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the argument was already resolved by the fact that I am Italian and BlueBarren isn't, but.
12-13 is like, super early, too
13 is the golden hour
14 if you're in the South
13:30 if you go to school
For some years in high school lunch was at 10:30.
it was 12:20 here
@StrixVaria I think we had one lunch period as early as 10:15, which is just insane
Speaking of Italians
french twitter sharing in the cultural anguish https://t.co/DAeCvHXTF8
we just have school from 8-13 with maybe a tiny 10 min break at 10
which means you go back home to eat lunch at 13:30
I tend to disagree but whatever
@badp what is wrong with you?
Wow, Agents of Shield keeps throwing in little jabs at Trump
This is great
I think I'm eating lunch at 10:30 now because I'm so bored
or being bored makes me hungry
sets phone on fire NO MORE CALLS. LET ME WORK IN PEACE
(I'm the only person in the office right now, so all support stupids get to me, and I get no rest)
React: Making 2007 JS syntax hip again since 2014
@Arperum Hey, that's me right now too, except that we don't have phone support; it's all email.
@StrixVaria I mean, the entire company. I'm rather certain there are other people at work for google now :p
Only @StrixVaria
Within my team, but my team gets a lot of support stuff.
@BlueBarren are you projecting your wrong onto me
tbf, entire company is 3.5 devs, 0.5 project manager, 1.5 support person and other non-technical people.
@Arperum That is smaller than just my team.
@StrixVaria We're trying to get more people all the time, but there is a distinct lack of more devs for hire.
Yeah, this is smaller than my (overall) team too
It also doesn't help that one of our devs changed jobs end of june.
@Avery Sure, I'd cut vertically though. Left half dev, right half PM.
@Arperum are you sure your hiring process works
I tried one of the @BuskenBakery Flamin' Hot Cheetos in the name of science. Frosting is sweet with a definite kickā€¦ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/899997818244526080
@badp I don't know. I got through it anyway.
I feel like developing in React is finally causing me to reach peak JavaScript
@badp I think if anything you're trying to project your wrong onto me
again, I'm Italian, and we're talking food, so I'm default correct, and you can't just "no u" me
that's just how it works!
The linter just gave me a slap on the wrist for using .bind, then told me the solution was to use a decorator library that implements a version of the TC-39 decorators proposal that requires the Babel stage-0 plugin, even though the proposal is at stage-2, since the Babel stage-2 plugin adheres to an older version of the proposal. Also there are known incompatibility with TypeScript's own version of annotations, which is based off, but has since drifted away from the TC-39 proposal (I think).
So just let me bask in this MAXIMUM OVERJAVASCRIPT moment. Then I shall go throw up in a toilet.
Also, if all of the above sounds like moonspeak, good.
You've not suffered from JavaScript overdose.
There is a perl linter thing. 90% of its output causes me to roll my eyes very rapidly
Also, of the other suggested fixes, one involve using a stage-0 syntax, and the other triggers another linter rule.
So yes.
This is fine.
I hate when game identification questions make the HQL
It always brings a bunch of off-topic game id questions
I like how two of the links in the starlist go to the same "eye damage test"
mmmm Kraft Dinner
@Arperum It's also a great browser stress test. filter is already pretty heavy, but this page also animates it
2 more minutes until the phoneline closes. pls no more calls.
30 minutes to all you can eat wings
Q: What is the name of this sidescroller of famicom?

LizardStdfor some time now I have wanted to remember the name of a game for the Famicom console. As far as I remember, this is a one player game and you have different characters to choose, which have unique abilities and can be switched at any time. I remember one of the characters is a Knight and the ga...

