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100 Consecutive Days!
@Tristan stars
@Brant That looks like some pretty insane gameplay with speed like that
@Tristan yay
No badge yet though.
@Tristan I think badges like that just take a little while to award
I'm pretty sure they just have a periodic cron job to check for badges that runs less often for uncommon ones
A: How do badges get awarded? By a service or on change?

Marc GravellA scheduled job; there are a number of scheduled tasks at different intervals (every few (5?) minutes; hourly; daily etc) that do a range of things. I'm not sure how much detail I should go into though... Many of the badges are on the "every few minutes" loop... if you really want to know, it t...

@Tristan we threw you a party!
sadly, you weren't invited :(
@murgatroid99 That's pretty much the top end of speed, but yeah, Tribes is a fast game.
@agent86 Was there cake? And did you invite my friend Weighted Companion Cube?
@Tristan we...had to put him down.
@BenBrocka you monster
@Tristan there was probably cake. I was kind of... out of it, honestly.
@murgatroid99 it had to be done, he threatened to stab me
@BenBrocka it was probably just your imagination
Q: how do I with masteries, runes and items get 800+ AP?

conjimThis question is for all AP champions. What I want to know is if there is a base set of runes masteries and items to give me 800+ AP with any AP champion.

How do I trainwreck a sentence?
start playing League of Legends?
does stackexchange interact with skype?
Interact how?
well when I installed skype it said that something called stackexchange.exe would like to run on skype.
I have no idea what stackexchange.exe might be.
I have Skype installed and it's never prompted me for anything to do with StackExchange.
hmmm just thought I would ask because I had no idea ether thank you ^_^
The stickiest sticky noodles.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...wow
Q: How much does a health regen pack decrease the regeneration delay?

BrantNormally, your health begins to regenerate after not taking any damage for 15 seconds. The description of the Juggernaut class' Health Regen Pack says it decreases this time, but it doesn't say by how much. So: When I'm using this pack, how long do I have to wait before I start regenerating heal...

Also, I would like to postulate that the cover of the NY Post is the single most valuable and important use of Newsprint left in the world today:
so, because he won a match he's going to immediately go into sexual predator mode?
They don't mean "look out" as in "beware the sexual predator". They mean "try to sleep with him so you'll get a sweet book deal"
@TZHX He hasn't won a tournament since his personal life imploded in a massive sex scandal.
Which is nearly three years.
So yes, they are implying that because he won one, he is going to go into 'sexual predator mode'.
tabloids... </grumble>
@TZHX The post transcends tabloid.
The Post is a work of art.
Also, Tenacious D are back:
Q: How much is the impact of a good support in Ranked Solo Q?

RicePeople keep telling me never to support in Solo Queue, but others tell me that if you're amazing at it, you can carry just as hard. Which one is it?

was the post the one responsible for HEADLESS WOMAN FOUND IN TOPLESS BAR?
@BenBrocka NEver heard of that one before.
/me needs to find a means of focussing... stupid internet and its myriad of distractions.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's not the greatest song in the world.
Someone should help me get my first SE gold badge by giving me some upvote love ;) meta.gaming.stackexchange.com/a/4329/15643
(that is, if you agree with my post)
A 15 second ad for Rihanna seems inappropriate before allowing me to watch a Tenacious D video
@BenBrocka My personal favorite from the past year is this one:
Particularly the really snarky 'Gunman had more hits than A-Rod'.
@Wipqozn So apparently the new Kid Icarus is actually pretty good?
@Mana Yeah, it's really awesome.
@Wipqozn Nice.
With the possible exception of Super Mario 3D Land, it's the best game currently on the 3DS.
That isn't saying much mind you, since the current game line-up is terrible
but still!
@mana Also, my city has a barcraft even last night. I didn't go, but apparently it was really, really awesome. 200+ people showed up for starters. And apparently a professional caster was in town for some reason, so actually showed up to the bar to do commentary on the game.
@Wipqozn haha, awesome
So my friends and I are planning to go the next event. We didn't realize it was so popular here.
Also, do you have a 3DS @mana?
Also, also also @mana
@Wipqozn No
@Mana thinking of buying one?
Just curious, since you were asking about icarus.
@Wipqozn I was mainly just curious since Kid Icarus was my favorite game as a kid besides Battletoads
Oh my. I was unaware of this.
I never actually beat Kid ICarus, although I have played through some of it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz :)
The new game is nothing like the old one. Gameplay wise.
Q: buying pistol magazine upgrades

