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Right, thanks
Q: Is there any reason to save credits in mulitplayer rather than blowing them immediately on packs?

Steve V.According to this question, if I'm going to buy packs, I should purchase Veteran packs first and Spectre packs afterwards, and that's what I've been doing: as soon as I hit 20,000 credits, I blow it all on a Veteran pack. Should I be doing this? Is there somewhere else that I can spend money ...

I wanted ITG gone as much as the next guy, but deletion feels wrong when the devs just implemented that shiny new Historic Reasons lock for SO.
It would be perfect for something like this.
@LessPop_MoreFizz @badp did that for the vote question on meta.
There weren't really any historic ITGs though, that actually mattered.
@YiJiang Also, you misspelled "league".
@TimStone Oh, of course. Silly me.
@StrixVaria There are plenty of answered ITG's that are arguably a part of this sites history, even if we don't want them to be part of it's future.
@LessPop_MoreFizz True, but there aren't any that are so memorable that not being able to see them any more feels like a bad thing.
@AshleyNunn I probably wouldn't have gotten it without the purple coloring.
I don't think we need 600 locked but visible ITG questions.
Or even 10 of them.
@Tristan That's why I was like OMG YAY I have purple, because I am out of bombs and I didn't like my other choices
If there is such a thing as one ITG that is better than the others.
@AshleyNunn I'm out of bombs too... I wasted one getting rid of letters on @John's sperm shaped Norway...
@Tristan laughs
@Tristan dot dot dot
@OrigamiRobot Don't ask...
Oh man, I am having so much fun with Golden Sun:Dark Dawn even if I dont really get the dijinni system. XD
Someone should totally put my user ID at the end of a link and get me some shares so I can get that messenger bag...
v bbbbbbbbbbbbb
...argh. cat.
@AshleyNunn So.. If I guess your drawing, do we both get coins? How does the distribution work?
@Tristan I think so?
I'd ask on the site, but typing is a pain on my phone...
@Tristan I can ask, if you want?
I'm Garrus Vakarian, and this is now my favorite spot on the Citadel.
Up to you. Reps is reps, right? =P
@Tristan I just don't want you to be like OMG REPSTEALER. XD
@Sterno Garrus is tied for my favorite companion.
@AshleyNunn I'm too tired to try typing out a full question on my phone. Go for it if ya want. =P
@Tristan Will. do. I am curious too, tbh - I was trying to figure it out today.
I suppose I could type out the title, some gibberish, and tag it, then you can edit the question in. But I don't think that's allowed. lol
@Tristan Haha no, but it is an ingenious plan.
@Tristan Question posted :)
@AshleyNunn Weeeew! Upvoted. And commented.
@Tristan Sorry my last drawing is a mess. I was trying to make it all awesome and such but I was running out of room, so I went for the simple approach XD
needs help
I want to post an answer on a SE site on which I have 1 rep, but I have 4 hyperlinks and the limit is two.
I shouldn'tt have 1 rep because of account accociation.
But, I am answering a question as a diagnostic to see if that gets me the 100 rep I'm due.
So, anything I can do?
@AshleyNunn I fail. =(
@Portali5t It won't. There's a button on the accounts tab which you can press
To associate your accounts
@Tristan Hahahaha, I also suck at drawing XD
You need to be using the same OpenID for both accounts
ayes I am
I even bought bombs so I could get rid of the unused letters... <.<
I clicked "copy profile"
Didn't change.
@Tristan BTW, I was trying to originally draw Oscar the Grouch in his trashcan, at the beginning. XD
No, not that one. @TimStone Can you still remember how to do this with the new profile system?
@AshleyNunn Oooh... Well, now I got it. lol
@Portali5t Post on Meta.Gaming - there is no button you need to press, it should have just worked. You do have associated accounts (I can see that from your profile), so there is most likely a bug someplace.
OK then.
Too bad, I had this awesome answer all ready.
Anyhing I can do with it?
@Tristan Hey, I was new to the game and didn't know what I should draw to make you get it.
Also, @StrixVaria my phone decided it doesn't like my game with you.
Drop http from the URLs then get someone else to edit it in for you
@John I know. I have no idea how you could have drawn that with any success...
Does anyone have an account on sports.SE that would be willing to edit my links?
@John Weiiird! @Strix was just saying that my game with him wasn't working righ t either!
@Tristan Draw nearby countries, label them, and circle the one unlabeled one! :D Worked for scotland.
@Portali5t I don't have one.
Account association should be automatic. Are you sure you used the same OpenID when creating an account on that site?
@AshleyNunn It may have had something to do with me looking at that game, being stumped, and hitting the home button to look at it later.
Yes, I am sure.
may >.>
It registers under my profile.
@John I'm horrible with African geography...
@John Maybe.
@Tristan ... Neither Norway nor Scotland is in Africa...
@YiJiang I can see in his Gaming profile that he has accounts on Math and Sports, so theoretically, doesn't that prove the association worked, just the bonus didn't?
Something being starred always makes me try to forget the context then read it again, and it's always so much funnier then.
@Tristan Well I got the star, so I don't care. :P
@OrigamiRobot You're green again?
@AshleyNunn Dunno. The rep should be given the moment you create the account
@YiJiang Hence why I think it might be bugged.
Unless you've got 200 rep after creating the account, in which case you might need to wait a while
@YiJiang This is how it's worked for all 20-ish of my accounts.
Q: Just created an account on a new SE site, where's my +100 rep?

