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In fact, I started to avoid using Vanille whenever I had other options even though I liked her debuff/CC combat style.
@Chippies "limit 100 per customer" well that ruins my plans for complete murder of humans... guess I'll have to stick to 100 fatalities :(
the best fan service is clearly the screenfuls of actual python in kobayashi dragon maid
kobayashi dragon maid is bset anime 2017 confirmed
@Yuuki @Fluttershy what is this video?
@badp The most unbelievable thing about that anime is the idea that a Japanese company as big as the one she works for would use Python.
@Yuuki we are pretty huge and use Perl
@BlueBarren Looks like some kind of upcoming event for HotS?
> Japanese
@Yuuki what would a more stereotypical language be then
I have no idea tbh
Big companies are conservative and big Japanese companies are even more conservative. I'd expect something more old-school. Like COBOL.
I thought it was harder to believe that she could just like move from a flat to another that easily
@Yuuki I was under the impression this video would be a hero reveal but I can't watch it myself
Oh, you want me to actually watch it. Forgot your workplace filters YouTube.
@BlueBarren Lol, the Dreadlord Janna meme.
@Yuuki ?
@BlueBarren It's a WoW meme.
I don't play WoW
so I wouldn't know
Basically during... Pandaria, I think, Janna underwent a massive personality change.
To the point where it's a running joke that she's been replaced by a dreadlord.
But basically, a bunch of skins are incoming and Kel'Thuzad is probably the next hero.
sigh I wish it was Deathwing
It's likely because Hearthstone is currently doing a Lich King/Scourge expansion right now.
So HotS will also being doing something similar.
Will that get more attention?
@StrixVaria Hmm... those are in-engine graphics, aren't they?
@Yuuki It's not a full-fledged story one like the previous ones.
> The real animated short is coming Wednesday at 6PM which is suspected to be a Junkrat & Roadhog short.
Okay, that's good.
I still haven't played on the moon level.
I mean, it was still a well-done cinematic but not quite the Blizzard quality I'm used to.
I usually only play one quick match and then hop off, though.
@Yuuki I can see this one maybe being something an artist thought up as he was making the map or something and was just given the OK as a side project.
It had a very specific cadence to it that felt really familiar, though.
@StrixVaria Still playing POE?
@Sterno No, I forgot about it.
@Sterno I was thiiiiis close to launching that last night. THIIIIIIIIIS CLOSE.
I think I was somewhere in Act 3?
I didn't even get to end-game.
I'm finding it very relaxing to play it while watching ST:TNG on another monitor
Figuring out whether an item is an upgrade or not is too much work.
Except for weapon, I rarely have obvious upgrades.
It's usually a tradeoff decision
Mapping is fun
whereas rifting was not (for me)
And I don't know why
What is the main difference?
I'm not even sure
Is maybe the core combat more fun?
Maybe it's because you're trying to unlock the atlas whereas rifting you're just trying to go fast
Definitely more choices involved in loot/skills
Diablo 3 tends to turn into "treat every single encounter the same way".
But I doubt that's the difference in terms of gameplay fun I'm having
I don't know if PoE gets to that point.
I mean, both games I pretty much hold down right-click and spin in a cyclone/whirlwind and kill things
It might just feel like I'm making more choices about how to progress with mapping, whereas with rifts it's just "click the button, go to rift"
HA HA HA I’ve blocked the Sun! Make way for the Moon. #SolarEclipse2017 https://t.co/nZCoqBlSTe
Hmm... I have 14 days pto remaining
and precisely 0 days planned
wat do
ok, like, 3 days planned
have kids, watch pto go to -37
@Unionhawk If you get 2 days for Thanksgiving automatically, you can spend 3 days to get 9 days off in a row.
It's hard to beat that value.
@Sterno Because I expected something not stupid, like "take off the monday of thanksgiving week (and maybe the tuesday?) (if they let me even lol)
@Unionhawk You need to think outside the box, man
Take off every Wednesday for the rest of the year.
I find it interesting that the people in star trek clearly have the capabillity to make AIs that can plan, reason and think. Yet somehow their ship computer, the thing that runs basically the entire ship is no smarter then a basic Q&A system
2-day work weeks
"have kids" isn't even within 30 miles of the box
@StrixVaria can confirm, that's pretty cool
@Unionhawk That's what makes me so good at giving advice.
also like, that would take 9 months and at that point it's already 2018 and I do already have like half my days planned that year
Oh, no problem, I've got you.
Step 0) Build time machine.
At this point we've left the planet that the box is on
But we're still on the same plane of existence.
Are we getting frequent flier points at least?
Well that's just silly
They really like to try to get me to go to Macy's
And that's, that's just not gonna happen
I'm not sure I could locate an open macy's around me off the top of my head
@TimStone macy's has decent work clothes
Yeah, I don't hate Macy's, I just don't ever feel compelled to go to one
This reminded me of all the Macy's that closed earlier in the year and I looked at a list and
The Bowling Green Macy-cre
RIP all the people who actually died for real at the macy's in bowling green
We have completed happy path development
Now for all kinds of weird corner cases
Well, ok, I guess the state of Kentucky is slightly more than a corner case
@Unionhawk Oh, so you've done the 80% that takes 20% of the time
no no no
the first 80% takes 80% of the time
the last 20% takes the remaining 80% of the time
It's just science
the final 80% of the time is taken by realizing that your spec was 80% wrong
and that you need to tear down 80% of your thing
We're pretty confident in the spec
I think
and replace it with a new thing that will take an additional 160% of the time
Homemade camera obscura = success.
My wife is now higher level than me in Overwatch
@Sterno rekt
@Sterno don't worry, your kids will be too soon
woo nasa tv is allowed
(apparently several feeds are ustream though which is block)
> I wish I could be ugly for one day.
wait for the punchline
> Because being ugly everyday sucks
user image
cc @GodEmperorDune @Wipqozn
user image
10/10 good meme
Ah, that was a good eclipse
Went home and watched it with LadyWacko
"Starts at 2:40 ET" 2:40 ET: 5:00 countdown clock
Even from the vantage point of a 6th floor terrace
Typical Dutch weather ensures no part of the eclipse is visible
Thanks @KevinvanderVelden
A theoretical possibility of seeing a tiny corner of the sun go missing
i upgraded my phone now it removed su binaries
so cruelly dashed
Also what the heck are they going to name android o
mmm oatmeal
They have to be outside so they can be in maximal eclipse
ofc oreo
Oh it is an Oreo
So... is it released for real I guess?
It seems like using Oreo was a poor choice? >_>
This animation :|
@TimStone I mean what other options do you have
oatmeal raisin cookie
@Unionhawk Yeah, but uhhh
@Unionhawk Ovaltine
Case, point
Like unless Mondelez is sponsoring this release, in which case we've entered a special kind of Brand Hell, I assume they're relying on generic trademark, sooo
I mean we already got kitkat
Hmm, true
Also that was pretty pointless?
It's not like this would be the first time that we've had a branded android release name
@TimStone ye
I mean like I said
What other O desserts exist
that are good
Oh god and in 2 years we get to figure out what the hell they're going to do with Q
> What idiot named them "jet skis" instead of "boat-ercycles"?
@Unionhawk Really good time to go out and make a Q-named candy
@TimStone But like, then you have to come up with a name for that
VERY GOOD TROLL IDEA 1. publish a post-eclipse story called "how to know if you incurred eye damage" 2. lower text opacity to 50%
Apparently upgrade also killed twrp? Wtf
It's back to stock recovery
@TimStone Qtootsie Pop.
Q: Tag wiki reviews - editing text