soandosWhere can I buy these? I am pretty sure (i.e. I checked) the following locations: Nos Astra Sporting goods Batarian State Arms Sitra Suplies Kassa Fabrication Aegohr Munitions Spectre Requisitions Cipritine Armory Elkoss Combine Arsenal Supplies Kinda frustrating that a Paladin X only has lik...

@Mana also.
Hi @mana!
@WillHunting Hi Jasper.
@wip I have made up with skullpatrol.
@WillHunting That's good.
Oh hey, @GnomeSlice is unb&.
What's the over/under on the next suspension?
@LessPop_MoreFizz He's still banned for 2 days
chat banned, that is.
@Wipqozn OIC.
@Wipqozn Too much cursing?
@WillHunting yup
@StrixVaria That should increase Canadian tourism.
@Wipqozn Hahaha
If I ever break up with my girlfriend, now I know where I can go to help myself get over it.
It's only like an 8-9 hour drive from here.
@StrixVaria You should not use that to get over it.
@WillHunting Pssh.
> In Canada, the buying and selling of sexual services are legal, but most surrounding activities, such as public communication for the purpose of prostitution, brothels and procuring are outlawed.
I was unaware of this.
@Wipqozn Wow, if the surrounding activities are outlawed how would the real activities be done?
@WillHunting A tip for a job well done?
@Wipqozn sign language prostitution is still cool though
@WillHunting It's not like it doesn't happen even when it's all illegal
"jeez honey, that was really good tonight! Here's $20."
@BenBrocka If only you knew how close to home that hit...
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...there's a story to be told here. And the hour is late enough to tell it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Touching Moments with @LessPopMoreFizz
@Wipqozn But I am of the camp who believes that sex should come with love only.
@Mana Short version: Once upon a time I was a 19 year old intern in Washington DC. I went to a concert. (Elf Power if you must know), and missed the last Metro home to where I was living, all the way across town, because the DC Subway is a PILE OF SHIT THAT DOES NOT RUN LATE AT NIGHT.
@WillHunting Like I said, the money is just a tip.
ANYWAY, I decide that it is a nice night and I will walk home instead of hailing a cab.
@Wipqozn Sure, but I would not give a tip to someone I love.
@WillHunting How strange.
I am walking around the permitter of Dupont Circle (which, for those that don't know, is kind of like the Times Square Meets the West Village of DC. It's the major arts hub, as well as being adjacent to the gay community, it's a safe, commercial area), when a guy pulls over to the side of the road, appearing to need directions.
be quiet and let @LessPop tell his prostitute story
I am a friendly sort of person and so, I slow down to offer directions.
People you love are way more expensive than prostitutes anyway.
@Tristan congrats. Lightweight. :P
He instead holds up a stack of index cards
the first says "THIS IS TO LET YOU KNOW I AM DEAF."
The remaining cards were an attempt to solicit my services.
@RavenDreamer Thanks! And... Yeah. I have too much of a life to pull off 663 consecutive days. =P
