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@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh wait... new gaming consoles? Oops.
My favorit is still snes
think mine is in a box at my moms house
@NickT Should make a graphic with them anyway.
Q: League of Legends Contest!

LaurenThe Leaguecraft ggClassic is an awesome tournament filled with professional League of Legends gamers, and we are the official sponsor! To show our support for the players as they do battle, we are giving away some awesome prizes to people who ask and answer the best questions about League of Lege...

Only 3 more +5s to go for @FAE
oops, she updated it while I had edit window open
@NickT Yes... oh never mind
"Afking for nothing – pretty simple, most gamers understand that there is a real life outside of League, but there are very few things that call for a random afk. These are pretty much limited to; somebody being dead, baby/child issues, and medical emergencies." ← bullshit
"Don’t stand in the fountain too long. - [...] Another common response will be, “I’m planning out my items for later.” This wastes time, know this stuff before you go into the game." ← awesome beginner tip, yup yup!
I have to drive my dad to the airport in 7½h, should i go to bed or go attack the Cerberus HQ?
@Blem do you want the real answer or the gaming answer?
Isn't that the same? :D
@Blem Attack the Cerberus HQ tomorrow morning with your father cheering for you obviously.
He'll be reliving the moments as he takes off.
crashes through ME3 ending
@NickT I kinda like the crowd sourced version better.
I can start asking lol question for the contest now?
@Blem I think so.
@StrixVaria How'd you like my Pitfall drawing? lol
Q: What is the optimal firing rate for a submachine gun in Borderlands?

AxiomI'm looking for the fastest firing submachine gun in Borderlands. I'm willing to sacrifice accuracy, magazine size and element effects while maximizing the total bullets per second. Is there a fastest firing SMG gun, unique or otherwise? Or do artifacts generally overwhelm the basic firing rate?

gearbox writes a love letter to PC players in anticipation of Borderlands 2
also you may be interested in the diablo 3 collector's edition
yeah, everything's a repost :)
watch mine get starred :P
How late is it to start playing LOL to win the prize?
Jan 3 at 20:20, by agent86
@GnomeSlice you're just experiencing the two sides of the agent86 link-to-the-past paradox: nothing good posted for the first time ever garners notice, and if you post something clever everyone's already seen it.
@agent86 I'm defently getting CE, im bit of a ce freak when it comes to blizzard games >.< but it looks nice on my shelf :)
Well, I'm not seeing what people bitch about the ending of ME3
@Blem I'm getting the whatever-stack-exchange-will-buy-for-me edition
@Fredy31 No spoilers! =P
Yup, I'll stop here
But I agree with you.
So, I'm convinced that it is possible to get to 8k war assets
but the only way to do so is a perfect import, with all dlc completed, and more importantly, to LET WREX DIE.
No one should ever let Wrex die.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Perfect import.... let Wrex die... Would you like to have your cake and eat it too?
Wrex and Eve dead is a combined -80.
Are ME3 ending spoilers unwelcome? I have a quick question concerning mine.
@MBraedley Probably too soon
Sabotaging the cure is worth 150 Salarians. Keeping Mordin alive is worth another 25.
@Mbraedley In chat, yes.
that's basically enough to push you into the 8k range.
@LessPop_MoreFizz But you lose Krogans, the best race
Okay, I'll wait until I get some answers in on my latest question, and ask in comments.
@TylerShads No, you don't lose the Krogans.
@Tristan It's like the Lost ending, there was no way for them to end it without pissing people off.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You don't get as many cause Wreav is a dumbass
The key is that Wreav is a gullible piece of shit. If Mordin survives ME2 without having completed his loyalty mission, you can get the Salrian Fleet, and the Krogans and Turians.
how much is needed for best ending?
@Fredy31 I won't say I'm unhappy, but I'm definitely not satisfied (at least with this go around)
@TylerShads Yeah, but net net, you come out ahead with Mordin alive.
@Blem 4k effective if you make a decision consistent with the one you made at the end of ME2
5k effective if you don't.
@Blem 4000 EMS, 5000 if you want to switch P->R or R->P
Also, ME3 Multiplayer event this weekend: Get Extra Loot for Killing things: social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/343/index/9992705
didn't play ME2
but think I'm over 6k so i guess I'm good
hahahahaha 360 and PC only.
Get fucked PS3?
Anyone can help me out of this?
I'm getting this error while downloading the game:
> The Commendation Pack and Victory Packs contain a number of upgrades and consumables for use in ME3 multiplayer. The Commendation Packs will contain one of the following guns at random: N7 Crusader Shotgun, N7 Eagle Pistol, N7 Hurricane SMG, and N7 Valiant Sniper Rifle. This unlock cannot be swapped or changed.
Oh wow.
@LessPop_MoreFizz might be a good time to start playing multiplayer
@MBraedley This is what I am saying.
No one is listening to me?
@Gigili I'm listening, but multitasking
@Gigili I'm listening, but am unable to assist.
@Gigili if you have a gaming related question or issue, you're likely to get a better response by asking it on the site.
@Gigili Can you get an offline installer? It seems that the installer is downloading files, but a lower level process isn't loading that DLL properly (or at all)
emergency induction port
Q: What does SS stand for when an opponent is missing?