AlokWhen I'm reviewing a tag wiki addition, it prompts me to Approve, reject, or improve edits suggested by users Most of the reviews I've done are in cases where there is no existing entry and someone decided to add it - great, I will accept if its fine. For short excerpts, there tends to be l...

Whipped Qozns waitnonevermind
I thought that android updates don't care about recovery or touch systemless supersu
@Yuuki whipped and struck out, poor qozn
Incidentally enough those are discontinued
Yeah that's because it's a stupid name for a candy
Android Oreo
7 mins ago, by Unionhawk
I mean we already got kitkat
@SepiaLazers I don't get it
@Unionhawk IT'S IT
@badp lol
Can't wait for Android Pixy Stix
@DanmakuGrazer They want to be able to improve a tag wiki edit/addition.
Is that not possible?
@DanmakuGrazer only for 20k+ users
Really all this question needs is perhaps a redirect to main Meta.
because to improve an edit, you have to have enough rep to make an edit without approval
that said the wifi assistant is pretty good
@badp I mean this is approximately the UI I have
@Unionhawk norepro
Android will automatically connect to unprotected hotspots and give you a free Google vpn service to provide some amount of security
I just have a Pixel shrugs
I have a 6P
if I had to trust a free vpn service I might as well trust Google's
@Unionhawk did you change the default launcher
@badp Ah yeah, that's pretty nifty. It seems to work well
I don't think so
regardless, that shouldn't cause the home/back/apps button to be filled
(with Google Fi)
Yeah, I see a difference
And 3
He made a tiny little friend https://t.co/jHULB8byHs
I should check in to why wifi assistant hasn't been working for me lately
Good news: I got gradle to build my project! Bad news: I had to comment out two critical lines of code, because I don't know to get gradle to import this maven project I'm using.
Q: Total War: Warhammer, Difference between story and grand campaign

KevinTheGreatI was wondering if there is any difference between the grand campaign and story campaign of the wood elves and beastmen. As they have their own seperate tab in the main menu.