@LessPop_MoreFizz I suppose you should be flattered?
He made sure to tell me he didn't smoke!
@LessPop_MoreFizz What a story!
that's a fairly awesome story.
@Wipqozn I would give presents but not tips.
Like I said. 'sign language prostitution' hits close to home. :P
@WillHunting I don't see the difference.
@Wipqozn The difference is in the heart perhaps...
@WillHunting Would you say that you are 'good'?
@StrixVaria Perhaps.
Is it just me, or are Cerberus' weapon choices in ME3 kinda crap?
Things seem to be pretty heated over at the seasoned advice room.
I just noticed your name and I couldn't resist.
@Wipqozn So I noticed.
@RavenDreamer what choices? Mattock, mattock and also mattock?
@Wipqozn Oh, you're punny.
@BenBrocka Hornet, Raptor, and whatever dinky pistol the Guardians have.
Too heavy and don't do squat.
Apparently they are in an argument over universal health care.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wow.
@RavenDreamer I actually like the Hornet.
never noticed what sniper rifles there are
ick, hate the hornet
@LessPop_MoreFizz Really? I can't stand the kickback.
hate anything burst fire
waves Hey @Joe!
But then, I use it in setups where it's 'free' and I can afford the SMG weight with no reduction in cool downs and don't actually need the SMG.
ironically burst fire weapons in ME3 always have worse kickback than full auto weapons
@RavenDreamer It's great for taking potshots, but yeah, I'd never want to use it as a primary.
Locust is a pretty sweet SMG
@Wipqozn I am there now too. Cerb mentioned it just now.
Kickback doesn't matter if you smack out one burst and then move.
I really want to unpack a Revenant for multiplayer.
Or a Widow.
Mantis takes forever to reload.
@BenBrocka I played most of Mass Effect 2 with that baby.
Oh, I didn't even know I still had this window open. Hi.
yuck, single shot. The widow isn't much better on reload time IIRC
Mantis is fucking awful and is why I have sworn off playing Infiltrators.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have 3 sniper rifles. Mantis X, Raptor I, and Incisor II.
@RavenDreamer I use the Geth Pulse Rifle, Carnifex and Locust
@BenBrocka I love my Carnifex.
+200% power rechange with considerable fire power
I have had shit luck w/ Sniper Rifles
I do have a Disciple 5 though, which is pretty hot.
carnifex is like a sniper rifle with all the suck taken out of it
I have unboxed so many gorram Asari Adepts.
On the plus side, she's now rocking Aria T'loak's face pattern thingy.
quick fire, crazy damage, accurate, eats armor for breakfast
and with cryo ammo it insta-freezes almost anything
@BenBrocka And Light enough to keep 200% with Asari Talent + level 3.
I kinda want a Paladin.
It's the same weight as the Carnifex.
isn't the paladin identical?
More damage, smaller clip
huh, the guide has them identical
not sure I'd want smaller than 6 anyway though
Eh. Clip size ain't a deal breaker for me.
depends on the gun
I never used capacity upgrades but the Geth pulse rifle is crazy with the capacity boost
it fires for days
@LessPopMoreFizz don't you have an iOS something?
Q: Changing reputation with New Game Plus