25 minutes til my dentist appointment
@SaintWacko I was at the dentist yesterday.
Today it is raining and there is a screaming child on this bus and someone around me smells unpleasant. On my way to work, whee. Happy birthday to meeeeee
gives virtual cupcake :(
@GodEmperorDune hahaha it was not but it should have been because that was great
@TimStone yay cupcake!
On the one hand, I get that they're cutting their losses on a sinking ship. But on the other hand, this does not look good at all from a PR perspective.
@Yuuki nope
Why should I buy Bioware games now if 1) they could end up with Andromeda-level quality and 2) they're not even going to try to redeem it?
the implication there is also that they have left the ME universe in a fuct state
no sequel and no DLC
bioware i expected so much more from you
Andromeda is pretty independent of the original ME, this doesn't really rule out any other games in the ME universe. But probably none in the Andromeda universe
@MadScientist but that's not the way execs think
They'll probably give it plenty of time, but I'd still expect there to be another ME game at some point
yeah you're probably right
Yeah, they're almost certain to return to it, their mistake was just in thinking they could make it and Anthem at the same time for $$$
Really, the people you should feel sorry for are the Montreal team.
it seems like their mistake was putting a multiplayer team in charge of one of their best single player IP
Not just that but the first title in the sequel saga.
I suspect that EA/Bioware management doesn't trust the team that did Andromeda anymore. No DLC at all is very unusual, as I'd expect the development and planning on DLC to start before the game is released, or at least directly afterwards.
@MadScientist apparently they already re-orged it
Incidentally, I took a picture of the Ubisoft Montreal building.
Apparently it was about a 20 minute walk from where I was staying.
I actually liked Andromeda well enough, but it is certainly a deeply flawed game. And stuff like the ridiculous facial animations getting through shows they didn't manage this well at all
Someone probably proposed fixing too much of Andromeda for free and EA went "That doesn't seem player-hostile enough" and shut everything down
@TimStone i dunno how you can fix poor writing through the majority of the game
I still haven't played the game, I guess I should do that. I just fear disappointment so much :(
@TimStone If you don't own it, maybe don't play it.
Naturally I preordered it
@TimStone on the plus side, you won't have to deal with the bioware points for DLC bullshit
Q: What does the special button do?

ZissouuIn Super Blood Hockey what does the special button do? I see it and have tried everything but there doesn't seem to be any use. Am I doing something wrong?