Ilmari KaronenI just created an account at outdoors.SE (via MyOpenID) to answer a question migrated there, and noticed that I had 1 rep, despite having over 200 rep on several other StackExchange network sites, which should let me start from 101 rep. My user profile does list several linked accounts (includin...

No, i had 200 first.
@Tristan Your last drawing was awesome :D
Has been for a few days now I think
This Mike Daisey story makes me so mad
So is this some kind of bug?
Should be. You created the account after getting 200 reps on Gaming, yes?
I want my +100 on Gaming, that was the main purpose.
So since the last bug was fixed, it should work now
Well, it obviously doesn't. ARRRGH.
Q: How are coins distributed?

Ashley NunnIn DrawSomething, when either you or your opponent guess a drawing correctly, you get shown a screen that says "Drawsome!" and then both of your avatars, along with the number of coins that drawing was worth. Do I get coins both when an opponent correctly guesses my drawing, AND when I correctly...

Q: Battlefield 3 | cross-platform multiplayer PS3-PC

MMRUserI don't know if this is a bug or not but I can prove what I'm saying. In some PS3 match summaries on Battlelog there are also stats from PC players. see here for an example match http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/battlereport/show/35341990/4/352764909/ click the player name LOWREDCOBAIN ...

is getting irratable
Can someone edit the post if I post now?
Ask the question, flag for a mod to edit or add a comment asking somebody to edit it in. Or, file a new bug on Meta: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/ask?tags=bug+linked-accounts
OK. Darn.
Seems like there's no way to get around it.
Well, no immediate solution.
Or I know!
@AshleyNunn my bridge? To terabithia? Aww... I made myself sad.
I just posted, can someone upvote me? Then I'll add it myself.
A: Hard pain for recover crease

Portali5tI have read over TalkCricket's description of cricket. And from what I can interpret from your question, you are spending most of your time in recovery. You want to know what the best line for the pickup of a new pitch, and you have pain in your back that prevents you from throwing the ball quick...