FarseekerI finished ME3 a few days ago and want to play through New Game+. I read here: You'll retain your level, powers, and bonus powers, your credits, your Reputation/Renegade/Paragon scores, and all weapons, mods and armor. I played Paragon the first time through, but now I want to play 100% r...

Q: Is there a way to search by clan tag on Battlelog?

TSchaferIs there a way on battlelog (or somewhere else) to search players by clan tag? I've looked through battlelog and googled and haven't found anything. We run a clan at work and I'd just like to see who else has added our tag to their username so far, and there doesn't seem to be a way to do that. ...

@BenBrocka I do...
use gamecenter?
@BenBrocka why?
@BenBrocka Not much.
I'm LessPopMoreFizz if you want to send a request though
@BenBrocka The Geth Spitfire on Rannoch bothered me, because you needed to stay out of cover to use it
trying to find game center people I actually know. At l east an internet-sort of know
I'm sir taptap
And ME3 is not a game that tolerates you not being in cover
@RavenDreamer that thing was fun
except on insanity with the 3 geth prime
@BenBrocka I haven't had the heart to go back through ME3's singleplayer.
@LessPopMoreFizz added
honestly insanity's not that hard
speaking of insanity, I finally hijacked a stupid atlas
@BenBrocka congratulations. Did you do anything useful with it?
no, it was tthe last enemy on the mission. Got the trophy though which was all I wanted
pitchfork.com/news/45924-jet-break-up such a wonderfully mean spirited 'news' item.
now I just need to finsh the last missions to finish on insanity...I thought the trophy only needed the N7 missions
@BenBrocka It's not the difficulty that's pushing me back...
the length and large % of unskipable cutscenes?
@BenBrocka Ooh, there's another tick in the "don't do it" column.
Nah, I'm just bummed about the ending.
oh, you don't have to pay attention to the ending
just pretend shepard's on a horrifying drug trip
the Reapers represent detox
Also you misspelled Maelstrom. :(
Chrome has poor spell check suggestions
also, worth the second playthrough: Making TIM shoot himself if you couldn't the first time
TBQH, I thought it was more satisfying to shoot him myself.
The Lazers are acting mighty strange in Chrome.
It's like the animation is playing on loop in the background nonstop, and just appears when I mouse over.
Whatever state the lazers happen to be in at that time.
When I try it in firefox, mousing over causes the lazers to start anew.
Anyone can just shoot him, it's better when you prove him wrong
Wow. Yesterday is crazy short for a $20 adventure game
@StrixVaria I see the same thing
@murgatroid99 Whew. I thought I was going crazy.
@StrixVaria yeah i noticed that
the lazers are eternal, it is only your attention which brings them into being
Q: Are firearm statistics consistent across weapon classes in Mass Effect 3?

Steve V.While playing Mass Effect 3, I noticed that the various firearm statistics sliders are all the same length, but unlike powers, there are no units listed. That means that you can only compare your weapons to some theoretical "optimum" value, as shown below. But, when you find a second weapon o...

Q: How can I earn more Gems?

Ashley NunnGems are Dragonvale's premium currency. There are some awesome looking dragons I could get, but I don't have enough Gems. Is there an in-game way to earn Gems? Or do I just have to buy them for real world money/get them as gifts?

Q: What specific actions decrease a weapon's condition?

WeezleI know that "using" a weapon will cause its condition to decrease. What specific actions will cause the condition to drop? Is it only if a weapon connects with an enemy and causes damage?What if a weapon is used to break an object (boxes, vases, etc.)?Does simply swinging or shooting a weapon c...

@OrigamiRobot You're red again.
You're green at work but red here.
I am green here and green at work
BUt I am red when I remote in from work.
> We cache your gravatars for periods of time, which means that your new gravatar will take effect after the old one expires from the cache. The reason we do this is to be able to serve your (and indeed everybody’s) gravatar images much more quickly and reliably.
Could they be any more vague?
> Send an e-mail to support (at) gravatar (dot) com
no he's green
Try that out I guess.
Dorito Taco Test
Tastes like cardboard
Oh wait...that is cardboard
@OrigamiRobot Those things were crazy salty.
@StrixVaria I can't really taste a difference
@BenBrocka Why would I buy anything but a plant dragon?
They are just messier
They must have just salt bombed mine, because no one else at work said they were extra salty either.
@OrigamiRobot We're no longer friends.
@Tristan Uh...they literally come wrapped in cardboard.
@Tristan Why?
@StrixVaria Oh yeah... @OrigamiRobot We're friends again. <3
@Tristan I'm glad you eventually figured out six pack.
@OrigamiRobot Ok, you are red in the two little icons but green in the big icons :)
@StrixVaria I can't believe how much trouble I had with it...
@Tristan Seriously.
It was painful to watch.
I took a gamble with the Steelers logo before too; I had no clue if you knew football teams or not.
@StrixVaria I most certainly do.
@AshleyNunn You missed all the EBA questions...
@Tristan One of the words I could have drawn for you was "omggirlz", which I passed on.
@StrixVaria probably a good decision
A: Where can I find an Amulet of Mara?

retardspazzes out on floor and yells DURRRHUURRRHURHURHUHRURRR!!!! spit comes out side of mouth and gets up oh im sorry, did you just propose to me?