@Yuuki I want my quarians (and hannar, and elcor) god dammit!
I'm surprised that Bioware hasn't made a romanceable hanar DLC. That would sell like hotcakes in Japan, I'm sure.
Well, "sell like hotcakes" "in Japan" not "sell like" "hotcakes in Japan".
I'm not certain hotcakes are a popular item in Japan.
Oh, I thought hotcakes were a regional variant.
Now, I'm not sure how far they even progressed on the quarian ark DLC, since they didn't even have any models of quarians when the game shipped (at the end there's a character that's obviously supposed to be quarian, but has a human model).
@MBraedley Yeah, but judging by Tali's picture in ME3, quarians are basically humans with some piercings.
I'm still really annoyed by that, btw.
@Yuuki Their legs don't bend in the same way
Oh, I'm sorry they're not even humans with piercings. They're humans with tattoos.
There's also plot holes, like why was she on the human ark instead of the turian ark?
Protip: Maybe don't subtitle a video about a girl telling her mom of the first time she had sex as "Kids Describe Losing Their Virginity To Their Parents".
@Yuuki wat
oh, that channel
Protip: for maximum clicks, do exactly that
talking about stuff is OK but a tad awkward, but when you record it and put it on youtube, it's even more awkward
Unlimited wings
@BlueBarren @Memor-X and Robotnik
@Avery Awkward or not, title it something else.
@Yuuki clicks are good
what I don't get is... who watches those stuff?
@Yuuki snortlaughs
@Avery well maybe @Memor-X and @Robotnik will appreciate being called crazy
I'm not sure that would get any more clicks than normal. It definitely gets more WTFs, but not sure about more clicks.
I needed that today.
Being 30 is off to an...interestingly stressful as hell start, let's just say.
Order #3
@Ash oh yeah happy birthday!
@Avery I don't know about their baseline but don't these videos have a lot of views anyways?
@Unionhawk Thank you :)
Happy birthday @Ash \o/
(happy birthday (again) @Ash)
@Avery Ah yes, I forgot that people are f--ked up.
@Yuuki indeed
Thank you, friends <3 You make this human feel pretty awesome, not going to lie.
(Today is rough - my manager is off on an unspecified leave of absence out of the blue, so that's kinda caused some...upsetting of the technical apple cart.)
I don't know why we are putting wombats in everything but I approve
It's probably psbattles
I'm kinda sad that I didn't think to drink a Corona yesterday but given that it happened in the middle of the day, perhaps it's a good thing.
It's a beer. But also the name of the outermost part of the sun's atmosphere.
@Avery its a kind of beer, i think @Yuuki is going for an eclipse theme
The glowy part that you see during a total eclipse.
@Yuuki Also Corona is not that good tbh
Can't independently confirm, but
@Ash Well, it's a mass-produced cheap beer, none of them taste good.
@Ash yeah i thought it was an acquired taste but... yeah
But the pun factor would've made it tolerable.
@Yuuki not to well actually you, but if properly served, budweiser scores well on taste tests
like, in person
not sure if it was 100% but it was pretty damn close
@GodEmperorDune I mean, on a "for style" scale maybe
@Yuuki True true
@Unionhawk yes, if you are not into that really light style then its never going to taste good
@GodEmperorDune Yeah, because it has no taste. Mass produced beers are almost universally bland.
@GodEmperorDune It's a classic American adjunct lager
Except that's objectively a bad style
They're just boring
There's a reason craft breweries have only recently started using "American Lager" as a positive descriptor. American lager was something a beer lover should run from.
I mean and it's a different process to brew so crafts around here haven't been able to lager for the most part
I can think of only a couple
Personally I find all beer to be gross
along with most other alcohol
Chocolate milk is clearly the superior drink choice
I apparently have to pick up 2 things today
Someone posted that keypunch (key lime goose) plus whirligig (blueberry tart) equals deliciousness
@Unionhawk that sounds like it would be pretty great
@Ash AND they said that the bartenders have favorite beer mixes and ask them so I guess I have to go back
Limoncello is very strong. It actually overpowered the maple whiskey I mixed it with despite 2:1, almost 3:1, whiskey ratio.
Jun 23 at 1:13, by Unionhawk
Fuck I'm an idiot
@Unionhawk heck yes you do
@Yuuki oh yes. It does that :P
"Why is this variable null? does some investigating Oh I never gave it a value..."
Q: Should we reword the closure text for duplicate questions?

Timmy JimWhen we close a question as a duplicate of another, the following is displayed on the question: I thought that the normal protocol was to have the original author edit the existing the question that was closed and then have it be voted on to be reopened (or reopened without any edits if the qu...

@Ash It makes me wonder how these limoncello cocktail recipes I read even work.
Like, "with just a 2:1 ratio, isn't this just going to taste like limoncello?"
Ifg you crazy kids wanna hear a lovely english accent (not mine) check out my mate Dan....
Please :)))))
@Yuuki Probably mostly yes
@Ash Okay, apparently the reason why my limoncello is so overpowering is that I've been mixing while it's at room temperature.
It needs to be stored in the freezer.
why do animals get so swollen when they get stung by a bee?
Inflammation is usually the cause of swelling, IIRC.
o no, everything is broken
ok fixed
@Yuuki ah, yes
I always forget that
@Yuuki Mmmm, limoncello

Proposed Q&A site for professionals who use QuickBooks in their business.

Currently in definition.