@Tristan That is like the saddest sad book in the history of sad.
@AshleyNunn This.
@AshleyNunn Double this
Could someone please upvote me there so I can add the other 2 links?
I mean, I love it, but every time I read it, I am like PLEASE LET IT END HAPPY THIS TIME. (Well, it sorta does, but it is too bittersweet.)
@AshleyNunn Yes it is. And it's the first movie EVER that I've teared up watching.
@Portali5t TBH, it seems like it should be a comment (or two) to me. A very large, very useful comment, but it doesn't seem to answer the question he asks. (Granted it's hard to tell what he asks, but you don't seem to make an attempt at answering it)
@Tristan I haven't watched the movie. I own it, but I cannot bear to watch it.
Sorry :\
I will leave the voting to people versed in that topic.
(i.e. inhabitants of sports.SE)
Well, he doesnt make an asking it either. :/
@LessPop_MoreFizz Heh, that's what I thought.
I just want the bounty, I'm greedy like that :)
That guy is a Gaming.SE Legend.
Someone has to answer it or otherwise 50 rep will be sucked into a black hole somewhere.
He has 158 rep.
Legendary how?
@Portali5t Wellllll, the people at Sports doesn't think it's a particularly good question
@AshleyNunn It's sad but it's really good. Personally, I think it is sadder in the book
@Portali5t Not in a good way.
Wow. Ouch.
Sadly, his ITG is deleted. It was particularly amazing.
Yes, no one likes the question, no doubt about that.
"Hello I played an RPG game once. It was made in America. Do you know what it was called?"
@Portali5t "Identify this game"
@Portali5t , now off topic.
That is funny.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Seriously? O.O
@Portali5t His other question that isn't deleted is pretty legendary as well: gaming.stackexchange.com/posts/17154/revisions
Well, I hate to see the 50 rep be eaten by the rep monster.
@AshleyNunn Yes.
@Ktash Maybe I will be brave and watch it then.
I did the best I could.
Damn you @juanmanuel!
@LessPop_MoreFizz O.O
@LessPop_MoreFizz Word for word?
Wow. Grammatical fail.
@YiJiang No, my english is better than his.
@AshleyNunn I will warn you that if you do, I think it does make it a little more real to have actual faces instead of imagined. But it is a good movie
@LessPop_MoreFizz /facepalm
Goodnight everyone!
@Ktash Eh, I will probably blubber all over the place. XD
@John Sleep well! :)
@YiJiang Let me try to find it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Those made my day. Thank you.
Damnit, I can't find it linked anywhere, which means I can't find it. Perhaps a friendly mod would like to help me so I can screenshot it?
I want it for posterity :(
I think it might have been the worst question in our history.
I feel compelled to obey.
night @all
me is tired
its 12:14
but I really want that bag :)
Hooked up the TV tonight.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Holy crap. That is the most unhelpful question I have ever seen
It felt good, man. It felt good.
@AshleyNunn Oh man, and you haven't even seen his edits!
@RavenDreamer That is the most descriptive and precisely worded question I have seen. I truly hope that someone was able to tell him that that is obviously "Generic RPG 7"
@LessPop_MoreFizz I have no idea. I am a 10k
@LessPop_MoreFizz Nope
Has Midi Music!
We are the 1%.
His updated version.
"It was easy to disrobe in the inventory by mistake".....O.O
@Tristan Tons of games meet the description
@LessPop_MoreFizz gotta admit though, elder scrolls sounds most likely
@RavenDreamer The Doggy Centipede.
@Tristan "Corgi leading Pugs on an adventure"
Q: What does mastering a weapon mean?

Ashley NunnPeriodically, post-fight, I will get a message saying "Character so and so has mastered weapon such and such". What does that mean? What sort of perks does mastering a weapon give, if any?

@RavenDreamer Corgis are the best dogs that have ever dogged.
Q: How can I back up a saved game on Nintendo DS?

Norman RamseyMy wife and I share a single Nintendo DS. Many DS games permit only a single slot; one example is Etrian Odyssey. I would like to be able to back up my Level 18 Etrian Odyssey party so that my wife can try the game without my losing the many hours I have put in. I have heard there is a device ...

2 hours later…
@FAE grats
@Blem Ditto
@James I'm missing 1 question at 8+ for my goal
@Blem Was a ditto gratz to @FAE :)
so quiet in here now, maybe i should just go back to sleep
@Blem The european morning is always the most quiet time here.
we need more asians then :)
But good luck to you as well!
Sorry forgot to hit send :D
And I am attempting to recreate another lego model in minecraft :)
good luck with that
@Blem I found those comparatively easy to get, once you have a good question or answer that manages to +5 or so, it often easily reaches +8 as well.
Getting all those +5 is getting very hard now
Much harder to find a place to put them than putting them :)
yea, I didn't get the game before Monday so I'm just aiming for mission 4
@James my friend works for a web company where he made a page for uploading lego creations, you should upload yours
@Blem Starting with the european release date was disadvantage enough, starting later you don't really have a big chance of getting to mission 5
l**e**go :)
Erm, Lego..
l e go
Meh, guess it does need the spaces
@James You can't bold or italic part of words
@Fabian So I see :)
he worked on rebrick.lego.com
@Blem Oh, My bad I thought you said logo, hehe.
Q: What happens when you help the "fake" Rachni queen?

