A staff will have one of the following three relationships between damage and distance (along with an incomplete list of staffs which fall under each relation): Direction Relation: As distance from the targe...

They're perfectly content to eat invisible food and breath random elements at eachother
I can't get the spaces to work correctly with the list :/
@Wipqozn As in, how big of a list o'stuff is it asking for and is it an acceptable amount of stuff? :) Using this answer I think, is a decent metric for those types of questions which you'd normally see in walkthroughs.
@Wipqozn There's an issue with this and nested lists.
@FAE At most, 25 things, but there are not one for ever level. I'm guessing ~15 items.
@Wipqozn @Grace worked some witchery on a post once to fix one of my answers but as I am not a witch, I don't know what kind of witchery it is.
@FAE There aren't any walkthroughs for this game that I can find, at all, using various search terms, which makes finding this info a little harder.
@Jin Laser cows! Just like real cows! Only with lasers.
@BenBrocka Oh good. I wouldn't want to make them sad.
@Wipqozn Like that?
@TimStone Perfect!Thank you.
Aye. The Markdown specification unfortunately makes that a tricky case.
You know what, XBox 4π is a perfectly good name for Microsoft's next generation console
@YiJiang 4n?
@AshleyNunn pie
@YiJiang Okay, I'll bite. Why? :)
Mmmm floor pi
@Wipqozn Gotcha. Just wondering if it'd be better to break it down by zone (if they're divided into zones) or whatnot, if the answers are long. Not owning the game, I don't know how much work goes into finding each individual Zodiac Weapon. If each weapon has like, a mini-walkthrough itself, it could be a bit unwieldy.
360 = 2π radians... /sillynerdjokes
Bad Jiang. >:( bops on head Horrible jokes are @Wipqozn's domain.
@TimStone HAAAAAAAAAAAX! throws monitor
@YiJiang /facepalm :P
@YiJiang is sad, does not get it
@AshleyNunn Heh, I also thought it was an n, but now I see it's an ugly pi instead.
@FAE nah, not really. The location of each will probably be about a sentence or two. For example.. "It's located behind the Intensity-9 door" and "In the first room you come across with 4-round pits, the one closest to the door you come in from has a Zodiac Weapon at the bottom."
@Wipqozn Ah gotcha. Sounds good then!
Any opinions on the current Android Indie Bundle? I'm meh on everything except for Canabalt (which I've already played)
@BenBrocka Very meh, not much that's interesting
@OrigamiRobot I was so confused for a second. Then I felt stupid.
@BenBrocka I'm buying it so I eventually have games to play when I own a smartphone.
@StrixVaria I was very glad that I got both of those. :)
No on ever did explain why they down voted my question.
If you're feeling cheap, give them a dollar and grab Canabalt
@OrigamiRobot *slow clap*
I've barely been playing games on Android lately except Mother 3 and slooowly plodding through Enborn X
also it's got S(m/n)uggle Truck
@FAE Perhaps I can train him to my padawan.
hopes he spelled padawan right
@Wipqozn yes
@OrigamiRobot I got the 0x one and I'm like "WTF is 1x?"
@AshleyNunn: What's your 3DS friend code? We should exchange codes, et cetera.
The 3DS still has friend codes?!
@BenBrocka It's Nintendo.
They seem dead-set on not understanding online play.
@BenBrocka Yeah, but they're automatically exchanged locally.
Nintendo just fails in the internet age
@StrixVaria Pretty much this
@Wipqozn Its 0001-3563-3040
Wow, the white lightsaber color crystal question that was just asked was all one sentence.
@FAE weird, are they sure they're not asking about LoL?
Q: How do I obtain a White Color Crystal?

ZefirisIs there any way to get the white lightsaber crystal? I have seen people with them running around, and they said it was obtained by drops, but they won't say what dropped it. I would like to have one for my saber. Is there any way to get one?