Is this guy gonna be a problem?
@OrigamiRobot His name is "retard".
I really wish you could add formatting inside spoiler tags
OMG Girlz (initialism of "Officially Miss Guided") is an American teenage girl group. Formed by Tameka "Tiny" Cottle and Kiesha Miles in 2009, the Atlanta based girl group performed publicly for the first time on an episode of BET's Tiny and Toya reality television series. Shortly after the release of their first single "Ain't Nobody" former member Reginae Carter departed from the group. A few months later, the OMG Girlz' second single, "Haterz" was released. In 2010, the girls released their third single titled "Pretty Girl Bag", a remix of Soulja Boy's "Pretty Boy Swag". The single e...
Why is this a thing?
Dammit! >.< That other answer is 1 away again.
@James plant habitats don't gather much money, they're useless if you're gone for long
@James you'll find out soon enough :P plants are great to start with though when you're learning the ropes
@OrigamiRobot I know :(
@OrigamiRobot You only need 500 rep to edit tags, I think.
@AshleyNunn I think there is more to the rank question than what he said.
We had an issue today with someone editing the tags to be completely unrelated to the question in rapid succession.
@StrixVaria Was it the same guy?
@OrigamiRobot I will see if I can find out more :)
@StrixVaria Ah, yes. I was looking at the wrong privilege
No, the one from earlier is suspended now.
@Tristan No
@BenBrocka How does dragon breeding work?
I don't even know how this dude got and out of that.
I wonder if that answer's getting upvotes because of the bounty on the question...
I've got to admit, the troller's tags were funny
Q: How can I see the 4th ending to the game?

SternoThe website for Yesterday boasts of 4 different endings. I quote from the game's website: This is the starting point of a brand new adventure from Pendulo Studios, which will drive you into a dark story full of twists and turning points, and give you the chance to choose between 4 differe...

Q: What are all the costumes available in the US version?

ZenoThere are many costumes available in the game (some in-game and others DLC in the Japanese version). What are all the available costumes (including any DLC) for the US version and how can they be obtained?

@Tristan wanna get some Science Rep?
@OrigamiRobot Does it involve a video card being won? >.>
@Tristan No :/
@BenBrocka So the habitats have a cap to the money they can ear??
@OrigamiRobot Psh... fiiiine.
Cause I like HAVE to collect it at 60+ but its getting up to 160 pretty quick
Minecraft Science?
Oooh, my plant dragon is skulking about now, in a cute way :)
As I consider if my recent question should have , I turn to meta, and see that apparently nothing ever came of this
Q: An End to Endings

LessPop_MoreFizzendings Is it a useful tag? It strikes me as a prime candidate for burnination. It's attached to 54 questions, so an edit spree seems like a bad idea here. Do we need this tag?