VasilThis has been bugging me, if you choose to save the fake Rachni queen, does she help you? I can't find her in my war assets. Or does she just disapear?

Q: Is there a reason for the Artificial Rachni queens betrayal?

BlemI had saved the Artificial Rachni Queen and gotten her as a war asset, but at some point there was a small notice saying that she had betrayed me and I lost the war asset. I can not seam to find any other information on her betrayal than the small popup saying she had done it. Is there no other ...

Q: Can you hoard an unlimited amount of supplies?

FabianThere are four different single-use supplies in Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, the Cobra Missile launcher, Medi-Gel, Ops Survival Pack and the Thermal Clip Pack: Until now I've just been hoarding them, but I wonder if there is some maximum limit of those supplies I can stash? Can I collect as many...

@Lazers that was a good question @Fabian
@Fabian nearly done with mission 6
@Blem Well, I need to get the last few +5 posts somehow ;-)
I already gave you 4 votes this morning hope it helps :)
Q: Draw something - Coins deducted but no more colors are showing

Tony KimAdmin, I have a problem here... All this while, I play in the free edition, and I earned about 1500+ coins..never buy other colors. Then I bought the paid edition and start playing, all players and coins are there so I assume they are synchronized. I deleted the free edition and start playing in...

Q: What are the renegade conversation options that yield more war assets value than the paragon counterpart?

ShurikenFor example at the end of the mission Citadel: Volus Ambassador, if you choose the renegade option, you will gain the Volus Bombing Fleet with a war assets value of 75 and lose 10 points in Turian Sixth Flee but if you chose the paragon one of saving the colony, you will gain nothing.

Q: My Shepard's face changes DURING the game

MikalichovSo I imported my character from ME2 to ME3, made some edits to the face, and played with it. No problem, until recently, where in some conversations my face is just totally changed (and... ugly.) I noticed that it happens mainly when wearing an armor. It also seemed to start when I started weari...

@Fabian you might need some sleep gaming.stackexchange.com/posts/56457/revisions your edits are going a bit wrong :)
@Lazers Support question for the game itself, not something answerable by us
Q: How do I hunt for vulnerable points in the geth interface?

SathyaPart of Rannoch: Get Fighter Squadrons quest, at the last Geth access point, the infected nodes keep regenerating and I'm asked to hunt for the vulnerable infection. How do I identify this? I couldn't find an obvious hint :/

@Blem It's morning here, but it seems I need more coffee
@Fabian Where are you from?
@Blem Germany
Arggh, I'm getting serial upvoted again
@Fabian Is this something that only started with the ME3 Missions promotion?
I think I saw quite a few people complain about it on chat these few days
@YiJiang I think so, it's the second time now for me
Might be worth asking a Meta question discussing this
@YiJiang The people reading meta likely know that serial upvoting will be reversed
@Fabian Well, the devs (and maybe the moderators?) have records, so if they see contests like these causing an uptick in inappropriate behavior maybe they'll do something about it?
It's because the higher rate of answers means that people upvote more answers in general, so some of them are bound to be by one person.
@YiJiang It doesn't cause any lasting harm, it's only a bit annoying because you don't know were you stand in the contest until the reversal script runs.
@RonanForman In that case you're suggesting the mechanism is catching legitimate votes? I don't think I've seen complaints about that before, though it's not easy for the voter himself to realize his votes have been reversed
I'm pretty sure this traffic is the most we've had, it probably won't last as long as skyrim, but for now there's more.
Also it's a smaller number of people posting, but a similar number of posts.
The last peak there would be last weekend I suppose
And the sharp increase in the first week of November is from Skyrim
Also people are rushing to ask questions before someone else does, because unlike skyrim they know they can win something.
Hmm, Quantcast actually says that the most visitors we've had was during the holiday promotion on 27/12
The peaks on the graph for Skyrim, Christmas and ME3 seems to have similar heights
Skyrim had the longest tail though.
Q: I want to start playing Pokemon series on NDS, what game should I start with?