Q: Can there be sheep in a biome with wolves around?

ndefontenayI spawned in an area where it seems there's mostly wolves. I was wondering if I had to get rid of all of them in order to be able to get sheep. I'm in a snowy/hilly area. I was thinking that there might be more sheep in the nearby wood biome but not luck. Further north, I have a mountain/grass ...

well this is great. I seem to have both forgotten and lost the password for my router admin, so I'll probably need to completely re-install it.
@Wipqozn :(
@Wipqozn did you try "12345" or "password"
or nothing at all?
or "admin"
or "guest" (that's always been my favourite)
feels like my password is.... nothing at all! nothing at all! nothing at all!
@agent86 Yeah, neither worked.
for family members I tend to tape a little card on the bottom of the router with the username and password
@Wipqozn If you didn't change it, google your router's model's default password.
I had the stuff stored on my computer, but I've been trying to clean it up lately so everythings been moved around.
you could also look up on the interwebs what the default password is for your brand/model
@AnnaLear highfive
@agent86 mindshare =)
if you changed it though, you're likely hosed. Hope you didn't set up any complicated QoS or port forwarding rules
bah, can't get in :/
I managed to find one file with info, but not the admin info. only the information to log on to the network.
For the record, my guest network password is "freeloader" :P
@Wipqozn If I'm ever in Nova Scotia I know what password to try on all the secured networks I find now.
@agent86 feels like I'm inputting nothin at all
@StrixVaria That's just my guest network. Which might actually be turned off right now...
Either way I'm now changing. I don't trust you people. Super shifty.
@BenBrocka you're a few minutes late with that joke :P
Also, looks like I'll need to reset it to factory defaults.
@agent86 Still comedy gold though.
@Wipqozn it was, when I made it minutes prior
@Wipqozn Mine's 0946-2786-9324, btw.
@Wipqozn What is your Friend Code?
@AshleyNunn I'll let you know once I fix my router.
As of now, I can't connect to my wireless.
@Wipqozn You don't need to.
@Wipqozn hate routers so much
@Wipqozn No worries. Figured I would ask while I thought of it. I can't add anyone until I get home this afternoon, anyhow. :)
@AshleyNunn do you have iphone or ipad?
4339 2484 5770 @Ullallulloo @AshleyNunn
@BenBrocka iPhone :)
Ah, I'm on ipad, android phone. Still waiting on the new ipad in the mail
Mine's 3995-7268-9867. I think. (@Wipqozn @Ullallulloo @AshleyNunn)
@AnnaLear Sweet. Gonna have ALL THE DS FRIENDS when I get home :D
@AshleyNunn I'd give you mine, but I own 0 games that use the wifi service on my DS Lite, and I broke the wireless antenna on it when I was repairing the hinge :(
so you might as well just input 12 random numbers and stick my avatar to the screen, and then shed a single tear for my poor DS
@agent86 I know it is because really, you don't want to be my friend ;)
@agent86 Poor thing. :(
My friend code is 4124-5027-7667 (@AnnaLear @Wipqozn @Ullallulloo @AshleyNunn)
@murgatroid99 Yaaaaay
Alright, time to pop off the internets - potluck lunch at work :D :D :D
I should get a 3DS some day...but I already don't use my Vita much
I only got an original game boy :/
Q: What are the stats of the Razer green/black color crystal?

ZefirisI have seen the green/black saber crystals from the Razer peripheral promotion, and I was wondering what the stats are. Are they like the yellow/black color crystal? Can you improve its stats, or are we stuck with low stats?

A 3DS rhythm game (a la Elite Beat Agents) by SquareEnix? With a US release date? What dimension am I in? http://kotaku.com/5896650/five-songs-that-must-be-added-to-theatrhythm/gallery/1
does it rain donuts here?
cause if so, I'm staying.
zomg, no wai.
You have a gameplay vid somewhere?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Vega's is great
doh, looks like I'm a few secs too late
@RavenDreamer Esthar!
I was so proud when I beat Jumpin' Jack Flash on Diva. Cleared it with S rank too!
@RavenDreamer booyah! I finished on 3-star, but never got very far on the final difficulty
@RavenDreamer That's the only song I can't beat :(
And it's the only song my friend can beat.
By your powers combined...
@OrigamiRobot there's a part in it that's just brutal. The hardest part was playing all the sections together - I could generally do the first part or the second part correct in one run
@agent86 It's the 20 or so note phrases immediately followed by a spinner that do me in.
@agent86 I really want to play this
@OrigamiRobot Everything but the last spinner is hell.
Of the spinners, that is.
I swear I rubbed the screen in my DS out.
Spinners are the stupidest thing in Elite Beat Agents.
@FAE Did you get my steam message from like, 5 am your time?
It reminds me of some of the minigames in the original Mario Party.
I got blisters from spinning that joystick.
Not to mention killing more than one joystick forever.
Rest in peace, beloved N64 controller.
@RavenDreamer I did, oddly enough. Did Steam add offline messaging? Also, which one?
@StrixVaria Me too! I solved this by wearing my dad's work gloves when playing Mario Party.
I think there is more to ranking than this
A: How is rank determined?