BlemWhen someone from the opposing team is missing I have noticed people writing "SS bot/mid/top" to indicate to the rest of the team that they don't have visual on one or more of the people in there lain. But what dose the SS actually stand for?

Q: Downloading MInecraft to laptop using usb

JaneMy son would like minecraft can I download it to his laptop and can he play this with out the internet connection?

Q: Do all "good" endings end with the <spoiler>

MBraedleySo I've gone through my first ending with ~3800 EMS. With my handy save point for just before the assault on Earth, I plan to up my readiness and go at it again. The one question I have is Okay, I realize there's actually 3 question marks in there.

Q: Will Jordis the Sword-Maiden ever use the bow that I made for her?

AxiomJordis the Sword Maiden is my new companion after spending the first 40 levels exploring with Lydia, getting into fights, watching her take a knee, waiting for her to catch her breath, take a few swings, rinse and repeat. After a few missions in Solitude, Jordis and I became partners (and Lydia ...

@Lazers I feel like this is a dupe, but my knowledge of skyrim questions is far from encyclopedic
@Gigili What do you have installed from Pando???
@agent86 It probably is, we have a lot of bad and overly specific questions about Skyrim companions that are fairly hard to search for because people are so adamantly opposed to dependent tags around here.
A quick google suggests thats a default multi-media file but your copy of it seems to have come with a specific application
(Admittedly, I used to be as well, but came around some time ago).
@agent86 hehe Tali's funny
@Lazers It is a dupe BUT may have been fixed
There was a bug that would make all NPCs ignore any bow you gave them, but I do believe the last patch that was put out claimed to have fixed that one
Shameless self-promotion
A: What's a good soldier set-up?

SternoI've been playing a soldier on Insanity. I started at level 30 with an imported character, so my experience might be a little different than someone starting at level 1. My advice below is specifically for Insanity difficulty, where you tend to need to focus more on single-target damage abilities...

Hahaha: Fixed issue where transforming back to human from werewolf would occasionally not fail
@Sterno It's not shameless when it's actually an excellent answer
I don't have to read it to know it deserves an upvote. But I will anyways
It shouldn't be this hard setting up a new iPad when I already have an existing one.
@Sterno I found, (for companions at least), that Concussive Shot + Amplification + Ammo Powers was pretty amazing.
(mainly because with Cryo or Disruptor ammo, it was a guaranteed freeze/stun proc, which I could in turn use Charge to get a guaranteed combo explosion from it every time.)
@Sterno I think you're underrating Concussive Shot. Good for dazing enemies, which increases survivability.
@James Pando Media Booster is the default P2P downloader for League of Legends patches
@Tristan Nice, thanks :)
@James I wouldn't know that if it wasn't for the fact that I was banned from hotel wifi for updating LoL... lol
@Tristan I am currently experiencing the holy grail of hotel internet connections
@LessPop_MoreFizz There was one day in the hotel when I was downloading at 1GB/s. it was nice.
lol A-
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's better than I've gotten from most home providers... Damn.
Q: How do I mine uranium on CIV 5?

DoomsknightAllegedly, you build a mine on it. http://civilization.wikia.com/wiki/Uranium_%28Civ5%29 Yet, I have absolutely no option to do this (using my worker who is sat on top of it). I can see the green uranium as I have the unlock. And near hear the whole tree. Including death robot. But I cant mi...

Q: Where can I find the Hub mission in X3: Albion Prelude?

AxiomI'm looking for the Xenon Hub in X3: Albion Prelude. In what sector should I expect to find the Hub? Is there a mission that I should complete first? Where would I find it? Is there a minimum ship class that I would need first?

Q: Can i see my connection strength/ping to other players in multiplayer?