DataGreedSo, that's the question. I have NDS lite and I want to start playing Pokemon series (never played a game from this series). Which one should I start with? Are there games with the actual first 150 pokemons on DS? And are there Pokemon games that don't feature 3d graphics? I prefer 2d sprites :)

I wonder if the peak for this weekend would be higher. Doubtful, but we are running two different contests at the same time
I only need 5 more posts, 6 more votes and 3 more shares to get that headset. skwee!!
mass effect 3 is driving a considerable amount of search engine traffic here, from what I can tell
I thought lasers wasn't posting questions with close votes anymore, or was that the twitter bot?
there are many things that we're more complete about than other sources
for instance, the wikia site for ME is not quite as complete
@RonanForman Twitterbot. Lazers is an equal opportunity chatroom spammer
lazers will post every question, regardless of state
OMG I made Admiral \o/
The point is so we can see bad questions as well as good ones right.
@FAE congrats :)
@RonanForman the point is it's a dumb feed :P
@FAE And you get a 42 inch LCD TV! and you get a 42 inch LCD TV! and YOU get a 42 inch LCD TV!
@agent86 noms peanuts
the admiral's lounge is getting crowded. I hope you guys brought more peanuts :/
Im 1 good question/answer away from my goal of Captain
@RonanForman What @agent86 said - it's not we can filter it if we want to. I mean, like we see during the Skyrim promotion that's not always a good thing
well fine. I'm going to the secret room in the lounge where the "top 3 admiral secret peanut stash is."
@agent86 peanut stags. Mmmmmhmmm :P
@YiJiang it's early and I'm sleepy. sue :P
@agent86 What are you calling me? I'm not Sue!
Which one's admiral?
@RonanForman admiral's the TV
@BenBrocka ping?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Request timeout for icmp_seq 0
Aw man, I don't qualify for the ME3 bronze badge because I only have 18 answers with 133 rep. :(
@FAE Yeah, tag badges are really tough on our site.
@LessPopMoreFizz So I'm trying out concussive shot and I'm still not thinking it's awesome on Insanity, but I am noting one peculiarity
It seems to trigger TWO ammo powers sometimes
@Sterno o rly.
which is not how the description reads
Also, are you using Combos?
I've got cryo ammo on with it, but when I hit the guys they often give off a huge electric discharge like I'm hitting them with disruptor ammo (which is active on my unequipped sniper rifle)
Because combos are where the Concussive Shot synergy comes in.
Cryo ammo is harder to judge the usefulness of. Targets don't usually freeze until they're almost dead anyway, even with the +50% freeze chance upgrade. BUT, it's really fun to watch them explode
Haven't had the chance to fight anything really tough like a banshee yet though
@Sterno The thing to remember about Cryo Ammo is that freezing is really the least part of it's usefulness.
They just need to be chilled to have weakened armor, slowed movement, and increased vulnerability. And that happens much sooner.
That is true. And that's what makes it hard to judge... it's really hard for me to tell how weakened armor compares to incendiary ammo doing more damage against armor
I need more Science!
@Sterno Weakened armor means your squad mates also do more damage.
As do their powers.
9 hours ago, by Raven Dreamer
user image
well, I'm convinced. This post has shown me that we need to bring ITG back!
> Yes, beta invitations have begun going out. They'll be sent out over the next few days. Please remember that discussing the beta in any way, shape, or form -- including your status in it -- is a breach of NDA. Don't risk your beta access! ~RB2
I once new a marine named Jimmy Vega... sounded like a pole dancer on Omega
Garrus is the best.
Q: My accociated account rep is MIA

Portali5tI created accounts on both sports.SE and Mathematics after passing 200 reputation on gaming.SE in order to get the reputation I am due. However, it has been 12 hours and the +100 reputation on either gaming.SE, sports.SE, or Mathematics is nowhere to be found. As an experiment, I wrote an answer ...

Q: Is there a purpose to the war missions in X3:Albion Prelude?

AxiomI have stumbled across a couple of war missions in X3:Albion Prelude and have been sadly unimpressed: "deliver this radioactive waste, it's critical to the war effort!" I see that war missions only appear in the red "war" sectors but I can't seem to find a theme or story behind the war other tha...

@YiJiang Did you guys figure it out?
@TimStone No. I'm guessing it's still the same bug that Nick's said he resolved 2 days ago
GarrusWorld! For all your Garrus Needs!
Q: My question has been removed for no apparent reason

NachoOk, investigating a bit I found that an ITG question is removed if it scores less than 0, is not accepted over a month, has no activity for a long period of time, is not useful... Supposing my question was removed because of this (I'm not 100% sure, nobody gave me a reason), the question was ac...