Joe WreschnigScore is determined based on how many notes you hit and how well you hit them. Rank is determined only by how well you hit them. S ranks also require you don't miss anything; if you miss but still meet the requirements for an S, you'll only get an A. Since the number of notes varies by song, that...

@FAE RiotBahumat. And no, you were apparently still alive.
Er. Online.
@RavenDreamer That's really weird. Just asked my b/f, apparently it's waking when it shouldn't again argh.
@FAE If it makes you feel any better, I only found out a month ago that I could wake my computer from sleep mode by pressing one of the keys on the keyboard.
@RavenDreamer that's pretty bad.
@RavenDreamer I deliberately have my peripherals set so they don't wake it, but it still does it.
@FAE My laptop's like that.
Actually, I think it was just super sensitive, so that people running past my dorm room jolted it awake.
Which sucked when I was sleeping, because my laptop is one hell of a beeper.
Ha. This review is cracking me up
> Let’s pretend for a moment that The Lord of the Rings was released not as a series of books, but a series of games. More importantly, the company behind the series decided to do something really hard but rewarding with the game — they were going to let you make decisions during play that substantively altered the elements of the story.
> That means that some of people playing through this Lord of the Rings story would end up with a personal game experience that was pretty much exactly like the one you and I all remember from reading the books, but that story is just sort of the default.
> Whole forums were filled up by fans of the series comparing notes on their versions of the game, with guides on how to get into a romantic relationship with Arwen (the obvious one), Eowyn (more difficult, as you have to go without any kind of romance option through the whole first game, but considered by many to be far more rewarding), or even Legolas (finally released as DLC for the third game).
Q: Does it worth to have ressilience for rogues 1v1 vs healers?

FofoleSimply put: I play on 4.0.6 and I noticed the following(on subtetly spec): on a 1v1 vs healers if I don't kill them in the time period of stuns/silences and they manage to get a heal(especially palys) most probably I won't be able to kill them anymore as they heal up(and healing is imba in 4.0.6...