Sometimes, I worry that when I stretch my arm at the desk, it looks like I'm giving a Nazi salute.
It's a silly worry, I guess, but it bugs me.
Stretch with both arms at the same time
@KevinvanderVelden Then it looks like I'm a HYDRA agent.
stretch upwards
Now it looks like I want to ask the teacher a question.
@Yuuki HYDRA is probably better, since it's fictional.
holding one hand with other and putting your arms and sufff above
@MBraedley But with double the salute, they're double the Nazi!
@Yuuki touche
Yeah, I always laugh at the HYDRA salute whenever I re-watch the first Captain America.
> "So how do we make the audience believe that HYDRA is worse than Hitler?"
> "Well, they could use the double Nazi salute."
> "Brilliant, the audience will immediately know that they're twice the Nazis than the actual Nazis!"
Programming via configuration glue is not fun, at least for me. Mind you, it doesn't help that I don't know how to properly configure Apache Camel/Spring in order to do what I want.
power goes out neat
(it came back)
...TIL if you copy from visual studio dark theme into an email, it copies it as font-color:white; background-color:black;
@Unionhawk yes
you are correct
but why
why not, like
not that
anything else
Because pasting style is something someone ever has wanted.
I mean I'll buy "I want to paste this as Consolas 9.5"
Q: Steam Inventory not showing up?

DogeTwinkieJust did a few trades for CS:GO and after a while steam shows that i have 0 items in my entire inventory on steam (Steam items, CS:GO items, TF2 items, etc.). However my items do show up in-game. Is this a problem with the Steam API by any chance?

if LifeProTips just bad lifehacks?
@Unionhawk So can we call the Night King "Alolan Darth Maul"?
Bridge, I learned something today that changed everything I ever thought I knew about doggos.
@Fluttershy That they're big ol' puppers?
@Unionhawk Basically if they kept using the Force Speed thing from the beginning of the movie.
I used to think Pembroke Welsh Corgis were objectively the best breed of doggo. And the cutest. And I made it my life's goal to eventually get a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
Wolf corgis
I'll never look at a Pembroke Welsh Corgi the same way again. Not now that I know these exist.
> The breed's name, Vallhund, when translated into English, means herding dog, as the Swedish Vallhund was originally bred as a drover and herder of cows over 1,000 years ago
They're the best and I need one.
Well, cows aren't exactly violent creatures from what I recall. So just walking close to them gets them to try to move away from you.
My dog would run away from cows
and bark at them from no less than 40 feet away
Cows are jerks
They're also big dumb idiots too
Oh wait did we talk about how Frontier is making a Jurassic Park theme park game?
I LOVED Operation Genesis back in the day
@TimStone wait
as in planet coaster except dinosaurs
holy shit
Planet Coaster is pretty fun from the bit I've played of it, although getting used to the 3D space is a bit tricky (I preferred the original RCT)
... Can I hire Chris Pratt to work in my Jurassic Park?
So that but dinosaurs sounds pretty great in my book
If it's anything like Operation Genesis, I'm hyped
@TimStone looks like a crappy mobile game TBH
@TimStone I want to be all excited for this but I didn't give Planet Coaster the love I wanted to
@Avery Honestly this is a fair first glance criticism of most frontier games
@DanmakuGrazer I suspect it'll be similar but there aren't a lot of details right now
Yeah, we'll have to wait and see
@Unionhawk I mean planet coaster and stuff were different
this just looks like a trailer for likes of mobile strike
I mean, it can end up well but I can't think much creative freedom in such a game
or a story that could be fitted that'd give longetivity
Given Frontier's MO, I assume what we have so far is extremely early
they very much like to throw pre-alpha footage of stuff out there like "LOOK AT THIS SHIT DOESN'T IT LOOK COOL SO FAR"
> Players will build their own Jurassic World as they bioengineer new dinosaur breeds and construct attractions, containment and research facilities
Is the bit from their site
So Planet Coaster + Zoo Tycoon + Dinosaur breeding
"New dinosaur breeds" sounds like it could be pretty amazing but it'll probably just be preset "recipes"
Don't forget to include cuttlefish and raptor in your Indominus Rex Verizon Wireless presents the Indominus Rex.
Knowing frontier, they might have some nonsense system that procedurally generates dinosaurs because they wanted to build it
I mean they already have one for star systems and planets
Braben has goddamn ted talks on procedural generation
@Unionhawk No Man's Park
@DanmakuGrazer (frontier did Elite)
(but same concept)
I've been saying this for 8 months but I should boot up elite ever
You can wait a short period of time if you want
Probably more like 18 months
2.4 is in beta
This is true
But I also want to acquire credits and maybe head to fed space
sell cobra 3 and hopefully have asp money
I think I'm at 315 million right now
I think I'm at
like, insurance for the vulture
Actually, I have this logged online
20M credits, 43M assets
Man, I haven't played in so long
That doesn't sound right but if it is that's at least Asp Explorer money
Especially if I sell the corba 3
which apparently is worth 4.8
jesus what the hell did I deck that guy out with
4B power, 4A thrust, 4B FSD, 3E life, 3A distributor, pulse lasers, reinforced alloy, biweave shields, cargo, intermediate discovery
@SaintWacko my last credits log was january of last year
and I have an entry in october when I left ALD
I'm starting to remember how this site works
Oh yeah, I could buy a HOTASS now.
They did neat things with the verbose log and it can grab things like where you currently are and your current cargo and such
I'd have to like, redo the combat tutorials it's been so long
and like, start at a regular beacon
Maybe a high beacon
definitely not a compromised beacon
Q: Mathematic Formula (Probability )