I'd think spoiler would be a better tag than ending, for most things.
I think a game that will probably only ever have 2 questions doesn't need an extra tag. But it reminded me of that meta post
@Sterno Every answer says to remove it, and removing it agrees with "The Death of Meta Tags" and "Have we not been clear enough that meta-tags are a Bad Thing™?": pretty clear consensus that endings is bad. Nobody's gotten around to removing it from all old questions, though.
Don't let Grace hear you call a meta tag.
@GraceNote endings is a meta tag
@TZHX spoiler is a terrible tag. It says absolutely nothing about what the question is about, only that the OP thinks the question might possibly spoil something.
@MarkTrapp Endings is not a meta tag.
It's a bad tag, but it's not a meta tag.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes it is.
It is no more a meta tag than 'story' or 'weapons' is.
@MarkTrapp It's not a description of the question itself, so it's not a meta tag
@LessPop_MoreFizz Which are also meta tags.
@MarkTrapp meta tags are only those that describe the question instead of what the question is asking about
I'm gonna let @GraceNote have this argument with you because I was about to go to bed and he's better at it anyway.
But no, a tag that cannot stand alone might be bad, but it isn't inherently meta.
@LessPopMoreFizz That's why I bowed out immediately after he pinged @GraceNote :)
All meta tags are bad, but not all bad tags are meta tags.
@MarkTrapp But anyway, yeah, I didn't add it. I just wanted to bring attention to that meta post again.
For example, is a meta tag because it says that the question has spoilers, not that the question is asking about spoilers (in most cases)
Endings is not a meta tag, it's just a bad tag. Anyway, the reason i didn't do anything then is the same reason i won't do anything now. 55+ edits is too many for me to feel comfortable spamming the homepage with and it's not a good candidate for a synonym merge because it covers two broad categories of questions.
@murgatroid99 That's a distinction only a pedant could love.
What do ya think, guessable? :)
@MarkTrapp This is StackExchange. Pedantry is what we do.
@James scythe
@MarkTrapp You're just unnecessarily broadening the use of "meta tag" where it is not applicable
@LessPop_MoreFizz It really isn't. Most things are not this complicated and tedious.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Damnit!
Can you have an ending tag with out a spoiler tag? isnt it more of just saying what kind of spoiler it is?
Same with story??
@murgatroid99 It is applicable: we have a specific working definition of meta tags that every place on the network uses except apparently on Gaming: if a tag can't work on its own or if it means different things to different people, it's a meta tag
Well, a lot of the questions with that tag are specifically "What do I need to do to get ending X?"
@MarkTrapp "The reason meta-tags are a problem is that they do not describe the content of the question"
@Sterno If thats the case then I like the tag cause that serves a purpose.
so it's not really about spoilers. At least no more than every single other question that reveals game details. It's also not about the story.
at least not directly
@murgatroid99 Do you not see the section entitled, "From this point on, meta-tagging is explicitly discouraged."?
@James The usage I described is not the only usage. Some are indeed fairly interchangable with
@MarkTrapp Yes. Those aren't definitions, those are common signs of what might be a meta tag. They just so happen to be common signs of bad tags in general.
> Meta-tags are actually a subset of a larger problem that I usually call dependent tags. These are tags that don’t say anything by themselves – you can’t tell what the question is about unless they’re paired with some other tag (or several of them). These tags are a problem because people don’t realize this and will often use that as the question’s only tag.
@Sterno Yeah I retract what I said.. in that light the tag serves a purpose and is not directly related to spoilers I mean hell, if you want ending from tales of vesperia with character XYZ here are the list of ways to suck up to that character to get the ending with him/her
@MarkTrapp That is the definition I was using. describes what the question is about and describes what the question is
Seems a good stand alone tag to me :)
@MarkTrapp Just because meta-tagging is discouraged does not mean all discouraged behavior is meta-tagging. And the quote I posted was from that post you linked to
@murgatroid99 If used in that case I think its just a mis-tag from the position @Sterno has put forth
I've got no horse in this race, and it's my bedtime. Have fun!
Cya @Sterno
@James I'm not saying it's good, I'm just drawing the line between meta and not meta
@James Let's be clear here. is a bad tag. The argument we are having is pure pedantry over the kind of bad tag it is.
Id say at the worse its a problem tag because it could be interpreted and thusly used as a meta tag... but with a clean definition in dealing with multiple-ending games... I think its a viable tag.
I guess the question is do we nix things that make our lives a little harder? From what I have seen of Gaming, yes we do.. Anything that is not black or white just gets removed
@LessPop_MoreFizz This is where the tedium and pedantry comes in. The same arguments we use for killing meta tags are the same arguments we use to kill dependent/not meta-tags you jerk/unicorn tags. Referring to "meta-tags" on SE is a shortcut to those reasons. Insisting that we're not talking about the same class of tags is counterproductive. fits the same criteria we use for meta tags: a rose by any other name.
@MarkTrapp The problem is that we've kind of had a whole lot of debate about whether that other class of not-meta-but-still-dependent tags are worthwhile, and it's a debate that has never really been cleanly resolved.
@MarkTrapp Just because we have the same reasons for not liking two different things does not make them the same thing. Game-rec is not the same as speculation just because neither works with the SE Q&A model
meta-physics.gaming.stackexchange.com :D
Hence, our top tags list includes such gems as , , , ,
it exists.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I do not see the word gaming in there :P
You are not tricking me to go to a SCIENCE! website when I am not at work :)
@murgatroid99 But it doesn't matter. We use the same reasons for quashing both. What could've been a 30 second confirmation that needs to die for all the reasons all our other crap tags need to die has turned into a needless 20 minute argument that's going to come to the same conclusion: needs to die.

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