Kind of rude of the eclipse to not be later in the day so my office wouldn't get as much boiling sunlight
@TimStone Kinda rude of my office window to only point due north
hmm does anyone know how I can use my computer's audio devices for phone calls?
like plug my phone into my computer than use my headset there
@BlueBarren You could get some SIP software, a provider, and a new phone number...
@MBraedley Yeah, mine is pretty direct to the west so that's fun in the afternoon
@BlueBarren generally you do it with a VOIP system and use a standard computer headset/mic
Alternatively, use Google or Skype
@GodEmperorDune what if you already have a phone? Because that isn't voip
@MBraedley but there's nothing with my existing phone?
@BlueBarren if you want your computer to use a regular phone line, your computer needs to have a port for it and some sort of modem software
i don't think those are in most modern computers anymore
I mean my computer connects directly to my desk phone
via ethernet because it's a voip phone
but it does it
yes a VOIP phone would do it
Technically I don't need the phone because skype for business is a thing
and our office is set up like that
but I'm more referring to at home
I just want to plug my iphone into my computer
and when it rings I can here it through my computer and answer the call through there as well
I have been using my line-in to hear the audio from my phone calls through my pc but I think I can only receive audio that way.
I think I might buy starcraft remastered
@Wipqozn did you buy west of loathing yet?
@GodEmperorDune Oh my no.
I was going to buy it, but then I remembered I'm a jerk.
@BlueBarren No, there are ways to use the headphone jack on your smartphone to make calls from your computer. It's just not a great idea.
Crap, I'll need to stand up and get my credit card
@MBraedley please save me. Come to my place.
@Wipqozn Why am I saving you, and from what?
From standing up?
@MBraedley yeah
I already did it though
Don't you have your credit card number memorized? (Or as a fill form profile in your password manager?)
since you t ook so long, and failed me, so now I'm depressed
@MBraedley No sir.
@Wipqozn Sorry to hear that.
@MBraedley @MBraedley only had it for like, a month or two
nad about to change again
@MBraedley wat
aka I thought I lost it, but turns out I was just dumb, but now i t's going to expire
@badp What part are you watting?
@MBraedley I guess it's a weird line in the sand to draw, but I refuse to put my credit card number in my password manager.
@MBraedley The former
@Yuuki so the number on the back is fair game?
@badp I've got mine memorized. But oddly, not my social insurance number.
Made a time-lapse gif of today's eclipse, the end has me a little bit worried though #SolarEclipse2017 #Eclipse2017 https://t.co/JxElJJ9DE6
@GodEmperorDune don't worry, SOUL TRADE isn't available
@badp Haven't done that either.
LIFEHACK: Don't remember your credit card number? Just try 9876 5432 1098 7654 expiring 1/18, it probably works
this.getParent() -> this.getParnet() -> this.getPargnant() ->this.getPregante() -> this.getPregnant().
@Unionhawk thanks @uni you have just purchased my entire steam wishlist
Is... is this how cyborgs are made?
@Unionhawk Let me go buy me a brand new Camaro or maybe everthing in GameStop....
@MBraedley why isn't it a great idea? People on Reddit are suggesting trying Bluetooth
People on reddit are dumb
statistically speaking
I probably fall into that category
@BlueBarren Because it takes too much setup and is error prone
@Unionhawk Wait. Do you not have security codes on your credit cards?
@MBraedley sounds like my love life. HAHAHAHA I'm so alone
@Ronan we do
so this is literally not enough information even if it is real
@Ronan its a test card number
Which it likely isn't
Because it's probably one they use in ads
You're better off getting a smart watch for notifications, then taking off your headset and actually answering the phone.
4111-1111-1111-1111 is another number that passes auth for testing purposes
I've been thinking about getting a biomonitoring watch.
most sites should have it disabled for prod though
@BlueBarren Get one of those Splatoon 2 voice dealies. That might work.
Or don't do that because ugh
@Ronan better yet I should just make an app on my phone that requires the screen to always be on and that just all around sucks
but yeah this should be good
user was banned for this mod abused post
@Wipqozn It is
@BlueBarren I didn't mean for the app, just that the physical hardware allows you to use a headset & microphone with a phone with additional audio from a separate source.
I'm probably misunderstanding what your goal is though.

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