Kage SchattenDoubleI search a Formula, that is calculated by the highest and lowest possibility. I saw it in a Video once, where (Vsauce or Game theorist) used the formula, they told the history of it. So there was someone who calculated, the power of a nuclear bomb with a sheet of paper, that was placed near the ...

Also, I'm enjoying The Finder
"I do not appreciate the ocean! I tend to sink!"
@SaintWacko According to @GodEmperorDune, you can't play Elite without a HOTASS.
Noooooo... band practice till 6pm. Crap
@Unionhawk way way easier then dinosaurs =p
@SaintWacko but it's easier to float in the ocean
@TheMattbat999 what instrument?
@Dragonrage Trumpet.
@Yuuki truefacts
I agree that you should buy a HOTASS @Yuuki
@TheMattbat999 that was the main instrument I played. I also played a bit of French horn, baritone (treble and base cleft ), and tuba
@Dragonrage crap. Just trumpet, but I could probably play other brass instrements if needed.
From what I recall of mouthpieces, once you play one brass instrument, you can play them all.
@GodEmperorDune HOTASS are too expensive though
@Yuuki yes, though mouthpiece sizes vary from instrement to instrement, so you have adjust to it.
I want one to play tgm but they're too expensive
@Avery you can shop around and find a cheaper HOTASS at an acceptable quality level
@GodEmperorDune what is a HOTA#@?
I think they're cheaper with only one S
you need a very accurate and very low response time to play tgm with joysticks and the likes properly though.
Primary objective not found
@TheMattbat999 here you go. it's kind of a bridge meme to use two Ses over one incident though
but yeah, quick note, TGM = Tetris the grand master
@Yuuki if you start on tuba, you will have a lot of difficulty on trumpet. But if you start on trumpet the others are easy to adjust to.
Q: New shouts aren't showing up

CollieI have been to a couple of the places to get new shouts but, they aren't showing up in my list. I am supposed to have the one that makes me go super fast (I forgot the name) and bend will but neither are showing up. What do I do?

Q: some of my shortcuts don't work, for example, Shift+Click

Dragon GamerI really need help. This shortcut is very helpful for PvP/Skywars or any other war, such as Survival Games, etc. So when I need to get things from a chest, I always take a long time, making me vulnerable to other players! Please help me!

@Avery ok
random ramble My ex started me to tetris and I can't stop playing. It's such a pain to properly set up tgm though, especially on linux. IDK what I'd do without her help.
My guess is "not play Tetris".
I like to imagine that Mitchel and Web is an accurate representation of Brexitland (cc @fredley @Ronan)
Q: Port forwarding to add Counter Strike 1.6 server in GameTracker

Jay DesaiI have made my pc's ip address static which Then done the port forwarding ad per the below screen shot. After that try to add server in gametracker.com with my pc's public address. Still I am getting below error One of the following suggestions may help you: Your server is currently...

@Ash I am apparently unable to independently confirm this unless it's still on tap at the brewery
The key lime component was in stock but not the blueberry component

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