BlemIs there anyway to see how good my connection strength or my ping is compared to other players in a multiplayer game?

Q: Is the ammo capacity bonus on squad member's ammo powers worth it? Ever?

MBraedleySince you squad never runs out of ammo, it seems to me like a no-brainer to pick the headshot damage over extra ammo capacity every time for your squad. Or am I misunderstanding the wording, and the bonus actually increases clip capacity instead of spare rounds capacity?

Q: Cannot play LeagueofLegends

GigiliTrying to download LeagueofLegends, which is where I was taken when I was done with creating an account. I got this error (first error) during the download process and by clicking "cancel" and "ok", it continues downloading so I pressed ok each time the error appeared. When it's finished, another...

gah, Origin's password recovery thing from inside Origin doesn't work. You have to go to their site.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I hate you
@MBraedley That's Hotel Wi-Fi.
And obviously your password isn't allowed to be too long. That'd be too secure.
@LessPop_MoreFizz WHAT?!?
@MBraedley I KNOW
@MBraedley How can you hate Dr. Teeth?
Oh well, if I ever get FibreOp, I'll beat that
@MBraedley Indeed:
@TimStone Yeah, except here it's 30Mb/s symmetrical.
@LessPopMoreFizz's speeds are still by far the best I've ever seen from any hotel I've been at (in the US) though.
@MBraedley I pay for 25/25, so this has always confused me.
@TylerShads Nicely done. :P
@TimStone I pay for a 5Mb/s down pipe. I get double that.
DSL, mind you
@TimStone 35/35 bitches
Ah, can't complain about that huh?
@TimStone free upgrade too 'cause they dicked us around for 2 weeks cause we wanted to change the name on the bill from my deceased grandmother
Oh, that sucks. At least you got something out of the trouble, heh.
lol, apparently speedtest <strike>can't properly upload to me</strike> derp. i have no problems with normal uploads
@MatthewRead talk about inbalanced
@MatthewRead It's your upload to them
of course lol, my bad. either way, strange stuff
wait, why are you with Rogers and not some company that aren't ass-hats like TekSavy?
@MBraedley year contract. coming up soon though forums.redflagdeals.com/…
at least i don't have bell ;)
@MatthewRead ironically, Bell is the best ISP out here in the maritimes
that's crazy
I cant find a proper server to test my speed on
@MatthewRead It's mainly because it's still run like MT&T->Aliant was run. Namely good (or at least decent) customer service and competitive service.
@MBraedley: Yes, I will do it now. Thank you.
yea, it is a bit slow tonight
...I hate america
@Blem That's not fair, your testing on your university speed test server, aren't you??
no, "home" connection, i live at a dorm :)
we have gigabit connection to the university
i'm visiting my gf's family in romania with her this summer, it's going to be epic. i am going to download the internet.
I, the arbiter of speed tests, declares @Blem's invalid </pomp>
Ok, I have seen speeds coming out of norway that were 100/100 standard
we actually got 10 gigabit connection to the university, but the dorm network is only 1 gigabit
@Ullallulloo Nomnomnom.
there is a banner that i should buy 40/40 Mbit connection on the speedtest site :/
@Blem see what you get off the Halifax, NS/Eastlink server. I want to see your trans-Atlantic speeds.
Q: Does Shepard's background (Origin and Reputation) matter?

Matthew ReadSo I started up the demo and it's asking me whether I'm a Spacer, Colonist, or Earthborn and whether I'm Ruthless, a War Hero, or a Sole Survivor. Based on this forum thread it appears these choices didn't matter in ME1, it was barely mentioned, which seems strange given everything I've heard ab...

Q: How do I make a masterpiece Mach car in Grand Prix Story?

AxiomI've levelled up my mechanics in both of my groups in Grand Prix Story to level 5. I've levelled up the Dragster and it's follow-ons to get to the Mach car. Sadly, when I try to build one, my groups complain that "it won't be perfect" and, as predicted, it generally isn't. Currently, my groups...

Q: Is it better to not buy some upgrades in Temple Run?