Q: Optimal ME2 save-game for an Utopian ME3 Shepard

JonathanWhat would be an optimal Mass Effect 2 save game if you would like to go all Paragon in Mass Effect 3? I mean this in a broader sence than just attaining the highest Paragon score, e.g. achieving Geth\Quarian peace, recruiting the Rachni etc... Specifically I'm interested in a Male\Paragon\Miran...

@LessPop_MoreFizz GarrusWorld, Shepard's favourite store in Grissom Academy?
hello everyone :)
:( please don't hide. I'm so bored at work.
@spugsley Work? On a Saturday? The nerve of some places... =(
@Tristan Sunday too :(
@spugsley we can talk about how actually very good 21 Jump Street is and how everyone should go see it?
Q: The guy on the island, the game of w95

AnneToddI'm looking for the name of the game, a fantasy island. The guy there collected stones and potions. He received advice from the trees and from magicians. Thank you for your reply.

@IanPugsley yes! Everyone should go see 21 Jump Street! It's fantastic!
@IanPugsley I'm saving my money for The Hungry Games.
yeah, that is a touch choice
21 Jump Street is probably equally great in theaters or out :P
@spugsley work sucks
I wanna go see it in IMAX, but the closest one is three hours away.
@LessPop_MoreFizz truer words have never been spoken.
@IanPugsley guess what
@Lazers this is a dupe btw
@spugsley chicken butt?
@IanPugsley yes. But also, I want to go get all my hair cut off after work. Like super short
Q: Can I treat my fish to too much food?

AeoI never had any luck with pets when I was a kid. My parakeets died after a week. My bunny died after two days. My goldfish died within 6 hours. I was told I overfed the poor things. I never had any pets after them again. Probably for the best, at that rate. Then comes Mass Effect and the aquari...

Q: Fixed gun emplacement challenge

EBongoIs there any challenge/title/emblem that you get for kills with a fixed gun emplacement like the ones found on Bakara or Liberation? In previous games there was, but I've gotten a 5+ killstreak, and it seems like there was no benefit.

@spugsley callllllled it :P
@IanPugsley thoughts? Yes, no? Should I keep growing it so I can actually donate it or just say eff it?
@spugsley how much longer does it need to be to donate it, and are you just donating it as an excuse to get it cut even shorter? :P
@Lazers What is that guy even asking?
@IanPugsley idk. I've always wanted to do it but it's hot and getting to the point of unmanageable.
@Wipqozn Aye, I heard
oh hai
oh bai
@spugsley I think it has to be 12 inches to donate. That's what mine was at least.
I thought you were talking about e-penis
the only real currency of the social internets
@Tristan I looked it up and it says 8-12. I think mine is about 4 right now so I have a long way to go
@badp Hair...
@spugsley 4? That's pretty short. I miss my hair. =(
@Tristan yes, it is pretty short but it's realllly long for what I prefer. I like very short hair :)
@spugsley it might not be the right time of year, yeah
@spugsley Locks of Love?
Q: My accociated account rep is MIA

Portali5tI created accounts on both sports.SE and Mathematics after passing 200 reputation on gaming.SE in order to get the reputation I am due. However, it has been 12 hours and the +100 reputation on either gaming.SE, sports.SE, or Mathematics is nowhere to be found. As an experiment, I wrote an answer ...

Finally decided to ask.
Anyone have any ideas?
@FAE That's who I gave mine to. =3 Someone got a bright red wig... lol
There's been controversy with them because they're not very transparent about the fact they sell a lot of the hair for profit.
@Portali5t What's your rep at on those other sites?
@FAE well... Thanks for ruining my day. =(
Q: Can "Goodbye" challenge be completed on maps besides Seatown?

EBongoThe "Goodbye" challenge requires that you fall more than 30 ft to you're death. The only place if found where this is possible is the well on Seatown. I've fallen to my death plenty of times, but only got the challenge at the well. Are there other locations where it is possible?

@Portali5t Ah... K I have nothing. >.>
OK. Thanks for trying :)
@Tristan I'm sorry. :( They don't sell all their wigs to kids with cancer, like they're supposedly known for. I usually recommend wigsforkids.org to people.
@FAE wow really? That's terrible....I guess that means I should cut my hair then :3

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