@Raven I lost a lot of respect for Movie Bob after watching his take on the whole thing. :/ He pretty much starts out with "I haven't played the games but..." Why is this acceptable criticism? Would we take a film reviewer seriously who comments on a movie and fan's reactions to it if they started out with "I haven't seen the movie, but..."
I don't know who he is.
@RavenDreamer pretty fitting though
@Ullallulloo @AshleyNunn @agent86 @murgatroid99: Added
@BenBrocka I like the Liara / Legolas comparison, honestly.
my fav is the part about "art"
> Or maybe you don’t — maybe you say “this is art, and it is inviolate and immutable in the face of outside forces”, which is certainly your choice — but don’t expect anyone to help you bring that piece of crap to print.
Not sure where he;s going with the "doesn't give resolution" bit though
> Dear writers: If you create something, and your readers hope that what you just gave them was, in reality, an “it was a dream all along” ending, because that would be better than what you wrote, you seriously. fucked. up.
what happens is lame but Idon't see how you can come up with the "the ring isn't destroyed" argument
@RavenDreamer the amount of effort put into the "maybe it was just a dream/indoctrination" bit is actually a good point really
@BenBrocka Keep reading
> Is the ending, as an ending (taken out of context with the game we’ve been playing), a bad one? No. It’s an interesting theme that was explored extensively in a B-plot within the series and which could certainly be the central thread of a series of its own.
@BenBrocka Yeah, but gestalt theory. Humans see what we want to see.
I don't agree. How were the reapers not the whole main plot?
Because it switched the reaper's motivations in the 11th hour.
I was also honestly dispointed there was no "You f*cked up. Reapers win." ending
They weren't some "you cannot comprehend our motives" anymore
they were stooges.
"Hey you. Go kill organics for me, kthnkxbai"
@RavenDreamer This was a very good article, thanks for linking.
@RavenDreamer I thought it was "You cannot comprehend our motives" anymore. Since the motive they gave made no fucking sense.
@RavenDreamer honestly going back and hearing the "you can't comprehend our motives" and spooky ominous stuff does make sense still
and by "no fucking sense"m I mean "was fucking stupid"
So happy I didn't waste money on ME3
The problem is just that the stated motive of the original creators doesn't make much sense
Although it would have been a huge boost to my reputation.
Also Karpyshyn's Dark Energy plotline makes so much sense holy crap. It actually, y'know, follows up on Haestrom.
Don't be silly, @FAE. It's more artistic to leave that dangling in the wind, like a pretty streamer!
@FAE I still don't get what the haestrom thing is about
@BenBrocka What do you mean exactly?
Everything? I didn't play ME1/2 and the Wiki has nothing interesting about Haestrom/it's star
@BenBrocka Tali's recruitment mission takes place on Haestrom and has relevant bits.
I don't get the rage, really. The ending to something long and epic is rarely as good as you'd want it to be
@agent86 it's not any one thing to me, it's everything together that makes it bleh
My annoyance at the ending is all the bits that flat out don't make sense
there's just too many things to ignore
If the Catalyst was a total Deus Ex Machina but everything else made sense and player choices mattered, that'd be one thing
I just look at everything else that's been like this and I go "did I think the ending lived up to the story?" and usually the answer is: no.
@agent86 My annoyance comes mostly from the fact that all the endings are the same. No matter if I played 3 games as Renegade or Paragon, it's the bloody same, when they said that these choices would actually make a difference.
Q: What is the objective for League of Legends? Are there Quests?

lulyBeen wanting to play but I don't know if its worth playing. What is the objective of the game?

Q: What's the easiest setup for soloing Baldur's Gate 2?

fredleyI've looked around and there seem to be some very old sources (unsurprisingly) regarding decent setups for soloing BG2. Surprisingly however, they are all different. Has anyone done one, or preferably more than one and can give some advice on what's best? Here are some guides I've read: Kensai/...

Q: Kid Icarus: Uprising- What is the maximum value for a weapon?

Leo5882723I know that the game hasn't been out for more than a week, but I was wondering what the maximum value can be for a weapon. Right now I have a Pudgy Palm that has a value of 322. Any answers would help.

Q: Mass Effect question on New Game + romance

DerekJust completed ME3 last night and have a question going forward for my + playthrough. Any idea which romance you are attached to at the start? My save import going into ME3 had a Liara ME1 and a Miranda ME2 romance. I tried to keep both of those going in ME3 but it ended my relationship with Mira...

@FAE I figure I could have even lived with that if there was just one concrete ending, instead of...whatever that was.
@TimStone Yeah...
@agent86 I think the biggest issue isn't that the ending is unsatisfactory per se...but more that they intentionally introduced things out of nowhere with no clear explanation that caused the ending to be unsatisfactory.
@FAE I did find the war assets thing to be mostly bogus as a determining factor for endings. On the whole though, it was just like the other BS crap I put up with in the other games that I forget about over time, like mineral scanning and the long-ass sections with the mako
@TimStone it also contradicted some important parts of the story woven into ME3 too
@TimStone this is the way both of the other games ended though
it's got this huge, can't synth/organics just get along? Message with EDI and the Geth
Then the ending is like NO YOU MUST KILL EVERYTHING
"quick! plot twist we're not going to explain but will somehow have to deal with in the next installment!"
@agent86 Saren was not out of nowhere, though ME2's weird reaper smoothie was wtf, I admit.
@agent86 it's sorta the opposite, this ending totally kills all potentially interesting directions for the series
While I love calibrations and fast talking salarians I don't see much interesting left in the universe...especially without any god damn Mass Relays
@FAE That was weird, but at least it was consistent with the rest of the game...because there were actually things happening related to that, that made sense.
I don't want to be the devil's advocate here, and I don't want to defend the ending. I don't want to be the sounding board for all the ending rage :) I just don't subscribe to it personally.
if there was some ending DLC, I wouldn't play it, personally. The game ended, and I finished my Shepard story, and now I'm onto other things.
@FAE the human reaper thing? I thought that was cool really. GAve Reapers a reason to do what they were doing without it being extremely stupid
I crafted some seriously epic dragon armor in Skyrim last night, woo!
Because I haven't linked it for about a week...
I just got back from touring a daycare center.
Kids are expensive.
@Sterno mmmmhmmm!
@Sterno This is why I'm not having any. I can afford more games then. Also, there's less poop.
@FAE and more time to play games! Also less barf.
Q: What is the maximum value for a weapon?