EBongoBuying most upgrades gives the chance that they will appear as you run. What is unclear to me is whether I can influence the likelihood that I'll get a given powerup by NOT buying the others. The other possibility is that not buying a powerup just means there is a blank spot where I would have go...

if Eastlink still had their server running...
@benbrocka you around?
Or anyone else playing ME3 with a non-imported shepard?
237ms >.<
@LessPop_MoreFizz Depends on what you need, but I do have a few non-imported games at the moment.
@TimStone Do you have one that is past genophage cure?
And did you happen to save Mordin on it?
Or will you at some point soon have such a save?
@Blem Actually, I'm getting a nasty ping as well, and less than a few miles away.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hmm, probably not terribly soon I'm afraid, might have to wait on @BenBrocka after all.
@MBraedley @LessPopMoreFizz Were you guys on Insanity using Concussive shot? I'll give it another try, but it seemed to barely hurt the enemy and even scrubs weren't getting knocked down sometimes
but I haven't paired it with Cryo or Disruptor, which may be key
@Sterno Concussive Shot is utility, not damage, and specifically, it's about the rank 6 evolution, Amplification.
Which makes it automatically apply the effect of your Ammo Power.
@Sterno I haven't gone through with a soldier or on Insanity yet. However, I do tend to use my squad's concussive shot fairly often
Which, in turn, makes it 1) quite damaging, since if you're using an appropriate ammo power to defenses, it will always hit harder than just taking a weapon shot, and is 'perfectly' accurate.
I was a big fan of it in ME2
and 2), makes it fantastic for setting up combos.
I'll give it a try with the ammo combo
perhaps it's better on un-shielded/un-armoured units
@MBraedley It's great against Biotic Barriers too
But there are so few of those that it's kind of moot.
It's great against Armor with Incendiary Ammo.
Reddit survey.
I guess Gaming is just Renegade/Femshep heavy.
I've been surprised by that. I heard everyone saying Insanity on ME3 is harder than 2, but it really isn't. You die faster if you're in the open, but the actual enemies are way easier to kill
due to less having barriers/shields
Husks with armor.
That was not fun.
The long walk took me so long on Insanity.
@Sterno From what I've seen, ME3 insanity is harder by actually being more challenging, rather than just throwing up more bullshit layers of defense to strip away.
Which, net, is still probably 'easier', in that it feels less frustrating.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Then why is it suggested against by the power wheel?
@LessPopMoreFizz I agree with that. It's definitely more fun
@RavenDreamer do you have a link to the survey?
I also if I'm blurring the line between ME2 Insanity and ME2 New Game+ Insanity
@MBraedley It shouldn't be. Concussive Shot is explicitly strong against Biotic Barriers.
Barriers. Not Shields.
I don't know what kind of impact, if any, new game+ had on difficulty other than obviously level-scaled enemies
@LessPop_MoreFizz maybe I'm just going crazy then
@MBraedley It's done. That was the results.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's what that ending will do
ME2 Insanity required me to constantly switch ammo powers to grind through each layer of defense. ME3 doesn't have that, which is nice
@LessPopMoreFizz In any case, I found Garrus' overload to be more useful against barriers anyway.
Single most useful power on Insanity for ME3: Liara's Singularity on ~3 second cooldown
@Sterno ME3 still has armour covered with barriers or shields
@MBraedley I see it occasionally, but it's rare, and it's usually with boss-type enemies like an Atlas or Banshee
@MBraedley Not the way ME 2 did.
ME2 on insanity, you'd have foes with 3, 4 health bars, each of which need a different type of power to strip off.
It was annoying as fuck.
@RavenDreamer I would like to know how many of the people who answered Yes to they where satisfied with the ending was new to the game
I haven't done any insanity runs yet. When I do my Renegade run, I'll set it to insanity.
but that won't be for a little while. Still have far to many other games to finish
I kind of wish I'd waited. I didn't know that weapon upgrades didn't go to X until new game +
Though honestly, it hasn't been that bad.
The main killer is impatience
@Sterno I'm torn between wanting to do insanity in a new game + and not wanting to do it as a vanguard.
because ouch.
Yeah. Melee will be death, I think
I'm thinking I'll worry about it after I finish this project to try to get to 8k single player starting from ME1.
vanguard is the melee one, right?
@Blem 107 of the surveyed respondants started with ME2, and 10 started with ME3
@Sterno More or less.
Though I played it as Charge->Shotgun
@Blem 68 said they liked the ending.
They're the ones in multiplayer who completely obliterate everything up through about wave 6
Just remember: Correlation does not imply causation.
and then become a huge burden to their team
@LessPop_MoreFizz You get some of the benefits anyway. You can pick from the suite of bonus powers with a new character.
@RavenDreamer Bonus powers are mostly useless.
Except for Defense Drone on a Vanguard.
Oh god Defense Drone on a motherfucking Vanguard.
@Sterno High risk, high reward CQC

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