Leo5882723I know that the game hasn't been out for more than a week, but I was wondering what the maximum value can be for a weapon. Right now I have a Pudgy Palm that has a value of 322. Any answers would help.

Not sure if that's answerable.
and with that, I'm going to go watch a movie and eat lunch.
I'm going to go eat a movie and watch lunch
@Sterno I avoided reading about the endings until I'd actually played it
I couldn't believe it when I looked up the other endings on YouTube that they were all, essentially, identical
Basically the choice at the end was "What colour would you like your Lazers?"
9 hours ago, by Decency
@Tristan I downvoted your answer. I assumed you had downvoted mine purely for the contest, which you've been essentially spamming about to garner votes. If you weren't the one to, I'm happy to remove it.
@Tristan I'll say something
@Tristan That's not very decent of him.
browserquest.mozilla.org why am I so addicted to this.
@StrixVaria To be fair, I did downvote his answer after he said that. I'm gonna go remove the downvote though. I was just pissed after reading that.
@Sterno Maybe there are another 12 endings, but we just haven't discovered them yet...
It won't let me remove it. It says my vote's locked in unless it's edited. =(
@Tristan Content agnostic, remember!
@Tristan edit it then
@Tristan Link? I'll edit it.
A: What are the Key Gameplay Differences between Valve's DOTA 2 vs League of Legends?

DecencyThis question has been a long time coming. My answer will undoubtedly be Dota2 biased because after playing both I feel that it is by far the better competitive game. However, I also believe that everything I say will be accurate- if anything isn't, or you feel there's something I've missed or sh...

@FAE I don't know what this means.
9 hours ago, by Blem
@Tristan removed my up vote from the other answer just for you, just have to go back and add it again after the competition is done
@TimStone Yeah... He didn't have to do that. =\ I didn't ask him to.
@Decency (+ @Tristan and @Blem) - please vote based on a post's content and not who posted it - voting to change contest results and because you don't like the person's behavior is not good for the community. Patterns of voting behavior for or against people are checked for and punished. Don't do it.
@Tristan Yeah, I know you didn't, but I have a feeling this is all related unfortunately. People really shouldn't do stuff like that (as a general note, not directed at you).
Otherwise @agent86 will come after you, in your sleep, from the shadows. o_o
(or something)
well, more like balpha. he tends to hand down the vote-based suspensions
you don't want to get on his bad side :(
Hey @Tristan, I saw an EQD post you might like: equestriadaily.com/2012/03/…
@agent86 I don't even know who that is. <.<
@Tristan it's better that you don't :)
@murgatroid99 That's a win.
is this a good question for the site:
Q: What is the objective for League of Legends? Are there Quests?

lulyBeen wanting to play but I don't know if its worth playing. What is the objective of the game?

this one too, is flagged and I can't really say I like it:
Q: What kind of companies sponsor pro teams? What makes a team pro?

conjimDo pro teams invite new players onto their teams? How does a team become pro? Do you have to have a sponsor, and if so, how would you get one? What kind of companies sponsor gaming teams?

@agent86 That's a bad one. I'm honestly not sure about the first one though.
@Tristan It's not like they haven't had similar posts for the others, but I thought you would like that one
I asked a question about a dumb browser game!
@LessPop_MoreFizz you managed to write complete sentences, though, so I WILL TAKE IT
I'll just downvote everyone to even it out!
@StrixVaria have you gotten lulu yet?
@agent86 "To be perfectly frank, Dota2 is fucking hard" do we want to edit that to a less strong expletive in an answer on the site?
To you guys talking about Disgaea the other day, which prompted me to buy it, expect some questions soon. Because I tried playing it last night and had a very WTF experience.

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